Dorothy Pritchard is now on our distribution list.
From Mary Eurich Knutson (62): Dunseith, ND
Just to let you know how interesting I find your web sight. Would you add Dorothy Pritchard to your mailing list. This is the e-mail address to which she would receive it: This is the activity department at the Long Term Care Center at St Andrews in Bottineau. She became interested when the articles on Sylvia Bergan were put out. They were from the same area and went to the same school as kids and Dorothy tells of how they became friends after she and Robert were married. Sylvia and Oscar were living west of Boundary Lake and Robert and Dorothy were living on the same place where they always lived only the house was further back to the east.(I could be off on that one). Any way, Robert trapped around Boundary Lake and she had gone with him to check traps on this particular day and they decided to walk on over to Oscar and Sylvia. Can you imagine! There were no groomed trails or paved walkways at that time. I didn’t ask her if they were wearing snow shoes or skis. Anyway, they became very good friends over the years. They both wound up at St Andrews Long Term Care. Sylvia was unable to visit anymore but she always recognized Dorothy and they always acknowledged each other with a little wave. So sad! Dorothy loves to visit and is getting hard of hearing but she still loves a good laugh. Appreciate all the local news. Thanks. Mary Knutson
Reply from Jim Casavant (73): Old White School House: Jamestown, ND
I started !st grade in 1961 in the old white school house. I was in Mrs. Seim’s room on the first floor on the east side of the old school house. I remember those first days of school in Dunseith School was like going to New York City after living in that small world on the farm. Mom worked in the kitchen in the basement which was comforting, but I can remember one day climbing up those steep basement steps and instead of turning to go to my first grade room, I somehow got lost and kept on walking down that long breezeway to the “upper grades” side of the school. By the time I reached those steps by the offiice, I thought I had walked off the end of the Earth and was lost forever. I think it was Principal Art Rude or Joan Wurgler, the secretary who tuned me around and headed me back in the right direction. Isn’t it funny how small things like that seem so big at the time and stick in your mind forever. That area where the old gym and locker rooms were also had a second !st grade class room on the west side of the gym. I think you had to climb some steps to get up to it. Mrs. Aus taught first grade there, then they left Dunseith a few years later. Mrs Emma Halvorson also had a second grade class room in that area just before you got to the office steps. I remember Mrs. Seim and Mrs. Halvorson as very kind teachers.
Message/question from Verena (Pete 65) Gillis: Dunseith, ND
Note: Folks, Pete Gillis has been battling prostrate Cancer for a few years now.
Hi Gary,
Sounds like you are still pretty busy. So am I. Pete might have to start chemo again, we will find out in September. PSA’s is not going down, took him off one cancer pill and just going to try the shots for now and see what happens. I am very busy with my sister who just turned 52 last month. She also has cancer, the lungs and her kidneys along with a big tumor in her stomach. So been very busy with benefits for her to get her up to Canada to see a medicine man who is supposed to be pretty good. Looking for a miracle. We are also getting ready for a big family reunion, mainly for her while she still can get around, July 3rd actually. I have a question for you since you and Bill are so sharp with finding Verena Gillis
Reply from Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC
Hi Gary. Oh Wow! This last set of pictures were awesome…ALL OF THEM…The photos of Dunseith were “GREAT” it was fun looking at them, trying to remember what was what and who lived where. I’m a bit baffled what that white building north of the police station is? I’m still not through studying those pictures. Fun, fun…About the picture, is it Kenny Nerple or Rene? “Dats mo brotha” Rene for sure. I would really like to know what play or skit that was? It was pretty funny at any rate…The last picture with the family from the Philippines on that motorcycle reminded me of when we use to be able to talk our Dad to go on a Sunday drive with the whole family??? I’m not real sure how we managed,but I remember about one Sunday a month he would pack us all in and drive down to Yellow Corners and get dixie cups. It kinda reminds me of this reality show on T.V called, How’d They Do That??? Well thanks for all the great entertainment Gary! Aggie
Class of 65 freshman initiation in 1961:
Rene Casavant, John Awalt, Billy Grimme & Allen Richard
![]() Reply to yesterday’s message from Don Aird: St Louis, MO
That last picture reminded me of the Vietnamese and their mo-peds. I remember at Tet, 1970, just north of Hue, watching a family of five riding to a celebration, all on a mo-ped dressed in their Sunday best. Another guy had two adult pigs wrapped in a bamboo blankets strapped to the back of his mo-ped. Each pig was facing the opposite direction at right angles to the bike.
Message/picture from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends, Back in the summer of ’62, Keith Smith (67) and I decided to get an Dick
( The picture is dated ’63, but wasn’t developed until later)
From L-R Doug Warcup, Brad Warcup, Keith Smith, Dick Johnson
July 2007
Rich Campbell(68)
July 2007
Deb Morinville Marmon (70) &
Colette Pigeon Schimetz(70)
Folks, Have any of you had any contact with Randy Kelly? Being on
President George Bush’s Staff, he was kind of a hard guy to get in
contact with. Randy was also mayor of St. Paul, MN for a number of years too.
If any of you have contact with Randy, please let him know we’d love to
hear from him. Gary
Cousins Randy Kelly(69) & Donna LaCroix Allard (64)
Previously posted with message 104 on 5-16-08
Picture/Message from Dick Johnson (68):
Gary and Friends
The picture of my old pal, Rich Campbell, prompted me to send one from Dick Patty Fassett (69), Dick Johnson (68) &
Rich Campbell (68)
Monthly Archives: June 2009
Reply from Cheryl Larson Dakin (71): BEDFORD, TX
A very happy birthday to Bernadette! You’ll have to let us know how the dinner was, and what was served. Is it similar to German sausage?
Cheryl Larson Dakin
Reply from Dick Johnson (69): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
The picture of Susan Fassetts birthday party reminded me of a deal Dick From Neoal Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary and All,
Thanks for all the prayers/good thoughts for Carol Berg Hamel. As of 4:00 this afternoon, she is home. Her staples will be removed on Tuesday. Carol’s doctor is very impressed with Carol’s progress. Prayer is powerful.
![]() Her liver/lymph nodes are cancer free. Carol will most likely have chemo treatments to “kill any stray cancer cells”–my words.
![]() Neola
Pictures from Sharron Gottbreht Shen (59): Everett, WA
This arial shot was taken shortly after we moved to our new home on the corner, completed in 1954. The school portion of the picture is enlarged. Thanks for posting the earlier photo.
I was told that the school building was sold at auction; the bid of August Dionne was accepted. This surprise was a headache and worry for uncle: he stood at the foot of George’s bed late one night and said George would have to take it off his hands. George would know who handled the move. The important structure had such presence; a sadness to see it moved. You do good work Gary. Sharron
Folks, We never did positively identify the first guy in the first picture. It sure looks like Kenny Nerpel to me?
L to R: Class of 65 freshman initiation – 1961.
Kenny Nerpel? or Rene Casavant?, John Awalt, Bill Grimme, Allen Richard
Bill Evans, Lucien Bedard, Janet Evans, Hannah Bedard, Dale Gottbreht
Dale & Alma Gottbreht
Dale Gottbreht & Bill Evans
Dunseith Fishing trip
Dale & Alma Gottbreht Children:
Back: Emma Jo, George, Sharron
Front: Ernie, Marc, Evie
Marge Brodeck, Marge Kester, John Bedard, Hannah Bedard
Family transportation in the Philippines on a 115cc Honda motorcycle 8 passengers (4 adults & 4 children) with a few house hold goods. |
Bernadette, with her birthday today, has caught up to me in age. We are now the same age (61) for 3 weeks. We are going out for a Sunday brunch at a Gustavian Restaurant this morning. We have reservations for 10:30. This evening we plan on going out for dinner at a Japanese restaurant of Bernadette’s choosing. I told her McDonald’s is just fine for my birthday, but she may have something to say about that.
Francie Gottbreht Dutra (63): Olympia, WA
Folks, please update your address books with Francie’s new email address
Reply to yesterday’s message from Jean Nicholas Miller (66): GLENDALE, AZ
Yes. that is my mother without the glasses. Thanks. Jean Nicholas Miller Memories from Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND
Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
The post card picture of Dunseith is unique in it’s ability to The baseball team has a correction. The guy sitting second from the Dick
Memorial service for Violet Hiatt House
Posted by her Daughter Doris House Gillies: Boise, Idaho
Hi Gary,
Just a quick note to let you know that we will be having a memorial service for my Mom ( Violet Hiatt House) on July 18 at 12:00 p.m. It will be held at Greenwood Memorial Park, 350 Monrow Ave. N.E., Renton, Washington 98056. It took awhile to get everything organized since her service is being held in a different state than where she was living. Art (my brother) is finalizing everything on that end, and I’m taking care of all the things here on this end. There sure is a lot of paperwork.
Doris House Gillies
Gary and Dick,
It was such a wonderful surprise to see the picture of Grandma Anderson’s birthday party in 1959!!!! My mother (Aggie Nicholas) is in the picture. She passed away in 1978 from Leukemia. She looks great. I was 11 years old when this was taken. Thank you both so much for this picture and everything. Jean Nicholas Miller (66) |
Jean, with the picture labeling, I believe this is your mother,Aggie Nicholas, with Agnes Berg.l
When Dick Johnson mentioned a car show at the Peace Gardens with Jack & Bud Anderson, it brought back a memory for me. When Russell Robert & I were first married and we lived in Rolla. We were the janitor & maintenance people for the Rolette County Court house so we lived in the Janitors house that was located in the behind the court house over to the side. ‘Our House’, the Court House, & the Sheriff’s office formed a triangle and in the middle was the parking lot. While living there Russell had the ‘side’ job of checking out all the new firearms that came into the Rolla Hardware, before they were sold to anyone. Bud Anderson owned the store and his brother Jack worked there, as well as their Dad. Since we were very big admirers of Bud’s classic car collection & he know us pretty well, every once in a while on Sunday’s, he would let us take one of his cars out to ride around town in. ‘To clean out the carburetor’, he would say! About that same time, we had found a 1957 Three Door Biquiscane Chevy that didn’t run. It was the “sister” to the Nomad that most everyone is familiar with. OJ Robert, Russell’s Dad, helped us put a different motor in it. WOW, was that fun to drive. Great memories of those cars and getting to drive & ride in them. I don’t think I ever knew exactly how many cars Bud owned! Bud and Jack were wonderful guys. Jack seemed to be more “full of the devil” than Bud, but they were great!
Thanks again for all that you do for all of us Dunseithers. (I don’t think that’s a word, OH well)
Ivy Robert
Ivy, If Dunseithers wasn’t a word, it is now! I just added it to my spell check dictionary. Gary
The old white school was the only building up until about 1935, when
the brick classroom, gym, and bathrooms were added. The third addition
was in about 1955-56 and was the new high school. The large room that
was used for the assembly was designed that way, not as a gym. When the
1935 gym became too small for functions, ball games were held in the
City Hall. It was built in 1937 and was used until 1963 when the new gym
was built. As discussed before, the City Hall burned in August, 1968.
There was a brick schoolhouse along Willow Creek, about straight west of
the new high school, that was used before the end of the 1800s. I don’t
know exactly where it was located but people used to find red bricks
scattered in that area. Does anyone know what happened to the red brick
school—demolished, burned, abandoned?? Thanks Gary!
Dick, I believe this is the same old school in this 1939 Aerial photo of Dunseith. This picture was probably taken prior to 1939 though. The post card this picture was taken from is post marked 1939. Gary

Standing: Don Fassett, Duane Fugere, Guy Knox, Roger Johnson & Virgil Vanory
Seated: Bob Leonard, Jim Footit, Darold Grenier, Lloyd Awalt, Gary Morgan & Darrel Fassett & John Leonard batboy
Here’s another picture of one of my sister Susan’s birthday parties.It is taken in our front yard in Dunseith,across from the creek. It was in August but no year. Crystal Fassett Andersen
Back: Pam Fassett, Tobby Dailly, Karen Loeb, Carol Jasper, Susan Fassett, Bill Grimme, Marlene Richard. Evie Gottbreht,
Judy Jo Johnson & Mark Anderson..
Front: Debbie, Randi & Donnie Mongeon
Folks, going through some old pictures I ran across this one taken inside of Salem church in July 2007. Arliss Rude Hagen and her husband Leonard totally restored Salem church, both inside and out, several years ago. They donated a lot of hours of labor and the results are fantastic. All the furnishings are restored original. Salem is open to the public. I believe Glen Rude unlocks the doors daily in the summer. If for some reason it is locked, Glen lives just a very short distance to the east on the south side of the road from the church. He will gladly unlock the doors if they are locked. Salem church is located on Highway 43 about 5 or 6 miles east of Lake Metigoshe. I spent many hours sitting in the Pews of Salem in my growing up days. When visiting the church, take note of the Sunday school attendance roster posted on the wall. My name with a few others of you out there is on that roster.
Gary Stokes inside Salem Chruch – July 2007
Folks, I ran across this picture too. This is my dad’s biological father, Carl Petterson. For those of you that knew my dad, you can sure see the similarities of him in this picture of his father. Of the 6 boys, dad is the one that most resembled their father. Dad was always very close to his biological family. His father, Carl, lived about 5 miles NE of Bottineau in the Foot hills. Three of his sisters married the only 3 Kofoid brothers in the area. I always knew I was related to all the Kofoid’s, but I always had problems figuring out which Kofoid family everyone belonged to. This picture was taken 6 months before Carl’s death in December 1960. He was 82 years old. Gary
Carl Petterson – Bob Stokes’ biological father.
Marketplace Chaplains USA
Cell: 425-299-0928
Bob, We are having our reunion at the Best Western Executive Inn located on Taylor Ave. I have posted a picture with the space needle in the back ground. As you can see, the Best Western Executive Inn is very close to the Space Needle. I have also listed our (Bill & mine) point of contact at the Best Western. Feel free to call Jan for any direct questions you may have. She is a super friendly lady with ND roots. Gary
Jan Peterson-Gross
Director of Catering
Best Western Executive Inn
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 674-6614
First, I can’t take the credit for announcing the Bottineau
Quasi-centennial parade–it was very well done by Les Halvorson and
Dwane Getzlaff. Diane saw me setting up the sound system for the south
stage for the ‘music on main’ so it’s easily understood why she thought
it was me. I doubt that I could do it even half as well as Les and Dwane!
Allen—the show and shine car show is Sunday, August 2 at the Peace
Garden. This is our 30th annual show and is being held in conjunction
with an art show in the lodge. I understand Colette Hosmer will be one
of the exhibitors. Our group, ‘Highway 43’ has also been asked to play
music in the other room of the lodge during the shows. There is no
entrance fee for the car show and no judging as it was in the old days,
just come and park and leave when you want. Lots less work for those of
us setting it up! Hope you can make it. Yes, I’m afraid ‘Swearin’ Jack
Smith left us a couple years ago. The show hasn’t been the same without
Jack and Bud Anderson from Rolla. They were the core we built around!
Thanks Gary!
Dick, Les Halvorson does a mighty fine job of announcing. In conjunction with teaching in the Newberg area and being an auctioneer with his auctioneering business, he has been a radio announcer for years with the Bottineau radio station too. Les is married to Myra Henning from the class of 72. Her parents were previous owners of the Gamble store in Dunseith. Les was also a teacher at Dunseith high school in the 70’s. Les and Myra have lived directly across the street from my brother Darrel (Bud) and Debby on Vera street in Bottineau for years. Their daughter, her name has slipped my mind at the moment, replaced Pat (Mrs. John) Frykman when she retired several years ago as the head librarian at the city/county library in Bottineau. Les & Myra, we’d love to have a picture of you guys too.
Folks, I was rushed yesterday and failed to see the attached picture that Dick included with this message, so I am reposting with picture. If you folks send me a message with an attachment and I fail to post, please let me know. I will never ever not post an attachment without letting the sender know. To be honest, that has seldom happened, but I’d never do that just the same. The same is true for messages that you send that you don’t see posted. I will, without fail, get back to the sender if I decide not to post. If you don’t see a message posted and I have not gotten back to you, that means that I have not gotten the message or I have missed it. These are my self imposed rules that I will never deviate from. Gary
The last week of August, 1968 five of us guys decided to take a trip
to the Black Hills in South Dakota. We borrowed my dad’s pickup, a
topper from Manvil Sebelius, a tent from Harvey Halvorson ( I think ?)
and took off ! The crew included Rich Campbell, Greg Grimme, John Bogus,
Tim Hill, and me. We drove through to the Black Hills and got to a
campground in the middle of the night, much to the dismay of those who
were already there trying to sleep. It was raining so it took some
gasoline to start our campfire! A Canadian came over and asked if we
were alright? We couldn’t get the stakes in the ground on one side of
the tent but found out why the next morning—that side was sitting on
the road! We did have a great time together and went to most of the
sites of interest around the Black Hills. We hit the dog races in Rapid
City and some low life dive in Ft. Pierre where we were lucky to have
survived. It was our last bash together before we all went our separate
ways to college and beyond. I wouldn’t trade the memories of that trip
together for anything! Thanks Gary!
Those in the pictures: John Bogus with the multi colored shirt, RichCampbell with the block of wood, Greg Grimme with the hat on, and Tim
Hill with the ‘ I think we made it ‘ look!

mentioned in various emails, I dont know personally, but I do remember when “PA” or Bernice talk about them. Happy July 4th, everyone. Sybil Johnson(
Mark, you have jarred my memory. What you described is right on with what I remember about that old school and the south addition. Up until now my memory was a bit fuzzy, but you have revived all that. I was having a hard time recalling the physical layout of the old school until you mentioned that hall way between the old school and the new addition. I had totally forgotten about that cold hall way. That was the missing link. That hallway was mighty cold on -40F days. Yes the principles office was at the bottom of the steps, in the south addition, on the left (East) side of the hallway. The class rooms were located, down the hallway, to the left just past the Principles office. The new gym, used for a study hall, was to the right. I spent my first year of HS in these buildings before the new High School was built. I’m not sure what year the south addition was built. It was there when I started HS in 1961. As a freshman, I remember always being seated in the area to the left (north) side of the gym for our study halls. I think they had us grouped by classes starting with the freshman to the left and the seniors to the extreme right next to the south windows. I remember Connie Fauske, a senior at the time, being in one of my study halls, sitting next to the windows. I remember well, Phyllis McKay sitting across the aisle and several desks up from me in that study hall. I remember her turning around to chat with me, when Mr. Grossman wasn’t looking. For me, being a country boy fresh out of country school and new to the city school, being noticed and talked to by Phyllis was a highlight.
Second row: Donna Aitchison, Alice Goodsell, Janice Striker, Delores Hiatt, Luella Halvorson, Mildred Brennan, Jean Metcalfe, Velma Brennan, Lorraine Christianson, Gloria Plante, Minnie Knox
Third row: Leo Murray, Leonard Stickland, Raymond Haagenson, Harvey Halvorson, Darrell Fassett, Dee Nelson, Wayne Molgard, Allison Fiske, Darald Dion, Llyle McDermott, Miss V. Marie Nesting, Advisor

The attached picture was taken in 1959, at what I believe was Grandma
Anderson’s birthday party. She was the mother of Gertrude Awalt and
Charlie and Walter Anderson, and spent the last part of her life living
in a small house in Awalt’s backyard. I used to walk over to her house
and she would give me cookies and milk. If I remember right, she had a
wood cookstove that she baked in and cooked on. This picture shows a
group of neighbor ladies with her in front and center. It has been a
very long time but I am quite sure this is Grandma Anderson, if not
please correct me, or if I have anyone else wrong please feel free to
send the right name. I am doing this from memory as there are no names
on the picture. Thanks again Gary!
The ladies L_R:
Standing—Irene Teal, Dorothy Egbert, Rose Kalk, Thelma Johnson, Joyce
Evans, Marie Allard, Marie Thompson, Lela Cota {nearly hidden},Joy
Nordquist, Arla Millang, Bernice Johnson, Agnes Berg, and Aggie Nicholas.
Seated— Beatrice Olson, Grandma Anderson, and Myrtle Olson.
Reply from Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
Gary, I noted on the Dunseith School building photo yesterday that it was obviously moved from somewhere to Dunseith in 1956 – the year I started school there in the first grade. Where was the school building moved from? And what served as the elementary school before 1956?
Brenda Hoffman – class of 1968
Reply from Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI
To Dick Johnson—-Ahh yes— the old school. And I’ll bet a majority of the good memories for a lot of us Mrs. Conroy. That would be synonymous.
When is the Peace Garden car show? I was thinking of visiting Dunseith this summer, but not until August. I was going to drive the old Dodge — But the thought of buying 200 gallons of Premium at $350 a gallon kinda takes the fun out of it. (It has been tweaked a bit.)
I assume our old friend “Cussin’ Jack Smith has passed or would be well into his 90’s by now.. What a character.
Dunseith (Seattle) reunion – July 24th
Folks, In a message I got from Bill Grimme yesterday, he mentioned that Larry St. Claire (66) has signed up for our reunion dinner in Seattle on July 24th.
Larry, This is wonderful that you are making special trip down to Seattle from Anchorage, Alaska to attend this reunion. You are a special guy.
Evie Gottbreht Pilkington, you too are making a special trip from Southern California for this reunion. You too are a very special.
We are looking forward to seeing you guys and everyone else at this reunion. Gary
Reply from Evie Gottbreht Pilkington (65): Irvine, CA
Hi Gary, Thanks for posting the picture of my Dad again and also for your message Diane. Have lots of memories of the “Jumbo” – the Canadians would come over and over again for the treat…..The bun was great – hamburger in the old days from the Red Owl but I think one of the secrets was the well grilled bun and the diced onions vs. sliced onion. Diane when you lived in the barn house I babysat for you girls several times. I also lived in that house for a brief period when we were waiting to move into our new house on the corner. My grandmother Evelyn lived there for a time, she had an old wood cook stove and it was all she cooked on ….we warmed our toes there on cold winter days. I babysat very little for money, our allowance and fun money was made by working in that café or station ….I have check stubs going back to when I was 12 years old and had a regular summer shift at the café. I was paid 35 cents an hour; most of my checks were signed by Bob Strickland. We just filled out a time card like everyone else and picked up our check on Saturday…..on some checks I notice that Ernie and I cashed ours at the movie theatre – “show hall”. I am not going on the cruise but will be at the dinner and looking forward to seeing the group. Evie Pilkington Gottbreht 65
PS – Today I was on google and I put in my cell number and the Dunseith website came up……my cell number was with the picture posting of Dad. If you google a listed house phone MapQuest pops up so you can immediately get a map to your house……hmmm that might be too much info for some in the world today……..
Reply/message from Diane Larson Sjol (70): Minot, ND A couple of things….Dick brought up the subject of the old white The Rendahl Gospel tape is great….I am sure Art Rude Jr. has more of Diane Larson Sjol
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND Gary and Friends, The last week of August, 1968 five of us guys decided to take a trip Dick |
Reply to Evie Gottbreht (65) from Diane Larson Sjol (70): Minot, ND
I really enjoyed the picture of your dad…I remember as a little kid while visiting in Dunseith or staying there while dad was stationed somewhere we couldn’t go, we tried to make enough money to go and buy a jumbo at Dales. The Morinville girls and my sister Cheryl and I decided to have a puppet show…we raided mom’s kitchen and served all kinds of things…I think we made about 55 cents. We had a quarter saved here and there and we all pooled our money. I believe it was Debbie, Bev and Duane Morinville, Dennis Dion and my sister Cheryl and I. Back then the jumbos were about $1.50…we finally had enough and started walking from town to Dale’s. It seemed like we walked miles thinking of that great bib juicy burger….we talked about it the entire way. When we got there, we dumped all of our change on the counter and ordered one up….best thing I ever ate. Don’t know if we had the right amount of money, but we got the burger just the same. We still talk about that burger and take visiting friends and relatives to Dales whenever they come to ND to see us…. Diane Larson Sjol Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
The old white school was moved out around 1970 or later and was Dick Reply from Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary,
I’ve been meaning to mention there is a good (I think it’s good.)Rendahl Gospel cassette tape for sale. I’m quite sure I bought it from Art Rude, Jr. Art, Ole Bursinger, Jerry Olson, The Lund Family, others perform on it. I also bought, I think, two of Scotty/Thelma Thompson’s tapes and dubbed them onto one 90 minute tape; I had a little space left, so I added a few of Bashful Brother Oswald’s tunes. LOTS of good music on this tape!! I have two of Art’s tapes, too, but I didn’t combine them. Art’s songs are really clever. Speaking of Art, I enjoyed the TV programs he/a few of his friends produced and showed on TV a few years ago.
Art can tell you more about who is on the Rendahl tape.
Neola From Susan Malaterre Johnson (69): Alvarado, TX
Hi! George, Donald, Gordon and I have a brother who lives in Co. Last Sat. I received a notice that his son, our nephew, was in the main bout. I guess he enjoys (?) extreme sport fighting. UGH! Some of you may remember our brother, James. His son is into this crazy sport. He was the challanger for the main bout. He won. I cannot help but compare him to George. Only,Jeremy has ben trained by his father in the martial arts. George learned with genetic skills. I’m sure that our nephew looks like a broken survivor. But, HE won. This reminds me of one of George’s fights . His opponent had about 5 years ahead of him. George lost!! After the fight his opponent came to us. He said that when he saw George, he told himself that if he got hit. I t would be over. So he did the next best thing. He wore Georg down. It’s tactic. I can’t help but feel that Jeremy worked the same way during this fight. Love, Susan Yes, I’m proud but so scared. I cannot go to a bout. Better for me to wait and see. Susan Johnson
From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary,
I know some of your readers remember Carol Berg Hamel. She had surgery (Rugby) this morning for colon cancer. She came through the surgery fine, but they found a spot above her liver. I’m not sure what that means, but that’s what Lynette (Carol’s daughter) said they had been told. As you know, Lynette is married to Wade DuBois (good picture of Dennis DuBois and Phyllis McKay). Would you ask your readers to add Carol to their prayers/prayer lists, please? I know she would really appreciate it.
Carol’s family will be with her today/tomorrow. On Wednesday, I’m returning to Minot, via Rugby. I plan to spend the afternoon/evening/maybe the night with Carol. I have a 12:30 doctor’s appointment on Thursday, so I need to be in Minot by then.
Thanks, Gary.
Reply to picture posted yesterday from Ellen Graff Myrick (58): Grand Forks, ND
The guy in the red shirt beside Don Martel is Ron Link, President of the class of 58.
Methodist Choir picture:
The following three messages previously posted by Dick Johnson, Gary Morgan & Phyllis Campbell all relate to the Methodist choir picture below. I wanted to repost all three of these very informative messages that go with the picture. Gary
Previously posted with message (85) on 4/25/08
Message/Picture from Dick Johnson (68):
Gary and Friends The enclosed picture is taken in about 1954. It is in the Methodist The folks I marked “unknown” are only unknown to me as most of you Dick
Back row L-R: Don Johnson, unknown, Gary Morgan, Don Hosmer, Alan
Front row: Unknown, Elsie Schneider, unknown, unknown, Millie Crum?,
Previously posted with message (86) on 4/26/08
From Gary Morgan (54):
Hi Gary & All,..We missed you.
About 1950 the creamery that was located where Garden Lanes is now, burned down. It was just luck that the fire didn’t take the whole block. Having suffered two major fires in a couple of years, the Gamble Store and Creamery, it was painfully apparent that the fire department had to upgrade their equipment. About the only way organizations could raise substantial sums was by holding dances and smokers. About this same time, a new minister came to serve the Methodist Congregation. His name was Rev. Ramquist and he lived in Bottineau while serving the Bottineau and Dunseith congregations. Rev. Ramquist was determined to clean up “Sin City” so when the Dunseith Firemen held a money raising smoker in the basement of the city hall, the Reverend fetched the sheriff and they raided the smoker. Since it was imperative that the fire department at least get a new truck, most, if not all, of the pillers of the community were caught in this den of iniquity. Sin City indeed! The next day there was a big writeup in the Minot paper about how a gang of vigilantes had run the Reverend out of town. Actually, a couple of fellows followed him out of town just to be satisfied that he was gone and not coming back. Shortly after that, the Methodist Church Board determined that Dunseith needed fire equipment worse than they did a crusading minister so Rev. Ramquist was asked to leave. He later perished while white water kayaking somewhere. Between ministers, we Methodists were served on an intirim basis by Rev. Kepler from Rugby which finally leads me to the point of my story…the fellow between Alan Campbell and Jerry Williams in Dick’s picture of the Methodist Choir is Rev. Kepler’s son but I can’t remember his first name. A revised roster of names on the picture is as follows: Gary Morgan Back Row: Don Johnson, Findel Helgeson (immigration Inspector who replaced Les Greener), Gary Morgan (young man about town), Don Hosmer, Alan Campbell, aforementioned Kepler, Jerry Williams, Clark Crum, Glen Williams Jr.
Middle Row: Florence Conroy, Jennie Cook, Inez Hosmer, Millie Crum, Don Conroy, Rod Armentrout, Duane Lang.
Front Row: Marjorie Morgan, Elsie Schneider, unknown, Irene Teal, Betty Jane Schneider, Elaine Schneider.
Previously posted with message (87) on 4/27/08
From Pyllis & Alan Campbell (42):
To help complete the names that are still missing from that Methodist/Lutheran church choir picture – I can fill in a couple of the names ….the young man who wasn’t identified is Don Keplar – son of the Rugby minister who was supplying the Methodist church – and the un-identified lady is Mrs Charles Keplar – the minister’s wife.
As an additional personal note, Gary, we want to tell you how much we appreciated all the help your Dad Bob gave to Alan’s aunt and uncle Anne and Glen Campbell all the years they lived in Botno. He was a wonderful neighbor who shoveled their sidewalks and saw that the grass was always cut. He always went in for a visit too and they also enjoyed visits from your mother Elaine.
Phyllis and Alan Campbell
Methodist/Lutheran Choir Picture:
Back Row: Don Johnson, Findel Helgeson (immigration Inspector who replaced Les Greener), Gary Morgan (young man about town), Don Hosmer, Alan Campbell, Don Kepler, Jerry Williams, Clark Crum, Glen Williams Jr.
Middle Row: Florence Conroy, Jennie Cook, Inez Hosmer, Millie Crum, Don Conroy, Rod Armentrout, Duane Lang.
Front Row: Marjorie Morgan, Elsie Schneider, Mrs. Charles Keplar, Irene Teal, Betty Jane Schneider, Elaine Schneider.
Dunseith High School Class of 1948
Back row: Ydola Pigeon, Dorothy Strietzel Fassett , Betty Watshke, Urbain Cote.
Middle row: Howard Landsverk, Bernice Olson Johnson,
Bob Molgard, Shirley Sunderland
Front row: Patty McAtee, Andre Berube
![]() |
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
Just a few memories of Lincoln Jerstad. He was our superintendent and Dick Dunseith Reunion being held at the Best Western Near the Seattle Space needle on July 24th.
From Bill Grimme:
This is Bill’s record of those that he has received payment from for attending the reunion.
Folks, please look this over and let Bill know of any discrepancies. Several of you have
very recently indicated an interest in going that are not on this list. As Bill gets your
letters, he will be adding you to this list. We currently have 54 folks signed up for the
Please see the sign up form below.
Bill Grimme’s Banquet sign up form:
To attend this dinner, just fill in the following selections for you or your party, send me a check, and I will return a receipt. Note: Prices listed are inclusive of all taxes and gratuities.
NumberEntréePriceExtended price
______Pan Seared Chicken Breast$24.90___________ ______Angus Beef New York Steak$34.10___________
Send Check to Bill Grimme, 3117 Memory Brook Circle,Birmingham,AL35242.Phone 205-991-6512.
Hope to see you all there. Thank you.
Bill Grimme Class of ‘65
Picture L to R:
Back: Colette Pigeon, Stephanie Evans, Randine Fuchs, Crystal Fassett, Pennie Kester, Dennis Dion, Holly Myer,
Cheryl Kester & Paula Fassett
2nd: Jeff Evans, Bob Mongeon, Randy Flynn, Paul Grossman & Rod Hiatt
Front: Gordon Fuchs, Roxanne Fuchs & Laurie Evans
![]() Picture L to R: July 2007
Tim Hill (68), Brenda Hoffman (68), Mona Dionne Johnson (48), Murel Watkins Hill (50)
![]() Folks, This picture, posted on 3-25-08, was submitted by Dick Johnson. Now that we have more of you folks on our distribution, hopefully we can get everyone identified. Gary
The ladies are Dorothy Fassett [back row], Vida Hiatt,?, Myrtle Olson, Julia Hiatt, Mrs. Grimme [back row],
Mrs. Bogus and Bernadette, maybe Mabel Boardman ![]() Posted on 4/1/08
Picture from Crystal Fassett Andersen (70):
Gary, I thought this would make a lot of people smile. We had such a big confirmation class that year,that we held our services in the Dunseith High School gym. We were certainly an “angelic” looking crew, but the stories we could tell !! Crystal Fassett Andersen
Back: Gary Fulsebakke, Pastor Curt Rotto, Don Berg, Alan Henning, Clark Parrill, Marlys Hiatt, Janice Metcalfe, Vickie Metcalfe,
Marlys Medlang, & Crystal Fassett.
Front row: Rodney Medrud, Larry Tooke, Larrett Peterson, Ray Lagerquist, Joanne Millang, Sandra Hagen, Paula Fassett
& Brenda Hill
Prom, I think 1965 Joann Houle (66) & Lee Struck (66)
Picture taken at the Village Cafe in Rolette – July 2007
L to R: Two of the class of 65 finest, Warren Anderson & Margaret Metcalfe Leonard
and Me (Gary Stokes 65)
Rendahl Gospel Festival 1999 Susan Fassett Martin (65) & Ole Bursinger
July 1973
Art Henning and Sophie Schneider
From Evon Lagerquist (77): Dunseith, ND
Gary, I didn’t receive any message yesterday, Friday, the 19th. Would you mind sending it ? I really enjoy reading them everyday!!! Thanx!
Reply to yesterday’s message from Bev Morinville (72): Dunseith, ND
LOL Gary Debbie Morinville is not married to an Azure , I am !!!!!!!!! Debbie is Married to Kenny Marmon
From Rhonda Hiatt (75): Battle Ground, WA
Hi Gary,
The picture that Diane Fugere sent in was a great one of the girls. None of you have aged a bit.
Rhonda Hiatt
From LeaRae Parrill Espe (67): Bottineau, ND
Gary, Just a correction on Miss Vivian Hewson. She taught Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physical Education, and maybe some other classes, but not Home Ec.
Also, I believe Dowayne Goodon is the correct spelling.
Bottineau is in the middle of their 125th anniversary celebration and the Bottineau County Fair. People were really out and about today. Williams and Ree performed in front of a packed grandstand against the backdrop of the Turtle Mountains. What a beautiful setting ! They were hilarious!
Terry and I visited with Don Corbin, a former science teacher in Dunseith. He graduated from Bottineau and is currently living in Mesa, Arizona. I remember when he stepped into Miss Hewson’s Physical Science class on November 22, 1963, and told us that President Kennedy had been shot.
Brady, Terry, and I worked at the Lutheran Fair Stand and really got to see alot of people. It was so busy we didn’t dare leave until two hours after our shift ended. We ran out of most of the food except the famous fried hamburgers with fried onions and homemade pie.
The commemorative rifle was won by Arlan Amsbaugh of Minneapolis, graduate of Bottineau. (Hope I have that correct.)
The parade is Saturday and I believe they are expecting close to 200 entries. The weather is great here in the Turtle Mountains. However, there was a big down pour of rain Thursday evening and Highway 5 was closed between Bottineau and Dunseith because water was running over the road in four places. Today it was about 80 degrees, the rides at the fair were very busy.
Question from Diane Larson Sjol (70): Minot, ND
Does anyone know when the picture of Lincoln Jerstad was taken? I
remember him very well…
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
I thought folks might like to see a graduation program from DHS in Dick
Class of 65 Matrix
Folks, With these two matrixes you can compare the class of 65 as we were in 1965 to how we look today (2007).
Bill Grimme did a fine job putting this together. These two composite pictures were published in the
Turtle mountain Star. Mr. Jerstad Passed on, shortly after we got this all together.
Mrs. Jerstad continues to be on our distribution list. Mr. Conroy and Cliff Henry were the only two deceased when
Bill put this all together. Gary
The way we were – 1965
The Way we are – 2007
Condolences to the Hiatt family from Bobby Slyter (70): Wichita, Kansas
Picture L to R: July 2007 (Class of 68)
Paulette La Coix, Frank Evans, Randi Mongeon
Picture L to R: July 2007 (Class of 68)
Connie Mellmer, Lola Metcalfe, Brenda Hoffman, Toni Morinville
Picture L to R: Class of 70 folks – July, 2007 Clarence Azure, Bob Mongeon, Crystal Fassett Andersen, Deb Morinville Azure, Colette Pigeon Schimetz, Dennis Azure & Brenda Hill Mueller
Picture (July 2007) from Diane Fugere (75): Diane Fugere, Denise Hagel, Vicky Johnson, Carolee Casavant, Gail Henning, Debbie Fugere, Laurie Evans, and Diane Hill.
Miss Hewson is still the same nice classy lady that she was in the 60’s, teaching Home Economics at Dunseith HS
Vivian Hewson Dunius
These are four of Dunseith’s finest former teachers that attended the class of 65 reunion. Jess Selzler Hosmer was missing when this picture was taken.
Note: That is actually Bobby Lagerquist standing behind Mr. Lykins with his
Hand on Mr. Rude’s arm.
Picture L to R: July 12, 2007
Dennis Espe, Vivian Hewson Dunius, Art Rude & Bob Lykins
Dennis Dubois (63) & Phyllis McKay (65) – (July 15, 2007)
Barbara (Cathy) Kalk Lopez with her husband Alfred
Picture taken in 1964 or 65:
31 Jim Berube, 23 warren Anderson, 35 Ken Nerpel, 45 Tom Evans, 33 Allen, Houle, 13 Jay Vanory, Coach Gene Hepper 41 Alan Boguslawski, 21 Mitch Evenson, 25 Dwain Gooden, 15 Carmen Myer, 11 Donald Mongeon, 43 Larry Hackman
With the discussions a few weeks ago about Balute (Boiled egg with un-hatched Chick), I thought I’d throw this picture in too. This is John Bedard taking his first bite. The Filipino’s love this stuff. I think Balute is best eaten in the dark though.
Class of 65 reunion 7/12/07
John Bedard
Doris, We are so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. Our condolences are with you and all of your family with her passing. Please keep us posted with her memorial service.
Folks, Violet was the Daughter of George and Eva Hiatt. She was a sister to Leola Lagerquist, Nettie Peterson & Glen (Ikie) Hiatt. Violet I believe was the 2nd oldest of the 12 siblings of George and Eva. Albert (Deceased) was the oldest. I remember Eva well and her brother John Crawford also who lived at Long Lake. Of coarse I knew Albert my entire life too. He lived his entire life in the Ackworth community.Folks, Doris is on our distribution list. She requested to be on our distribution list when I first got in touch with her. With her very friendly demeanor, I can tell she inherited some of that good ole Dunseith, ND blood. Gary
Hiatt House Violet 6990 Ironwood Ave Boise, Idaho, 83709 208-362-1121 Daughter Doris
I would have been a Dunseith grad in 1955 had I not moved to Devils Lake in
3rd grade. I still would like to hear from any Dunseith classmates that may
remember me so please put me in your blog. Below is a copy of a E-Mail I
sent to Janice after reading your blog. I think it is always good to hear
from old friends even the ones we can’t remember.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Larry & Karen Liere” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 7:40 AM
Subject: WOW a plast from the past HiI received this blog from Carman (Leonard) Richard and what a find. I
still have our 1st. & 2nd. grade class picture (some place around here)
The only ones I can still remember playing with are you, Barry Shelver who
was my best friend back then, Bob Hosmer, Arlene and Ann Lamoureaux. I
think Barry is out East some place and now I know you and Bob are out West
but do not know anything about Arlene and Ann. I remember I always
we were related because my mother was a Leonard. I moved to Devils Lake,
in 3rd. grade and was not a happy kid for almost two years. Even at that
young age I missed my old classmates. Even back then Barry and I did a
things that could have killed us but I think we are both still here.
were the days. I clicked on Bob’s E-Mail address and nothing would come
If you can forward this to any other classmates please do so.Hope to hear from you and others.
LARRY (55)
Larry, I am sure many folks will remember you. Being part of the Rolette Leonard family, you come from a family of great relatives. Gary
The Carol Johnson I’m referring too is of the Sletto family. She was
raised at the farm, five miles south from Overly.
She married Richard Johnson in 1959 and his family were from
Minnesota. Her parents were Tilford and Clara Sletto – now both
deceased. In 1973 Clara was killed in a car accident a mile or so from
Rolette. Our mothers were sisters, of the Shjerve family in Barton.
Lois, The Sletto name is a well known name in the Bottineau community. I see in the 1984 Bottineau Centennial book that Carol is the daughter of Tilford & Clara Sletto. Gary
Alan Boguslawski (65) on his boat in Vancouver, WA
Picture taken 7-12-07 at the DHS class of 65 reunion:
Patty Boguslawski Gottbreth and Carol Allard Buxbaum
Mr Dennis Espe (56), Dunseith JHS teacher in the 60’s & 70’s
and his wife Peggy Seim Espe (60)
Dale Gottbreht
Donald Egbert (65)
Reply from Rod Hiatt (69): Bottineau, ND
I was talking with a friend today and he said that comparing Brian Johnson’s backhoe skill with a surgeon may get him to start charging the same price as a Doctor does for surgery. I told him not to get his hopes up, Brian would never drop his prices that low. Lois Tweten is a cousin to my wife Suzy. Eleanor Tweten Mattson is my
Reply from Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC
Gary, just a note to let you know,wheather it’s not getting the numbers correct, misspelling of a word(which I do all the time…but close “enuff” LOL) wrong idendification of someone…all in all you do a FANTASTIC,job,and can say with certainty that’s the overall consensus by all your readers and responders….So a BIG THANK YOU! FOR ALL YOU DO! Take Care and God Bless….Aggie
Reply from Rhonda Hiatt (75): Battle Ground, WA
Reply to Aggie:
That was a great memory. Your along way from being Mrs. Freddie Krueger but that is the one thing I have always remembered of that night, and I still laugh when I think of it as I can still see you standing there with that knife. That had to be the busiest night in any resturant that I had ever worked at. The place was insane. Maybe that’s why I don’t like doing dishes.. lol
To Debbie Slyter:
I loved your poem. You really did capture everything about your Mom in it. I can see why she was so proud.
To Larry Nagel:
Rhonda Hiatt
Folks, I totally overlooked and did not notice the attachment with Andrew LaVallie’s obituary included with Mark Schimetz’s message yesterday. I am reposting Mark’s message to include Andrew’s obituary.
Again folks, and I stress, please let me know if I have missed something. I use Outlook Express to manage all of my email. Outlook Express displays a paper clip in the upper right corner if there is an attachment. I don’t always notice that paper clip so I’ll miss the attachment.
Thank you Mark for providing this. I did not personally know Andrew, but I can tell with all the correspondence, he was a great guy. I know his family and friends will dearly miss him. Gary
Tribute to Andrew LaVallie from Mark Schimetz (70): Rolette, ND
Hello, Gary,
A bit of History has been posted for Andrew C. LaVallie, I remember first meeting Andrew, it was on his return from Viet Nam. Dennis, Dallas and I would go over to his house on the east side of Main street to bug him, just for something to do. One day we caught him tilling the garden, he didn’t hear us call him so I sneaked up on him and grabbed his leg just above the boots and growled like a mad dog. Man! was that a mistake, He went into a defensive mode, legs and arms flying all over the place, while I was scratching dirt with all fours trying to get away from that whirlwind… Dallas and Dennis laughing their heads off, and Andrew, after shouting a few expletives after me as I was doing my best to escape the onslaught, Started laughing himself. I was patiently warned never to do that again. I was 14 at the time. After I had gotten to know Andrew better and he shared with us some of the crap that he was in, we learned to respect the space of homecoming soldiers.
Andrew LaVallie was a dear friend, a brother at arms, and is sorely missed, and so it will remain for the rest of my life.
I am sure this will remain true, for his family, friends and fellow soldiers who had shared their lives with this Honest, Honorable and Patriotic man.
Andrew did not quit serving his country when he left Vietnam, nor did he stop helping fellow Soldiers. Andrew belonged to the American Legion in Dunseith and the VFW in Belcourt. He was active in both Veteran Organizations, until the day he faded away.
Farewell My Friend, Farewell My Brother,
Reply from Janice Leonard Workman (56): Auburn, WA
The first boy in the back row is Vernel (sp??) Hill, then Bruce, Wayne Klang, Kenny Hill, a Bottineau boy ( that was their last name), Wally Hiatt, Mike McAtee, Eugene Parisien (sp??) Raynor, etc.
Middle row, Bob Hosmer, Arla Klang, ?Wallbank from San Haven, Eleanor Burke raised by Betty Schneider’s family, Arline, Ann, Clarice Rohr, Ellen Parisien, Gayl, and last is Larry Lear.
Front Row Elaine, a Bottineau girl, sister to the boy in the back row, Lois, Janice, the next girl maybe a Tennacore ???, and then Marjorie Landsverk.
Hey and to put a plug in for Jerry Williams’ class reunion, hope to see lots of “our group” there.
Reply from Paula Fassett (71): North Branch, MN
What a cute photo of the 1944 kids! I always love to see photos of my cousin Elaine Watkins when she was a little girl – she was awfully cute! I’m thinking it’s too bad that Elaine isn’t around to see this photo. She had her disabilities, but there was nothing wrong with her memory and I’d bet my hard earned paycheck that she would be able to identify each and every kid in that photo!!
Paula Fassett Reply from Bob Hosmer (56): Lynnwood, WA
Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for filling in the gaps. You have a much better memory than I do of those early day classmates of ours. Perhaps others can fill in more gaps. Those were the days, eh?
Bob Hosmer, WA Chaplain
Marketplace Chaplains USA Cell: 425-299-0928 Email: Website: From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Note: Dick, I copied the names from your photo and used Bob’s picture for posting. Gary
Gary and Friends,
The picture of the grade school class, sent by Bob Hosmer, was from Dick Third Row: Vernolle Hill, Bruce Poeppel, Wayne Klang, Kenneth Hill, John Bottineau, Wallice Hiatt, Michael McAteo, Eugene Parisien, Raynor Lilleby, Barry Shelver, Miss Thelma Ege, Teacher
Second Row: Bobby Hosmer, Arla Klang, Patty Myrhow, Eleanor Burke, Arlene Lamoureaux, Ann Lamoureaux, Clerice Rohrer, Ellen Parisien, Cayl Bedard, Larry Liere.
First Row: Elaine Watkins, Geneiveive Bottineau, Bonnie Awalt, Lois Hiatt, Janice Leonard, Nancy Ovitt, Marjorie Landsverk.
Folks, with the upcoming cruise I thought I’d throw this picture in with today’s message. Bernadette worked for Zales Jewelry for a number of years and was constantly one of the company’s top national sales associates. In 1995 she earned this totally all expense paid Bahamas cruise for both of us, compliments of Zales. We had previously been on three Holland American cruises too. Two Caribbean and one Mexican. Gary
Bernadette & Gary Stokes
James & Mildred Fulsebakke Family:
Back: Gary Mid & Jim Front: Jim Jr. Joel & Shelly
Dinner Raffle ticket Winners:
Marlene Reing is the lucky winner of the Beef (Steak) dinner and Bob Hosmer is the lucky winner of the Chicken Dinner. Marlene Reing is Debby Stokes’ sister. Debby is my brother Darrel’s (Bud’s) wife. Marlene and her husband Oliver live in that beautiful home across the road to the north from the Bottineau fair grounds. Another interesting thing too is that Marlene and Oliver’s daughter, Marlee, is married to Jim Fulsebakke Jr. (75). Marlee and Jim live in Bottineau.
I think most of you know Bob Hosmer (56). Bob lives in Lynnwood, WA. Gary
Debbie’s Mother Elberta:Elberta WenstadDUNSEITH – Elberta Mariah Wenstad, 81, Dunseith, died Wednesday, May 21, 2008, in a Rolla hospital.
She was born Aug. 15, 1926, to John and Mildred Anderson in White Earth. She married Oscar Wenstad Jan. 18, 1945, in Dunseith.
Survivors: daughters, Connie Turner, Boissevain, Man., Bobbi Wenstad, Minot, Deborah Slyter, Dunseith, Donna Wenstad, Amado, Ariz., Pamela Lane, Stoughton, Wis.; sons, Arlan, Lansford, Donald, Overly, Curtis, Rolette; 13 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; brother, Milton, Palo Cedro, Calif.
Funeral: Thursday, 10 a.m., Peace Lutheran Church, Dunseith.
Burial: Later in Rendahl Cemetery, rural Dunseith.
Visitation: Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Nero Funeral Home, Bottineau, ND)
and is married to Lynette Geiszler. They have two sons.
Our family moved to Bottineau in Aug. ’65.
Mona Dionne Johnson ’48
Mark Schimetz is right, Garrett Myer had a red ’60 Pontiac
convertible. The one in the parade is a ’61 however and after pondering
today, I think it belonged to Marty Spriggs, our history teacher. I’m
pretty sure it was his. He was one cool teacher! He never raised his
voice but there was no question in my mind that he was there to teach
and we were there to learn. The only way we could get him off the
subject matter was to ask a question about something to do with Viet
Nam. He had just returned from a tour of duty before he came to teach in
Dunseith and it was still fresh in his mind. I think he is on the
mailing list for this Alumni site so maybe he can tell us if it was his
car. I have one short story about Garrett’s ’60 Pontiac convertible. Dad
sent me to town with a truck load of wheat in the fall of 1963. It was
late one night in about September and the highway north of Dunseith had
just been rebuilt and was still gravel until it could be paved the next
spring. Anyway, as I was coming down the San Hill at dusk, I could see a
cloud of dust and two cars racing north out of town, side by side. They
got closer and closer and neither was backing off! I just put the old
’51 GMC in the middle of the road and one went past on each side!
Garrett in his Pontiac convertible and big Russell Pigeon in his new
silver blue ’63 Ford convertible. To say the very least, those guys
scared the living daylights out of me. I was just 13 years old and had a
full load of wheat on the truck on one of my first trips to town, to the
elevator. Quite a maiden voyage and one not easily forgotten! Thanks Gary!
Folks, Lois, originally from the Rolette area, is the lady that Bev Morinville Azure met at the Log House in Dunseith several weeks ago. When Bev told her about us, she requested to be on our distribution list. Lois, it’s a pleasure adding you to our list and thank you so much for this reply. I’m sure that many of our readers will remember your family and you too. Gary
Bev it was so nice to meet you. As I said before you’re the perfect
person to work there as you are so friendly and gracious and made me
feel like I was coming home! And to think your folks remembered the
Gary, thanks for the blogs. I had planned on visiting with Neola
Kofoid at the 125th.
I did go to Botno to the museum, but my time was limited. What an
awesome place. My brother Ken (or in ND, called Johnnie) Tweten (he’s
not related to the Johnnie Tweten from Willow) and I put together a
frame with a picture of my dad, Kenneth William Tweten, with articles
of the jalopy accident that killed him on
10-3-48 at the Botno fairgrounds. We were there, as were Bev’s parents.
We had both planned on, and had motel reservations, to go to Botno
this weekend for the 125th celebration but other plans came up and we
are not able too. Johnnie did go back for the 50th high school reunion
last year. I graduated in 1959 from Hillcrest Lutheran Academy in
Fergus Falls MN.
No I’m not the Lois from Grand Forks….I’m Lois Ann Tweten (returned
to my maiden name some years back), 907 N Washington St in Helena MT.
I have lived here for 30 years and retired from the MT State Health
Dept as an accountant for the Special Children’s Services five years
ago. So since then I enjoy traveling around, thus the trip to ND with
my brother. Carol Sletto Johnson, 5 miles S of Overly is my lst
cousin and I stayed with her. Also the Tweten Hereford Ranch was 2
miles S of Rolette that my Aunt Eleanor Tweten Mattson lives on now.
So it’s the Mattson, Follansbee, Martinson’s that are my clan in the
Rolette area. Many of my Mom’s (Ann Shjerve Tweten Skjervem-now
deceased), relatives are in the Rugby/Barton area.
Will chat later, in “coming home” friendship, Lois Tweten
Lois, you mention Carol Sletto Johnson being you cousin. We had a teacher at the Ackworth country school in the hills, Mrs. Floyd Phelps, who’s maiden name was Johnson originally from the Overly area. She was our teacher for 4 years. Her brother who’s name I believe was Kenneth used to visit her during school hours and would always bring treats for us kids. I believe they had another brother that lived in the Overly area too. Which Johnson family does Carol belong too?
Bonnie, I’ll bet we’ve got some folks that can identify some of the others too. I see lots of familiar names with those you listed. Gary

Dinner Raffle tickets:
Bill Grimme told us months ago his plans to raffle off one free Steak dinner and one free Chicken dinner, out of his own pocket, for those signed up to go to the Dunseith Seattle reunion being held at the Best Western Hotel in Seattle on July 24th. To be included in this Raffle his cut off date was to be signed up by May 31st, with payment. He actually used the post marked date of the letters to determine when folks signed up. With a previous message he gave a time line for the number of entries each person would have in the raffle based on when they signed up. Those who signed up early got 5 entries and those that signed up near the end of May I believe got one entry.
Bill has let the computer mix all the folks numbers up in the attached pass word protected spread sheet that were signed up prior to May 31st. Bill has asked Bernadette and me to pick two numbers for this raffle.
Our number selections are:
For the Steak Raffle we picked number 21 (Steak)
For the Chicken Raffle we picked number 29 (Chicken)
When Bill sees this posted today he will send me the pass word to the attached file so we can all open it up and see who the winners are. I am excited to see this spread sheet that Bill put together too. We realize that not everyone will have the capabilities to open this spread sheet, so we will be posting the winners as well.
Thank you Bill for this very generous gesture. You are always one step ahead with all of your generosities.
From Bill Grimme:
Here is the raffle sheet for the reunion dinner. Remember, I promised a raffle for a chicken and a beef dinner for all who paid before May 31 (postmark date). I think we are safe to run this now, since the checks I am getting are all postmarked in June.
So, here is how it works:
I have divided the electronic raffle tickets into a chicken and a beef raffle. I sorted the entries in each raffle using the random function of Excel. There are 86 chicken entries and 70 beef entries. Please send the attached workbook out in your daily email distribution. Then, if you or Bernadette will select 2 numbers, one for the Beef raffle (1-70) and one for the Chicken raffle (1-86), that will be the drawing. After you send the 2 numbers (one between 1 and 70 and the other between 1 and 86) and the Excel workbook out to everyone, I will send the password for the workbook and everyone can check the winners (of course we will transmit the winners, also, but everyone having the workbook and then numbers is a quality check). Good luck, all.
Reply from Rod Hiatt (69): Bottineau, ND
Hello Gary
Wrong Brian Johnson! My classmate was Chuck and Mona’s boy. They lived at the San Haven and Brian was the oldest of 4 boys. I believe the others are Craig, Kevin and Ross. The other Brian, is also a good friend, but knowing him, he would surely tell you that he is not nearly as old as I am. He owns and operates Johnson Hoe Service in the area. He does a lot of work around Lake Metigoshe and is as good on a Back Hoe as most surgeons are with a scalpel. He did some work for me up at Long Lake a number of years back. I got up there before 7 and he had already had an hours work done. He mentioned that the neighbors might not be happy, but it was daylight and time for them to get up anyway. He seemed to make friends like that all the time!
Question from Diane Larson Sjol (70): Minot, ND
When will you be having your reunion? I would love to see Ron Rieke…haven’t seen him years. Last I heard he owned a computer type company and lived in Texas with a couple of kid and his wife…. Diane Larson Sjol Reply from Mark Schimetz (70): Rolette, ND
Gary, Garrett Meyers had a 1960 or 1961 Red Pontiac Convertible, I wonder if that isn’t Garrett Driving ?
Reply from Rhonda Hiatt (75): Battle Ground, WA
Reply to Aggie C.
You know the night about Dale’s, some of that sounds familar and if it wasn’t me that night then we had another night just about like it. The place was crazy, crazy packed and you were trying to keep up with the orders and ran out of I think it was American Fries and I was waiting on tables and all of a sudden you hollered out “NO MORE AMERICAN FRIES” and everyone just stopped and looked at you and you were standing there with this huge knife in your hand which I think you then stuck into the counter.
I looked at whoever was at the table and said “Don’t order those”. That might have been the same night because I also remember after we closed, every table had dirty dishes and we were there well past midnight cleaning everything up. The other person I loved working there with was Brian Schimitz. He was like the best cook. He was doing some hard cleaning behind the grill one time and he looked underneath it for some reason and there was a skeleton of a frog under there.
Rhonda Hiatt
Reply from Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC
Goodmorning Gary, The pictures of the Fauske family is exactly how I remember them all. My sister Maryann and I were best friends with Carol, Beth,and Arlinda. Beth was in Maryanns grade,Arlinda and I were in the same grade,and Carol was in Aime and Geralds grade. Maryann and I use to do overnites at Fauskes now and then. I loved staying there cuz Elwood and Eleanor were always so nice to us,made us feel so special.That whole family still holds a pretty special place in our hearts. Just a truly beautiful family inside and out. Well gotta go, it’s 6:00a.m. I’m headed to the coast on some quick business and have to be back for work tonite,so I’ll talk to you all another time. Have a Great Day Gary, Aggie
Message/Picture from Bonnie Awalt Houle (56): Becker, MN
Dear Gary,
On the third of June all the Awalt Children headed for a Lake Home near Lincoln Nebraska. For 5 days we celebrated together, reminisced about the younger years, and completely enjoyed the company of our siblings. We feel so fortunate to have all of our Brothers and Sisters and their spouses still alive.
We have been married a total of 367 years:
Lloyd and Theresa…60 years, Eleanor and Leonard…60 years, Marshall and Joan 50 years, Emma and Garry…55 years, Bonnie and Keith…52 years, Bill and Eunice…48 years, John and Gerri…42 years. Our Parents John and Gertrude Awalt were married over 60 years before they entered into eternity. They taught us Love, Fidelity, Perseverance, and Devotion to children and family. What a blessing was handed down to us from our Parents.
Bonnie Awalt Houle (56)
Message/pictures form Ken Striker: Dayton, OH.
On June 13th a Striker Reunion was held in Berne Indiana. It was attended by Marlene Striker of County R.43 Dunseith, her children Deane Striker of Dunseith and Donna Striker Robinson of Swift Current, Saskatchewan, and Donna’s son Trever Lund of Minneapolis. See a picture of them and also a couple pics of the area where Wm Elmer Striker was born. Wm Elmer Striker s/o Mathias Striker homesteaded at Rolette Co ND/Dunseith in April of 1900. The other picture is Connie Striker Wright of Sacramento. She is d/o Rev Dale Striker s/o Charles Ernest Striker who homesteaded in 1907 at Bucyrus, ND. Ken Striker of Dayton, Ohio
Picture 1427 that I sent was taken at Swiss Village, an area of buildings typical of earlier history of Berne. Wm Elmer Striker was born a few miles due north from Swiss Village. I am sending a picture of the log cabin where Mathias Striker and later Dennis lived. Dennis was a younger brother of Mathias. Ken Striker of Dayton
Folks, Vickie Metcalfe (70) included me with this message she sent to Kith and Kin Metcalfe that I’d like to share with you. Vickie, as we all know, has provided us with some wonderful stories and memories of the past. She’s a beautiful writer. I always look forward to getting messages from Vickie. Gary
Kith and Kin
This FW was sent to me by Laverne Christenson, our Metcalfe connection in Winnepeg, Canada. Reading it and looking at the photo of the hands I remember my mom’s hands. She treasured the wedding ring on her left hand never took it off, continued to wear it after our dad died…. Until the stroke ravaging her body resulted in swelling fingers and required the ring removed. That ring was causing pain in her hands but she only agreed to have it removed when I reassured her by getting a gold chain so she could wear Dads ring close to her heart which she did the rest of her life.
Mom got her nails polished and manicured every week upon entering Good Sam. They looked more beautiful then as they were well taken care of by the wonderful aides. Cyndy and I were ……..AMUSED one day when one “old bat” said clearly and very loudly to others at her table commenting spitefully about our mothers hands. “Just look at Mrs. Metcalfe’s hands, you can tell that woman never did a lick of hard work in her life!”
Cyndy and I just smiled and in silence…thought…..”Mom’s hands?” “those hands milked cows, picked rocks and sticks, delivered baby lambs, helped Art Seim and dad pull calves having tough hard delivery, planted, hoed and tended massive gardens, picked berries, canned, washed and hung clothes, cleaned calf pens, mended fences by carrying posts along with Alcide,Ward, us kids and dad, butchered and cleaned chickens, cleaned barns and chicken coops,chopped wood, carried water, scrubbed floors, cut hair for family and neighbor friends, permed neighbors hair, nurtured and nursed baby calves and lambs,…licked her fingers to clean our faces or smooth our hair before church or “going visiting”, wiped our noses, spanked our butts when discipline was required, held our heads when we were vomiting sick,harnessed and drove the old grey mare..”old Bird” and ’63 chevy filled with day old baby calves purchased in Rugby in the back, prepared meals for hired hands, wrote letters, filled our blind fathers insulin needle, made homemade bread and buns, jelly rolls and chocolate cake from scratch, sewed our clothes on a pedal machine, read books to grand kids…………. held the Bible……..folded hands in prayer……………”
HAPPY JUNE one and all. Thanks Laverne. Love Vickie
Reply from Evon Lagerquist (77): Dunseith, ND
Isn’t that Richard carrying the flag??
Reply from Rod Hiatt (69): Bottineau, ND
Good Day Gary
I’m sure a 100 people have corrected you on the horseback rider caring the flag. I don’t ever recall seeing David Slyter on a horse, that was Shag(aka Richard) Richard got his nickname back in the summer of 68 when he went south combining with my Dad(Howard) and a few others including myself. Back in the 60’s longer hair was the thing (in our eyes, not Howards) anyway Richard’s was quite long and Dad said he looked like a damn Shaggy Dog, and to this day he is still called Shag, Shaggy or Shaggy Dog by a whole lot of people. Shag worked with us a long time and every time I wrote his paycheck, I would have to pause for a second before I wrote the right name on the check. To Aggie Since this blog has begun, I have had the opportunity of emailing a number of times with Aggie, as she was a classmate of mine in the 5th and 6th grade. This past few weeks she has spoke up more than I believe she did the entire 5th grade. I will always remember her as the girl with the big smile and the sparkle in those dark brown eyes. Keep up the good work Aggie, I love reading your memories. We are having our 40 year class reunion(Bottineau High) next week. Brian Johnson and Marlys Zorn, Ron Rieke are 3 other Dunseith transfers that graduated BHS in 69. Sure hope all the rest of them see me as that young man that I see in the mirror every morning,
Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
I think the center girl on the float is Charlene Pearson Woods and the Dick Reply also from Dick Johnson:
Gary and Friends,
Myra Henning Halvorson’s question about the skating party up here at Dick Message from Marge Longie Langan Wilcox (56): Vancouver, WA
as soon as I get into my pic’s I have some pic’s of the Dunseith gang. I didn’t realize that Rhonda Hiatt lives so close to me.
Reply from Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC
Elwood Fauske Family in About 1961/62
Back L to R: Carrole, Russell & Connie
Front L to R: Eleanor, Arlinda (Lindy), Beth, Brian & Elwood
Elwood Fauske Family – November 2008
L to R: Carrole, Brian, Connie, Eleanor, Elwood, Beth, Russell & Arlinda (Lindy)
Folks, This picture was taken at the Ackworth cemetery in July 2004 the day of our mother, Elaine Stokes’, burial.
My brother Allen was know as big Al to a lot of you folks. He and his wife Janet live in San Diego, CA.
July 2004
Leola Hiatt Lagerquist & Allen Stokes
Posted by Don Boardman (60): Bottineau, ND
Note: cropped picture posted by Gary Stokes
Margaret Metcalfe Leonard (65) elected director of the North Central Electric Cooperation:
![]() Congratulations to Margaret Leonard on being elected as a director of the North Central Electric Cooperative. She got up at the annual meeting and presented her qualifications and desire to serve the community and the Cooperative. She was very positive and professional in her presentation and as a result was elected. I believe she will be a good representative for the community and the NCE. She has “retired” from her teaching job but how has a new job. She has much to learn but she is up to the task.
As I read all the letters sent into you I can see that Dunseith has sent a lot of talent into the world!
Don Boardman
Folks, I thought I had lost this picture, but I found it. This is Bill Grimme with 3 of the finest
class of 65 teachers. As you can see this picture was taken prematurely, but those are
the best kind. They tend to show true personalities a lot better.
L to R: Margaret Metcalfe Leonard, Bill Grimme, Cecile Berube Reynolds
& Phyllis McKay. Bernadette Stokes sitting in the back ground.
![]() Reply from Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC
Gary,Thanks for the kind words you have given me about my short stories I have shared. I just write from my heart,how I remember the things that left a lasting impression….But with that said,you know who’s really a good writer is our brother Aime. I think I’ve got every letter he has written me since I left home.Most of them are really funny.I don’t know if their meant to be but boy he cracks me up. Today when he e-mails me I’ll run a copy off to take to work with me at night on the night shift,just to read them over and over again and laugh like crazy.But thanks for all you do Gary.
Like you I did not know the Wurgler’s had another daughter, I bet most people didn’t. Maybe Joan can post a picture of her…. Hope you have a Blest Day! Aggie
Dunseith Reunion:
Sponsored by Jerry Williams (54):
120 15th St SE, Watertown, SD 57201 (605) 886-7050
Aug 7th
5:30–6:30 Social at the Past Times Coffee House & Deli.
6:00 Dinner at Past Times.
Aug. 8th
10 AM A visit to the Redlin Art Center
12 noon Lunch on your own.
2:00 PM Tour of the Mellette House.
(Last Governor of Dakota Territory & First Governor of South Dakota).
5:00 PM Evening meal at the Williams Home, 120 15th ST SE.
Sat. evening Free open air Sawyer Brown Concert @ the Redlin Center.
Bring your own lawn chair.
Aug 8th
12 Noon Brunch at The Past Times.
Registration fee will be $35 per person. If you wish, make payment in advance to Jerry Williams. Thank you. This will include the dinner on Friday, the Saturday evening meal and the Sunday Brunch.
Please let us know if you are planning to attend as soon as you can. Hope to see you all at the reunion
Reply from Rhonda Hiatt (75): Battle Ground, WA
Thank you for posting the pictures of my Mom (Margo Hiatt) with Aunt Delores and the other ladies. I had never seen that one before.
I loved Aggie’s story about the Wurgler kids on the bus. I worked with Aggie at the Nursing Home in Dunseith and at Dale’s Cafe and it was always fun.
Rhonda Hiatt
Folks, I am going through previous messages, starting from the beginnig, capturing the photo’s that were posted. I’m do a few each day. As I do this I will be re-posting a few. The photo’s pasted below were previously posted March 4-10th, 2008. Gary
Picture L to R:
Joe & Joyce Evans, Don & Bernice Johnson, and Floyd & Luella Dion
Picture L to R:
Margo Hiatt, Bernice Johnson, Joyce Evans & Joy Nordquist
Don Johnson in about 1954. This is a mirror image of how
I remember Dick. Gary
Dick Johnson with his grandmother Cynthia Johnson
Class of 65 reunion 7-12-07:
Raphael Poitra & Pete Gillis
Randy Mongeon & Pam Lagerquist (Princesses)
Don Johnson leading the Band
Patti Metcalfe (Queen)
Richard Slyter Carrying the flag
Football players:
Larry Took & Ronnie Houle
Aggie, you are a beautiful writer. With what you said, reminds me of what Vickie Metcalfe said not long ago, “We were a multicultural school with all the different ethnic backgrounds of folks that attended Dunseith.” Gary
Joan, I had no idea you had a 2nd sister Lynn. It goes to show how I lost touch with the times. I thought you, Dave and Peggy were the only 3 siblings. Peggy and Dave are also on our distribution list. We’d like to hear a little bit about Dave and your families too. Gary
Repy from Don Aird (Carroll Carlson’s nephew): St Louis, MO
Gary the state of North Dakota has a historical society that will keep family historical documents. Each family gets a box to store their documents. When my uncle, Carroll Carlson, died I took the family homestead document and several other family documents and pictures to Bismarck. Now anyone can access the box to look at or copy the documents but these documents will always be there for the next generation. Uncle Carroll had his 8th grade and high school graduation diplomas and a scholarship to Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. The historical society made a display out of the three documents. Reply/Picture from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
With the reposting of the triple anniversary picture, I thought I might
also post the last picture I have of Agnes Berg. It was taken in her
house near the city park, just before I left to take her daughter-in-law
back to Minot, to fly home to New York. Agnes was my great aunt, a
sister to my grandfather, Henry Olson. Not too long later she had a
stroke and then spent the rest of her life at the Dunseith Community
Nursing Home. This has to be at least 10 years ago or more. Agnes’s
mother, Ella Olson, lived upstairs at Agnes and Ike’s and had the first
TV I had ever seen. That was in 1953 and the show was The Wonderful
World of Disney. The fuzzy picture on the black and white oval screen
was a cartoon of Mickey Mouse. I still remember sitting right in front
of it and watching every move, while my folks and great grandmother
laughed at my excitement. When she passed away in 1959, she left her
little TV to me and we had it for a couple years until the folks got a
newer ‘Admiral’ from the hardware. Man, that new one had a big 17 inch
screen and was not quite as fuzzy—wow! One of my favorite shows was
‘The Big Picture’, a weekly Sunday afternoon documentary about World War
II and then Korea. I guess I didn’t know until much later that both wars
weren’t fought in black and white! With the technology available today,
most films have been ‘colorized’ and now are much more vivid and
realistic to watch. The video of the battle for Iwo Jima is spectacular.
The sea is blue, the sand is tan, the flame throwers are bright orange,
the smoke is black—-and sadly, the blood is red. Thanks Gary!
Gary–on yesterdays picture, I think the girl in the middle of the float
is Charlene.
Dick, I think I just put all this together with Agnes Berg. She is the same Agnes Berg that was a teacher at Ackworth when I was in 3rd grade. I remember her as being a wonderful teacher. Would that be Charlene Pearson that you think may be the girl in the middle on yesterday’s float picture? Gary

Hi Gary,
The waitress in the picture is Khayla Poitra, she is the grand-daughter of Snowflakes and Dorothy Poitra.
Khayla Poitra displaying Bill Grimme’s Dale’s Jumbo burger – July 2007

Thanks so much! I recently came across an old band boosters calendar with the 69-70
Governor’s Choir picture which I had to pass along. I am also sending one
that was taken this summer at the reunion church service where some
members of that choir joined together in song one more time. Gary
Fulsebakke was our director. The wonderful memories of band and choir
under the direction of Don Johnson will always be with me. He made a very
positive impact on my life. Does anyone else remember the time he and
Bernice invited his students to their home for a skating party and supper?
What a good time!! Les and I just returned from Dunseith where we attended the benefit for
Bev Mornville. She was there and doing very well. She starts radiation
tomorrow. Keep up the good work on this memory hotline!
Myra (Henning) Halvorson ’72

Gary and friends
Thanks to Myra Henning Halvorson for the pictures of the
choirs. The one from last summer was taken at the practice,
which I couldn’t make because of other commitments with the
reunion. It was great to sing with you folks on Sunday in the
service dedicated to my dad. Gary did a nice job! I can name
the singers for you as someone had asked.
Greg Hill,Don Berg,
Bob Hosmer, Curt Hagel, Linda Johnson Juntunen, Myra Henning
Halvorson, Cheryl Haagenson, Shelly Fulsebakke Albertson,
Loraine Neameyer Haas, Loretta Neameyer Wall, Ann Marie Boppre Perry,
Brenda Hill Mueller, Deb Morinville Marmon. There may
have been some others on Sunday but these are the ones in the
practice picture. Thank you each and everyone.
DHS Class of 65 Reunion 7-12-08:
Susan Fassett Martin & Angela Berube Malget
Joan, Most all of us that attended DHS in the 60’s remember you well working in the main office. We used to purchase our weekly meal ticket’s from you and a lot of the simple school supplies like pencils and typing paper. Stan was our bus driver too. I believe Mike Vandal drove the first year that we were bused to town and then I think Stan was the driver the rest of my three years. They were both great drivers.Folks, Stan & Joan Salmonson, both from the class of 61, have owned the Lumber yard in Dunseith for many years. I think that used to be Morgan’s lumber yard in my day. Stan & Joan live on Stan’s home place located on highway 43, 2 1/2 miles west of highway 3 in the Little Prairie neighborhood in the Turtle Mountains. Gary
Bill, I just happen have the whole story exactly as you explained with this news paper clipping from the Turtle Mountain Star that was sent to us by Susan Fassett (65) and posted on Feb. 28, 2008, the day after Dick Johnson posted your folks 50th Anniversary picture. Gary
Arla Hall, Former Dunseith teacher:
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot @ Bottineau, ND
Ron Longie (65):
Folks, Ron Longie had a combined total of 40 plus years Active & National Guard service when he retired. Ron was a Warrent Officer. I think he told me he was a W-4. Forty years is a long military career. I believe Ron was also employeed full time with the Guard. Ron Lives in Yakama WA. Gary
Ron Longie (65) with his Daughter
Class of 65 Reunion 7-12-07 – looking at old school pictures
L to R: Evie Gottbreht, Kenny Nerpel, Margaret Metcalfe, Cecile Berube, Patty Boguslawski
Phyllis McKay, John Bedard, Warren Anderson
We had everyone on the float identified at one point. I may run across that posting eventually.
I for sure recognize Larry Millang (66). I Think 73 is Terry Martinson and the other guy I think
is Lee Struck? I think Carrole Fauske is the first gal and Debby Mongeon sitting on the end?
I’m not sure who the middle gal is. Gary
This 1936 photo was provided by Doreen Bailey
Betty, I am so glad that you hit the send button prematurely enabling us to hear from you. Looking in the Dunseith book it says you and your brother Jay moved to California to live with relatives after your mother passed away in 1945. For those of us that lived in the area in the 50’s and 60’s we remember the Lamoureux name well with your brother Jay and the Ford Garage. He sold Ford Tractors. My brother Darrel still has the Ford 600 with the ‘Live Power Take-Off’ and a five speed transmission, that dad purchased from Lamoureux’s in 1957. Dad needed the ‘Live Power Take-Off’ for bailey hay. I’ll see if I can find a recent picture of that tractor. Darrel has reconditioned it to the state of being nearly a new tractor again. He uses it on a regular bases with his farming.
Phyllis & Cathy, this is great! Thank you for sharing. We’ll see who gets these all right. GaryDunseith Trivia from Education Week –19891. Long time druggist who was once the high school basketball coach.
2. Lady from Rolla who operated the beauty salon.
3. Family that operated a dairy on the north edge of town.
4. San Haven employee who coached girls’ basketball in the Marlene Armentrout/Mickey Grenier days.5. The year San Haven closed.
6. What occupied the Bingo Barn before bingo?
7. Former town baker who managed the bingo barn.
8. Family who operated the Gamble store in the 50’s and 60’s.
9. Who operated the meat market after Joe Lamoureux?
10. The line of machinery that the hardware once sold.
11. Persons who came from New England to operate the Dakota Hotel.
12. Hotel operated by the Grossman-Marsaa family where the Westside Apartments are now located.
13. Lake NE of town that was the swimming place.
14. Who operated the Red and White store?
15. Name three Hosmer brothers.
16. Alan Campbell’s father who ran the bank.
17. Local boy who became a Thunderbird.
18. The name of the Dunseith newspaper.
1. Long time druggist who was once the high school basketball coach. (Glen Shelver) 2. Lady from Rolla who operated the beauty salon. (Marie Allard)3. Family that operated a dairy on the north edge of town. (Evans family)
4. San Haven employee who coached girls’ basketball in the Marlene Armentrout/Mickey Grenier days.
(Virgil Vanorny)
5. The year San Haven closed. (1988)
6. What occupied the Bingo Barn before bingo? (sheep)
7. Former town baker who managed the bingo barn. (Herman Martinson)
8. Family who operated the Gamble store in the 50’s and 60’s. (Edgar and Rita Anderson)
9. Who operated the meat market after Joe Lamoureux? (Lucien and Hannah Bedard)
10. The line of machinery that the hardware once sold. ( John Deere)
11. Persons who came from New England to operate the Dakota Hotel. (Jr. and Viola Melmer)12. Hotel operated by the Grossman-Marsaa family where the Westside Apartments are now located. (Commercial Hotel)
13. Lake NE of town that was the swimming place.
(Lake Schutte)
14. Who operated the Red and White store? ( K.C. Sine)
15. Name three Hosmer brothers. (John, Bob, Fred)
16. Alan Campbell’s father who ran the bank. (Bill Campbell)
17. Local boy who became a Thunderbird. (Bill Hosmer)
18. The name of the Dunseith newspaper. (The Dunseith Journal)
1955 Dunseith Men’s bowling league 1st place team.
L to R: Freddie Hiatt, Bing Evans, Bill Fassett, Don Johnson & Edgar Anderson
Galen Olson on next alley (he was on the 2nd place team.
Posted 2-26-08
Picture provided by Dick Johnson (68):
I ran across this picture while looking for some others. This
is the 50th anniversary of the three couples, Jack and Inez
Hosmer, Ike and Agnes Berg, and Glen and Annabelle Shelver. I
believe they were all married at the same time in Boissevain in
1929. This was not dated but should be 1979 I think. Great
bunch of folks. Please correct me on the dates, if I don’t have
them right. Memories of them would be nice to hear! Thanks Gary!

Billy Lawrence
From Susan Malaterre Johnson (69): Alvarado, TX
Hi Gary and All, The new Cowboy’s Stadium is “OUT OF THIS WORLD”!!! I’ve been watching it go up since the beginning and it still amazes me. We had the opening and a NASCAR race going at the same time. It’s so grand that I took a part time job there, security. So that means in 2011 when we have Super Bowl, I’ll be there and my brothers and friends who actually under stand the game will be watching for me. Yes, Sometimes life if fair. The schedule changes on a weekly basis. I do know that I will be working on Oct. when U2 comes to play. Who knows, maybe by then I will actually understand part of the game. Sorry Guys, I feel for you. Susan Johnson
Pictures/message from Kenny Nerpel (65): Devils Lake, ND
Here are a few photos from the Christy Strong (my first cousin Congratulations Christy and Shane! Kenny
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends, Tonight I found the Minot Daily News article about Peter W. Poole. Mom Dick
Reply from Bob Lykins (Mid 60’s DHS teacher): Germany & Hutto, TX
I am saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. LaVallie. I had the opportunity to meet him during the 2007 Reunion when he and his wife were visiting with Allen Richards at the Casino. I spent a very pleasant and informative couple of hours with them as Mr. LaVallie was very free in providing information about his time in Nam and the Idrang Valley. I recall asking him if the combat action was as close as depicted in the movie and how accurate the movie was. He replied that action was very close in and that the movie was very well done. It was very evident that he was proud of his service and his time spent with the 7th Cav as well as his continuing association with Col. Moore and his service buddies. Men such as he do not come along very often. Bob Lykins Reply from Mona Dionne Johnson (48): Lake Metigoshe, ND
Dick – That is me in the PD, and my friend is Skip Brasseur (don’t know if I spelled her last name correctly). Her dad ran a barber shop in Dunseith for a couple of years. She had a harmonizing voice and we used to sing duets together. They left Dunseith after her 2nd year high school, so did not graduate from Dunseith. Mona Dionne Johnson – 48 Gary – gal without scarf is Skip.
![]() From Crystal (Fassett) Andersen…….who is working like crazy putting Dad’s slides on a website………………..this is Susan Fassett’s birthday party in 1957 in the Fassett backyard.
Front: Earl Hiatt, Ronnie Longie, Dean Helgeson, Bill Grimme, Ronnie Johnson 2nd row: Paula Fassett, Debra Mongeon, Kathy Fassett, Donnie Mongeon, Patty Fassett, Ann Carbonneau, Terry Martinson Back: Patty Boguslawski, Shirley Boguslawski, Evie Gottbreht, Carol Jasper, Charlie Carbonneau, Susan Fassett, Mark Anderson, Karen loeb & Pam Fasett
1965 Class Reunion 7-12-07:
Mr. & Mr. Henry Hackman – Sitting in back – Lana & Shirely LaRocque
Picture 2007:
Cecile Berube Reynolds (65) with her beautiful daughters
Picture 2007:
Lorraine (Lori) Kalk Hooper (65)
American Legion Ball team Posted by Tim Martinson on 2-4-08:
It has been almost a month since I first started looking for this picture which by the way is the only one I have of the American Legion team I coached that summer. I do not recall who took it or who gave it to me but I”m hoping that maybe someone out there has another photo and will pass it along. In the photo Back Row that is Don Olson’s shoulder, Greg Evans, Jeff Evans, Lyle Olson, Clark Parrill, Curt Berg, Greg Larson, Don Berg, Front Row, Larrett Peterson, Larry Tooke, David Campbell, Donald Malatere, Curt Hagel. This was probably taken at Rolla? As teams go this one turned out to be what I would call a Dream Team. A bunch of multi talented guys that loved to play baseball. From the start of the season we had a ad in the Minot Daily Newspaper looking for games to fill our open dates. We got a few games that route and I will tell you about one later.
![]() Now back to the team and a little about each of the members.
Don Olson, Pitcher, First Base, and could hit the ball, a big target to throw to at first base.
Greg Evans, Center Field, Pitcher, Covered a lot of ground in the outfield,strong arm, leader in getting on base, and use to be right handed.
Jeff Evans, Outfield, First Base, He could move out with those long legs.
Lyle Olson, Outfield, First Base, Gaining experience and very supportive.
Clark Parill, Outfield, Fast, Good Arm, and could hit the ball, team prankster, peace keeper, always keep the team smiling.
Curt Berg, Catcher, Strong Arm to Second, and could hit the ball, still growing!
Greg Larson, Pitcher, Third Base, could hit the ball, and was known for his Knuckleball.
Don Berg, Pitcher, Infield and Outfield, The Utility Man and could hit the ball.
Larrett Peterson, Mr. Shortstop could scoop em up and great arm to first, and could hit the ball.
Larry Tooke, Catcher, Second Base, Great arm to second. good blocker, great field captain, and could hit the ball.
David Campbell, Outfield, fast, quick release, strong arm and could hit the ball.
Donald Malatere, Second Base, fast. quick release and good hands.
Curt Hagel, Outfield, fast, A heavy hitter with a big bat.
The team had a lot of fun that summer. We won a lot more than we Drake. I was told that they had a very good team and a top notch pitcher. We traveled down there going through Towner and finally reached the baseball field and the field reminded me of one that had been around since the start of the town itself, old and a tad run down with no home run fence. It was not a field of dreams. Anyway we had the introductions and the exchange of lineups and meeting with the umps. The field ump was middle aged and the ump behind the plate was older than the other. So now the game begins and yes their pitcher is good with a little help from the ump but we play on. As I mentioned earlier that there was no home run fence and it was our bad luck that a ball got by in the outfield and rolled and rolled and we were now down a run going into the seventh and final at bat. With two outs and a man at third we tried a suicide squeeze play. The player coming into home plate was called out. My players saw what had happened and went after the ump and I practically had to restrain them. I told them to pick up and get ready to leave and I would straighten it out with the ump. There the ump and I stood at home plate and discussed the error in his decision. As time went by everyone had left but the ump, myself and my team. I could see that I was getting nowhere in the discussion so I told the ump I would take the game as a loss as long as he admitted that he made an error on the call to me and he did. As I could tell the ump just wanted to go home and forget about this game. The ump agreed that he should have called interference on the catcher for shoving the batter out of the way and not allowing the batter an attempt to hit the ball. I walked off the field told the team and we went home. Take Care, Tim |
a couple days ago.That Big Jumbo hamburger sure looked good…then I think back to your half hatched egg story from the other day,and I’m right back on track…all food temptations disappear.Well Gary,Thanks for everything,and hope you have a Blest Day. Aggie
Shirley, Our prayers are with you. I’m hoping this Defibrillator/Pacemaker will do the trick. Please keep us posted with how things go on Monday. Gary
Note: Esther’s trip back to Dunseith for this reunion was her first trip back to the area since 1969.
Esther lives in Flint MI. We had to twist her arm a bit to attend, but I think she was glad she
attended. We were all glad to see her too. Gary
Esther Murray Fleming – Class of 65 reunion – 7-12-07
Bob Hosmer & Jack Flynn
Carlotta Fassett & Red Kester
Lucien Bedard,Bill Jr.,Bill Sr. Fassett
Brian Fauske 7-30-08

Message/picture from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
Thanks to Bill Hosmer for the information on the aircraft. I KNEW he This is a picture of Mona Dionne Johnson and her friend, in the mid Dick
Posted by Neola Kofoid Minot & Bottineau, ND
Gary, and all I am sure people are thinking why did Bev just say I work at the log house in the blog…. Well the rest of the story was Gary had ask me where I work. I am not sure he posted that part maybe I missed it. I would say John is saying ARE YOU KIDDING ME? after eating that. LOL……….. Diane ,Debbie is a little better after Clarence and I went there a few weeks ago I felt alot better . I plan to go back soon. I still call her every week I talk she listens. and always says I LOVE YOU at the end . >>>>Diane when Cheryl comes home in Aug. we plan on getting together I hpe you plan to join us. . I remember those days Diane Debbie and I would be so excited as soon as Lee would let us know you were coming HOME . and we sure did pick up from where we left off and still do. What a blessing your family was to us. we love you Bev
Reply from Bill Hosmer (48): Tucson, AZ & Lake Metigoshe, ND
Gary, Dick Johnson. The bird that my uncle Clark belly landed in was one of the early models of the Curtis P-40. At another time he also bailed out of one. Dick, you are well versed on alot of subjects, and I agree that the shape of that bird had alot of class. The Mustang, though, had better performance because it was developed later, and it was built by North American. Thanks for the interest. Bill Hosmer
Reply from Diane Larson Sjol (70): Minot, ND
Ok, I really can’t imagine this egg thing you are talking about…a nearly hatched chick in an egg? So you would be eating a little chick encased inside an egg? how do you cook it? It sounds really awful. I am sorry. I once ate a boiled egg that had no yolk and that turned me off of eggs for about two years. When I was 21 and making a cake I cracked open an egg and a little chick fell out. I threw the bowl and everything outside in trash. So maybe you can explain this balute thing to me…..please. thanks. Diane
Larry St. Claire and all,
I really screwed up with the pictures in yesterday’s message. I always send a copy of each days message to myself for review to make sure all is OK before sending it on to you guys. I sent the copy to myself, but got side tracked and forgot to examine it for errors before sending. The system replaced Larry’s pictures with those of Kenny Nerpel and John Bedard, distorting them in the process and I did not catch that before sending. If I don’t follow the correct sequence when pasting these pictures into the body of the email, this is what happens. I have posted the correct pictures, below, with today’s message.
Larry, It is so nice that you will be able to make our Seattle reunion. We are looking forward to seeing you. I enjoyed my visit with you at the 2007 All School reunion too. You are truly a very social type guy with lots of personality and charisma. I believe Shirley LaRocque (her message posted above) is related to you too. I remember Ginger telling me at the reunion that your guys are related.
Top row: Donny Mongeon, Mr Hepper, Larry St. Claire, Tommy Evans
Bottom row: Allen Houle, and Jim Berube

Larry and Robbie St.Claire
Picture posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
I have been gone long enough from the area so I don’t know Nathan & Traci, but I sure recognize their parents names. Rick and Denice Wheeler Casavant are on our distribution. Denice and I communicated frequently when I was locating Dunseith folks. Donnie Nelson is Orvin Hagen’s adopted son, acually his nephew, but Orvin raised him after his mother, Orvin’s sister died.
Folks, Barry Shelver is a mirror image of his dad Glen. I’ll bet he posses the great qualities of his father too. Gary
Picture taken 7-14-07 L to R:
Barry Shelver (55), Gary Morgan (54), Clark Crum (54), Jerry Williams (54)
Picture taken 7-12-07 at the class of 65 reunion;
Bobby Lagerquist & Art Rude.
Condolences to the LaVallie family from Sharon Longie Dana (73): MIssoula MT
Condolences to the LaVallie family from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
We have lost a friend with the passing of Andy LaVallie. He was a Dick Pictures provided by Mark Schimetz (70): Rolette, ND
Reply to Crystal Fassett Andersen (70 from Gary Morgan (54): GARRISON, ND
To Crystal,
Thank you for your kind words. If I’m not mistaken, your picture was taken at the Peace Gardens about three weeks after we were married which would make it 52 years ago. Gary Reply from Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC
Clark Hosmer’s”Belly Landing” posted by Sharron Gottbreht Shen (59): Everett, WA
May 1, 1945
![]() Picture taken July 15, 2007 – Girls from the DHS class of 1968
I’m guessing with Several of you folks, so please correct me if I’m wrong. Gary
L to R: Connie Mellmer Krusinski, Lola Metcalfe Vanorny, Brenda Hoffman
& Toni Morinville Gredesky
Picture taken at the DHS class of 65 reunion on July 12, 2007
Marlene Richard Parslow & Evie Gottberht Pilkington
Jerry and Toni (Morinville) Gredesky – July 2007
Morinville siblings -July 2007:
Back: Debbie & Bev
Front: Duane & Toni
Dale Pritchard’s (63) reply to Gary Stokes: Leesville, LA
I remember Shirley (Dale’s sister) stopping by that meadow (Thompson/Stokes meadow) on her way home from school Dale
Reply from Karen Loeb Mhyre (65): Bellevue, WA
Hi Ginger,
I was looking back at the emails in Gary’s blog and saw the picture of your folks. Was your mom’s name Madeline? I think I remember her helping my mom when in about the year 1954 when she gave birth to my sister Marianne in Rugby. The other wonderful lady we worked with mom was named Roseanne Poitra. She and my mom were very close. I think she worked for my mom near the end of our stay at San Haven. We moved to Minneapolis in the summer of 1958. Oh, the other woman I remember helping mom was Flora Longie (?). She helped mom when Bob and I were little so that would have been in the early 50’s. We were born in 1947 (dah!) and 1949. One memory I have of Flora is that she showed Bob and I a raccoon tail and told us it would get pinned on us if we did not quit climbing around on the furniture and acting like monkeys!!!! She kept it on top of a big yellow refrigerator, just in case!
These ladies were all wonderful to us kids and a great help to my mom. She worked at the hospital giving anesthetics for my dad when he did the lung procedures for the San patients. Mom would not have been able to work at the hospital without the help these woman were at the house.
Hope all is well with you and your family.
Take care,
Karen Loeb Mhyre
Picture from Cheryl Larson Dakin (71): BEDFORD, TX
HI All
I wanted to send this picture of my family….it’s the first one we’ve gotten with everyone present. The occasion is our youngest son’s 25th birthday bash this afternoon. We’ve had 2 new babies in the last 3 months, so both granddaughers (ages 3 – Haley and 17 mo- Claire) have baby brothers (ages 3 months- Brody and 3 weeks- Caleb). In the picture are, from the left, our son Cory, his wife Lauren holding Caleb, my husband George, youngest son Matt holding Haley, behind him is Claire being held by me, then our daughter Kelly holding Brody with her husband Troy. We never knew it could be this much fun.
Cheryl Larson Dakin
![]() Message/picture from Dick Johnson (68):
Gary and Friends,
With all the nice comments about my dad, Don Johnson, in recent messages Dick ![]() Andrew LaVallie Passed Away:
Posted by Mark Schimetz (70): Rolette, ND
Andrew LaVallie passed away at 2:00 am. Friday Morning, at a Fargo Hospital. His funeral is to be held at 10:00 am. on Friday June 5th, 2009 @ St. Louis Church in Dunseith North Dakota. Some may want to use the new name of St. Michael the Archangel. But I still refute the wisdom of the new bishop of the area as do many others. Anyway, Andrew was one of the few in this area, if not the only soldier that served with the 7th Cavalry, in the Idrang Valley of Vietnam. His name is listed in the Book written by Col. Moore, We were Soldiers Once, and young. Andrew was wounded many times during that battle, on different occasions.
The movie Starred Mel Gibson as Col. Hal Moore, and SGT Major Plumley was a 2 time Medal of Honor recipient. I have received information, from a family member, that Retired General Moore, has been contacted and may be attending Andrews funeral. Andrew was very active in the Local American Legion and VFW. He is sorely missed. He was well respected man especially among fellow Veterans, A true leader among the wounded.
Pictures from Bob Hosmer (54): Lynnwood, WA
Here are some photos I think are pretty neat:
The only ones I recognize here are myself, Bonnie Awalt Houle, Barry Shelver, and Miss Egge (the teacher who used the nine o’ cat tails on Elaine Watkins).
![]() Back Row: Gary Woodford, Dennis Espe, Don Conroy, Gordon Strong, Gary ?, Gordon Niemeyer, Rodney Armontrout, Coach Jerstad
Front Row: Barry Shelver, Bernard Haiet (sp), Milton Medlang(?), Jerry Williams, Gary Morgan, Bob Hosmer, Clark Crumm, Robert Aamott
![]() Here we are in Kindergarten. I’m there, Bob Daily, Barry Shelver? The rest I don’t remember
![]() Here we all are again. Picture was taken same day at school, but different areas of the school yard.
![]() Maybe someone can recognize who all these kids are and where they’re at today.
Sure do enjoy reading all the stories and remembrances of Dunseith and Turtle Mountain area
Bob Hosmer
Bob Hosmer, WA Chaplain
Marketplace Chaplains USA Cell: 425-299-0928 Email: Website: DHS class of 65 reunion 7/12/07 Esther Murray Fleming Flint, MI
Patty Boguslawski Gottbreht Dunseith, ND
Reply from Erling Landsverk (44): Portage, WI
Hi Gary:
I had no idea that the book I wrote would be mentioned on your blogg. It certainly was not my intention to use it for a merchandising tool. I want to thank Bill Hosmer, Bev Morinville Azure and other for the kind words about the book Sharon, asked me for ten last year, which she paid for, and once more she has requested another ten copies.. I guess the cat got out of the bag when bill Hosmer and Sharon began discussing how I was related to Sharon. As for Bill Hosmer, I met him at the all school reunion in 07 at Dales. He saw my name tag and introduced himself, and i really enjoyed the cconversation. The fact that I was blind, didn’t seem to bother him one whit. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to him because i was very familiar with the Hosmer store and his family. Bill certtainly was not one to blow his horn, not one word about his Military Record as a fighter pilot, not one word about his membership in the “Thunder Birds, and I discovered later that HE has written a book which I am certain would put mine to shame. Bill Hosmer deserves the acolades of the entire nation for his service. However, I really believe that i can match him in a love for North Dakota along with the dunseith, bottineau, and Hills region. of course.
It has been a great priveledge for me to have lived in that area and to have known so many great folks. Thank you all.
Erling Landsverk
Reply from Bev Morinville Azure (72): Dunseith, ND
Reply/picture from Crystal Fassett Andersen (70): Walhalla, ND
I will post, near the bottom of each days blog, one or two pictures that I have from the 2007 reunion. I am also going through the old blogs starting from the beginning on 12/27/07 capturing the photos that I lost on my hard drive several weeks ago. I will repost several of those pictures each day too. One of you LaCroix gals sent me quite a few 2007 reunion pictures, many of which I have lost. Can you please send them to me again?
2007 Dunseith Reunion:
Janice LaCroix Kester (59), Charlotte LaCroix (62), Donna LaCroix Allard (64) &
Joan LaCroix Lannie (67)
![]() Posted 12/28/07 By Neola Kofoid Garbe:
Ernest Tennancour at the Corner Garage owned by John Kofoid.
![]() Posted 12/28/2007
Message from Geri Metcalfe with picture (Metcalfe’s & Lagerquist’s):
I enjoyed Karen Woodford’s reply re: Bobby Lagerquist and her Lagerquist relatives. Hope this picture comes thru OK–I treasure this picture as this group of kids spent alot of time at my parents, Jim and Ella Metcalfe’s farm. My sis, Patti is only about two on this picture, so I’m thinking it was taken in about 1950, the year my sis, Lola, was born. The Strong’s lived with us for a time when their home burned about the time we were moving to the farm from Seattle, where Helen and I were born. My parents lived in Seattle for seven years. They moved back before Margaret was born in 1946. Yes, Hilda and Leroy had Bobby L. living with them and I remember Inga and George visiting at our farm as well. We’re getting ready to leave for AZ, so if I don’t get time to send this to Karen, she will get it from you. Thanks much, Gary, for all you do–I’ll keep in touch in Mesa. Hope the New Year is kind to all of us,
Left to right: Bobby Lagerquist, Ronnie Strong, Jerry Strong, cousin Larry Metcalfe, my brother, Gary Metcalfe, Gordy Strong, me in front of Gordy and my sis, Helen in front of me; the three kids in the front are my sis, Margaret (in front of Jerry Strong), her little friend, Timmy Strong and my sis, Patti .
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