Reply from Marie Iverson Staub (60): Seattle, WA.
That is a great picture of you and Bernadette. I want to wish her a late happy birthday.
I would really be interested in the pictures of the San Haven as my dad was a patient there and then worked there for several years. I wish I would have been able to go to the Rolette Museum on that friday but we had made plans with Barbara’s aunt. I remember my dad talking about Mildred Isaakson. I also think that Dr Loeb was the doctor that operated on him. I also have a picture of the class of 1960 but I have no clue how to send it to you. Hopefully I can get some help soon. I am lost without Marv”s help when it comes to the computer.
Marie Staub (Iverson) 1960
Reply from Lois Ann Tweten: Helena, MT.
Hi Dick, (you have the same name as the Dick Johnson married to my cousin Carol, noted below!)
I’ve been receiving the Dunseith Blog since I stopped in at the souvenir shop and met Bev Azure (now deceased as you know). I had stopped in there while visiting my cousin Carol Sletto Johnson who lives 5 miles South of Overly on the late Clara (my Mom’s sister) & Tilford Sletto farm. At the time I explained to Bev that I was coming “home” for a visit and we got to chatting. I told her that my Dad had been killed in the stock car races supporting the John Deere, at the fairgrounds, when he was killed, back in October of 1948. She told me that her folks were there at the time, and could never go back since the accident. My Mom, Ann Shjerve Tweten, my brother Johnnie, and I were also there! When Bev heard all that she said I must get on this blog as she thought I’d enjoy it….and I certainly do, even if I don’t know many. When I read your note of the San Haven today I thought I’d contact you about the pictures/information on the San that are at the church. My grandmother, Rønnaug Flaaten Shjerve (Mathias) Aasen (Knute) was in the San a couple of times. But I don’t know much about it. My cousin thought it was in the year of 1948 for one of the dates. So if any information would come about with any of the above names I’d love to have it! I was born to Kenneth & Ann Tweten 12-22-1941 in the Rolette hospital and lived out at the Tweten Hereford Ranch 2 miles S of Rolette – now Eleanor Tweten Mattson lives there. Later we moved to Botno where my dad worked. My Mom was Ann Shjerve from Barton, and remarried to Harold Skjervem from Botno (1950), the son of Alma and Henry Skjervem. They are both deceased now. Anyway, if you do come across any information I’d love to know. I intend to have coffee with Neola & her Mom in Botno when I go to the Høstfest in Minot this fall. We were neighbors in the 40’s and am anxious to meet her again. She also has so much interesting information! Thanks, Lois Ann Tweten (I returned to my maiden after divorce 30+ years ago. 907 N WASHINGTON ST #3 HELENA MT 59601 United Methodist (Stone) church
Reply from Ellen Graff Myrick (58): Grand Forks, ND
Until they joined with Peace Lutheran, this was the United Methodist Church, I think the two together are called a Federated Church. I don’t know when they combined, but I attended this church through elementary and high school. It was still running in 1978 when my mother’s Funeral was held there in early June.
Ellen (Graff – 58) Myrick
![]() Rod Hiatt (69) boys picture with Rod and Brian Fauske (70):
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Rod, You sure remind me of your dad, Howard, in this picture.
Brian, I can sure see the Hiatt in you too with your mother, Eleanor, being a sister to Howard.
Monthly Archives: June 2010
Bernadette had a blast for her Birthday celebration last night. It doesn’t take much to get these Filipino women charged up and that they were. There were cameras flashing all evening. They love to have their pictures taken and were constantly getting into groups to have their picture taken. They haven’t hit facebook yet, but they will. I have not had a chance to down load the pictures from our camera yet either. Hopefully I’ll have a couple pictures to share with you folks tomorrow. There were 34 folks in attendance, so she had quite a party. Gary
Hannah & Karen Lobe:
Picture provided by Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
Today was the final day of the annual St. John Days celebration. We
had an ‘all faiths’ church service in the Old Mill Lake Church on the museum grounds. It was my turn to open the museum for the day so I had to be there basically all day and that gave me time to look through some of the items that have been donated recently. There is a box of old photos from the late Mrs. Mildred Isaakson who was an RN at San Haven for most of the time it was open. Many of the pictures are not labeled so it’s going to be rough to identify those in the photos. Some are of her house in Dunseith and some are very old San pictures which are self explanatory and very interesting as they are from the first few years of operation of the hospital. I will have to go through the box and try to figure out the names and dates if at all possible. Some of the readers of the blog may know who is in the pictures. One that I ran across today is interesting to me and I’m sure will be to others also. We have recently had posted a picture of Hannah Loeb holding her great-grandchild. I will attach one of her doing the same with her own daughter, Karen, in 1947. The inscription on the back reads, ‘Hannah and Karen Loeb–Christmas ’47’. Several of these pictures should be given back to family members as they are more important to them than to the rest of the population. Art Rude, Sr. brought the box of pictures to the museum and had put a note on the box that read that he had looked through the pictures for ones that were of importance to the San Haven display at the museum and that others maybe could be returned to families of the individuals in the photos. I think we should proceed with Art’s assumption. I will try to identify the ones that I can and then post some for others to help identify. Thanks Gary! Dick 1947
Hannah & Karen Loeb
![]() Update from DeAnn Gottbreht O’Hara
Monday, June 28, 2010 1:41 PM, CDT Remaining six pictures
From Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
Paula Fassett with her back to the camera, Dave (Brenda Hoffman’s husband),
Alice Hoffman, Dick Johnson & Brenda Hoffman
Verena Gillis holding her plaque for her services of appreciation for a job well done.
Bernadette and I holding up our gifts that were presented to us compliments of the Security State Bank. We would like to publicly thank the Campbell family (Security State Bank) for these gifts and also for the Peace Garden Season pass that were presented to us the night of the reunion by Les Halvorson. There was a note inside the package that said we could exchange these items at the Peace Garden Gift shop. With constant 24/7 80 degree temps here in the PI, we don’t have much use for outer garment clothing, so we did exchange them. These were $75 value items of which we exchanged for miscellaneous items. The total gift package with the Peace Garden pass was $100. Again, Thank you Jeff Campbell and company.
This brings up another story from when we were back there. I’m not sure if I have mentioned this on the Blog or not, but if I have, it’s a repeat. As we entered the Peace Garden to make our exchanges at the gift shop, we were stopped at the US immigration for a spot check. As they were inspecting us, I mentioned Patti Metcalfe’s name. Patti is a supervisor customs officer. The gal said “yes Patti works here, but she has not been a Metcalfe for a number of years.” I said, “oh, she is now Woods”. For me she will always be Patti Metcalfe. The customs gal then asked for my name to pass along to Patti. She then said “Patti is working today. You will see her on your way out of the Peace Garden.” Sure enough, when we came back thru the customs they waived us into the big building with high doors to the left for a full blown inspection. When we went inside they let us know that Patti was on a conference call. When she was finished with her call, she came out of her office and we had a nice chat. Patti is always so bubbly and friendly. When we got ready to leave, they had forgotten to open the door to let us out, so I went back in to get Patti to open the big door to the south. Terry Espe was the head customs officer for many years. He retired a year or so ago. Following 9-11 they have tightened things up and I think with the addition of a lot more personnel. Gary
Nice Picture of Bernadette. After her Birthday yesterday (6/28/)
we are the same age for 3 weeks.
Mel Kuhn (70). You are looking good mel
Dick Johnson & Brenda Hoffman – both from the class of 68
Folks, Bernadette is 62 years old today. It’s her Birthday. For these PI folks, birthdays are big deals. I’d rather forget mine. So today will be a rather busy one. With that I’m putting this message out a little earlier than normal. We have arranged for a dinner party this evening with about 38 of our friends at a Chinese Restaurant. They will have 3 very large round tables reserved for us. Bernadette has pre-selected the menu. Gary
Picture provided by Bill Grimme (65): Birmingham, AL
Question from Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
What is the real name of the stone church?
Pictures provided by Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
Folks, I am posting 6 of the 12 pictures that Brenda sent with today’s message. I will post the remaining 6 pictures tomorrow.
Thanks Brenda, these are really nice. Gary
What a beautiful picture of such a nice couple. Jim and Connie Halvorson (64) Kester
Ron Peltier (70) & Brenda Hoffman (68)
Ron Peltier (70), Mildred Parrill (Class of 43 & former teacher) &
LeaRae Parrill Espe (67 & Mildred’s daughter)
Harvey & Alice Hoffman (Brenda’s parents),
Dave (Brenda Hoffman’s husband) &
Jim & Connie Halvorson Kester
Angela Berube Malget (65), Art Rude (JHS Principal) &
Connie Halvorson Kester (64)
Need some help – Not sure who this guy is – Jim Tooke ???? |
Mrs. Mildred Parrill
Comment from Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
![]() I had a wonderful time connecting with so many people at both the Rolette County Museum and the Reunion Dinner/Dance. One of my absolute favorite memories was that Mrs. Parrill, my first grade teachers (Mrs. Sime subbed part of the year for her), remembered teaching me to read and asked if I still liked reading. That’s why I love North Dakota.
Class of 68 Pictures Posted by Brenda Hoffman:
Back: Tim Hill, Dick Johnson, Monte Espe & Terry Halvorson
Front: Gwen Struck, Sharlyn Evenson, Brenda Hoffman & Gwen Grimme
Missing in photo: Martha Lamb pictured below
Class of 68 folks:
Terry Halvorson, Gwen Struck & Martha Lamb
Pictures from Bill Grimme (65): Birmingham, AL
Bill, These are great! I have enlarged and labeled the one with John Bedard, Donald Egbert and you. You guys made Donald’s day. Folks say Donald does not eat much, but I noticed he was eating a big plate of food at the reunion. With a conversation I had with Donald, I quickly picked up on his clear sharp mind. He was a great basket ball player too, in our school days. He was a well known jock.
Thanks Bill,
John Bedard, Donald Egbert & Bill Grimme
![]() |
Happy Fathers Day to all of you fathers out there.
When I got up this morning I had three home made Fathers Day cards on my desk from our helpers children. Tata has a boy, Jr. 9 and a girl, Angie 12 and one in the oven. Gaga has a little 5 year old boy, Kurt. Tata’s husband, Aldren, also works for us. We are good to them and they in turn are very good to us. I’m not sure how Bernadette managed to survive without their services for a whole month back in the states, but she did. They live next door in an apartment that we have provided for them. We have a door bell with a remote button in their apartment that Bernadette rings when she needs their services.
We have been invited to join several of our friends at a membership club they belong to for fathers day lunch at noon today. There were about 20 of us together at the same club last night for our monthly potluck dinner (this month it was not potluck). They invited us all back today for the Fathers Day buffet. My diet has gone to, you know where. I can not resist all this good food. Gary
Update for Art Rude Sr.
From Art Rude (71): Bismarck, ND
Thanks again for your concern. I was in Minot yesterday until he came out of surgery, about 5:30 pm. He was resting comfortably when I left, so will look forward to seeing him today. I will be glad to bring greetings to him, Thank you to those on the list who already responded, and I will share with you any new knowledge I have as to his condition.
Peace and Power,
Thanks for checking out Art Rude Productions,
webpage address:
and Art Rude TV at: artrudetv on Utube!
From Sharon Peterson Harmsen (63): Bismarck, ND.
Good Morning Gary,
I’m enjoying the comments and pictures from the recent DHS reunion. We were in the middle of moving out of our house (one we lived in for 26 yrs) into a condo. Just imagine how much “stuff” one can accumulate in those many years…………….Yikes. Anyway, we do have a new mailing address of: 555 Brandon Place, # A, Bismarck, 58503. Email address remains the same.
Very, very windy here past few days with lots of tornado, high wind warnings. Some areas of ND rec’d much rain and had flooding issues to deal with. Bismarck just saw 1/2 inch of rain and lots of downed trees and wind damage.
Thanks for all you do. Like many others on the email routings, this becomes my “morning fix”.
Esther Tangen:
Reply from Connie Zorn Landsverk: Bottineau, ND.
Yes I worked with Esther Tangen @ St. Andrews hosp. Esther was a patient of mine when I worked as a nurse for home health. She was a good friend of mine. I visited her a lot when she lived @ Oak Manor. I think John is about my age. I was born in 51. Connie
Jim Olson (Teacher):
Reply from Bob Lykins (Teacher): Hutto, TX
I believe you are correct, Gary. About Mr. Olson replacing me. I still intend to meet this fall with the Hutto HS Student Council to see what we can can do to help the people of your barrio to survive. In addition I have just completed a course through the Hutto Academy on local government in which Hutto was used as the case study. Very interesting. As a result I have volunteered for a couple of commissions and I will be working with the group that handles Hutto’s sponsorship of a helicopter detachment at Fort Hood. Between working, volunteer work, and traveling, I manage to keep myself pretty busy. My hat is off to you and all of the great work you are doing to help your community.. So much to do with such limited resources. Thanks for the photos. It is nice to see so many familer smiling faces. I wish I could have been there. Best to all.
Bob Lykins
From Shirley LaRocque Wendt (59): Tukwila, WA
![]() Sounds like you had good time in good old Dunseith. I will be going back there, leaving here on Monday the 21st on the train , will be going to Sioux Falls the 23rd to pick up Lana, will be coming back on Saturday and leaving back for Seattle until the 5th of July.
Posted on our Dunseith Alumni Website
Wedding of Doris Peterson Williams (53):
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND.
Ah-Gwan-Ching, Minn TB sanatorium: Letters attached from Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
I received this email from Fay today. I sent her Mom and Dad’s anniversary pictures only to discover that her grandfather also had TB. Both Fay and her husband Bob are from Minnesota. Thought the letters (see attached. Note can not be attached to Website. I can send as email attachement. Gary) were so poignant – obviously her grandfather could barely write and yet so much of what he talked about brought back memories of the San – the tunnels, the overcrowding, the boredom, the fear. ———- Forwarded message ———-
From: fay Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 3:46 PM
Subject: A bit of TB History To: Brenda Hoffman Since you like history and we share another interest in TB, I thought you might like to read the letters my grandfather Carl wrote to my grandmother Rosetta and some other people, like my father Harold, while he was at Ah-Gwan-Ching, Minn TB sanatorium in the late 1923 and 1924. He died Feb. 6, 1924 leaving behind a wife and 8 children, the oldest of which, my dad Harold, was 13. He was 51. Get your box of Kleenex out.
Art Rude Sr. is in the Minot Hospital.
![]() Reply from Art Rude (71): Bismarck, ND.
Glad to hear he had such a good time. Thank you for sharing, I had heard good things from a few others as well, so that is great.
As I write this, he is in surgery. Since he had his last defibrillator (his third), the site of the incision never healed properly. That was one of the reasons for the nursing home, his dressings needed to be changed twice daily. It hasn’t healed.
Last weekend, Dad and I were at the Hawk Museum Farm Show near Wolford, and he had a great time there too. That place is very important to Dad, he was on the board of directors for many years, and brought Dunseith kids out there on 8th grade field trips for many years, the first time about 50 years ago.
Anyway, his incision had opened up, so the nurse told me she could see metal from either his pacemaker or defibrillator. That’s not good, and so they are going in to remove one or both, and replace one or both, I guess we won’t know until he gets a look under the hood so to speak. This is becoming quite routine for Dad on one level, in that this is the seventh time they have opened him up to install, reinstall, replace batteries, and I’m assuming, change the filter.
He was in great spirits on the way in, and this point we assume the procedure is routine. However, at age 87, I don’t know many things that are routine in the same way they used to be.
Thanks again for your concern.
Peace and Power,
Thanks for checking out Art Rude Productions,
webpage address:
and Art Rude TV at: artrudetv on Utube!
Reply to Larry Hackman’s (66) Story:
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
![]() Beautiful fun loving couple. This picture was taken the last night of our visit
at the Pizza Inn. Gary
Gary and Friends,
This same story was told to me by my dad, but not in the detail that
Larry brought out. He also mentioned who it was but I am not sure anymore who he said. He was really laughing when he told me how the thing went down—it was funny! Good one, Larry! Dad also told about a guy, back in the late ’40s, who was driving an old single axle gravel truck and was really a wild man on wheels. He came tearing back into the old east gravel pit and slid the empty truck sideways and caught a ridge and tipped the truck on it’s side. As the workers were running toward the overturned truck, the guy threw out the grease gun and climbed out and said, “Looks like a hell of a good time to give it a grease job!” The boss grabbed the grease gun from him and said, “It probably is, but you won’t be greasing it—your fired!” I DO know who that was, but better leave it alone! Thanks Gary! Dick Trish Larson Wild heads south, on horse back, on her 10,000 mile journey:
![]() From Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO
Hi everyone,
Click on the link below to the Loveland reporter/herald news story about my ride that came out on Tuesday.
Also, I now have the beginnings of a website at
My last day at work is June 27. I start living on horseback July 1.
Should be a great summer!
Gary Fulsebakke (71):
Posting from Larry Liere (55): Devils Lake, ND.
Hi Gary
Sounds like you had a good time being back in the states for a while.
I saw this story in the Devils Lake Journal about Gary Fulsebakke and since he grew up in the Dunseith area I thought your readers would like to see it.
![]() Folks,
These are several news paper articles and John Tangen’s picture that were among the pictures we recently found in my Grandmother, Julia Stokes’, suit case.
My Grandmother, like most of the Ackworth community, was Methodist. I remember well, in my really younger days, the Methodist church services that were held in the Ackworth school. Do any of you remember Rev. Samuelson?
Esther Thompson Tangen’s mother was a
Stokes, sister to my Grandfather, Frank.
Esther Owned the original Stokes Place
where the Cemetery is. A few years back
she sold it to her Nephew, Dan Pladson.
Esther passed away several years ago.
I think Esther and Edmar got married in
about 1950. John, can you verify that please?
John Tangen, Son of Esther and Edmar. John lives in either Oregon or California. John, I’m sorry I forgot which. I don’t have your address. Please let us know.
John attended school and graduated from Bottineau. He is a first cousin to the Eldon/Ella Pladson children. John is also on our distribution.
John, this is a beautiful picture. I remember you being so faithful to your mother when she was in Good Sam. Your mother was such a kind hearted sweet lady. She had a sharp mind remembering our family history well. I picked her brain shortly before she passed on about some family stuff of which she remembered well. Gary Reunion Pictures: Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND.
Gary and Friends, Great response on the folks in the pictures! Picture #12 — Harvey Dick
Picture twelve:
Back: Harvey and Eileen Sebelius, Marcie (Mrs. Henry) Hackman,
Marion (Mrs. Larry) Hackman, Larry Hackman
Front: Armella and Lawrence Hetle
Picture Fourteen:
Front Left: Eric & Sandra Poitra
Sitting behind: Bernice Belgarde
Front Right: ???? Belgarde
Hopefully that will help you out!
Thanks Alan, It was a pleasure to finely see you face to face after all these email exchanges. I dearly love the CD that you sent me last year too with the good old ‘honky tonk’ tunes recorded by your family. It may not be Bernadette’s taste for good music, but it’s mine, so I listen to it when she is not around. Gary
picture 12 guy with glasses is Harvey Sebelius and his wife on hiis left..don’t recognize the rest
hope this helps
Ele, It was a pleasure seeing you too after all these email exchanges. I recognized Richard from the pictures when you guys walked in. Had it not been for the pictures, I for sure would not have ever known him. He looks great, but not the way I remember him. My, how we all change and some more than others.
From Lynn Halvorson Otto (75): Boonton, NJ
Hi Gary, in the picture with the speaker, the guy on the left with the cap on is Terry Halvorson. That is all I know. Thanks, great pictures. FYI: I am now in Boonton, NJ. We just moved back to the states May 29th from Seoul. New beginnings again.
Lynn Halvorson Otto (75).
From Bobby Slyter (70): Wichita, Kansas
Gary, the lady in #3 in the white blouse is Pam Wenstad in #4 next to Richard is my friend Dan Mc Kown and I am next to him in # 5 next to Diane Wenstad is Ele Slyter great pics thanks for all that you do
Bobby, It was so nice to see you again too after all these years. You Slyter boys are looking great, but not the way I remember you guys and I knew you well in our growing up days. Gary
From Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI
From Keith Pladson (66): Stafford, VA
A couple of identifications that may help. In picture eleven you caught my brother Dan and his wife Robin. To the right of Robin and only partially visible is my sister Tina Bullinger in the pink sweater and to the right of Dan is Tina’s husband John Bullinger. In picture thirteen the lady at the back side of the table pointing to something is Shirley Bercham Sime spouse of Larry Sime (not present).
Hope that helps.
Keith Pladson (66)
Keith, Those were some great old pictures that you were showing me that you got from your Aunt Lillian Thompson. When you get a chance, please scan and zap me copies. I’d love to share those. They included some of my/our Grandparents that I have never seen before. Thanks, Gary
Marie, It was so nice seeing you too.
From Gwen Struck Dumas (68): Havre, MT
Picture #8
Terry Halvorson
Gwen Grimme
Monte Espe
Brenda Hoffman
Dick Johnson
Gwen Struck
Gwen, I should have recognized you and Monte too. Gary
From Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
Hi Gary!
Reply from Tina Pladson Bullinger (78): Bottineau, ND
Number Eleven John Bullinger
Picture Three:
Sitting: Pam Wenstad, Delorie Enno, Alan Poitra & Mark Larson
Standing Left: Peggie Sime Espe
Standing right: Bernard & Robin Espe Morin
Picture Four:
Richard Slyter, Dan Mc Kown & Bobby Slyter
Picture five:
Front: Kenny & Sherry Nerpel
Back: Diane Wenstad, Ele Dietrick Slyter, Richard Slyter.
Picture six:
John/Margaret Bedard, Cora (Warren) Anderson,
Kenny Nerpel & Ele Dietrick Slyter
Picture Seven:
Front: Ernie Gottbreht & Cheryl Bailey
Behind Geroge Eltz, Standing Gwen Struck Dumas
Picture eight:
Terry Halvorson, Gwen Grimme Eltz, Monte Espe, Brenda Hoffman,
Dick Johnson, Gwen Struck Dumas
& Ernie Gottbreht.
Picture Nine:
Olynda(Eurich) & Ydola Pigeon, Brenda Johnson & Ron Hett.
Picture Ten:
Mildred Parrill, Olynda(Eurich) & Ydola Pigeon and Brenda Johnson
Picture Eleven:
Nancy Hosmer, Robin/Dan Pladson & John Bullinger
Picture twelve:
Larry Hackman pointing his finger at the camera.
Lawrence Hetle in blue T-shirt, Armella Hetle in pink – Need some help with the rest
Picture thirteen:
Around the table L to R:
Sharon Zorn Gerdes, Lowell Leonard, Connie Burcham Sime,
Judy De Pew, Eva Eurich Paulson & Cleo Kelly
Picture Fourteen:
Front Left: Eric & Sandra Poitra
Sitting behind: Bernice Belgarde
Front Right: ???? Belgarde
Picture Fifteen:
Harlan/Joyce Flaata, Barbara Iverson Lyonais,
Marie Iverson Staub& Helen Boguslawski
Message with another good story
From Larry Hackman (66): Bismarck, ND
Hello Gary
Happy to see you made it back to the PI safe and sound.
It was great to finally get to meet you and your wife.
My brother Henry (class of 65) and his wife, and I (class of 66) and
my wife had a great time.
We all wish we could of did a lot more visiting, with more people.
These type events are always tough to make time for and too attend.
Once you are there, you are happy that you made the decision to go.
Once they are over its sad, because it too, becomes a part of the past.
I thought I would write a funny little story that took place many years ago.
I hope you and everyone else enjoy the story and if nothing else it
puts a smile on your face for a little while.
Reply to Mel Kuhn (70):
From Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI
At least you are loyal to Mopars and didn’t “pollute” it! Nicely done!
Reunion Pictures:
Folks, I don’t recognize everyone in these pictures. Please provide feed back so I can repost with the correct identities.
Again folks, please provide any pictures you may have. I am nearing the end of mine for posting that we took at the reunion.
Thanks, Gary
Dale’s Bill board sign.
I was pleasantly surprised and honored when I saw this. Thanks George
Jerry/Susan Pladson & Keith/Alice Pladson
Picture Three:
Need some help with identification.
Picture Four:
Richard Slyter, ????,???? – need some help
Picture five:
Front: Kenny & Sherry Nerpel
Back: Diane Wenstad, ????, Richard Slyter.
Picture six:
John/Margaret Bedard, Cora (Warren) Anderson, Kenny Nerpel, ?????
Picture Seven:
Front: Ernie Gottbreht & Cheryl Bailey
Behind ????, Standing ????
Picture eight:
????, Gwen Grimme Eltz, ????, Brenda Hoffman, Dick Johnson, ????
& Ernie Gottbreht.
Picture Nine:
????, ????, Brenda Johnson & Ron Hett.
Picture Ten:
Mildred Parrill, ????, ???? & Brenda Johnson
Picture Eleven:
Nancy Hosmer, Robin/Dan Pladson, ????
Picture twelve:
I beleive that is Larry Hackman pointing his finger at the camera.
I will not guess on the rest.
Picture thirteen:
Sharon Zorn is the beautiful blond in front. She has not changed.
I dare not guess on the rest.
Picture Fourteen:
I dare not guess with this one either.
Picture Fifteen:
Harlan/Joyce Flaata, ????, Marie Iverson Staub& ????