1/22/2014 (1947)

Lars Severtson’s daughter and Lee Stickland’s (’64) Cousin Theresa Severtson Delikat
Reply from Theresa Severtson Delikat:  Box Elder, SD
Gary,  I have sent a couple of posts but I don’t think they reached you.  I saw Bob Hosmer today and he says to just use the reply so here we go.  I want to thank you for your invitation and was surprised at your excellent memory of our family history.  You have your father’s gift of narration and memory.  The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We were always anxious for Bob’s cream run as he was our walking newspaper and shared the neighborhood news over a cup of coffee, and bread, and jellies, and cakes, and cookies.  This was our 10 AM lunch.  Next came dinner at noon.  Wow, how did we eat that much!!
This is the other post I sent:
I would like to comment on the article submitted by Leona Kofoid written about the Hidden Salem Cemetery. 
My great grandfather (Lars Sivertson) and grandmother (Olianne Rensvold Sivertson) were buried at the cemetery and were moved later to the site where the Salem cemetery is present day.  I have 4 great aunts and great uncles that remain at the old Salem cemetery that were children of Lewis and Tonnette Sivertson (Orphie,  Lloyd Alma, and Everette.  My father used to occasionally take us to the cemetery to fix their graves and pay respect.  Shortly before my uncle Merrill Sivertson passed away he marked the gravesite with a copperplate that has names and dates punched into the metal and my dad helped him build a fence around the site.  It has been 10-15 years since I have been there to look for my relative’s graves but was only able to locate the Olson headstone as well as depressions in the ground where old graves had been dug up and transferred to the present day cemetery.
I have often thought of the heartaches my grandmother endured as she saw three of her children die of some kind of wasting disease, being normal children and slowly losing their ability to walk, talk and function; Orphie, age 11, Lloyd, age 7, Alma, age 9 and then at age 5, Everette, the youngest, was run over by horses and wagon when grandpa and my uncles were hauling wet ashes.  Out of 8 children, 4 of them achieved adulthood.
The cemetery can also be accessed by turning north on 21st Ave, NE at the Souris River dial house located on Highway 43.  Approximately 1-1.5 miles you will come to what we called the roller coaster hills.  Almost directly across from an old home site on the left will be a narrow field road on the right (107th ST. NE) going east.  Follow that road until you come to the crest of a hill and the cemetery will be on the south or right hand side.  I’m guessing .5 miles.  The road will continue to the old Johnny Olson farm and gravel pit.
Theresa Sivertson Delikat
Yes, just hit the reply to any of these daily blogs and I will get your message.
Seeing and visiting with your folks over a cup of coffee twice a week was one of the highlights of my dad’s Cream Route in the Hills. By the time he got to your house he was nearing the end of his route, so he had all the news from those he had seen before getting to your house. The area of his cream route was from Highway 3 west to Metigoshe and as far south as Lester Halvorson’s.
As a kid our family spent a lot of time over at Oscar and Sylvia Bergan’s, your close neighbors to the north.
I didn’t realize that your dad lost so many siblings at such a young age. So sad. That had to be so tough on the whole family.
Thanks so much for this reply. We are looking forward to hearing from you again too.
Reply from Lee Stickland (’64):  Dickinson, ND


(I ask YOUR indulgence as I peck(ed) away.  My entering phrase tells what I originally had in mind when I saw the pictures of the CEBU CELEBRATION.

Writing is highly cathartic for me; what follows has been written over the past 4 hours.

I strive for order, etc.)


the celebrations in Cebu greatly outshines our Rough Rider Days here in Dickinson,

held around the 4th of July.  We don’t have that many people in this county or including

each of the surrounding counties.  Karen Schneider Bowman and Vivian Hewson

Honeyman could add to the number but it would take a few more.



Certainly, YOUR most lovely and prized opportunity in CEBU is BERNADETTE.

The many catered social opportunities YOU folks offer for friends and relatives are so laudable.  I can only imagine and attempt to visualize the setting of YOUR home, to understand the beauty and warmth and welcome found inside and to see the evidence of enterprise being successfully demonstrated in YOUR apartments operation(s).


YOU were kind and gracious to invite me to come and see Y’ALL in the Philippines; maybe nex’ “go ’round”. My days of getting away from Dickinson are when I can go to Boston each year to see my son, Eric, his wife, Kim and my grandson, Sam.


YOUR meritorious photos and positive evaluations of each of the businesses, establishments, enterprises or industries that YOU and BERNADETTE have been able to enjoy, indicate YOUR appreciation for progress; by consistently doing so, YOU and BERNADETTE continue to make a great contribution to society.


I forgot; what is the position YOU serve so well in there in YOUR city?

Is it PR, public relations, HR, human resources

Are the hours flexible?  Does it offer good benefits?  Are there any openings?

I am good at opening last week’s mail and forgetting where I may have lay it.

‘spec it would be nice to some A/C in my office—“dream on Stickland”.


Not too long ago, Dickinson was a quiet burg of 15-18,000.  The oil boom has indeed

“boomed-out” the perimeters of our western ND town.  Our current population has been  estimated to be 25,000 and ‘movin’ up, fast.


When we moved here in 1972, I do not recall A BUILDING north of I-94.

The collective new “building” efforts in 42 years now extend +2 miles

north of I-94 and represents a possible width of 3 miles, east and west.


Our new hospital is scheduled to open this fall.


SANFORD health has provided a new 3-story clinic for Dickinson. Sanford is a very aggressive health care provider.  They have purchased the former MedCenter One hospital in Bismarck.

72 unit apartment units have overtaken quarters of land. I know many of the original  owners of much of these acres.  It was once prime farm land, great pasture for dairy

herds,  or succulent pasture that ‘summered’ calves, readying them for a free trip to Sioux  Falls, SD or Sioux City, IA;   final destination.


Hwy 22 goes 33 miles north to Killdeer. This was once a sedate country drive. In fact,

when Dad was in the nursing home, prior to 2009, he asked me to take him for a drive up

that way for about 40 miles.  He enjoyed seeing the hills, the cattle, and the small farms.

The safest way to travel those miles today is to ‘tuck’ behind a truck and stay there.  There   is a constant flow of trucks each way.  Some hauling oil, some hauling clean water, some             hauling dirty (after having been used for drilling), some hauling chemicals, some hauling

concrete, or… .  It requires over a million (1,000,000) gals of water to drill an oil well.

Any who have become impatient in this endless migration of metal and tried to pass could  be dead, broken, or badly bent.


There is now SO much truck traffic at the intersection of HWY 22 and 200 in Killdeer that a stop sign/traffic light method of avoiding accidents is impossible.  How do YOU stop a truck weighing a total of 108,000 pounds, execute a civil-allowance for right of way and get that load going again.    Can’t be done !      1000s and 1000s of trucks go thru there every day.


A “round-about” is in place and is reportedly working wonderfully.  “Standard” trucks are most-often 3 axles as “drivers” and up to 4 axles at the rear of that first trailer.  Sometimes, one truck will pull 2 trailers; the second trailer may have another 4 or 5 axles.

English Comp teacher in Freshman year of college took me aside and asked me how I got thru HS with such good grades?  She said, “YOU can’t write a ‘lick’.  I’m still trying.  I sent her a copy of one of my graduate degree thesis.


Thanks for YOUR, EARS,  Gary   3:49 am MST, Wed, 1-22-2014

Thank you Lee for the nice compliments.


Your first statement “YOUR most lovely and prized opportunity in CEBU is BERNADETTE” is so true. That she most certainly is.


I don’t do much with the local groups, but I am pretty involved with our Cebu Expat group of friends. The accolades and the many thanks of appreciation are the true benefits of the job. Our group is growing fast too. We have 131 folks signed up for a buffet dinner this coming Monday at the Shangri-La Hotel resort. The regular price of their Buffet dinner is $44.00. They are giving our group a special discount for $18.00. Our numbers are the driving force. I will admit there were some strong negotiations to get that deal. I told them their initial 50% discount wasn’t good enough. It is good advertising for them and they are making money too.  

Blog posted on February 12, 2008


From Evie Gottbreht (65):

Hello Friends,

The last email made me think about the day that Charlton Heston came to town…..he landed in a small plane in the Berube pasture…..remember it had a wind flag and that was where little planes would land…..

Several of the Gottbreht kids went to see Mr. Heston arrive, he picked up my sister Lori and gave her a kiss….Phyllis McKay and myself were way too busy playing in the lagoon for that Hollywood “stuff”.  Were we really 9 years old playing at the lagoon?  What were our parents thinking……all that freedom.   We were probably smoking cigarettes.

He stayed at Dales in #9, our family called that the Charleston Heston Suite…..I doubt today you could get an actor to land in a pasture in North Dakota to dedicate anything!

Evie Gottbreht

PS  Winter in California has been great.  Lots of snow on the mountains that I can see almost everyday,  lots of rain so everything else is green, with my work I drive along the ocean to San Diego several times a month.  I absolutely love California but the things I like about myself I learned in North Dakota!



From Mona Dionne Johnson (48):

I remember Albert Ledoux well.  He lived in Thorne, ND as I did, when I
was a kid   I remember he was good to us kids, and when I was 12 or so,
learned to drive while sitting in his lap and then graduating to the
whole bit of driving by myself.  He was a very good carpenter.  He was
also a Vet of World War II.
I too remember Charlton Heston at the Peace Garden – there with my
family – one hot day !!


Mona Johnson (48)

Message & Pictures from Doreen Bailey, Vance’s wife:
Gary,  I have been going through some of Vance’s files (many of his picture are in the Museum at ST John) and I found these two some may enjoy:
One, is of one of his favorite childhood  citizens in Dunseith, he was fascinated with the black smith shop,and the other is the Bailey homestead.   About 4 miles north of town. Someone mentioned Virgil; Vance’s father & Harvey Bailey his Uncle.-  They both grew up on this farm also.
    The memorial for Vance @ Riverside Cemetery, Dunseith, will be May 28th, 10 AM grave side.  Our family will be there; it is open to friends of Vance and Dunseith.  This is what he wanted.  Thank you for all you are doing’ bring the wonderful life of a small town, that is  what draws so many people back “HOME.”
Doreen Bailey, Vance’s wife
            Bailey, Mahlon; home N. Dunseith
         Billy Lawrence Blacksmith, Dunseith, ND