
Reply from Margaret Seim Lawston (54): Citrus Heights, CA
HI GARY., Thanks for adding me to you list. I graduated from Notre Dame in 1954.After leaving the litte countryschool in the hills I went to Dunseith until High School. Eager to hear from friends in Dunseith. Thanks Margaret
Folks, I had a nice chat with Margaret today. She has been reading the past messages that I have posted on the Dunseith Alumni WEB site. She told me she has been reading each and every message very thoroughly. She is still reading those that I posted for 2008. So far I’ve only gotten through January with the postings of 2008. When I get time I will post the remaining messages for 2008. I do have all of the 2009 messages posted though. Margaret told me you guys have brought back so many good memories with all the stuff you have provided. She said she literally had tears of joy when reading some of the postings. Margaret is now retired from teaching. She lives near Sacramento, CA. She asked me to sign her up for any future cruises that we may have. Margaret’s mother was a Berube, so she is related to a lot of you folks. She told me she was a very close friend of Mildred Crum Rude. She said Millie visited her after she was diagnosed with cancer. Clark Crum, Mildred’s brother, was in her class.
Bill & Gwen Grimme, Margaret told me your brother Conley had gotten touch with her shortly before his passing and had made plans to visit her. Gary
Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND.
Gary and Friends,

Thanks to Sharon Zorn Gerdes for sharing Plylomena Westerman Black’s
letter and some local history of the mission. I was wondering if Sharon
would know the whereabouts of Phlyomena’s younger sister, Imogene, who
was in our grade? When they left, we never heard of them again. It would
be interesting to know where she went and what she did in life. Thanks
to Sharon, Plylomena, and of course, Gary!


Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND.
Gary and Friends,

I just got home from the museum steak fry fund raiser. The weather
cleared off late in the day and we had a good number of attendees and
some great steaks. The weather in the morning was bad and I think some
may have changed their plans because of it. We had about the same number
as last year but were prepared for more. Thanks to all those who came
and helped support the museum.

In looking at Bev Morinville Azure’s picture of Jess and Don Hosmer’s
wedding, I could see the Commercial Hotel in the background but
something was different than I remember. I flipped the picture and low
and behold, it looks right. It would have been taken in front of the
Dunseith Lutheran Church and looking northeast. Thanks Bev for sending
your pictures! Again, I’ll bet they were made from your dad’s slides and
got reversed in the process—easy fix. I am attaching the ‘flipped’
picture and I bet you can see the difference and recognize the Hotel in
the background. Thanks Gary and Bev!

Follow up reply from Dick:

This wouldn’t necessarily have to be Jess and Don’s wedding. It could
easily have been someone else’s that Jess was an attendant for.The
newest car in the picture is the ’58 Chevy across the street. The two
tone car behind Jess is a ’57 Olds Super 88. It most likely was in
’59-’60, my guess. Thanks.


Jess Hosmer

Beverly Azure’s Obituary posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND.


I asked Dick Johnson who this Beverly Azure was.


Here’s his reply: This isn’t the Bev Morinville Azure you know. This lady was riding with her niece on a horse cart when the horses ran away and flipped the cart. She had a broken neck. It happened about three miles east of my farm. Sad deal.


DUNSEITH Beverly Azure, 49, St. John, died Monday, Aug. 10, 2009, on arrival at a Belcourt hospital of injuries suffered in a horse and buggy accident near St. John.

She was born June 13, 1960, to Wilmar and Norma Azure in Belcourt. She married Damian Azure Sept. 9 1994, in St. John.

Beverly Azure

June 13, 1960-Aug. 10, 2009

Survivors: husband; sons, Joseph Sangrait, St. John, Tyler Sangrait of Colorado; daughters, Amber Sangrait, Colorado, Dinah Gaspard, St. John; stepson, Damian Azure, Devils Lake; stepdaughter, Melanie Azure, Devils Lake; eight grandchildren; father, Fargo; brothers, Carlyle and Michael, both Dunseith, Dennis, Colorado; sisters, Jenny Amyotte and Christine Azure, both Dunseith.

Funeral: Saturday, 10 a.m., St. Benedict’s Church, rural Dunseith.

Burial: Church cemetery.

Wake and prayer service: Wake today, 5 p.m., prayer service today, 8 p.m., both in the church. (Nero Funeral Home, Bottineau)


Reunion & Cruise Folks, Please share some of your reunion and cruise pictures. We’ve only got a limited number that we took. Gary



Reunion at the Best Western

L to R: Lee Stickland & Larry St. Claire




Reunion at the Best Western


Bill Grimme & Gary Metcalfe







Reunion at the Best Western


L to R: Connie Fauske Monte, Sandra Zeiler Vandal & Katrina (Bob) Hosmer





On the Cruise Ship (Norwegian Star)


L to R: Lorette Berube Leonard & Bernadette Stokes




On the Cruise Ship (Norwegian Star)


L to R: Terry Espe, LeaRae Parrill Espe & Bill Leonard