6/2/2012 (1502)

Arla Hill Hiatt’s email address 
Request from Jacqueline Hiatt Fix (’79):  Springfield, VA
Hello Gary
Please add Mom’s (Arla Hiatt) e-mail address to the blog distribution.
Thanks Gary
We are so happy that your mother now has email. I have added her email address to all of my records.
Pictures from Susan Fassett’s Face Book pictures
I was a little light on postings today, so I went into Susan Fassett Martin’s Face Book and found a few interesting pictures.
Thanks Susan,
Darrel Fassett (’47) and Susan Fassett martin (’65)
Norma Ford, Crystal Fassett Andersen, Darrel Fassett, Patty Sjue, Paula Fassett,
Dorothy Strietzel Fassett and Susan Fassett Martin

Fassett Sisters with Art Rude
Paula, Art, Crystal and Susan
Dale, Brenda Hill Mueller, Cheryl Haagenson, Paula Fassett,
Murl Watkins Hill, Crystal Fassett Andersen and Susan Fassett Martin