
Dunseith Alumni Caribbean Cruise in February 2012
Folks, Following our reunion in May we’ll be shifting focus to our Caribbean Cruise. We are making plans for Presidents day week in February 2012. As soon as the Cruise schedules come out, probably later this year, we will be selecting a cruise line and a cruise. We have not yet decided if we’ll be going East or West in the Caribbean. Please reply with any preferences and ideas that you may have. Bill Grimme, Phyllis McKay, Bernadette and I will be the group leaders for this cruise. This will for sure be another great event. For those of you living a bit north, this will be a good winter break. In mentioning this cruise to a few of our friends here in the PI, several of them want to join us as well. They’ve got their calendars marked. Gary

Bryan Schimetz (77) contact number.
Brian is suffering with MS. He is in Triumph Mandan Hospital.
Message from Mark Schimetz (70): Rolette, ND.
Gary the Triumph Care Center’s phone number for Bryan Schimetz’s room is 1-701-667-4087. I know that Bryan would like to hear from his friends that are unable to come to see him at this time, especially Donna Striker. They have been good friends all his life. Bryan is being kept as comfortable as is possible.

Reply to Bryan Schimetz (77):

From Rhonda Hiatt (75): Battle Ground, WA.
Hi Gary,
It’s been awhile since I have replied on here. I try to keep up with the latest everyday, though I do get behind.
Bryan along with his family are definitely in my prayers as he and they go through this very difficult time. I graduated with Kim in 75 and worked with Bryan at Dales and he was just the best cook and the best to work with. I really just loved working with him. No matter how crazy busy we were he never got all worked up or lost his cool. Awhile back you had posted his e-mail address so we could send Birthday wishes. I sent one but if I remember right, his mailbox was full. I knew that everyone else had done the same thing. I tried a few times after that, so don’t know if he got it or not. To Bryan, Kim, and the rest of the Schimetz family, My thoughts and Prayers are with you.

Rhonda Hiatt
Keith & Alice Pladson will be attending the reunion:
Message from Keith Pladson (66): Stafford, VA
Just thought I would let you know that Alice and I will be attending the reunion get together/meal in May. I’ve already sent Verena a notice of our planned attendance and a check for our meals. We also intend to include a stop in Superior, WI on the way up to visit with my Aunt Lillian. I spoke with my cousin Ron (one of Lillian’s sons) a few days ago, and he said his Mom is doing pretty well (I think she is 94 years young now), so I’m really looking forward to our trip. It’s a long drive from here to ND (about 1,800 miles each way) but with our stop in Superior on the way up and a stop in Louisville, KY (to visit with Alice’s Mom) on the way back at least we will break up the long drive. We could fly, but with the way the airlines are going, flying is not much fun anymore and by driving we have a lot more freedom to come and go as we please while in ND. Over the years we’ve driven this route many times so we are very used to it. We look forward to seeing you and Bernadette again.
Keith, This is wonderful news that you and Alice will be attending the reunion. You are right, it’s a long trip from VA to Dunseith. We are looking forward to seeing you guys at the reunion and around the area too. Gary
Dunseith Alumni Alaska Cruise – July 2009
Note: Florence and Keith are siblings. Becky is Florence’s daughter
Minnie Flynn is in the background.
Florence Pladson Sime (62), Keith Pladson (66) &
Becky Sime Coles (83)

Sunday, April 11, 2010 10:56 AM, CDT

Patrick and I left the NICU with Connor at about 3:30 pm on Thursday April 8th. What and exciting day it was! Connor has come such a long way since he was born. He is such a miracle. He is almost 7 lbs now and is growing fast. His reflux is still a problem but the doctors sent us home with his medicine and so far he is doing great. Unfortunately he doesn’t let his parents sleep for very long at a stretch but hopefully that will improve! It is just so nice to finally be at home together as a family.

Chemo is still going pretty well. I had Chemo this last week on Thursday so it was nice to get it out of the way before we picked up Connor. Only 5 more treatments to go of this stuff and after that I’ll have a chemo once every 3 weeks for a year. I’m just hoping the chemo won’t ware me out to much since Connor is a lot of work right now. It’s a good thing Patrick and I can always get a little help from Grandparents when we need it! We are really looking forward to putting these treatments behind us so we can finally spend time at home as a family and not have all this traveling every week.

Thanks again everyone for all of your support. It was a long journey for us with Connor in the NICU for 41 days but that phase of our lives is behind us and things are only going to get better