10/9/2013 (1870)

TV interview
Posted by Dick Johnson (’68):  Dunseith, ND
Here is our TV interview at the Hostfest – it was called ND Today. Go to
this link and click on “Kevin at Norsk Hostfest.”

http://www.ndtoday.tv/ <cid:part1.05070103.07050003@hughes.net>

Dick & Brenda

You and Brenda are looking pretty sharp.
Reply to the 1954/55 Dunseith Girls Basketball Team
 From Larry Liere (55): Devils Lake, ND & Mesa, AZ
Since I moved from Dunseith when I was in 3rd. grade the only names I remember from the picture are: Janice Leonard, Arline Lamoure, and Bonnie Awalt.  I have to say the uniforms these girls are wearing in the picture are much nicer then what the girls in Devils Lake had to wear.  Did the class B schools play half court in girls basketball?  The class A schools played half court and it was not a fun game to watch.  I guess they didn’t want girls to run much back in those days.  I can’t remember what year girls got to start playing full court and it turned in to a fun game to watch.
            LARRY LIERE (55)
Reply to unknown pictures posted yesterday.
From Lynn Halvorson Otto (’75): Boonton, NJ
Hi Gary, I’m glad to hear Bernadette is doing somewhat better.  I’m wondering if the bottom photo is the Willow Lake school house that once stood where Debbie Slyter lived?  If so my mom taught there a few years and my sister Gail attending school there her first 2 years of school I think.
Lynn Halvorson Otto
Reply to unknown pictures posted yesterday.
From Linda Gardner:  Vienna, VA

Hi Gary – I recognize the second picture posted by Susan Fasset Martin.  It’s the Toupin #2 Country School where I spent my first 7 years of school.  I was actually in there this summer.  I was driving by and stopped there.  The door was unlocked so I went in.  It sure looks small inside compared to what I remember!!Fassett, Susan 1869

Unknown family
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND
These folks look so familiar. I thought I would be able to identify at least one, but I just can not. I am pretty sure some of you will recognize at least some of these folks. Are we sure it is a family or is it just a group of folks?
unknown 1870