
Happy Birthday Aime Casavant (66): Jamestown, ND
Aime, I believe today, February 16th, is your birthday. We wish you the happiest birthday ever. Enjoy.
We are also looking forward to seeing you at the reunion on May 22nd. Gary

Reply from Cheryl Larson Dakin (71): BEDFORD, TX
Hi Gary
I’m sure I’m not the only one who would love to see more photos of your fiesta. It’s very interesting to hear you talk about the customs of the people there and see the photos.
Thanks so much.
P S… loved the picture of Nancy and Keith. I’m flying in to Albuquerque to meet Diane (Sjol) and Nancy (Hosmer) on Wed. (Diane has a nursing conference there) and we plan on spending lots of time with Colette in Sante Fe. It should be a blast of shopping, museums, art, good food and great company.
Hotel vacancy the weekend of the reunion
From Verena (Pete 65) Gillis: Dunseith, ND
I called Sky Dancer Casino this morning and they only have 5 rooms
for the 20th, some for the 21st but nothing for the weekend. Pretty
booked up with a wedding, golf teams coming in and so forth. So you could
probably list some of the other motels in the area for them to consider.

Please include Mrs. Ronald Peltier in your emails:

Verena :)

Verena, Thank you so much for this info. I will post a list of other hotels in the area with the next posting of the Reunion attendance list of which I’ll be doing with in the next couple of days. Gary

Dunseith Alumni Reunion:
Reply from Larry St. Claire (66): Anchorage, AK
It sounds like a great time, something I don’t want to miss, so add Robbie and I to the list. We will be there from Alaska.


Commercial Hotel:

Reply from Marie Iverson Staub (60): Seattle, WA
I loved the picture of the Commercial Hotel that Gwen Grimme Eltz sent in. It brought back a lot of memories. I remember Charlie Anderson as he used to be in town a lot. It’s interesting what brings up all those good memories . Some of the other pictures that have been on your blog of the school I can remember as we lived directly across the street. I can’t believe it’s been 53 years ago. It’s scary.
Marie Iverson (Staub)

Commercial Hotel:
Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

First, thanks to the folks that came to the Frozen Fingers event in
Minot and thanks for the compliments. It again lived up to it’s name as
Saturday there were near blizzard conditions throughout the area.
Second, thanks to Gwen Grimme Eltz for the neat picture of the
Commercial Hotel. I had kind of forgotten the enormous size of the
hotel. Many times the neighborhood kids were at Grimme’s to play ball
out in front or just to visit. One thing I remember is that when Greg
and I would go out to play football, we would need another player, as it
is nearly impossible for two kids to play football alone. We would ask
Gwen if she wanted to play? She would, but she always had a rule. She
would say, “Alright, but don’t knock me down,OK?” She knew we could get
a bit rough, and so she had one rule we had to follow! Ever the little
lady. I can still remember the inside of the main floor of the hotel. We
usually entered through the south entrance that is behind the pine trees
in the photo. The first room to the south was where Carl did his
furniture upholstering. He did all kinds and I can still see him
standing there working on his projects. The next room to the right was
where the stairway went upstairs right along the west wall. Then we went
into their large living room. This is the main part of the building that
is centered on the picture. Lots of the woodwork in the hotel was
varnished wood that had naturally darkened to a deep dark brown. I think
the living room transversed the entire center portion as I believe there
were big windows on both the east and west side. North of the living
room was the big kitchen where Gwen mentioned that her mom served the
meals to all the hotel boarders. If I remember right, the kitchen was
painted a cheerful bright yellow. We would sometimes go out of the
kitchen to the east through the door that is centered between the trees
on the picture. Another thing I can remember is that Carl had a small
ship built inside a bottle. I can remember how fascinated I was with
this the first time I saw it. It was on a shelf on the south wall of the
living room. Grimmes also had the first set of bubbling Christmas tree
lights that I had ever seen. Just a couple years ago, I found some of
reproduction bubble lights and bought two sets just for the nostalgia.
In a prior message, I mentioned that my aunt lived in the north ground
floor apartment for a while so I pretty well remember the entire lower
level but I guess for some reason we never went upstairs, as that was
where the boarders had their private rooms. Gwen and Bill–please
correct me about what I’m writing, as this is just my recollection of
YOUR place, so you would be much more correct on the building layout. It
was sure a neat place to go, I do know that. Carl and Kathleen always
made us feel welcome in their home. Carl immigrated from Germany and had
the common ‘German to English’ brogue translation problem. I can still
hear him saying, “Glegly, you be home at 10.” He was a neat guy. Thanks
Gwen and Gary!




Update from DeAnn Gottbreht: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/deanngottbreht


Monday, February 15, 2010 9:31 AM, CST


Happy Valentine’s Day. I am at home enjoying having the holiday off. It is below zero outside so I am glad not to have to head outside.

I started chemo again on this last Friday. It is a new type of chemo with two new drugs. I will do a total of 12 of these treatments. I am going to be doing the treatments weekly now and then break hopefully a week or so before the baby is born so my system can recover from the chemo before the birth. After the birth I will recover for a few weeks and then finish the 12 rounds. These new drugs are not suppose to be as hard on my system as the last so I guess we’ll see. So far I have been feeling fairly good this weekend. Getting plenty of rest!

We met with the high-risk baby doctor and our boy is doing very well. He is about 3 and a half lbs now! We also met with our new OB at Meritcare who will actually hopefully be delivering the baby, as long as he doesn’t show up unexpectedly! I will be getting weekly ultrasounds now to watch the baby closely and make sure he isn’t effected by the new chemo.

I want to thank you all once again for all of your support and generosity. It is greatly appreciated.

Eleanor Hiatt Fauske (42) and Elmer Hiatt (deceased) with their prize winning 4-H Herefords:
From Sharron Gottbreht Shen (59): Everett, WA.
This picture was front page news in the Turtle Mt Star 3 July 1941, a fine photo of the two Hiatt members. I know DeAnn Gottbreht received 2 blue ribbons for her fine porkers around 1990. I thought Pork Chop and Gertrude beautiful pigs and DeAnn was so proud of them. It was hard for me to accept that they would be dressed out at the fair for the needed qualification. Sharron
Follow up reply from Sharron:
I was just a bit jealous of the 4H Club crowd when young. Makes me value the local Brownie troop more and our brave leader, Lee Hosmer. Perhaps someone has a picture? Meetings were the high point of my week/month in 1st and 2nd grade. I can no longer remember how often we met!


Turtle Mountain Star – July 3, 1941
Thompson Family Pictures:
Posted by Kay Hildebrandt (Granddaughter of A.C. & Esther Thompson):
These photos were collected by one of the Canadian Pritchards. Missing are Alfred and Harry. If anyone has a photo of Alfred, I’d like to have a copy. Thanks, Kay
Thank you Kay: A.M. & Esther Thompson would be grandparents to Corbin, Robert, Lincoln, John and Winifred (Eurich) Pritchard. Will & Ida (Thompson) Pritchard in the lower left of the this picture were their parents. A.M. & Esther Thompson were also grandparents to Ella (Thompson) Pladson and Esther (Thompson) Tangen. Their father was Ulysses Thompson, center right, in the picture. Gary


Old Bottineau High School:

Posted by Ken Striker: Dayton OH.


Saw this neat pic at ebay. Ken Striker of Dayton Oh