10/10/2016 (2444)

Evans, Joe & Joyce;   Johnson, Don & Bernice;  Dion, Floyd & Luella

Taken last week. On our way to this month’s Cebu Expat dinner.
Stokes 2444-1

Mirasol, Gary, Bernadette, Rona Wifladt (recently married to my cousin Jack), TataStokes 2444-2


Blog (515) posted on July 9, 2009

Posted on July 9, 2009

Reply from Rita Anderson, Mark’s (65) mother: Fargo, ND

Hi Gary Was reading the news about Dunseith past. Saw the picture of Mark Anderson. It was a good picture of him. Suppose you knew that he had passed away a few years ago, in Duluth, Minn. of cancer. Thanks Rita Anderson

Picture from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND


I was in Dunseith today and stopped in at the drive-in to eat. Amy
Hanson said she hasn’t gotten any messages since your computer crashed.
She said she really misses it. Her address is <
> although it may still be in your address
book. Thanks!


Dick, There was a period of about two months prior to my computer crash that I lost all those folks that were added during that time.

Amy, you were one of them. You are back in my address book now though.

Thank you Dick, Gary

Message/Picture from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND

Gary and Friends,

Several times the Fassett girls have mentioned being at my
Grandparents farm. It was quite often that the families got together at
one place or the other for meals and visiting. We had a couple pins and
a set of horseshoes and Bill was a great player—‘dead ringer’, I
remember that. The afternoon was usually finished off with horseshoes
and often fish stories! The old horseshoes and the pins are actually
grown into the bottom of an old boxelder tree in the old yard, right
where they were put close to 50 years ago, after one of the days of
playing a few friendly games. Thanks Gary!


The Bill and Irene Fassett Family–July 23, 1963

Class of 65 reunion 7-12-07
John Awalt

Class of 65 reunion 7-12-07
Susan Fassett Martin & Angela Berube Malget

Class of 65 reunion 7-12-07
Ernie Gottbreht, Cecile Berube Reynolds & Margaret Metcalfe Leonard

Axel Johnson in 1965


Art Sime