Zorn Family
From Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC
To Sharon Zorn Gerdes
Thank you for sharing the details of Ryans funeral with us. I cried as I read the newspaper article and saw the pictures in the paper on the blog. My heart just broke not only for Myrons family,but the Zorn family all together. There is something about the beauty of a military funeral and the support of the people that does make it easier for awhile.,and knowing the honor and sacrifice that Ryan died. My thoughts were with your family alot this past week,because I remember your family so well. I remember Marlys like yesterday,she was in my grade, and you and Dennis,and I remember Myron was best friends with my brother Rene,and Billy,was my youngest brothers Jimmy’s best friend.So to you and your family God Bless you,and Take Care…. Sincerely, Aggie Casavant
Reply to Sharon Zorn Gerdes’ email re: Ryan Zorn’s funeral:
From Marlys Zorn Bryan (69): Fairbury, Nebraska
I completely agree with Sharon’s sentiments regarding the funeral; she was able to express it so much better than I could have, and expressed it perfectly. The honor that the military, the citizens of the states of Wyoming and South Dakota (Ryan was buried in the National Cemetary in the Black Hills), fellow veterans, the Patriot Guard, and the United States paid to one fallen soldier was inexpressible. It restored my faith in America, that we are still One Nation, Under God, working for liberty and justice for all. It made me proud and very grateful to be an American.
Marlys Zorn Bryan
Reply from Dick & Jerrine Richard (49) Larson: Seattle, WA
gary—I believe the car in Sharon Shen’s steamer pic is actually a ’41 Dodge-I had one back in the 40’s. It was in fact the car that Jerrine (Richard) and I moved to Seattle with right after we were married in Nov of 1950. Keep up the good work. Dick L
Helen Metcalfe Barden’s (62) struggle with cancer:
From Geri Metcalfe Munro (59): Fargo, ND.
Hi Gary,
Chuck and I visited my sis, Helen (Metcalfe) and Lance Barden at their home this afternoon and we talked about sending an update on Helen’s health issues. Lance had sent the following to us yesterday (Saturday):
Geri Metcalfe Munro
Helen has finished three of the fifteen radiation treatments on the cancer spots in the brain..the other medication is a steroid pill three times a day to reduce swelling that was there and may be added to by the radiation.. She is perhaps a little less steady on her feet so the “house rules” require her to use her walker even when she is moving around the house..(normally the walker was only used for rests during shopping trips!!!)
Next Thursday we meet with Dr Gaba to discuss her case and probably begin a chemo infusion regimen to work on the increased activity noted before in her liver.. we hope the combination of radiation-chemo will not be too exhausting..
The realities of the situation are really just starting to sink in!! The big reality is, either God grants a miracle cure or we will pray for some relief/reprieve from the onslaught so that we will be able to enjoy some quality family and fun time..It is not fun this way!!!
To anyone who has hesitated to make contact because of the situation please don’t worry about any disturbance!!! She really doesn’t fuction well until at least noon so contact after that would be preferred.. If she isn’t “up to visiting” she is aware enough not to try.. also keep in mind she may not respond to quickly or sometimes totally appropriately but she needs outside contact!!! She’s had a couple calls from friends and enjoyed them immensely.. She also needs people face to face.. ( someone other than the slavedriver husband)
Forgive me if this sounds a bit down and pessimistic.. I don’t want it to be and Helen doesn’t either.. Outwardly at least (and I don’t think it’s different inside) she is completely at peace.. everyone she talks to hears the same message.. If I’m cured it will be terrific but if it is not to be I completely accept that..
This is sent to a limited number of family and friends but if you want to send it on please do so.. the more praying the better!!!!!
Helen, even though you are 3 years my senior, I remember you well from our bus riding days to Dunseith. I always looked forward to when we’d stop by your place and you and your 3 sisters, Margaret, Patti & Lola would hop on the bus. Your charm radiated the whole bus. You girls were always so cheerful and friendly. How could anyone ever forget the Metcalfe girls.
With faith and a positive attitude, you will beat this current turn of events. We are in there with you all the way with these treatments you are going through. Just hang in there. Our thought and prayers will always be with you. Gary
Sharron Gottbreht Shen (59) & Aggie Casavant (69):
From Gary Metcalfe (57): Forsyth, MO
To Sharron and Aggie
My hats off to you Sharron for honoring the past generations with pictures and stories. The picture of the Gottbrecht family is priceless to me. All the stories my dad told, I can now put faces on, like Fred Gottbrecht’s wife, Pearly. She was a force to be reckoned with.
Aggie never forgot where she came from either, very compassionate, what in the world is a higher calling than humanitarian.
Gary Metcalfe
Also From Gary Metcalfe:
Hello All, Last night we went back in time, over a hundred years. Silver Dollar City is a theme park built around a cave not too far from the place that Harold Bell Wright wrote the book, “Shepherd of the Hills”. Branson has over a hundred top notch shows, so I asked my wife how did Silver Dollar City bring in 19,000 people tonight. Answer….the nostalgia such as I have not wanted to lose in my boyhood times. I won’t say much about the park, just that there are not many level places in it….such are the Ozarks. My favorite time is World Fest in early summer, performers come in from all parts of the world. The door to the best hour of nostalgia for me was not marked or lit. The small window showed a faint light, like a match burning. I pushed the ole door opened enough to squeeze in and there they were…..fiddle, banjo, bass and guitar and none of them plugged in. They just absolutely played their instruments and they had written all their own songs. The Appalachian and Ozarks is where country music originated. Someone requested a special song called, “Big Tom”. The bass player crossed the small cabin floor and locked the front door, as they proceeded with the song, I realized why they locked the door. This little cabin reminded me of the winter night, 50 years ago when Doug Striker and I stopped on our way back from St. John after midnight to pay Gus and Bill Hackman a visit. The low ceilings, 4 x 8 joists, kerosene lamp, the old wood burner gave off some light. I thought Gus was sleeping, but pretty soon he came through the front door. I think he left his gun outside. It was a cold, moonlight night….you might guess what Gus was doing.
K.C. Sign spent 40 years making life better for hundreds of kids, and that would be a hard act to follow….but I think Mr. Stokes that you have gone above and beyond to help stir memories for many.
Erling….you said it– our parents were color blind. I doubt that Dunseith was much different than any place else except for diversity. Which as you said, “served you well when you went out to meet the world”. You won’t get too far out there in our wonderful world if you are self over rated in the least way. I have to pay tribute to a few who showed me so much. The Syrian people left an impact on a lot of us and it was a good one! Thanks Gary. Gary Metcalfe
Railroad Round House
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Dick’s reply to some of our behind the scenes email exchanges.
The old roundhouse was where the train locomotives were serviced and
then turned around to head back south. It was located south of the
elevators and as Sharron says, her dad bought it in ’52-’53. He tore it
down and used the lumber to build their new house right behind Dale’s. I
helped Rick Gottbreht move the house about a hundred feet west. The
timbers under that house are huge! It was well built to say the least.
It was one of the first ‘flat roof’ designs in the area. The high school
(the ’56 addition) was also flat roof design. Rick made an upstairs and
completely remodeled the inside to a beautiful home. I bet Sharron would
know that the old roundhouse lumber was used to frame their house.
Thanks for including me in this email!
Question from Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND
Hi Gary,
I have a question about your address. Does it cost the same to mail something to your address as it would to someone in the U.S.–such as a flat-rate envelope?
The answer is Yes. Fleet Post Office (FPO) and Army Post Office (APO) mail is treated like regular US mail with a San Francisco Zip code on the west coast and a New York Zip code on the east coast. Other than for prescription medicines, there is a one pound limit that can be sent to my FPO address. Gary
Gary Stokes
PSC 517 Box RS/CC
FPO AP 96517-1000
Darrel (Bud) Stokes (70) & Angus Campbell
From Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND.
Do you get the courant? Perhaps Neola can e-mail todays paper There
is a wonderful article on Bud and Angus!
Quoting Angus, Bud is like a son…..
What a wonderful pair. And, I’m privileged to know then both! Vickie
Vickie, Neola did scan and send me that article. It gives me great pleasure and with pride to post this too. I am proud to say it was through my affiliations that Angus and Bud connected. I have always known who Angus Campbell is, but it was when I worked for Dave Clark following high school that I learned to know Angus Campbell well. Angus and Dave pooled a lot of their resources with their farming in those days including their hired help. Following HS, I lived with and worked for the Clarks for 16 months before heading west. They are great folks too and treated me very well. After I left for the coast, Angus needed some help so I suggested Bud and the rest is history. Angus says Bud was 17 when he started working for him, but I’m thinking he was several years younger. Bud is a perfectionist of which Angus took great pride in and liked in Bud too. When Bud Started working for Frykman’s, Angus found it hard to part with Bud of which he did not. They worked out a deal where Bud worked for Angus in the evenings and on Saturday’s in the spring and the fall of the years until Bud took over his farming operation in 1990. Angus seldom works Sunday’s. Bud & Angus have been like a father/son team since the first day Bud set foot on Angus’ farm back in the 60’s. Angus totally trusts Bud with anything and everything. Angus takes pride trusting Buds judgment with every situation inclusive of circumstances outside of their farming operation. Bud has never been known to make hasty decisions. Angus spends the majority of the holidays and has for many years, with Bud & Debby and their family. For the past 30 years Angus has been at most all of our family gatherings. He is one of the family. Angus looks pretty good in this picture for being 84 years old. He may have turned the farming operation over to Bud 20 years ago, but he has never ceased to quit working and helping Bud. He has done the majority of Bud’s combining all these years. He’ll fill up all the trucks during the day when Bud is working his other job for the City of Bottineau. Gary
PS – I believe those are all Bud’s grain bins in the picture. I kind of think they are all full too.
Posting from Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

Update on Elmer & Mable (Espe) Striker Family,
Sent by Ken Striker, Dayton Ohio
H1k Elmer Striker b 1907 Rolette Co ND d Sep 1973 Edmonds Snohomish Co WA
+Mabel Espe b ab 1909 Dane Co WI d/o Iver J & Martha (Eriksdatter Myklemyr) Espe. According to Prarie Past and Mountain Memories, A History of Dunseith ND Mable Striker m Elmer Striker and they lived near Kelvin before moving to Seattle where Elmer worked as a building contractor and Mable a clerk. Elmer died in 1973 and Mable now lives in Corona Del Mar, CA. Their children were: Eunice, Gary and Donna born while they lived in the Turtle Mountains; and Jackilyn and Marie born in Seattle. Eunice, Gary and Donna are all married and live in the Seattle area while Jackilyn and Marie and their families are all in California.
H1k1 Eunice Patricia Striker b 15 Sep 1930 Dunseith ND
+Jim Morrison Patsy, as Eunice likes to be called, live in Kaiuai Hawaii (see H1k3 LeaRae Espe (Mrs Terry Espe) wrote the email address for Pat Striker Morrison is:
H1k2 Gary Striker born 7 Mar 1934 Bottineau ND
+C. Carlson m 1953 (divorced 1982) 3ch: see below
+Liliane Morel-Maroger. (1937-2004) m 1983 From Casablanca, Morocco. Gary graduated from University of Washington 1959 MD, Gary wrote in 1985 “Liliane has four children. She is a world recognized authority in renal pathology, who directed a renal research laboratory in Paris, France before coming to U of WA to become a Prof-of Pathology” The Journal of American Society of Nephrology wrote a Tribute to the passing of Liliane in New York on November 18, 2004. (jasn.as journals.org)
About Gary: (from directory.mssm.edu/faulty/faculty 10/1/2007)
Dr. Gary Striker is a Professor of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and Professor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Miami School of Medicine in Miami, Florida. He maintains research laboratories devoted to stem cells, aging and diabetes-related topics in both New York, New York, and Miami, Florida.
After receiving his medical degree from the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, he completed his Rotating Internship in General Medicine at the University Hospital in Seattle. He then completed a Residency in Pathology at University of California at Los Angeles–Wadsworth General Hospital and the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Los Angeles. He returned to the University of Washington–Seattle for his Fellowship in Experimental Pathology. He is board certified in Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology, and is licensed to practice in California, Washington, Maryland, and Florida.
His academic career began at the University of Washington, where he became a Professor in 1972. He directed the M.D.-Ph.D. program and was the Dean for Curriculum, among many other activities at the University of Washington. He became Director of the Kidney, Urology, and Hematology Division, NIDDK, NIH in 1984 until 1997. He was Director of the Vascular Biology Institute at the University of Miami from 1997-2004. He came to Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 2004, where he is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology.
H1k2a Gregory W. Striker b 11 Jul 1957 Seattle d 29 Jan 2007
Gregory Waine Striker Seattle native Gregory Waine Striker, born July 11, 1957 was killed in an industrial accident January 26, 2007 in Portland, OR. Born to parents, Gary E. Striker of New York, NY and Carlene S. Hartenbower of Yuma, AZ. Greg chose to raise his family in the Seattle area close to his church. Greg was a very active and much loved member of the Foster Tukwila Presbyterian Church where he served as an elder, teacher and mentor to many. Greg is survived by his children, Cabrina, age 14, Breanna, age 16, Johnathan, age 18 and Angela Emerson, age 20. He will also be missed by his brother, Gary E. Striker Jr. of Spokane, WA and sister, Kris Betts of Mesquite, NV. Services will be held Saturday, February 3, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon at The Church By The Side Of The Road, located at S. 148th & Pacific Hwy in Tukwila. Please sign the online memorial at www.bonneywatson.com. Published in print on 2/1/2007. Seattle Times
H1k2b Kristin Striker b 2 Jan 1961 Los Angeles res Mesquite, NV (2007)
+ ___ Betts Mesquite, Nevada
Feb 13, 2008 … Take a gamble on Mesquite, Nevada, a growing golf and gaming …. Instructor Kris Betts gladly gives us a safety briefing and some …
Oasis Gun Club about five miles east of town. Instructor Kris Betts gladly gives us a safety briefing and some instruction. With protective eyewear and earplugs in place, it’s off to shoot skeet and trap. Even with earplugs in place, Kris managed to explain precisely how to use the sight
H1k2c Gary E. Striker Jr b 10 may 1963 Seattle res: Spokane (2007)
I was a little internet surfing and noticed information on a Gary Striker associated with horses training, etc. References to Eastwich Hunters and Jumpers and True North Summer Shows. Wondering if this might be Gary Striker Jr, s/o Dr Gary Striker.
H1k3 Donna Striker 7 Oct 1935 Bottineau ND
+RA Cruikshank
+ ___ Neumeyer? At the Dunseith HS DHS blog 8/25/09, LeaRae Parill Espe email: ‘67 wrote “that on the way back from Alaskan cruise we visited Terry’s first cousin Donna Striker Neumeyer d/o Mable Espe & Elmer Striker. Also, spoke on phone to Pat who is sister of Donna she is 78 years old “(see H1k1) “We have visited Donna a few times in Seattle and Donna has visited us here in ND once. We met Pat in 1972 in Seattle when Terry took his father to see his sister Mabel Espe Striker. Mabel did visit ND either 1974 or 1975. Interestingly “for Elmer and Mabel Striker- his nephew (Douglas Striker) m her niece (Marlene Espe)”
H1k4 Marie Striker b 15 Aug 1937 Mont
+William Lillas
H1k5 Jackie Striker b 19 May 1939 Seattle
+James Martin