11/29/2017 (2579)

Reply from Bill Hosmer (’48):  Tucson, AZ

Thank you, Gary for some more heavy memories of the people I knew growing up and in some cases getting old.  I appreciate the things you send and with some sadness and some laughter recall the days in Dunseith and surrounding places.  Bill Hosmer

Gary’s comment
You are so welcome Bill. I enjoy doing what I’m doing.
Thanks Bill for the nice comments.


Message from Bob Hosmer (’56):  Lynnwood, WA

Hi Gary and all, Bob Hosmer here.  Emily Bestons got under new management and she has lost contact with the Dunseith group here.  Here’s her current email address: She would like to be put on again.

My wife, Carol De Waal-Hosmer, and I will be making a permanent move to Canada January 3, 2018.  I’ll be winding up ministry in Stanwood, WA by the end of December and have a 20 year Navy veteran whose taking seminary training online at our seminary in Fergus Falls, MN.  He is now a licensed seminarian and a member of our church, so the transition should be quite smooth.

I will be part of a team of Church planters (starters) beginning a church in Red Deer, Alberta, the third largest city in that Province and growing rapidly.  I will not be leader of the team, but a member with an assignment to follow through on.

In February, Carol and I will be in Japan for three weeks.  One of my grandchildren there is getting married and have asked me to do the service—in Japanese, of course.  I will also be celebrating my 80th birthday there with that part of my family.  Will also be visiting areas where I used to work and the people I worked with over the years there.  So a lot of things going on.  Will have to give you a new email address when I get moved to Canada.

Great getting all this Dunseith info and stories.  Great job and service to this community that is so spread out now.

Bob Hosmer

Gary’s comment
Thank you so much Bob for this update in your life. I know this is something you will enjoy doing too.
Also congratulations with the wedding of your grandchild too in Japan. That will be special wedding indeed.


Blog (653) posted on December 15, 2009

Question from Claudette McLeod (80): Dunseith, ND
Will you ask the a question for me? I would like to know what ever happened to a lady I think her name was Samia??? Don’t know the correct spelling…. but she used to live with George Albert who lived north of Dunseith.

Claudette McLeod

Turtle Mountain Outreach

Office (701)244-0199

Condolences from Joan Richard: Dunseith, ND.
I would like to send my condolences to Dick and Brenda Johnson in the loss
of their aunt. My prayers are with you and your families.I would also like to send my condolences to the
Roland and Armand Mongeon families in the loss of their brother Adrian
Mongeon. My prayers to all of you. Joan Richard

Merry Christmas to the Dunseith folks:
From Bonnie Awalt Houle (56): Becker, MN
Dear Gary and All Your Readers,
The last few years I have begun my day with a cup of tea and “Dunseith Memories” via Gary Stokes’ Blog. I have realized that it took not just our parents to raise us but it took a whole community. Every story depicts an example of neighbor helping neighbor, Parent correcting child whether the child was their child or not, always another set of eyes looking out to see that the children were safe. What an amazing community we were raised in………The accomplishments that each of us speak of were aided by a little town in North Dakota filled with LOVE that spread out to each and everyone. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE THAT WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE TOUCHED BY THIS COMMUNITY.
Bonnie Awalt Houle 1956
Reply from Tom Hagen (51): Messa, AZ & Williston, ND.
Gary, No, Owen Haakenson is from Heimdal , Maddock area and no relation
to the Bottineau people.We love E-mail letters, Love Tom and Dot

Donald Egbert (65) – 7/12/07
Reply to Dick Johnson (68):
From Larry Hackman (66): Bismarck, ND
In answer to your questions about Don Egbert’s vehicles.
While visiting with Henry last evening I was telling him about the message you sent about the cars, Donald Egbert once owned. He did drive some nice looking automobiles. The big reason he had some nice cars was that his dad did not want him driving around in just any old clunker. That was mostly before he found out that Don was into the alcohol. Damn alcohol!
Adrian loved that kid and would have and did give him almost anything he wanted. I remember the first time I saw Adrian. I was in the second grade. This huge man with a huge voice was raising hell with the third grade teacher for giving his son a low mark on something. I remember I was all eyes and couldn’t believe that this huge man was chewing out this woman teacher. I remember asking someone who this guy was? After finding out, I made a mental note not to cross paths with this guy. Later on in life, when I was much older, I found out that he was actually a nice guy and we did have some good conversations. He was really concerned about his son, Donald.
I remember my brothers and I were skiing across the creek in Evan’s pasture. We had a couple pairs of old skis, a 4 ft. pair and a 6 ft. pair, that had leather straps that you stuck your toe through. Don came along and saw these and tryed them out. The next day he showed up with a bran new pair of skis. When he wanted a bicycle, his dad went and got him the best one he could find. Remember the one that Don rode with the twin saddle bag baskets on the back wheel. It was a nice ride for Dunseith. I have a feeling that if Don could have kept it together, his dad would have given him the world.
Don was a excellent football and basketball player. He started playing with the varsity teams when he was in the seventh grade.
This might of led to his downfall. He started running with the older crowd and picked up some of their bad habits early or at least it enabled him to develope some bad habits early. Yes, Dick I agree with you and feel sorry for the man. I have heard that he has taken the cure several times and he has been unable to change.
Henry recalled that Don’s first car was a 1950 gray Ford. He said Don, him, and Julian Kalk used it one summer to cruise back and forth to Westhope to haul hay bales for a farmer. He remembers that Don lost his keys for it one day and they tried to hot wire the car, and burned the points. The farmer who was set up to tow a swather over to a farm he had east of Bottineau. He threw a chain around the bumper of Don’s car and tied it on to the back of the swather and towed the swather and the car with them in it to his farm. He then gave them a ride to Lamourix’s Garage in Dunseith where they purchased points and and a ignition system. They repaired the car and got it running in less the a 1/2 hour. In them days the auto companys idea was to make it easy to repair an automobile. Don always did have bad luck with his cars. Henry don’t recall what happened to the Ford. Henry thought the next car Don drove was his dad’s 1952 brown and white chevy. I remember Adrian driving that car, but, don’t remember Donald driving it.
You are right! The next car Donald had, was a honey of a car. It was a 1956, peachs (orange)and cream, two tone colored Mercury. It was sweet! I would love to have a car like that even now.
It was 1961 Halloween night. Don was driving his Mercury with three other people in the car with him including Henry. They had pulled some shenanigans some where South of town. They thought they were being followed. Don shut off his lights. They were cruising down this section line road in the dark. Someone shouted theres a car on the road. Don switched on his head lights, and bang. Two nice cars were damaged that night. Who would of thought that some fellow would be parked in the middle of the road, with his girl friend, and with the lights off. I imagine they were a little surprised too.
The next car Don had was a beautiful 1957 Chevy. It was baby blue and white in color. Another real sweet ride! He wrecked it, by hitting the ditch on the road to the cemetary.
His next car was after he quit high school and went to work on the missile bases. He came back to town with a 1963 white Chevrolet. Another real nice ride. I remember coming to work one morning at Robert’s Service and their it was setting with one back wheel wore down to the diameter of the brake drum. Apparently he had a flat and didn’t stop to change wheels. Someone said he drove it from Bottineau with the flat.
The next and the last car that I and Henry remember Don driveing was a 1960 Mercury, It was baby blue and white in color. It was a huge car. In fact I bought it from Don and later sold it to one of the Pigeon brothers.
By this time Don had lost his license so many times, he was never getting it back. Not in this life-time anyway.
Reply from Bill Grimme (65): Birmingham, AL
Here is the story of the plane crash that Spencer Teal died in.
Bill, you are one fast guy. You had this back to me in less than five minutes after I sent out yesterdays blog. You must have your computer set on super high speed for finding this stuff. This stuff whipped across the Pacific ocean with lightening speed yesterday. This is a great follow up to Spencer Teal’s obituary posted by Dick Johnson yesterday. Thanks, Gary

Japan – The Mount Fuji Disaster, by James Wilson (1966)

It was a Saturday in March 1966; a perfect late winter day in Tokyo; clear blue skies, bright sunshine, with a magnificent view of Mount Fuji from the city. The BOAC city office did not usually open on a Saturday, but as Manager Japan I had gone in that morning to write a letter of condolence to my counterpart at Canadian Pacific Airlines after one of their DC-8s had crashed the previous day on the seawall at Tokyo’s Haneda airport. By the afternoon, I was doing some carpentry on the patio of our house in Azabu; my wife Diana had gone to the hairdresser – it was a very ordinary Saturday afternoon.

Then, with a phone call from the BOAC operations office at Haneda, my world fell apart. A BOAC Boeing 707 which was late, for reasons which were going to be very significant, had failed to report after its initial departure message and now there were reports of an aircraft falling from the sky in the Mount Fuji area. At first it was believed that aircraft involved was a Japanese self-defence force fighter, then it seemed possible that it was our 707. That was the news on the radio at the hairdresser. I was already on my way to Haneda, not to be home for a week.

The 707 had arrived late after diverting to Fukuoka on the flight up from Hong Kong. Since it had only a few passengers booked from Tokyo, we had agreed to delay further the departure to Hong Kong so as to take a group of 75 American Thermo-King dealers who were on an incentive tour of the Orient. There were 124 people on the flight including the crew. The American group had made an immediate transfer from a Japanese domestic flight at Haneda.

During the night we began to piece together messages about wreckage on the mountainside in the area of Taboro. It became clear that it was our aircraft and that there were no survivors. Why a large jet airliner should fall out of the sky in apparently perfect weather was a mystery to which we could give no answer.

The whole weight of the overpowering Japanese media fell on us. We had no experience of an accident in Japan. I was to learn a lot, very quickly.

The first lesson was that Japanese newspapers had commandeered all the available helicopters, so that when I came to look for one to go up the mountain on the Sunday there was every problem. Eventually I found one at a heliport in the suburbs and chartered it to come to Haneda to pick me up.

One of our Japanese traffic clerks was detailed to come along as interpreter. Suzuki-san looked terrified. I cannot say I blame him but it was only later that I realised how terrified he was. The weather had changed completely. Sunday was wet and windy with mist swirling around Taboro. As I climbed into the helicopter the crew said in Japanese “where to?” “Taboro” I said. “But where in Taboro?” “Oh! I don’t know, perhaps the post office.” That must be easy to see, I thought. After forty minutes of nothing, the pilot suddenly said, “There is the post office. I cannot land there. I will put you down that schoolyard, and then I must go away to wait at a heliport further up the valley. OK?”

Suzuki-san and I jumped out into the deserted yard with a feeling of absolute abandonment, which was made much worse when we realised that we might be locked into a compound. Eventually, after half an hour of desperate searching through the empty school buildings, we found a fire exit leading to the street.

On later reflection, the whole trip took on a surreal quality. When we found some of the scattered remains it was necessary to keep telling oneself that this really was part of the complete destruction of an aircraft with everyone on board.

Much of the rest of that visit was spent reviewing arrangements at the temporary morgue to which bodies were starting to arrive. Now that a BOAC team had arrived by road from Tokyo, there was no excuse for not returning to face the outside world in Tokyo. I called for the helicopter to fetch us, but Suzuki-san had disappeared, not to return for a couple of days. He really had been badly shaken by the experience. I made the return trip alone.

As with all disasters, the organisation to deal with the consequences takes on a life of its own. Gradually it became apparent that there was a special dimension that follows from the Japanese belief in personal responsibility in such situations. We could not hide behind lawyers and insurance loss adjusters.

A committee was formed to represent the families of the dozen Japanese killed in the accident (including the Japanese stewardess) and I was expected to negotiate personally all claims with this committee. This process was to take more than a year. However, immediately there were extraordinary requirements. Every Japanese was to receive “condolence money”, about £400 for each victim, for which there was no precedent in our system. At first there were objections from head office that this could acknowledge responsibility yet to be established. I rather think that events overtook any objection. Payments were made within hours.

I also attended Shinto ceremonies all over the city. The Japanese press had surrounded our downtown offices, making entry and exit very difficult. A co-ordination centre took over our reservations area in the basement of the Sanshin Building.

As one might expect, there were bizarre overtones. One group on board had been the “Blue Boys” a transvestite cabaret act moving from Japan to Hong Kong as part of a world tour. The group presented particular problems in identification to the rescue teams. But nothing was to surpass the effrontery of the agent in Japan who called demanding a refund of the fares which he claimed to have paid for their journey to Hong Kong. In telling him to wait I think I may have been rather rude.

Later, from a rural corner of France came a communication from the aged mother of one of the “boys”. It was clear that she had lost contact with her son many years before, but we met her request to be taken up the mountain to see his grave. It seemed a particularly worthwhile task.

The presence of a large American group on the aircraft was a particular worry to our USA organization. With the complete mystery as to what had caused the accident – it was well before the days of terrorist attacks like the Lockerbie disaster – the scene could have been set for American lawyers to have a field day. We had people from the BOAC USA offices working in our Tokyo accident centre in an effort to meet the US requirements including briefing the US media. I received excellent advice from a US born Japanese lawyer working in Tokyo who understood some of the cultural differences in the approach to such matters.

An explosive decomposition at altitude makes for extreme difficulty in positive identification of the human remains scattered over a considerable area. After some days, the experts had accounted for every passenger and crew member so that the wishes of relatives could be met, with the exception of one English stewardess. We seemed to be close to declaring that no trace could be found of this young woman. However, there were some remains which had not been linked positively with any other and following what could perhaps be called a process of elimination it was possible for the experts to say that no one would have to be for ever in the missing category. The stewardess had only one relative, her aged mother, and I thought how terrible it would have been if that old lady alone were deprived of what comfort there might be in a funeral, a grave, those certainties that conclude a life.

The investigators ultimately concluded that the accident was caused by clear air turbulence associated with the wind shear that can occur over a high mountain when the jet stream is as strong as that reported on that day of clear blue skies. The strong metal fuselage had been torn apart after being subject to stresses that could not, at that time, ever have been envisaged. All the stories about the 707 flying into Mount Fuji were set on one side.

However, it is not surprising that I carry with me an intense dislike of all those images of the sacred mountain so popular in Japanese culture. Years before I had climbed to the top and believed in that guarantee of one’s return to Japan; now I saw it in an altogether different light

Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND

Gary and Friends,

In Paula’s picture of the fishing camp with Bob Hosmer’s Jeep, there
is a boat trailer to the right of the picture that has some local
history. I’m not sure if these trailers were built by one of the
Lamoureux brothers or by John Bedard’s (65) grandfather, also John
Bedard or maybe both or neither. Anyway, there were many of them built
and nearly everyone who had a boat, had one of these locally built
trailers. Dad bought one and we used it for quite a few years until I
hauled an old 1930 Dodge car and bent the axle. They were made from old
Model T frames and other car parts and had a full wood deck with washing
machine rollers up the center for the boat to roll on and off. As far as
I know they were ALL painted red and green. I think one of the reasons
Dad bought one was that once when we attempted to haul his boat in the
back of the old IH pickup, Dad slammed on the brakes to avoid a careless
driver and the boat slid forward through the back window and the bow hit
me in the back of the head. With the glass flying and the racket, the
folks thought I was really hurt, but there was no collateral damage.
Remember, it just hit me in the head! I was about 10 and was sitting in
the center. Now you know why I’m like THIS! Thanks Gary!



Happy Holidays!

From Pete (65) & Verena Gilles: Dunseith, ND

11/27/2017 (2578)

Good day folks,

I don’t have any posting today so I will go with a the continuation of postings from the past with today’s being from December 14, 2009

I am hoping you all had a good Thanksgiving. We certainly did. The Marco Polo catered to our Cebu Expat group with a traditional Thanksgiving buffet with the turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, pies, etc. Really good. To accommodate all they need two dinners for about 180 total. It was most certainly a 5 Star dinner in a 5 star hotel.

Dunseith Main Street in the late 50’s or very early 60’s


Blog (652) posted on December 14, 2009

Posted on December 14, 2009

Condolences to Dick Johnson & reply to Gary Metcalfe:

From Sybil Johnson: Cheyenne, WY.

Dick, I’m so sorry to hear about your aunt. I just got my pc up and running. Gary, I dont know Cliff, sorry to say. If he is like “Pa”, then he will be one hell of a guy. Sybil

Bev Morinville Azure’s funeral:

From Les & Myra Henning (72) Halvorson: Bottineau, ND.

Hello Gary,

We said goodbye to Bev Azure today. Our sincere condolences to her family.
I took this picture of Toni and Duane in the fellowship hall after the
funeral. Debbie was not able to attend. It was good to see the many
Dunseith and former Dunseith folks in attendance and thank you to the
ladies of the church for the delicious food. Thanks Gary and Happy
Holidays to all! Les and Myra (Henning) Halvorson

Toni Morinville Gredesky (68) & Duane Morinville

Spencer Teal (46) & LaRose Ketterling (46)

Message/newspaper article/Picture from Dick Johnson (66): Dunseith, ND

Gary and Friends,

One guy from the class of ’46 at DHS was Spencer Teal. He was the son
of Bill and Irene Teal. Bill was the depot agent at Dunseith for many
years. Spencer was traveling with a dance troupe from Paris, France and
was enroute to Japan when the passenger jet he was on crashed on Mt.
Fuji in Japan in 1966. There were no survivors. A young woman from
Leeds, ND was also on that plane. I think she was traveling as part of a
beauty pageant or similar function. I still have the Life Magazine that
tells the entire story of the crash. Spencer was in the same graduating
class as my folks and was a friend of theirs. The picture attached is of
Spencer and classmate, LaRose Ketterling, goofing around at the school.
Thanks Gary!


Spencer Teal (46) &
LaRose Ketterling (46)

Elaine Haakenson:

From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

This came from Tom Hagen earlier tonight.

—– Original Message —–

From: Thomas Hagen

To: neolag@min.midco.net

Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 9:35 PM

Subject: Elaine Haakenson

Yes, that is Elaine Haakenson, wife of Owen Haakenson who with Clay
Kittelson ran the Texaco station across from Dales. She now lives in
AZ and her husband is Dot’s cousin by marriage. They are friends and
he and I work together as volunteers at the Lutheran Thrift Store. When
I was teaching in Heimdal her sister Carol was a student of mine!!!!

We love E-mail letters, Love Tom and Dot

I did not realize there was another Elaine Haakenson. The Elaine Haakenson I/we know is the daughter of Arnie and Mabel Kofoid Haakenson. Is Owen related to the Bottineau Haakenson’s?

Lutheran Ladies Circle at Jeanette Moe’s house:

Back: Elaine Haakenson, Luella Dion, Clarice Aus (her husband was a teacher??), Murl Hill
Front: Bernice Johnson, Arla Hiatt, Burnell Moren (wife of the pastor?), Jeanette Moe, Irene Fassett.

Gary Cota (56) & Marlin Cote:

Question/info from Neola Kofoid Garbe: neolag@min.midco.net Minot & Bottineau, ND


I think you’ve said Gary Cota doesn’t have email. What class did he graduate with? I have “courthouse” pictures to send to him; I thought I’d include a note about the May 22 get-together in Dunseith–also include a list of people who plan to attend.

Also, I don’t know if anyone would be interested in knowing Marlin Cote is now living at the home. Apparently, Good Sam has a few rooms for those who don’t need much care; he’s in one of those rooms.



Neola, I have pasted Gary’s contact info below and an updated reunion list. Gary

11/24/2017 (2577)


Kalk Family
Reply from Barbara Kalk ‘65 (deceased) husband, Al Lopez: 

Natalie Kalk Johner  lives in Fargo, so do Janet, Vince and Marlene. Lori lives in Sioux falls


12/12/2009 Posting
Lutheran Ladies Circle Picture posted by Paula Fassett (’71)

 Folks, this picture came up in yesterday and today’s previous postings from December 2009. Back then we never thoroughly identified all those in the picture. Let’s take another stab at it. Neola and I are both pretty that the first gal in back row is not Elaine Haakenson. Elaine’s mother, Neola’s dad and my dad were all first cousins.  Some of the others are in question too.

Neola Kofoid Garbe’s reply from yesterday’s posting

 Hi, Gary.

I don’t remember if I responded the first time you sent this newsletter, but our cousin, Elaine Haakenson, isn’t in this picture.  Was there an “Elaine” with a different “last” name living in the Dunseith area when this picture was taken?


 Lutheran Ladies Circle at Jeanette Moe’s house:
Back: Elaine Haakenson (?? – I remember the name), Luella Dion,
Clarice Aus (her husband was a teacher??), Murl Hill
Front: Bernice Johnson, Arla Hiatt, Burnell Moren (wife of the pastor?), Jeanette Moe, Irene Fassett.

Blog (651) posted on December 13, 2009


Reply form Bob Lykins (DHS 60’s teacher): Hutto, TX
Sorry to hear about your run in with the mighty arm of the law. Guess the guys needed a little extra money to put down on the rooster fights. Thanks for running the photo of the Class of 65’s 8th grade graduation. It is interesting to note how much more mature the students all look when dressed in more formal attire. Seeing such photos brings back many fond memories.
I am off for Germany next week to spend the holidays with my son and his mother. For those who may be interested in geography and have some knowledge of Germany, I shall be in the Bayischerwald (Bavarian Forest) village of Wegscheid. Looking at a map the village is located in the hills where the Czech, German, and Austrian borders come together. It is, as one might expect, a very beautiful area located off the beaten tourist path but very close to some of the best cross country skiing in the world.
May everyone who reads this message have a glorius and safe Christmas and New Years. God bless you all and a special blessing for you, Gary, for all that you do to foster a truely global togetherness for the people from Dunseith.
Bob Lykins
Reply from Pam Fassett Faust (65): Lilburn, GA
Gary – That gal on the right end of the first row couldn’t be me. We moved to El Paso before graduation so I could not be in this picture. Thanks for all you do with this blog – it has reconnected a lot of people.
Pam Fassett-Faust
Pam, I kind of thought you had left Dunseith before 8th grade graduation, but I couldn’t think of who else it could be. I was looking at our current list of those of us living when I was labeling that photo. I forget to check the deceased. See Dick Johnson’s reply below. I think he’s right. Gary
Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND.
Gary,I think it’s Barbara Kalk instead of Lorraine and last one in the
front row might be Shirley Boguslawski instead of Pam Fassett. Fassetts
had moved to California before this picture was taken, I believe. I
could be wrong here, but thought I should bring it to your attention
just in case. Thanks.


DHS class of 65 eigth grade graduation:
Comment on the Picture: I remember back in those days we kids all had suits. We never went to church without wearing a suit. My brothers and I had some pretty snazzy suits that came from the Dunseith sisters. Folks used to dress up more in formal attire back in those days. The class of 65 is looking pretty sharp. What a mature bunch of folks we were, in our eyes of coarse. Gary
3rd Row: Phyllis McKay, Margaret Metcalfe, Esther Murray, Kenny Nerpel, Allen Richard, Gladys Roussin, Tim Strong, Roberta Wilke, Myron Zorn.
2nd Row: Donold Egbert, Susan Fassett, Evi Gottbreht, Bill Grimme, Henry Hackman, Earl Hiatt, Carol Jasper, Barbara Kalk, Ginger LaRocque, Art Rude, Ron Longie
Front Row: Jean Abrahamson, Carol Allard, Larry Allard, Warren Anderson, Sheally Baker, John Bedard, Alan Boguslawski, Patty Boguslawski, Angela Berube, Cecile Berube, Shirely Boguslawski
Reply from Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND.
Hi Gary,
Thanks for the interesting account of what is happening at your home at this time.
I don’t think this is “our” Elaine Haakenson; I see no resemblance between this lady/”our” Elaine. I’m guessing you don’t see a resemblance, either. :)
Paula is correct: Clarice Aus’ husband, Perry, was a teacher. The picture of the ladies is very interesting. I have at least two people I’ll be forwarding this picture to.
I arrived at my apartment at six. I finally have everything carried into the downstairs hall; I don’t have everything carried up to my apartment. If I get everything carried to the hall, I can carry it upstairs a little at a time. The 15 almost straight stairs, give my heart/body a good workout!! LOL!!
Lutheran Ladies Circle at Jeanette Moe’s house:
Back: Elaine Haakenson (?? – I remember the name), Luella Dion,
Clarice Aus (her husband was a teacher??), Murl Hill
Front: Bernice Johnson, Arla Hiatt, Burnell Moren (wife of the pastor?), Jeanette Moe, Irene Fassett.

11/20/2017 (2576)

Your blog / Lamoureux Family history
Posting from Cheryl Dahl Miller:  Racine, WI

I do family history for the Tolsby family in ND which has a connection to Dunseith.  Elizabeth (Betty) Lamoureux, daughter of Charles and Olive (Nash) Lamoureux lived there and, I believe, owned a gas station/car repair shop.  Betty, born in 1935, lives in southern California and has four children.

If anyone has memories to share on your blog about the Nash / Lamoureux families, I’d be delighted to share them with Betty’s family.

family names: Jay Nash (descendants: J McNeill and Lyle ) Olive Nash Lamoureux (descendants: Elizabeth and Charles J.; Donald, Joni, Cary, & Brian

I grew up in ND and spent many summers in the Rugby and Devils Lake areas with my cousins, so it’s always interesting to read stories like those on your blog of ND connections.

Thanks for any help your readers can give.  Cheryl Dahl Miller (formerly of Fargo / now Racine, WI)

Condolences to Julian Kalk family
From Marlys Zorn Bryan (’69):  Fairbury, Nebraska


I wanted to send my condolences to the family of Julian Kalk; I’m sorry for the loss of your loved one.

His sister, Natalie Jehner, was a wonderful friend to me through the 4th grade, and I have often longed to know where she is.

Thank you, Gary,  for your kindness in helping all of us connect through the years.

Marlys (Zorn) Bryan


Condolences to Julian Kalk family
From Ginger LaRocque Poitra (’65):  Belcourt, ND

I am truly sorry to hear of the passing of Julian Kalk.
My condolences to his family.

Ginger (LaRocque) Poitra ( Class of 1965)

From Ginger LaRocque Poitra (’65):  Belcourt, ND

Hi Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and God Bless!

Ginger Poitra  ( Class of 1965 )


Blog (650) posted on December 12, 2009

Posted on December 12, 2009

Folks, It’s currently 12:30 AM at our house here in the PI. With tomorrow being Bernadette Brothers funeral at noon, I am getting as much of this news letter put together as I can tonight before going to bed. At the moment things are very active at our house. There are many folks visiting and playing cards at this very moment. Bernadette has been serving goodies all night.

It reminds me of an old fashion Christmas program at the Ackworth school sitting here at my desk seeing 200 paper bags, sitting on the floor, filled with goodies that will be pasted out tomorrow at the grave site. Bernadette has hired 2 large vans and 4 jeepneys to transport family from the church to the Cemetery located about 5 miles from the church. She has also hired a motorcycle escort (police) service that will escort us to the cemetery. They will stop all traffic and hurriedly lead us to the cemetery. We will be taking our car too. Following the burial, The escort service will lead us all back to our house for a dinner that Bernadette is having prepared. We went out and purchased all the ingredients for the dinner this afternoon. She has hired a lady that will be assisted by several others to prepare the meal. They are in the outside kitchen chopping up vegetables and cutting up meat at this very moment.

For these folks the loss of a loved one is not totally realized until they go in the ground. That is the hardest part of all funerals here. Gary


Pictures provided by Paula Fassett (71): North Branch, MN

Note: Elaine Haakenson is a relative of mine. Her mother and my dad are first cousins. I will include her with today’s message. Neola, Does this look like Elaine to you? Elaine, is this you in this picture. in this picture, Jeanette Hahn Moe sure looks like her sister Arlene Knutson. Their brother Gordon Hahn was married to my first cousin, Alice Petterson. They are both deceased. Gary

Lutheran Ladies Circle at Jeanette Moe’s house:
Back: Elaine Haakenson (?? – I remember the name), Luella Dion,
Clarice Aus (her husband was a teacher??), Murl Hill

Front: Bernice Johnson, Arla Hiatt, Burnell Moren (wife of the pastor?), Jeanette Moe, Irene Fassett.

Card players in Darrel & Dorothy Fassett’s kitchen – Omeemee (probably spelled wrong), ND – 1954

Crystal Fassett (70) reading to Hans Johnson – Christmas 1954
(that’s Paula Fassett’s (71) head down in the lower right)

I’m a Car-Guy-Wannabe, so had to include this because I remember this Jeep and loving it as a little kid – Bob Hosmer’s Jeep – taken in 1955, so what would be the year of the Jeep??? Taken at Thomas Lake, Manitoba. See the whitecaps on the lake – must have been fun camping…..

11/15/2017 (2575)

Julian Kalk Obituary (’63)
Posted by Evie Kalk:  Bottineau, ND and Orange Beach, AL


Julian Dennis Kalk
June 20, 1944 – November 7, 2017
Kalk, Julian 2575

Obituary for Julian Dennis Kalk

Julian Dennis Kalk, son of Daniel and Rose (Gunville) Kalk was born June 20, 1944 in Dunseith, North Dakota and passed from this life, suddenly on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at his residence in Osceola, IA at 73 years of age.

Julian grew up in Dunseith, ND. He was baptized at St. Louis Catholic Church and graduated from Dunseith High School. He attended Berkley University in California where he completed the Ironworking program. Julian was united in marriage to Jean Denyer and they were married, 29 years. He operated many bakeries in California and others before moving to Osceola, Iowa in 1989. For over 10 years he and his family owned and operated Kalk’s Kwality Bake Shop. Julian was a huge Denver Broncos fan and loved talking sports, politics, and religion to whomever was willing to lend an ear. Julian LOVED spending his time outdoors with nature and with his family. It was fitting that he passed while raking leaves to protect his trees in preparation for the upcoming winter.

Julian loved his grandchildren, he enjoyed telling his jokes, telling stories, doing card tricks, reading and playing cribbage.

Those relatives who preceded Julian in death were his parents, Daniel and Rose Kalk, son Steven Kalk and his daughter Terri Bethshold, sisters, Louella Davis, and Kathryn Barbara Lopez, and brother, Marvin Kalk.

Julian leaves to cherish his memory; daughter, Lori (Jim) McDonald of Arizona, son, David Kalk of Osceola, IA, daughter, Kim (Matt) Rickert of Ames, IA, daughter, Amanda (fiancée, Mike Mack) Kalk of Colo, IA, son, Daniel Kalk of Osceola, IA, son, Michael Kalk of Raleigh, NC, grandchildren, Katie, Kyle, Jenna, Jordon, Chloe and Mason, brother, Vincent Kalk of Fargo, ND, Jean Kalk of Ames, IA, brother, Rodney Kalk of Bottineau, ND, sister, Janet Banish of West Fargo, ND, sister, Lorraine Hooper of Sioux Falls, SD, sister, Marlene Kopp of Fargo, ND, sister, Natalie Jehner of Fargo, ND as well as other relatives and many friends.

Memorial Contributions may be directed to his family for a fitting tribute to be decided at a later date.

Funeral Service
NOV 13. 01:00 PM
Kale Funeral Home
301 S. Main St.
Osceola, IA, US, 50213


Reply to Marlys Hiatt (’71)
From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

Hi, Gary.

Please tell Marlys she is very welcome.  I’d try to send more articles from the Courant, but there are few articles that would be of interest to Gary’s readers–especially when there is no longer Dunseith news.



DHS Classes of 55/56
Reply Larry Liere (‘55)  Devils Lake, ND

 The last time I saw Janice Workman was at the (Dunseith 100 year celebration) and I saw Barry Shelver at the same event.  I thought Janice was almost as tall as Barry at that event and that is why I thought it was Janice standing next to Barry in the picture. I remember some names & some events from my 2½ years at DHS but the only people I can name for sure in the picture would be Barry Shelver & Bob Hosmer because we played a lot together before I moved in 3rd grade. I remember the Lamoureaux girls and a birthday party at one of their homes.  I think it was at Gayl Lamoureaux home but not sure. Gary I hope you are putting all of these names in order because I am getting lost as to which name goes with what person in the picture.

I have always wondered what I missed by moving away in 3rd. grade.  What would have become and where would I be today if we wouldn’t have moved.  I think I have asked before how many kids in our school picture went all the way through high school at DHS and how many new kids joined your class after I moved??

Janice I will be 81 on Jan.10, 2018 so I hope your outreach to classes 1955,56,57 goes fast.  I am on Facebook and that would also be a good way to connect.

Gary you do a great job keeping all these alum together!  In most schools very few can contact people like DHS can.  Keep up the good work. LARRY

Gary Stokes’ comments
Larry, the names ore in order L to R on the Photo.
We’ve only got two left to identify in this photo and the first names of the Tennacore girls.
Folks, We can do this

DHS Classes of ‘55/’56
Back: Viola Hobbs, Barry Shelver, Larry Liere, Bob Hosmer, ??, Darlene Rohrer, Arline Lamoureux, Ann Lamoureux, ??
Front: ?? Tennacore, Bob Dailly, ?? Tennacore, Janice Leonard
Class of 55-56 2570


Blog (649) posted on December 11, 2009

Posted on December 11, 2009

Folks, I was in a hurry yesterday and got the message number mixed up. It should have been 649, not 349. I am continuing on with 650 today.

Yesterday was not my day for driving. There are few rules of the road that are followed in this country. Everyone is pretty much on their own maneuvering in the traffic of which is heavy most of the time. One has to be aggressive or you won’t get places. All the traffic enforcers are pretty much at intersections directing traffic. Yesterday the traffic enforcers decided they needed a little extra revenue, so they placed a small “no left turn” sign, not easily seen, on a busy intersection where I have frequently been making left turns for several years. After making the turn, there was an army of traffic enforcers flagging me and a whole bunch of others down to give us tickets. It was a $10 ticket that I had to go all the way across town to pay. There wasn’t much I could do but pay the ticket. Gary

Memories of Shirley Olson Warcup (49):

From Janice Leonard Workman (56): Auburn, WA

Shirley was 6 or 7 years older than I, and I remember a day that she talked her sister into taking some of us little kids out to the lake to swim (loosely translataed) and play in the water. She watched us all afternoon. Shirley was always gracious and a real special person. I am sure she will be missed by many people. Dick and Brenda, you have my deepest sympathy. Janice

Condolences to the Azure-Morinvilee Families:

From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND.

Gary and Friends,

I would like to send our condolences to the Azure-Morinville families
on the loss of our friend, Bev. We will miss her entries on this site.
She was always cheerful and compassionate to anyone who was hurting for
any reason. She will certainly be missed by all.


Bev morinville’s last posted message on 9/15/09

Reply from Bev Morinville Azure (72): Dunseith, ND.

Thank you Verna and Pete.. each message means the world to me….as you all know Verna has done as much volenteering in this area she is truly a angel to all of us. She never asks for a pat on the back she does it cause she can . HATS OFF TO YOU VERNA SOMEDAY YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN WILL BE GREAT…


Shirley Olson Warcup’s last posted message on 11/08/09

Danny Lovass

Reply from Shirley Olson Warcup (49): ronsw28@msn.com Ivans, UT.

Here is a little information on Danny Lovaas: Danny’s younger brother, Paul, and I kept in touch until his death about 6 years ago. We talked on the phone a few times a year and I remember once he mentioned that one of Danny’s daughters had come to Nebraska to see him. I believe he said Danny lived in Louisiana and that he had 3 daughters. I could be wrong about both state and number of children. I don’t think Paul ever named the city in La. I wish now I had written down some of that information. Paul was pretty much confined to his apartment by this time–he used a wheel chair to get around. He apparently had regular communication with this niece and appreciated her visit. A former co-worker of Paul’s called me after his death. He might know something about Danny, but I didn’t write down his name or phone number and can no longer remember either. Both Ron, my husband, and I appreciated Paul’s calls–if I wasn’t home Paul gave Ron a run-down on things and they always had a good visit. I wish I had more information!!

Shirley Olson Warcup

Class of 65 Eighth grade graduation picture:

Folks, I received this picture from Dick Johnson (68), who received it from Paula Fassett (71), who received it from her sister Susan Fassett Martin (65). This is one of the pictures that I lost when my Hard drive was accidentally reformatted a few months back. I am so glad to have it back again.

I was with the class of 65, but did attend Dunseith until High School. I was the last lone graduate to ever graduate from Ackworth. That was in 1961. I went trough the graduation ceremonies with the Dunseith folks though, but I am not in this picture. Not all in this picture were with us in High School, so there are some I don’t recognize. I’ll take a stab at identifying those in this picture. Folks, I know I have some wrong, so please make the corrections. If you see a mistake, please reply. Please don’t wait for the next guy to reply. Gary

3rd Row: Phyllis McKay, Margaret Metcalfe, Esther Murray, Kenny Nerpel, Allen Richard, Gladys Roussin, Tim Strong, Roberta Wilke, Myron Zorn.

2nd Row: Donold Egbert, Susan Fassett, Evi Gottbreht, Bill Grimme, Henry Hackman, Earl Hiatt, Carol Jasper, Lorraine Kalk, Ginger LaRocque, Art Rude, Ron Longie

Front Row: Jean Abrahamson, Carol Allard, Larry Allard, Warren Anderson, Sheally Baker, John Bedard, Alan Boguslawski, Patty Boguslawski, Angela Berube, Cecile Berube, Pam Fassett

11/11/2017 (2574)

Peace Garden Article
Reply from Marlys Hiatt (’71):  Dunseith, ND

That article about the peace Garden was really interesting.  Thanks Neola

Marlys Hiatt


DHS Classes of 55/56
Reply Janice Leonard Workman (’56)  Janice_Workman@earthlink.net  Auburn, WA

Gary, Thanks for all you do for the alum, it’s really appreciated.  As for the picture of the school kids, Bonnie will know them all.  The girl beside Barry is not me, but Viola Hobbs.  I have never been taller than Barry Shelver!   I’m the one on the end of the front row to the right.  Arline is behind me and the girl with her head down maybe Ann, Arline’s cousin.   The girl next to me is a Tennacore and her sister is to the left of Bob Dailly.  The girl to the left of Arline, I think is Darlene Rohr.

I would like to reach out to some of the people of classes 1955, 56 and 57.  Where are you at??  We haven’t heard from Gary Morgan for a while.   I have been in touch with Gayl Bedard Lamoureaux and Viola.  I have lunch with the Bobs,  Hosmer and Dailly, when we can.  It’s always a 2 hour lunch with lots of laughs.  Anyway, I would like to know what’s going on with our old classmates.  Janice

Gary Stokes’ comments
Thanks Janice for this input. Very much appreciated.
Folks, We’ve only got two left to identify in this photo and the first names of the Tennacore girls.


DHS Classes of ‘55/’56
Back: Viola Hobbs, Barry Shelver, Larry Liere, Bob Hosmer, ??, Darlene Rohrer, Arline Lamoureux, Ann Lamoureux, ??
Front: ?? Tennacore, Bob Dailly, ?? Tennacore, Janice Leonard
Class of 55-56 2570

DHS Classes of 55/56
Reply From Keith Pladson (’66):  Roanoke Rapids, NC


Just a quick comment re the 55/56 class photo.  I am not able to help in the identification of any of those included, but believe you are shorting the list by one.  There are in fact 9 in the back row, not 8.  There is a girl one in from the right end looking down.  It is hard to make her out, but she has a white ribbon in her hair.  She is between the two identified as Lamoureux’s unless she is one of those identified as a Lamoureux.  In any case there are 9, not 8 in the back row.


Gary Stokes’ comments
Thanks Keith. You are absolutely right. I have added him for ID with today’s posting.

DHS Classes of 55/56
Reply From Sharron Gottbreht Shen (’59):   Watertown, NJ

Yes Gary Stokes, the picture was taken in May 1951 by my 4th grade teacher Mrs. Florence Conroy. My parents, Dale and Alma Boucher Gottbreht had sent me to Notre Dame Academy where I repeated the 2nd grade and completed the 3rd grade. I like to think that I was reenrolled at Dunseith just to have my continuing education from the peerless Florence Conroy. You will find my Memorial Day Poster on display in her classroom 1951 pictures. Among my classmates was Harvey Johnson. Harvey was never one to wave his hand anxious to answer questions posed by my best ever teacher, but when Florence Conroy called on Harvey he offered brief organized to-the-point responses. I remember wishing if only I could do that.

This is a good opportunity to mention Harvey’s older sister, Mary Lou Johnson. It was about 1954 when Dad put me to work waiting café customers at Dale’s Truck Stop. Regardless of early or late late hours, Mary Lou gave cheerful service and was encouraging for me to carry on. She could reach within and call upon strength I had yet to learn. My last contact with Mary Lou was at Ernie’s funeral. It was a day for tears and giving comfort. Because of your blog Gary, I did learn of Mary Lou’s sad exit from this stage we share. She was far far better deserving.

Thank you Gary Stokes
Sharron Gottbreht Shen


Blog (648) posted on December 10, 2009

Posted on December 10, 2009

Shirley Olson Warcup’s (49) obituary provided by Eileen Brudwick: Fargo, ND


Shirley Mae Olson Warcup

May 05, 1931 – Dec 06, 2009

Shirley Mae Olson Warcup passed away on Sunday night, December 6, 2009 in St. George, Utah, as a result of complications from recent surgery. Shirley was born to Henry and Myrtle Olson on May 5, 1931 in Dunseith, North Dakota. She attended grade school and high school in Dunseith and graduated from the University of North Dakota with a bachelor’s degree in education. Shirley was employed by the Merced High School Union District in California, where she served as a teacher, then a counselor and dean of girls, and finally as vice principal. She finished her 45-year career in education as an instructor at Merced Community College.

After retiring in 2006, Shirley and her husband of 58 years, Ronald Warcup, moved to Ivins, Utah. She loved the beauty of the Ivins area, and she and Ron lunched at Zion National Park every Monday.

Shirley was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was eager to serve wherever needed.

Shirley was preceded in death by her father and mother; her sister, Bernice Johnson; and a granddaughter, Ashley Warcup. She is survived by her husband, sons Douglas and Bradley, daughter Janet, 10 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.

A graveside service to honor Shirley will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 10, 2009 at Ivins City Cemetery, 400 N. 200 W., Ivins, Utah. All family and friends are invited to attend

Memories of Shirley Olson Warcup:

From Lois Lilleby Fielding (51) Prescott, AZ

Dick: I was three years behind Shirley Olson Warcup in school, but I always admired her friendliness, zest for life and that wonderful smile! You have wonderful memories, I’m sure. Lois Lilleby Fielding

Condolences from Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC

To Gary & Bernadette,To Bev Morinvilles Azure’s Family, To Dick & Brenda:

This morning as I sit in the quiet early hours,amoung the warmeth of my fireplace,and peaceful beauty of Christmas lights,my heart,thoughts and prayers go out to each and everyone of you,at the loss of someone special to you this Christmas Season.As you sit in your quiet moments,reflecting on the thoughts,and memories,of the one you loved, cherished,and lost,I wish you all a Peace,that passes all understanding,and a renewed Hope for the New Year. God Bless each and everyone of you.

With Sympathy,

Ms. Aggie

Aggie, Thank you so much for these nice comforting words. Gary

Condolences to the Warcup family.

From Keith Pladson (66): Stafford, VA

I did not know Shirley, but just recently (early Nov) I exchanged a few inputs with her here on Gary’s Blog in reference to my Dad and Uncle helping her family out back in the 30’s. I am truly sorry and saddened to hear of her passing. May God be with you and all of your family during this difficult time.
Keith Pladson (66)

Bev Morinville Azure:

Posted by Audrey (Hanson) Aitchison)Bottineau

Bev (Morinville) Azure and I were first cousins.

My Dad (Bert Hanson) and her Mom (Frances Hanson) were brother and sister. It has been a hard time for the family sitting at Trinity Hospital in Minot for 3 weeks with the stress of watching Bev failing and knowing she wouldn’t be with them too long. Her suffering is over now. I send my condolences to the family and may the Lord comfort them in the days ahead. “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, you may be also.” (John 14:2, 3) Keep your faith.

Reply from Heidi Hanson Danielson (69): Bottineau, ND

Hi, Gary!

No, I am not on the daily list. You can add me, please.

Becky’s info:

She is married and lives in Devils Lake.

Becky Elllingson

114 Country Club Road

Devils Lake, ND 58301


I know she was friends with Peggy Wurgler. She would have been with the Class of ’71.



Folks, I recently discovered that Heide was not on our Daily distribution. I have now added her along with her sister Becky. Their mother was a teacher in Dunseith when Heidi was in the lower grades. Heidi is a teacher in the Bottineau schools. Gary

Obiturary provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND.

Sign Guest Book


July 12, 1919-December 5, 2009

Adrien Simeon Mongeon, 90, Rolette, died on Saturday, December 5, 2009.

Adrien was born on July 12, 1919, on the family farm near Thorne, ND to Pierre and Anna (Grenier) Mongeon. Adrien attended school in Shell Valley and Rolette. He completed his high school education through the GI bill adult education program.

During WWII he served our country in North Africa and Italy from 1942 to 1945, earning a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. Following the war he met and married Sylvia LaDouceur on October 25, 1947, in Minneapolis, MN. They farmed north of Rolette for 37 years. He retired from farming in 1984 and moved to Rolette, spending many enjoyable winters in Mesa, AZ with close friends and family.

He was very civic minded, serving on the elevator, REC, and Rolette School boards. He was a church trustee at St. Michael’s in Thorne, was active in the American Legion, and a founding member of the Rolette Country Club. Adrien was instrumental in bringing telephone services to their rural area by obtaining and setting the poles with his neighbors. He greatly enjoyed golfing, fishing, playing cards, reading, and “coaching” the Twins, Vikings, and Phoenix Suns.

Adrien was preceded in death by his wife of 58 years, Sylvia, in 2006, his parents, Pierre and Anna Mongeon, siblings, Leo Mongeon, Janet Evans, Eugene Mongeon, and Lorraina Trimble.

He is survived by his children and their spouses: Ron (Nancy) Mongeon,Lincoln, NE; Janel (Dennis) McCall, Helena, MT Susan (Dan) Hare,also of Helena and Jim (Beth) Mongeon,Rolette.

Grandchildren: Darin(Paige) Mongeon, Paul (Traci) Mongeon, Greg (Rachel) Mongeon,Steve (Sarah) Mongeon, Zach McCall, Jake (Ashley) McCall, Josh (Tennille) McCall, Zeb McCall, Brian Hare, Jill (Mike) Haubert, Mark Hare, Jessica Mongeon, Rebecca Mongeon, Joe Mongeon.

Great-grandchildren: Sierra and Lane Mongeon, Jarrett and Josie Mongeon, Adrienne and Jayden Mongeon, Kate McCall, and Sienna Haubert.

Siblings and their spouses: Roland (Nora) Mongeon and Armand Mongeon, Dunseith, Alfred (June) Mongeon, Rolette, Sister Stephanie Mongeon, Ogden, UT and Dennis (Carol) Mongeon, Mandan

Many dearly loved nieces and nephews.

Mass of Christian Burial: Friday at 10:30 a.m. in Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Rolette. Fr. Philip Chacko will celebrate the Mass and burial will be at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Rolette. Military Honors will be accorded by the Dethman-Armstrong American Legion Post #94, Rolette.

Visitation will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Rolette on Thursday from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. with vigil services at 7:00 p.m. Visitation on Friday will be one hour prior to the funeral Mass.

Serving as Casket Bearers for Adrien will be Joe Mongeon, Steven Mongeon, Greg Mongeon, Brian Hare, Mark Hare, Josh McCall and Zeb McCall.

Honorary Bearers will be Jake McCall, Zake McCall, Darin Mongeon, Paul Mongeon, Jessica Mongeon, Rebecca Mongeon and Jill Haubert.

Reading the Scriptures will be Rebecca Mongeon and Zach McCall and Prayers of Intercession will be read by Darin Mongeon.

Gift Bearers will be Jessica Mongeon, Jill Haubert and Jake McCall.

Music will be provided by Jim Mongeon, violinist, Lisa Denzel, vocalists and Gail Tastad, vocalist and pianist.

Memorials can be sent to: Presentation Medical Center, 213 2nd Ave. NE, P.O. Box 759, Rolla, ND.

Dunseith News:
Posted Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND.

11/08/2017 (2573)

DHS Classes of 55/56
Reply from Bonnie Awalt Houle (’56):  Becker, MN

Back: Viola Hobbs, Barry Shelver, Larry Liere, Bobby Hosmer, ??, ??, Arline Lamoureux, Ann Lamoureux,
Front:  ??, Bob Daily, ??, Janice Leonard,

Gary Stokes’ Comment.
Thanks Bonnie,
Folks, we’ve only got 4 left. I know we can do this. Please reply even if you are not sure.

DHS Classes of ‘55/’56
Back: Viola Hobbs, Barry Shelver, Larry Liere, Bob Hosmer, ??, ??, Arline Lamoureux, Ann Lamoureux
Front: ??, Bob Dailly, ??, Janice Leonard
Class of 55-56 2570

Peace Garden Annual Meeting/1942
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottinea & Minot, ND
Peace Garden


Blog (647) posted on December 9, 2009

Posted on December 9, 2009

Bev Morinville Azure’s (72) funeral:

Posted by Verena Gillis: Dunseith, ND.

Funeral services for Bev are as follows:
Wake: Friday, Dec. 11th-6:00 pm with a rosary service at 8:00 pm
Funeral: Saturday, Dec. 12th-10:00 am-St. Michael’s Church, Dunseith, ND

Shirley Olson Warcup’s (49) Graveside Services:

From her husband Ron: Ivins, UT

To all

As general info and update for Shirley,

Graveside Services as per her wishes will be on Thursday Dec. 10 at 1;00 pm in the Ivins Cemetery , Ivins, UT

I wish to thank all for their sympathy and concern.


Condolences to the Zorn Family:

From Ginger LaRocque Poitra (65): Belcourt, ND


I was saddened to hear of Myron’ son. I can not imagine what they are
going through. Myron your family will be remembered in my prayer’s, so
you can make it through this terrible loss you are feeling. Please Lord
bless this family and give them the strength to overcome what is ahead.
God bless you and yours.

Ginger (LaRocque) Poitra (65)

Ginger, I’ve noticed that your email box has not been functioning for the last while. It’s great to have you back on line. I know you and Myron were class mates long before I joined the class of 65 in our freshman year. Gary

Condolences to the Morinville/Azure family:

From Gail Halvorson Schuler (72): Bismarck, ND

Azure Family

My deepest sympathy to the family of Bev Mornville Azure. She was my classmate. May the Lord comfort you in your time of loss and sadness.

Gail Halvorson Schuler

Class of 72

Condolences to the Morinville/Azure family:

From Dianne Rober’t Johnson (76): Rolla, ND.

The Armstrong’s & Johnson’s send their condolences to the Azure family. We’ve known Bev since Darla & I were kids. Bev (& Dewy) spent so much time @ our house, Dad called them his kids too! I use to work with Bev @ TMC in Dunseith, and she was one of the people I missed after leaving there.

When the folks owned the Gas Station in town, I remember Duane & Russell were always playing jokes on Bev. One time, they sent her to the Hardware Store to get a left-handed monkey wrench. Then another time, sent her looking for a kinfle-pin. She never caught on to what they were doing. God they’d laugh!! And, she would use the word “ish-ka-bibble” alot!!!

I have lots of good memories of Bev, she was a good person, and I know God has another Angel in Heaven. She is at peace now, and watching over the rest of us, til we are all together again.

Dianne Johnson

Condolence to the Morinville & Azure family:

From Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI

To all of you. Bad things happen to good people. You are all in my prayers. Joe and my dad were good friends — and special friends in the Knights of Columbus.

Allen Richard

Bev Morinville Azure’s (72) Obituary:

Beverly Lynn Azure
(February 23, 1956 – December 6, 2009)


Beverly Azure, age 56 of Dunseith, died Sunday in aMinot hospital. Funeral services will be held on Saturday at 10:00 A.M. in the St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Dunseith. A wake will be held on Friday beginning at 6:00 P.M. with a prayer service at 8:00 P.M. in the church. Burial will be in theSt. LouisCemeteryalso in Dunseith.

Beverly Azure, a daughter of Joe and Frances (Hanson) Morinville, was born in Bottineau on February 23, 1953. On August 16, 1980 she was married to Clarence Azure at Dunseith.

She is survived by her husband, Clarence of Dunseith; daughters, Shonda Azure of Minot and Shannon Azure of Grand Forks; sons Cody Azure and Jason Azure both of Grand Forks; a grandson, Chris Scott of Minot; sisters, Debbie Marmon of Miles City MT and Toni Gredesky of Fairmount, ND; a brother, Duane Morinville of Dunseith

Shirley Olson Warcup (49) memories:

From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND.

Gary and Friends,

Right now we are attempting to grasp the loss of my Aunt Shirley, or
‘Snookie’ as she was known to all of us. She was a remarkable person
with a heart of gold and a no nonsense concept of right and wrong. She
was a hard worker and continued to work well after the age of normal
retirement. I have memories of her from the beginning of my ability to
remember and yet am unable to have a single bad memory. This includes
when we were young (my cousins and I) and she would dole out the
discipline as needed. We knew we had it coming and we got it! Never was
there a time when I thought she was mean or uncaring. It was all part of
my growing up process and now I respect this even more. Although she was
gone from North Dakota since 1959, whenever we talked with her it was
like she never left. She remembered her roots and many of you now know
this because of her entries on this very blog. She was the type of
person many folks can only wish they could be. I really don’t think I
ever believed illness could take her from us. She was determined and
strong willed and could handle nearly anything in put her path . As Ron
said though, her age and the severity of this acute illness was just
more than anyone could overcome. We certainly will miss her. Thanks to
those who have called and written with their condolences. It means a lot
to us. Thanks Gary.


Shirley & Ron Warcup

Reply with memories of Herman Martinson & Pictures:

From Sharron Gottbreht Shen (59):

Thank you Gary Metcalfe for the kind words. I cannot begin to express how thankful I am for the contact with idols and friends of my childhood and youth. I actually think that long unused neurons are being awakened some mornings. I carry messages with me all day and in idle moments [read hours] a thought long forgotten springs to mind. Out of nowhere the memory of Mr. Schwab our neighbor across the street sprang to mind this week. He had come striding out his back screen door with a pair of leather gloves and said that we should use them to handle the feisty squirrel we had caught and that he advised release soon; “Wild creatures should live free.” Harriet Schwab was a frail beauty by then, perhaps 1947/48, but often at her window or door way checking on the local noise makers. I read in the early issues Turtle Mt Times of Marchand Lumber of Rolla wanting to open a yard in Dunseith. Such an important service in our growing community. I cannot picture C. Watkins, but WP Schwab I see in color. Edna Leonard put me on the trail of Montague/Monty Schwab his son, back in the 80’s. We had a lengthy conversation, all about family and Dunseith history. Wm Gottbreht Jr was his brother-in-law and Monty connected me with his nieces and nephew of Washington.

Naturally, my mind then flits to the Morgans and I picture Margie and her accomplished sons. Then memory leaps forward and George is on the phone telling me that the irrepressible John Morgan has passed. There is always that shaky moment of loss, but I recall John sitting behind me in one of the basement classrooms. John had waited for a quiet moment during a study period; he sat right behind me. I am absorbed in some reading or math and so startled when Johnnie, in a clear stage whisper says, ” Sherin, Sherin, will you marry me.” Total loss of control in that classroom. About 15 minutes later, when our teacher regained order and the room quiet, but my face still aflame, Johnny repeats the whole scenario. My first proposal and one I still cherish.

I set out this morning to share a great photo of Herman Martinson. Tim’s presence on the blog recently was welcome and he should see his dad in 1987. Being a foodie, Snow White Bakery is way up on my list of Important. Dad’s success with the Dale’s Special and Jumbo happened in no small part because of Herman Martinson and the numerous special order buns he created. For that matter, I have yet to find a slice of plain white bread as delicious as Herman’s Old Home. The picture and many more which I will share, was taken by my husband Victor. Alma’s eight were all home for a reunion at Clear Lake Canada and the culminating event was open house at the Bingo Barn. I did not do well introducing Victor to everyone, but he wandered around and taking pictures that he knew I would treasure. So thanks to Victor, we have this capture of Mr. Herman Martinson.


Herman Martinson – 1987

Sharron, I’m assuming this cute little girl is you?

I think this was maybe taken prior to 1987 though.

11/6/2017 (2572)

Gary Stokes’ comment
Folks, Hopefully we can identify the remaining 8 in this photo? I’m sure we can do it.

For reference, I have pasted the DHS classes of 1955 and 1956 below.

Hopefully with a combined effort we can identify those in this photo.  

DHS Classes of ‘55/’56
Back: Janice Leonard Workman, Barry Shelver, Larry Liere, Bob Hosmer, ??, ??, ??, ??
Front: ??, Bob Dailly, ??, ??
Class of 55-56 2570

Dunseith High School class of 1955

  Last First Address City / State / ZIP Phone Email
1 Armentrout Rodney 9344 24th Ave NE Willow City, ND 58384 (701) 228-2003 No email address
2 Brennan Dennis Born September 29, 1036    –    Died January 11, 1981 Deceased
3 Burke Fjeld Eleanor Jean 4242 180th Ave Twin Valley, MN 56584 (218) 584-5339 esfjeld@gmail.com
4 Crum Rude Mildred Born June 8, 1937    –    Died March 11,  2008 Deceased
5 Hiatt Wallace Born June 26, 1935    –    Died December 16, 2006 Deceased
6 Lamoureux Dailly Arline/Bob 30846 Sixth Pl SW Federal Way, WA 98023 (253) 839-9036 arldailly@aol.com
5220 N Us Highway 95 Parker, AZ 85344 (928) 667-9268
7 Liere Larry 203 16th Ave SE Devils Lake, ND 58301 (701) 662-4542 lkliere@gondtc.com
8 Klang Lindford Arla 6104 S 124th Street Renton, WA 98059 (425) 226-9422 No email address
0 Kang Wayne 6104 S 124th St Seattle, WA 98178 (206) 772-5628  C(206) 334-0913 sharon_wayne@msn.com
10 Neameyer Gordon Born August 28, 1937    –    Died December 10, 2012 Deceased
11 Schneider Hockett Elaine 13691 highland Drive Boston, VA 22713 (540) 547-3373 No email address
12 Shelver Barry 52783 Sporn Dr South Bend, IN 46635 bshelver@erscosupply.com
13 Walter Pederson Erna 1014 Sixth Ave SW Minot, ND 58701 (701) 839-4861 epederson@srt.com
14 Williams Marlin Born July 10, 1935    –    Died April 6, 2003 Deceased:Note send copy to Doris class of 53
15 Woodford Gary Born September 14, 1936    –    Died May 14, 2012 Deceased
16 Nordquist Johnson Joy (Babe) 27244 Old Hwy. #93 Elmo, Mt. 59915 (406) 849-5118 C(406)250-3703 No email address


Dunseith High School class of 1956

  Last First Address City / State / ZIP Phone Email
1 Awalt Houle Bonnie 16809 127th St Se Becker, MN 55308 (763) 262-3534 houle@izoom.net
2 Bedard Lamoureux Gayl 1654 Angus Pl Chino Valley, AZ 86323 (928) 636-4673 4673glamx@msn.com
3 Boucher Elmer/Joanne Route 2 Rolette, ND 58366 (701) 244-2180 eboucher@utma.com
4 Conroy Don 918 1ST AVE SW MINOT, ND  58701 (701) 838-1389 donjconroy@gmail.com
5 Cota Gary 774 9TH ST E DICKINSON, ND  58601 701- 290-2550 No email address
6 Espe Dennis Born August 30, 1937    –    Died May 2, 1916     peggyespe@yahoo.com
7 Haagenson Rainey Neva RR 1  Box 5 Dunseith, ND 58329 (701) 244-5482 hoagybun@yahoo.com
8 Hiatt Fugere Lois/Orelle 1790 W Star Lake Dr Elma, WA 98541 (360) 482-3010 Died 11/6/08
9 Hill Kenneth RR 1  Box 5 Dunseith, ND 58329 (701) 244-5482 hoagybun@yahoo.com
10 Hosmer Bob 18606 52nd W. #222 Lynnwood, WA 98037 (425) 673-6254 rkhosmer@comcast.net
11 Leonard Workman Janice 2610 25th St SE Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 833-7619 janice_workman@earthlink.com
12 Lider Williams Caroleen 408 BRANDER ST Bottineau, ND 58318 (701) 228-3891 No email address
13 Longie Langan Wilcox Marge 616 SE 121St Ave # 127 Vancouver,  Wa   98683 marge939@yahoo.com
14 Parisien Cuffe Ellen Born June 25, 1938    –    Died November 7, 1995 Deceased
15 Pigeon Curtis Born October 31, 1937    –    Died April 3, 2006 Deceased
16 Pigeon Kenneth 3284  92nd St Rolette, ND 58366 (701) 244-5448 No email address
17 Poeppel Bruce Born January 24, 1938    –    Died April 24, 2001 Deceased
18 Rohrer Pahulick Clarice 16559 Labradore North Hills, CA 91343 (818) 892-5616 Went through 4th grade in Dunseith. Does not remember many folks.
19 Watkins Elaine Born January 1, 1938    –    Died July 7, 1993 Deceased


Typical Filipino Breakfast.
Bernadette often times eats this for Breakfast
and other meals too.

Not really my cup of tea. I don’t like seafood or fish.

Chicken, Pork and Fish are very abundant here.

Local beef is very tough often times like eating rubber.

Most beef is imported from Australia and the USA.


Blog (646) posted on December 8, 2009

Posted on December 8, 2009

Shirley Olson Warcup (49) passed away. Shirley was Dick Johnson Aunt, sister to his mother Bernice.

From Shirley’s husband Ron: Ivans, UT.

To All

Shirley lost her battle with surgery complications Sunday Dec 6 and passed away at 8:15 PM. Funeral Arrangements are pending.


Ron, This is sad sad news. We were so hoping Shirley would snap out of this. Shirley was such a kind and compassionate lady. I exchanged many personal email messages with her, some quite recently too. She contributed frequently to our daily blog. We will truly miss her. It’s so hard to believe she is gone. You and your family have our condolences with her passing. We know you will miss her dearly. She was a wonderful person. Gary

Condolence to the Morinville & Azure family:

From Esther Murray Fleming (65): Flint, MI

To the family of Bev Morinville:

You have my deepest sympathies ad condolences. I knew Joe and Frances when I grew up in Dunseith. May God be with you at a time like this.

Esther Fleming (Murray)

Condolence to the Morinville & Azure family:

From Vickie Hiatt Lafontaine (73): Grafton, ND

My heart is so saddened by your loss. I was honered to be a friend of Bevs. Loss is so hard especially this time of year. One thing that makes me smile is her and my husband can trade stories about me and have a good laugh. Isnt it awsome that we have a savior that promises has everlasting life. Also my thoughts and prayers go out to the Salmonson family he was a good neighber. Vickie Hiatt LaFontaine

Condolence to the Morinville & Azure family:

From Paula Fassett (71): North Branch, MN

To the Azure/Morinville families:

My heart goes out to all of Bev’s family and friends. I remember when Bev’s Mom, Francis, died – it was around Christmas time also. Jean Pladson told me that she (Jean) found much comfort in seeing the casket next to the Christmas tree – it represented to her the birth of the Christ child and reassured her of the promise of eternal life. I have no doubt Bev is in good hand now. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Paula Fassett

Condolence to the Morinville & Azure family:

From Lynn Halvorson Otto (75): Seoul, Korea

We are very saddened by Bev’s passing but we know that she is no longer suffering and is at peace. May God be the whole Azure family during this difficult time. God Bless you all. Lynn Halvorson Otto family

From Ron Link (58): San Antonio, TX

Gary: Hope you enjoy this light display. Happy Holidays. http://www.flixxy.com/best-christmas-lights-display.htm

Ron, You sent this to me as a personal message, but I think with the music and all it’s very fitting for today’s Blog. Thanks for sharring. Gary

Replies from Gary Metcalfe (57): Forsyth, MO

Reply to Sybil Johnson

You are right Sybil, there will never be another like Axel, but I will let you know there is one pretty close, that is Clifford Johnson, Axel’s nephew. He surely was fond of his Uncle Axel.

To Sharron Shen

Thanks for all the input on your family and I know there are lots more stories yet to come. Your information is well researched and so important to the blog. There is something on here for everybody, that is for sure. The more we talk about Dale the more it comes to me how dull that area would have been without him. He was a motivator. Everyone who worked for him including waitresses and cooks learned how to do it right and in good time. They said about Walter Kronkite that made him a great commentator was that he never lost his zest for the job….that was Dale.

Gary Metcalfe

11/03/2017 (2571)

DHS Classes of ‘55/’56 Photo
Reply from Bob Hosmer (’56): Lynnwood, WA.

Regarding the photo:

I know the 2nd from the left in the front row is Bob Dailly.  Faces of a few others are familiar, but I can’t put any names to them.  Sorry about that.  But I do remember Larry Liere now that I see his picture.   Bob

Gary Stokes’ comment
Folks, Hopefully we can identify the remaining 8 in this photo? I’m sure we can do it.

DHS Classes of ‘55/56
Back: Janice Leonard Workman, Barry Shelver, Larry Liere, Bob Hosmer, ??, ??, ??, ??
Front: ??, Bob Dailly, ??, ??
Class of 55-56 2570

Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70): Bottineau, ND




Linda Jean Juntunen (DHS ’72)
(January 11, 1954 – October 26, 2017)
Johnson Juntunen, Linda 2571
Guest Book | Sign Guest Book | Send Sympathy Card

Linda Juntunen, age 63, of Perth, ND passed away on Thursday, October 26, 2017 at Presentation Medical Center, Rolla, ND.

Linda Jean Juntunen was born on January 11, 1954 in Pierre, SD to Joseph Johnson and Velma (Grenier) Millang. She was raised as a daughter of a military family and as a result traveled throughout her younger years. Linda completed her education at Dunseith High School in 1972 and furthered her education at Mayville State University. Linda was united in marriage to Dale Juntunen on June 15, 1991 in Rolla. She was the proud mother of two daughters, Monica and Crystal, and three step-children, Kevin, Corey, and Carla. Linda started her career working at the William Langer Jewel Plant and later became part owner of Microlap in Rolla, from which she retired. Linda was very active within Our Saviors Lutheran Church and WELCA. She was also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, serving as president in 2012-13 and strongly supporting girls state activities. Linda’s hobbies included collecting ceramic teapots, red dishes, and buying and making her own floral arrangements. She loved to go shopping and looked forward to her and Dale’s road trips to Las Vegas to visit her daughter, Crystal and family, and vacations to her daughter, Monica and step-daughter, Carla’s homes. Her vacation to see Al and Maggie Bykonen was something she always looked forward to. She often brought souvenir’s home to her children and grandchildren after traveling. Her family was very important to her and she loved time spent with all of them. Linda will be lovingly remembered and greatly missed.

Linda is survived by her husband, Dale Juntunen of Perth; daughters, Monica (Allen Russell) Hanlan of Climax, MN and Crystal (Mathew) Samsom of Las Vegas, NV; step-children, Kevin (Dianna) Juntunen of Rolla, Corey Juntunen of Montevideo, MN, and Carla Hegreberg of Ada, MN; eleven grandchildren, Ashlynn and Madison Samsom, Elizabeth, Abigale, and Adam Russell, Kiera Hegreberg, Deanna (Jesse) Counts, Katie (Jared) Wiener, Sara Juntunen, and Frankie Juntunen; three great grandchildren, Kevannah and Kevan Counts, and Dean Juntunen; brother, Joe (Dawn) Johnson of Lindstrom, MN, nieces and nephews, Jody Waldemar, Jesse Johnson, Joey Johnson, Matt Johnson, Marshal Johnson, and Kelsey Johnson; and many cousins, aunts, and uncles. Linda was preceded in death by her parents, and siblings, JoAnn Huntley, Albert Johnson, and Jeff Johnson.

Honorary Bearers are all Rolla American Legion Auxiliary Members, friends, and family members.

A Prayer Service will be held on Sunday, October 29, 2017 at 7:00 PM at Elick Funeral Home, Rolla, ND with Pastor Mark Kolbo officiating. A Memorial Service will be held on Monday, October 30, 2017 at 10:00 AM at Our Saviors Lutheran Church, Rolla, ND with Pastor Mark Kolbo officiating. Burial will be held at Little Prairie Cemetery, Dunseith, ND.

Elick Funeral Home, Rolla, ND.

ND First Snow Storm this Season
Larry Hackman (’66) and Mel Kuhn (’70) Conversation

Mel’s comments about the first snow storm in North Dakota this season.

Note: Please read from bottom up


Now you got it. I knew you would understand once you got them old brain cells going.

Because the beetles were bugging them?

The Canadians kicked them out.

What the hell are the Asian bugs doing in St John?
Of course stranger things have happened up there.

It’s about 2 inches on top of those fricking Asian beetles.

How deep is the snow up there?
Ours is belly deep to a box elder bug.


Blog (645) posted on December 7, 2009

Posted on December 7, 2009

Bev Morninville Azure passed away:

Posted from Bev’s caringbridge site: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/bevazure

It’s with a heavy heart that I inform you all that mom passed away today at 3:00pm from her battle with cancer. She hung in there as long as she could but passed without any pain. Her suffering is now over and in heaven. We would like to thank you all so much for your infinite love a support. Mom was very appreciative for all her friends and family],as so are we.

The Azures

To all of Bev’s family; I am so saddened to hear of her passing. She was a wonderful person, loved and liked by so many. That is quite evident with the thousands of messages posted on her caringbridge site. She was a wonderful caring person. I know you will miss her dearly. My condolence go out to your whole family with her passing. Gary

Harlan Salmonson’s Obituary:

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: neola@min.midco.net Minot & Bottineau, ND

Harlan Salmonson

(May 8, 1934 – December 4, 2009)

Harlan Salmonson, age 75 of Bottineau, died Friday at a Minot hospital. A memorial service will be held on Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. in the Metigoshe Lutheran Church. Friends may sign the register book on Tuesday from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. Harlan Salmonson, a son of Clarence and Edna (Christianson) Salmonson, was born on May 8, 1934 on the family farm near Dunseith.

He is survived by 2 daughters, Carolyn and her husband, Brian Johnson of Bottineau and Debra and her husband, Shannon Metcalfe of Dunseith; son, Gregory Salmonson and his wife, Renee of Minot; 8 grandchildren; 1 great-grandchild; one sister, June and her husband, Leonard of Seattle, WA and numerous nieces and nephews.

(Nero Funeral Home – Bottineau

Question from Ardys (Bakken) Horner (Former Teacher): Detroit Lakes, MN

Gary, what did B’s niece say about the “bankrupt” building program in Dubai?
what does she do there, I know they have anormous number of shops. Ardys Horner

Ardys, Edelyn didn’t really have much to say about the situation in Dubai. Edelyn is the daughter of Bernadette’s sister Berlinda, who lives next door to us. Her dads name is Edwin. She is the first born so her name is a combination of her parents names. Many first born children in this country have made up names with combinations of the their parents names. Edelyn has a BA degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM). She went over to Dubai three years ago with a visitors visa and landed a job within 2 days at the Majestic Restaurant. She was working in food services. She met a guy from India who is also working in Dubai that she is engaged to. She did not renew her contract with the Majestic, but has plans of returning in February. Gary

Message & pictures from Tim Martinson (69): Anchorage, AK

Gary, do you have the classes listed seperately, as this would make a nice list for

quick reference and Christmas cards? I sent that picture off to you and sat down

to watch a movies and fell asleep, woke up and six hours later went into turn the

computer off and see that you had responded back to me. The temperature is

around 20 with about eight inches of snow on the ground, just to remind you that

it is white out here and people are downhill and cross country skiing as well as

starting to get ready for dog sled racing. It warmed up a little last week so we had

nice snow for making snow people. Enjoy. Take Care, Tim

Tim, I have a combined class list from the years 1930 thru 1978, attached, sorted by class year.

This attachment has made this message a little larger than I like to send, but I feel it is something that should to be posted for general info.

You are looking great in this picture! Is that your airplane in the background? Gary