Hello Dunseith Alumni and Friends.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Cebu, Philippines.
Things are busy for us too, but manageable and enjoyable. This week alone we have had or are having 5 Dinner/Supper evening gatherings with friends at various restaurants.
Angel’s sister Joy, with her 4 year old son and 5 year old daughter along with Angel/Joy’s father will be visiting us from Mindanao. Mindanao is the southern most Philippine Island, one hour plane ride. They will be arriving December 26th and will be leaving January 1St. Joy has to be back to work on the 2nd. She’s A Senior High School English Teacher in the public schools. This will be the first time for me to meet the kids. We purchased toys for the kids that Angel is wrapping now. They are not used to getting Christmas gifts, so this will be exciting for them. Santa Clause doesn’t come to very many houses here in the Philippines. The money just isn’t there for the extras.
Christmas Day we are invited to our very close and dear Expat friend’s house for dinner. They are from Wisconsin and have been living here for about 10 years now. This is my 21st year here too.
Connie Burcham Sime (DHS ’62) Passed away
Posting from her Daughter Shelley Sime Fossen: Jamestown, ND
Connie Sime, age 81 of Dunseith, passed away on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at a Williston, ND hospital
Obituary, soon, will be posted in Nero’s Funeral home Website
Shelley’s remarks,
The Matriarch of our family is gone.
Dear, sweet momma, Connie, left with the dawn.
No more of her hugs or talking on the phone.
Momma passed away while these ND winds were just beginning to blow.
The following postings are from
Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND
Posted in the date order received.
October 19, 2024
Hey Gary and Dunseith friends,
Granville is located on Highway 2.
The veterans building meeting place going North on the main street is also home to a great cafe.
Many Bottineau vets stop there on the way to Minot.
Also, many local Bottineau area folks (ME)
enjoy home cooked breakfasts and lunch specials.
The cafe offers HOME cooked meals!!!
I discovered it after hearing about it from local Bottineau folks….
November 21, 2024
Gary Stokes Dunseith friends,
Hello Gary and friends,
I went to bed a couple nights ago after listening to the impending snow reports.I thought. “UffDA, my poor *fur babies) dogs and I won’t be walking in the wintery blast”.
Yesterday. I emailed friends from afar, snowy area photos.I thought of winter times long ago as a wee Child of the HIlls.
—— Original Message ——–
YES! I like brown Thanksgivings.
I remember my dad and Art talking about “an open winter”.
What’s open?
As a little kid;
I’d wake up to voices, mom and dad in the kitchen, putting wood into the kitchen wood stove and talking….
I sleepilly …. really wondered “Who was “Old Man Winter”?
a guy that came in the night?
And was he kin to “Jack Frost”,
A rascal who frosted pretty..paned windows?
For me , as an adult, the first blast, like yesterday is usually an awakening,
Where is my winter gear, shovel, warm outerwear?
WHERE the heck , is the windshield scraper?
Search and rescue time for sure………..
I crawl into the car, happy and thankful to L. my nephew pushed heavy snow off the driveway,
I drive east, a few blocks to Cenex for morning routine “CUPPA, (breakfast blend.”)…
Then, Oh yes, I need to recall how to use those driving skills on ice and deep snow .
Climate change?
No its the annual season change.
It’s here, the full NOrth Dakota snow, ice and cold Winter!!
Later, Vickie
Dec 12, 2024
Hello Gary
Perhaps Friends of Dunseith School, Angel & You would enjoy this recent article. from KFYR tv.
What an experience for those kids to expand understanding and knowledge of another culture.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Vickie Metcalfe
——– Original Message ——–
Read more on Mott-Regent High School choir brings international flair to annual Christmas program at