
Happy Birthday Colette Hosmer
From Evie Gottbreht Pilkington (65): Irvine, CA
Thinking of Colette today….I am almost positive her birthday is Jan. 30….but I also think Janet’s birthday is in January. Happy Birthday to you both, I have such great memories of the Hosmer family. Bob, Lee, Colette and Nancy, they were all life changers for me, it is because of that family that I met my husband and have been married for almost 44 years. I never hear the song

“what a difference you made in my life”, that I don’t think of this family. Of course they are in my “book” =)

Blessings to you all – Evie
Reply from Erling Landsverk (44): Portage, WI

Hi Gary and Everyone


When I read Connie’s donkey story told so very well in Grimme’s book of philosophical tales, I had to say I agree with her. I would add one more rule to the self examination philosophy, if I may.


Never judge anyone untill you have walked a mile in their shoes.


As I have often said before, folks in North Dakota take a person at face value, and are not judgemental. However if you cross them unfairly, it is a strong possibility that a cold shoulder would be offered.


By the way, I know its belated but I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Erling Landsverk





Don Johnson – Horse Picture

Posted by Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND


Gary and Friends,

This is a picture of my dad, Don Johnson, clowning around sitting on ‘Apache’, a horse that belonged to his little cousin, Loretta Strietzel. She is sitting on the pony in another photo and appears to be about 4-5 years old so the picture would be in 1944-45. It was taken at the farm of Dad’s uncle, Otto Strietzel, in the very NE corner of Holmes Twp. near Dion Lake. I only sent this picture to try to compete with Vickie’s picture of her dad sitting on his nice horse. I’m sure you can tell at a glance that my dad was quiet the horseman too! Well maybe not.

Hey Marshall, thanks for posting the picture of your dad and the logs from the old Awalt homestead house. That is a neat piece of very local history. Folks, Marshall emailed me the picture and said that the light blue paint is still visible on the inside of the logs. How about that?? Thanks Vickie, Marshall, and Gary!

One more short joke. Two neighbors met on the road in their buggies. The one was a grumpy old man of few words. The other stopped and asked him, “Didn’t you have a mule that came down with pneumonia?” The old grump said, “Yep.” The other guy asked, “What did you do for him?” He answered, “I fed him a gallon of turpentine—giddyup.” The guy went home and fed his mule a gallon of turpentine and the mule died! A few days later he met the old grump again and asked him, “Didn’t you tell me you fed your mule a gallon of turpentine?” The grump said, “Yep.” The other guy said, “Well, I went home and fed my mule a gallon of turpentine and it killed him!” The grump said, “Yep, killed mine too—giddyup.”





Dorothy Pritchard
Reply from Connie Zorn Landsverk: Bottineau, ND
Hi to anyone who knows Dorothy Pritchard. Our Garden Club from Bottineau helped the Long-Term care patients celebrate January birthdays January 11,2011. We served cake, ice cream, visited with the patients & there was a special musical program. Dorothy said to me they are having this birthday party for me & it,s not even my birthday yet. She looks wonderful for 98.Happy belated birthday!! Connie (Zorn) Landsverk
My horse Story – Actually a donkey story
From Bill Grimme (65): Birmingham, AL

An old man, a boy, & a donkey were going to town. The boy rode on the donkey & the old man walked. As they went along they passed some people who remarked it was a shame the old man was walking and the boy was riding. The man and boy thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions.Then, later, they passed some people who remarked, ‘What a shame, he makes that little boy walk.’So they then decided they’d both walk! Soon they passed some more people who thought they were stupid to walk when they had a decent donkey to ride. So, they both rode the donkey. Now they passed some people who shamed them by saying how awful to put such a load on a poor donkey. The boy and man figured they were probably right, so they decide to carry the donkey. As they crossed the bridge, they lost their grip on the animal and he fell into the river and drowned.

The moral of the story?

If you try to please everyone, you might as well…

Kiss your ass goodbye!

Have A Nice Day And Be Careful With Your Donkey



Wes Schneider horse story

Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND



Gary, Florence Dahl and friends,
Today behind the boys, I just said the words ” Wes and Ovidia?” Then, hung on to their leashes as they ran away across the icy street. My thought, “Yipes” and hanging on , I slid to the back steps. The flock of birds feeding in the feeder startled , flew away as the dogs skidded to a stop and waited for Ovidia.

“My feet are like “Oh My darlin Clementine’s”. “All I need to find are some fine, slippery dancing shoes, then I’d be a skijorer.” Skjoring by it’s definition, is an exhilarating sport where you are towed on skis behind a galloping horse. Well,it’s enough exhilaration for me just running behind two galloping dogs wearing regular winter boots with grips!
Ovida and Wes who had been bird watching greeted me and we settled in for a visit, around a “picking” tray of treats and hot cocoa. I had brought copies of the blog to read to Wes.
I said, “Shall I read this one from Florence Dahl about her horse named Sparkey?” I didn’t need to read any more. Wes carried it away, clearly recalling her story,saying “That horse. Sparky was fast!” “He took her for a long hard ride, her leg caught in the stirrup her hanging upside down, over a mile, on a full gallop.” “Florence was very badly hurt, it was a tough time and she was hospitalized for a long time.”
I asked him if he’d ever ridden Sparky. He said, “No, I never did, I rode my own horse.” And then told tales about riding horses with Howard Hiatt, about skiing and roping deer. And I didn’t doubt him, I thought I bet Wes could really skijor!
Later, Wes told about a runaway he had. His father drove the Dunseith school bus. In the winter a sleigh and a team, in the summer a buggy. One fine spring morning, Wes was volunteered to “drive” the children to and from school. The one horse buggy was pulled by a horse named”Shorty”. Shorty, a clever, tricky Indian pony was a fast,quick moving bay.”
All went well in the morning, as eight children were picked up and piled into the buggy. Because there was no room left on the seat, Warren sat on the floor in front directly behind Shorty. Wes sitting behind him handling the reins drove them safely to the big white school house.
On the ride home, again the only place left to sit for Warren was on the floor board directly behind the horse’s tail. Along they went on a pleasant ride, until, Warren reached out and pulled Shortys tail.
As the horse spooked, kicked and kicked and kicked, Wes lost the grip on one rein then the other. The buggy took off down high way #5. One by one, children started jumping off. The Boguslowski’s, Marion Smith, then Warren. Wes trying his best to gain control finally was thrown off. The galloping horse and buggy continued west, leaving Wes in the dust.

Getting up Wes walked and walked, finally he saw Mr. Lamport working on the highway filling potholes. He’d caught Shorty and handed him over to Wes to drive home. Wes said his big brothers brought the car around to pick up children scattered along the way on Highway #5 turned around and delivered them all home.

All were well, nothing broken!

Later, Vickie


More Horse tails
From Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND

Gary and all,


Dick, my apologies with my communication skills. Sometimes what I think I’ve said comes off wrong.


I’m sorry,but you were not the target of my response about cruelty regarding your stories about horses. I know what you meant.


We’ve both viewed or heard about angry folks who should not own any animal.


We, who enjoy animals and horses, all had our share of animals who needed a stronger, heavier hand to get their attention.


Sometimes, it came to be that the horse hurt someone, or was just plain mean,and down the road they went,like John Hiatt selling his daughter Florence’s horse.


I’ve called two of those kind of horses mine:

“Smokey” who was so handsome but an “Oh so very mean black”, had to have a heavy hand every day of my sophmore year of high school.” I learned to be wary leading him as he’d rear, buck, kick & strike with both hind feet and was head strong with a bit, be it fair weather or a foot of snow. (I have another story my brother likes about my dad ‘s ride on Smokey)


Smokey was smart, and often would get the idea to buck up, pin and smack the rider against a tree or granary the rider would finally get off. I think of him whenever I visit the chiropractor.


Then came a horse of a different colour.

As an adult I suffered a serious, debilitating injury,( not from a horse) sometime after,I purchased this “flea bit grey roan”. My request to the horse trader, ” I want an old horse for an “overweight, middle aged cripple”. I like the smell of horses, leather and the feeling of freedom on a good ride on the home farm.


The grey roan,the first summer, was trim,well rode out, had a smooth rocking chair gait initially sweet to a woman rider. Unfortunately I slipped and fell on ice, fracturing an ankle and was unable to work him as I was working a walker.


It came to be, a lazy winter for him at the ranch, spoiled, he hated to be away from his freedom with the other horses.


Any cowboy who tried ride, “Surefoot” found his m-o was gentle. But Immediately once in the saddle,buck up, sail the rider off the rear, then sit on him whilst he’s down__ and don’t get off. He nearly killed two experienced cowboy’s friends! I nearly made myself sick from remorse


Surefoot went down the road, with instructions. “He was not to be sold for riding purposes. My wish to the buyer, he’d go to a better purpose, like dog food.” The monies from this sale went to a good cause. A kid.


I still don’t know if those two horses were smarter__ or meaner than me. Later, Vickie
Email address change
For Ron Longie (65): Yakima WA
I have changed my Email address to———- needed to let you know so I don’t miss any newsletters. I hope this note finds you two doing well and in the best of health.

Ron Longie

John Hill Family photo
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

Hi Gary,


Is this a Dunseith family? The wife and the son on the far right in the front row look familiar, but that’s it.





The Hill family is very much a Dunseith family. I believe you had a very nice chat with Mrs. Murl Hill at one of the St. John gatherings several years ago. She was the former Murl Watkins, and is a sister to Carol (Emery) Watkins Carbonneau. Murl was married to John Hill. The Hill’s and Fugere’s owned the school buses in Dunseith for many decades. John & Murl Hill’s son Tim, is the gentleman who had the heart transplant. He is doing very well now. He lives in Minot. I think you sent him some caramels too? I think that is what I remember Murl telling me in an email message a while back. Tim is a very close friend of Dick Johnson’s. I think they were sponsors at each others weddings too.
I will for sure be posting this photo tomorrow.
Thanks Neola,
So this is Murl Hill’s family–I’ll be darned! LOL!!
You are right; I met Murl at a St. John gathering. You are also right in that I sent caramels to Tim. I met Tim in person at Wally’s/my nephew’s wedding reception. Tim’s son was the best man at the wedding. :) Which one of the boys in the picture is Tim? Will you identify the other family members for me, too, please? I’ll send the picture/names to our nephew’s wife. She loves pictures.
Thanks for adding the info about Mrs. Hill. I appreciate knowing the connections between people–I’m slowly, but surely, connecting people. :)
When I couldn’t locate this family in the Bottineau Centennial Book, I thought they would most likely be in the Dunseith book. The thought had crossed my mind John Hill might be related to Tim Hill, but I sure never guessed this would be Murl Watkins Hill’s family. Love it!
I will let the Dunseith folks identify the family members, because I do not know. These kids were a few years younger than me, so I didn’t know them that well in HS. I saw Murl several times of all places, at Wal-mart, when we were back last year. She was at the reunion too, I think, but there were so many people I don’t remember seeing her. Tim I think is the oldest boy.
ND Winter Picture
From Aime Casavant (66): Jamestown, ND

Thanks for the photos of your tropical home. This is a photo of our
Arctic home in North Dakota, just in case you have forgotten what
winters are like here just as a reminder. Aime



Awalt Log house picture

From Marshall Awalt (51): Newport, NC



Here is a picture of my Dad, John Awalt, with logs from his log cabin that was on Dick Johnson’s farm.





Belated 98th “Happy Birthday” wishes (January 25, 1913)
To Dorothy Pritchard – St. Andrew’s Residence, Bottineau, ND
Hello Dorothy,
Your birthday passed and it totally slipped my mind. I was thinking about you a week or so ago thinking your birthday was near too. Anyway, we are hoping you had a good birthday. I have posted the write-up that St. Andrew’s did for you last year too. For a little added enjoyment, I have included a picture looking south from our place to your place just over the hill in the picture. Good Memories.
Folks, Dorothy is on our distribution. St. Andrew’s prints all these daily messages out and gives them to her for her reading enjoyment. You can send Dorothy a belated Birthday message to the following email address
Subject Line: Attention Dorothy Pritchard
Email address activitynd@yahoo.com



Looking south from the Stokes farm & the Ackworth Cemetery. The Pritchard farm was just over the hill to the south on the east side of the road. Evon Lagerquist is currently living on the Pritchard place.
The 1940’s
From Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
Brenda, This is so interesting. So I decided to share it with the group. Thanks, Gary

This is interesting to watch

Click on “The 1940s” It advances automatically.



Reply from Florence Hiatt Dahl (50): Anchorage, AK
I’m sure I was riding horses before I was walking…But the last time I really rode one, was when I was 14. Dad had bought this wonderful horse–Sparky. he loved me and I loved him……..he disliked men…was riding home from Ackworth school and was trotting along, when a rabbit flew accross the road–he reared and I went flying…Big problem , It was a mans saddle and my feet were in the leather above the sterrups. and there I hung going ninty miles an hour. Came to with Sparky’s nose in my face…The last time I ever saw him………………..Dad sold him before I even got out of the hospital Have thoughtf of him hundreds of times. wonder if he found someone that thought he was wonderful like I did.
Florence, Being a daughter of John Hiatt’s, we all assume that horses were a big part of your growing up years. Gary
John Hiatt with Peggy Wurgler on the horse

Horses & Mules too

Reply Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

I read Vickie’s story about horses and owners and hope she didn’t feel that I am prone to animal cruelty because of my comments about my horse that wouldn’t mind. I too have a great distaste for anyone who is cruel to any animal. There is a bond between man and animal that will grow when both know who is in charge. The key element was probably that my horse was just barely broke and wasn’t an old family farm horse with all the training behind her. When I was 10 I probably weighed 100 pounds and my horse weighed 900 pounds. It becomes obvious even to a horse that the advantage in size alone is a great deterrent to having to do what the rider wants. After the little discipline episode, things went well and she understood that I would decide where and how we went. We then both had a lot of good times and respected each other to the fullest. She learned that she shouldn’t bite me, scrape me off, or step on my feet while I put the bridle on—which she seemed to enjoy in our first couple years together. Sorry if my comments made it sound like I was cruel to my horses. I wasn’t.

On the lighter side—there is an old joke that came to mind when I read Vickie’s reply. An old farmer bought a mule from a neighbor and hooked it to his plow but it wouldn’t pull the plow and just stood there no matter what he tried. He walked back to he neighbor and asked what he should do. The neighbor said to just tell him to go. He said he tried that so maybe he should beat the mule. The former owner said that wasn’t necessary, just talk to him. He went home and talked and talked but the mule just stood there so he went back and told the other guy maybe he should come over and talk to him. The other guy went to the edge of the field and got a fence post and whacked the mule over the head. The new owner said, “I thought you said just talk to him.” The other guy said, “That’s right, but you need to get his attention first.” For the record—that is just a joke. Thanks Gary!




Reply to Ellen Myrick Graff (58) Posting yesterday:
From Lindy (Arlinda) Fauske Van Eynde (69): Yorkville, IL

Hi Gary,

I really appreciate all that you put into this blog, you have reached a lot of people and make their day, what a blessing this is to so many.

I was just wondering if you know when and where that 25’ of snow was? There was no date on the article from the Minot Paper.

I did see Bud at Dad’s birthday party but didn’t really get to visit with him, just so many people, what a fun day that was.

Hope all is well for you and all your family.

Take care,

Lindy Fauske Van Eynde




Speaking of your folks, Stubby and Elwood. Yesterday we received a very nice Christmas card from them.When you talk to them, please tell them thank you from us.



Gary and Bernadette




Reply to yesterday’s question

From Sharon Longie Dana (73): MIssoula MT




Alan Potira’s birthday is Feb. 22md.


Sharon Longie Dana (73)


Reply from Florence Hiatt Dahl (50): Anchorage, AK

horses–everyone raised on a farm has at least one story of a horse…..we had two very passive horses that Don and I would climb on bareback- and woulf go for a ride. woderful–tell they got weary of us. And they knew just how low a branch they needed—to scrape us off–and then of course we would have to walk home.





Horse Story

From Bill Hosmer (48): Tucson, AZ


Gary and friends. The horse stories are tremendous. The last time I was on a horse was about 70 years ago, and I have not missed it one iota. My folks were visiting the Fred Richard family farm. Jerrine, my aunt Lee’s sister was riding a young bronc bareback around the county road lines and doing it on a dead gallop. I thought, hell, if a girl can do that this guy ought to be able to do it even better. The folly began when we took a slow pace out of the farm yard onto the roadway, and things were looking good. Went south for about a quarter of a mile then turned around to head back, so far so good. As we got about 100 yards from the gate to the farm, that horse went into afterburner and I’m looking for survival at this uncontrolled dash home. What I did not expect was that critter took a sudden lurch to the east into the barnyard, and I continued on a northern heading and hit the dirt with a graceless and painful impact on my rear. Jerrine, Lee, my folks and Lee’s folks did not laugh at this city boy trying to be a cowboy, but I think they were snickering at this ego trip. Horses are just wonderful. It’s just that airplanes are more controllable. Bill Hosmer


Horse Story

From Dwight Lang (61): Tucson, AZ

Hey Dick,

Your Dad, Don, had the right idea but a little off on his approach. Need long reins and ride bareback, when the mare rears up, slide off, but hit the ground on your feet, step back and pull her the rest of the way over. A time of two with that treatment and somehow she learns it’s better to keep the front end down. This worked for me on Dusty, Amigo and Kit.

Take care,


PS: Cold winter day in Tucson, 65 and sunny at 1 PM.





Cliff Metcalfe – Horses

Story/Pictures from Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND


Gary and friends,

Attached are 2 photos of my dad and his horse, winter of 1940 -1941, taken I believe before he and Bill Peterson embarked to find work in Seattle.


Dad lived for a time during his teenage years with the Seim family;

Art and Eva, John and Grandma Seim. Margaret, Marion and Edwin. While there he forged many fond memories of all the people who worked on this big working grain and cattle farm. The Seim family were life long “mentors” to my parents.


Art Seim was a master with horses. He always kept well mannered, great groomed horses. He grew up in the times when young boys comb and brush horses and maintain their rigs in tip top condition.____Just as fellows of today with their polished trucks, boats and automobiles and revved up, finely tuned engines.


There were times in my childhood, I’d find my self filling up with excitement! I hear the “jingle-jangle, well modulated sleigh bells ringing”! Art would drive his team to our farm, pulling a cutter. How those horses shone. The horses enjoyed their “bells” on. They fairly danced, enjoying themselves. Sometimes he’d braid their tails,__ far better than I could braid my hair.


Oh, boy then, what a sleigh ride!


In his later years, Art worked with Jake Gardiner, uncle of Trish.


I know Art held a belief that, “You can’t become smarter than the horse by beating them almost to death” when they’d fall down trying to pull a load. Art had a distaste for animal cruelty.


Art never retired his interest or love of horses, livestock or farming.


Yep, if he’d had a resume, one at the top of his many strengths would have been Master Horseman. He knew to get the best out of a horse, never with beatings or violence.


Art’s way was based on mutual respect.



Cliff Metcalfe – 1941

Message/Story from Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO
Hey Gary,


A friend of mine sent me this piece that is quite funny and all you soon to be 65ers should listen up and get your colonoscopies done! Really? It’s a great way to stave off colon cancer (which my mom died of at 62, so ya’ll have her record beat). I had one last year, and yes, it was like a rocket launch the night before….


But the reassurance after the completely pain free procedure was a great feeling.. I agree – I’ve never been so proud one of my internal organs!


Read on, and enjoy. Dave Barry is one hilarious journalist with the Miami Herald. When I was living in Grand Forks, ND, we all read it because our Grand Forks Herald carried it, and it was always worth a chuckle. So everyone was up in arms when he wrote disparaging (humorous) comments about North Dakota, and our fair city! We all laughed anyway, but the Mayor at the time got the brilliant idea to write to him in Miami and invite him to attend the dead of winter fishing contest in the less than delectable waters of the Red River. Citizens sent a deluge of emails backing up the offer, and they planned a big “pot luck” supper for him, with homes on the south side to bring hot dish and the homes on the north side bringing green jello. There may have been more assignments, but I can’t remember right now. He accepted the invitation and most of the town showed up to welcome him, holding xerox copied photos of his face on a popsicle stick in front of their faces. It was a hoot, and we actually ate all the food. Just like any church supper, and who wants to miss that? He of course has a grand sense of humor and took the -30+ temps in stride, of course writing a humorous piece about ND when he got home. It was good to have some belly laughs in the dead of winter that year. I suppose

I could google around and see if I can find the piece. I think your North Dakota readers will get a chuckle out of it. In the meantime, here’s the age appropriate humor below:

Dave Barry is a Pulitzer Prize-winning humor columnist for the
Miami Herald.

Colonoscopy Journal:


I called my friend Andy Sable, a gastroenterologist, to make an appointment for a colonoscopy.

A few days later, in his office, Andy showed me a color diagram of the colon,

a lengthy organ that appears to go all over the place, at one point passing briefly

through Minneapolis.

Then Andy explained thecolonoscopy procedure to me in a thorough, reassuring

and patient manner.

I nodded thoughtfully, but I didn’t really hear anything he said, because my brain

I left Andy’ s office with some written instructions, and a prescription
for a product called ‘MoviPrep,’ which comes in a box large enough to hold a

microwave oven. I will discuss MoviPrep in detail later; for now suffice it to say

that we must never allow it to fall into the hands of America’s enemies.

I spent the next several days productively sitting around being nervous.
Then, on the day before my colonoscopy, I began my preparation. In accordance

with my instructions, I didn’t eat any solid food that day; all I had was chicken broth,

which is basically water, only with less flavor.

Then, in the evening, I took the MoviPrep. You mix two packets of powder together

in a one-liter plastic jug, then you fill it with lukewarm water. (For those unfamiliar

with the metric system, a liter is about 32 gallons). Then you have to drink the

whole jug. This takes about an hour, because MoviPrep tastes – and here I am

being kind – like a mixture of goat spit and urinal cleanser, with just a hint of

The instructions for MoviPrep, clearly written by somebody with a great sense

of humor, state that after you drink it, ‘a loose, watery bowel movement may result.’
This is kind of like saying that after you jump off your roof, you may experience

contact with the ground.

MoviPrep is a nuclear laxative. I don’t want to be too graphic, here, but, have

you ever seen a space-shuttle launch? This is pretty much the MoviPrep experience,

with you as the shuttle. There are times when you wish the commode had a seat belt.

You spend several hours pretty much confined to the bathroom, spurting violently. You eliminate everything.

And then, when you figure you must be totally empty, you have to drink another

liter of MoviPrep, at which point, as far as I can tell, your bowels travel into the

future and start eliminating food that you have not even eaten yet.

After an action-packed evening, I finally got to sleep.
The next morning my wife drove me to the clinic. I was very nervous.
Not only was I worried about the procedure, but I had been experiencing
occasional return bouts of MoviPrep spurtage. I was thinking, ‘What if I spurt on

Andy?’ How do you apologize to a friend for something like that?

Flowers would not be enough.

At the clinic I had to sign many forms acknowledging that I understood and totally
agreed with whatever the heck the forms said. Then they led me to a room full
of other colonoscopy people, where I went inside a little curtained space and
took off my clothes and put on one of those hospital garments designed by
sadist perverts, the kind that, when you put it on, makes you feel even more
naked than when you are actually naked.

Then a nurse named Eddie put a little needle in a vein in my left hand.
Ordinarily I would have fainted, but Eddie was very good, and I was already lying

down. Eddie also told me that some people put vodka in their MoviPrep..

At first I was ticked off that I hadn’t thought of this, but then I pondered what

would happen if you got yourself too tipsy to make it to the bathroom, so you were
staggering around in full Fire Hose Mode. You would have no choice but to burn

your house.

When everything was ready, Eddie wheeled me into the procedure room, where

Andy was waiting with a nurse and an anesthesiologist. I did not see the 17,000-foot

tube, but I knew Andy had it hidden around there somewhere. I was seriously

nervous at this point.

Andy had me roll over on my left side, and the anesthesiologist began hooking

something up to the needle in my hand.
There was music playing in the room, and I realized that the song was

‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA. I remarked to Andy that, of all the songs that could be

playing during this particular procedure, ‘Dancing Queen’ had to be the least appropriate.
‘You want me to turn it up?’ said Andy, from somewhere behind me.

‘Ha ha,’ I said. And then it was time, the moment I had been dreading for more than a decade. If you are squeamish, prepare yourself, because I am going to tell you, in explicit
detail, exactly what it was like. I have no idea. Really. I slept through it. One moment,

ABBA was yelling ‘Dancing Queen, feel the beat of the tambourine,’ and the next
moment, I was back in the other room, waking up in a very mellow mood.

Andy was looking down at me and asking me how I felt. I felt excellent. I felt even

more excellent when Andy told me that It was all over, and that my colon had
passed with flying colors. I have never been prouder of an internal organ.

On the subject of Colonoscopies…
Colonoscopies are no joke, but these comments during the exam were quite
humorous…… A physician claimed that the following are actual comments
made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their

1. ‘Take it easy, Doc. You’re boldly going where no man has gone before!’
2. ‘Find Amelia Earhart yet?’
3. ‘Can you hear me NOW?’
4. ‘Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?’
5. ‘You know, in Arkansas , we’re now legally married.’
6. ‘Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?’
7. ‘You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out…’
8. ‘Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!’
9. ‘If your hand doesn’t fit, you must quit!’
10. ‘Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity.’
11. ‘You used to be an executive at Enron, didn’t you?’
12. ‘God, now I know why I am not gay.’

And the best one of all:
13. ‘Could you write a note for my wife saying that my head is not up there?



Condolences to Alice Hiatt’s family:
From Connie Landsverk: Bottineau, ND
Sending condolences to families of Alice Hiatt. I do know the sorrow & pain of losing a loved-one.You are all in my thoughts & prayers. Connie Landsverk
Yesterday’s Error
Folks I goofed again yesterday with the Month of Allen Richard’s Birthday. Allen’s Birthday is in January, not February. February isn’t even here yet. Not sure what I was thinking.
Reply from Alan Poitra (76): Bloomington, MN
What did I miss my birthday??? I think you may have had a typo on Allen Richards bday…it is not February yet…did you mean to type January?

Mr. Poitra

Thanks Alan. Now when is your birthday? Gary

Reply from Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI

Yep — turned 64 today–feel every day of it too. It is January by the way — so don’t push it lol. Just think — soon nearly al of the class of ’65 will turn 65. We will all be “official old farts!”



I really goofed with this one.
You are so right, next year we 65 folks will be 65. What about that extra tax exemption that no longer exists?
Reply from Dale Pritchard (63): Leesville, LA

Your vehicle inspection process sounds much like the process in Japan in
the 70s. Folks with an “In” contact with the inspection people sailed
right through. The rest of us learned to be prepared for the worst and
be ready to wait all day for the outcome. They fixed problems right
there and it was usually a couple hundred dollars worth. A lot of
folks, after the first time, learned to pay someone to take care of it
for them. Just getting to the inspection station was rough. In normal
city driving, the average traffic speed was about 10 MPH. I remember we
went out for a drive one day, more or less got lost, was gone 3 hours,
and had traveled about 30 miles. After that, we used the trains to go

Dale Pritchard

Dale, I did not realize Japan was this corrupt too. It’s the way of life here. Corruption is a huge contributing factor for all the poverty here with so many very large kickbacks going to politicians and others for community and government projects. Gary
Horse Story
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

It seems horse stories are selling pretty well right now so her’s a couple more. My Welsh mare was, as Vickie says, smarter than me. She figured out that a 10 year old couldn’t do much to her if she decided to have it her way. I used to be able to ride her for a ways and then if she wanted to go home she just turned around and went. I rode her to Smith’s several times and when she was nearly there she changed her mind and away we went. The only way I could stop her was to jump off when she balked and lead her. She would lead anywhere. One time I walked into Smith’s yard leading Beauty again and Wayne said, “What the heck are you leading that horse again for?” I said, “Because she won’t go. She just wants to run home.” Wayne said, “I can take that ____ out of her , but I might have to be a little mean to her.” I was hot and tired and said, “I don’t care if you kill her!” Wayne got a small stick from the woodpile and climbed on. He said, “OK Beauty, let’s go for a ride.” She balked and twisted and Wayne tapped her between the ears. All of a sudden her memory came back and she could neck rein and back up and go where she was told to. It only took Wayne a couple minutes a couple whacks and I had a good horse again! He gave me the stick and said, “She’s got you buffaloed and she knows it. Now you have to show her that you are the boss and she will be fine.” I rode her home and things went fine. I got so if she started any of her old tricks, I just held the stick out to the side where she could see it and that’s all it took! She was no dummy–I was. One time later she decided she didn’t want to back up. I was out in the yard trying to get her to do it but she would rare up instead so I was being careful and working with her. Dad saw what was going on and said, “Make her do it.” I said I was afraid she may go over backward on me so I was taking it cool. Dad was impatient and said , “Get off there, I’ll back her up.” He jumped on and pulled back the reins and she stood straight up and hopped backward. He slid out of the saddle and landed on his tailbone on a small rock and then crawled around the yard in pain. It wasn’t funny. He was hurting bad.

Another time even later, Axel Johnson’s family came to the farm to visit my grandparents. Darlene came down to the barn and wanted me to take her for a ride on my horse. We were about 14 at that time. I told her I never had tried two people on my horse so I better not. It wasn’t just that, I really didn’t feel like it that day. She went to the house and pretty soon Grandma came out and told me to give her a ride. I put the bridle on but no saddle and got on and pulled Darlene on behind me. As soon as we were both on, SHE kicked Beauty in the flanks and we took off like a shot. Grandma’s chickens were all in the shade on the north side of the old barn and when the horse went past the corner of the barn, they all squawked and flew and scared the horse and she made a 90 degree turn going wide open and dumped us on our heads. Darlene got up and went to the house bawling and Grandma came out and gave me heck for hurting her. Have you ever had a day like that? Thanks Gary!


Dunseith Alumni Caribbean Cruise – Sailing date 2/19/2012
Folks, To date, we have 8 cabins booked with the following folks.
For Reservations please contact.

Gina S. Ford


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5544 Gary Stokes Bernadette Stokes  
  Bill Grimme Irina Protassevitch  
  Gwen Grimme Eltz George Eltz  
  Margaret Metcalfe Leonard    
  Beverly Handeland Hamnes Mel Hamnes  
  Deborah Knudson Busta   Deborah is Bev Hamnes’ Daughter
  David Shelver Linda Shelver  
  Jon McGregor Bonnie McGregor Bonnie & Linda Shelver are sisters


Automobile emission test in the Philippines.
Our car tabs are due for renewing. As an added benefit, the Kia dealership we purchased our car from does this for us. The only thing we have to do is take our car in for an emissions test. Yesterday, was the day. I picked up the guy from the Kia dealership to accompany me for this test. They have their inside contacts. When we got to the testing place, we waited about five minutes while they finished the testing of the car in front of us with the test tube stuck up the exhaust pipe. When it was our turn, they asked me to drive ahead to the testing area and to just leave the car running. When I got out they very quickly stuck the test tube up the exhaust pipe and quickly pulled it out. I then waited wondering when they were going to start the test. In about 5 minutes the Kia dealership guy that accompanied me to do this test came out of the emission office and said “you passed, lets go.” He had the paper in hand. I didn’t ask any questions. Had they done the real test I’m am very sure it would have passed. Our car, a Kia Diesel Sportage, is only 3 years old with 22,000 KM.
Yesterday’s Error Correction
I errored yesterday big time with my posting of Dianne’s condolence message to the Hiatt family. I listed her as Dianne Tremblay and not Dianne Robert.
Dianne, I am so sorry for this error. I do know better. I have reposted correctly.
Condolences to the Alice Hiatt Family:
From Dianne Robert Johnson (76): Rolla, ND
Gary, please post this:

I am so sorry to hear about Mrs. Haitt, my condolences go out to her family(s). I worked with Lori for many years @ TMC, my heart goes out to her.
I do know the pain and sorrow of losing a Mother. My thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family.
Dianne Johnson
Happy Birthday Allen Richard (65):
Today, February 26th is your birthday. Happy Birthday to an ole class mate. With my birthday being in July, I will always be catching up to you though. That is what I remember doing in school too. It seems like yesterday we celebrated our 60th and that was 3 years ago.
Horse Story
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

When my son, Dave, was about 11 or 12 he also wanted a horse. I knew who would be taking care of it so I wasn’t real thrilled about getting one. He hounded me until I decided we would see if there was an old tame riding horse that he could have that wouldn’t cause us any more hospital visits with broken arms and the like. I was told of a mare for sale up by Lake Metigoshe that was older and a real good riding horse. I called the owner and we went to take a look. She hadn’t been ridden yet that spring and the owner was just putting the saddle on when we got there. Having been bucked off, scraped off in the brush, bitten, and stepped on many times, I was skeptical of the way she kept turning her head slightly and giving me the eye. Dave really wanted to jump on and go for a ride but I said maybe I better go for a short ride first, just to check her out. The owner told me to ride around behind his barn and there was a nice grass strip where I could ride her. She kept the old evil eye looking back at me as I went through the short trail to the open. Something told me there was a bit more to this old mare than I had heard. When I got to the grass I lightly kicked her sides and said, “Lets go.” She went alright. Right to bucking and spinning in circles—just like the old days. I rode it out and when she quit, I put the reins to her sides and said, “Now let’s go.” We tore down the grass strip at a wild gallop, but when we got to the end and I reined her back she went to bucking and spinning again like a rodeo horse. I was ready so just let her have her fit until she quit again and I put the reins to her and headed back wide open. I hadn’t noticed that my son had run along behind out to the field and witnessed the entire event. When I slid up to him, I said, “Well, what do you think?” He said, “Maybe we better look around.” We still laugh about that one. Good horse sense there kid. Thanks Gary!


Horse Story
From Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND
Gary & friends,
My dad was the horseman. His adage to me was often, ” You
gotta be smarter than the horse”.

I grew up in the shadow of stories about his sister, my
namesake Leona, and her keen horsemanship. “Toby” ,who could ride
sideways, ride backwards and ride standing up without a saddle on a
dead gallop.”

So, of course, I tried all those ways of riding a horse. Be
it in the very beginning, on the horse named “Byrd”.

My cousins will all smile and chuckle. Many of them remember,
because they too grew up with “Byrd”. “Byrd” was a white percheron
mare. She was gentle and old and wise to the ways of kids.

Byrd could be rode bareback. Once,Washington cousins came to
visit, there were five girls various sizes, riding Byrd, all at the
same time. We put the only bridle she had, the one with the blinders
on the sides. Reins of baling twine, then helped each other up. Byrd
plodded patiently along, then surprised us all with a quick turn. Off
the front, we slid in slow motion. 1,2, 3—-4 onto the dirt!

The summer my brother was born, Byrd, my sister,Nancy and I
worked picking sticks and rocks off a bulldozing. All, summer long,
Byrd pulled the stone boat up and down, back and forth in the hot
sun. Dusty and dirty Nancy and I picked sticks. Patient Byrd, her
tail switching flies. When the field looked perfect, dad would
cultivate and pull more up. It was a full time summer job!

In the late summer afternoons, Byrd became my cow pony. I
would pull her toward the fence, crawl up the wires, climb on her
back, quickly, before she made a hasty turn. Off we’d go to the
south pasture to fetch the cows. And we never came home until all
were found.

Sometimes Byrd decided she’d had enuff! If she was close
to a slough she’d go lie down and roll. If she was close to the barn
she would not be detoured. She’d squeeze through the barn door! If a
person was lucky, the door was open more than a foot. Then,Duck.
Lie flat. Pull up the legs. And keep yelling Whoa!, Byrd, WHOA!

I learned to first harness and drive a horse with Byrd. She
was strong,and the two of us worked as a team cleaning the calf pens
in the barn. She had worked it out to swing the stone boat over the
pile and with just the right pitch of my fork the load would slide
off slick as a whistle.

I got great pleasure cleaning that barn with Byrd and
bringing in sweet, golden, straw into the pens. Uncle Emil once
commented, “You’re a good barn cleaner”. And, I knew then, it was my
true calling.Yep. No housework for me when I could be working in the
barn, singing off key at the top of my lungs.

Doing it all with a horse named Byrd who I found, I was
never smarter than she.




Condolences to the Alice Hiatt Family:
From Dianne Johnson Tremblay (79): Dunseith, ND

Gary, please post this:


I am so sorry to hear about Mrs. Haitt, my condolences go out to her family(s). I worked with Lori for many years @ TMC, my heart goes out to her.

I do know the pain and sorrow of losing a Mother. My thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family.

Dianne Johnson





Mark LaCroix from Bottineau, Paulette LaCroix Chisholm’s Nephew Scores big.

From Paulette LaCroix Chisholm (68): Newark, Delaware


My neice was driving her father and brother Mark in her car from their grandmother’s funeral in McGregor to the basketball game scheduled that evening n Minot. They were close to Berthold when Laura fell asleep and rolled the car twice into the median. All were wearing seat bealts and were alright. The police brought the three of them to the local gas station in Berthould and someone offered to give Mark a ride to the game. After attending his grandmother’s funeral and surviing a car accident, Mark somehow scored 25 points in the game and made the winning shot. The Minot Daily News did a little write up.

Overcoming adversity

LaCroix tops off tough day with game-winner

January 23, 2011 – By CHRIS AARHUS, Staff Writer caarhus@minotdailynews.com

Prior to his game against No. 4-ranked Bishop Ryan on Saturday night, Mark LaCroix’s day was tough, to say the least.

The Bottineau High School junior already experienced a hard day before having to play No. 4-ranked Bishop Ryan in a boys basketball contest. He attended his grandmother’s funeral in the morning and came away from a car accident uninjured afterward.

On Saturday night, LaCroix was determined to make sure the day ended on a positive note.

With 2.8 seconds remaining, LaCroix took a perfect inbounds pass from Matt Bowers and layed it in to send the Braves to a thrilling 53-52 Class B basketball victory over the Lions at the Ryan gym.

“It was perfect the way coach drew it up,” said LaCroix, who finished with a game-high 25 points. “Without that perfect pass, the shot never goes up.”

LaCroix’s somewhat miserable day was forgotten, if only for a second, by a shot that improved the Braves’ record to 13-2 on the season. They’re receiving votes in the latest Class B poll.

“It’s a great accomplishment,” LaCroix said. “I don’t think we’ve beaten Ryan in (five) years – since the last time we went to state.”

Bottineau coach Nate Simpson said he figured Ryan would do everything it could to deny junior Justin McCloud the ball.

“We had Matt fake (the pass) to the corner and lob it into the middle to Mark,” Simpson said. “It was executed to perfection. That’s (Mark’s) spot – right around the basket.”

It was clearly a good call by Simpson, who knew exactly what Ryan coach Scott Medalen had in mind.

“We thought we should key on McCloud,” Medalen said. “He’s their catalyst. It was such a gamble. They ran a good play.”

Medalen said LaCroix’s presence in the game became increasingly frustrating.

“Their posts made plays,” Medalen said. “LaCroix scored at will. That’s your player of the game right there.”

Overshadowed by the game-winning shot was Bottineau’s defensive effort in the final quarter, holding the Lions to five points.

Ryan had a five-point lead with 2:15 to go, but LaCroix sank a short jumper and Bowers turned a stolen perimeter pass into an easy layup to draw the Braves within one at 52-51. Ryan’s Taylor Schwan missed a bonus free throw with 11.8 seconds remaining. and Bottineau (13-2) took it down to its own end where Ryan committed its sixth foul with 2.8 seconds remaining to set up LaCroix’s heroics.

Though Simpson said the win is a confidence-booster, he was quick to point a trap that many teams fall into.

“I hope this win doesn’t define our season,” Simpson said. “We’ve gained a lot of confidence, but it could be for nothing if we lose to Rugby on Tuesday.”

Ryan got out to a blazing start, leading 16-5 in the first quarter. However, Bottineau answered and even took a 27-23 lead in the second. However, Ryan took back the lead before halftime and led throughout the entire third quarter.

The Lions were led in scoring by Ben Magnuon’s 16 points. Taylor Schwan had 11 and Saari 10 for Ryan, which drops to 11-2 and hosts Surrey on Tuesday.

1977 – Lloyd Gardner, Formerly from the Rendahl area in the hills, lands first Legal Moose shot in ND.
Posted by Linda Gardner: Vienna, VA

Hi Gary – When I was going through the albums from my uncle Jake I found these articles about Lloyd’s (my brother) moose hunt in December, 1977. Just thought I would share if you want to post them. I’m trying to find the article about my grandfather shooting the last grizzly bear in the Turtle Mountains and will pass that along when I get my hands on it.


Again, thank you for all the memories and wonderful stories you share.






Alice (Glen {Ike}) Hiatt Passed away.

ALICE HIATT, 76, St. John, died Saturday in a Rolla hospital. (Elick Funeral Home, Rolla)

Glen (Ike) is a brother to Leola Lagerquist and Nettie Peterson.

I was surprised to see her death notice. Our condolence are with her family.


Hosed at the Pump
Interesting article posted by Dale Pritchard (63): Leesville, LA

When buying gas with a debit card, the information is sent
directly to your bank who makes the money available to pay the gas
station. They also hold back some more of your money for a “just in
case.” In the meantime, the gas station may not send their batch file
in for payment until the next day or later. While that is being
delayed, you may be out spending more with the debit card resulting in
insufficient funds with penalties applied to the account. This happened
to a friend of our but she caught it before getting out of hand.


Dale Pritchard



Replies to the Ed Milligan Peace Garden Photo:

From Kay Hosmer (77): Crown Point, Ind.

Gary, Apparently my dad, Don Hosmer, remembers that he was president of the business association or chamber of commerce or whatever the correct title of it was at the time in Dunseith & he took these gentlemen up to the Peace Gardens. He recalls that they may have been from a Pacific island nation – Kay



From Virgil Rude (Col ND NG Retired): Minot, ND


Hi Gary,
The fellow is indeed LTC Gagnon. He worked full time at Fraine Barracks in Bismarck. He spent most of his time in the operation section (S3) He has since passed away several years ago. Virgil

Thank you Virgil for this reply.
Would it be safe to say that the guy sanding in-between Ed Milligan and LTC Gagnon accompanied LTC Gagnon for this event or is he by chance a visitor too?



Simeon Grenier, Ed Milligan, ??, LTC Woody Gagnon, Henry Sunderland, Visitor, Visitor, Don Hosmer

Reply from Margaret Metcalfe Leonard (65): Rolette, ND
Hey Gary,

Your grandson Tyler is such a nice looking boy; 13 is a fun age. Yesterday I subbed in Rolla and had a group of 7th graders. They were appropriately talkative and so eager to share. One young boy, Paul Kurtie, gave me a Lai when he found out I was going to Hawaii……I thought that was really sweet.

We must enjoy kids at every age; they grow up so fast, right?


You mention going to Hawaii. When and for how long will you be visiting Hawaii?
Reply from Gary Metcalfe (57): Forsyth, MO

Hi Gary and all, just a note to let you know we are still kicking. We just came back from a week on the NCL Spirit, also did a cruise on NCL Pearl earlier. The Caribbean is beautiful and the NCL cruise is just better than ever.


After a long absence I was happy to see the blog loaded with horse stories. I can still see the look on Dale Gottbrecht’s face when Dad hooked ole Jim and Dewey on his four wheel drive International pickup and snaked him out of the Canadian Reserve backwards. I don’t think Dale had Betsy in gear yet.


My Dad found his saddle horse one day on the Reservation, I think his ole pal, Harold Kelley put him onto that half Arab gelding.. The Davis’s maybe Russel, had him on the race track. It took all of a year to take the race out of him, but he was surely worth it. Scotty could carry my dad over to the Johnson pasture to check his cows and be back pronto. Especially difficult when the border gumbo was wet and unforgiving. I guess you could say we depended on those horses, why not have good ones.


I picked up this pen to thank all the story tellers and especially Larry Hackman. Larry, after seeing New Haven, Mo. on the great Missouri River I wondered why such an event would happen that the Hackman’s would come to the end of the world. Most pioneers came from Canada or East Coast, not so much to lose. They surely did not come in the fall. lol Now it is clear to me that with your ability to write with the best of them, it would be a travesty for you not to write a grand book about the valor of an intrepid people transplanted to such foreign ways and means. I have the stories my dad told me about Gus and Bill, as well as some of my own. You question why the uncles never married, I have my ideas why Frank and Gus never married, but Bill assured me and Doug Striker one -20 degree winter night why he lost interest in the gals. It seems that his dad used the willow switch to get his point across about that business. Doug and I had stopped in our way home from St. John about midnight. Now Doug had a way of getting old Bill to talking. At about the time we thought Gus was going to stay in bed upstairs, the door opened and in walked Gus. When he saw who it was he went out and brought his rifle in out of the cold. I guess Gus was a midnight man alright. By the way, some of the rest of us went hunting at night in days long gone by! Thanks to all for the stories. Gary Metcalfe
Ol’ Lightening Horse Story
From Kenny Nerpel (65): Rugby, ND



One more horse story: Ol’ Lightening






I’m not real sure of my age at the time this incident took place. I do know that my family was living at the lake home at this time, so I would estimate that I was probably about fourteen. It would have been my freshman year in high school at the latest, as we moved into Dunseith for the remainder of my high school years. The lake home was located on the northwest side of Lyde Lake and was actually visible from highway 3 just south of Kelvin. In order to access the property you would turn south on the first turn after exiting highway 3 onto highway 43 north of Kelvin Store. Also living along this road were the Elmer Espe and Clifford Millang families. It was a gravel road for a short distance and then became one of the dirt roads that so many of us from the area are familiar with. The house was located to the east of this dirt road, down a steep hill on another dirt trail. Rumor has it that there had been some type of conflict between the landowners that would not allow for a cordial agreement to permit the construction of a gravel access to the home site, so we continued the, moving out for the winter and moving in for the summer, ritual until the situation was finally resolved by my father purchasing the adjoining property.



My father was a horse lover and the country home was an ideal place to keep a few horses. He purchased a quarter horse from Dennis Brennen and he thought that it would be a great idea if I would learn to ride this horse that he had named Lightening. Up to that point I had had very little interest in horses, and riding in particular. At that time there were a number of avid horsemen in the area and I always admired and envied them and the idea began to appeal to me. You could see them in the ditches on almost any excursion to Dunseith. The grace of these animals and the apparent ease that the riders had in handling them appealed to me. I started on the quest to become a horseman by practicing on these dirt trails. I would start up the trail from the house and turn south continuing on past the Dave Eurich farm and then onto the property owned by my Grandfather, Billy Metcalfe. On this particular day I noticed that Lightening, after reaching the turning point of the trek, was in a great hurry to get back home. The more I tried to get him to slow down the more he insisted on increasing his speed.On this instance I had chosen not to use a saddle, which in the end was the determining factor in my demise.The trail stretches about 3 miles between what was then Billy Metcalfe’s place and the lake house.By the time we reached the point about half way, Lightening was at a full gallop and I was having extreme difficulty remaining mounted.I had started sliding off the horse to the right side and we were no longer in unison.As he was going down I was going up and we were slapping together in a very painful manner.To make a long story short we continued in this mode until I was hanging on for dear life under Ol’ Lightning’s neck.I decided to push myself away from the horse and was successful in doing this; I’m sure looking much like a tumbler doing a forward roll.


After the rolling was complete and I had regained some composure I looked up and was surprised to see Lightening standing there looking at me with what I perceived to be an apologetic stare.So I grabbed the reins and being in a forgiving mood decided I would just remount and continue the ride home with no more thought given to the incident.Immediately after remounting, Lightening, apparently deciding that he much preferred to be without a rider, began to buck.It wasn’t long before I was learning what it was like to be thrown from the back of an angry horse.The horizon lowers somewhat slowly; you reach the peak and then begin the rapid descent towards the ground.As I’ve heard on many occasions, it’s not the fall that gets you but the rapid stop.I laid there for some time before finally looking up and to my amazement there was the horse again with the same look in his eyes.Thinking back it may have been more of a look of amusement this time, but nevertheless there he was and there was the challenge. Not wanting to be a quitter and losing my chance of ever being able to master this horse I accepted the challenge and remounted.Much to my dismay the same procedure commenced.I’m sure that many folks reading this, including cousin Lyle and cousin Lola have been down this particular trail.In the area where this occurred to the east it is thick with trees and they obscure the horizon, but on this day while at the maximum height of being thrown I swear I could see Lyde Lake and highway 3 before crashing onto the ground.


And again the horse returned.I’ve never been accused of possessing great intelligence and based upon my next decision I understand why.For the third time I chose to remount, not surprisingly with the same result.This time I had had enough and it finally dawned on me that this animal was just messing with me.When the horse returned again with what I’m now sure was a look of amusement, I clenched my fist and hit him square in the nose with all the force I could muster.This time he wheeled, galloped off, and did not return.


I walked home, entered the house and asked my mother if Ol’ Lightening had come home.She was quite upset and after asking me if I was alright, she informed me that the horse had come down the hill at full speed, galloped past the house, cleared the fence that separated the yard from the pasture and continued at full speed until he disappeared from sight.


I am happy to say that I gave up my desire to be a horseman at that time and have been horse free to this day.







Reply from Mark Schmitz (70): Rolette, ND

Reply to Dick Johnson. The last I saw that Green Tank was along side the North Wall of the stucco log side of the house. I am now not sure if it is there, out back by the remains of the porch of our old house in town, or if it was used for filling in the basement under the lean to the log part of the house. Too much snow to get there now, and too much hidden debris, wait until the spring and give me a call, to remind me of it. There were 3 fuel tanks out there. Have a good day!


Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

Darlene Crum

Aug. 20, 1948-Jan. 17, 2011

January 22, 2011

DUNSEITHDarlene Ann Crum, 48, Langdon, died Monday, Jan. 17, 2011, in Wichita Falls, Texas.

She was born Aug. 20, 1948, to Melvin and Marlene Schroeder, in Belcourt. She married Ronald Crum on July 19, 1997, in Dunseith.

Survivors: husband; son, Billy, Belcourt; daughter, Jaylene Crum, Langdon, stepsons, Jonathan Crum, Amarillo, Texas, Larry Crum, Maxbass; five grandchildren; father, of Dunseith; brothers, Clarence, Rodney and Kevin, all Dunseith, Marlin, St. John, Chris, Belcourt; sister, Loretta Lafloe, Dunseith.

Funeral: Monday, 10 a.m., St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Dunseith.

Burial: In the spring in St. Mary’s Cemetery, rural Dunseith.

Wake and prayer service: Wake Sunday, 4 p.m., prayer service Sunday, 7 p.m., both in the church.

(Nero Funeral Home, Bottineau)



Childhood memories living on the farm
From Mary Eurich Knutson (62): Dunseith, ND
hi Gary
So many articles bring up memories. Lloyd mentioned his Dad and Earl
Fassett digging the church basement with horses. Made me think of Dad
when he dug out a cellar under the house down home with the horses. I
was pretty small but I remember the chain snapped and swung back and
wrapped around his legs. He was laid up for quite awhile. I was too
small to remember the details.
I think our place was originally owned by Fred Gottbreht. I wondered
about it at the time Sharon Gottbreht sent in the pictures of that big
barn being moved. He (Gottbreht) apparently built the huge lean to on
the North and West sides later on. There was a curbed well in the west
lean but you couldn’t get enough water to water all the cattle in the
winter time so only the milk cows were water there and the young stock
were taken down to the spring across the road and water dipped by pail
for them. Usually dad would go with the young stock and do the dipping
and Floyd would pump water at the barn. If Dad didn’t dip then Floyd
would and sometimes I had to. I think it was the only job Idid that I
can honestly say I hated. Aside from freezing half to death walking
down there my gloves would get wet and my hands would be so cold and
hurt so bad when they started to warm up. And I was always afraid of
getting knocked into the curbing. When I had to dip they would hold the
cattle at the barn till I was almost to the spring. It would give me
time to get a few buckets of water into the tank. The cattle would come
at a run and be pushing and shoving to get at the water. If the tank
wasn’t froze down they’d move it decreasing the space between me and
the curbing. I couldn’t dip as fast as the men. They could keep a
little water in the tank and keep things a little more stable. On a
normal day we would water twice a day and during real cold spells we’d
hold off till close to noon and only water once a day. When it was
extremely cold the pump at the barn would freeze up and we’d carry
boiling water from the house to pour down down the pump to thaw it out
and get it all primed again. I bet lots of the older people remember
“priming the pump”. When the leather washer rings that helped create
the suction as the pump handle was pumped, bringing up water from the
bottom of the wee, dried out or wore out and shriveled up. The only way
to make them moist and workable again was to pour water down the well
shaft and at the same time pump like crazy until the pump caught the
prime and water started flowing again. Enough of that.
Mary K
Hazel Hiatt Memory:
From Sybil Johnson: Cheyenne, WY.
I remember Hazel Hiatt very well. She use to come over to Bernice’s all the time. I always got a kick out of her, rough, but nice.
Sybil Johnson
Reply from Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO
Hi Gary!

I just have to say that I loved the horse story posted by Dick Johnson. I’d be curious to know how your training techniques evolved after that Dick! She must have been scared to death as well as you and your bystander! I have never been kicked in the head and hope I never am. My uncle Jake was kicked in the leg in his 70’s and it broke his femur. He was shoeing somebody else’s horse and didn’t see it coming.

I used a much more gradual approach than you did Dick, when I started my new colts, and was never bucked off in their training, but I did get thrown a few times later, as well as just plain fell off a few times, and recently. In fact, at the moment I have spent the last 2 weeks in an intensive rehab program to heal the sciatic pain I’ve had since getting bucked off my mare last April. Thankfully, it’s coming along nicely and I should be 100% by next week. No doubt it’s a risk every time you get in the saddle, but if you’re like me, you have no choice but to get up and get on again. Yes I’m crazy. Horse Crazy!

Brian Fauske was with me one of those times when I was trying to mellow out a mustang. We had trailered the horses up to the stunning beauty of the Rawah Wilderness for a nice little day ride. Zorro dumped me like a bag of dirt as I was trying to get on his off side. He had been beaten by a previous trainer with a two by four on that side and was very skittish when mounting. Eventually he got used to it and everything else many miles later, although I think the best laugh Brian and I ever had together was when that horse spooked and took off like a bat out of hell. I found myself completely on the other side of the valley, and could hear Brian laughing his head off a mile away. That photo you have posted so many times of me on the black horse was taken by Brian that day. After that photo was taken, we tried to cross the unmelted snow at the top of the Rawah Range and lost the trail. We wandered around those mountains all day long, and finally found our way back by a miracle and a good sense of direction. By the end of the day, the horse was doing much better, and proving himself to be a sturdy, brave and capable trail horse. Zorro was a beautiful black Mustang with Spanish Barb in his genes. The fellow who bought him from me for $500.00 was an older cowboy in his sixties, just getting back into horses. I never heard how it finally worked out for him, but I told him he could bring him back if he didn’t like him and I never heard from him again.
This story isn’t an old time story, but I share it anyway for the horse lovers out there. You can choose to post it or not or hold on to it for awhile, if you think people have had enough of horse stories for now. Thanks to everyone who’s been writing! It’s so fun to read the stories.

Trish Larson Wild ’73
Picture/message from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

I was looking at the picture of Louis Schimetz and his horses and something triggered an old memory of their farmstead. One time long ago I was there, probably delivering fuel for Lamoureux Oil Co., and I think they had one of the old horse drawn fuel delivery wagons on the north side of their house and were using it as a tank for heating fuel for the house. I see the buildings are all gone after the big fire a couple years ago and I wondered if the tank and wagon burned too? Mark, do you know where the old rig went? It would be fun to know. We have a similar rig at the museum and there is a bit of history with it. It was used in the Rolette 50th anniversary parade in 1955 and was driven by my uncle Cliff Johnson who was the Standard bulk agent in Rolette at the time. I will include a picture of the ’55 parade. Thanks Gary!


North Dakota Ghost Story
From Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC

Hi Gary, Just got this story from a friend of mine in Rochester Minnesota…Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

North Dakota Ghost

This happened about a month ago just outside of Douglas, a little town in the back country of North Dakota . It sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale.

This out-of-state traveler was on the side of the road, hitchhiking on a real dark night in the middle of a snow storm. Time passed slowly and no cars went by. It was snowing so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his face.

Suddenly he saw a car moving slowly, approaching and appearing ghost like in the snow. It slowly and silently crept toward him and stopped. Wanting a ride real bad the guy jumped in the car and closed the door; only then did he realize that there was nobody behind the wheel, and no sound of an engine .

Again the car crept slowly forward and the guy was terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running. The guy saw that the car was approaching a sharp curve and, still too scared to jump out, he started to pray and began begging for his life; he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and into a nearby lake and he would drown!

But just before the curve, a shadowy figure appeared at the driver’s window and a hand reached in and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend. Then, just as silently, the hand disappeared through the window and the hitchhiker was alone again! Paralyzed with fear, the guy watched the hand reappear every time they reached a curve.

Finally the guy, scared to near death, had all he could take and jumped out of the car and ran and ran, into town, into Garrison. Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and voice quavering, ordered two shots of whiskey, then told everybody about his supernatural experience.

A silence enveloped and everybody got goose bumps when they realized the guy was telling the truth (and was not just some drunk).

About half an hour later two guys walked into the bar and one says to the other, ‘Look Ole, ders dat idiot that rode in our car when we wuz pushin it in the snow.’

Bob Stokes’ Biological sibblings- 1960
I thought I’d share this photo that was recently sent to me of my Dad (Bob Stokes) with his biological brothers and sisters. Their Dad, Carl Petterson, died in 1960. These pictures were taken at that time when the family was all together.
With the death of their mother shortly after dad and Margaret were born, the younger children were adopted, sent to live with neighbors, and sent to live with relatives in Canada. In their adult years they became a very close family.
Dad and Margaret (twins) were separated. Dad was adopted by the Stokes’ and Margaret was sent to Canada to live with relatives. It wasn’t until they were in their later 30’s that they met for the first time. I wasn’t at the train depot in Minot when Margaret arrived, but dad was. I remember that time well. In later years they were all back and forth a lot.
Many of you knew several of dad’s siblings.
Nels & Pete lived in Everett, WA.
Emil & Hans lived in the Bottineau area
Elvina Skoog lived in Cando
Margaret, Dad’s twin sister lived in Moose Jaw SK, Canada
Anna Dahl lived in Bisbee – Arizona in the winters
Olga Hanson Haseldahl lived in Bottineau. She was an aunt to the Morinville siblings
Lilly Gunderson lived east of Bottineau and moved to Arizona in the late 60’s.


Reply to the Ed Milligan Peace Garden Photo previously posted:
From Kay Hosmer (77): Crown Point, Ind.

I recognize my dad in this picture, Don Hosmer, on the far right – Kay Hosmer (1977)

Kay, Please ask your dad what he remembers about this picture. Thanks, Gary
Reply from Marlys Hiatt (71): Dunseith, ND
Bernadette and Gary,

Your grandchildren are beautiful. Thanks for the picture. I remember
first seeing Sheryl as a toddler at a big picnic you folks had at their
farm in the hills. I think the picnic was also to introduce Bernadette to
your childhood community. If I am remembering right there was a special
connection between Sheryl and your mom. Is Sheryl named after your mom or
was it something else?

I also really enjoyed Lyle Olson’s horse story. Thanks Lyle and Gary for
putting it on the blog.


The connection between our daughter Sheryl and my mother is with Sheryl’s middle name being Elaine, named after Mom (Sheryl Elaine Stokes Wingate).
With our visits each summer, until my folks moved to Bottineau in 1984, mom normally had a big potluck gathering of friends and relatives at the farm. Then Bernadette took over having the gatherings of Relatives and friends, usually serving a special dinner, in the back yard of our folks house in Bottineau. Your parents and Margie attended several of those gatherings.
The time you are talking about I think was in July of 1980. Sheryl was 6 months old at the time and was getting around very well in her stroller. I remember her taking several tumbles down the inside steps of the folks house in that stroller.

Posted by Eileen Brudwick: Goodyear, Arizona

Harold E. Amundson (09/20/1921 – 01/10/2011)

| Visit Guest Book


AMUNDSON, Harold E..
(Age 89)

Of Spokane, passed away January 10, 2011, at home surrounded by his loving family. He was born September 20, 1921 in Dunseith, North Dakota; the youngest of six siblings. A decorated WWII Veteran, retired from Kaiser Aluminum in 1983. He is survived by Mildred, his wife of 64 years; his daughter and son-in-law Sharon and Fred Buffaloe of Hayden, Idaho; son and daughter-in-law David and Maralou Amundson of League City, TX; 10 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren and four great-great grandchildren. He served his Jesus well and now rejoices in Heaven. He was loved and will be greatly missed by every one who knew him.
Memorial Service will be held at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 6905 Country Homes Blvd, Spokane, WA on January 15th at 2 pm. Viewing will be held at Heritage Funeral Home, 508 N. Government Way from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday, January 15th.

Posted Yesterday.

Harold Amundson Passed away:

Message from Susan Fassett Martin (65): Spearfish SD


Gary, Just wanted to let you know, in case you want to post it on the blog that Harold Amundson passed away last Mon morning. He was a brother to Helen Nelson, Dagny Haagenson, Ernie Amundson, Gudrun Wood and uncle to Murl Hill and Carol Carbonneau and my great uncle, plus many more in the Dunseith area. It is 4 degrees here right now and lots of new snow. Yucky!!
Horse Story
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

Well, I might as well throw in one more horse story. Back in the summer of ’60 my folks got me as Welsh mare for my birthday. She was a green broke mare that they bought from Hazel Hiatt. Hazel named her Beauty. She had a colt the next spring and I named it Goldie because of the light color she was at birth. She darkened as she got older and was more of a sorrel. I just rode the mare and the colt ran along for the first couple years. Then I decided she should be broke to ride and I could do it. That was one of my learning experiences. Sharlotte Nordquist was staying here at the farm and we hatched a plan. I had seen a cowboy show on TV where a guy had put a horse blanket over the horses head to cover his eyes and then climbed on and the horse just stood still until he took the cover off the horses head. I had an old bridle and used a dog chain for reins. I didn’t want to try putting a saddle on her as I didn’t want to get my feet caught and get dragged. We got the bridle on her without too much drama and put a grain sack over her eyes. She just stood there, just like the one in the movie. I quietly climbed on and then reached up and took the sack off her head. That’s when we both had a new experience. She went nuts when she realized I was on her back. She did the old crow hop for a while and when that didn’t work she went into a bucking frenzy like I had never experienced before. Several attempts to throw me didn’t work so she broke into a wild gallop and headed for the far side of the pasture and into the timber. The closer we got to the woods I knew this was going to be an even worse scenario so I did another trick I had seen in the movies. I slid down her side and just before I got to the brush I pushed off and was going to roll on the ground. Well, she felt me on her side and jumped and kicked at the same time. She missed me with the kick but I bounced and as she was pulling her foot back ahead, she popped me on the forehead and knocked me cold. When I came to, Sharlotte was standing there bawling her eye’s out. I suppose she didn’t know how bad I was hurt–maybe dead. I never gave up and after a few more tries (not that day) I got the colt to let me ride and she became a pretty good riding pony. The first picture is me on the mare with the colt along side. The other is about four years later on the colt. Thanks Gary!




Harold Amundson Passed away:
Message from Susan Fassett Martin (65): Spearfish SD

Gary, Just wanted to let you know, in case you want to post it on the blog that Harold Amundson passed away last Mon morning. He was a brother to Helen Nelson, Dagny Haagenson, Ernie Amundson, Gudrun Wood and uncle to Murl Hill and Carol Carbonneau and my great uncle, plus many more in the Dunseith area. It is 4 degrees here right now and lots of new snow. Yucky!!

Susan, We are sorry to hear of Harold’s passing. Where was he living at the time of his death? Gary
Reply from Mark Schmitz (70): mschimetz@msn.com Rolette, ND

Your Grandson has the same Warm that I have seen on his Grandpa, He is a special Kid. I bet you guys have a lot of fun together. My Great Nephew has that same inviting smile. Rachael Vandal first born son Faythan, I always look forward to our visits at Kathy (Schimetz) Wood. He goes over to his Grandmothers after school, as his school is just across the street. His Mother Rachael, or her friend Damon Picks him up to go home later in the day. Best Wishes.

Thank you Mark for the nice compliment. I mistakenly posted Feb 18th as Tyler’s birthday. His birthday was Jan 18th. We called him last night too, to wish him happy birthday. He said he was going to use both his Christmas and Birthday moneys that we sent him to purchase an Ipod. I’m sure his dad will kick in the addition money, if needed, to buy one. From birth, Tyler’s charm and charisma, inherited form his Filipina grandmother, have given him a special place in a lot of folks hearts. He’s a bright boy too with nearly a 4.0 GPA. His half sister, Nevaeh, is following right along in his foot steps. Their mother Sheryl is our daughter. Gary
Horse & Mule Story
Posted by Lyle Olson (65): West Fargo, ND



With all the talk of horses lately, I thought I might add a few stories myself. Rather than work as a clerk in some stuffy law office while going to law school, I worked for the National Park Service during the summer months. I spent one summer at Theodore Roosevelt National Park in Medora, ND and three subsequent summers at Rocky Mountain National Park in Estes Park, CO. In any event, my summer at Theodore Roosevelt National Park was spent spraying leafy spurge with Tordon pellets. My work partner was a middle-aged cowboy from that part of the country who had all sorts of experience riding horses and packing mules. My only experience riding horses was riding one of my grandfather’s work horses back to barn from the field. As an aside, my grandfather, Bill Metcalfe, actually farmed with horses until 1973.


We would typically spend Mondays and Tuesdays scouting for leafy spurge. These were all-day rides at a leisurely pace, but over some rather rough terrain in the Badlands. The next three days of the week, we would return to the patches of leafy splurge we had scouted and spray the same with Tordon pellets using a hand-held grass seeder. We would pack our mule – Bernie – with four 50-pound boxes of chemicals and head off for a day of spraying. Well, the very first day of using the mule, my co-worker gave me the reins for Bernie and Bernie was to follow behind. He failed to tell me, however, that I needed to make sure the rope to Bernie did not get under my horse’s tail. Well, of course that happened just after we left the corral and my horse bucked me off. Thankfully, I landed on my arse and not my head!! Unfortunately, I got bucked off right in front of a bus load of tourists with cameras flashing and laughter on each grinning face. I picked myself up and did the walk of shame back to my horse. My co-worker laughed until he almost pe’ed his pants.


Bernie seemed to be a trouble-making soul as he caused me to bucked off several times over that summer, always when tourists were around. I do not know if he got spooked by the tourists or he just waited for the right time to embarass me. He had a nasty habit of stopping dead in his tracks and even if I had the rope tied to the saddle horn, he would move to the side opposite the rope and I would end up getting pulled off my saddle. My co-worker cowboy took great pleasure in seeing me struggle with such a beast!


Upon arrival at the leafy spurge site, we would set about our work by filling large, hand-held grass seeders with chemical. We would then put on our snake chaps as we had to walk through tall grass riddled with snakes. Well, I have a deep fear of snakes and the clicking noise of the grass seeder dispensing the chemical sounded an awful lot like the noise a rattlesnake makes. So every day spreading the chemical was a long day for me. One day I stepped right on a snake! Of course, I thought it was a rattler and immediately threw off my grass seeder and ran the hell away from the snake. My cowboy co-worker, laughing so hard he could hardly talk, walked over to where the snake was and picked up a 6-foot bull snake! Well, I am a reasonably smart fellow so I got to thinking that perhaps I could spray the leafy spurge from horseback. Without telling my co-worker, I reloaded my sprayer and hopped up on my horse. I set off to the next patch of leafy spurge satisfied that I had this all figured out and I would never step on a snake again or have nightmares of doing so. I then put my plan into action. Tying my reins to saddle horn, I used one hand to steady the sprayer and the other hand to turn the sprayer’s handle. Well the Tordon pellets started to fly out of the sprayer and all was good, until, that is, the pellets started to hit the horse’s ears. This spooked my horse and off we went on a run – not a trot but a dead run-. Needless to say I again found myself on the ground, and the grass seeder only enhanced the pain experienced hitting the ground. I didn’t feel the pain at first as my immediate concern was that I landed in tall grass and a snake was about to strike me. Needless to say, I moved mighty quick away from that spot and only then did I feel the pain. My co-worker rode up next to me and asked that I stop clowning around as we had lots of work to do that day! He then chased my horse down and told me to go lie under a tree until I was ready to get back to work! A hard bunch, those Medora cowboys.


I have taken to a horse only once or twice since that summer. I remember Bernie the Mule with great fondness, however, and I thank him every now and then for one of the greatest summers of my life!


Lyle O.

The Great Class of 1975

Alice Kuhn Story

From Noela Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

Hi Gary,


Thanks to your readers for info about the Demery picture. I now have the address of one of the daughters, Doris McCloud, and will be mailing the picture to her. :)


Also, thanks to your readers for the info/names about the picture that was taken at the Peace Garden (Simeon Grenier and others). It’s interesting to learn the identities of the men in the picture, but it’s also interesting to hear the stories/other info your readers contribute about the different pictures you post for me. To me, what is important about these pictures, is it brings back memories for many people. I enjoy all the pictures/stories/memories you include in your newsletter. It doesn’t matter if I know/don’t know the people mentioned, they are interesting.


A little story about Mel’s mother, Alice Kuhn. One evening this past week, I ate supper with Mom at Good Samaritan. As I walked past Alice’s table (on my way to the lounge to buy a soda), Alice stopped me and whispered to me, “You are a real lady.” I wasn’t sure what she meant, so I asked her what she meant. She said it’s because I always wear dresses. I thought that was a very nice compliment. Alice is such a sweetie; she is always smiling and pleasant. She must bring great joy to the staff/other residents at Good Sam–she always brightens my day when I see her. Alice is always dressed nicely–pretty “tops” and usually wearing a necklace, probably earrings, too. Alice Kuhn is a special lady. Alice mentioned her sister’s (the sister who also lives at Good Sam) was the next day. How special they will be spending it together. :)


I hope this makes sense. Sometimes I’m lazy and don’t proofread what I write.


Trish Larson Wild and Linda Gardner’s uncle – Jason (Jake) Gardner
Posted by Noela Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND


When I read yesterday’s newsletter, I noticed the name Jason Gardner on the Assiniboia info. I then sent this picture to Linda Gardner and Trish Larson Wild Clayburgh, asking if this is the Jason who is mentioned in the info. The picture I sent to them had different text [Jason/Jake & Agnes Norman Gardner with adopted daughter (Hjalmer)]. I asked them if they knew why I had written (Hjalmer) in the text. The following info came from them.


From Trish:
Hello Neola. Wow. You really moved me with this photo. To tears.
I have never seen this photo, but is one of my uncle Jason, his wife Agnes, and Darcy. They raised her as their own as seen here. Darcy’s father was Agnes’ brother’s child (Hjalmer Norman). Her mother I never knew.
Hjalmer was Darcy’s father’s name. He worked with Jake his whole life as far as I know. He seemed to be a very thoughtful man, quiet, strong, perhaps some might say, even brooding. But those are just my impressions from childhood. I never knew him as an adult, but I always admired his hand with horses.
My brother, Greg Larson, is an attorney in Bismark. He handled Jake’s estate for Agnes, and might be better able to tell you more, as could Linda Gardner, who is another niece of Jake’s.
Lou Anne Gardner is another one and she lives West of Belcourt. Her family lived next door to Jake for many years and shared the property line.
Trish Wild
The Equine Nomad
From Linda:
Her name is Darcy – Hjalmer Norman is Darcy’s father, Agnes’ brother. He stayed and worked on the farm with Jake & Agnes and helped work the horses.


Our Grandson Tyler’s 13th birthday
Today, February 18th, is our grandson, Tyler’s 13th birthday. Tyler was nearly 6 years old when we came the PI. He spent a good portion of the first 6 years of his life with us. He was with me when we dropped Bernadette off at the airport to come over here. She came 6 months ahead of me. Tyler cried all the way back home. He was so heart broken. For those 6 months, he spent half time with me. I’d take him up to Bernadette’s half sisters house before I went to work. He was and continues to be a very special boy in our eyes.
Bernadette & Tyler
Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62):
Memories from Mary Eurich Knutson (62): Dunseith, ND
Hi Gary
Just a quick note – Almost everyday there’s items on the blog that bring
up lots of memories. Yesterday one I drew off was Marlys Zorn’s comments
on Sharon. How right she is. Zorn’s lived abnout 3 miles south of us
during the yrs they lived in the Dunseith area. Sharon would ride
horseback up to our place or I think sometime we’d meet in-between
places. She had a nice little black horse and we’d meet and trade
horses. Her little black had a bad habiat of going into a nice gallop
and them hop sideways. Left me sitting on the ground quite a few times.
When I thought I had mastered the hop – she started making two hops –
got me anyway. Anyway Marlys said it all.
More later.
Reply from Marlys Hiatt (71): Dunseith, ND
Wonderful stories Gary – I really enjoyed them. It was just like I was
there. I remeber wonderful Homemaker Christmas parties at you home.

Marlys Hiatt

Marlys, The “Kelvin Homemakers Club” was one of the main social clubs of the area in our day. They had many parties inclusive of family members. More often than not, a lot of the parties that I remember were at Mary Ann (Clarence) Hagen’s. They rotated their monthly meetings among the homes of the members. I remember being at Dorothy (Floyd) Lamb’s for a few of those parties too. Yes, mom had a few of their parties at our house too. They are still an active club today. Gary
Demery Family Photo posted with message 1065:
Reply from Ginger LaRocque Poitra (65): Belcourt, ND
Gary, I deleted Sat. e-mail lto soon, the picture, is of Demerys who
live in Belcourt. The lady standing on the left is Doris (Demery)
McCloud, she worked at Turtle Mountain Community School.


Thanks Ginger, Judy Allery Poitra (65): identified the Demery family too, posted with message 1065. Gary

Marlene Plante Henderson, Rolla, Passed away
Obituary posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND



I just read today’s obituaries. I was/am stunned to read Marlene Plante Henderson passed away. Marlene was married to Alfred/Fritz Henderson, whom I’ve know since I was in high school. He brought Marlene to my parents’ home before they were married so Marlene/I could meet each other. We lost touch over the years, but about ten years/maybe more, we got in touch again, and since then Fritz/Marlene/I have exchanged many forwards/some personal emails. I’m just shocked at the news.


Gary, I’m sure you remember/know Marlene is in your newsletter list.


I’m going to visit Mom about three, so I should finish getting ready.


I got this message from Marlene’s Daughter Karrie several days ago. She sent the message using her mother, Marlene’s email address. I read it in a hurry thinking it was Marlene’s mother that had passed away. It wasn’t until now when you sent her obituary that I realized it was Marlene that had passed away. Yes I am shocked. Marlene frequently contributed to our daily blog. We exchanged a number of personal email messages too. I never met her in person, but she seem like a very nice lady indeed. I know this has to be shock to her family. Our condolences are with them with her passing.
From Karrie Henderson: Rolla, ND

Some of you may already know that Mom passed away on Saturday. For those of you not aware, I am so sorry to inform you in this way.


The visitation will be held at Elicks Funeral Home in Rolla Wednesday night from 6-7pm.


The funeral will be Thursday at the Catholic Church in Rolla at 11AM.


If you need to reach us the phone number is 701-477-3366.


She is so missed,

He daughter Karrie

Horse Story

Reply from Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO
Hi Gary,
My cousin Linda had a photo of J.Dees Joy. I thought your readers might like to put a photo to my story. Isn’t she gorgeous? In my story, she’s the one who bit me, but now I think it was a different horse. This horse came later, and when I was in high school I used to watch her run, that blonde mane and tail flying. She was the prettiest horse Jake ever had.

Now I guess I don’t remember the name of the horse that bit me when I was a kid. Maybe I could figure it out once I have a look at the photo album that Linda keeps. But the story still works. Poetic license?

Trish Wild

The Equine Nomad

Begin forwarded message:

From: “Linda Gardner” Date: January 18, 2011 2:35:55 AM PST
To: “Trish Clayburgh”
Subject: J Dee’s Joy

Hi Trish – Read your contribution to Gary’s blog this AM and thought you might enjoy seeing the attached. BTW, I have Jake and Agnes’ album from all of the races. Hez had taken it after Agnes died and Dottie passed it on to me after Hez’s death. I don’t know of anyone that may want it when my turn comes to pass it on?


Folks, There is a cold front moving thru our area here in Cebu with some heavy rains. At 3:30 PM it is currently 77 F. The normal high is in the upper 80’s/90. The natives are freezing. One of our helpers has on a heavy sweater. Gary

Dance Hall – Lost fiddle

Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

Vickie’s story of Wes Schneider leaving his fiddle at the dance hall brings a few old memories. I believe the former CCC barracks from the Peace Garden, that she mentioned, was moved to a point about a half mile south of Kelvin, just south of the curve around Lyde Lake on old Highway 3. It sat on the west side of the road and was used for dances. It was called Peterson Hall and many dances were held there. If my memory serves me right, I believe it was Glen Johnson who bought the hall about 10 years later (mid 50s) and moved it to Dunseith and made it into a nice home. It is the house now owned and occupied by Dave Fugere. Folks, if my memory is wrong on this, please correct me. Thanks Gary!


Ed Milligan, Henry Sunderland & Don Hosmer photo
Reply Larry Liere (55): Mesa AZ & Devils Lake, ND

Hi Gary & Happy New Year!


About the picture below. The Army guy in uniform is LTC Woody Gagnon who was the G-3 for the North Dakota Army National Guard for many years. Woody is

still alive and lives in Bismarck,ND. When you get a few more names on this picture I will phone Woody and see if he remembers the event. The picture was taken

some time in 1957 or later because there is a 1957 car in the picture. The guy on the left holding his hat could be Carl Leier. His son is in Mesa for the winter so I

will check for sure.


We have been in Mesa, for over a week and the difference in the temp. is 70 degrees –2 in

Devils Lake and +72 in Mesa to day.




I’ll bet with your traveling you got behind with a few of these blogs. We have all but the 3 folks identified. Please do get in touch with Woody. He may know who the guy is standing to his right in the picture too. My suspicions were right with Woody being a National Guard guy. Thank you so much for this reply with this info.
Ed Milligan, Henry Sunderland & Don Hosmer photo
Reply from Colette Hosmer (64): Santa Fe, NM
Hi Gary,

My mom, Leona (Richard) Hosmer just called me with some information about the Ed Milligan, Henry Sunderland and Don Hosmer photo. Don Hosmer was President
of the Commercial Club at the time. She said that the four men, Simeon, Ed, Henry and Don went to the Peace Gardens to welcome these two gentlemen who were
visiting from Africa.


Simeon Grenier, Ed Milligan, ??, Woody Gagnon, Henry Sunderland, ??, ??, Don Hosmer
Frank Gottbreht
Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

I thought I remembered seeing Frank Gottbreht’s name on some land not far from my place so I looked it up in the Dunseith History book. The old Atlas of Holmes Twp. on page 200 shows that Frank Gottbreht owned 160 acres in section 15, in about 1910. This place is about a mile and a quarter north of my farmstead and is currently owned by Jeff DeMers. At that same time, Mary Gottbreht owned 160 acres in section 2. This land is now owned by Abrahamsons. Sharron and Vickie, you both would make good ‘gum shoes’. Thanks Gary!



A beautiful Horse Story
Message and Story from Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO
Hi Gary,

I wrote a personal note to Gary Fulsebakke about his great horse stories posted on #1064. I have ended up with a long posting today, so you may choose to “use it on a slow day”, as Larry Hackman says. I suppose you can guess which stories on the blog are my favorites! I just love the “yarns” of the early farm life and some of the crazy things that happened while living that rough, physical life.
Of course most especially, I love the stories of working horses!
It was a good life of hard work, reward, and many great examples of “you reap what you sow”. Working farm kids in those days were not often obese were they! In fact I remember a lot of pretty good “bods” on those high school farmboys who hauled bales all day long – before the days of big bales and fork lifts, air conditioned cabs, mutant strains, poison sprays, GMO’s, organic grown and all that jazz.
Too bad we didn’t take photos and make a calendar like they do these days. If we had one now, we could sell it for a bunch of money on ebay. It could be called “The Dakota Farmboy Calendar”. Those guys built up some serious biceps, triceps, and abs while those adolescent hormones were raging.
Gals reading this blog are probably having some fond memories right about now. We noticed how good those guys looked slinging those bales, and would even lend a hand to be right out there with you once in a while. I think the farmer knew he got more hay hauled when the gals went along – c’mon you know you were showing off.
We sure weren’t doing it for the money! But the cold beer at the end of the days work tasted pretty good, and personally I liked the smell of the hay and the good exercise. I loved bouncing around on the hay wagon, riding the bale stack as it got higher, and higher. It was a pretty romantic afternoon activity. I had eyes mostly for horses, but at 16 I woke up and smelled the coffee, so to speak. That was an excellent summer as I recall…..
I bet a bunch of guys reading this blog remember well hauling bale after bale. You got 5 cents a bale, delivered, if you were lucky. But most got the workout for free because they were family of a farmer who put up his own cattle and horse feed. The bigger the herd, the more feed had to be put up for those long Dakota winters.
Feel sorry for the kids that grew up on a big farm and worked their tails off?
I don’t, because I bet they grew up to be responsible, helpful citizens with strong bodies and minds and a capable approach to problems of a mechanical, biological, or medical nature. In short, they learned a lot about the nature and developed a lot of what is known as “common sense”.
Unless they were in an abusive situation, as many of our friends were.
We knew firsthand about abuse, from our friends. We heard the dark secrets of alcohol and child abuse and it was all around us, just as it is today. Those kids still learned, and became adults learning additional lessons of survival along the way.
Not always good coping strategies, nonetheless, they helped those kids survive. I don’t think they grew up so happy and many of our peers probably struggle with thoughts of home to this day. Help is available these days to work those things out. It wasn’t back then. Do yourself and your family a big favor.
Get help if you’re still bothered by memories of childhood trauma.
Check out one of the many helpful books to read on the topic for starters. I think it helps to know you weren’t the only one, and that it was not your fault. Sexual abuse and spousal abuse was quite common in our community, and some pretty terrifying stuff went down then, and still does. You all know what I’m talking about. It is time that people opened the door to discuss these issues, remove the cloak of shame, and save these kids.
Just today there was a news article about a 16 year old boy that was sent to jail for stabbing his 57 year old sexual abuser many many times after he killed him. It had gone on for years and he finally snapped. The report said he was being held in jail “until an appropriate treatment facility was located.” Hopefully, he’ll recover with the proper counseling and therapy. I think we all applaud him for taking a stand.
His quote on Oprah? “Everyone who experiences abuse should come out and get help before it’s too late”.
If something like that happened or is happening to you, or in your family, know that help is only a computer click away……write to me if you need some resources and I’ll see what I can find – in confidence of course. I saw a lot of terrible things working in the ER, but the worst were the cases of sexual abuse of children. Often associated with meth use.
Overall however, most of us have some pretty fond memories even though we grew up in the day when it was ok to spank your kids. “Spare the rod and spoil the child” was the motto of the day. Even teachers got to whack you up side the head, or worse! In my family, both my parents had been school teachers and we learned to behave and have manners before we went to school.
But we were also taught to be independent thinkers, which gave us plenty of trouble until we learned when to keep our opinions to ourselves. I knew the slogan “children are meant to be seen but not heard” – I just didn’t believe in it!
I guess I still have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when it comes to righting a wrong. Who will join me in saying “we will not tolerate it anymore!”
Kids today might envy this life, but it’s a bygone era for the most part. Us North Dakotans know that old time values are still in place somewhere. Especially wherever a good North Dakotan is planted.
But I digress. Now for the story.
I too have a horse story from my high school days I would like to share with your readers:
“If You’re Going to Be Dumb, You Better Be Tough.”
As many of you know, my Uncle Jake bred a lot of standardbred horses, known as pacers on his farm/ranch NW of Bottineau. He did a lot of racing in Canada and for a short while in the 60’s he had a horse named “Nipper Boy” that won some pretty big purses. He even sent the big dark pacer to California to compete, but alas didn’t do so well so far from home. A few of the Dunseith folk might remember seeing Jake race at the Bottineau Fair, but mostly he raced in Winnipeg, Brandon, and other Canadian towns. They were more “into” it on the Canadian side. I’m sure Mr. Evans (Jeff’s and Stephanie’s dad) checked them through customs a time or two. Mostly he crossed at the Souris Port though, where he was close enough to home to not have to worry about crossing the border much…..He knew the guards by first and last name. My uncle Jake was the first to show me the love of my life –THE HORSE.
What you may not know is that although he had no children of his own with Agnes, his wife, he was always helping out kids who were interested in horses, including me. My first horse bite was from his prize horse, the beautiful Jady’s Joy. She was a gorgeaus chestnut color with a white mane and tail. I was about 8 years old I think, just tall enough to reach up and put my arms around her arching neck as she held her head outside the stall looking for grain. I think I surprised her, but she stood there as I hung from her neck until she suddenly bit me on the shoulder. I got the message and let go. It was just a little nip, a warning. Afterward I looked into her deep dark eyes as she stood there looking at me, rubbing my shoulder blade, near tears. We had a little communion there in my Uncle’s stable under his huge barn. I began my lifelong love affair right there, staring into those apologetic eyes. It was as if she were saying “I’m sorry, but nobody ever did that before and I had no idea how to get you off me without hurting you bad.”
I learned to respect these magnificant beings who could kick you to a pile of breaking bones and a puddle of blood in an instant, but almost never do. I vowed to learn their language and have spent the rest of my life in the study of “HORSE”. I’m still learning volumes every day I’m with them.
Uncle Jake once gave me a beautiful black Welsh Cob to train, so that his niece Darcy, could ride it. She was a bit younger and not so horse crazy as me I guess, so one day in the summer of my 14th year, he delivered this half wild, prancing black colt to the Metcalfe corral close to the Dunseith Port of Entry. You know the place? Just south of the Peace Gardens entry. In fact, it was the old corral where they had unloaded livestock for inspection crossing the Canadian Border. Does anyone know if that corral still stands? It would be on the corner of the intersection of the highway to the Port and the approach to the Metcalfe place just to the south.
The corral was a short walk from my home at the Port, and I could go several times a day to work with the horses. I had boarded my palomino filly, Shawnee, there for awhile, and we put the Black in with her. It was a dream come true for me. The Black was a beauty.
The Black colt learned quickly who was in charge as soon as he set foot inside the pen. Shawnee made this evident by a series of feigned “punches” with her pointed right foot. Then she swung around and gave him her business end – narrowly missing a plant to his shoulder. He moved away and put his head down in submission. He clacked and chattered his teeth in the “I suck I suck” signal that baby horses make to dominant horses, and she forgave him almost instantly and came back to nuzzle his neck and breathe her breath into his nostril.
I think she was glad he was a fast learner. They were the same age and became inseparable friends from that moment forward. Even though she had to put him in his place the way a good mare does, she was as hungry for company as he was, and happy to have him close to her, once he admitted her dominance. That’s the way the herd works…it’s a pecking order thing. Once established, never had to be worked out again.
Horses have a lot of good lessons to offer us mere mortals.
Anyhow, to continue…
It was great fun having a second horse so I didn’t have to ride alone, but I always ended up riding “the wild one” by myself. I started working him in the corral (these days they call it a round pen), and gradually got a saddle on. He never did buck, but he sure had a lot of spirit, and eventually would rear up when I asked him for it. This was a bad habit he had that I encouraged until he did it only on command, and luckily, never to the point of rolling backwards on top of me.
I spent a few weeks riding, riding, riding that gorgeous, affectionate creature with a satin shiny coat. He had a white star and a snip on his face, and he was a quick learner. He wanted nothing but to please me. I fed him a lot of carrots and apples as rewards. Some people would say he was spoiled. I say he was loved.
Finally, I was ready to take somebody with me and get down the road a piece, to see how he would do a little further away from home. I at least had enough horse sense to know that I shouldn’t take off into the woods on a green broke 2 year old colt without someone along to pick up the pieces! I talked my brother Larry into riding along, although he hadn’t ridden much before that, and I doubt if he’s ever ridden since….
He mounted my well trained parade horse, Shawnee. I rode the Black. We set off down my favorite route at the time – to the south end of the Peace Garden fence along the highway running to the Port. It wasn’t long before we turned right and headed down the fence line, heading west. At first, we took it easy, and the Black, although he liked to rear up occasionally with the right cues, was under good control that day. He walked next to Shawnee, and trotted next to Shawnee, and even cantered next to her without a problem. He would halt on command, and stood when asked. He was just learning to back up, but he preferred to rear.
I was feeling pretty good about our progress and my brother and I planned to take a long ride. It was a sunny day in high summer – late July. The grass was green and knee high. We took our lunch and drinks in the saddle bags, and rode all the way past the end of the Peace Garden fence, into “No Mans Land” as it was called back then.
You know that timber and brush free swath of land that runs down the entire Canadian Border? Back in our day it was a favorite route for snowmobilers because they could go like crazy without any fence lines for miles. There was no one out there but us on this fateful day. I imagine nowadays it’s probably heavily patrolled by “Homeland Security”, but in those days, you could ride forever without seeing a soul it seemed.
Well Larry and I rode along quite a ways, until we decided to stop for a bit of a rest. We got off the horses and let them graze. Larry to stretch his legs (and probably rest his butt!) We ate and drank and chatted for a while, and I bragged about how well behaved the Black was after our few weeks together. He really had improved a lot! I was very proud of my work, and totally in love with the horse, who I was convinced was as fast as the wind, although I hadn’t really “opened him up” yet.
So Larry said, “Well, do you want to race then?”
I replied “Well ok, but take it easy….”
The words hadn’t finished crossing my lips before he had jumped into the saddle and took off at a gallop on Shawnee. The Black colt of course was immediately upset that he was being left alone by his first love and started to dance around on the end of my reins as Larry got further and further away. It was all I could do to get the reins over his head. I put a foot in the stirrup, jumping up and down on the right leg to keep up with his movements, but before I could get the other leg over the saddle he reared up high and took off like a shot!
I was still trying to get my right leg over when Shawnee disappeared around a bend.. Straight ahead was forest and brush and low hanging limbs. The Black plunged straight into this mess not realizing that Shawnee had made the s turn to the right and left. He was practically snorting fire as I got myself into the saddle (but not the stirrups) and started fending off branches that were about to knock me out of my seat. One of the limbs was as big as a leg and I hit it with my thumb trying to protect my head, bending the nail completely backwards, ripping it from the nailbed.
It sounds painful, and eventually it was. But at first my adrenaline was rushing and I didn’t hardly feel it – all I wanted to do was stop the mad gallop through the thick brush and save my life! I finally got control of his head with the flying reins (all of this took maybe 2 minutes), and stopped him. We sat there, catching our breath. I think he was as scared as I was. I turned and got him back on the trail, making him go slow at first, but eventually I had to let him run to catch up. In that straightaway trying to catch Shawnee, he was like Secretariat! I eventually caught up to Larry who was still at a gallop, and held up my bleeding thumb to get him to slow down! By the time I caught up, the blood was running down my arm to my elbow, the thumbnail dangling by a piece of skin. He was totally grossed out, which as I recall was a comfort to me. I wished he had listened to me, but he wanted to win the race. Badly.
We rode the 5 or 6 miles home at a slighly slower pace, put the horses away, and then he drove me to the Botno Hospital (where I would later work for a short time both as a Nurse assistant and then as a nurse). I remember flying down the highway to Dunseith through “the rez” at over a hundred miles an hour, thinking “he’s going to kill us or somebody else over my thumb”, but enjoying the speed at the same time. I didn’t try to slow him down, even though I wasn’t bleeding anymore. It was starting to hurt after all.
No wonder I ended up a risk taker! Look out world – here we come! The Doctor in the little Botno ER was not able to get the spray anesthetic to work, and I endured the removal of my thumbnail without anything to numb the area. Ouch. Not the best bedside manner either as I recall. I also remember him yelling at the nurse and me thinking he was way out of line. The nurse however, was very kind to me.
My thumbnail eventually grew back over a few months, but was a long lasting, painful injury that taught me these two childhood lessons:
Pride comes before a fall, and

If you’re going to be dumb, you better be tough.
Thanks Gary!
Trish (Larson) Wild ’73
The Equine Nomad
Also – I’m posting a fair amount on facebook these days. Any of you are welcome to “friend” me on there.
P.S. A copy of this story can also be found on my blog.. If you enjoyed it, how about you stop by and check out the rest of my blog? I’m still doing dumb things, so I believe it is entertaining in a funniest home video kind of way at times. I share my mistakes and lessons learned so that others can learn from my failures as well as my successes. If you have an interest and stop by the blog, don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know you were there. The more visitors to my site, the more likely I can win a corporate sponsorship for my 10,000 mile ride which started 1/11/11 at 11:11 am.
Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting!






Peace Garden/Horse stories
Folks, I received a very nice, well written message with a story of memories from her childhood days and of coarse her love for horses, from Trish Larson wild. In this story she speaks of the Metcalfe Farm just south of the Peace Garden. I believe this would be the Jim Metcalfe Farm where Pattie currently lives. I will be posting this tomorrow. Gary
Ed Milligan & Henry Sunderland Photo:
Reply from Bill Hosmer (48): Tucson, AZ
Gary, some have thought it might be me in the picture. Was not there for that event, and that guy is better looking than I ever was. Thanks for what you do and how you do it. Bill Hosmer
Thanks Bill.
Folks, Don Hosmer has been identified in this photo. He and Jess do not have email and I think they may be in Nevada for the winter months. If there was a way Don could see this picture, I’m sure he could shed some light on it.
The military officer looks like an Army guy with the rank of LTC. To me he looks like he may be National Guard. If he is National Guard, with the LTC rank, I think he would have been in a higher head quarters above the Bottineau branch. I’m not sure where that would have been, but I know many of you folks do. Gary
Simeon Grenier, Ed Milligan, ??, Military man, Henry Sunderland, ??, ??, Don Hosmer
Ed Milligan & Henry Sunderland Photo:
Reply from Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI
To Joe Johnson– Frankly I never even noticed the ‘Bird! I was only going by the thought that Ed’s hair was darker in the picture than it was when I took classes from him in 65-67. But that could have been just the lighting back in the day. I think one of Ed’s last ‘Birds was actually one of the 4 door models with “suicide rear doors.
Reply from Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62): Windsor, CO

Oh my gosh now I really feel like a show off. Believe me I am not any big deal, but I do thank you for your kind words. What a surprise to see the nice comment from my little sister. ok, I promise to not write again for months. sharon gerdes

Sharon, We love hearing from you. You are an inspiration to so many of us. We most certainly look forward to your contributions. Gary



Wesley Schnieder visit – Music:

Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND


Gary and friends,


The boys and I went across the street this afternoon to see how Wes is healing. The Schneder’s were listening a vinyl record playing, Eddie Arnold. Such a smooth mellow relaxing voice.


When Wes was a child he learned to play the accordion, as well as the violin, by ear. Both were instruments the family had in their home. His sisters, who were all proficient piano players often accompanied the Schnieder brothers.


But it was in the “Big White School House, Wes, got his first break, ahem, “gig” playing solo for each elementary class room. Mr. Schneider his bus driver, told the teacher that, “Wesley, a 5th grader, could play the accordion.” And so, it came to be every Friday, Wes took his instrument to school. The students would make a request. The most unusual came from little Edna Tooke who raised her hand and said, “Play Wes, play, “Sweet Home Sweet!”


Of course, the school room rang with the laughter of children, but Wes cheerfully complied with “Home Sweet Home.”


Wes embarked on playing other events as well. The last time he played his violin,was at a dance. The barracks at the Peace Garden were moved to a make a dance hall. And Wes got into playing at a dance.


After the dance, he left his fiddle behind. The next weekend came,he went to play his fiddle. It was not where he’d left it, some how it had disappeared! Wes said, “He rather liked that fiddle too, it didn’t screech like his big brother’s which he’d learned to play on.”


Later. Vickie
Unidentified photo posted by Neola yesterday – The Demery Family
Identifications from Judy Allery Azure (65): Wahpeton, ND



The picture is of John and Mae (Davis) Demery family of Belcourt, ND


From left to right its Doris, Mae, John and Paula

second row is Ricky, John and Tim


Information provied by Keith LeBeau



Thanks Judy, By the way, I still have that Ten dollar bill in my drawer that you sent me for the 2007 Christmas class of 65 gift exchange that was orchestrated by Bill Grimme. Gary
The Demery Family:
Top L to R: Doris, Mae, John & Paula
Bottom L to R: Ricky, John & Tim

Schimetz Sled Team:
Picture posted by Mark Schimetz (70): Rolette, ND

Speaking of hay rides, here is the sled Louis would take the kids for rides on in the winter. He had nice harness sets for a pair of blacks, draft horses. I took the picture, of Dad Reid and Bryan Schimetz getting ready for a trip to Town
Gottbreht history (Turtle Mountains):
Postings from Sharren Gottbreht Shen (59): Everett, WA
Hello again Vickie Metcalfe and Gary,

If you find the Frank story too long, too personal, I can certainly post other brief messages about these pictures. The one of Carpennter School is much larger but I would have to reduce the size with a different photo copier than what I have. The date for the School photo is 1909. Home photo is about the same time. I have hopes that someone, perhaps an Abrahamson might know of the place. Annie’s photo is perhaps 1902, year of her marriage to Frank.

Thanks, Sharron


Frank Gottbreht Story:


Frank Gottbreht was the 3rd of 5 children born to John Sebastian Gottbreht and Frances Eckers. Frank birth place was Marysville, MO where the family lived briefly before moving across the state line into Braddyville, IO. There was a subscription school there and all the children received some elementary schooling, but I do not believe Frank could read or write. The extensive investments and property there were sold for venture capitol 1882/83 to be used in Dakota Territory. Frank was to go along with his parents and labor to establish their new farm in Jewell County, KA 1886.

Although Frank and Annie had their own farm, it seemed to Annie that Frank’s father would pressure and interfere in their day to day life. Although promised that she would continue in her Methodist faith, they tried to persuade her to convert. This made Annie deeply unhappy. It was only the discovery that she was pregnant that dissuaded her from divorce. I doubt Frank could or did fully explain his plan [father’s plan] to pioneer in Dakota. Ultimately, her years there in Holmes Twp proved beyond endurance. A week or so after Annie ran Frank off their place, neighbors notified his brother at The Mill that the livestock would perish and to come sort things out. Wm sent George! I cannot think that George went alone, so let‘s say that Fred and John went along. Annie had barricaded the home and held them off with a shotgun. No way would she deal with a Gottbreht! Ultimately, Wm sent Alzear [surname escapes me just now] as peacemaker; he had a meat market in Mylo by 1950, but perhaps worked for Wm at this time. Alzear described Wm’s offer: if Annie would leave, then Wm would pay her the cash value of the homestead; plus Alzear would escort her and the children back to Kansas and buy her a home of equal value in Kansas. The crisis passed. This totaled $1800 – 1913.

Why relate these events? I think it speaks to the character of Wm, and to justice and mercy. I think it might be said that they did not fully appreciate the bleak existence of Annie with a partner who was incapable of achieving a better life for her and their four children. After viewing the picture posted by Vickie, I cannot but think that the crimes committed in the NW corner of Rolette County in 1906 and 1907 influenced her behavior and choice.

And as Hank mentioned, Frank sure could milk cows! He could and did work from dawn till dark at whatever task his brother William directed. In 1982, both Charles Watkins and Arla Gottbreht recalled Frank’s amazing woodpiles: careful lengths in huge concentric piles. Frank was among the town labor force that cleared acres and acres of scrub that would become today’s’ Peace Garden. William makes careful note in the mammoth Mill ledger of his brother’s honorable work/product ratio. Today, the Abrahamson family owns the Frank homestead in section 15. Sonny Ruff, Frank’s grandson, tells me the 1904 house where John Sebastian and Frances Gottbreht are pictured, was that of Frank and Annie about 1910. Their chairs look like the work of their Lockhart neighbors just to the west in Holmes Twp.


Vickie Metcalfe’s Reply to Sharron:
Wow! This story sent chills up and down my spine.
I find your label of “the woman of sorrow” is so correct in my estimation. When I recall hearing the story that Bertha walked the floor night and day, her son was born. Then, she died. Pioneer life was hard on women.
I asked my cousin Larry, one time,long after both our dad’s were gone. Was there more to the story about Lilly’s death?” He in a hushed voice replied,”Telling me, His dad said, as a child he was told, it was something so bad they were told to not talk about it.” I can’t ask Larry. i could ask Eleanor, who is a year younger than my dad, living in a nursing home in Rugby.
Annie Gottbreht left the area in what year?
The wedding photo shows a more robust beautiful woman.
That photo I sent on the blog she looks thin and worn and fragile..
I know the man in the photo is my granddad. I’ve seen his wedding photo about 1889 he had a full head of hair. The lady to the right doesn’t look like his first wife Bertha. Looking at the photo it looked like the house he and Rose built after the first house burned in about 1916.
Boy oh boy. Too bad it isn’t summer or my car would be whipping down the road to Rolla looking at the school records. I made copies up through 1914 when I was there in August. I was trying to establish a time line for Lilly. It said she attended school for about 10 days. But the year was not listed it had a jumble of many years together. I’d take a look at the Carpenter school records and the land tax records to find out where the Gottbrehts lived.
Now the Office of School Supt sounds soon to be closing, the only day they are open is TH.
Bottineau county’s office was closed, this fall the supt retired to part time.
Last summer for 3 days I hauted the county supt. and treasurers office. Perhapsin my next life I’ll return as a researcher, I like the mystery of it and putting together pieces.
So, you’d like me to go get a good copy of the photo?
Tomorrow, I’m on my was to Towner for a school in service, perhaps over the next weekend.
Later. Vickie
Follow up reply from Vickie:
I’m sorry Sharon, I seem to be reading these commuications backwards.
Looks to me you are right about years. I know Grandpa is the man. And you are pretty sure of Anne Gottbreht. Well now the mystery is unfolding.
Lilly died August 1907. She and Uncle Bill were attending school I did find their school records.
Emil Hugh b . July 15, 1908.
Their mother Bertha died in 1908,
The remaining 4 children left after their mothers funeral with relatives.
I think Lilly and her mother were both buried at lake Schutte Cemetery then the graves were moved.
Uncle Lucky born in July 1911
( Uncle Bill came back from the Red River Valley, Auntie Christina’s ,he said Lucky was crawling on the floor)
Annie returned to Kansas in 1913.
Jim born on January 1914
Archie born on December 1915
Emil, 1920
Leona 1921,
Cliff, 1923,
Jean 1929
Well, I need to put this away for tonight. tomorrow we Bottineau teachers, ride a bus to Towner for inservice. Like a kid I need to be sure I have my clothes out. Thanks for unraveling this mystery photo. Vickie



Annie Case Gottbreht






John Sebastian and Frances Gottbreht





Carpernter School 1910

All rights reserved


Happy Birthday Doreen Larson Moran (Bottineau HS ’61): Usk, WA & Hazelton, ND
Ruth Peterson/Norma Manning
Reply from Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

Hi Gary,


I’m finally getting a personal email sent to you to post. :)


First, thanks to everyone who provided information about Corner Service/Corner Garage. Apparently Dad used the two names interchangeably, as we have stationary/ads from the newspaper/gifts Dad gave away at Christmas, key chains, thermometers/etc., where one or the other name was used. About the time I thought I knew which name was correct, I’d find something with the other name on it. It doesn’t really make any difference which was the legal name. :) Also, thanks for the comments about Dad/changing a tire/etc. :) I always enjoy hearing things about Dad. To me, he seemed to be a “character”. I think some of it rubbed off on me! LOL!!


This next part is in reply to Norma Larshus Manning (If I don’t add Larshus, I don’t know who I’m talking about! LOL.).


Norma, thanks so much for the correction. I do know your dad was Norman (I assume you are named after him.), but my dad talked about Victor so much, that’s the name that “sticks” in my head. I don’t think I ever met your dad. I know I met your grandfather/grandmother at least once. When our family (Mom, Dad, my grandfather–Mom’s dad, Andrew Brudwick and I)took a trip to Oregon/Washington state in 1960, we stopped at the camp your grandparents were managing–a short distance west of Post Falls, Idaho. My dad enjoyed stopping to visit people he knew whenever we took a trip, which was rather fun. Also, my grandfather knew your grandparents, and was very happy to see them again. We didn’t see campers; I can’t remember if there were none there at the time, or if they were taking part in activities. I think your grandmother cooked for the campers–what a job! The camp was so peaceful/pretty/beautiful located in the woods. We were at the camp between breakfast/dinner. Naturally, we were offered coffee. :) Your grandparents were VERY nice/friendly/happy to see us/etc. It was a fun visit–probably about an hour, or so.


I hope to see you at Good Sam one of these days, Norma. I see your mom quite often when I visit Mom–also Alice Kuhn.




Norma’s mother Ruth Larshus Peterson. Ruth is also a first cousin to Art Rude.

Note: I don’t have Neola’s corrected Peterson spelling of this photo.

As a teacher, Ruth had a lot of you as students in various schools she taught in.




Gary Johnson/Karen Sanden – Picture

From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary,
Being we’re hearing from Vern Sanden, I thought you might be interested in this picture. The queen is Vern’s sister, Karen. The king is Joe/Beatrice Dailly Johnson’s son (Page 516 in Bottineau Centennial Book). As you know, Beatrice is from Dunseith/area. Gary is married to Marsha Woods (Sam’s daughter) from Bottineau. Gary/Karen are members of the Bottineau High School Class of 1962; they are holding their 50 year class reunion this coming summer. Marsha graduated in 1963.
Yes, Gary Johnson’s mother Beatrice Dailly, graduated with the DHS class of 1938. Beatrice is living in the Oak manor apartments in Bottineau. I used to see her at the Senior center with my folks when they were living. Beatrice is a nice friendly gal too. Gary


Reply from Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62): Windsor, CO

Thanks so much Gary, it was a great day, grandkids love birthdays so they are fun. And you know, being old is pretty good too. Sharon Gerdes
Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62):
Reply from sister Marlys Zorn Bryan (69): Fairbury, Nebraska


Thank you for remembering Sharon’s birthday. All of you probably remember Sharon because of the way that she played the organ in church so beautifully, or you know her for her physical beauty, or how smart she was and is. But, being her younger sister, I’ve known her all my life. On her birthday, I’d like to honor her by adding yet more great information that others may not know about her: I’d like to say that I have never known a kinder or more generous woman than Sharon. A small example: even when she was fighting for her life during her battle with cancer, she was making brownies to take to the radiology department when she’d go for x-rays, and making cookies for the family down the block. I can’t think of a second in her life when she wasn’t doing something for someone else. She never ceases to amaze me because I have never seen a selfish second in her—ever!!!

Happy birthday, Sharon!!


Marlys, With the postings we have received from Sharon and with the frequent one on one email messages Sharon and I have exchanged, These are the same impressions that I have developed of her too. A wonderful, wonderful person indeed. Gary

Simeon Grenier:
Reply from Joe Johnson (77): Lindstrom, MN 

Gary, good memory, yes Simeon is my Grandfather. Neola thanks for submitting the photo, it brought back many great memories of my brother Jeff and I playing “crazy” rummy and pinochle with Simeon at his home. We took care of his yard under his close direction and of course he paid us for our work. Then when the yard was done we almost always played some cards and Simeon attempted to win some of that money back from us playing cards. Jeff and I always played together, feeding each other points, to beat Simeon and most of the time, at least in pinochle, we did. So we might have a little extra money after pinochle but we usually played at least one game of “crazy” rummy too. Playing rummy Simeon usually got some of his money back and sometimes even a bit of our yard work money, as he was a real good “crazy” rummy player. He told us we played pinochle just like our Dad and of course we learned the game from Mom and Dad, playing many games, single and double deck, on winter days at home.

Just off the bat, I thought the t-bird was a ’61 or ’62, but Allen mentioned he thought the photo was taken in the 50’s. So, since I was so sure about the year of the car, tonight I did some research on the car from the photo that I mentioned yesterday and it is definitely a ’63 bird, so now I think the photo was taken in ’63 or ’64.



Ed Milligan drove T-birds. That was probably his car.

I see your Granddad Simeon was about 89 with his death in 1978


Ed Milligan & Henry Sunderland phote
Reply frm Bob Lykins (Teacher): Hutto, TX

Gary, The two gentlemen in the photo wearing kilts look Samoan. They are definately from one of the Southwest Pacific Island groups.


Hank Salmonson (38) – Gottbreht memories:
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND
Gary and friends,

Thank You, Sharron for another piece of the story of the 1923 photo.

I ate lunch at the local bowling alley café in Bottineau today with my friend Hank.
I told him about putting a photo on Gary’s blog of Mrs. Eric Gotttbeht, her two children with my Grandad and aunts. I told him of Sharon’s response. Hmm, the name was ” Mrs. Frank Erik Gottbreht.”

He recalled many years ago the Gottbreht family lived on the N. side of School Section Lake. We discussed how my Granddad’s first wife, Bertha, was of German decent. Often people seek out others with common interests. It is quite possible my Uncle Bill had identified the people in the photo for mom.

When Hank went attended DHS he worked at the Dairy for his room and board. He recalled although he was quite old, Frank Gottbreht was good at milking cows. Also at the time, Mr. G. lived with family members at the Dairy Farm.
Those were days before automation. Days when morning and night all the milking was done by hand! He’d heard, perhaps Mrs. G. left some time before going back east to her family, not caring for the hard life on a farm in the hills of North Dakota.

Later, Vickie
Horse hay ride story:
From Gary Fulsebakke (71): Devils Lake, ND

Hi Gary,”


Reading Larry Hackman’s story about the midnight hayrides, I am reminded of my own adventures on our farm west of the Peace Garden.

From the 50’s until the mid 60’s we used horses often to haul hay and wood. Using “live horsepower” would from time to time, create some interesting situations. On one occasion we were moving hay from a field north of our house to a feedlot. My dad would pitch the hay onto the rack and it was my job to tramp and pack the hay down. We finally finished for the day and my father informed me that he was going to cut a hole in the ice for the cattle and that he wanted me to take the team and rack down to the yard and begin to take the harnesses off the horses. Now I was only 11 or 12 at the time and had very limited experience handling a team of horses. Nevertheless, after reviewing some of the fundamental instructions

for driving a team of horses, he left me with the reins in my hand and headed for the lake. My mind raced forward to the steep winding hill that ran by the side of our house, but I pushed any thoughts of impending doom from my mind, took a deep breath, clicked my tongue a few times and slapped the reins on the horses rumps. The horses immediately sensed that a rookie was at the reins, but seemed to give me the benefit of the doubt. The sleigh lurched forward and the horses settled into a comfortable trot. Things went well for the first hundred yards or so. but as we began descending the dreaded hill, the inertia of the sleigh and the pressure from the yokes sent the horses into a wild gallop. I pulled on the reins with all my might, but it had no effect. After passing by the house, we careened sharply to the right, following a path that led to the West lake where my dad was cutting the hole in the ice. As we approached the lake, the horses veered off the path to the left, (which I believe was intentional), and headed for an area of tree stumps, some of which were over two feet high. As soon as we hit that minefield of stumps the hayrack began to disintegrate beneath my feet. Dancing frantically to find something solid to stand on, it was all I could do to keep from falling through the rack and serious injury. My dad, who saw what was happening, ran up to meet the horses, grabbed their bridles, and finally got them to stop. Now my dad had been a champion boxer in the Navy, and at that point, he began to give the two horses a beat down, punching them in the mouth ala Alex Carras in “Blazing Saddles”.(ouch!). The horses seemed to learn their lesson because they never did anything like that again, even with me driving!

Another time, we were hauling hay from our “big field” east of the farm. It was a beautiful day, several degrees above freezing, with no wind, bright sun and a beautiful cobalt blue sky. In no time we had shed our outer garments, fully embracing this rare winter thaw. As the day wore into late afternoon, it became considerably colder, dropping below freezing. My father threw the last forkful of hay on the oversized load and we pointed the horses towards home. I scrambled up to my favorite perch at the very top of the stack. I felt like I was on the top of the world! But as we approached the long, steep, winding hill on the road that led to our farm, I always got butterflies. While it was true that we had made that trip dozens of times without incident, the potential for disaster was always there. The ditches on either side of the road were steep and very deep. But, I thought to myself, my dad is at the reins, the horses have always been dependable, and so I settled into my nest of hay and tried to enjoy the ride. As we neared the curve near the bottom of the hill, the large load and slick road caused the horses to go into a slightly faster trot. As we hit the curve, I felt the load shift to the left. I rolled as quickly as I could to the right only to find myself cascading down an avalanche of snow and hay. I ended up in the bottom of the ditch, a fall of about 30 feet, but fortunately, the hay and snow provided a thrilling ride down! My dad called down to see if I was alright. I was. We then proceeded to put all that hay back on the rack. A great memory! Gary Fulsebakke
Unidentified family:
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Folks, Do any of you know this family? Gary


Happy Birthday Sharon Zorn Gerdes (DHS ’62): Windsor, CO
Reply to Vern Sanden’s posting yesterday
From Bill Grimme (’65): Birmingham, AL.


After seeing Vern Sanden’s post in yesterday’s blog, I couldn’t resist relating a little story. First, some background. When I first met Vern Sanden, I remembered him right away. I guess I must have attended the basketball game when Vern did the hot dog shooting because I remembered him as a basketball star from Bottineau. It wasn’t until yesterday’s blog when Vern cleared it up, that I realized that basketball wasn’t his thing. He had great shooting form, I guess, because he impressed me that day. Lucky I had forgotten the score!



Anyway, one winter night, Vern, Dwight Lang, and I (maybe there was another guy-can’t remember). But, I do remember the cat. For some reason, we were transporting a cat from Grand Forks to Bottineau. We stopped a café in Leeds, or somewhere around there for a bite to eat and some coffee. We probably needed it. So this cat was a Burmese, I think. Vern will have to fill in some of the story. Vern passed this little cat off as a baby panther to the locals in the café and, for a little while, we were local celebrities, with us having a baby panther, and all. Vern told everyone a lot of stories about the history of the magnificent animal and, at least in my memory, he held the customers’ interest very well. We were having quite a laugh, back in the car and on the road again when Vern realized that he had forgotten his doeskin gloves back at the café. That did take a little bit of the fun out of the evening. 



Vern got his degree in math with a little help on a final exam over the telephone from John Frykman’s brother. Must have been a hard final, because Vern was on that payphone for an hour, getting an answer, dropping in more quarters, getting another answer, etc. but his true love was music. If you ever have a question about any singer since probably 1930 to present, call Vern. 



We had a lot of fun times and, even though we don’t get together often, I consider Vern as one of my oldest and best friends. 


Model T Ad
Comments from Dick Johnson (’68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

In the world of old cars, things are changing. Twenty years ago
Model T cars were in great demand and the prices climbed every year.
Now they are going the other way. Some of the old car guys say it’s
because anyone that really knew what a Model T was has either gotten one
or has died. The younger generations are looking for what they see as
old cars as GTOs, Camaros, Road Runners, and Mustangs. These cars now
bring prices that are many times what they sold for new. If you watch
the car shows, it’s really evident how the trend has changed. When a
young person looks at a Model T, you can see the humor they get by
watching their faces. They grin like it’s some kind of a car just for
cartoon type (chitty chitty bang bang) movies. It’s interesting how
they walk by the oldest cars and never even stop to look as they head
for the muscle cars on display. Those guys who are my age are the very
youngest that are in the least interested in Model T and Model A cars
unless they are built into a hot rod with a wild paint job. There are
exceptions but generally this is the case. So it goes. Thanks Gary!


Laurie Marchus has been identified as the gal in the yesterday’s unidentified photo.
Thanks to Rod Hiatt and Neola’s follow through to Laurie’s mother, Mona Marchus, yesterday’s photo has been identified.
Larry and Mona Marchus are the ones that bought our farm too. Mona is also a past mayor of Bottineau. Larry and Mona are such friendly folks. They always make us feel so welcome when we visit our old farmstead.
Laurie Marchus – (Bottineau HS ’83)
Friday night out in Cebu


Happy Birthday to Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62) down there in Colorado:
Sharon, I believe to today, January 15th, is your birthday. Enjoy, have fun and be merry. This is your day. If my math is right, you should be one year younger than Dwight Lang and he’s just a young buck.
Down Memory Lane
From Vickie Hiatt Lafontaine (73): Grafton, ND

Happy New Year to all, Its a beautiful day here in grafton n.d. temps +7 and the snow has been falling so peacefully all day no wind just huge flakes like a christmas card.I dont read the blog every day due to using my work computor and I work 2 16 hr shifts and an 8 hr so not here everyday. I have been reading over a few blogs and the one entry that made me just sit peacefully and remember the 3 Hiatt men that were so important in my life, was when I read that Dwight Lang played taps @ uncle Harrys funeral wow . I never knew him I was born 9-30-55 and he died 10-10-55. I only know this so well because over my years growing up I heard the story many times, of his standing by my crib saying I’ll have that little shit laughing before long. He sounds like he was an awsome man, loved by many.


Oh Gary you told the story about the minot state fair in july when Lorie was born 7-27-63. Boy do I remember that It was terible I didnt get to go only Marlys and Jim I was to little imagine that. I had to stay with grandma Margie and not only did I have to stay home but mom and dad left me too. I will forgive them though they did bring me a babie sister who has grown up to be one of my best friends. I just spent the day sitting on the swing crying and feeling sorry for myself. Grandpa came and got me and we went to the barn and just hung out. Grandma thought I was to big a girl to be carrying on like that. Go Figure. Thank-you for the trip down memorie lane. Gods blessing to you all


Vickie Hiatt Lafontaine





Reply from Travis Metcalfe (76): Mesa, AZ


Happy New Year Gary,

Please add me to your email list….Deb was forwarding them to me but she got a new phone and reads them on it then erases them…

The morning coffee stories reminded me of a story a friend of mine tells about the group of “Old Farmers” that met every morning in the small town in Minn. where he grew up…

One of the regulars bought a new pickup and changed brands from what he usually drove. He started bragging about his new truck so the rest of the group decided to take turns getting to coffee a little later that the rest of them and adding a gallon of gas to his new truck every day. He was really excited about what fantastic mileage he was getting and should have changed brands years ago. Of course they did this until he took it in for the first oil change-then they quit adding the gas. He was so mad at the service department for “doing something to his truck” that the other guys didn’t dare tell him what they did for months.

Every time I think of that story I picture the guys at Dale’s and wonder how many jokes have been pulled over the years and realize that it is a real shared experience of growing up in a tight knit community (notice that I did not say small town-The first house we bought was in a large city but it was in a neighborhood that was really like a small town-We were there 25 years).


Travis, I have updated my records with our email address. Gary
Message from Jean Nicholas Miller (66): GLENDALE, AZ
First I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! And regarding the terrible violence in Tucson, AZ. Everyone in arizona and I’m sure world wide are so devastated by this senseless act. We have lived here for 25 1/2 years and feel almost like natives, although North Dakota will always be home. We live in a suburb of Phoenix which is about 125 miles north of Tucson. We especially are so saddened by the death of Christina Green( the little girl) and of course the other victims.
Metcalfe Picture posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70)
Reply from Sharron Gottbreht Shen (59): Everett, WA
Hello Gary,

Best wishes to you, yours and all bloggers 2011.

Stunned by the picture posted by Vickie. So grateful. This gives me an excellent opening for a few paragraphs about Frank E Gottbreht, former neighbor of the Metcalfe family, his wife, Annie Case Gottbreht and their four children: Jennie and Logan might be the children in the picture. Must check about my dates.

Thank you Vickie and Gary. Sharron

Replies to the Ed Milligan Picture posted by Neola yesterday:
First off, I agree with Dick Johnson that the guy standing between Ed Milligan and the military man is Bill Hosmer. I’m only comparing pictures, but this side profile of Bill sure resembles the guy in the picture.
Bill, we have not heard from you yet. I’ll bet you are behind reading the daily messages. Is this you? What is the occasion and who are the three unidentified folks?
Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND

I think the picture at the Peace Garden has these folks L-R:

Simon Grenier
Ed Milligan
Bill Hosmer ?

Henry Sunderland
Military Individual
Older man–wearing kilt
Younger man–wearing kilt
Don Hosmer

The reason I think it may be Bill Hosmer with the sunglasses on is that he is beside a member of the military and his brother Don is there.


Reply from Mona Dionne Johnson (48): Bottineau, ND
My great uncle, Simeon Grenier is on the left end, next to Milligan. I
believe on the opposite end is Don Hosmer.
Mona Dionne Johnson


Reply from Larry Nagel (Teacher): Shields, ND



In regards to the picture–front on left side–Simon Grenier of Dunseith. I stayed at his house for a few years while I was teaching at Dunseith.

Larry Nagel

Reply from Joe Johnson (77): Lindstom, MN


Referring to the photo that Neola sent. The location seems to be the Peace Garden, west of the Cairn, near the flagpoles just as you enter the park. They may be standing in Canada if I got my bearings correct. Seems this photo may have been taken around 1962 as the car on the right, you see only the driver’s side fender, may be a ’61 or ’62 T-bird, not sure though, maybe someone who is more of a “car guy” can verify that. Also, the gentleman on the very left with the hat in his right hand, in front of Ed Milligan, is Simeon Grenier.


Joe, Isn’t Simeon Grenier your Grandfather? Gary

Reply from Lloyd Awalt (44): Bottineau, ND

Neola The picture L to R Simon Grenier, Ed Milligan , ? ?, Henry Sunderland, I think they are from Canada and Don Hosmer. Hope this helps. Lloyd Awalt
Reply from Allen Richard (65):

The man on the left holding his hat is Simeon Grenier, Orville Grenier’s father. The man on the right looks like Don Hosmer. I’d guess the picture was taken in the mid to late 50’s






Reply frm Eve Gottbreht Pilkington (65): Irvine, CA

Hi Gary,
Gentleman on the far left is Simon Grenier
Bill Hosmer
Simeon Grenier, Ed Milligan, Bill Hosmer, Military man, Henry Sunderland, ??, ??, Don Hosmer




February 2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise update:

Gary, Bill and Phyllis.




As of today there are 6 cabins currently booked in your NCL February 2012 group cruise. They are:

Gary Stokes, Bill Grimme, Bill’s sister Gwen, Margaret Leonard, Mel & Bev Hamnes and Bev’s daughter Deborah.

All cabins have the lower cruise price and all were sent an email advising this.

I’m sure that many others will be booking their cabins in the months to follow.

(yes Gary you are correct if anyone cancels before 11.18.11 NCL will refund their cruise deposit).




Thank you and best regards,





Gina S. Ford

Cruise At Will, Inc.

Cruise and Travel Planners

1-866-870-6986 (toll free)

703-580-1190 (local)


Thank you Gina for this update and the hefty price reduction for our cabin that I received with a personal message from you.
Folks, Please call Gina to make your reservation. I believe NCL is offering some great deals if you book this month. Gina has all the details and will give you the best package deal they have to offer at the time of your booking.
Our Alaska cruise was a blast. This one will be equally as fun and enjoyable. We had 64 folks on the Alaska cruise. We are expecting a much larger group for this Caribbean cruise.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you in Caribbean on this cruise.
Reply from Marie Iverson Staub (60): Seattle, WA



Just wanted to let you know I received this twice.

I can’t believe the snow in these pictures-Totally amazing.

Hope everything is going great and I want to wish everyone a happy and healthly New Year.

I agree with Dwight that was a tragic crime in Tucson and I feel for all the families Involved and especially for the family and friend’s of Christina Green. Being a mother I can’t imagine the pain they must be in at this time.


Marie Staub (Iverson) 60

Thank you Marie, I just checked and the first group of folks I send this daily message to got it twice. I just forwarded it to them.
Folks, If you get these daily messages twice, I have probably screwed up having sent it to your list twice. If this should happen, please let me know. I have you folks on 7 distribution list. I am limited to 99 folks with each list. Gary
Henry Sunderland/Ed Milligan Picture:

From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND
Hi Everyone,
I THINK this might have been taken somewhere in the Peace Garden years ago, but I’m not sure. I think the dedication was in 1934/35.
The only person I can name is Ed Milligan. Other men are familiar to me, but I can’t put a name on them. It’s not a big deal–just thought some of you mkgnt like to see the picture.
Neola, I recognize Henry Sunderland with the suit.
Do any of you recognize any of the other folks in this picture? Was this taken at the Peace Garden? What was the occasion. Gary
Wesley Schneider Celebrated his 90th and fractured his wrist.
Message from Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND
Gary and friends,
Our friend celebrated his 90th birthday recently with various comins and goins of friends and family, so me and the boys stayed away.
Then, we got word. one week ago this past Tuesday Wes tripped and fractured his right wrist while guiding Ovidia over a step. He is getting along fine, but is often frustrated that he can’t chop the kindling wood to build his fire, or wash dishes. If he had his druthers he’d take off the splint and throw away. But is advised to keep it in place and Ovidia watches him carefully.
Tonight the boys who consider Wes their very own “God Father of treats” were delighted to stop in to see him and Ovidia their very “God Mother who buys special treats” for visiting dogs.

I told Wes I will call him “Lefty” for now and gave him the stern teacher lecture about giving his wrist time to heal. And, a special note to the nephews. We still are fixin to write a “Jail Bird Tale”

Until later. Vickie
Charlie Carbonneau’s Picture
From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

Hi Bottineau Bunch/Others,


I’m sure many of you remember Charlie Carbonneau. His sister, Ann, is married to David O’Connell, member of ND legislature.


As I’ve written on the picture, Charlie is married to Sharon/Shari Monson from Bottineau. Sharon’s siblings are Elaine, Dennis, Glen, and Marvin. Their younger sister, Donna Monson Seeman passed away a few years ago.


Charlie, Sharon, (Pat Corbin Miller and others) were in Wally’s 7th/8th grade class in Bottineau. I’m going to send Wally’s class’ picture and Mrs. Renick’s class’ picture when I return to Minot. :)




P.S. Hi, Shari/Charlie. :)

Charlie’s mother is Carol Watkins Carbonneau (46).
Many of you know and are related to Charlie.
Thank you Neola for sharing.


Joke of the day

From Brenda Hiatt Parker (73): Wilton, ND

And Dave Slyter(70): Fargo, ND


Brenda Parker (73) Dave Slyter (70)

A man and his wife were awakened at 3:00 am by a loud


> pounding on the door.




> The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken


> stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.






> “Not a chance,” says the husband, “it is 3:00 in the morning!”






> He slams the door and returns to bed.






> “Who was that?” asked his wife..




> “Just some drunk guy asking for a push,” he answers.








> “Did you help him?” she asks.






> “No, I did not, it’s 3am in the morning and it’s bloody


> pouring rain out there!”






> “Well, you have a short memory,” says his wife. “Can’t you


> remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys


> helped us?






> I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of


> yourself!




> “God loves drunk people too you know.”






> The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the


> pounding rain.






> He calls out into the dark, “Hello, are you still there?”






> “Yes,” comes back the answer.






> “Do you still need a push?” calls out the husband.








> “Yes, please!” comes the reply from the dark.






> “Where are you?” asks the husband.






> “Over here on the swing,” replied the drunk..




Tucson Massacre
Posting from Dwight Lang (61): Tucson, AZ

Gary and friends,

I know all of you must of heard of the massacre here in Tucson. This occurred in a small shopping center less than a mile and one half from my condo. I frequently visit the Safeway and Walgreens stores in the center and I’m certain I have walked over the sidewalks at the scene of this crime many times. I don’t know if any of the killed or wounded had any Rolette and/or Bottineau county connections. But we have all offered our prayers and thoughts for some of our own. I would like to suggest that at this time, we put these individuals in our prayers and wish the survivors a speedy and full recovery.


While all deaths by murder are tragic, it was the little nine year old girl, Christina Green, who was gunned down that caused me the most torment and pain. Congresswoman, Gabriel Giffords, is not a normal type of politician or is she a Democrat lackey. She has been a servant to her people in Tucson and was always open to all. Unfortunately these activities lead to the Congress on your Corner event. Let’s wish that her recovery goes well and she becomes able to continue in the life she chose.

Dwight Lang





Address change

From Don Berg (71): Scottsdate, AZ




Mary and I moved to Arizona 15 months ago. Our mailing address is 9383 E Bell Road, #619, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.

Hope all is well and 2011 is a great year for you and Bernadette.


Thanks Don, I have updated my records. Gary

Metcalfe history with Photo
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND

Gary and friends,

The attached photo Right to left; My grand dad, William Metcalfe I.

To his right, his daugher- in- law Mary Marjorie (DeMontigney) Metcalfe, the little girl is his daughter, Leona Rose (Metcalfe) Oswell.

The writing on the back of this photo says, Mrs.Eric Gottbreht and her children, I think the Gottbreht family were neighbors at Rabbit City Lake who left the area.

And, leave it to a Metcalfe to have horses or dogs. One dog appears to be a a border collie, a breed favored by many family members.
The attached photo was taken in 1923 summer/fall. Dad was born in July at the Metcalfe home place overlooking Rabbit City Lake. Someone gave this photo to my mom after Dad passed away. She tucked it into our family album.
“Young Bill” or William II and Mary (DeMontigney) Metcalfe were married in September 1923. Gertrude Anderson and John Awalt, lifelong friends were the attendants. Frank Poitra another lifelong R.C.friend played the music for their wedding dance.
In years gone by, some people would act confused about our big extended family and tease. But those who knew the whole story never found the family confusing. All of Bill and Mary’s children I have known, and loved as my 1st cousins.

To those still confused;
The best way I found to explain is Father (William I) and Son (William II)
married Mother (Veronica Rose nee Ledoux) and Daughter (Mary Marjorie DeMontigney).
Until Later. Vickie
R to L: William Metcalfe I, Marjorie (DeMontigney) Metcalfe,
Leona Rose (Metcalfe) Oswell, ?, ? & ?
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

All rights reserved


February 2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise
I forwarded LeaRae’s question below to Gina, our travel agent. I have posted Gina’s reply along with the cruise details for signing up below.
We are fast approaching February 2012. As you can see with Gina’s message, there are incentives for signing up early.
Gina, please correct me if I have the wrong day, but I believe until November 18th, our deposits are fully refundable.
We are looking forward to seeing a whole lot of you folks on the this cruise.
Caribbean Cruise question
From LeaRay Parrill Espe (67): Bottineau, ND

Dear Gary, I am just wondering if anyone is starting to check on the cruise plans. I have received a few emails from NCL and also a postcard offering upgrades for those who book by Jan 30. We are not necessarily ready to book, but with our cold and snow it sure is appealing to think about. I was trying to remember if we are going to the East or West Caribbean. Which message deals with the preliminary plans?Thanks for all you do. I always look forward to the daily emails. Happy New Year! It looked like you folks rung it in in style. LeaRae

Gina’s Reply

Hi Gary, LeaRae and all,



Thank you for your emails regarding your February 2012 cruise vacation and a very Happy New Year to each of you!.



Gary: The cruise line sent me an email last week regarding their current promotion for possible upgrades and/or lower pricing for the cabins that are currently booked with a paid deposit in your group. NCL said I can expect that information for all currently confirmed bookings by the end of this week. I will forward those details to you and other group leaders the minute I receive that from the NCL Groups department (along with your update of currently booked cabin names). Yes, there is one thing you may wish to include with the email your send out to your group this week: Important: All future bookings will be confirmed for your previously quoted group prices, unless there is a lower priced promotion “at the time” one selects their preferred cabin type and make their cruise deposit..



LeaRae: Yes, others in your group have indeed booked and/or checked pricing and cabin availability for their February 2012 cruise vacation. Please don’t forget to let me know LeaRae when you are ready to place a deposit on your cabin. I will make sure you are confirmed for the lowest available price, at that time. Are you planning on making your deposit by January 30th? In the meantime, here are the ports of call that you have requested. Please be sure to click on “More Information”below for the additional details about your cruise.



Cruise Line: Norwegian Cruise Line
Ship Name: Norwegian Pearl
Sailing Date: 2/19/12


More Information… Ports of Call:Miami, Great Stirrup Cay, Ocho Rios, Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Miami


Inside Cabin








Contact Us For Rates!


Contact Us For Rates!


Contact Us For Rates!


Contact Us For Rates!



Thanks and best regards,





Gina S. Ford

Cruise At Will, Inc.

Cruise and Travel Planners

1-866-870-6986 (toll free)

703-580-1190 (local)





Gina’s message previously posted on July 24, 2010:

Gary, I am now in receipt of your Group confirmation. We have 100 cabins on hold for you, at this time. 

A cabin deposit of $250 – per passenger is due by 7.19.2011with formal names and preferred cabin type.


Final payments are not due until: November 18th 2011


Inside cabins begin at $708.75 – total per passenger (depends on deck).


Ocean view with a port hole window – $848.75 – “ “ “ “ “ “ “


Ocean view with picture window – $918.75 – “ “ “ “ “ “ “


Balcony cabins begin at – 1058.75 – “ “ “ “ “ “ “


*Mini Suite – is first come/ first serve and will be quoted at time of passenger deposit for a Mini Suite.


*(with a current price of $1288.75 – total per passenger)



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All rights reserved


Request from Don Berg (71): Edina, MN  







Can you please update my email address to dberg@hda-smc.com





Don Berg

Chief Financial Officer

Hybrid Design Associates, LLC

230 South Siesta Lane

Tempe, AZ 85281



I have updated all of my files with your new email address.


Question, I have you listed as currently living in Edina, MN. I noticed your work title has a Tempe, AZ address. Do you commute, of which I know you could very well be doing, from MN to AZ?



Reply from Betty Jane Schneider Lamb (54): Grand Forks, ND

We want to wish everyone good health, happiness, and God’s richest blessings for the New Year.

thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for our family. Our son, Matt, had major heart surgery November 1st in Rochester, Minnesota. After a couple setbacks, he is doing well and hopes to go back to work February 1st.

Bill can vouch for Larry Hackman’s story about his Uncle Gus hauling hay at night being true. Bill’s family lived halfway between Gus’s farm and his hayfield. Bill remembers him having a beautiful team of little horses that he drove in the winter on a cutter. Gus always had sleigh bells on his horses in the winter.

Thank you Gary for all the work that you do . Enjoyed seeing the pictures of your lovely home.

Betty Jane and Bill Lamb

Gus Hackman
Reply from Geri Metcalfe Munro (59): Fargo, ND

Gary–I loved the story Larry wrote about Gus Hackman; but as I recall, Bill and Gus lived together and hauled hay together. We never knew why they hauled hay at midnight or so, but we all knew that they did. My Dad used to call on them and watched out for them. I had forgotten about felts (packs) and maybe even some newspaper in the boots somewhere. Larry should publish his stories. What about Larry’s Uncle Bill Hackman??
Geri Metcalfe Munro ’59

p.s. We are in Mesa, AZ for three months; nice weather, a little cooler—mid 60’s–lots of activities here.



Hay hauling memories

From Leland Stickland (64): Dickinson, ND


My story about hauling hay was one Dad told me. He was headed home with a load. You will recall the curve and the hill just North of Carolle Carlson/Art Seim.
Well the hay did not have a sufficient center of gravity and the rack fell from the sled. Dad had to load that hay twice.
A similar thing occurred for me, trying to get out a ditch and up on the grade. Many bales took their own path/trip so I got more exercise.
I,too, enjoy the writings of each correspondent, See that this blog is numbered 1058, WOW!
Lee (Leland)(Stick)
(number 80 on football team after George Gottbreht graduated. Believe that John Morgan was number 70 ?) Lee


Email exchanges between Larry Hackman (66) & Dick Johnson (68):
Posted by Larry with Dick’s consent: Bismarck, ND

I was in the Homesteader Restaurant on the west side of Minot once and there was a pickup out front with a frozen coyote standing in the box with it’s feet on the top of the end gate like it was going to jump out. I looked around and saw a couple younger guys that I figured the rig belonged to. When they came by, I said, “That rig with the coyote must be yours.” The guy said, “Yeah, according to those women over at the other table, I’m a sick bastard.” We both laughed and he left.



They didn’t happen to be from St. John?



No, I thought they kind of reminded me of a couple of those younger Hackman brothers that ‘runned oft’ to the army back in the mid 60s. Oh boy, those were some characters! Coyotes weren’t safe around those guys. Those two guys could take a coyote with their bare hands—I saw it many times–with my very own eyes. It’s starting to sound like Mel wrote this!


Story from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND


Gary and Friends,

The story about David Abrahamson and his ‘stuffed’ skunk reminded me of deal we had on a trip to California back in the 60s. We were in an old west town called Sonora and it was geared for tourist trade. There were things to look at on main street and in the window of a barber shop there was a sign that read–‘We Have the Finger of Three Finger Jack–Come in and See’. I went in and asked the barber and he went in the back room and came out with a small white box with a lid on it. He held it in front of me and slowly removed the lid and sure enough there was a human finger laying in cotton. I got down to take a good look and the finger started to twitch and then stood up! The box had a hole in it and he had his own finger through the bottom of the box. I jumped back and he laughed his head off. I wonder how many kids he pulled that one on? Thanks Gary!


Posted by Neoal Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

From Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS

Hey Gary,

Here’s another joke for the blog. My friend sent it to me, and I think your readers will get a laugh. It gave me a chuckle, but I’m a trauma nurse…..
A pirate walked into a bar, and the bartender said, “Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible.”

“What do you mean?” said the pirate, “I feel fine.”

“What about the wooden leg? You didn’t have that before.”

“Well,” said the pirate, “We were in a battle, and I got hit with a cannon ball, but I’m fine now.”

The bartender replied, “Well, OK, but what about that hook? What happened to your hand?

The pirate explained, “We were in another battle. I boarded a ship and got into a sword fight.

My hand was cut off and I got fitted with a hook but I’m fine, really.”

“What about that eye patch?”

Oh,” said the pirate, “One day we were at sea, and a flock of birds flew over. I looked up, and one of them shit in my eye.”

“You’re kidding,” said the bartender. “You couldn’t lose an eye just from bird shit.”
the pirate said…

“It was my first day with the hook.”



Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

I enjoyed Larry’s story about his uncle Gus. I never knew why he hauled hay at night, although we all knew he did and watched out for him on Hwy 43 if it was a late night in the winter. Larry’s story reminded me of a time in the late 50’s when I went along with Bennie Johnson to get a load of hay from a stack down south of the Willow Lake school. He had a nice big gray team and a hay rack on the sleigh. He did the loading with a pitchfork as I was pretty small, probably 8-9 years old. When he was loaded we climbed back on the hay and headed up the Willow Lake road. About half way home he gave the team some slack rein and they started to trot a bit. I moved to the back of the load and then thought it might be fun to slide down the back and maybe hold on to the rack and slide behind on my feet. Bennie couldn’t see what I was up to behind the load so he had no idea what a dumb thing I was about to do. I did manage to get down and grab the spindles on the rack and slide along for quite a ways. The next thing I knew, the sleigh passed over a bare patch of gravel and my boots stuck and I landed on my face on the road. I got up and tried to run and catch up to the sleigh but the horses were going faster than my legs could run. I ran for a long way and finally Bennie reined the team back and I caught up and climbed back on the back of the rack. He never knew I fell off and I sure never told him what a dumb trick I pulled. The other thing I remember about that trip was that when he pulled up in front of his barn he said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa–each time looking down at me–and the team kept jerking the tugs–“Whoa, whoa”, finally Bennie said,”Whoa, you sons-a-b___hs!” They stopped and just leaned on one back leg. He didn’t want to use the term they were waiting to hear while I was along, but he had no choice. Thanks Gary!


Minnesota snow song
Posted by Leland Hagen (50): BRYAN, TX
Hi Gary,
This may be too large to include in your
daily email but ay least I hope you get
a kick out of it! Everyone on your list could relate to the content of this song.
Really a catchy little number.
Leland Hagen (50)
Leland, This is a link, so it’s not too large for posting. This is great! I love the old time country music too. Gary
Reply from Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62): Windsor, CO

Gary, your house is just beautiful- looks like living in paradise but the humidity and heat don’t do much for me. Was wondering- I have only seen the steel (?? ) roofs like that where they have a lot of snow. The snow just slides off. So why do they use them in the Philippines? Sharon Gerdes

Sharon, Steel roofs are the norm for this country. Because there is no snow, the roofing is placed directly over the framing. The Galvanized steel sheets are a lot lighter than other roofing materials too, thus eliminating the need for the heavier framing required for other materials. The building practices are much different here than what I was used to. I have injected a few American practices here and there though. These folks had never seen or heard of Joist hangers that are commonly used back in the states. They were amazed with how nice they worked when I had some made for several projects. When my American friends saw those joist hangers, they asked where I purchased them.




Reply from Keith Pladson (66): Stafford, VA


Did you really mean to say that you have an air conditioner in your “bed”????? Hmmmmm!! I guess nothing more needs to be said about that, huh? lol :)

From the photos, your place really looks beautiful. You and Bernadette can be justifiably proud of what you have.
Keith Pladson (66)

Keith, 30 years ago maybe, but these days, the A/C in the room will suffice. Many of our EXPAT freinds in some of the developments here have much nicer and more beautiful homes than ours. Of coarse there are others that do not. There does not seem to be a lot of competition among the EXPAT folks here to outdo the others either. We have designed our home to accomodate our likes and needs.
I have pasted several pictures below of our lot that were taken in 2004 before we started developing. These are homes and not Chicken houses in these pictures. We purchased this lot (70′ X 210′) adjacent to our house after we had our house build. The new addition to our house is on this lot. There were 7 shanties on this lot when we bought it. It was a bit of a hassle getting these folks moved. We had to give them money so they could dismantle their shanties and rebuild them somewhere else. It was hard cutting down the beautiful 30 plus, very mature, tall coconut trees too, enabling us to build. Today, this lot with our house, is entirely enclosed with a combination of buildings and an 8′ high cement fence. We have our own little compound in the middle of an authentic Filipino neighborhood.












Reply from Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO


Loved Larry’s photos and Gary, your home is beeeaaaaauuuuuuutifulllll!

Love the colors.
Updated my blog for those of you who occasionally read it. I’m writing more often now about my adventures. I begin my 10,000 miles across America tour on 1/11/11 at 11:11.
I’m starting where I am, in the Sacramento area, and will be moving on to Yosemite and King’s Canyon as soon as I heal this &*^%$## sciatica. It’s getting better fast though. Good Chiropractors rock!!!
Anyhow, thought I’d give you a head’s up. I am keeping my horses on pasture for a few more days while I “Doctor” myself. Small world, the owner is a woman who was born in Rugby. I told her about Larry’s crazy “tailight” story, and she wants me to email it to her. Is that ok with you Larry?
Anyhow, I adore getting comments on my blog from my ND friends. North Dakotans are a special breed. Hope you all are staying warm this winter!


Reply to Larry Hackman’s story
From Colette Hosmer (64): Santa Fe, NM
Bravo, Larry. I’m warm and wrapped in a quilted robe, cup of hot coffee cupped in both hands. Outside my glass-sliding door, the Sangre de Christo Mountains are draped in snow under a clear, blue sky — a perfect backdrop for your Uncle Gus story this cold, bright Saturday morning.




Reply to Larry Hackman’s story

From Mel Kuhn (70): St. John, ND


Howdy Gary,


It had been a while since we’ve had one of Larry Hackman’s good old stories. It brought back good old memories–well maybe good. My memoriy was of the spinning button on the string. I too was told to stay away from the little sisters hair. Well I think it must have slipped or something. The next think I remember was that snapping noise–much like the snapping of the reins on the horses rumps–only it wasn’t the horses rumps,and the old man wasn’t wearing his belt. I think I was more careful the next time I was allowed to play with buttons and string.



Contruction in the Philippines
The addition (22′ x 40′) to our house is pretty much complete. We are in the process of finishing the extended roof area from the work shop and the office and the cement area in front of the new addition. The door to the extreme right in the top picture is an outside bathroom that we included with the addition. That is a 25,000 BTU air conditioner over the door. It cools the living room (20′ x 22′) nicely. The other A/C unit, in our bed, is an 8,000 BTU unit that we brought with us from the states.
Often times I’ll take a shower before we go places in the late afternoon or evening. With the heat and the humidity it’s often times hard to get dried off when toweling down from the shower. Ones body is sticky making it difficult to dress too. With this new addition, I decided to put an air conditioner in our new bath room. It’s great! I’ll turn it on a half hour or so before taking my shower so it’s nice and cool. Problem solved.





Ann Margaret
Reply from Ele Dietrich Slyter (69): Dunseith, ND
Ann Margaret…what a hero in my eyes! And to think Ms. Fonda is the one being honored…I don’t think so.
Thank you to everyone who has served, is serving and will serve in the future.
God Bless the USA
Just a quick note in case anyone is interested…Devin, our grandson, has returned from Afghanistan and is now headed back to Okinawa

Reply from Mel Kuhn (69): St. John, ND
Here’s the JOKE OF THE YEAR! Two women were just sitting around—-minding their own business.



Gus Hackman story
From Larry Hackman (66): Bismarck, ND


Happy New Year to you and your family.

I hope this finds you and your family well.

This is a little long , so you may want to save it for a slow day.

That is fine with me.

Have a good day Gary, and thanks for all that you do.


The Slow Moving Vehicle Sign

This story takes us back up in the hills, (The Turtle Mountains’ of North Dakota) winter time, cold, wind blowing, freezing cold, snow, bone chilling cold.A typical North Dakota winter!Doesn’t this make all you folks who moved away home sick?We accepted the winters without question when we were young; in fact most of us looked forward to them, and found a way to enjoy them, and I think most of us thought at the time that this is normal, and that the rest of the world was pretty much in the same shape.Then we grew up, listened to relatives and friends, studied a little Geography and well you know the rest of the story.I remember going to Phoenix one winter and was telling this fellow, “the day I left North Dakota that it was 20 degrees below zero, and that was without the wind chill”.All He said was damn, “that’s colder then it is, inside my freezer”.I said, “Awe that’s nothing”.

This is a hay of a story taking place in the dead of winter; it begins with my Uncle Gus getting ready to go get a load of hay with a hayrack mounted on a sleigh with a team of horses.If anyone remembers and I suppose most do, that are still kicking, and that lived in the same area as Uncle Gus, that in order to escape the traffic on old Highway #43 he would go get that load of hay when all traffic had ceased, and that was after midnight, after the bars had closed and when he was fairly positive that everyone else was home and that there would be no cars on the road.He didn’t want anyone or anything scaring his horses.

Uncle Gus would start by getting ready about midnight.He would have to dress to stay warm because at night in the dead of winter in the hills of North Dakota, it is damn cold.Everything, is like it is frozen in time.It is still and strangely quiet.The moon light reflecting off the snow makes it almost daylight.Everything is in black and white.The only sound is the horses all harnessed up and hooked to the sleigh, blowing steam from their nostrils’, pawing at the ground with their huge hoofs, anxious to get started, because they knew what they were going to do, and wanted to get it over with.They knew because they had to make this trip at least once, sometimes twice a week all winter long.

Uncle Gus came out of the house all bundled up in a huge bundle of clothing.All you could see was his eyes under the bill of his cap.Yes, you had to dress warm, under layer upon layer of clothing.He would begin by getting preparing from his feet on up.He would sit down and take off his shoes beside the old wood burning cast iron heater that was located in the center of the room.It was burning so hot that it was giving off a orange glow.He rolled down the top of his cotton socks.Remember those white socks with the little blue streaks in them.He would then pull down the legs of his long johns* (union suit) from under his two pair of bib overalls and blue long-sleeved cotton shirt that he already had on.He would neatly fold the ankle cuffs of them long underwear around his ankles and then pull up his socks, over the folded underwear cuffs to hold them firmly in place.Slip a pair of long wool socks over the cotton socks that he would pull up to just below his knee.Then he would get up and go into the back room and come back out with this square shoe box.From the box he would take out a pair of knee high lace up felt boots that looked like they were new.The leather parts were as shinney as they could be.You could tell that Uncle Gus was very proud to have and to be able to wear a pair of boots like these.He treated them like they were special and commented that these boots were what kept his feet from freezing.He said, you couldn’t allow them to get wet, as he carefully laced them up.He pulled his 4 buckle rubber overshoes on over top of the felt boots.He then folded the legs of his bib overalls and tucked them inside the rubber overshoes before buckling them up.He then put on a wool lined sheepskin jacket, over his shirt and bib overalls.That he buttoned up from his waist up to his chin.Over the jacket he put on a floor length overcoat that was thick and looked like it weighed a ton.He buttoned the overcoat from top to bottom and then pulled the belt tight around his midsection, and buckled it securely. The last thing he did before going out the door was say goodbye and put on his wool lined cap, with ear laps that folded down from the top over his ears and his cheeks that he tied together securely under his chin.He slipped huge leather mittens with wool liners over his hands as he shut the door behind him.Gus always said gloves are no good in cold weather, but were better than nothing.Gus said the four fingers together in one mitten kept each other warm and if the thumb got cold, you could sneak the thumb over with the fingers, and they would all keep each other warm.You can’t do that with gloves.

Uncle Gus with a slam of the door was out to his team of horses that were waiting patiently for him.He had harnessed the team and had pulled the sleigh up into the yard in front of the house earlier in the evening, before getting dressed for the trip to the hayfield.Uncle Gus had explained that he would harness the horses and hook up the sleigh prior to putting on all his heavy winter clothing because you have to be able to move and sometimes move quickly and you have to do a lot of bending and stretching in order to get the horses properly harnessed.All the clothing would make it more difficult to move and would require a lot more of his energy.

Uncle Gus walked around the horses and checked the harnesses.Checking every connection and strap to make sure every strap was tightly buckled and every connection was secure. He talked to the horses as he moved about them to let them know who he was and to comfort them.The horses patiently waited as Gus rechecked the harness connections that were made to the sleigh with the hay rack.The last thing Uncle Gus checked was to make sure his hay fork and scoop shovel were secure on the floor of the hay rack as it would be a wasted trip to get to hayfield where he was heading, and not be able to get to the hay or not be able to load the hay into the rack.Uncle Gus had been doing this most all his life and he knew any mistakes or equipment malfunctions, when it was this cold, and in the middle of the night would be miserable and could be life threatening.

Uncle Gus crawled onto sleigh.The clothes made it difficult to move but once inside the hayrack he got to his feet, moved to the front of the rack, and untied the reins from the A frame. The A frame is a couple of poles mounted at the center, front of the rack and also at the rear of the rack, and are about twice as high from the floor, as the rest of the rack.They are called a, A-frame because they form the shape of an A.Sometimes these two standards don’t touch at the top and then they look more like an H.I think they still called the structure an A-frame though.Go figure!Anyway, Gus untied the reins and gave them a tug, to make sure they were free and not hung up somewhere.He then shouted Giddy-up and popped the reins so that they snapped the rear ends of the horses.They came alive with a jerk, and they were off, out of the yard, heading west, down highway #43, with two horses for head lights and three or four dogs following behind, for tail lights.The horses wanted to trot, but Uncle Gus kept them at a walk as he didn’t want them to get hot and start sweating in these cold temperatures.Uncle Gus turned his back to the cold breeze into his face, caused by their forward movement.The horses knew the road and where they were going.They had made this trip many times over the years.The only sound being heard was the muffled clip-clop of the horse’s feet in the snow on the road and the squeak of the sleigh runners as they cut through the fluffy snow to the frozen packed snow that covered the surface of the road.It seems that the colder it is, the louder the squeal made by the steel runners as they pass over the frozen snow beneath them.It makes you wander is it the steel runners protesting or the snow complaining, because it is being disturbed and packed into a solid mass below the runners?

Uncle Gus arrived at the hay field which is two miles west from his farm and so you know where it is located, it is northwest of the Highway #3 & #281 and highway #43 intersection, where you turn west to go to Lake Metigoshe, two miles south of International Peace Gardens, that sits on the U.S. and Canadian border, or about a mile north of the Kelvin Klinic, (Bar & Store).Yes, in the dead of winter it is a cold lonely place, with only the stars and moon as your friends.Gus navigated his team around the rolling hills and patches of trees in the hayfield in order to miss the areas where the snow had accumulated in banks.Gus did not want to shovel unless he had to and the horses seemed to know instinctively where the points of least resistance were as they made their way to the stack.At the hay stack Gus pulls the team of horses to a halt, climbs down from the rack with his scoop shovel in hand.Some snow had accumulated on the downwind side of the haystack where Gus wants to load from.Gus makes short work of removing this snow by removing the snow from beneath the accumulation and it falls down the side of the stack to the ground.Gus then shovels a path along the stack wide enough for the sleigh and rack.He leads the team of horses ahead to position the rack next to the stack.Gus climbs into the rack and removes his big overcoat and hangs it on the A frame located at the front and center of the rack.He then grabs his hay fork and starts digging into the stack and placing the hay in the rack and standing on it, he able to move from the rack to the stack, simply by stepping from the edge of the rack into the hole he created in the stack. Eventually by walking onto the hay he has placed into the rack, he gets into the stack and finishes loading by standing in the hole in the stack.He completes loading the rack from this position.Occasionally getting into the rack to pack the hay and distribute it to the corners of the rack.The load is finished off with a nice rounded top.Gus grabs his scoop shovel that he hung on the side of the rack and his fork and places them in a secure location on top the load of hay.He moves to the front of the rack just behind the A frame.He makes himself a nice little nest in the hay, puts on his overcoat, sits down in the nest he made for himself unties the reins from the A frame in the front of the rack,gives the reins a tug and then pops them on the horses rumps and shouts giddy-up.The horses leaped forward, anxious to get back to the farm.The sleigh moves easily on the trail that was made coming into the field.Uncle Gus is comfortable and warm in his snugly little nest in the hay.When he is safely out of the hayfield and back on #43 and headed east, he knows he is going to take a little nap.The horses with the dogs following behind will take him the rest of the way home.They have done this hundreds of times.

Uncle Gus all snuggled up in the hay and had just closed his eyes. The horses were moving along at a fast walk pulling the load of hay on the sleigh through the shimmering moon lit snow.The dogs were following behind at a trot.All of a sudden there arose such a clatter. Uncle Gus awoke to see what the hell was the matter, as he went flying from his cozy little nest, into the hay piled high in the center of the rack.Gus struggled to get his bearings and finally looked over the pile of hay.He first saw a red glow and it wasn’t Rudolph or any of his reindeer buddies.It was the glow of brake lights.Some damn fool out driving in the middle of the night had run smack dab into the back of the hayrack with his automobile, and was sitting was still sitting in his car braking hard.Gus’s next thought was about the horses, and he basically rolled off the hay, and over the side of the rack and let himself fall to the ground as he knew he had to get to that team before they figured out what happened and decided to start running.He didn’t need a runaway team.He grabbed their bridles and started talking to the horses to calm them down and to let them know that he was still in control.The horses had been knocked to their bellies.Rather than horses, for a little while they looked more like seals pulling that load of hay down the road.The horses had found their way back up on their feet and Gus got them calmed down and the reins secured to the rack.Uncle Gus then went to check things out in the back of the rack and with the car.The front of the car was pretty messed up.The driver was still sitting in his car, his foot still on the brake, and the brake lights shining brightly into the early morning sky. The dogs were gone.Uncle Gus opened the door and asked the driver if he was alright.The man just complained that he did not see the rack soon enough.He hit the brakes as soon as he could but the car would not stop and slide right into back of the rack, knocking out both headlights and wrinkling the hood.The man complained that there were no tail lights or reflectors on the rack. Apparently the dogs following behind were running with their tails down.Maybe, because of that cold northwest breeze that was blowing up their backside.Anyway the fellow and Uncle Gus decided to go on their way and that the fellow would contact the Highway Patrol in the morning.The fellow decided he could get home with just the park lights and without headlights.Uncle Gus said could see good and couldn’t understand why that fellow couldn’t.

The next day the Highway Patrolman arrived at Uncle Gus’s place to check out the hayrack.Gus explained to the officer that he could easily fix what was broken on the hayrack.The Officer explained that, that was not the problem.That the problem was that my Uncle was operating equipment on the roadway at night without lights.Uncle Gus explained why he hauls at night and that he has been doing this for years and had never had an accident before, and that he could see just fine.The Officer explained that if you operate equipment at night on public roadways that you must have headlights and tail lights and that the driving public expects to see lights.Gus argued that he could see just fine without lights, and had never had a problem before.The Highway Patrolman finally compromised with Uncle Gus saying that at a minimum he wanted him to install a slow moving vehicle sign on the back of the rack.That way he would be protecting himself and anyone approaching from the rear ought to be able to see that reflective sign and know that they are to slow down.Uncle Gus said he would pull over to side of the road if he saw someone coming from the front.

Uncle Gus got a sign and fastened it to the back of the hayrack.He said he wandered at the same time that if that fellow couldn’t see a hayrack with a full load of hay, how he was going to see this little, itty bitty sign.Another thought that passed through his head was that he should of asked that Patrolman, if he would have required him to put headlight on them horses; where was he suppose to stick the batteries?On second thought, he thought, that would not have been a good question to ask.That Patrolman might have told him exactly where to stick them batteries.Uncle Gus knew that if had to stick them there, that, that would get awfully uncomfortable for them horses.He loved his horses to much to do anything like the to them.He was satisfied with installing the orange reflective triangular shaped,slowmoving vehicle sign”on the back of the rack.



*Long Johns (union suit) were common back in the day. They were one piece long underwear that covered the body from the neck down to the ankles and out to the wrists.They had a button front from neck to your waste with a flap covered opening in the front and back.A button was installed on the back to hold the back flap closed.I guess this solved the problem of showing someone a full moon when bending over.Now I was told by a fellow that this button did cause some irritation when sitting and that the ladies of the house soon discovered this and used it to the benefit of the family.If the husband started spending a little too much time at the kitchen table in the morning drinking coffee, and not going out to get his work done, then out would come the karo syrup can and the husband would find another button on the back of his long johns.Every household, back in the day, had a karo syrup tin filled with buttons.Before any article of clothing was thrown away, every part that could be reused, such as buttons was salvaged, and saved.The buttons were but into an emptied out karo syrup tin.No Tupperware back in them days to burp.Everything was saved and used over and over again until it was pretty much useless.Remember back in the day whenever the folks bought something at the grocery store it was usually wrapped in paper and then tied shut with a string (no plastic bags).Well guess what, everyone saved the paper, and the string.The paper was folded nicely and put into the bottom of the cupboard, and the string was added to the ball in the knife and fork drawer.Well when that karo syrup tin would be broughtout with all those buttons, it was time for some fun.While the girls were sorting through them and arranging them by color and size, we boys were looking for large overcoat type buttons. The larger the better.We would take that large button usually around an 1-1/4” in diameter, run a length of string (about 2 ft. long) through two of the four holes in the center of the button, and tie the ends of the string together.We would then hang the loops at the ends of the string over our thumbs.We would then move our hands in a circular motion to cause the button to twirl around and around until the string was all twisted up from your thumbs to the button on each side, which was located near the center.We would then pull the strings looped over our thumbs, by moving our arms apart.This caused the button to spin one way then; we would relax, moving our arms together and the button would rewind the string and then we would spread our arms again, stretching the string, causing the button to spin the other way.You could keep this going, until the string would fray and break.Mom would say to keep that whirring, spinning, contraption away from the girl’s hair.I often wondered if that was invitation or what?

Anyway, back to the long John story.Some of the husbands eventually ended up with a pretty impressive row of buttons on their back flap.The wives found that more work was getting done faster. They said some of their husbands were so anxious to get out of the house in the mornings, and to work that they would drink their coffee standing at the kitchen door.Maybe, that is why, my three Hackman uncles never married. What do you think?Maybe some of you that are still in contact with the older generation and will ask them if they remember this practice or maybe they were an active participant.



Let us know what you find out.

Remember to laugh today,




Taps Reply

From Sharon Longie Dana (73): MIssoula MT
I had never heard the Taps played like that before and I had to share it with my sailor husbad and send it on to many others. That little girl has a gift. I have been to many funerals where Taps were played and that rendition was quite amazing. thanks for sharing.
Sharon Longie Dana (73)

David Abrahamson (72)
Reply from Ele Dietrich Slyter (69): Dunseith, ND

TAPS was awesome..so young to have so much talent..but that doesn’t surprise anyone who calls the Turtule Mts. home as there is talent all over this place that is untapped and seldom heard or seen.
Larry’s story today reminded me of another talent in this area…years ago when the Gathering Cafe was still open there was a garage/repair shop located in the same building..I think one of the Lagerquist boys was the operator/owner at the time…any way I had stopped to get gas and was inside paying for it when one of our local “comedians” stopped in also. He got to telling how he had a bunch of kittens for give away and how cute they were. Of course everyone, myself included, just had to see these super cute kittens so he went out to get them out of his truck. He came in carrying the box, normal as all get out, but when we opened the top of the box a darn skunk jumped up and scared the you know what out of us. Needless to say we have a taxidermist in our midst and he had cut a hole near the bottom of the box to put his hand in to ‘activate’ that skunk. I still laugh when I remember my reaction and that of the others in there that day. Thank you for the laughter and memory David Abrahamson!!!!


David Abrahamson (72)
Reply from Patti Metcalfe Woods (67): Peace Garden Customs agent

Hi Gary,


I had to chuckle at the Coyote on the back of the taxidermists pickup.

It reminds me of the stuffed skunk David Abrahamson carried with him when he did refrigeration repairs.

He would set it down in the aisle of the store where he was working and chuckle at the reaction of the store customers.

The grin on David’s face was precious.


Thank you for all the work you do keeping up this blog.

Wishing you and Bernadette a special 2011!

Patti Woods

Patti, Bernadette and I so enjoyed our visit with you on our way back thru customs last May while your folks inspected our car. After having visited the Peace Garden, our number came up for a full blown inspection on our way back into the good ole USA. By the way, thanks for opening the big roll up door to let us out. While visiting with you inside, I think your folks had given up on us going back to our car.

Suggested Proposal
From Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO
Hey Gary. I have a proposal for the folks reading your blog. How about everyone tries to remember the funniest joke you have heard lately and submit it so we can all have a laugh?
Here’s mine:
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Interupting cow.
Interupting cow wh…..
Cmon you guys. I know you’ve got at least one in you….
Trish Wild

The Equine Nomad
Harold Amundson family
Memories/picture from Paula Fassett (71): North Branch, MN

Hi Gary – and all…


I thought I would send this photo that I received recently from my cousin Lenette. It is some of my relatives that some of you out there may (or may not) recognize and/or remember. (Susan should be doing this – I’ll probably get it wrong!!!) Anyway, the man in the middle is Harold Amundson. I THINK he is 93. He is the youngest brother of Helen Nelson, Ernie Amundson, Dagny Haagenson and Alpha Gunderson. The lady on the left is his daughter Sharon (I don’t remember her married name, sorry). The lady to the right of him is his wife Mildred (Millie) – who, I believe is originally from Rolla – formerly Mildred Hudson. On the far right (this one I’m SURE of…) is Lenette Hoover-Brauer. Lenette is the daughter of Lenore (Watkins) Hoover, my mother’s sister. Lenette was visiting Spokanne, WA, so stopped in to see the relatives. Unfortunately, since this photo was taken, Uncle Harold has become gravely ill and is currently under hospice care at his daughter Sharon’s. It’s a difficult time for their family – please remember them in your prayers…..

Paula Fassett



Sharon Amundson, Harold Amundson, Mildred Amundson & Lenette Hoover-Brauer

Viet Nam 1966 – Ann Margaret
Posting from Lola Metcalfe Vanorny (68):
Thought this might be a good one for the blog!



In God We Trust


Ann Margaret….

Viet Nam

Richard, (my husband), never really talked a lot about his time in Viet Nam , other than that he had been shot by a sniper. However, he had a rather grainy, 8 x 10 black and white photo he had taken at a USO show of Ann Margaret with Bob Hope in the background that was one of his treasures.

A few years ago, Ann Margaret was doing a book signing at a local bookstore. Richard wanted to see if he could get her to sign the treasured photo, so he arrived at the bookstore at 12 o’clock for the 7:30 p.m. signing.

When I got there after work, the line went all the way around the bookstore, circled the parking lot, and disappeared behind a parking garage. Before her appearance, bookstore employees announced that she would sign only her book and no memorabilia would be permitted.

Richard was disappointed, but wanted to show her the photo and let her know how much those shows meant to lonely GIs so far from home.

Ann Margaret came out looking as beautiful as ever and, as second in line, it was soon Richard’s turn.

He presented the book for her signature and then took out the photo. When he did, there were many shouts from the employees that she would not sign it. Richard said, “I understand. I just wanted her to see it.”

She took one look at the photo, tears welled up in her eyes and she said, “This is one of my gentlemen from Viet Nam and I most certainly will sign his photo. I know what these men did for their country and I always have time for ‘my gentlemen.”

With that, she pulled Richard across the table and planted a big kiss on him. She then made quite a to-do about the bravery of the young men she met over the years, how much she admired them, and how much she appreciated them. There weren’t too many dry eyes among those close enough to hear. She then posed for pictures and acted as if he were the only one there.

Later at dinner, Richard was very quiet. When I asked if he’d like to talk about it, my big, strong husband broke down in tears. ”That’s the first time anyone ever thanked me for my time in the Army,” he said.

That night was a turning point for him. He walked a little straighter and, for the first time in years, was proud to have been a Vet. I’ll never forget Ann Margaret for her graciousness and how much that small act of kindness meant to my husband.

I now make it a point to say ‘Thank you’ to every person I come across who served in our Armed Forces. Freedom does not come cheap and I am grateful for all those who have served their country.

If you’d like to pass on this story, feel free to do so. Perhaps it will help others to become aware of how important it is to acknowledge the contribution our service people make.





Floyd Pritchard’s (59) Birthday: floyd
Reply from Florence Pladson Sime (62): Dunseith, ND
Hi, Pamela, that is a cute picture of Floyd. How old was he on this picture? I used to spend alot of time at Winifreds when he lived there. Wish him a happy birthday from me as I won’t be at the party. Florence Sime
Reply from John Tangen (Cousin to Pladson Siblings): Calistoga, CA.

Hi, Gary. A belated Happy New Year to you and to all the Stokes/Thompson cousins who read this blog. These days I think I know more Dunseith history than Bottineau! And Keith, some of those memories I share, too – that wonderfully warm woodstove; the threshing at your place, and at Dave Eurich’s, too – though I never worked up a sweat myself (too young). And the sledding hill – were you there the year the snow was so deep and soft we had to pull the tobaggon down the hill with a snowmobile – then pull the snowmobile up the hill with horses! And I recall my dad sliding down on a grain shovel!


Thanks Gary and Keith for sharing the “Taps” video. That was awesome!


John (Calistoga, California)





Taps reply

From Aime Casavant (66): Jamestown, ND

Hi Keith, classmate from Dunseith. Hope all has been well with you. That was a very nice post, the one of Melissa Venema from the Netherlands. We had a foreign exchange student with us for one year in 1999 from Holland and became familiar with Andre’ Rieu. We will have to forward this to our foreign exchange daughter who lives again in Holland. She will be very proud, as she should be of this fine orchestra and this young talent from her country.
Aime Casavant
Taps reply
From Dwight Lang (61): Tucson, AZ

This young lady, Melissa Venema and the orchestra, did a great job. Although I played taps at many burials, I had never heard the full rendition until today. Absolutely Beautiful!!!!! Thank you for sharing this, Keith.


Before video ended, I was transported right back to that crisp fall day some fifty plus years ago at Ackworth Cemetery. Somehow I found my eyes watering and a lump growing in my throat as I thought back about that day when my Great Uncle Harry’s casket was lowered to it’s final resting place.


Your now aged bugle boy,




ONLY IN The Turtle Mountains

Posted by Larry Hackman (66): Bismarck, ND

*A lady was telling her neighbor that she saw a man driving a pick-up truck down Highway #43, and a dog was hanging onto the tailgate for dear life! *

*She said if the pick-up truck driver hadn’t been going so fast in the other direction, she would have tried to stop him. *

*A few weeks later, her neighbor saw this truck at the local Bass Pro Shop, “Mel’s Place*”

*The pick-up truck driver is a local taxidermist with a great sense of humor! *

*Taxidermists are a twisted lot anyway! *

*And it is not a dog in the 1st Place ; it is a Coyote. *

*Can you imagine how many people tried to stop this guy? *





No Blog posted yesterday.
Folks, I got a little rushed and did not get a blog posted yesterday. Today is our bowling day, so I’m getting a short blog out before we leave.
Floyd Pritchard (59) Celebrated his 70th Birthday
Posted by Pamela Pritchard Smith: Bottineau, ND

Afternoon Gary! Hey, my dad is turning 70 here in a couple of weeks. We are going to have a birthday party for him at the Birchwood to celebrate.

We have a general public announcement going into the Bottineau Courant (below) along with the attached photo. I thought it would be a nice thing to also put into your blog. This picture is just too funny not to share! I would love to hear any stories that come back about memories of my Dad. If you receive any, can you please forward them and I will make sure my sisters and Dad see them.
Thanks so much Gary and let me know if you need anything! Hope to see you there at the Birchwood too!
You are invited to join in on the celebration of Floyd Pritchard’s 70th Birthday!!
Birchwood Steakhouse and Lounge
Saturday, January 15th, 8:00PM – 1:00AM

From Keith Pladson (66): Stafford, VA
A friend sent this to me. I’m forwarding it to you and you can decide if you want to include it in your blog. All I can say is WOW!
Keith Pladson (66)
Dwight Lang, This should bring back some memories for you. Gary

You might have seen or heard this before but it is worth
another listen….

The conductor of the orchestra is Andre Rieu fromHolland. The young lady, her trumpet and her rendition of TAPS makes your hair stand on end.
Many of you may never have heard taps played in its entirety, for all of the men & women that have died for you to have the freedom you have inAmerica. This is an opportunity you won’t want to miss and I guarantee you’ll never forget.

Amazingly beautiful .. Melissa Venema, age 13, is the trumpet soloist.
Here is Taps played in its entirety. The Original version of Taps was calledLast Post, and was written by Daniel Butterfield in 1801. It was rather lengthy and formal, as you will hear in this clip, so in 1862 it was shortened to 24 notes and re-named Taps. Melissa Venema is playing it on a trumpet whereby the original was played on a bugle.
watch on the attachment or at this site.



Happy Birthday Sheryl Stokes Wingate – 1-3-1980:
Folks, Today, January 3rd is our daughter Sheryl’s birthday. She is 31 years old. Sheryl lives in Bremerton Washington with her daughter (our Granddaughter) Neveah. Gary
Reply to Mel Kuhn (70)
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

I was just reading Mel Kuhn’s posting for the third time just to try to understand his position. He mentioned how well Larry Hackman (and some other guy I don’t recognize) can tell stories. I just started to understand why so many of the morning coffee guys leave there ear flappers down over their ears in the morning at our breakfast table. I always thought it was because they were still cold. Now after reading Mel’s entry, I have a clearer picture as to why they do that. Mel was certainly short changing himself when he mentioned he may never be able to compete in story telling. Oh yeah, and Mel, I think way to much of you to ever tell you to your face what we all say about you once you leave. Maybe from now on Ol’ Mel will be the last guy to leave, just to protect his image. Thanks Gary!


Willard Lasher’s connection to the Ackworth community
Folks, Willard Lasher’s mother, Melvina, was a Thompson from the Ackworth community. She was a sister to Ida (William) Pritchard, Ulysses Thompson and that family. Willard was a first cousin to Robert Pritchard, Corbin Pritchard, Winifred Pritchard Eurich, Ella (Eldon) Pladson, Esther (Edmar) Tangan and others from the Ackworth community. Gary
Willard Lasher
(January 28, 1915 – November 29, 2010)

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Funeral services for Willard Lasher, age 95 of Bottineau, were held on Monday at 3:00 pm at the Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Bottineau. Officiating at the service was the Reverend James Judson. Avonne Gessner was the organist and the congregation sang selected hymns. Casket bearers were Howard Beyer, Norman Steinke, Kevin Schroeder, Jeff Beyer, Keith Pritchard, Greg Beyer, Dwight Olson and Lloyd Johnson. Military Honors were presented by the Bottineau VFW and American Legion posts and the North Dakota National Guard. Burial will be at the Oak Creek Cemetery in Bottineau

Willard Wendell Lasher, a son of Bennie Emil and Melvina (Thompson) Lasher, was born on January 26, 1915 at Edmonds, ND. He was reared near McClusky, ND where he worked on the family farm. He later moved to Bottineau. He worked for CCC’s near Watford City, ND building roads in the north unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. He entered the US Coast Guard on July 31, 1942 and he served in the Pacific Theatre until his honorable discharge on November 24, 1945. Upon returning to the states, he worked near Seattle installing telephone lines. On October 27, 1946, he married Ruby Neubauer at Bottineau. They lived on a farm near Makoti before moving to the Neubauer farm near Bottineau. He farmed there until 1962 when they moved into Bottineau. Willard worked for several service stations in Bottineau and later managed the Bottineau Discount station. He later became a full time rural mail carrier for the United States Postal Service.

Willard was a member of the Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Bottineau. He was also a member of the VFW in Bottineau and the Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.

Willard passed away on Monday, November, 29, 2010 at a Bottineau hospital.

He is survived by his wife, Ruby of Bottineau, two daughters, Connie Kay (Lasher) Kahn of Rio Rancho, NM and Sandra Faye (Lasher) Thompson of Bottineau; 6 grandchildren; 15 great grandchildren; sisters, Lillian Beyer of Bottineau and Beulah Hoaglund of St. Paul, MN and several nieces and nephews.

Previously posted with message 867 on 7/26/10
Many of Willard’s family members are in this picture.
Mary Eurich Knutson, you had a hard copy made of this picture and had planned on visiting Willard and a few others for their comments and identifications. What were you able to find out? Thanks,Gary
Ackworth Ladies Aid. Picture taken in 1924


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