
Hiatt history from Leola Hiatt Lagerquist and Nettie Hiatt Peterson: Dunseith & St. John

Posted by Evon Lagerquist (77): Dunseith, ND


Gary, it is Harmon Albert Hiatt, he was born in 1854 and died in 1923, according to his head stone at the cemetary, and Mom and Nettie. His 1st wife and mother to Amos & Henry was Mary Victoria Louder Hiatt. She was born in 1862 and died in 1885 in Iowa. GGHarmon then married Louisa Alice Woodford, and they had George Franklin, Joseph William(Uncle Willie), Anna May, John Jackson(Uncle John J.), James Arthur(Uncle Art), Hannah Dililah(Lila), Charlottie Marie, Harry Isaac, and Walter LeRoy. After Louisa’s death, he married Myrtle Emma Klang. So, Harmon Albert Hiatt had 3 wives all together!! Calvin Hiatt in Portland, OR. may have more onfo on the Hiatt’s. Thanks, Gary.


Evon, Thank you so much for getting this info from your mother and Nettie. Having been born and raised on the exact same spot of the Harmon Hiatt homestead and having been very close to many of the Hiatt family members my entire life, this is some info that I never knew. Now that we have it, it will be posted on a WEB site and recorded never to be lost. Gary



Dale Pritchard’s (63): reply to Wayne Smith (61): Leesville, LA



I’m sorry to have taken so long getting back to you. Circumstances went
beyond my control. I see your first email is dated Apr 12. I went to a
Corps of Engineers training class in Dallas on Apr 6 and didn’t get back
until Apr 17. On the 19th, Winifred Eurich passed away and I was going
to come up for the funeral. The following day, before I even got plane
reservations made, my wife’s younger brother, at 54, died of a heart
attack in Mississippi. We got back from there on Sun the 26th and I’ve
been playing catch-up ever since.

I’d love to get that Japanese instrumental back if it’s the one your
Uncle Hank has/had. I knew him as Henry so Hank sounds a little
strange. I don’t really remember a second record but there may have
been. I have a friend with a turn-table so maybe I can copy it to a
tape and then to a CD. If you need me to pay postage – no problem.

Wayne, I don’t think I’ve seen you since your high school graduation. I
probably wouldn’t recognize you now if I met you on the street. They
say everybody changes except yourself? That may or may not be right.
I’ve always tried to come back home at least once a year but once I get
there it’s hard to get away to look up anyone. You live right in
Bottineau right?


Dale, After reading this letter of yours several times, knowing it will be of interest to many, I decided to post it. We are so sorry to hear of the death of your wife’s brother. He was so young. We all know that Winifred Eurich was your aunt too, being a sister to your dad. Gary




Reply from Gary Metcalfe (57): Forsyth, MO


Hello Gary, PeeWee Nelson’s first name was Winnfre.


to: Jan Bergan Evans Was surprised to find Anton Olson’s homesteaded up on the Canadian border, at Rab Lake in Willow Lake Township near the Bottineau County Line.

Also Louis Burgan spelled differently from your grandfather’s Bergan. Gary Metcalfe
Message/Picture from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

There is only one Wicks that I remember– Carl Wicks. He lived on the
corner of Highway 43 and the road to Joe Dietrich’s—Ele’s dad’s. His
house was almost directly north and across the highway from Hackman’s
place. He hunted deer with Floyd Lamb and our bunch and was somehow
related to Floyd, cousin or uncle, I think. He was a taller man and had
a growth on his temple that eventually was about the size of a tennis
ball. He couldn’t see very well and was unable to wear glasses because
of this. I think, if I remember correctly, he had the growth removed and
got glasses—and then died shortly thereafter. My grandfather had sold
/ loaned / traded him a D John Deere tractor on steel wheels. He didn’t
want the tractor or changed his mind or something, so one day in about
1960, Grandpa Hans took me along to Carl’s to tow the tractor back
home–about 3 miles. The steel lugs on the old John Deere made for a
rough ride. I stood, then sat, then tried to stand with my knees bent
but nothing worked. By the time we got back home, my teeth were nearly
rattling and my arms were numb from holding on to that old steel
steering wheel. A plowed field wasn’t too bad, but a hard road surface
was not the place for lugs. Some folks may not know about steel wheels
with steel lugs, but before rubber tires they all had lugs. Never had to
worry about a flat tire in those days! Attached is a picture of a
restored D JD on steel. Thanks Gary!
