
Question – Amos & Annie Hiatt:
Folks, When I was talking to Harvey Hiatt yesterday, he was telling me how his grandparents, Amos & Annie Hiatt, loaded up their belongings and headed west. He said his grandmother, much to his grandfathers disgust, loaded a whole bunch of home made canned goods for that trip too. He wasn’t sure of the year that they went west, but I think it was in the early 50’s. They moved to Medford, OR. My question is, where did Amos and Annie live when they were in ND? I know they lived in the Ackworth community, but I’m not sure where. Amos purchased the Stokes place from my Grandmother. Little Willie Hiatt, Harvey’s dad, owned the Stokes place in later years. He later sold it to the Fauske’s who currently own it.
Harvey also said that Amos Jr., son of Henry Hiatt, was known as Little Amos just like his dad was known as Little Willie. These guys were given these names so as not to be confused with their uncles with the same name living in the same community.
Harvey also mentioned that he checked the Rolette County courthouse records for land that Harmen Hiatt, his great grandfather, may have owned and discovered that he never owned any property. He raised his family in a two story log house that was located about 50′ east of our house across the road from the Ackworth cemetery. I’m not sure who owned the property at that time. In later years the Stokes’ owned it.
Reply from Claudette McLeod (80): Belcourt, ND

I love the picture of Herman, He was such a wonderful person to be around, I still wish for his delicious bread, I remember being really young and going into the Bakery with my Grandpa Roy Poitra and they would visit for hours. Again Thanks Gary for a all the good memories that you bring back to us.

Claudette, I do not have an address for you, but with the 58316 in your email address I’m assuming you are living in Belcourt? Gary
Reply from Cheryl Larson Dakin (71): BEDFORD, TX
Bev…what a beautiful picture of your mom!
Cheryl D.
Reply from Aggie Casavant (69) Fort Mill, SC
Hi Gary,Thank you so much for giving the people who’s lives were so touched by Don Johnson, to share thoughts and memories. Due to my busy schedule, and having the day off today, this morning was the first time that I really got to sit down with a good cup of coffee, and read all the messages that people wrote of their memories of Don &Bernice…What a joy and a blessing to sit and read all the different stories. I especially enjoyed Bill Hosmer’s, and Paulette LaCroix’s. I found Bill Hosmer’s so interesting, giving insight to Don and Bernice as high school kids like we were. You know how it was when you were young, and you never really gave much thought that your parents or teachers, were once kids too….Like they just dropped out of the sky as grown ups, sent here for the sole purpose to be our parents and teachers…Ain’t life crazy??? I know the word ain’t would not be acceptable to use if Ms Foss was reading it, but I guess I just lived in the south too long. Anyway Paulette, I loved the mixture of sentimental memories and humor ; and especially Mr. Johnson giving recognition, and appreciation, and would always leave you feeling, that you were the most important kid in the world…I would go as far as to say, that any of my success or accomplishments in life are directly as a result of the impact Don Johnson had on my life, and I would go as far as to say many of my brothers and sisters would agree. That’s why I remind teachers every chance I get, what an opportunity they have to change a kids life completely for the better. So Gary, I hope if there’s anymore stories out there of Don & Bernice that people send them in. Thanks Gary
From Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI
I just got a call form a guy that said that because of my good standing with a particular visa card, they wanted to give me a $125.00 gas card. They had the last four numbers of my card and called me at my office. They wanted to verify the other 12 numbers of the card.
Well I was born at night, but not last night.
They also called me at my office, a number that my card company does not have.
You might want to pass this on.
Picture from Bev Morinville Azure (72):
GARY, This is St Ann’s church ,,,,,,A fire destroyed it a few years ago. But I and I am sure alot of other readers have good memories of it.


Bev, Where was St. Ann’s church located? Gary