10/29/2013 (1881)

Spam and Stawberry Jelly Sandwich
Reply from Linda Johnson Juntunen (“72): l Perth, ND
How funny that you should bring the sandwich thing forward!  Made me
think of my Grandma Caremella Johnson.  Toast, with Cheese Whiz,
strawberry jam and bologna!  Thanks for the memory.
Linda J. Juntunen

Mothers Free Range Chickens
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND
Gary and friends,
Today, I read an article from the Seattle area news which showed a
You Tube special. It  featured   chickens wearing anti-reflective vests.
Vests which are made in the United Kingdom.
This past June, I met up with  free range chickens,
while on  holiday across the  Scottish Highlands,
the Orkneys and Shetland Isles.
The rural roads in the hielands  are about as wide 
as bike trails around Bottneau and Lake Metigoshe.
One day while traveling,on a bus venturing the  Isle of Mull, 
there was a caution sign, 
“Caution Free Range Children”.
Just that morning, we had to motor through multi-coloured 
free range chickens, and I know how unpredictable herding
chicken’s  and children from days of yore.
One is of my cousin Dianne, my brother, and my Dad.
Cousin Dianne would come out of the city to ND to visit and experience
 country ways. At the time of this tale twas August.
Like her mum, Auntie Jean, Dianne had a soft heart. She also had
a well rounded education and a beautiful voice.
My brother was a young lad who had  lame, young black horse. 
The horse was  in a golden straw filled back pen in the barn.
My Dad, without vision carried a white cane, wore blue striped overalls 
of a farmer, and the vision of a wise man.
One evening at twilight, my brother sought our father’s advice for the horse.
We gathered in the barn,Dad’s gentle hands touched the wound, and spoke solemnly.
Dad  told me to run up to the hay mow to push sweet hay down.  
Dianne and I ran up stairs where the young, spring yard chickens were roosting.
Coming down, I dropped the door. BAM!  
Dianne ran back and found a limp chicken in distress.
She wailed, “Oh No!
 Look what has happened to Aunt Lottie’s poor
chicken.  Dad calmly said, Dianne, “Put the chicken down on the floor on it’s back”. 
We watched as he ministered to the chicken.
____He counted solemnly, as he moved its legs up and down slowly.
My brother and I  puzzled.
Then eye contact, held our our snickers back……
1—–2—3—-4—-Dad said, Hum……….
Then, DIanne caught on to dad’s humor, when he said, 
” Artificial respiration is not working”
Dad put his arm around Dianne hugged,
 and said, “It is ok Dianne,
it was an accident.”
Then we all belly laughed.
Happy November. 
Methodist Church Sunday School picture
Reply from Sharron Gottbreht Shen:  Watertown, NJ
Great picture at Methodist Church!
Jean Lake sitting in front of Hope Bedard; Marlene Schneider and Larry Schneider standing center
Bedard Triplets in front row.  
Jim Bedard, Karen Woodford, Colleen Conroy, Mrs. Conroy and Hope Bedard, Johnny Morgan,
Hope Bedard, Marlene Schneider, Larry Schneider
Lunch today at the Cebu Kiwi Lodge Hotel
 L to R: Gary, Michael, Leo, Annalyn, Darryl, Cecila, Lourdes, Ed, Barbara, Bernadette, Novie
Stokes 1881-1
Christmas at the Stokes house
Stokes 1881-2 Stokes 1881-3 Stokes 1881-4