7/31/2008 (177)

From Dick Johnson (68):

Gary and Friends, Last Saturday night a few of us played music for a wedding reception at Long Lake, for Amy Kester and Eric Nabon! . We had a great meal and a real nice crowd. Amy is the daughter of Jim and Connie Halvorson Kester [64]. The evening was full of surprises. Nancy Hosmer Baldwin and Colette Hosmer came up and said HI and we had a’ too short ‘ conversation with the music and all! Then later as I was taking a break, Greg and Angela Berube Malget came over and visited for a while. I asked Angela if indeed her brother Robert had broken his leg, while snow skiing in the ditch behind a car, and she said YES he did! I thought I remember seeing him with a cast from the accident, but now I know for sure! It was probably unimportant to most of the readers, but after I mentioned it I wondered if I was wrong, when no one replied. I remember Robert Berube had a grayish blue 51 Chevy two door with full disk wheel covers. I believe he sold it to Garrett Myer and he rolled it up by Lake Upsilon the next winter on the icy road coming out to highway 43. I was going ice fishing one Saturday and saw the car on its top in the ditch, luckily Garrett didn’t get hurt but the car was done! I think it was the winter of  64-65, but don’t know for sure. Thanks Gary! Dick


From Diane Larson Sjol (70):

I would like to comment on my sister Cheryl Larson Dakin’s post about  military life.  We usually disagree slightly on whose version of our  life is correct so this may be a first but she is right on the mark.   Growing up in the military brought many challenges…having to change  schools and move to a new location and make new friends, leaving  behind old friends every three years….but we stood by each other as  a family and joined the hundreds of other military families who were  doing the same.  To us it was our way of life.  We were privvy to many  exciting adventures within the US and abroad.  We learned about  culture and being sensitive to others…we learned how important it is  to look out for each other.  We were always proud that our dad was in  the Army and we were proud that we were Americans.  We must remember  that our military is a voluntary service where men and women join of  their own free will to preserve what our flag and country stand  for….so yes, a huge thanks to all who serve; to all who have served;  to those who didn’t make it back; to those we are still waiting for.  One thing that got us through and made our lives easier was when we  were able to go back and live in Dunseith among old friends and  relatives.  I always felt at home there even though I only went to  school off and on during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades.  Between  posts we always came back to ND and to Dunseith to visit family…so I  am also proud to be a member of the “Dunseithians”. Diane


Glen Williams (52) Reply to Bev Morinville Azure (72):

Bev you are right one of the guys is Barry Shelver….and he has changed somewhat from 1950…..


From Janice Leonard Workman (56):

Gary, The guys in the picture are Barry Shelver, he must have been the water boy in the football picture is it was 1950, he probably was in 7th or 8th grade.  The next one is Gary Morgan (#4 in the football pic), then Clark Crum, (#10), last but certainly not least is Jerry Williams (#11).  So there is Barry, Gary, Jerry, and Clark, four best buds in high school and after.

Class of 1959 2115

7/30/2008 (176)

From Martha Lamb Schepp (68): 

Hi Gary,

If my mind doesn’t fail me, I believe from the days of Kelvin Homemakers that today is your Mom Elaine’s birthday. Thinking of your Mother today.
Martha Lamb Schepp

Martha, You are absolutely correct. My mother was born on July 29, 1921.  You have a fantastic memory.  How well I remember your mother, Dorothy,  and my mother being members of the Kelvin Homemakers along with many others from up in that area, some of whom are on this distribution list.  I don’t want to start listing the former members for fear of missing someone, however reading the Dunseith News in the Bottineau Courant I see that the Kelvin Homemakers is still a very active organization with Leola Lagerquist, Elenore Fauske and Mary Ann Hagen.  They were all members with our mothers years ago. You and I attended many functions associated with that organization in our younger days.  The men would be visiting in one room and we kids would be in another room while the ladies had their meeting.  Those were fun days.  Gary

Tim Hill’s (68) progress from Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

Last night while I was working on a tractor in my shop, the phone rang.

I was real busy and grumbled to myself about who wants something now!
When I picked up the phone, this familiar voice said, “Hi Dick, this is
Tim”! It was great to hear his voice again and to hear how strong and
alert he is! He was just like the old Tim, full of fun. We had a good
chat and went over a bunch of the stuff we did over the years, some I
have sent to the Gary Site—and some NOT!! He is doing as well or
better than is normally expected and is very positive about the outcome.
Tim is amazing! He enjoys the emails and reads them every day! It will
go by quickly and soon he will be back home, giving us all a run for it!
Thanks Gary!


From Cheryl Larson Dakin (71):

Hi Gary and all

I’ve enjoyed reading the comments and experiences about the military and wanted to add a couple of my own thoughts. My dad retired from the Army in 1970, the summer before my senior year in high school. All my life we lived on army posts except when we came back to Dunseith when Dad was stationed places where we either couldn’t join him (Korea) or we had to wait (up to a year sometimes) before we could join him, mostly overseas. Since there were so many long stretches when he was gone, when he did get home we would sometimes “fight” to see who would get to unlace his boots. It usually ended with one of us at each leg. We were so proud of our Dad and what he represented to us. We still are. Anyway, we grew up with soldiers marching and the American flag flying, the Pledge of Allegience and assemblies where soldiers came to talk to us about our country and freedom and what it meant to be American. All the movies we ever went to began with the Star Spangled Banner and everyone stood and either saluted or stood with their hands on their hearts. If you weren’t seated yet, you waited. When we were in Ft. Belvoir, at 5 pm the bugler started playing taps and the flag was lowered and everyone anywhere near the parade ground stopped, drivers got out of their cars and saluted the flag and waited there until the flag was safely folded and put away. Only then did traffic start again. When my dad was in Viet Nam, all the wives got together to support each other, to worry together, sometimes cry together, and rejoice when they learned their husbands were on their way home. Life was not without some real hardships but it was a wonderful way to grow up. It is truly an honor to lend whatever support we can to the  men and women serving in our military. So to them and to their families left behind I want add my prayers for their safety and to say a great big THANK YOU for all they do to protect our freedom and our way of life.  And thank you Gary for giving us this forum.

Cheryl Larson Dakin ’71

From Bob Hosmer (56): r


Sure do enjoy hearing from every one.  Just a note: I do think #8 in the football line up is me.  I would have been a freshman I think.  If the picture is before 1952, then it isn’t me.

Bob Hosmer

Glen William’s (52) reply with the correct names: 

Gary…you got them all correct except number six….and that is me…

Now can you match the four guys in the 2007 photo with the 1950 team members….

Glen Williams

Dunseith Football 1959 team 2114

Gary.. The attached 2007 reunion photo pictures four guys who were members of the 1950 football team…can you you match the 1950 football individual team members  with the individuals in the 2007 photo…????

No looking back now…!!!!

Glen Williams

From Bev Morinville Azure (72): 

Barry Shelver is one of the  men in the picture, OMG  you look  just like your  Dad. Glen and Annebelle  were always 2 of  our favorite people in town we saw alot of them in the  drug store. I always remember how helpful Glen was  when Mom  would  bring one of us kids up there  to  check something out  we had. When I was  very  small I remember thinking  he  was a Doctor  he always had that white  coat on and always  was so kind. Does anyone remember what there  dogs name was ? I am  thinking  Duke. Well  duke  seemed to enjoy ripping up  life jackets. When we  went to the lake one  time and our life jackets were all wet  Mom hung  them on the line  to  dry. And  Duke  came  and  tore up our  jackets  took em right off the line   and had a blast. Somehow  Glen found out  and  got us new  ones. Thank’s Ivy for the letter   about  how u thank  the troops . It  is amazing how a simply  thank you  goes  so far with  these men and woman. and Gary thank you again for  doing  this  for us .


7/27/2008 (175)

From Ivy Eller Robert (74): 


I read all of the stories about you men & women that have bravely given their lives for us and to us. Whether they were killed while serving in the military or not, in a way, when they entered the military, doesn’t matter what branch, their lives were changed and so they gave their lives to us. Not having anyone close, that I can recall, that have served in the Military, I just can’t imagine what some of them have endured for us. It’s like this example, I can’t ever fathom what it would be like to be an alcoholic, recovering or what! I’ve never had to experience that. I’ve been around a few people that have, but until I would walk in their shoes, I will never know for sure what that’s all about. I feel that way about the solders that have served our country so that we can be free.
I’ve wanted to reply to some of the stories I read, but haven’t until now, Vickie Metcalfe’s & Sharon Dana’s emails really touched me. I feel saying THANK YOU to those people that have served our country is not enough but what else is there to say & do but THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.
Ever since the U.S. got into Iraq, this time, I’m finding more co-worker and new friends, that have been in the military & have been to Iraq or have served some where in that region. When I meet someone new and find out that they have served our country, I make it my priority to say “THANK YOU” for what you have done. If they are a co-worker, I try to take them to lunch or to buy them a beer or coffee after work, just to say THANKS. It seem such a very small thing to do for what they have done for us, but not knowing how else to show my own appreciation to them, I choose to do the lunch thing.
All I can say to all of you who have served or are serving right now: THANK YOU, YOU TRULY ARE HEROES to those of us like me! GOD BLESS YOU!

And God Bless you Gary, for this blog……it really has united old friends and families from Dunseith. It’s amazing…….

Ivy (Eller) Robert
From Bev Morinville Azure (72): 

Vickie,  I am so thankful you told us the story about how the  church  got its name  WOW  it is good to know the  history…You made a tear  come to my eye  as I read this and caught  not only my feeling as a teenagers  back them  but I am sure many others. As  we watched about  the war  back then  i remember  thinking  how can  they turn there back on  out  boys. I remember  when they said the war  was  over and   the  church Bells  rand  around  town. Debbie and I  were  so excited to know it was  over. once again  thank each and every soldier that  has  served  . COME ON PEOPLE lets hear it  for  our  men and woman out there  defending  our  freedom  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sharon  i know the feeling   when you live  on forgein soil  isn’t  the feeling amazing when your feet  hit the ground of the  GOOD OLD  USA

Bobby Slyter’s reply to Marlene Richard Parslow (70): 

Reply to Marlene Richard Parslow, you would be my cousin as Beatrice was my dads sister he was Lyle James Slyter.

Diane Larson Sjol (70) reply to Mr. Lykins (Teacher): 

The story on Winter was very tragic. I hope other parents can learn  from this heartbreak.  Her mother Carrie has alot of courage and I  applaud her.  Keep the positive thoughts going for our men in uniform.

As an Army brat, I know first hand what the families go through
while their husbands (fathers, brothers, sons) are gone.  The
lonliness can seem to never end and the worry can be incredible.  As a
volunteer defense system (army, airforce, navy, marines}, you really
have to hand it to the men and women who risk their lives for us.

Drove around Dunseith yesterday after a great service at the Lakeside
Chapel and wonderful buffet in Rolla, with the Hosmer girls (Nancy and
Colette) and Colette’s two kids, Samantha (and her 9 month old baby
Tien) and Scott and his son Jacob (12) and Aunt Lee (Hosmer) looking
at where we used to live and talking about what we used to do where
and how much fun we had.  There are memories in Dunseith that will
always stay with us, just like the great people there.

Have a nice week everyone.

Question: Diane, did you take any pictures when you were with the Hosmer’s that you can share with us?  Gary

FromBob Hosmer (56): 

Hi Gary,

The story about Glen Shelver brought back a lot of memories.  I remember evening a man came into the drugstore with a bleeding wound in his head.  Glen looked at it cleaned the wound and stitched it back together again.

I remember when I was about 12 years old that I was impatient with the slow burning fuse of a home made bomb I constructed using sulfur and powdered zinc tightly wrapped in tissue paper.  I finally went the direct route and lit the tissue itself.  The bomb went off before I got my hand away and the zinc and sulfur had burnt my hand an blackened it with residue.  I didn’t want my mother to know what happen to my hand and ran down to the drug store to see Glen Shelver.  He brought me around the soda bar turned on cold water which soothed the burns and then wrapped it in some gauze. He probably put some save on it too, but I’m not sure.

Another thing he and Annabelle would do is measure the height of Barry and his friends on a vertical water pipe.  I was always the top line of all that were measured.

My wife and I saw Annabelle a few months before she died.  We stopped at Rugby and found her sleeping in a chair in the lounge area.  We gently woke her up and when she saw me she said “Hi Bob.”  She was a 102 then.  When she was 101 we visited her and Hope Bedard. Walking down the hall way (Katrine was with Hope and I was with Annabelle) Annabelle said to me as we walked a clipping pace, “I don’t like to walk with Hope.  She’s walks to slow.”

Just some thought to share.  thanks to everyone who is contributing.

Bob Hosmer (56)

Picture/Message from Sandra Zeiler Vandal (62): 

The picture of Arnold and Lorna was taken while we were up in Rugby for Arnold’s b-day. At the same day, we went to see Connie Peterson and Blair Tandeski at the folks’ old farm. They really appreciated  Connie and Blair’s hospitality. Take care, Sandra and Mike

Zeiler, Arnold 2113

Folks, The messages from here to the bottom of this email all relate to the 1950 Dunseith squad football picture that was provide by Glen Williams.

From Florence Hiatt Dahl (50): 

Mercy……….58 years ago a picture of the Dunseth squad…Picture 52.  The faces all look familar, but the only one I can put a name to is my brother Don, number 2.  A bunch of good looking fellows…..
From Janice Leonard Workman (56): 

Hi Gary, in the football picture Glen Williams sent  #1 is Bob Leonard, # 10 is Clark Crum, #9 Barry Shelver, # 4 Gary Morgan, #5 Dick Morgan, #12 is Marshall Awalt.  I think that #8 is Don Hosmer, #11 is Jerry Williams and #2 could be Don Hiatt, I also think that Glen Williams knows all in this picture because he is either # 6 or 7.  Oh, yes Kick McKay could be #6 or 7 also.  My 3 older brothers, Bill, Bob, and Ed were on one of the 1st football teams Dunseith had in the early 50’s.  On the same team were the Morgan boys, Dick and Gary and the Williams boys, Jerry and Glenn.  There was an article in one of the papers about all those brothers, probably the Turtle Mountain Star or the Dunseith Journal.  I don’t see Bill at all on the picture, and #3 could be Ed, but he isn’t smiling and not wearing glasses, so I can’t be sure.  It also looks like someone, maybe a coach is smudged out of the picture on the left.  The team played 6- or 9-man.  These days, when you see a football team picture, even in high school, there are many more players than in this picture.  I think Auburn High School has about 50 or 60 on their team.  Of course it’s a much bigger school also.  Anyway, when Dunseith started it’s football program, I was not in high school yet.  In the picture, Barry Shelver was probably a freshman.  When I got into high school, Mr Jerstad was the coach and the cheerleaders always got to go to the away games, but we didn’t have buses, so we rode with whoever.  What fun those days were!!!

Janice Leonard Workman
FromBonnie Awalt Houle (56): 

Good Morning Gary,

The football picture sure brings back lots of memories.  This picture was taken only shortly before Eddie Leonard went into the San Haven with TB.

#12 Marshall Awalt, #10 Clark Crum, #8 Don Hosmer, #11 Unknown, #9 Barry Shelver, #1 Bob Leonard, #2 Unknown, #4 Gary Morgan, #5 Dick Morgan, #6, #7, both unknown, #3 Eddie Leonard.  Was the coach a fellow named Mr. Blake?

The stories of the Military Men from our community are wonderful, we have no idea what they have been through.  Marshall was in Korea, and also in Vietnam twice, he never talks about his experiences.  From the medals he has earned we know he did what was expected of him to the best of his ability and then some.  Thank God for small town boy across the country who have given their all so we can life in peace.

Bonnie Awalt Houle (56)

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

I sure you will get several IDs on the football picture. I will throw in

my guess.
No. 1–Bob Leonard
4–Gary Morgan
5–Dick Morgan
7–Kick McKay
10-Clark Crum
8–Don Hosmer
9–Barry Shelver?
6–Bill McKay?

Jerry Williams is probably one of the players, if he has the
picture. Gary Morgan will know these guys are!

From Ellen (Graff-58) Myrick: 

Some names/gueses od 50 football team:  12 ?, 10 Clark Crum, 8 Bob Hosmer, 11 ?, 9 Barry Shelver, 1 Bob Leonard, 2 Don Conroy, 4 Gary Morgan, 5 Dick Morgan, 6 & 7 Glen and/or Jerry Williams, 3?

Ellen (Graff-58) Myrick

Photos/message from Glen Williams (52):  

Gary this is a “cleaned up photo”that I eamiled you before….someone said they could not recognize anyone….maybe this will help….It was the 1950 squad…and Bob Leonard was number 1…now who else do you recognize?

Glen Williams

Gary.. The attached 2007 reunion photo pictures four guys who were members of the 1950 football team…can you you match the 1950 football individual team members  with the individuals in the 2007 photo…????

No looking back now…!!!!

Glen Williams

Dunseith Foodball team 2113)Williams

7/28/2008 (174)

Vickie Metcalfe’s (70) reply to Sharon Longie Dana (73) & Gary:

Note: Sharon Longie’s letter follows Vickie’s below.

I write this, as I was influenced by the sharing of Dunseith Veterans, Gary, and to Sharon Longie , because, as Sharon continues to write, her clarity of heart and her pride as an American Citizen will not be silenced.

Meanwhile back here in ND.

Gary, Last week, I ran into your brother, Darrel at Wal-Mart.   Bud and I discussed the recent sharing of Ken N., Warren A, your’s,  Evon’s pics of  her Lagerquist brothers and others, this past month.  Through the words, eyes, minds, and  heartfelt sharing of pictures and first person experiences of Viet Nam, you let us know…pieces of  your experiences….in that another world outside of Dunseith.

Bud and I discussed, that while you were there;  We, back home, on the farm were doing chores, sharing rides into the weekly confirmation classes and bumping along in the slow yellow school buses over dusty gravel roads to and from Dunseith school.  While at school,we’d go through the motions, acting to be normal teens, to fit in, in hallways, classes,study halls, Stella’s lunch,Speech and  POD, then long bus ride home again chatting nonsensically with our second families ie our  bus buddies.

Silence on what  we’d watched so intently on T.V., in our living rooms the night before.   After the animals were well fed, the chores done, supper with family visiting around the kitchen table, clean up dishes, then dashing to get the best space on the floor, in front of the t.v. with dad sitting in his easy chair…  just 1/2 hr. time to watch news before homework,

Yup. Those little 1 or 2  t.v. channels flickering.. shadows.. sounds…shhkkhhs crackely ..grays, black and whites,  or whoa the nightly news with  Quiet. Watch. Listen. Dan Rather, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite.  … New T.V?.. forbid __color, vivid colors…reds,…explosive….raw, raw feelings….. Acute Silence. Homework.

One Sunday,the new Lutheran Church had been built, the members were voting on a new name.  I sat in one of the pews with my parents and siblings at the old Dunseith Church. Various speakers from the congregation put in their plugs, speaking  on 3 or 4 or 5  names.  My thoughts rambled away… as an errant teen (you know how much more intelligent we were then?), thoughts like, “these names don’t make sense to me and those old church grown ups.. don’t seem to be aware of ..what’s going on in the world.”  The pastor spoke, ” as conferments, you are members of the church and each conferment gets to vote on new name for the combined congregations. ”  My thought,  ” Wow. That, and, we weren’t even 21….”

I was respectful. My mouth was Silent.  But, my heart thump thumping, so bursting inside as I listened to  names like, Ebenezer, ..Trinity,..St.___, then someone spoke a word….What? Who? What was that? a feeling of hope,”Perhaps there are grown-ups here who are aware of what’s going on in the news.”  I had the feeling of  Hope!  “Were they  throwing out a name just to fill a quota to vote on? ” No. All the  names were put  on a written ballot, and all conferments present  from Dunseith Lutheran, Rendahl Lutheran, and Little Prairie Lutheran voted.

“What name did we all  feel in our hearts?”

It came to pass………….. when the votes were counted.


To, Each of you, the military warriors &  members of military families, X and current, I  know now, that we, may have been silent to each other during those trying times. Often confused just trying to figure out how to make sense of stuff and then communicate.  I believe, Each of us; the errant teens, the Ladies aide mom’s, the wise leader -elders, the silver starred (grand)mothers, the VFW dads’, We were just there in Dunseith together,with  thoughts and hearts flying those many miles to Viet Nam, to you the guys there.

You, our hometown big brothers and bus buddies, a belated but heartfelt                        THANK YOU AND PEACE. Vickie Metcalfe

Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 00:41:10 -0700 (PDT)

From: Sharon Dana <msmtice@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: msmtice@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Hello #172, Well said.

To: “Vickie L. Metcalfe”


Thanks Vickie, i appreciate it. Since i went in the service and was a military wife you see a different side to freedom. I went to a concert tonite for a young man who was on American Idol. His name is Phil Stacey and he wrote a song about Old Glory and sang it there and it brought tears to my eyes becasue people do forget and we can’t forget we are Americans every day and what we have is not just given to us we fought many fights to be where we are. I am jsut thankful for those freedoms and able to wxpress it. Sometimes its a hard thing for me to do quietly because i have been on both sides of the fence and i like that freedom side alot. I will quickly tell you a story about my sone David when we lived in Japan, he was 10 years old and one day it came out in the base paper that there was going to vbe a demonstration at the Main Gate of our Naval Facility and any families that lived off base were to come and stay on the base til the deomonstration was
over, they expected it to be peaceful but wanted to insure our safety. So i did what they asked and went on the base. We were told what time the demonstrtion was going to be going on and once things cleared up and folks went home, we to could go home. Well my son asked if he could see how the Marines were keeping us safe at the main gate so i decided to drive him there so he could see what was happening. The gates of course were closed and standing there shoulder to shoulder were United Sates Marines all across the gat with the rifles drawn but not pointing at anyone but there were ready. My little boy couldn’t believe his eyes and he asked “they are doing that so that we can live here and still be Americans” and i said yes that they would defend us and die for us if necessary. He never forgot that day. Neither have I. Seeing them there and knowing i lived on foreign soil a few miles from that gate makes you appreciate your freedom and love that flag
even more.

Thanks again Vicki, i was a little surprised no one else said anything about what I wrote. check out that website from Grys site the one about losing someone, i went and listened to the video and its awesome…………makes you feel proud.


Sandra Zeiler Vandal’s (62) reply to Gary Metcalfe (56): 

Hi Gary,  in response to Gary Metcalfe,  That accident was approx. 59yrs. ago.  What I have been told—we went to Kelvin for birthday candles for my cake.  It was my 5th b-day..guess you could say I did it up right!!!  A couple from Canada came around the corner going a bit fast, but certainly not expecting to see a child on the road.  What I remember—a long time in the hospital(Mom with), a cast from above my waist, down both legs, and very itchy knee caps.  Going home still with the cast and scooting around on the floor and up&down the staires.

Dr. Nelson put a metal plate in my leg along with springs and screws and hoped for the best.  I have some great scars (sewed up with cat gut, must have had a fancy med. term for that) I am very fortunate ,the best is what I got.  I don’t remember how many of stitches—how long ago was your accident, Gary .  Sandy Vandal

Dave Wurgler’s (64) Reply to the Dunseith Peace Lutheran Picture: 

Gary : You probably know I left Dunseith in 66 but I think i can pick a few of this photo that I remember so here I go. Back row 4 right Erling Berg, 5 right Stan Salmonson, my brother in law,6 right Cliff salmonson, 3rd row 2 right Joan Wurgler, maybe Salmonson, my sister, 2nd row 4 right Agnes salmonson, oops then Deloris berg, Erlings wife wow now Imight be getting confused but 5 right is Caroleen Lider splash Williams and 1st row Don Johnson 2right Cliff Halvorson 3right  is Laurel or loren Sturuck, and 7 right is Don Willaims. This is the best of my recolection, and if anyone else can contribute I will be looking. Happy Day Dave (64)

From Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Thanks to Bob for sharing his/his daughter’s/granddaughter’s story. I can’t even imagine the pain an incident like inflicts on a family.  The sad part is that (I understand) most “shakers” are good/decent people; they just “snap” for a bit.  So sad.  I haven’t had time to read the article; I hope it remains on the net for a few days.

When I get ready, I’m going to the hospital again.  I have to admit my mind/body need more rest.  Tomorrow is the Class of ’58 reunion; that’s the class I actually graduated with.  I plan to attend the banquet on Monday/picnic on Tuesday, although chances are great, the banquet is all I’ll attend. :)

You can mention in your email that I’m not doing much with pictures these days, due to Mom’s being in the hospital–if you want to.  My energy level is dropping. :)


From Floyd/Carmen Leonard Richard: 

That picture of the fellow in uniform that was unidentified is Larry Richard, son of Ernest Richard and Beatrice Slyter. They lived in Bottineau when he graduated from high school, but they previously  lived in Dunseith and some of their children attended grade school there.Their daughter, Marlene (Richard) Parslow was a member of the class that graduated in1965 and attended the gathering at the Dunseith Country Club last year. Larry lives in Pennsylvania and is an ordained minister. He also served in Viet Nam.When the family went to Minot to meet the plane when Larry returned from service, he talked about his expericnces  over there, but when they arrived at his home, he told his parents that was all he was ever going to say, and that he never wanted to talk about Viet Nam again.

Ernest Richard is a brother to Floyd and Don Richard and Stella Schmeitz.

Marlene Richard Parslow’s (65) Reply to Gary: 

Note: Marlene was with the DHS class of 65 before her family moved to Bottineau. I am pretty sure Larry Went to Bottineau too.  They have lots of relatives from and in the Dunseith area.  And yes, as Carmen Richard stated, Marlene did attend our DHS class of 65 reunion last summer

Yes!!  This is my big brother, Larry!!  Who has this picture?   Wasn’t he a handsome dude?  Today he is a Methodist Minister in Pennsylvania.

Yes, LeRoy, Dianne, Lester, Jim, Mike, Deb, Peg, and Brad are all my siblings!! We are all doing well. My father, Ernest, passed away 2 years ago.  My Mom, Beatrice (Slyter) is still alive.  She will be 86 in November.

Thanks for asking about this picture!!

 Richard, Larry 2112
Photo/message from Glen Williams (52): 

Gary this is a “cleaned up photo”that I eamiled you before….someone said they could not recognize anyone….maybe this will help….It was the 1950 squad…and Bob Leonard was number 1…now who else do you recognize?

Glen Williams

From Florence Pladson Sime (62): 

In reply to Neola question about Tom and Carolyn Boguslawski, they live in Lewiston, Idaho. I don’t know their exact address.

Keep up the good work as it is great to hear all the news about
people that you haven’t heard of for years. Florence

Tom & Carolyn Wilhelm Boguslawski, stamped Nov. 24, 1967
Boguslawski, Tom and Carolyn 2112

7/26/2008 (172)

Folks, Several of you have replied to the Dunseith Lutheran photo with names. I will compile all your messages and repost that photo, hopefully, with tomorrows message.  We are still missing the identity of several folks on that photo, so please reply if you recognize any of the unidentified folks in that picture.  Gary

From Vickie Metcalfe (70): 

Dear Gary, Another reflection;Dick’s story about Glen Shelver.

My parents had a deep abiding respect for Glen and Annabelle Shelver.

Cliff and Lottie Metcalfe, whenever they needed medical questions answered would  go to the back of the drug store, to seek Mr.  Shelver’s wisdom and counseling.    As a kid-member of Dunseith Lutheran, now Peace Lutheran, I observed Glen and Annabelle Shelver as a  deeply spiritual couple. Truly  a couple  who “walked the walk”.   They exemplified, “true character traits”, they humanely valued and treated every person they met with dignity ….. no matter who you were, what your income was, how you looked, how old  or young you were,  what you wore.. the color of your skin, regardless of  any disabilities mentally,  physically, or morally. etc.

My dad,( Cliff) remembered, reflected and  relayed the character traits imparted to him by  many wonderful hometown folks, from time to time noting that from the  time he was a fatherless teenager,  Glen Shelver was right up there for him as a role model and “as good as any doctor”.

Here is the story I recall dad witnessing, “One day  in the fall of 1964 when Emil Metcalfe and his family moved back to Dunseith. The big Metcalfe brothers, Cliff and Emil wearing their white plastering bibs were walking  up main street ( probably after pie at the cafe :).)   Glen Shelver called out of Shelver Drug gesturing to them,  “You boys come in I want to look at something.  Emil and Cliff stepped into front of the drug store, he motioned them to the  back, past the front counter, past Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Shelver,and other customers,  past the roasting nuts, and beyond… the over-the-counter displays,then behind the back counter, the safe, into the back room.

Mr. Shelver said to Emil, “It’s been along time, hold out your hand. Emil did and  Mr Shelver smiled at Emil’s hand but did not shake, just  said, “How is it?  Emil said,  It’s fine”.

preface this ,  In the mid 1930′s when  the 4 youngest Metcalfe children were living  with their mother, Rose in Dunseith. Emil would do odd jobs around town to supplement the family income.  One day,  Emil’s entire thumb was cut off.  Emil  picked up his thumb where it fell gripped it with his fingers in the palm of his hand and ran straight to Glen Shelver at the drug store. At first, Emil wouldn’t open his hand, because he thought the thumb would be thrown away.  Glen Shelver  patiently, quietly,calmly, talked Emil into opening his hand, then with skilled swiftness, without a facial reaction, cleaned the wound where the thumb had been. Then, cleaned the thumb.  He placed the two together…. without stitches, pulling an ointment off the  back shelf smeared it all over, wrapped it tightly and said to Emil “leave it alone, don’t get it wet and let it heal…..

It healed and Emil had full use of his wonderful  hands….

Back to the 1964 story……Glen Shelver then opened up his ledger and showed  Cliff and Emil the entry of that day in the 30′s.  Dad noted there were pages  upon pages of entries ……pages of unpaid bills..Dad said, Promptly, Emil reached in his bibs, pulling out his check book.  Glen Shelver said  to Emil, ” I didn’t ask about the hand to be paid.” But Emil said, “I know but,I  can pay now.”  And Emil paid………..not much by 1964 standards that old  mid 1930′s bill.

after note, as a niece I recall….Uncle Emil our Metcalfe family gentle giant, had big big baseball glove size, strong but gentle hands..

Ah, but for the value of one  hand.  And the  value and wisdom of Glen Shelver.

Vickie  Metcalfe

From Allen Richard (65):

Re: Dick Johnson and Glen Shelver.

There has to be hundreds of glen stories out there.  He was an amazing guy and as nice as he was amazing.  Dad was kind of the local “pseudo vet” out on the prairie — He and Bae Pigeon before Bae moved to town.  With Glen’s advice Dad and Bae performed nearly every vet function on livestock that wasn’t specifically designated to licensed vets.  Back in those days that covered quite a spectrum!  I learned a lot too, but got away from livestock well before my skills were on the same planet with Dad or Bae.

I think the “old school” pharmacists were kind of like the “horse doctor’s” of the 1800′s and dentists like Doc Holiday —- multi talented and self trained —.  Here in Midland a local dentist or pharmacist bagged a bank robber– with a rifle — from his office window!

Anyone remember the infamous “Zip to Zap” in 1969?  The guard was sent into Beulah or Hazen to push the college kids out of town as the party wore down.  One guard member “goosed” student in the butt with his bayonet.  I saw the local pharmacist stitch him up through the window of the drug store.

Like i said– these guys were multi talented–Glen was just a wonderful human being on top of all that.

From Sharon Longie Dana (73): 

This reply is to Bev Morinville

I Agree nothing like a man in uniform!!!!!  Since my husband is a retired sailor I understand the sacrifices(i was a sailor too!) these folks make and now every time I see a military uniform I walk up and tell them thank your for your service, and that i appreciate the time they give to our country. In return I always get the biggest smile and you see the pride in their eyes. I got in an arguement at a job once because someone told me since we were a

military family we must believe in war and whats goin on over there right now. I blew a gasket and said no we didn’t believe in war but we do believe in freedom and what it stands

for and you have to believe in these uniforms. My youngest daughter was in high school

after 9-11 took place and a guy in her class was complaining his folks couldn;t find a flag to hang outside and that upset him and he said after 9-11 everyone should have a flag hanging outside there house. and my daughter just looked at him and said “well aren’t you an American everyday, if you were you would of already had a flag and wouldn’t need one so desparely now” and thats true we are Americans every day and some folks who have never dealt with military or had someone in their family in service do not have a clue.

Its love of freedom and love of our country that makes us so proud of all these past and present folks in the military. THANK YOU ALL FOR SERVING AND GIVING OF YOUR TIME. YOU ARE APPRECIATED.

Sharon Longie Dana

Sharon’s Repy to Gary

Well Gary A lot of people do not understand the military and its way of life…..its different, its special, its prideful. I am so very proud of these young men and women who go in now even though they know what’s happening in the world. I have 2 nephews that just went in ones army and the other is going ROTC so he is in no danger of going over there right now but the other one I can’t say that. people have to still be proud. I lived on foreign soil in Japan and it makes you see your own country in a different light. thanks for fixing my email I don’t know what I did but it might of had something to do with the fact it was 630 am and I was trying to get it done cause I needed to get ready for work…lol.

have a great day!! and thanks for doing this site. I connected with another old friend this past week and it was awesome…..


From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

In the summer of, I believe, 1966 my good friend Rich Campbell got his
first car! He came driving into our yard in a gray Plymouth two door,
about a 1950 model he had just gotten from his great aunt Lilly from
Langdon! Rich, please correct me if my memories are off. It was a well
kept little car and he was proud as could be! John Bogus and I were in
our garage working on one of our cars and walked out to take a closer
look. The interior was original and still had a real nice wood grained
dash! We asked Rich how it ran? He reached in and hit the key and it
purred–sorta! John and I looked at each other and both said, ‘It’s
missing’, at the same time. Rich wasn’t really into mechanics like we
were so hadn’t noticed the miss. We checked out the engine and found a
dead cylinder. I pulled out the spark plug and there wasn’t any
compression in the cylinder, whatsoever! I put a screwdriver in the
spark plug hole and found that the piston was standing still when the
rest of the engine was running!! We tore the engine down and found that
the piston had broken in two and the bottom was going up and down while
the top stood still. I had never seen that before or since! We took a
used piston out of a junk engine my dad had at the farm and put it back
together and it ran fine! The good part is that Rich and his
father-in-law restored the old Plymouth just a few years ago, and as far
as I know the old used piston is still going up and down! I believe Rich
took the broken piston and painted it gold, and kept it for an ash tray,
although as far as I recall he never smoked.  Rich, am I close here,
it’s 42 or maybe 43 years ago so the old mind may be off a little!
Thanks to Gary and all who share their memories of old Dunseith!


Photo from Glen Williams (52): 

Gary….I attached a photo of the DHS football team in the early 1950′s….It was one of the first teams when football was re-introduced at DHS..

Glen Williams

Football 1950s 2100

The following four pictures have been provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe: 


I’ll take this picture along to Good Sam and give to Lillian.  This is to share with your list if you would like to.


Houle, Al and Lillian 2100

Invoice says LeAnn Davis, Jan 7, 1972
Davis 2100

Another courthouse picture, no name.
April 5, 1969 printed on the backside.
Richard 2100

Azure, Martin 2100


7/25/2008 (171)

Message/Picture from Mel Kuhn (70): 

Mel, I am so sorry I missed this message of yours and Dick’s with yesterday’s mailing.  Gary

Howdy Gary,

Yesterday must have been a slow news day so I guess it must be time for me to throw in some more babble. I survived a weeks VACATION with my wife on a trip to Indiana. We went down to go to a reunion of her side of the family and her dad’s 80th. birthday. I had never met any of her family except for her dad and sisters and kids. I hadn’t been back to Indiana for 25 years and had forgotten about the 900% humidity there in the summer. It really made me appreciate the Turtle Mts. when we got back. My wife and her Dad took me on a trip back in the back country somewhere to see where the old family farm was. I swear I saw some little albino boy in bib overalls sitting on the front stoop picking a banjo back there somewhere. The sounds of pigs squealing was making me a little nervous. The drive down went fairly well and I was glad because I truely do love my wife and I didn’t want to have to kill her. So I stopped and got a roll of duct tape and bound her hands so that she would keep her fingers off of the radio and AC buttons. I tried to explain to her that when you’re on the passenger side you aren’t allowed to touch buttons. Women just can’t understand this. What’s up with that anyway? Now I suppose Lola V. will be passing this on to my wife at work to see if she can get me in trouble again.

Well after a slow start here in the Turtle Mts the June berries are finally out and are real tasty. I hope this gets Larry Hackman to thinking about a June Berry pie. Do any of you remember when we used to really have a lot of berries. Some company would park a semi-trailer behind Hosmer’s Store and would buy up all the chokecherries that the locals would pick. I was never any good at this as I would eat more then I put in the bucket. I have a couple of nice wild raspberry patches in my yard but never make anything out of them. I just go stand in the middle and eat my fill. Lots easier then baking a pie.

I’m hooking on a picture of my son Ricky who is in the Guard and is scheduled to be deployed to Kosovo ’09 sometime. Well I guess that’s enough babble for now.

Mel Kuhn[70]

                                          Ricky Kuhn
Kuhn, Ricky 2109

From Dick Johnson (70): 

Gary and Friends,

One time in the early 60s, I cut the end nearly off my left thumb when I
picked up a jar that was cracked. I grabbed the jar tightly, thinking it
was heavy and it broke in my hand! I ran into the house, while squeezing
my thumb to stop it from bleeding. Mom was taking a nap on the couch and
when she woke up and looked at my thumb, she fainted and fell back on
the couch! I ran up to the clinic but no one was there–it was Saturday!
The only other place I could think of to get help was the drugstore. I
went in and walked to the back and asked Glen Shelver if he could help
me. He took me in the back of the store to a sink, and then said to let
go so he could see it. When I took the pressure of it was still bleeding
bad! Glen had some powder of some kind that he put on the wound and it
stopped the bleeding he then cleaned and bandaged it and said to be
careful not to bump it on anything. The last thing he said was, “And
don’t ride your bike”! I went home and showed Mom how Glen had fixed me
up, much to her approval! I sat around for a while and then decided to
head over to Campbell’s to see what Rich was up to that afternoon. Well
as I walked past the garage, there sat my bike! I hadn’t tipped that
bike over for a long time, why walk?!? I took off like always, cutting
through between Hassen Murray’s and Marie’s Beauty Shop, jumped off the
curb and rode across Main street, like always! When I got to the curb on
the other side of the street, by the Dakota Hotel, I went to jump back
up on the curb there, but with only one hand on the bars, the bike jack
knifed and I flew off, landing on the sidewalk ON MY BAD HAND! I sat up
and looked just in time to see the bandage turn red! I walked back into
the drugstore and back to see Glen! The first words out of his mouth
were, ” I TOLD YOU TO STAY OFF THAT DAMN BIKE”!! He fixed me up again,
but this time I pushed my bike home and left it there!! I am sure I
should have had stitches, but my thumb healed perfectly, with only a
scar, thanks to Glen Shelver! The comedian, Jackie Gleason, once said
that nowadays when a kid gets sick, they get him a private nurse, when
he was a kid he broke his leg and his old man took him to the drugstore!
How true! Thanks Gary!


Irene Pigion’s Obituary provided by Vickie Metcalfe (70): 

Gary, I  copied the following for your information;

Irene Pigeon is dear Lise’ ( Rousseau) (DHS Class of 64)  Metcalfe’s mom.  Vickie

Lise/Larry Rousseau-Metcalfe

3029 34th Ave SW  #230

Fargo, ND 58104

(701) 364-5410

No email address
Irene Pigeon, 88, of Fargo, died July 22, 2008, at Elim Care Center in Fargo, ND.
Pigion, Irene 2109

The daughter of Jeffrey and Marie Pronovost, Irene was born December 19, 1919, at Lac a la Tortue, Quebec, Canada where she grew up and attended school.
On July 8, 1944, she married Roland Coutou at Grandmere, Quebec, Canada. He died June 8, 1946, of a work-related accident.

She remained in Canada until 1950 at which time she married Joe Rousseau on November 25, and they moved to North Dakota where Joe farmed. In 1956 they moved to Dunseith where she worked at San Haven Sanitarum for fifteen years. Joe died November 12, 1969.

Irene then married Romulus Pigeon on June 15, 1972. They lived in Dunseith until his death in 1979. She then moved to Carrinton, ND.

In 2003 she entered Elim Care Center where she remained until her death.

She is survived by: her daughter, Lise Metcalfe (Larry) Fargo, ND; grandsons, Brian (Kiki) Columbia, CA, and Christopher (Kristina) Fargo, ND; brother, Clement Pronovost, and sister, Liette Boulet (Aime) both of Montreal, Canada.

Memorial service: Saturday, July 26, 2008, at 2 p.m. at Hanson-Runsvold Funeral Home, Fargo, ND.

Please sign the online guestbook at (www.hanson runsvold.com).

From Bev Morinville Azure (72): 



From Dick Johnson (70): 

Gary and Friends,

Thanks to Neola, Ele, and Kenny for the pictures and stories. The

picture of the group was taken in Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith, and
I believe was a group photo of the Bible Study group that did the Bethel
series Bible study. It had to be in the early 70s, as the church was
built in 69-70. Ele, thanks for the pictures of the plane and Tex
DesRoches. The car in the picture is a 1939 Chevy. Kenny, thanks for
sharing one of your Nam experiences. Many of us are unable to even
imagine what you guys went through as ground troops during your time
there. Thank you!!


From Lola Metcalfe Vanorny (68): 

HI Gary!!–  this was fun to get!  They are all Lutherans so I assume it

maybe was a choir- although I don’t recall my folks being in the choir-
seems like it is probably about 1969.

or maybe a Bible Study group “The Bethel Series,  just my guess–  thanks
Gary – I really panic if my Stokes blog isn’t there  right away in the

Lola (metcalfe) Vanorny

Picture L to R:
4th row: Clarence Bye, ?? , Coonie McKay,  Erling Berg, Stan Salmonson,  Cliff Salmonson,  Art Henning,  Ingolf Medlang

3rd row: 
Joan Salmonson, ??,  Helen Bye, Agnes Salmonson,  Ella Metcalfe,  Dorothy Halvorson

2nd row: Irene Henning,, ??,  Delores Berg , Bernice Johnson, Caroleen Williams,Alma Halvorson, Alice McKay

Front row: Don Johnson, Art Rude, Cliff Halvorson, Lawrence Struck, Lester Halvorson, Jim Metcalfe, Don Williams
Lutheran Men 2109

Pictures provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe:

Do any of youknow the folks in these two pictures?  Gary

LaFontain 2109

Smith Poitra 2109

7/24/2008 (170)

Blog (170) posted on July 24, 2008
Picture provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe:

I forgot to ask if anyone would be interested in having this picture.

Hi Gary,

I’m busy sorting/scanning/saving/sending courthouse pictures.

I don’t know where/why this picture was taken, but I recognize some of the people as being from the Dunseith area: Clarence/Helen Christianson Bye, Clarence/Alvina Brudwick Christianson, Clifford/Alma Christianson Halvorson, Clifford/Alice Lindberg McKay, Lester/Dorothy Halvorson, Mr./Mrs. Medlang, Art Rude.  I’m sure many of those in your “lists” know all the people in the picture, so I don’t need to know who they are. :)

I have the Dunseith/Belcourt graduation pictures on my mind, too.  When I get more of them sorted, I thought maybe I would put them in a box/boxes and take them to Dale’s/some other place in Dunseith on a certain day/time.  You could send the day/time to your lists, and anyone who thinks they might have relatives/friends included, can show up and look through the boxes.  I was also thinking I would send a list of the names that are on the backs of the pictures (to you, so you can send them to your lists), so people have an idea whose pictures are in the boxes.  What do you think of this idea?  It will take me awhile, as I have pictures on almost all surfaces in my apartment, except one chair in the kitchen/my recliner/bed/computer chair.  I love this project, but it is definitely time-consuming.  I also have pictures I’m delivering in Bottineau.  I would LOVE to go to the courthouse again, but I don’t dare–I don’t have room for more pictures!


Folks, What was the occasion of this photo. Many of you are in this picture. Stan Solmonson, I see you standing in the back.  I also recognize Don Johnson sitting to the left in front.

Can any one identify those in this picture? I will resend this out with names when we have everyone identified.  Gary

Ele Dietrich Slyter’s (69)reply to the Amie DesRaches Family: 

Attached is a photo of Tex delivering mail in 1947 after a snow storm.  He definitely believed that neither rain,snow nor sleet would deter him from his rounds.  He often went way beyond the requirements of his job to get the job done.  The other man in the photo is my Dad, Joe Dietrich.  Dick and others have talked about how people back then made so much of an effort to stay in touch with the outside world, something that we today take for granted. Tex made sure the outside world got delivered to the people who awaited it so eagerly.

The car photo was taken after the same storm in 1947, south of Kelvin on the old highway.  They sure knew how to have storms back in those days.  (not sure of the make or year of the car..bet Dick could help us with that one)

I am like the rest of your readers in that I do not miss a single day.  The memories of others bring back so many memories of my own…you are awesome to continue the communication that our ancestors treasured so highly.  Thank you.


Pictures of Rodney & Lyle Lagerqist provided by Evon gerquist (77): 

Hi Gary, Thought I’d send these pictures of Rodney and Lyle . Rodney was stationed in Vienam and Lyle was in Germany.

                    Robney Lagerquist (67)
Lagerquist, Rodney 2108

                          Lyle Lagerquist (68)
Lagerquist, Lyle 2108

Viet Nam Pictures & message from Kenny Nerpel (65): 

Turtle Mountain Americans,

Regarding Gary’s Vietnam photo: Gary Wall and Gary Stokes

Wow, those are some strack troops (ideal in military dress, demeanor and
bearing). Notice the bloused boots and clean uniforms. I think I
remember using something called boot blousers when we were in basic and
AIT to get that clean professional look, but I never saw anything like
that in Vietnam. Where did you get them anyway? Where I was we got clean
uniforms in bulk every two to three weeks, whether we needed them or
not. Sometimes they came in by convoy; other times they just dropped
them out a chopper and then it was a mad scramble to try to find
something near the correct size.

The attached photos (Trang Bang, The Road and The Road2) are of members
of my platoon while on road security (it looks like blue ribbon was the
beverage of choice back then) and of Vietnamese soldiers (White Mice)
searching through the belongings of people wanting to use the road. All
photos except the the one taken from the air were taken the same day
along the dirt road Six Alpha, which connected the village of Trang Bang
with FSB (Fire Support Base) Pershing. The brown-uniformed guys are
South Vietnamese police called white mice; the nickname came from their
uniforms and I think that they sometimes wore white helmets and gloves.
The photo from the air is of a small fire base (Dees) taken from an
approaching helicopter. The smoke indicates where they want the chopper
to land.

It’s been about forty years now, so maybe it’s time for a Vietnam story:
The Road

Highway 1 was a paved highway out of Saigon (Ho Ci Minh City) running
through Cu Chi, Trang Bang and on towards Tay Ninh. It proceeded
northwest about 15 miles to the city of Cu Chi and then it was about 8
miles farther to Trang Bang. Near Trang Bang was a bridge and FSB
Stuart. The road where these pictures were taken was the dirt road Six
Alpha, a secondary road leading from Trang Bang north to FSB Pershing
then on to the Saigon River. The Vietnamese fellow (Wine Maker) visiting
with the troops lived along this road and made some of the worst rice
wine that has ever been made. He was always more than willing to share
some of it with us and we were willing to partake. We figured what are
they going to do to us anyway? Send us to Vietnam? This road was a
supply route and had to be patrolled to protect the convoys supplying
FSB Pershing about 4 to 5 miles up the road from FSB Stuart. Daily
convoys from Cu Chi took this route and required heavy security because
of constant mining of the road and harassment of the convoys by the VC.
Road security was welcome duty. It afforded the opportunity to mingle
with the locals and it was a break from the other duties of the
infantryman. Even though considered good duty it was not without danger.
On one of my first assignments to road security I remember saying, “this
isn’t so bad.” On that day we were providing security for the
minesweepers, which involved patrolling both sides of the road while the
engineers went down the middle sweeping for land mines. I happened to be
the closest to an engineer when a mine was discovered. I took a seat on
the shoulder of the road while the engineer proceeded to dig the mine
out. Suddenly there was a deafening explosion. The mine had been
triggered. I looked up and saw huge chunks of earth flying up and then
dropping back towards the ground. Another member of the platoon who had
been “in country” for awhile came over to me to see if I had been
injured and when I said I had not, he remarked, “I think you should help
look for the body parts. I always do because if this happens to one of
my friends, I think it would make it easier for me to help bag up the

Welcome to Vietnam!


Nerpel, Kenny 2108-1 Nerpel, Kenny 2108-2 Nerpel, Kenny 2108-3 Nerpel, Kenny 2108-4 Nerpel, Kenny 2108-5 Nerpel, Kenny 2108-6

7/27/2008 (173)

From Bev Morniville Azure (72): 

Sharon, there you go ,you said it all. for the love of  country these boys and  gals  go  into a war zone  filled with pride.There  families  at home  are  just as proud.Being a wife  of a  retied army soldier I  am always  proud of my husband  and all he did in the military and I also  will  go up to any soldier  and thank  them for there service. Now I  have a son in law that has  just returned  from  the war  And I want to say to everyone  on this  site that has served in any way THANK YOU   again  Please  when you  say your prayers tonight keep them all in  them,they need  Gods protection

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

Glen Williams picture of the DHS football team was interesting in
several ways. The helmets the boys are wearing were the ones that John
Bogus and I hauled to the city dump in the mid 60s. I kept one and still
have it. They were made of leather and had a cross bar over the top, and
no face protection at all. I think I recognize the coach,ha ha, but
can’t make out the players! Thanks for the picture, Glen. Thanks Gary!


FromArdys Bakken Horner: 

Gar:  Delores and Erling Berg   Stan and  Jaon Salmonson are in this photo…I wonder if it wasn’t something to do with Peace Lutheran church…about the time of the dedication of the new church  in l969  Ardys Bakken Horner

From Cheryl Haagenson (71): 

Clarence Christianson 3rd row

Alvina Christianson 2nd row

Hannah Rude 1st row
Thanks for keeping us connected Gary
Cheryl Haagenson

From Dick Johnson (68): 


I think the unidentified man in the back row might be Clarence
Christianson.  Row  two is ‘ Gladys’ Henning  then  possibly  Mrs.
Christianson. The gal by Joan I don’t know, she may have been a bank
employee or a teachers wife?? I may not be right here so we will see if
someone else knows for sure.  Thanks!


Picture L to R:

Back: Clarence Bye, Clarence Christianson , Coonie McKay,  Erling Berg, Stan Salmonson,  Cliff Salmonson,  Art Henning,  Ingolf Medlang

3rd row: Joan Salmonson,  Alvina Christianson,  Helen Bye, Agnes Salmonson,  Ella Metcalfe,  Dorothy

2nd row: Gladys Henning, Hannah Rude,  Delores Berg , Bernice Johnson, Caroleen Williams,
Alma Halvorson, Alice McKay

Front row: Don Johnson, Art Rude, Cliff Halvorson, Lawrence Struck, Lester Halvorson,
Jim Metcalfe, Don Williams
Lutheran Men 2109

Picture/Message from Neola Kofoid Garbe:


This is a LARGE picture: 16″ X 20″.  I checked the Turtle Mt. phone book, but no Tom is listed.  Do the Boguslawski’s in your email lists know where Tom/Carolyn live?  It might be expensive to mail, but if I can deliver it locally, I’d be happy to do so.  Or if someone in the Dunseith area would like to pick it up when I finally get the pictures to Dunseith, I’d be happy to include it in “the box”.

Thanks to your email lists, Gary, and the courthouse pictures, I have now met Angela Berube Malget and her husband, Greg–If I’ve misnamed you, Greg, I’m sorry; I can’t locate the email that contains your name. After meeting me, I know you have no problem believing this! Ha!  We met in Bottineau yesterday.  I was able to give Fern’s and Edward Berube’s pictures to Angela in person.  What fun!!!


Tom & Carolyn Wilhelm Boguslawski, stamped Nov. 24, 1967
Are Tom & Carloyn from Dunseith?

From Bev Morniville Azure (72): 

Gary,  I don’t know if   u can   do this   on the  site  but   i wanted to share  this with  u  and u can decide  if u  can  .  Bev

Here’s where it really hurts…the loss of a son or daughter…yet a caring artist who is doing what she can to make a difference!  Touching, indeed!

God Bless This Woman!!
This is so awesome to watch. This woman deserves our praise and prayers.
If you have seen this, please pass it on to someone you think may not have.
It’s too beautiful not to share.

From Bob Lykins (DHS teacher in the mid 60′s):


I hope this goes through and people are able to access the story and photo gallery. Although most people on the Dunseith list do not know my daughter, Carrie, her story is one that everyone should be aware of as “baby shake” occurs all to frequently, not only in our country, but across the world.  It is a condition that is caused by a crime of violence perpetrated in most cases by the father.  My former son-in-law was and, I guess, still is a nice guy.  But, he made a terrible mistake and for a moment lost his cool, shook my grand-daughter, and forever changed our world for the worst.

The main story appeared in last Tuesday’s (Ju;ly 22nd) USA Today paper.  The “baby shake” story was also made a lead in USA Today’s website (given below).  I talked with Carrie the other day and she said her boys were tickeled to see a picture of their mom and Winter in the banner at the top of the front page of USA Today sandwiched between Payton Manning and the Joker.  Care has, in the past, along with Winter traveled far and wide lecturing about “baby shake” and how to prevent it.  Unfortunately, Winter’s present condition prevents her from traveling great distances and so they limit their activities to around Syracuse, Utah where Care’s husband is stationed at Hill AFB.

While my daughter, Carrie, credits my grand-daughter, Winter’s will to live to her strong soul. I believe it is as much a credit to my daughter’s incredable strength of, love, and dedication to her daughter that has given Winter a longer life than expected.

Gary, I send this message to you to distribute far and wide in the hope that people will read their story and if, in doing so, it saves one little child from being shaken, well, just think how powerful that would be.  Maybe, just maybe, all of the pain and loss of quality of life Winter has suffered, all of the heartache my daughter has endured, and all of the sadness my family has carried over the years will have been worth it.

Bob Lykins

> Carrie and Winter are part of a big USA Today story on “baby shake.” In the newspaper they could not get everything in so they made the story a lead on their web-site. The second site listed below has their photos. You can also access the photos by clicking on “PHOTO GALLERY” in the story. I wonder if it made the international edition. I guess it is on page 5 of the national edition. It came out on Tuesday. After viewing the photos and seeing what Carrie had to say, I must confess I shed a few tears. Through it all Care has shown such great courage. She has been and continues to be a wonderful daughter.



7/22/2008 (168)

“Our Home Town” From Vickie Metcalfe (70): 


You’re site has many folks fondly remembering, thinking and
then communicating  their remembrances and commenting on the
perceptions of others.
Gary, Today, I believe, not just communication…but one the
greatest gifts of your site is the evoking  and re-awakening of
wonderful remembrances for the times gone by, drawing on the
commonalities of all  of us who read and share the love of our
“Hometown” and the fondness of our hometown cohorts.

This morning after reading, I was bombarded with feelings;
Aye. The nostalgic warm cozy ones for yesteryear’s, peaceful
order of chore time in the gentle country barn as I  read Dicks and
Tim Martinson stories. Then,viewed the sweet,  brotherly love of “Age
of Innocence” , of Tim and Terry Martinson (Tim’s 1950′s picture ).
While, remembering,  “The smell of the sweet hay, the warmth
of the cow’s flank when resting  my head  there, as  milked swished
into the pail while gripping the smooth teats, the dark, fluid gentle
eyes of a cow,looking well pleased chewing her cud, the mewing of
cats looking for a stream of milk to catch,while the old dog lapped
up milk, and a hen squawking to let you know she laid an egg,and the
team of horses chomping on oats. While the thoughts reflected  on
are; just being in the contentment of the present.

Then, I read on and thought of the perceptions of others….
Of downtown  Dunseith through the eyes of adventurous teens
on Saturday nights……..
Of those sharing the pain with the loss of integral family
members.  And others asking for prayers for those who are ill and
medical care.
To “Hello Viet Nam”, through the eyes of an Ackworth country
boy and  a Bottineau city boy.
Then ” Hello Viet Nam Again”… years later……………..
Thank you all for  your stories shared  through words and pictures.

Gary, Many people passing through Dunseith may think its
?…But,  Thanks to cyber-space, your site has helped to revive, our
hometown community.
Did you ever imagine years ago while in Viet Nam, you’d be
writing around the world to  your hometown folks through cy-ber space?

Later. Vickie

Vickie, This cyber space technology sure does bring a lot of folks together from around the world.  With us the neat part about it is that we all share these neat messages, together, at the same time, in mass communication around the globe.  From here in the PI, I feel well connected to the states, thanks to you guys.  Gary

“More Farm Life” From Dale Pritchard (63): 


According to my Dad, we had the only cows in the country he knew of who
could read.  We had a couple of my neices and nephews (non-farm types)
who stayed with us a few days once.  My Dad had a small board with each
cow’s name on it above their stantion in the barn.  My Dad was in the
barn with these other kids when the dog brought the cows around the back
side and herded them in.  He greeted each cow by name and told it to
take it’s place, which it did.  The kids were really amazed and always
wanted to see that again each time they came back.  On the other side of
the barn were pens for the calves depending on their size.  Sometimes
they would make a mistake and go in the wrong pen.  My Dad said the
calves were still learning how to read so they didn’t have name tags
yet.  It wasn’t often that he came up with something off the wall like
that but when he did, it got remembered.

Tim Martinson mentioned putting hay in the haymow.  We initially used
horses to pull the hay from the hayrack to the haymow.  It went up and
in and one of us tripped the lock so it fell where it was needed.  In
later years, My Dad bought an old truck which he wanted for the
rear-end.  He put this rear-end on wheels of it’s own and hooked the
shift lever in there somehow.  This thing ran off the tractor’s power
take-off.  Put it in a forward gear to pull the hay up and in the barn
and put it in reverse to rewind the cable.  It worked fantastic for
pulling people out of ditches also.

Gary, you might remember what we called the “Bug?”  That was the result
of another project of his.  The “Bug” came from another old truck that
he stripped down, put a seat on it facing the rear dual wheels, and had
rear wheel steering with what was originally the front wheels.  That
project’s only purpose was to bull rake hay to bring back to where we
stacking it.  With a heavy load in the bull rake, the rear wheel
steering worked a lot better.  The second best part about that thing was
when we were stacking hay away from home.  We usually drove it to and
from the field because there was room for all of us and it was a little
faster than the tractor, but not much.  Rear wheel steering and speed
just don’t go together.  This was when Hiway 43 was still gravel.  Cars
from out of state would meet us, stop and turn around so they could pass
us, then wait for us to go by again so they could see again what they
thought they saw.  I can still visualize them talking later about seeing
Ma and Pa Kettle with their car.

My Dad was a self-taught welder and could make almost anything once he
decided it was possible.  He also welded broken parts for many of the
neighbors for a number of years.

Dale Pritchard

Dale, How well I remember your dad being the inventor that he was and also being the neighborhood welder.  He was a very smart man with a ton of common sense.  Your dad could weld anything regardless of the difficulty or the metal and his welds held. When ever a piece of machinery broke down my dad was down to see your dad to get it welded.  Your dad would stop whatever he was doing, even if he was out in the hay field.  He would go home and weld what ever my dad had that needed to be welded. I remember your dad had a portable welding machine too that he would take to jobs that could not be delivered to your house.  I also remember that backward running bull rake that your dad made.  I remember you guys haying Esther Tangen’s, now the Pladson, meadow using that machine.  I remember you guys going to and from the hay fields, on the main roads, with that backward running machine too.  It was a very unique invention of your dad’s.  Gary

Gary Metcalfe’s (57) Reply to Sandra Zeiler (62): 

To Sandra, your memories were fun for me to read.  Sandra, you did it right, you got hit by a car, but I ran into a car…how may stitches did you get? I got 22 and Mac Williams poured turpentine on it.  The car I ran into was Walter House’s that had a hitch sticking out on the back of it.  I don’t remember who hit you, just that it was not a good thing.  When you got hit, I had already moved on to Saturday nights in Dunseith, so was not there when you got hurt.  Do you still harbor a deep resentment for the MUD we had that last two miles south of the border?? 

I give Glen Johnson credit for being the best personality, and your dad Arnold the nicest guy I have ever met.  Tell him happy 88th year ahead from me.  Gary Metcalfe 

P.S.  Sandra,  You might not remember this one, but your brother, Lyle caused a great commotion in Lorna’s (Sandra’s mother) life one day that I remember.  Lorna could not find Lyle so she had that Terraplane up on two wheels and the dust was flying, looking for him.  Finally she went back home and there was Lyle, soundly sleeping in the corner of the basement! lol

Gary Metcalfe

Picture Provided be Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Dick Johnson’s reply to Gary & Neola:

Gary and Neola,

The family is from St. John and Dave is the rural mail carrier. I just
had breakfast with him this morning! Mel was there too! He is on the
back row on the left, with little hair left. If this is one of the
pictures from the courthouse I can mention it to Dave and see if he
wants it. The gal in front of Dave is Patsy, she is about my age.


Dick, I can tell that a lot of folks on our list probably know this family, so I am including it with today’s message. Gary

DesRaches, Aim family 2106

Folks, Thought I’d share a picture that I have of Dwight Lang that was taken while he was visiting Russia last year.  He is still a young handsome looking guy.

                                    Dwight Lang (61)
Lang, Dwight 2106

7/21/2008 (167)

Reply from Diane Wenstad Wiebe (69):

This is reply to all the Dunseith & Co., group and Neola’s email; thanks for the obit of Beryl Satrang. Yes, Alfred is mother’s brother and there were three boys and two girls in the Satrang family. There was Alfred, Berdella, Lela, John and Clyde.

I was able to attend Beryl’s funeral along with Melvin and Terry, my bothers that live in Michigan, N.D. It was a very nice funeral and seen family that we do not see and how sad it is to loose contact with everyone. Gary as it has been said so many times before and often how great this emailing has brought the community of Dunseith back together. It is nice to know as we loose our love ones that somehow out there knows  the people of the families, friends and community can share the good and bad of daily good news like so many have had, ex. Tim Hill, the Morinville family, Hanson family, etc. and the trouble of others.

Ester Evenson became a very good friend to my dad in the senior apartments until he passed away. She often cooked, baked and visited with him everyday.

We always make time to drive up to the hills again like we did when we were back for Alberta’s funeral the end of May. The hills sure are pretty and so green. To all you that can still live in the hills, we think of you. You all continue writing to keep us wonder what will be on the next email.

Diane Wiebe (Wenstad)

From Sandra Zeiler Vandal (62): 

Had to reply to Larry,and Saturday Night Fever.  Dunseith had to be the best when it came to gathering together as a community on Saturday evenings. The cream, eggs, nickle, was it the same for us all?  My memories go back before graded , graveled roads.  Going out to the hwy 3 with the horses.  Dad had a shed on Howard Foss’ approch where he parked the car, then he would leave the horses in the shed until we came back.  That was winter, in the summer when it was wet we would drive through the Peace Garden, and park by the fence.  Our house was  at the west side of the garden .  When I was just a little girl? I would pretend to be sleeping, and Dad would carry me over the fence to the house.  Way past my bedtime ofcourse.

.What a great time and place to grow up.  The Turtle Mts. are still great, and really enjoyed my last visit home. Celebrated Dads 88th Birthday (Arnold ) and a good 4th of July.  So, Larry, your story did bring a smile and maybe a little tear to my eye, so thanks for the Memories.                  Thanks also to you Gary for your time and effort, this hi-speed rocks, good to be in the 21st Century!       Greetings to all, Sandra Vandal

From Gary Metcalfe (57): 

Thank you to Larry, Terry, Janice and Dick for the great stories about the nostalgia of Dunseith at that time.  Janice, I wonder where I was on that fateful day??? Sorry I missed out on the fun!!

I remember my first stroll down the street of Dunseith, somewhere near LaMoureux’s garage, I noticed a guy fall in behind us in the next row of people coming down the street, he must have had engineer boots on, I found out later that his name was Kenny Hill.  Janice, do you remember Kenny Hill’s first car?  He had what a he called a “cut out” in it, I thought it was really cool.
My sentaments exactly, high school days were FUN, FUN, FUN!!

Bill Hosmer, if it wasn’t for the diversity of the area that you mentioned, these memories would not be nearly as interesting.
Gary Metcalfe

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary, Larry, Tim, and Friends,

The farm memories are great, keep them coming! Tim’s recollection of
milking is so true. I stayed at the farm with my grandparents a lot when
I was young. Milking cows by hand was just part of life back then,
everyone did. In the summer of 1961 a group called the ‘Helldrivers’
came to the Bottineau fair. They did stunts with cars and motorcycles
and when I saw their ad in the local newspaper I was really excited.
Grandma  said that if I wanted to go they would take me, because I had
worked pretty hard with the chores all week. We milked 15 to 20 cows
twice a day and carried the milk up to the house to separate the cream,
and then carried the separated milk back to the barn to pail feed the
calves. We did the chores on the day of the show and then got all
cleaned up and headed for the fair. The ‘Helldrivers’ were great and
could drive cars on two wheels and over jumps and rolled vehicles in
front of the crowd! We stayed until about 11 PM and then got back in the
old Ford for the long ride home, about 32 miles. When we got home they
said to change my clothes as we had to milk! By the time we were done
with the routine, it must have been 2 AM! This was the price we had to
pay for a day at the fair! I remember thinking, it’s no wonder Grandpa
never wants to go anywhere! Thanks Gary!


Folks, I have thrown in several Viet Nam pictures with today’s message.

Gary Wall and I were stationed together in Viet Nam in 1969.  We both worked in the same small Dental clinic in Cam Rhan Bay.  Gary was a Dentist and I was a Dental Tech/Assistant/Hygienist & Motor pool mechanic.  Having been born and raised on a farm I was mechanically inclined and was able to keep the company Jeeps & Duce and a half’s (2 1/2 ton trucks) running. I worked mornings in the clinic and afternoons on vehicles.

Gary Wall was a Bottineau boy and I Dunseith.  We met for the first time in Viet Nam.  Gary had a Dental practice in Bottineau for a few years, I think in the late 70′s early 80′s, when he purchased Dr. Troyer’s office. Gary is married to Loretta Neameyer from the DHS class of 72.  Gary and Loretta recently built a new home, in Bottineau, across the street from Connie Halvorson Kester.

Gary Wall along with Lloyd Awalt and Neola’s brother Jim Kofoid are very active Bottineau VFW members. Gary was the Bottineau VFW commander for a number of years.


           Gary Wall & Gary Stokes – Viet Nam – October 1969

                         Warren Anderson (65) – Viet Nam
Anderson, Warren 2105-1

             Warren Anderson’s return trip to Viet Nam in 2006
Anderson, Warren 2105-2

7/20/2008 (166)

Folks, I was just informed that Patty Boguslawski Gottbreht will be joining us on the Alaska Cruise.  She and Cheryl Haagenson will be cabin mates. Patty is one of the friendly happy faces that you see, while shopping, at Wayne’s (Barbot) Super Value in Dunseith.  Wayne has a beautiful store with such a friendly and very professional staff. I think Wayne is a good mentor in that department.  Gary

From Alan Poitra (76): 

Beer Can Alley, what memories that brings to mind.  Back in the day, we always seem to have a good time back on that old road.  As well as Halvorson’s Grove and maybe a few other spots around Dunseith. To those classmates from the late 80′s and 90′s and today, we did not have all the (lets say) luxuries kids have today, there was not the 1600 channels on TV, game boys, X-box, cell phones and all the other gadgets that seem to monopolize teens today, we made our own fun and Beer Can Alley was one of the hotspots to party.  I remember one time, there were probably 7-8 cars parked on the road and we all of course had a few beers and we use to seem to have a good time just standing around joking and babbling about this and that, when around 11 or midnight, this car came driving up slowly but surely, the lights were off and they just drove right up to us and we were thinking I wonder who this is, when all of sudden the lights came on and we realized it was the cops, well needless to say, all you could hear were cans and bottles flying thru the air into the ditch and car doors slammin, one of the guys with me knew we had beer in the trunk of my dads car and thought we are gonna get caught, so he took the trunk key and broke it off in the keyhole, thinking then they would not be able to open the trunk, well that was correct but now I had to explain to dad how that happen but if I remember we got it out and another made, I will not mention any names of the group that use to hang out and have a few night caps, just to protect the innocent…  That was one that comes to mind, now I can remember many times I have seen many, many upper classman showing up a little happy at dances and what not…come on guys and gals share some of those foggy memories…  We all have them and hopefully you will not get in trouble with mom and pop…

A walk down memory lane is good for the heart!!!

From Deb Morinville Marmon (70): 

Hi Gary,

This is to Dick Johnson.  I had no idea that you were such an old car buff. I’m hopeless about cars. When people ask me what kind of car I have I tell them “it’s gray”  We have a Classic Car Club here in Miles City.  The 3rd weekend in May we have a gathering called the “Bucking Horse Sale”  They bring in wild horses and buck them out for sale to the rodeos.  On Saturday morning there is a big parade and the CCC makes up a good part of it. Although I don’t know anything about the cars it sure is a beautiful sight.

To Larry Hackman.  Although I grew up in town your story about farm life was so vivid I felt like I was one of the kids! My parents originally came from Bottineau to run the creamery but it burned down after a few years.  At one time Mom ran a satellite station in the back of the AC bar and us kids helped her out.  The smell of fresh cream was unbelievable.

Hope everyone is having a great summer and doing lots of fun things.  My fun is having hip replacement surgery on August 11.  Oh boy!  But after I will be able to walk without a walker or cane.  That is worth looking forward to.

Deb Morinville Marmon 70

From Janice Leonard Workman (56): 

Hi Gary and all,  I knew Harry and Rachel Fassett a long time.  My folks had a café on Main St where Wayne’s grocery is at now and the Fassetts lived 1 block behind and across from Lucien Bedard.  My brothers chummed with the Fassett boys.  I can remember when I first learned to ice skate and there would be what seemed like hundreds of kids at the rink.  During Christmas vacation (10 days or more) the rink would be full all day, every day.  James Fassett would always keep track of the younger kids and when a game of pump, pump, pull away would start he was always helping get the younger girls across.  I think all the little girls loved him, he was truly a “hunk”.   When I worked for McCoys in the Crystal Café, Rachel was the pastry cook and was she ever good.  I would work some Saturday mornings when Bob McCoy couldn’t get up and I would get the first hot donut out of the lard and also the first hot caramel roll.  They melted in your mouth.  Then when I went to the Forestry, Rachel had moved to Bottineau and cooked at the college.   Harry was police in Dunseith for a while after my dad, he was always nice to the kids.

The Saturday night story brought back memories too.  I guess when I was in 7thand 8th grade, my friends would “walk the streets” I don’t know what we were looking for, but it was something to do.  Later when we had boyfriends with cars, we would cruise the streets, what a bore that sounds like know, but then it wasn’t.  A lot of Saturday nights after I was in high school, I worked at the café and couldn’t cruise, and usually didn’t get home until way past the time the streets were rolled up.  When I didn’t work and would cruise, we always ended up at one of the parking places.  There was the old “airport”, “pregnant hill”,  the city park, and lovers lane were some of the places and the next Monday, everybody at school knew where everybody had parked.  What fun!!!!!

Then there was the time, in the spring of 1955, when almost all the juniors and seniors and some sophmores skipped school one afternoon.  In the group that I went with there was DuWayne Lang, Mickey and Neva Haagenson, and Bonnie Awalt..  DuWayne, Mickey and Neva hadn’t been in school in the morning, so they wouldn’t be missed, and we thought we wouldn’t get caught.  However, another bigger group, also skipped, and we were all caught.  For punishment, we had to outline the rest of our History Book,(about 8 chapters) which we were never going to finish anyway, we had a huge typing  and science or biology assignment.  We typed our history outline and used it twice.  Mr. Jerstad (typing) wasn’t as up tight as Miss Shurr (History).  But when we talk about that day now, we know it was worth the punishment and whenever a bunch of us get together, we always bring that memory up.

Those were the best of times!!!!

Janice Leonard Workman, Class of 56

From Bev Morinville Azure (72): 

ok   how about Larry  and Dick getting together and writing a book?   Loved your story Larry was  fun to go back in time again  . I always think we were the  luckiest generation to live  and  after  reading these  stories  I  am sure of it. I only wish  my kids  could have known Dunseith( the people)  back then. Bev

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

Larry, another great story of days long gone by! Can anyone remember how
the stores almost all had canvas awnings that were cranked down on hot
summer days? It kept the stores cooler by shading the sun from shining
in the large windows. I thought it was neat! The main thing Larry’s
story reminded me of, was the crowd that was in town on Saturdays! Larry
you were right, people parked cars on the first two blocks on both sides
of main street. My Grandpa Henry Olson sometimes would park his car on
Main street early in the day, and leave it there so we had a place to
sit and watch the people and the action in the evening! Thanks for the
memories, Larry! Thanks Gary!


Story from Tim Martinson (69): 


I’m sure you will be getting responses on Larry”s 50′s story so will
send off a few of my early memories of days on the farm which Larry left
out.  I’ll explain now as many may wonder I too had a connection to
the farm experience that a lot of town people know little about.  It
me when I talk to someone about having a garden and how delicious the
home grown vegetables are and they respond with, it sure must cost
a lot to by all those plants, and I respond with not when I start
everything from seed.  That is when I get the lost look, start from
seed?  It sets
me back a little when I realize that yet again I have come across
another person who has had no connection with the plant growth cycle and
what it takes to bring a crop to harvest and then used for feed on
the farm or sold as produce for the market place.  The home gardener who
tries to get the seed in the ground as  early as possible after
spring frost and then hurries in the fall to can, blanch, freeze and
preserve all the
fruits of their labor throughout the summer.  I must say that I was
one of the lucky ones to have been there, done that as in Larry”s story.

In the winter when the cows and horses were kept close to the barn if
not in the barn because of the cold and only let out to get well
water, that
was either hand pumped or engine pumped with a belt attachment to the
pump into a galvanized water trough and kept from from freezing at
that time with a type of snorkle stove inserted in the tank and wood
or coal burning.  The stove kept the water from freezing solid but
when it was
below zero and windy there was always surface ice that needed to be
broken so the animals could drink.  It always amazed me how warm
those old barns were in the winter when the animals were kept inside.

Now to keep and feed those barn animals grass was cut and dried then
picked up as with a pitchfork and pitched onto a hayrack, transported to
the barn where it was stored in the haymow.  When I was small all
this was accomplished with the use of horses, rope, tackle, and a
huge hay
picking tine that would grab the load  take it to the barn eave then
inside the barn by a steel I beam and deposited throughout the
haymow.  I
use to love playing and jumping off those hills of hay.  Feed was
ground up with a small mill and stored or made as it was used.  What was
really neat were the little homemade stools that were used for
milking and what about those kickers what an invention for those cows
were a little touchy.  Now to top this off was that swinging tail and
what to do with it especially if it was a little crusted over,
getting smacked in
the head hurt.  I always recall the warning of stay close to the
middle of the barn because there was no way of telling when and what was
coming out of the back end of those cows, and it did at anytime.
Thinking back,  it was kind of funny to look in at a cow as they were
back at you and she would let a load go, plop, plop, plop, or what
seemed like never ending splish.  Milk the cows, separate the cream then
feed the calves with the leftover milk.   My Grandpa Martinson would
always set aside a bucket of cream under the house that he would let
ferment and turn a tad ripe then take the top off and eat it like
cream cheese.  Dad told me he did not  have the stomach for that
stuff.  ” Uff Da”

Winter time in a barn brought in all the critters and to my surprise
there were still mice even though most of the cats were in there
also.  The
cats were probably saving a few breeders for spring time when the
kittens were born.  It seemed like there was always a owl in the haymow,
she was probably picking off a mouse here and there.  Springtime
always brought in the chicks with the heat lamps, feeders, and waterers.
Strangely the cats left the chicks alone.  Then there were those hens
that laid a clutch of eggs outside and paraded around all summer with
their chicks a scratchin and pecking.  Oh the sow and her piglets we
must not forget,  root, root, root, and stay out of her pen she can
get mad easily when a piglet squeals.

One of the crappy jobs on a farm was the barn cleanup.  I can
really remember the winter time since it involved a lot of movement
in the barn
with the cows.  Move the cow, shovel the old bedding into the gutter,
put down new bedding, move the cow back to her spot.  And they had
their own spot, it seemed like there was always a cow that tried to
move in on another”s territory and always got  butted out of the
way.  Back
to the gutters which by now were overflowing and seeking out all the
low spots to drain to.  Time to hitch up the horse to the stone boat and
bring it around to the back of the barn and load it up with that crap
in the gutters then pull it out to the manure pile and off load it
there.  The
fun part was the ride out and back behind the horse on that old stone

As time went on so did the milking of cows by hand and cows died or
were sold and not replaced.  The horse was the longest to stay and
one day she went down but we were able to get her back on her feet
and she lived on for a short time.  So ended what at one time was a
small dairy that supplied milk to town a mile away.  Dad told me how
he and his dad had traveled to Dunseith to purchase a bull calf up at
San Haven.  He raised the calf and then entered it at the Bottineau
County Fair and took the Blue Ribbon.  The bull was huge according
to Dad.  I was surprised that San Haven had their own cattle and also
Greenhouses since I can not remember any barns but I think that the
greenhouses were located east of the power plant.  Maybe someone has
the layout or blueprints of San Haven, when it was first proposed?

I”m sending along a picture of Terry and I with the Barn and Granary
in the background.

Take Care,  Tim

                                  Tim & Terry Martinson
Martinson, Terry Tim 2104

Obituary/Picture provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe:

Note: Mrs. Lawrence (Lela) Wenstad was a Satrang. I believe she was a sister to Alfred, Beryl’s husband.  Gary

Beryl’s picture is at the bottom of the email and also an attachment.

My condolences to all Satrang family members.



Beryl Mary Satrang
(January 14, 1922 – July 15, 2008)

Beryl M. Satrang, 86 of Rugby formerly of Rolette, ND died on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at Heart of America Medical Center of Rugby.

Funeral Services for Beryl will be held on Friday, July 18, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. at Valle Lutheran Church, Rolette, ND with Rev. Clarence Stanley officiating. Burial will be at a later date in the North Dakota Veteran’s Cemetery in Mandan, ND. Friends may call at the Valle Lutheran Church on Friday from 1:00 p.m. until time of service.

Beryl Mary Graham was born on January 14, 1922 in Sydney, Australia. She married Clarence Alfred Satrang on July 14, 1945 while he was stationed in Sydney during the Second World War. Beryl made a life changing journey on April 12, 1946 when she boarded the David C. Shanks in Sydney Harbor. Beryl joined over 400 women who fell in love with and married American Soldiers during World War II.

Life in the Turtle Mountains was quite different than that in the big city of Sydney, Australia. But, Beryl wasn’t about to let on. She learned how to hang laundry even in subzero temperatures. She learned how to prepare meals she had never eaten much less prepared while translating her “metric” measurements to American measurements.

Beryl and Alfred moved to Rolette in 1947 and together they raised three children, Corrine, James and Kent.

Beryl began working in the house keeping department of Rolette Hospital in 1963. That turned out to be more than just a job-Beryl built life long friendships. They always found something to celebrate together; birthdays (some even included costumes), first days of work, last days of work, weddings, baby showers and more. And, then there were the “coffee parties”. Beryl liked to show her Aussie flare for entertaining with her china, silver service sets, pavolovas, trifles and cakes. Beryl retired from the hospital in 1982.

Beryl was fortunate to have made four trips back “home” to Sydney during her lifetime. Today, July 15, 2008, she has gone home to join her parents, Charlton and Isabella (Smith) Graham; sisters, Florence Milwain, Edna Pike, Marjorie Graham and Lillian Graham and brother, John Graham.

Beryl is survived by her husband of 63 years, Clarence Alfred Satrang of Rugby Children: Corrine Satrang of Grafton, ND, James Satrang and his wife, Sherry of West Virginia and Kent Satrang and his wife, Jolene of Fargo, ND. Seven Grandchildren: Bridget (Gustin) Martel, Mandan, ND and Sara (Paul) Schwartz, Port Huran, Michigan; Carmen Satrang, Rugby, Sherry (Tom) Montoya, Phoenix, Arizona and Shawnda Satrang also of Rugby; Andrea (Loren) Tollefson of Phoenix and Amy Satrang, Fargo; Three Step Grandchildren: Kim Ascenvo, Tammy Gray and Robert Gray. Nine Great Grandchildren: Isaac and Olivia; Payton and Carter; Kimberly and Nicole; Devon and Donovan; and Graham. Sister: Norma Russell and her husband, Jim of Sydney, Australia Several nieces and nephews in Australia as well as several nieces and nephews around the United States.

Satrang, Beryl Mary 2104

Picture provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe:

Note: Casey & Esther had a diner in Bottineau for years and also up at the Peace Garden.

Ken & Sharlyn, Casey & Esther’s children, both graduated from Dunseith

Evenson Kenneth Po Box 63 Portal, ND 58772 (701) 926-3181 evenson@midstatetel.com 67
Evenson Olson Sharlyn 1105 8th Ave SE JAMESTOWN, ND 58401  No Phone No email address 68

Evenson, Casey Esther 2104


7/17/2008 (165)

Picture/reply from Bill Grimme (65): 


Thank you for posting the nice picture of my uncle, Harry Fassett. Harry was my mother’s brother.

Here is a picture of Harry and his family. Back – Rachael and Harry. Front L-R James, Donald, Orville, and Carol.

Harry had a repair shop in Dunseith for a while. It was located across the street from the Lucien Bedard home, I believe. Carol died at a fairly early age. I was fairly young when Harry left Dunseith, but, I can tell you, he was a very nice uncle.

Bill Grimme
                                                         Harry Fassett Family

              Back – Rachael and Harry. Front L-R James, Donald, Orville, and Carol.
Fassett, Harry Family 2103

From Mona Dionne Johnson (48): 

The Harry Fassett family lived in the Thorne area and of course all of

his kids attended Russell School where we did out in the country.  Harry
was our bus driver back then when buses changed from horse-drawn covered
sleighs in the winter to what he drove which was a Model A – he had
taken out the back seat and replaced it – adapting it with two board
connected at the ends, making it so twice the amount of kids could ride
in the back.  In winter when we traveled to school and got by Ed
Leonards’ place, the snow would collect on a low area of the road to a
point that one could not get through.  He just drove that Model A into
the ditch and we drove in the field until we got past the snowed area
and  then back on the road and on to school !!      His oldest son,
James and I started school together, in fact the last few days of school
before we started first grade, he and I went to get used to school a
little, and I remember the teacher had us both in her lap as we were
welcomed to school.  His sister, Carol, and my sister were classmates.
James and I went thru the 8 grades at Russell.  He went somewhere else
his first year high school, then came to Dunseith for the rest,
graduating together with me in ’48.  He had a beautiful voice in song
and sang at our graduation.   I remember the teacher having us sing
together when we were in the lower grades.  What memories !
Mona Dionne Johnson ’48

From Susan Fassett Martin (65):

Harry Fassett was the son of Gilbert and Sadie Fassett.  Gilbert was a brother to my grandfather, Wilmar H Fassett.  In my dad’s history book it states, ”  Harry & Rachel (Federick) moved to Dunseith from the Thorne area in 1943.  Harry operated an auto and tractor repair shop and also served on the Dunseith force until 1956 when he moved to Bottineau to become chief of police there.  Their children all completed high school in Dunseith. ”
Harry Fassett and Rachel Frederick had four children:  James, who married Lvonne Cox,  Donald, who married Christine St Pierre, they divorced and Donald remarried Agnes Harris–he died in 1984:  Orville, who marred June Johnson and Carol, who married James Tessin–she is also deceased.

Harry had 12 siblings.  My dad also writes,  ”  Gilbert and Sadie were married in Devils Lake and came to Rolette county in 1897.  They staked their claim in Russell township near Thorne and they lived out their lives on that land.  They lived in a sod shanty until about 1910 when they built the big frame house which served them the rest of their lives.

As a youngster in the 1920′s, I remember that we looked forward to a visit to “uncle Gil and aunt Sadie’s”.  In addition to their large family there always seemed to be lots of company around on Sundays or other special days.  All of their children were talented, though untrained, musicians on a variety of instruments from piano to the mouth organ and jewsharp so there was always singing and dancing.”

I have pictures of Harry and my grandpa holding a stringer of fish that they caught at Belcourt Lake and lots of history. If any of the Harry Fassett family reads this and would like any copies of any family history, please get in contact with me.  I am happy to share.

Bette Nerpel is here in Sd visiting me.  She is a first cousin to my father and 81 years of age.  She had a phlethora of knowledge about the “old” days in Dunseith.  I have been prompting her for memories and stories.  What an interesting  lady to visit with.  She lives in Bottineau.

Thanks for all the memories.  Hugs and prayers.  Susan

Reply from Bev Morinville Azure (72): 

ok   Gary’s  site  it is.  Gary  I think  you have done one  of the nicest things  a person can do you have bought old  friends  , families  and  who  knows  back together again. I have  been blessed  many many time reading  and laughing at the  stories  that  have  been told . Now  I  really do wish someone  would start  spilling  the  secrets  about   the  classes  of   the  younger  groups  like  70  up  I know we have alot of stories  to tell. How about a  few  from BEER Can Alley for a start.  Bev

Reply fromFrom Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

Terry Hiatt’s mom was Delores and his grandmother was Julia Hiatt, my

grandmother Myrtle Olson’s sister. Colette, thanks for the compliment
but I think if we remove the memories of Dunseith from our minds, these
stories may be of much less interest. We all remember many places and
things to fill in the gaps in our stories that others would not be able
to do. Thanks for the encouragement though! Thanks Gary!


 Reply from Bobby Slyter (70): 

Terry Hiatt’s grandmother was Julia Hiatt, wife of Walter Hiatt, his mother was Delores Hiatt and his step father was LeRoy Birkland

From Larry Hackman (66): 


How are you today?  I hope this finds you and your family well.  Gary this is kind of long.  If you want to save it for a slow day that would fine with me.  You know,  i haven’t given you pie report yet this spring.  the rhubarb was excepional this year.  Maybe because it was a cool spring, it grew slow and tasty.  I had a pie, a upsidedown cake, and a rhubarb crisp.  They all were to die for, if you know what I mean.  DELICIOUS  I can hardly wait for the second cutting.  But, there is nothing like rhubarb in the spring.  Do you have rhubarb on the islands?

You take care Gary and have a good day.


Larry, Any day is a good day for one of your very interesting stories.  I know a lot of folks will relate to and enjoy this wonderful nostalgic story that you have shared with us today.  Gary

1950′s Saturday Story

The 1950′s Saturday night always began on Friday back on the farm.  The boys were all given hair cuts if needed.  This was done by mother using a scissors.  Then she washed everyones heads.  I remember her digging into our ears.  She said it was to get the grumberras (potatoes) out.  I always thought she was trying to save time by cleaning both ears from one side.  Just kidding mom.  The girls got their hair washed and wrapped around them little silver pipes that were about three inches long and about 3/8 inches in diameter and full of holes for air circulation. Each little pipe had a clamp and wire clip.  The wire clip had a little red bead at the opposite end which snapped into the end of the pipe curler to lock the hair and the pipe together.  Mom plastered the girls heads with these pipes. Then in the evening after the chores were done and before going to bed, it was baths for everyone. Hot water was obtained from the reservoir that was part of the wood burning cast iron cook stove that sat in the corner of the kitchen.  Behind that stove in the winter time was my favorite spot.  It was a great place to soak up the heat right after coming in from freezing outside. The only running water in them days, was the person running back and forth from the pump with a pail.

The next morning mom and dad milked the cows, usually a little later then usual because the cows would have to wait until we got back from town.  The folks then separated the cream from the milk with a hand cranked machine called a cream separator, the cows and horses wee turned out into the pasture for the day, the eggs were gathered and cleaned, the chickens, calves and pigs were fed and watered.

My folks milked 15 to 20 cows every morning and every night by hand. The cows were so tame that in the summer time they just layed around in the barn yard after being chased home by one or all of us kids. Getting the cows home from the pasture for milking in the evening was our job at that time.  The folks would just walk around the barn yard from cow to cow with their pail and milk stool.  The cow would get up when they approached, or would have to be told or bumped with the milk stool to let it know that it was its turn to be milked.  Us kids were also in the barn yard sitting on the cows pretending we were cowboys and occasionally using the cows for water guns in a milk fight. The folks discouraged this, as it was a waste of milk and sometimes they would get shot.  The cats loved it. Mother always claimed she could milk three cows by hand to every one my dad milked by hand, but she was still glad to have the help. She also would get more milk out of each cow. Warm hands? I suppose. She always claimed that my dad was so slow that the cow was going dry while my dad milked it.  For you “city slickers” of which I became one at a young age, a cow can not produce milk unless it gives birth to a calf, so for about two months of every year it does not produce milk and is called a dry cow.  A cow that has just given birth is called a “fresh” cow. A little Biology!  Not only is this information entertaining its educational?

Back to the story and Saturday morning.  We, the still clean kids job, was to stay in the house and stay clean on Saturday morning.  Sometimes on Saturday morning to keep us busy and out of each others hair, mother would pour the ingrediants, milk, cream, sugar, and salt into a churn and we took turns, turning the crank to make butter and of course to get our reward.  Drinking the buttermilk.  If their was no butter to churn and nothing else to do we boys busied ourselves by adjusting them pipes attached to the girls heads.  We figured if we adjusted them just right we could make contact with them space aliens out there.  We found by twisting and turning these pipes in the girls hair we could get all kinds of volume and just when we thought we were about to make contact with them aliens, mom would come with the broom and we boys would have to make a run for it.  She must of thought that we would make contact and she would have more work preparing for company?  Mom didn’t want any unexpected guests for dinner because we were going to town.  We called lunch, dinner, and dinner, supper back on the farm. Confused, I still am. Back to the pipe curlers!  We, boys knew if we adjusted them just right, that we would have made contact with them space aliens (at least it sounded like we were about to make contact) Just think if we would have made contact, we would all be rideing in space ships by now,  instead of having a few astronauts out there, orbiting around the planet trying to thumb a ride?

Back to the curlers?  In the sixties didn’t the girls start rolling their hair around  beer cans?  Yes, I think some did drink the contents before they put them in their hair.  Their hair didn’t turn out as nice but I don’t think they cared. Maybe some of them made contact with the space aliens.  Let us know, would you.

Remember the eyebrow pencils.  Some made the brow curl up on one side and on the other eye it would curl down.  You didn,t know if they were winking or blinking. Probably to much beer?

Remember dad getting ready for town.  He would get out that straight razor and run it across them razor straps.  It sounded like somebody getting spanked on a bear bottom.  Then he would take this large cup and add a little water into it, and then stir the contents with this brush until it created a foam. Then he would take this brush and paint this foam all over his face.  Probably scared the aliens away?  He would then again run the razor over the straps to sharpen it more, and then he would use that sharp instrument to scrape the foam and the beard from his face.  I remember in some houses in the kitchen there hung a razor strap with each boys name on it.  These people had girls but they never had any of the girls names on any of the razor straps? Go figure.

After lunch (dinner) the car was loaded with the crate of eggs, (12 dozen eggs) that were gathered and cleaned all week and usually a couple 8 gal. containers (cream cans) of cream that was separated from the cows milk with the hand cranked machine.  The kids were all put in the back seat except for the trouble maker, who had to sit up front between mom and dad. The littlest kid was held by dad as mom would drive. Dad was already losing the ability to move his legs due to MS.

Remember the beautiful scenic drive on old highway #3 through the Turtle Mountians.  That highway curled around

and over the hills and up against  the shores of the lakes as it took you into town. It still is a pretty drive but not as pretty as it once was.

Remember when the San hill was really a steep hill with a small hill and curve at the bottom.  We use to try, and did pass some cars up, while going down it on our bicycles.  Remember Garret Myers had the first new 3 speed in town.  He wiped out with his new red bike on the hill while rideing it from the Peace Gardens to town.  He broke his arm and was covered with street pizza (abrasions).

We the Hackman were now entering Dunsieth for a fun saturday and to get our supplies for another week on the farm.  Cruiseing into town and just before we would hit that intersection north of Morgan Lumber Co., mom would roll down her window and throw her arm straight out the window and keep it there.  I always thought she did that to keep that old 1948 maroon Chevy upright as we made that left turn.

We would pass by Johnsons.  Don had the first new Ford Mustang car in town. I remember standing in their yard with several other people admiring it. Don and Dick always wore the glasses with the Buddy Holly frames. I was diagnosed with needing glasses in the 5th grade, and I wanted a pair of them black framed glasses, but the lady that was helping me pick out the frame, said I was good looking enough to wear any type frame and presuaded me to chose another.  I still wish I would have chosen the black frames as I would have felt more comfortable around town.  A few that wore the black frames were John Morgan, Don Egbert, Larry Metcalf, Wayne Smith, Gregory LaCroix, Gary Stokes, and Kenny Nerpal.  Ken it was too bad about you not making it, to the barn dance.  I know you made it to the house, but the house was only half way between the parking area and the barn.  There were several people in the house visiting, but the party and the band were in the barn. And Kenny there was even a fiddler in the band.  You and Haggard Merl may also be right about the hay loft.  There was straw falling down from between the loft floor boards, but I thought it was falling because of the vibration of the music. You sure missed a good barn dance by leaving so fast?

As we proceeded east on the street and where we took a right turn in front of the Northern Hotel,  where Egberts lived, you noticed the wood piles.  Someone had stacked the wood so that the split side of the blocks all faced outward and were placed in straight lines from the top center of the pile down to the ground.  The piles of wood looked more like hay stacks then a pile of split wood. Who had the time?  The piles were located in the area, where the Kalk house would be built. Believe it or not, Dan Kalk, had a path worn into the sod of them hills east of the San Haven to his house located about one mile east of the San, from walking back and forth to work.  Remember Dorothy Egbert who grew them sunflower plants that were 10 ft. tall.  She made the Turtle Mountian Star. Dorothy probably should of been a botanist, as she also had flowers blooming all year long in her planters out in front of the hotel.  Adrian Egbert who would do almost anything to win a bet said, “that he once ate 49 boiled eggs to win a bet”.  Adrian who also ran a taxie, like Gary Metcalf mentioned, took a fare from Dunseith to Seattle and back without stopping to sleep.  Which would be quite a feat even with todays roads and vehicles.

The Leonard house was the next one we went by on the street going south after we made a right turn in front the northern Hotel.

I remember Ed Leonard being the C.O.P. and being parked by the phone booth in front of the Dakota Hotel.  He always had a smile and would give you that famous one finger wave.  No, not that finger, it was with the pointer finger off the brim of his stetson hat.

We would take another right at the end of Leonard’s yard and go west and in a half of a block we would arrive at the Bottineau Creamery.  There Floyd Dion would help unload the cream and take it into the creamery for weighing and testing. The folks would get a cream check that would would enable them to buy groceries for another week.  Then we would drive up to either Hassen’s Store or Sine’s Store to sell the  eggs. At Hassen,s Store, O’Neal, we called him Neal, who would take out a 1″ by 10″ board about 3 feet long and lay it between the backs of two chairs. He then hung a light beneath the board. In the center of this board was a 11/2″ diameter hole that he would set eggs into one at a time.  The light beneath the board would cause the egg to become translucent. This was called egg candling. I guess if he saw something looking back at him from the egg, he would make balute?

After the folks got paid for the eggs they would give each of us kids a nickle and tell us to buy something that lasts, because thats all we were getting to spend.  So we would buy either a black cow or a sugar daddy sucker and then we were on our own to run run the streets of Dunseith, while the folks ran their errands and visited with other folks.  There were people every where.  The sidewalks were crowded with kids running everywhere and with grownups in circles visiting and some always moving from business to business.  The streets were full of vehicles from one end to the other, even the side streets were full.  Saturday night in Dunseith was like one huge carnival.  I remember there was usally a wagon parked between the Red Owl and the Bakery selling popcorn.  I couldn,t afford any popcorn because I had already spent my nickle, but I remember it sure smelled good and added to the atmosphere that I as a 6 year old farm kid, remember well.   Saturday night. It was a great night.  When it was dark and time to go home the folks would gather us all up and put us into the car.  We the kids, would all fall asleep on the trip home,  We would be put to bed when we got home and then the folks would go out and milk the cows and take care of the animals, to start the routine all over, to prepare for the next Saturday night.

It would be fun to go back to them times.

I hope this at least brought back some memories and maybe put a smile on your face.  Them were the days!


From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

Axel Johnson told me about an incident from our area, from way back.
There was a bachelor named Carl Strand who lived near the southwest
shore of Sucker lake. He lived in a small house and liked to do a little
too much drinking at times. Axel kind of kept an eye on him to see that
things were OK. There was a small opening in the trees along the creek
from Sucker lake to Horseshoe lake where Axel could see the smoke from
Strands chimney if the wind wasn’t too strong. He said that after a bad
winter snowstorm he looked over to see smoke but there was none. He went
over and knocked on the door but got no response. He said he opened the
door and went in and found Carl, sitting, sleeping by his table. The
house was very cold so Axel went over and told him he better wake up and
build a fire or he might freeze to death! Axel said he didn’t move so he
touched his arm and he was frozen solid! Axel notified the sheriff and
they came up with a sleigh and horses and loaded him in the sleigh. He
was frozen in a sitting position and when they laid him down he looked
grotesque, so they went by the straw pile and covered him with straw to
not scare people they might meet on the road back to Dunseith! I told
this story to Bill Fassett several years ago and when I said they
covered him with straw, Bill pointed at me and asked if I knew the rest
of the story? I told him that was all Axel had said to me. Bill said his
dad, Wilmar [Old Bill] went along with the undertaker to get the body
and told Bill that when they got to town, they sneaked the body into the
back of the funeral parlor and then went over to the hardware and
borrowed a livestock water tank , which they filled with hot water to
thaw the guy out! Together we had the whole story from start to finish!
Carl Strand had a brother from Minnesota, named Andrew, who moved to
Carl’s house and stayed until the early 50s. Grandpa Hans Johnson bought
the land when Andrew went to the Old Soldier’s home in Lisbon, ND. We
still call the land the ‘Strand place’, to this day! Thanks Gary!


7/18/2008 (164)

 Reply from Vickie Metcalfe (70): 

Yes, Gary, Bernice (Seim) Lindberg moved back from the west coast in the late sixties/early 70′s, worked at San Haven and married Elmer Lindberg.

When my mom was recovering from brain tumor surgery in January of 1980, Bernice volunteered for a few days to stay and help my mom.  (My dad was blind from diabetes and Mom, after the tumors destruction, was also blind in one eye)

In the 80′s, when she became infirm from illness,  Bernice moved to Bottineau Good Sam. for more specialized nursing.  I recall that  Elmer moved into Golden Keys apts. across the street then to be close by her, where he visted her every day.

And, I recall when  she was hospitalized at St. Andrews and her son came to visit, Elmer was never far from her, gruff and blunt.

Yes, Elmer could be gruff, but beneath the crusty exterior, his old fashioned heart was kind.

Ah..from one farm kid to another,  I also remember the days of pickin rocks, which seemed to always multiply and grow especially after a good disc ing!  Vickie

From Lois Lilleby Fielding (51):

Hi Gary:  I have been very interested in hearing about Tim Hill and his progress.  Years ago, when I worked at the University of Minnesota Hospitals, he had heart surgery there, and I was happy to give a pint of my blood for his surgery.  Murl Hill is a friend, of course.  Lois Lilleby Fielding.

From Bob Hosmer (56):

I’m enjoying the reflection of Dunseith friends and acquaintances.  Reading the barber shop stories brought back memories.  I’m glad Sharon Peterson shared about Marlin Williams.  I visited Dunseith once when he was barbering and he cut my hair–twice in fact.  The first time was Ok, but I came back the next day to have him do some finishing touches.

Does anybody have any memories of camping on Wild Cat Island just north of town or hiking up to Indian Mound and Mineral Springs.  Those areas were wonderful kinds of retreats for me.

By the way, my email address will change on July 24th from rkhosmer@ torkhosmer@ .  Please use the former until that day.  Thanks, Gary, for all the wonderful work you are doing to keep all of us in touch with each other.

Bob Hosmer (56)

From Bev Morniville Azure (72): 

Colette, I agree  Dick  needs to write a book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I  also  think we need a  name  for this  blog .  When I  am  telling  people  about  it  I  never  really know what to call it. ie  i tell my  husband  everynite  what has  been  written for the  day  so I  call it the  Gary site.  Bev

Bev, The Gary sight is just fine.  I have each and every group message saved to include the many massages that were shared with the class of 65 before we expanded to include the whole Dunseith alumni. There are several thousand or more messages in all.  That’s a ton of history with a lot of pictures. In the future, some ambitious person could compile all this into a book. It would be a lot of work, but would make a very nice book. It would be a big book. Gary

Reply from Alan (42) & Phyllis Campbell:

Note: Cathy, I should have double checked the spelling of your name. The Article had Kathy.  Gary

Gary:  In answer to your request for the names of those at the ribbon cutting at the Grand Opening of the new Bottineau Security State Bank they are as follows:  left to right: Jeff Campbell (class of 76), Phyllis, Cathy (class of 73), Jeremy (Jeff’s son who is working this summer at the Botno bank and is a Junior at U. of Mary in Bismarck),Alan, Bottineau Mayor Doug Marsden, Donovan Bertsch (a bank director), Rich  (class of 68 and also a bank director) and David (class of 71).    A little correction on the story – William (Bill) Campbelll came to the bank in Dunseith i n 1933 from Omemee where he, Violet and Alan were living.  Several Dunseith businessmen including W.E. Hosmer, Joe Lamoureaux and Wm. Gottbreht among others asked him to come to Dunseith to run the bank.   I forgot to mention above that Alan was a graduate in the class of 1942.  He went to Jamestown College where eventully he and Phyllis met!    These parents are very proud of all their children and the good education they received in Dunseith and thank you and others for your nice comments!Incidentally all four kids are happily married and all living in North Dakota!  Alan and Phyllis have ten grandchildren – all out of high school now – plus two great-grandchildren.   We do enjoy reading the emails from near and far!

Cambell 2102

Picture provided by Neolo Kofoid Garbe: neolag@min.midco.net

Jim Sr. is deceased and Mildred rescently moved to the Good Samaritan home in Bottineau.

Jim & Mid Fulsebakke children:
Fulsebakke 2102

Fulsebakke Jim/Marlee 9942 County Road 49 Bottineau, ND 58318 (701) 228-2844 mfulseba@yahoo.com 75
Fulsebakke Joel RR 1 Box 119A Dunseith, ND 58329 (701) 263-3152 No email address 77
Fulsebakke Gary 824 Second Ave NE Devils Lake, ND 58301 (701) 662-2284 Gary.Fulsebakke@sendit.nodak.edu 71
Fulsebakke Albertson Shelly RR 2 Box Saint John, ND 58369 (701) 477-3071 albertson_Shelly@yahoo.com 72

Message/Picture from Dick Johnson(68): 

Gary and Friends,

Sharon was correct. Right after Godfreys left, Marlin Williams had the
barber shop between the bowling alley and the drugstore. I guess the
cleaners, where Lyda Kolberg worked, was just on the south side of the
drugstore and then the barber shop. One time when I was eleven and Terry
Hiatt was 10, I went in to get a haircut from Marlin. He grinned at me
and said, “So you are going to be a barber”! I said, “What–no”! He said
Terry was just in and had him cut all his hair off because of the mess
‘I’ made! Here Terry had tried to give himself a haircut and cut a strip
right down the middle and was embarrassed, so he told Marlin I did it!
He used one of the old time hand clippers and really cut it short.
Terry spent a lot of time with me as he lived with his grandmother for
several years off and on. He came back from Washington in 1967 and went
with us on a trip to the Worlds Fair in Montreal, Quebec. It was called
Expo 67.From Montreal we went to NY City and down the coast clear
to Virginia and back home. The attached picture is of Terry on our back
step that summer with my first guitar. I bought the guitar from a guy
for $5. as it was in two pieces. I fixed it up and played it for several
years until  after Brenda and I were married, when she bought me a
better one for my birthday. Later in life, Terry and his brother Randy
had a band and traveled from Washington as far as Montana playing night
spots. Do you suppose he got the ‘itch’ from my old guitar? Thanks Gary!


Dick, Who was Terry’s Grandmother?

Hiatt, Terry 2102

Message/pictures from Allen Richard (65):

To those who remember my daughter form the reunion, here she is at the National Cherry Festival Parade in Traverse City, MI last weekend.  She went from 8th grade band to the Bullock Creek 90 piece varsity marching band.  The Lancers Marching band have been at this parade for the last 45 years.  Susan was in the parade for three years.  Alaina will beat her by a year.

Alaina is working on a U-Tube page with her piano teacher.  For her 5th grade talent show, she accompanied herself in the performance of “Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera.  She also does the vocals for our agency video.


Richard, Alina 2102-1 Richard, Alina 2102-2 Richard, Alina 2102-3

Picture provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Note: Harry Fassett was the cheif of police in Bottineau for a perod of time.

Do any of you remember any of the Harry Fassett family?  Gary

Fassett, Harry 2102


10 MAR 1906 Russell Township, , , North Dakota
28 SEP 1963 Dunseith, Rolette, North Dakota
01 OCT 1963 Dunseith, Rolette, North Dakota

Father: Gibert Minor FASSETT Family
Mother: Sarah OR Sadie McDONALD

7/17/2008 (163)

From Sharon Peterson Harmsen (63): 

Hi Gary,

Recent emails have prompted me to write again.  But first of all, please take a moment to visit the CaringBridge website for Tim Hill as outlined in the email dated July 14th.  The site is: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/timhill and is easy to use.  I just did and it sounds like Tim is doing OK with his new organs in spite of a few minor setbacks.  What a great guy to receive such a special gift of life from another special family (the donor family).

The barber stories caused me to think of another barber that no one has mentioned yet and that was my uncle, Marlin Williams.  He barbered in the shop south of the drug store for several years and I always felt special when I was able to go stay with he and Doris in their apartment behind the shop.   Me and my friends had great fun sitting in the barber chair and spinning around and pretending we were “doing each other’s hair”………….I believe Marlin also was a regular barber at San Haven when those residents needed a hair cut.

And stories of Eva Seim are very special to me as she was my teacher for my first three grades when we attended country school south of their farm.   Our families were very good friends and spent much time together over the years.  She and Art were very special people to me and I still have mementos from both of them;   An ID bracelet from Eva with my name engraved and silver dollars from Art.  Art and I always enjoyed each other’s company because he and I both liked being around horses.

Gary, as like everyone else, I wait for my “Dunseith Fix” every morning.  Thanks for all you do to keep us connected.

Sharon Peterson Harmsen

Colette Hosmer’s (64) reply to Dick Johnson (68): 


You’ve got to write a book. The world need a collection of your stories — start now!


Ardys Bakken Horner (teacher) to Dick Johnson (68): 

This is to Dick Johnson and his Pals…I am surprised he survived his childhoold with the stunts he pulled?  Ardys Bakken Horner

From Kenny Nerpel (65):


Just a note to let you know I have changed my email address to


From Dick Johnson (64): 


When you mentioned your brother Allen ‘Big Ally’, I was just wondering
what he has been doing for the last 45 years or so? I heard that he was
working in Wyoming many years back, but I see he is now in San Diego.
Just curious! Thanks!


Dick, My brother Allen and his wife Janet, have been living in San Diego since about 1991. Allen is the maintenance man for a larger apartment complex in SD.  I just talked to them several days ago. Things are going fine for them.  Allen is scheduled to have corrective lazar surgery done on both his eyes in several weeks. He’s hoping to restore his vision to 20/10.

San Diego is a nice city. In 2002 the shipyard sent me down there, for nearly 4 months, to work on one of the Submarine overhauls that our yard was in charge of. That same year I spent 6 months at Kings Bay Georgia working on a Trident Submarine Overhaul that our yard was also in charge of.  Had we not moved to the Philippines in retirement, I think we would have retired in the Jacksonville Florida area.  When I was in Kings Bay, we really liked that area. Gary

From Dick Johnson (64): 

Gary and Friends,

Gary, when you mentioned Elmer Lindberg and his 46 Ford Coupe, it
brought the memory of that old car sitting in the trees west of his
house. I think, if I remember right, Tim Martinson bought it and drove
it for a while in high school. I know Tim reads and comments on this
blog, so maybe he can fill us in a bit as to what became of it. How
about it, Tim Bear?? Again, as always, thank you Gary!


From Lee (Leland) Stickland (64): 


On 7-11-08. your send date, I was paging through YOUR great daily provisions of news and saw my name,  Lee Stickland WHOA.  Sure enough, as I paged down, there was my Grand Father.

Yesterday I printed a copy of that photo which my cousin, Sharon Peterson Hermson had provided and was kindly included in your sending of  # 157.

I took that printed image to the nursing home for Dad to see and to have.

He determined that his father LEE is sitting on the right; not on the left,   I interpret the original accompanying caption to evince that Lee is one the left?

This morning, 7-16-08, I called Joy Peterson, Sharon’s Mom and my Dad’s sister and she confirmed that indeed Lee Stickland is on the right as the picture is viewed.

Edward le’ Marchant Stickland became known as LEE; circumstance for aka not being known by me.  I saw Dad this morning after talking with Joy and I learned that my grandfather LEE was born in 1896, died at age 53, in 1949 when I was 3 years old.

A 4th cousin, Diane Creamer, who lives in Madera, CA called me over a years ago.  She asked if I knew a Edward Stickland.  I replied that I did not.  She said his middle name and I said sure that is my grandfather.  She than said that she is my 4th cousin.

Diane has a drive to detect genealogies and has done so with the Sticklands’, way back to John and Mary (Tucker) living in Somersetshire about 1810.

Geroge Tucker Stickland born Feb 14, 1816 in Bristol, England and died in

Iowa January 6, 1861 having been the first recorded Stickland to locate to and in America.

Just ramblin’, Gary but wanted to provide the above info re: the names for the gentlemen shown in the picture that is herein referenced.

Gary, it is much said but not be me,  YOUR labors of daily duty for the enjoyment of and by so many is to be heralded.

Lee Stickland

Lee, Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention.  I have reattached the photo with the corrections below.  Gary

Front L to R: Max Peterson, Nels Landsverk &  Lee Stickland
Back: Ray BrennanBrennan

Security State Bank & the Alan Campbell Family:


I have gotten the Bottineau Courant ever since I left ND in 1966.  That will come to an end next month though, when my current subscription runs out. Starting about 8 months ago they had to start adding a declartion form with each issue when sending it to me here in the Philippines.  Instead of costing less than a dollar for sending 2nd class, it now costs over $4.00.  The currant is sucking up the extra expense until my prescription runs out.

I just got this paper announcing the opening of the Dunseith bank branch in Bottineau.  I think pretty much everyone of us know the Campbell Family.  They have been in the banking business in the Dunseith community since 1905. They have served the community well. Alan & Phyllis and each of their children, Jeff, Rich, Dave & Kathy are all on our distribution list. They are wonderful folks.

With the Campbell family being so well known in our community, I just wanted to share this with you folks.  I know that they have a great staff working for them too.

Can anyone identify those in the ribbon cutting picture?



7/16/2008 (162)

From  Pamela Fugere Schmidt (73): 

Gary, Vickie, and all:

Saw Vickie’s write-up on Eva Seim and have to credit her as the Teacher who had the most impact on me…sharing a love of reading that blossomed into a love of lifelong learning.  This was a Teacher who changed many lives.  If memory serves me, she taught my father and most if not all of my siblings.

Pamela Fugere Schmidt
Vice President

Gary’s reply to Vickie Metcalfe:


You mentioned Bernice Seim was married to your uncle Archie Metcalfe.  A few years after Archie’s passing, Bernice was married to Elmer Lindberg.  Elmer lived about a half mile into Bottineau county on hwy 43 (Peace Garden road) up in the hills.  Alice McKay and Elmer were siblings.  Bernice became an aunt to all the McKay siblings too.  Until he got married to Bernice, Elmer had been a bachelor his entire life.  My brother Allen and I picked lots of rocks for Elmer from his fields.  He had some fields to the north of his buildings that continually grew healthy rocks.  Elmer was quite a guy with his, whine twitched, heavy Norwegian accent and his old 46 ford coupe.  Elmer always treated Allen and me well.  He sometimes came across as being a little gruff, but he was basically a very nice guy.

After Bernice died, Elmer moved into Bottineau into the apartments located across the street to the south of the Good Samaritan home.  He volunteered lots of hours over at Good Sam, folding towels, etc.


From Allen Richard (65):

To Angela– Thank you for asking about Susan.  She is doing very well.  Chemo therapy will be her choice.  The doctors at Mayo are not telling her to do it–but not telling her not to take it  either.   If she chooses to go ahead with it we should still have all this behind us by early next year.  Amazing how even a mild case of breast cancer can take a year out of your life.

On a couple of happier notes, I now have 3 — count-em 3 grandsons.  Cooper Allen Parisien was born last Friday.  Jack and Kelani live in Jamestown.  He is director of security and safety at the State Hospital and she is an electrical engineer with Goodrich.

Also I have a trip to Seattle coming up in late October.  Business related, but I’m tacking on some time on both ends.  Hope to see a few of our dozens of relatives out there — and maybe stay with Aunt Louise.

You free for coffee say Nov. 2 in Minneapolis?

You can fill me in on the rest of your visit with the Robert boys!

Dave Wurgler’s (64) reply to Bev Morinville (72): 

Bev:  Hey that was great, brought a lot of memories as far as the cars, songs movies and all things that happened in that era. It was a blast growing up and cruisin in the 60′s. My third car was a 1960 white Chevy Impala 2 dr hard top which I had before leaving Dunseith in 1966. There was a lot of main st. cruisin in Dunseith with that car plus a lot of trips to Botno to check out and hook up with a few gals. THE GOOD OLE TIMES hahaha.  Thanks Bev and Gary keep up the good job and the e-mails comming, very interesting. Dave (64)

From Dick Johnson (68):

Gary and Friends,

A while back I sent some stories about Axel Johnson, my grandfather’s
brother. A third person story about Axel was told to me by John Brennan.
John said that years ago someone set off a 55 gallon barrel at the gas
station in Dunseith, and said they would fill it with gas when they were
ready to go home. He said the kid working at the station filled it while
it was on the ground. The guys stopping by the gas station asked him how
he thought he could get it back up into the back of the pickup, as a
full barrel of gas weighs over 400 lbs! Then of course there was a
argument over how much the barrel weighed! Axel came in during this
discussion and someone asked him how much it weighed. Before he could
answer, one of the guys said it was over 400 lbs, to which Axel replied,
“No it can’t be, because I can lift a barrel of gas and I can’t lift 400
lbs”! John told me Axel wrapped his arms around the barrel and then
stood up, lifting the barrel off the ground! He then said, “See, it
don’t weigh no 400lbs”! John said to me, “That was the most ‘inhuman’
thing I have ever seen’!! Just one of many stories about Axel! Thanks Gary!


From Loraine Neameyer Haas (72): 

I can identify the  David Eurich Family with the help of Mary Knutson whom I work with.  Back Row:  Sharon Hanson, Eileen Nelson, Norman Eurich, David Eurich.  Front Row:  Mary Knutson, Dorothy Strietzel, Jean Roland, Winifred Eurich.

Loraine Neameyer Haas

Neameyer, Gorden

Loraine, Mary was with the class of 62.  She was married to Leroy (Bud) Knutson (Deceased).  Winifred is a Pritchard, sister to Robert & Corbin, originally from the Ackworth community.  Corbin Pritchard was married to my mothers sister Luella.  She died in 1944, with TB, at San Haven. Gary

Back L to R:  Sharon Hanson, Eileen Nelson,
Norman Eurich, David Eurich
Font L to R: Mary Knutson, Dorothy Strietzel,
Jean Roland, Winifred Eurich
Eurich, Dave 2100

7/15/2008 (161)

Carolee Casavant Halvorson’s (75) reply to Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Hi Gary,

My husbands name is Jeff. His parents were from Rolette. Both are deceased. Thier names were Orris (Bud) and Leslie Halvorson. Jeff’s Grandfather is John Fish also the father in law to Margie Landsverk Fish .                                       Carolee Halvoson

 Carolee, If I’m comprehending this all right, Margie Landsverk (57) is your husbands aunt.  I had no idea that you guys were related.  Gary

Sharon Longie Dana (73): 

Reply to Laurie and Tim HillMy thoughts and prayers are with you Laurie and Tim and your families. What a blessing this transplant was!! Their is strength in numbers so remember their are those of us still connected to our hometown that are rooting for Tim and for all of you!!  Bod Bless!!!Sharon Longie Dana (73)

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

Rod was right, Hank’s haircuts weren’t the best! One time we had a

basketball game in Rolla, for seventh or eighth grade players, and when
I went out on the floor to play, Mom heard somebody behind her laugh and
say, “I wonder where he got his haircut”? She said she was so
embarrassed because she was sitting with all her Dunseith friends! There
were spots where Hank cut right down to the ‘wood’, like they say! I
used to look through the window at the guys waiting for a haircut and
then decide whether or not to go in or come back the next day. Hank
never disinfected his electric clipper, most of the time he never even
shut it off between haircuts! Some of the guys hadn’t had a haircut for
a long time and I was not too sure what they might be carrying in that
mess! The other barbers, south of the drugstore, were probably the
Godfreys. There was a father and son who both were barbers. The older
Godfrey used to do the entire haircut with only a scissor, and of course
a straight edge razor around the bottom. His haircuts were just as good
as anyones, old school I suppose. There is a short joke about the guy
who went in for a haircut. As the barber was getting ready, the guy
explained how he wanted it cut. He wanted it longer on one side than the
other, real short in the back, and some long hair in the front that
falls in his eyes every time he looks down. The barber said, “I don’t
know if I can give you a haircut like that”. The guy said, “Why not, you
did last time”!!! Thanks Gary!


Bev Morinvill Azure’s (72) Reply to Dave Wurgler (64): 

Dave  , thanks  for  the  memories  I  do remember some of those  but  I am younger  then  you  so i clicked onhttp://cruzintheavenue.com/TakeMeBackToTheSixties.htm so  if  you are  younger  then  Dave and his  fellow seniors ( in all  due respected to them)  click on this link and  be  taken  back to  another   great time in  history.


From Vickie Metcalfe (70): 

Gary, to  Neola…..

Fern Berube is Musette (Berube’s)  (class of ’74) mom.  Fern, I believe, was married to Lawrence Berube and   the sister in law to Eva (Berube) Seim, & Fortune  and Edward Berube, Mrs. Dionne, etal.. .. The Berube’s were a huge family all related to Jim Berube.   They  were also related to the Mongeon’s & Greniers.

Eva (Berube) Seim  of French descent, was raised in the Thorne area ,taught rural schools before teaching first grade at Dunseith. She met and married Arthur Seim, of Norweigian descent.  Their son, Edwin graduated from Dunseith High School.  Their two daughters, Marion and Margaret graduated from Notre Dame Academy in Willow City.

My dad, Cliff lived with the  John  & Ingrid Seim and Art & Eva Seim families, as a teen., prior to WW II.  They all were wonderful mentors and kind of… family, as Bernice Seim, Art’s sister was married to my uncle, Archie A. Metcalfe.

John Seim encouraged Dad to be baptized and confirmed when he drove my dad to Little Prairie Lutheran Church on Sundays. I was blessed to stay after school at times, with Grandma Seim, who  lived  about 1/2 block from the big white school house.  I have fond memories of Art and Eva (Berube) Seim, wonderful friends and neighbors growing up, as my parents purchased the farm adjacent  to Art and Eva.

Eva was close to her Berube family, often showing me pictures of them and spoke highly of them. One of Eva’s sisters worked for the foreign service in Europe…. Nuff said… Vickie Metcalfe

Picture/message from Angela Berube Malget (65):

Hi Gary and all,

I can identify the Edward Berube family picture.  Front row left to

right is Gary, Perry, Evelyn (Edward’s wife) holding their youngest
child Tim, Sharon and (as Evie said), either Tanya or Briana, Sharon’s
daughter.  Back row, left to right is Brian, Brenda, my Uncle Edward and
their son in law, Dave Kelly (Sharon’s husband).  Eldon was not included
in this picture.  Evie, you were so right about Dave–great guy and his
friends he introduced us to were equally as nice.  Remember, (Cecile and
Marge too), how they showed us all a very good time in our first
ventures to Minneapolis??  I should also mention here that Brenda is
battling cancer right now while maintaining such a positive attitude.
While this blog has been so enjoyable, we’ve also learned about so many
of you that are going through difficult health problems.  There is truth
to the saying that when you have your health, you have everything.

To Evie–thanks for your kind words about my Mom.   She is doing well in
her assisted living arrangement and enjoying the activities they have to
offer.  She does a lot of greeting card making.  She too has a positive
attitude.  I consider myself lucky to still have a parent living.

To the Tim Hill family–my best to all of you.  We haven’t heard for a
few days.  I do hope everything is going well.

To Allen Richard–how is Susan doing?

I was really happy to hear about Lise Rosseau a few weeks back.  I had
been meaning to ask.  I knew she had married Larry Metcalfe but didn’t
see her on the roster.  I will try to get in touch with her.

I am sending a picture of me and my family on the 10th Ave. bridge here
in Minneapolis which is downstream from the new 35W bridge.  They have
been conducting tours every Saturday morning.  We took the tour
yesterday, July 12.  As you can see on the left, the final gap on the
bridge (both north and southbound lanes) will be filled with concrete
sometime this week.  They expect to be completed 2-3 months ahead of the
target date of December 24th.  On the left is my daughter Sarah, a
senior at Mankato State (approx. 80 miles south of Minneapolis), Danelle
who works with the National Park Service in Fort Collins, CO.,
(currently home on vacation), my husband Greg, and me.  We had 40 mile
an hour winds that day (just a bit strong) but temperatures in upper
70′s – a gorgeous day!  I have listed the website for much more
information and pictures.  It’s all very interesting.


Thank you again Gary and Bernadette for all time and effort you have
given to re-connect so many people.

Angela Berube Malget

Angela,You have a very nice looking family.  This is the first picture that I have ever seen of your girls.  Gary

Berube, Angela 2099

Berube, Edward family 2099

7/14/2008 (160)

Tim Hill’s (68) Web Site (Laurie Evans Hill (75): 

Hello Gary,
Sorry that I didn’t have the site address down for you; this is
what they have listed: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/timhill.
Thanks for all that you do to keep us connected to the hometown–
we have had fun reading all the stories while Tim has spent alot
of time in the hospital the last two years. We can usually find something to laugh at when going online with you! Tim has had a really good day-it’s truly a miracle, it’s hard to believe a week has gone by already-once he is out we will have to stay close for 3 months, they have a Transplant house for patients and their caregiver-so far they are full, but might have an opening next week- there are alot of transplant patients right now and it’s great to see them come out into the hallways to walk with their family and just see the smiles on their faces.Thanks again Gary, Laurie Hill

From Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Hi Gary,

Thank you so much for including the picture of Angela, Evie, you, Bill, and also the picture taken on Fern’s 90th birthday.  In the email I sent to Angela/Mrs. Berube, I wrote Mrs. Berube was a beautiful lady (in the picture), and I was sure she still is.  I can tell from the picture you sent, I was right–she is still a beautiful lady.  I can also tell she’s beautiful outside AND inside. :)

Thanks to Evie and Carolee for your comments.


From Rod Hiatt (69): 

Dick remembers Hank the Barber because of his old car, well I remember

Hank because he always had some horses out on his little farm west of
My Dad seemed to always be doing some type of horse trading with him,
but Hank never seemed to want to finish the trade as he hated to part
with the one he already had.
There was another barber in town by the name of Pat ?, who had his shop
just south of the drug store. Now Pat was actually a better barber than
Hank, but he was
also I think 2 bits or 50 cents higher. Now with Hank you had basically
2 choices of haircut, a butch crew cut or his zip you up the sides and
back of the neck and kind of give you that bowl on the head look. As I
got a little older and needed a haircut, I would tell Mom or Dad that I
was going to Pat the Barber for the more expensive hair cut, but would
go to Hank and use the extra money to buy candy and pop. Even back then
we knew that it was only the matter of a few days between and good
haircut and one of Hanks. I really never figured  that was actually
telling my folks a lie it was kind of just out smarting them a little,
but I’m sure they had something figured out when I wore my hat pretty
much day and night for that first week.
From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

It seems as though kids survive things that could be deadly. There was a

movie at the Althea that was a detective-cop type, good guy, bad guy
show starring Robert Culp. I can’t remember who his partner was, but
they were both the good guys and were being hunted and chased by the bad
guys. One scene in the movie caused a bunch of us to debate whether or
not it could be true. Robert Culp sneaked up behind the bad guy’s car
and put a piece of newspaper in the filler pipe for the gas tank, and
lit it on fire! He then circled around and took of in his 61 T-Bird with
the crooks on his tail. All at once their car exploded in flames and
flew up in the air! I said it wouldn’t blow up like that! John Bogus
said it might. There was a controversy with a few others adding, “It
would not, or it would, too”! This grew into an issue! One night we were
cruising around town in my 47 Plymouth and started to debate the
explosion again. We usually made at least one pass through the old dump
ground on our cruises, just to see the new ‘arrivals’. This night
someone had dragged in an old 48 Chevy four door and then pulled off the
wheels and tires and dropped it on the ground. We decided to end this
debate right now! I parked my car up on the main road and we walked over
and removed the gas cap and sniffed the tank. It had fresh gas in the
tank, but we had no way of knowing how much. I laid on the ground and
tapped the bottom of the tank and it sounded empty. We put a piece of
paper in the tank filler pipe and then argued about WHO was going to
light it! John said, “You are the one who says it won’t blow up like the
show, YOU light it”! Now I’m not quite as sure! I carried a small can of
gas in my trunk so took that and poured a small line of gas from the
paper down the fender and across the ground for about twenty feet. After
that I put the can back in the trunk and the guys all headed for the
road by my car. I stood back and threw a match! I remember turning to
run and heard this loud bang behind me! The rocks and dirt passed me on
my run to the car! The expressions on the faces of my friends told me
something big was going on behind me! I turned around just as the rear
of car was coming back down! They said it was about four or five feet in
the air! It didn’t burn because the tank was empty, but gas fumes
explode, not gas! John won! I lost! Debate over! Thanks Gary!



I thought I’d share the file of the 16 Casavant siblings that I have in my records.  They are all still living and as you can seeall but Joe and Aggie live in ND.  They are a wonderful close knit family.  I remember Mrs. Casavant, well, working in the lunch room of the old school basement cafeteria in the early 60′s.  I have talked to Mary Ann, many times, putting these class lists together.

She is always so friendly and nice.  Rene & Joe were in my class of 65.  I saw Rene, Joe and Gerald, numerous times, this last

summer at the reunion. Wonderful folks.

I know many of you know at least several members of this family. Now you can see the whole family list.


                                                 The Casavant Family of 16 siblings

Last First Address City / State / ZIP Phone Email ClassYear
1 Casavant Bernadette Rolette, ND 58366 No Phone
2 Casavant Paul West Fargo, ND
3 Casvant Yvonne Bismarck, ND 58504 yvonnemarchand44@yahoo
4 Casavant Boucher Annette Box 56 Rolette, ND 58366 No Phone No email address 61
5 Casavant Aamodt Lorette 512  4th St SE Rugby, ND 58368 (701) 776-2301 No email address 61
6 Casavant Joseph PO Box 31 Lester Prairie, MN 55354 (320) 395-2016 joecasavant@hotmail.com 65
7 Casavant Rene 2400 93rd St SE Bismarck ND 58504 701) 391-9177 kendracasavant@hotmail.com        Rene’s Neice Kendra email 65
8 Casavant Aime 1001 Ninth St SW Jamestown, ND 58401 (701) 952-3693 aimecasavant@daktel.com 66
9 Casavant Gerald 804 6th Ave SE Jamestown, ND 58402 (701) 252-4500      C 701-320-0478 geraldcasavant@yahoo.com 66
10 Casavant-Boucher Mary Ann RR # 2 Rolette, ND 58366 (701) 246-3723 No email address 67
11 Casavant Aggie 382 Sweetgum Dr Fort Mill, SC 29715 803-389-2368 aggiedee7@yahoo.com 69
12 Casavant Eddie 1112 Portland #303 Bismarck, ND 58504 (701) 400-5808 No email address 71
13 Casavant Robert 2400 93rd St SE Bismarck, ND 58504 (701) 258-1162 No email address 71
14 Casavant James 1526 Sixth Ave NE Jamestown, ND 58401 (701) 952-1292 jimcasavant@yahoo.com 73
15 Casavant Ellingson Kathy 1223 Portland Dr Bismarck, ND 58504 (701) 223-2899 kathybsc@yahoo.com 74
16 Casavant Halvorson Carolee 403 W Avenue F Bismarck, ND 58501 (701) 224-0955 cjhalvo@yahoo.com 75

Pictures provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Folks, Please identify those in these pictures.

Terry & LeaRae, this is a good picture of you guys even if Terry does have his eyes closed.

             Terry Espe & LeaRae Parrill
Espe, Terry and LeaRae 2098

Neameyer, Gordon 2098

Gottbreht, Jeff 2098

           Dean Pigeon Family, stamped May 13, 1970
Pigeon, Deak 2098

From Dave Wurgler (64):

Burma Shave with the Statler Brothers

You may needto watch it twice;once to watch the Burma shave signs change and once to catch all the pictures plus listening to the music of the Statler Brothers. THIS IS REALLY GREAT. For those of you too young to remember “too badyou missed it!”

7/13/2008 (159)

From Evie Gottbreht Pilkington (65):

Hi Gary,

I loved seeing the picture of Fern Berube, Angela’s Mom, I remember her as a wonderful lady and I know she still lives close to Angela.

I also really enjoyed the Edward Berube family picture, the wonderful guy in the back on the far right is Dave Kelly, Sharron Berube (his wife) in front of him and I think their daughter Tanya or Bryanna…..I haven’t seen Sharron in years but Dave died during a simple surgery in September of 1973….he was so young and so loved by many.  My husband Jerry and I went to the funeral, they lived in Simi Valley about 2 hours from our home in Irvine and I remember the church was standing room only.   Dave was a “best friend” to everyone that knew him…..I will never forget him.  I met Dave through Marge Metcalfe and Cecile Berube on a visit to Minneapolis the fall of 65….He had a LAVENDER convertible, that he let me drive during my visit….gotta love the 60’s!!!!!  Makes me think of Ron Griener’s pink Dodge!

Hey class of ’65 I am missing your comments……

Evie Gottbreht

Carolee Casavant Halvorson (75): 


All of the Edward Berbue family grew up north of Rolette. Most, if not all the kids attended Rolette School. Front Row L to R : Gary (Bismarck), Perry, Back L to R: Brian (Bismarck) Brenda Lenertz (Bismarck) Edward, and Eldon. Eldon passed away in Minot approximately 5 years ago.The rest of the names don’t come to mind right now. I’ll try to jog my memory and send the rest.

Thanks for all you do!!!!!!

Carolee Casavant Halvorson

Thought I’d include a picture of Evie with several of the rest of us from the class of 65. Gary
L To R: Angela Berube, Evie Gottberht, Gary Stokes, Bill Grimme
Standing  in back:  Allen Richard & his daughter Alaina.  Sitting in Back: Bob Lykins
Class of 65 2097

Fern Berube family on Ferns 90th Birthday – 2/10/07
L to R Standing: Angela, Rachael, Muzette & Robert.
Sitting: Fern
Berube, Fern family 2097

Edward Berube Family 6/28/70
Front L To R: Gary, Perry, ???? and Sharon (Kelly) holding Tanya or Bryanna
Back L To R: Brian, Brenda Edward & Eldon (Deceased) or Dave Kelly (Deceased)

7/12/2008 (158)

From Linda Johnson Juntunen (72): 


 I see that many folks have made comments and sent photos of the tornados that tore through the area on Monday afternoon.  It is sad to see the destruction, but we count our blessings here in Rolla that things are not worse than what they are!  I have had the opportunity to work with the families here in Rolla that have been affected and the volunteers that have been helping with clean-up.  Clearing and cleaning began right away on Monday afternoon, followed by two very busy days Tuesday and Wednesday.  There were people working on clean-up Thursday but not quite the flurry of the previous days.  There is a coulee just to the East of the damage area that if filled with debris and personal items from the damaged homes that will be cleaned on Saturday morning.  The Chief of Police of Rolla, Tom Allard, in conjunction with the Rolla Fire Fighters and City crew are trying to muster 100 to 150 volunteers to work on Saturday to clear this coulee area.  All volunteers are asked to sign in at Our Savior’s LutheranChurch in Rolla, bring a pair of gloves and dress appropriately (there are a lot of thistles).  Water, Gatorade, lunches and a small first aid kit will be provided.  Please if you have an hour or a day to spare, a hand to lend, a 4-wheeler or other equipment that might be offered, if you can deliver lunches or water to the clean up teams, please, please, come and lend a hand.  Thank you so much for any help that you may be able to provide.  If you find that you are unable to come yourself, just take a few minutes to relay the message, maybe someone will hear the call and come and pitch in!

Linda J. Juntunen
Microlap Technologies, Inc.

From Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Note: The Wally Neola refers to in her letter is her husband.

Hi Gary,

Again, it’s a small world.  Rose Kavli, daughter of Bernhard and Betty (page 194, Bottineau County Centennial Book)was married to Roger Gust (Son of Raymond/Violet Kuebler Gust), Wally’s cousin, and my fourth grade student in Kramer in 1961/1962. Roger/Rose were later divorced.  Roger/Rose had a son together: Russell.  Russell and his cousin, Robyn Gust, both work for Trinity in the Sports Medicine department.  Both of them have been in TV news segments about sports medicine on the Minot channels.

Another “small world” tidbit: Elvin and Madeleine Debertin Kavli’s (page 573, Centennial book) daughter, Rebecca, was in Wally’s class when he taught 7th/8th grade in Bottineau years ago.  Rebecca is the daughter who passed away at an early age.  She was married to Roger Hahn from Gardena when she passed away.  In Roger/Rebecca’s write-up (page 562, Centennial Book), it states Rebecca had been married before.   Roger is now married to Char, a relative of Jenny Handeland’s from Dunseith.  Elvin and Madeleine’s son, Robert, was in my Sunday School class when he was “little”.  As far as I know, Madeleine still lives at Edgewood Vista, an assisted living facility in Minot. That was about three years ago, so she might have moved since then.

One of the Kavli sisters, Clarice, married Ted Vinje, a barber in Bottineau (Centennial Book, page 630).  Clarice worked (nurse, I think) at St. Andrew’s Hospital in Bottineau for MANY, MANY years. She still lives, by herself, in her house (beside the railroad tracks) in Bottineau.  Ted died many years ago.

Use as much/as little/none of what I have written, Gary.  You know me, I get “carried away” when I start on family connections. :)

Like everyone else, I enjoy receiving your emails, Gary.  Thanks!


From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

My aunt ‘Snookie’ asked if my folks knew of all our antics as kids. She
hit it on the head when she said Dad would probably laugh and Mom was
more serious. There was no fooling Dad about anything! He had done it
all himself and knew pretty much everything that we were up to! I could
tell Mom some ‘vague’ explanations and she usually bought it, but Dad
just looked at me and shook his head! Once when I was at the Standard
station, then owned by Darrel Getzlaff, he came out to put a couple
dollars worth of gas in my 58 Chevy, and asked what had happened to my
car? I asked him what he meant by that? He said he heard that the old
348 engine was about shot and couldn’t even spin the tires anymore! I
said, ” Is that a fact”?!! I was facing north at the pumps and pulled
ahead just enough to clear his bell hose, and put the pedal to the floor
and made a U turn out onto Main, heading south, with white smoke so
thick you could hardly see Darrel by the pumps! I looked back at him and
could see he was giggling like he just pulled something? When I turned
back to look down Main street, right on the sidewalk in front of the AC
Bar, stood my Dad talking to Orlan Fuchs!! A SETUP! I dropped off my
friends and went home and parked the old Chevy by the side of the garage
and just went in to take the heat! When Dad walked through the door, I
handed him my keys, which he threw in the back of the cupboard, and
walked to the next room without saying a word! It was about two weeks or
more, and one day my keys were on the kitchen table! His other method of
discipline was to get me up even earlier than usual, if I had stayed out
partying too long, and head for the farm. I remember waiting for the
Crystal Cafe to open at 6 AM, so we could have a pancake. We had two
tractors and usually were in the same field so there was no sleeping in
the shade or taking a break, just stay out there in the sun and take it
like a man! I wanted to puke or cry, or both sometimes, but still never
learned to come home earlier. We would go into the old farmhouse for
dinner, which was ALWAYS hamburgers on bread, fried in an old steel
frying pan! He would say, ‘ “Aren’t you hungry again”? Oh man, the smell
alone was almost enough! Anyway, by dark I felt so much better I would
forget! He sure had a cool way of getting his point across, usually
without saying much! Thanks Gary!


Picture provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Hi Gary,

“Fern Berube” is written on the back of the picture.  If she’s Jim’s mother/relative, I can deliver this picture and picture of Edward Berube family to Jim at the bar, or to Linda at the college.


Neola, this is a great picture of Fern. All four of Fern’s children and many other relatives of hers are on our distribution list.  Gary

                                    Fern Cote Berube
Berube, Fern 2096

Picture provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Folks, I’m assuming the Edward Berube family is related to the Fortune and Lawrence Berube families from Dunseith?

Can anyone identify the folks in this picture? Gary


7/11/2008 (7/11/2008

Message (151): My reply to Dick Johnson.  Gary

Dick, I remember that day (JFK’s Assassination) very well.  I was in Mr. Lykins Typing class that was located in the Gym of the new High School.  Mr. Lykins is the one the broke the news to us.  He was very emotional, to the point of tears, when he was giving us the news.

Mr. Lykins, I am sure you remember this day well. Gary

Mr Lykins’  Reply:  bbplykins@aol.com

Gary and All,

Indeed I do remember that day in November when President Kennedy was shot.  Mr. Corbin told me he had been shot and later in the day, when teaching typing in the temporary room in the gymn, an old construction worker, with tears in his eyes, told me the President had died.  That’s when I told the class and, yes, I was very emotional.  My generation loved the Kennedys and the President was everything we had hoped for. He was strong and resolute.  He had a vision of greatness for our nation that he was able to articulate so well not only to we Americans but also to people in the rest of the world.  To this day I have a stack of magazines and newspapers following his assasination and funeral.  It was one of those days that you never forget where you were or what you were doing in those moments.

Bob Lykins

Reply from Vickie Metcalfe (70): 

Note: The Dunseith book has the spelling as Kavlie and the Bottineau book the spelling as both Kavlie and Kavli.

Gary & Keith,

Yes, I’m wrong on spelling.

Thanks for the correction!

I believe,there were a number of Kavli’s siblings in the Bottineau and Rolette County area.

One of  Robertson’s of Bottineau told me, grandmother Robertson, was also a sister to Leonard.

When they retired from farming.  Leonard and Dot sold their farm at Little Prairie to John and Helen Gunville.

It was later sold to Earl Gustafson.  My brother,  Archie and family rented the house and farmstead for a couple years from Earl.

While Archie and Sally lived there, one summer day, the Kavli girls, with  Roselle (Kavli) Tooke, ( daughter of Duane and Phylis of Rolette,  the wife of Chip Tooke is a grandaughter  came up and roamed around the farm.   That’s also,  when my mom told me about working for the Kavli’s when she was a teen.  Nuff said Vickie

Rod Hiatt’s (69) reply to Keith Pladson (66): 

It is coincidence that the Kavlies were mentioned, as we are now planning our 40th class reunion in 2009 and 2 of the Kavlie girls were in my class.Bernard Kavlie lived north of 43 and his kids went to Bottineau School. The oldest daughter, Helen, was up at a Stallion Auction a few years ago that was held at the fairgrounds in Bottineau. I am not sure where she said she lived, but I thought it was around Harvey area. The next daughter, Rose, graduated with me in 69 and lives in the Harvey-Anamoose area. They have a brother by the name of McCarl.The trucker from Bottineau was Alvin Kavlie and his daughter, Christy, also graduated with me and lives in Texas. Alvin has a son Bob, who the last time I heard was out in the Denver area. They also had an older sister who passed away sometime ago. Elwood and Stubby Fauske now live where the Kavlies had built just east of the fairgrounds in Bottineau.

Paula Fassett Pfuhl’ (71) reply to Rod Hiatt (69): 

Rod Hiatt, I have been called a lot of things over the years, but you are the only person in the entire world who ever called me Paula Waula………I remember walking up to Ernie Amundson’s auction sale in Dunseith years ago.  You and your dad were the auctioneers – you had the mike at that particular moment and were in the middle of your auction-lingo – sorry, what’s the correct term for it – anyway, I waved to you and right in the middle of your schpeel you said Hi Paula Waula and kept right on auctioneering.  I don’t think anyone else even knew you threw a hello into the middle of it.  THAT is talent!!!.

I actually do remember the howling dog comment and yes,  it was meant in fun.  All of us (the girls, anyway) were always quite impressed with your rendition of The Auctioneer Song.  I remember several of us “dragging” you up onto the stage at the Boissevain Inn to sing it – but I don’t think we had to do soo much persuading to get you up there.  Those were fun days.


From Shirley Olson Warcup (49): 

Rod Hiatt, Dick, and Gary,

Rod–I thoroughly enjoyed your message.  If there’s another writer’s strike in Hollywood, give them a call!! They could use someone like you.     I have looked through the centennial book and found lots of Hiatts–some who are my relatives.  Which Hiatt family do you belong to?  I am related to the Walter Hiatt family–Julia and my mother were sisters.  I knew many of the other Hiatts and just wondered who your parents are–I undoubtedly know them.

Hope to hear more of your Dunseith experiences!!!

I enjoy your stories–just one question–did your folks know about all these fun times?  Your Dad would probably have a good laugh but I”m not so sure about your Mom.  She was always more circumspect and serious than I was.

Gary,   Once again, thanks for doing what you’re doing!!

Shirley Olson Warcup

Bev Morinville Azure’s (72) Reply to Rod Hiatt (69): 

Rod Hiatt, I  never  know you  were in a band  but  I do remember  you singing the  Auctioneer Song  at  every party  you  were at here in Dunseith,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  which were alot as I recall,  Now everytime I think of you  I  hear  that tune in my head. I don’t remember if you were on  tune   but I do remember  we  sure  had a great time  at  all those parties.  Bev Azure

Picture/message from Sharon Peterson Harmsen (63): 

Hello Gary and All from Bismarck, ND

On May 5, 2008, Email # 94, Shirley Brennan said —– My dad, Ray Brennan, was supposed to fight in WWI along with Max Peterson and three other men.  The war ended while they were riding the train to Churches Ferry.   She wanted to know who the other men were.  I share all the emails with my mother, Joy Peterson who still lives in Dunseith, and she thought she had a picture of the four men who left that day to fight in the war.   She has located a picture and isn’t it a great one…………Two of the gentlemen are my grandfathers, one on my dad’s side and the other on my mom’s side of the family.  Standing in the back is Ray Brennan, Max Peterson at his right arm, Nels Landsverk in the center and Lee Stickland.

Enjoy the photo as we have.

Sharon Peterson Harmsen (class of 63)

Sharon, I hope you realize the many relatives these gentleman have that are on our distribution list.  These guys are parents, grandparents & great grandparents to a whole host of you folks out there.  This is a great picture and will bring back a lot of memories for a lot of folks.  For group emailing, the file size of this picture has been greatly reduced.  For those of you that would a full size copy, for printing, I’m sure Sharon would be glad to send you the full size scanned copy.

Shirley Brennan, It has taken a while, but your question got answered.

Thank you Joy & Sharon for sharing this with us.  Gary

Front L to R: Lee Stickland, Nels Landsverk & Max Peterson
Standing: Ray Brennan
Lee Stickland, Nels Landsverk, Max Peterson 2095

Picture from Debbie Fugere Fauske (75): 


I took this photo from outside my office in Rolla.  The tornado was on the east side of town, I work on the west side.  We watched it touch down three times, the second time we could see all the debris in the tornado.


Tornadao, Rolla 2095

7/10/2008 (156)

From Diane Berg Rheault (79): 

I would like to “ditto” Bill Krause’s email to Tim, Laurie and family.  Well written, Bill!!!!

Tim, I will keep you all in my prayers, and wish for a speedy recovery!!  Take care!
From Bobbie Slyter (70): 

My thoughts and prayers are with Wanda Poitra’s family and with the families involved in those tornadoes.  I live in Kansas and know how scary they can be.we have had two towns basically wiped off the map in the last two years.

From Keith Pladson (66): 

To Vickie Metcalf, etal.;

Is the Leonard Kavlie family related to the Bernard Kavlie family?  Bernard’s family lived and farmed north of Hwy 43 in Bottineau county.  After graduating high school, I met and became good friends with one of Bernard’s daughters (Rose).   Also, I seem to remember that there was another Kavlie in Bottineau who I believe owned and operated a trucking business that hauled freight between Minot and Bottineau.

Maybe I’m all wrong and they are different families as I thought the name was spelled Kavli instead of Kavlie.

P.S.  Gary, thanks for all your work on this blog, it really is good reading.

Keith, I will let Vickie or someone that knows more about the Leonard & Bernard Kavli families answer this.  I know that Bernard and Leonard are brothers.  Bernard’s wife, Betty, was at my mothers funeral in 2004.  I remember talking with her at the Ackworth Cemetery.  In our growing up days, the Ackworth Cemetery was in your back yard and our front yard. Gary

From Rod Hiatt (69): 

Good morning Dunseith,

A while back there was mention on different people that are either in a
musical group or played in one or even back in the good old days when we
all went to Canada to party, as some of us would get up and sing with
the bands.
Well back in the mid 70′s I was also in a country band. We played alot
of the local bars from Mohall to Knox to Kelvin Klinic and some wedding
dances and private parties. We  weren’t really very good so we changed
our name about once a month so that we could get people to come, as they
were thinking it was a new band in the area. The bar owners always liked
us, as it seemed the more you drank the better we sounded. I think it
was Paula Waula Fassett who asked me one night at Kelvin if she could
bring her dog up there to howl with the music. Not sure if she meant
that or not, but I never wanted to ask as I didn’t want to know the
truth. When I got married in the fall of 1975, I decided that being gone
every weekend was not the way to start out a new marriage, so I gave up
the music business. Others said that I quit because my new bride was
embarrassed to go out in public. There again I’m not asking as I really
don’t want to hear the truth. We use to getting em rockin with the
Auctioneer Song and Wabash Cannonball, but I guess to make it big in
Nashville or  even Dunseith you need more than 2 songs in  a 4 hour  gig.

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

There was a barber in Dunseith by the name of Hank Johnson. We called
him ‘Hank the Barber’, and he had a shop two doors south of the Althea
theater. This is not the Hank Johnson from Willow Lake, but another guy.
Anyway, for years he drove an old 1950 Nash four door car that resembled
an inverted bathtub! It was dark green and ugly, real ugly. In those
days Nash thought it was cool to be able to lay the front seat down and
make the car into a bed, maybe for camping, who knows! Hank decided to
sell his  old Nash and buy a newer car so Marvin Kalk went down and
bought it for $25, if I remember right. It didn’t like to start real
well but he seemed to get it going most of the time, one way or another!
One night a bunch of us were cruising town in  Marvin’s Nash and we
noticed he had a stick holding the rear of the driver’s seat up! Someone
asked what it was for and Marvin said the latch was broken so the seat
fell back to the bed position. He dropped us off  by Fortune Berube’s
house and we were standing by the car talking to Marvin, who was still
in his car. Bill Berube had tied a rope to the stick that was holding
the seat up and had secretly dropped it out the rear window. We asked
Marvin if he could make the old Nash burn rubber? He revved it up and
dropped the clutch and sure enough it  squealed the tires and took off
to the east! Billy gave the rope a pull and poor Marvin fell over
backward in the seat and lost his grip on the steering wheel! The car
veered to the left and jumped the curb, heading for Knute Landsverk’s
garage! Marvin sat back up just in time to turn the wheel and miss the
garage, but instead of hitting the brakes he just kept going and drove
clear across the vacant lot south of Landsverk’s and then bounced back
over that curb and drove off like nothing happened! We went from being
scared to laughing hysterically in just a few seconds! I remember
thinking, if he would have hit that garage we would have all been in BIG
trouble! But we pulled off another one! Thanks Gary!



Rolla, Belcourt residents cleaning up, putting their lives back together

By ELOISE OGDEN, Regional Editor, eogden@minotdailynews.com

POSTED: July 9, 2008

Eloise Ogden/MDN –
Sheri Leas, right, and her son Logan Leas, 11, stand in front of what’s left of their house in northeast Rolla Tuesday after a tornado struck the area the day before.


Red Cross accepting donations

The Red Cross is accepting donations to help with the disaster in the Rolla and Belcourt areas. For more information, people can call 1-800-323-3179.

People who would like to volunteer their time to help in Rolla with clean up and others ways can call Rolla City Hall at 477-3610, then extension 10. Volunteers need to sign in at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Rolla.

People who would like to volunteer to help with the clean up and other needs in Belcourt can call the emergency services office at 477-2674 or 477-2693.

Rolla recovers

ROLLA AND BELCOURT Sheri Leas said she really didn’t know where to begin, as she picked up pieces Tuesday of her home in Rolla that a tornado hit and demolished the day before, scattering much of it about the area.

On Tuesday, Leas, along with others in Rolla and the Belcourt area whose homes were destroyed or damaged, were trying to clean up the debris and save what they could from their homes.

“It’s quite the devastation,” she said.

Leas said they weren’t home when the tornado hit. They’re living at another place now “and cleaning up,” she said.

Tom Allard, Rolla chief of police, said Tuesday that six to eight homes in Rolla were destroyed and 20 homes were damaged. Allard was the first emergency person who arrived at the scene of the damage in that community Tuesday afternoon.

At Belcourt on the Turtle Mountain Reservation, about 19 structures were affected, said David “Doc” Brien, chairman of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. That number was a preliminary assessment, and tribal officials were continuing their assessment of the area Tuesday.

Gov. John Hoeven and several other state officials visited the Rolla and Belcourt areas Tuesday to view the damage. During a news conference in the Rolette County Courthouse in Rolla Tuesday morning, Hoeven extended his sympathy and concern to those who have been impacted by the tornados.

The 19 structures in the Belcourt area included Martin Peltier’s home northeast of Belcourt, which was considered a total loss. The tornado’s force moved his home off the foundation. Peltier was trapped in the basement, rescued and then flown to Trinity Hospital in Minot where tribal officials said, to their knowledge, he’s in stable condition.

Another injury as a result of the storm was a firefighter in Rolla who sustained minor injuries when his vehicle was struck by a tornado when he was observing the storm approaching the city.

Brien said 18 people on the reservation were affected by the tornado’s damage and rooms were provided for them Monday night at the casino at Belcourt.

“To our knowledge there might have been three tornados that folks saw,” Brien said, referring to the west side of the reservation between Belcourt and Dunseith, although the number hasn’t been officially confirmed.

Brien told the group attending the news conference in Rolla that a grandmother with several grandchildren and a mom saw a tornado coming, went inside their mobile home and hid in the bathtub. “That’s actually the wrong thing to do,” he said. He said people die from being in mobile homes and cars. He said the tribe needs to work on warning people of approaching storms and also make sure people get the right advice on where to go and what to do.

He said that family’s mobile home was lifted up. The grandmother said it was “just like her guardian angel said, ‘no, you’re not taking that trailer’ and pushed it back down. We’re very grateful that family was not injured,” Brien said.

Anita Blue of tribal Emergency Management in Belcourt said all the homes that were destroyed or damaged on the reservation belong to people who are poverty stricken and have no insurance. She said officials were working on getting help for them.

Shaiyan Davis of Belcourt was at the Anishinabe Learning, Cultural & Wellness Center north of Belcourt, attending a cultural camp there when a tornado hit Monday afternoon. She said about 20 kids, 20 mentors and 10 more adults were there at the time. “It just came out of nowhere,” she said. She said it had been sunny but then got really dark. She said the noise was like big gusts of wind and then complete silence. Davis took cover with others in the main building. A straw-insulated building on the property was damaged.

Hoeven and other officials Tuesday commended all the emergency responders for their coordination and short-notice actions Monday afternoon.

Agencies including Red Cross officials from Minot and Bismarck were on the scene to help with the work, along with other people.

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Rolla has been set up as a relief facility. Erma Mickelson said the American Legion Auxiliary is using the church as a site to serve food. The auxiliary had served supper Monday night and was serving meals Tuesday to those whose homes were destroyed, she said.

As the cleanup gets under way in both communities, Adam Hamm, North Dakota Insurance commissioner, said people need to take steps to prevent further damage, to take photographs or videotape of their property and save all receipts of work, which will help to expedite insurance claims.

Pictures From Bev Morniville Azure (82): 

Gary, Here are someof the pic’s I took in Rolla from the Torando. U can share with the site if u would like to. Bev

Tornado 1 Tornado 2 Tornado 3 Tornado 4 Tornado 5 Tornado 6

7/9/2008 (155)

Obituary – Wanda Poitra (77)

April 21, 1958-July 4, 2008

DUNSEITH Wanda Poitra, 50, Dunseith, died Friday, July 4, 2008, in a Rugby hospital.

She was born April 21, 1958, to Roy and Rose Ann Poitra in Belcourt.

Survivors: daughter, Bobbie Jo Poitra, Bismarck; sons, Fabian Poitra and Michael Poitra, both Dunseith; stepsons, Ryan Vettleson, Bismarck, Anthony Vettelson, Fargo; stepdaughter, Alesha Poitra, Grand Forks; three grandchildren; sisters, Diane Lenion, Belcourt, Roberta Nadeau and Barbara Demery, both of Dunseith, Ruby Morin, Spokane, Wash.; brothers, Thomas, Rodney and William, all of Dunseith.

Funeral: Thursday, 10 a.m., St. Michael The Arch Angel Catholic Church, Dunseith.

Burial: St. Louis Cemetery, Dunseith.

Prayer service: Wednesday, 7 p.m., in the church.

Wake: Wednesday, 4 p.m., in the church. (Nero Funeral Home, Bottineau)

From Bill Krause (74): 

Tim,Laurie and Family..Tim I am wishing you all my best in a full and speedy recovery.I know half the battle is over, but with time I know you will complete the other half of this long journey..I can only begin to imagine the weight that has been lifted off the shoulders of everyone in your family, knowing you have been given this gift of life. Take care my Friend, and may God Bless You, and Your Family. Bill Krause

From Martha Lamb Schepp (68):  

We are happy to hear of Tim’s transplants. We see Tim and Laurie frequently in Minot, we were really concerned for Tim and his family. Patience is the key.

Richard we must have missed a days e-mail since I didn’t realize you were having health problems. From the e-mails I gather that you had a heart attack. Good to hear you are doing well.

To those who were classmates of my brother, Dean. My husband Lynn, our two sons Kyle and Kevin and myself will fly out on Friday morning for Dean’s son Lauren’s wedding which will be on Saturday in Wetherford, Texas. Lauren is a veternarian in residency in Oklahoma and his to be wife, Jodie, is also a veternarian starting a residency in Texas. They will be living about 3 hrs. apart for a year. She was in New Jersey last year.

I don’t write often but enjoy the site everyday.

Thanks, Gary,


From Dave Slyter (70):

Margaret Leonard:
Those new titles are hilarious.  Thanks for sharing and making my day.

To Diane Berg Rheault:
Lets have lunch someday.  I work at NDSU and am close to 19th Ave.   Grand Junction has a great noon luncheon.  My wife Pat and I live in Sabin, Mn.  Just south of Moorhead.    Good to hear from you.

Dave  Slyter : )

From Bobbie Slyter (70): 

My thought and prayers go out to the tim hill family and for a speedy recovery, god does answer prayers GOOD LUCK TIM GO GET EM

From Shirley Olson Warcup (49): 

For Margaret Metcalfe Leonard

You made my day!! That’s the best laugh I’ve had for a long time.  I’m a living example of 75% of those.  I called Pat Sunderland Warburton and we laughed together!!

Shirley Warcup

From Diane Larson Sjol (70): 

This message is for the Morinville girls….I have great memories of
your dad. He was always making jokes and telling stories….the
article is great. Debbie you look just like him!  Susan thanks for
Diane Larson Sjol

From Evon Lagerquist (77): 

Here are some Tornado pictures from Rolla


The Minot Daily News

July 8, 2008

ROLLA – A series of tornadoes skipped across Rolette County Monday afternoon causing property damage and at least two injuries.

According to a press release from the Rolette County Sheriff’s Department, the National Weather Service issued a tornado warning in northern Rolette County at 2:30 p.m. Initial indications were that a tornado touched down at the International Peace Garden on the Canadian side.

The storm then moved southeast to Belcourt, where a tornado or tornadoes skirted around the northern edge of the town shortly after 3 p.m. Dr. Richard Larson, medical director of the ambulance service at Quentin N. Burdick Memorial Health in Belcourt, said a tornado was one-half to one mile to the north of town when it moved by the hospital.

“Our employees stepped out of the hospital and shot pictures with their cell phones,” Larson said.

There is no count on exactly how many tornadoes might have touched down, but Larson stated one of the nurses at the hospital saw up to four tornadoes, with two of them dropping down side-by-side at the same time near her house.

Although Belcourt was spared the brunt of the storm’s power, Larson said a house northeast of Belcourt was demolished and a man seeking shelter in the basement was seriously injured, while a puppy at the house was killed. Larson said the man was injured by a falling wall of bricks. The man, whose identity is not being released at this time, was transported to the Belcourt hospital and then air-lifted to Trinity Hospital in Minot.

Larson said that was the only tornado-related injury the hospital treated. While he didn’t know what tornado-related injuries other hospitals might have treated, he did say no other agencies asked for help from the hospital’s EMS service.

The storm then moved east to Rolla, which wasn’t as fortunate as Belcourt. The sheriff’s department reported a tornado touched down on the northwest side of Rolla at approximately 3:15 p.m. and then continued east, causing damage to residential and commercial structures on the north side of town.

According to a press release from Gov. John Hoeven, the tornado affected a roughly three-block area, and Rolette County acting emergency manager Eldon Moors reported that four homes were destroyed and eight were damaged. Otter Tail Power Cooperative also turned off power to the area to ensure safety. The press release said preliminary reports from Belcourt indicate at least one home was heavily damaged while several others suffered lesser damage.

While there were no serious injuries reported in Rolla, a city firefighter did sustain minor injuries when his vehicle was struck by a tornado as he was observing the storm approach the city.

For those displaced from their homes in Rolla by the storm, the American Red Cross provided relief at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.

“We extend our sympathy to those who were injured and to the families whose homes were destroyed or damaged,” Hoeven said in the statement. “I’ve asked the Department of Emergency Services to respond with any state resources the communities feel are necessary to help in the aftermath of this destructive storm.”

Hoeven will meet with local officials in Rolla today at 8 a.m. A news conference will then be held at the Rolette County Courthouse at 9 a.m. Hoeven will also be in Belcourt to meet with Doc Brien, tribal chairman, at 10:30 a.m. at the Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters.

Sherie and Randy Zupan, who live about two miles southwest of Belcourt, were at a store in Rolla when the tornadoes touched down.

“My husband yelled at me to come out and look at this,” Sherie Zupan said.

Randy Zupan wanted to get a better look, so the two jumped into their vehicle and drove to the C-Store.

“Like a crazy person, we stayed out and took pictures on our phone,” Sherie Zupan said. “It was pretty devastating.”

The Zupans reported seeing three or four tornadoes touch down, and also saw two touch down at the same time. After the storm moved away, they drove around the city to see the damage. The Zupans said there were several houses destroyed about a mile south of Rolla’s airport, which is north of the city.

“When we went out to look at it, there were roofs off, shingles, trees pulled right out, the roots and all,” she said.

They then left Rolla as rescue efforts intensified and drove north to St. John. They saw the wreckage of a red four-door truck that had been thrown into a telephone pole. They also discovered the straw-insulated building at the Anishinabe Learning, Cultural & Wellness Center a few miles north of Belcourt had one side of the roof pulled off. A family that lived in the area had their house damaged and their pontoon was sitting in a tree.

“It was a pretty good-sized pontoon, so it was a pretty strong tornado,” Sherie Zupan said.

Zupan says she’s seen tornadoes before, but this is the first time she’s experienced their power first hand.

“I’ve seen tornadoes, never this close,” she said. “I never want to go through this again. It was pretty scary.”

Click in the sight below and plug in your ZIP code to find the lowest price gas in your area.  Today, gas in Bottineau is $4.14 per Gal.  It’s $4.24 in Souris.


Price Station Area Time Thanks
Cenex Bottineau Tue
11:31 PM
Sinclair St
Tesoro Bottineau Tue
11:31 PM
Sinclair St
CenexSouris Bottineau Tue
11:31 AM

7/8/2008 (154)

From Evon Lagerquist (77): 

Hi Gary,

The class of 1977 lost another classmate. Wanda Poitra passed away on Friday, the 4th. She had been in the Rugby hospital for the past few days before her passing. Her funsral will be Thursday, the 10th.

From Phyllis McKay (65): 


I called the district for advice about this problem. They were not very helpful being it was a personal message and not work related. I am at school now and when I open the e-mails from you, I can get the pictures and the format of the e-mails seems to be different too. I am going to be leaving for England next week and will be gone until the end of July. The first of August, I will be going on a cruise out of Florida to the Caribbean with my sisters, Patsy and Minnie Mary.

I am so glad to hear about Tim’s recovery. I know it’s been a long road with many scary bends and turns for Tim. We are so fortunate to have gifted surgeons that are able to perform this life saving procedures. Joe Link had open heart surgery to replace a damaged valve. It was a life saving procedure that gave him many years of a healthy life. He did not die of heart problems but of an aneurism in the brain.

It is good news about Richard, too. The power of prayer cannot be under estimated.


From Debbie Poitra Rondeau (77): 

Good Morning Gary

My prayers go out Tim, Laurie and Family. Hope you have a speedy recovery Tim.

And to Bonnie Await Houle. Betty Counts Poitra is my mother, she lives up North of Dunseith, she retired a year ago, and is going crazy sitting at home now. She would love to hear from you. She remembers you going down and visiting her in Minn. Her phone # is 701-244-0213 and Address is PO Box 36 Dunseith.

Debbie Poitra Rondeau

Debbie, There are two Betty Poitra’s in Dunseith. I beleive you mother is the one I talked to, several times, putting DHS class lists together.  She was such a nice lady to talk to.  Gary

From Sharon Longie Dana (73):

For Laurie, Tim, Joanne and Families, So glad to Hear Tim is doing well. Sending many good thoughts and prayers your way.

Richard Slyter, glad to hear your home and recuperating!!!!!

Sharon Longie Dana(73)

From Dave Slyter (70): 

Tim and Laurie:

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.  We do know that you are in very good hands.

Dave Slyter

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

Thanks Bonnie for the dates on your photos. I knew it was before 1956,
because our lake cabin left town, for Lake Metigoshe, in 1956 and is
still in our yard on the picture. Lloyd was in the war [WWII] so must
have just had his uniform on for the picture, unless he was in for more
than four years. Do you know, Bonnie? Doesn’t really matter, just always
curious, I guess!
In answer to your question about if Tim was the son of John and Murl
Hill, in U of M back in the early 60s, yes he had his first open heart
surgery in about 1961. He had another in about 1974 and just a month or
so later they had to go back in and repair a problem. So this is his
fourth and hopefully last time to endure this trauma! He was my best man
when we got married and  before that we stayed together in Grand Forks
for a year. He has been my buddy for all these years through thick and
thin! I can remember his love of old cars is as deep as mine and goes
back to when we were kids! Tim has a 1937 Ford hot rod that is partially
finished and he has been unable to finish it because of his health. He
couldn’t weld because he had a pacemaker device that would react to a
welder. Now in a few months we’re gonna ‘git ‘er done! Thanks Garry!


2nd reply from Dick

Gary and Friends,

I should have payed more attention in Geography class, when they told us
the difference between east and west! I said the pictures were directly
east of Awalt’s house, I meant to say west! Sorry! Lloyd said the
pictures were from 1946 or 1947, so Bonnie was a bit late and so was I!
Thanks Lloyd and Gary!


Request from Diane Berg Rheault (79): 

Could you add me to your email list.  I am Diane Rheault (Berg).  Don, Curt & Keith are my brothers.

Curt forwarded one of your emails to me.  I love it!

Thank you!

Diane Rheault
American Crystal Sugar Company
Technical Services Center

Diane’s reply to Gary:

I graduated from Dunseith in 1979.  My husband, Jim, daughter Jacqueline (8) and I live in Fargo, ND (actually Reiles Acres, ND = on 45th Str. N, 1 mile west of I-29 & between 19th Ave N and Co. Road 20).  I went to college at NDSU Bottineau, and finished at NDSU Fargo, with a B.S. degree in Bacteriology.  I work at American Crystal Sugar at the Technical Services Center in Moorhead, MN.  I’ve been with the Company for 20 years (as of March 2008).

Our parents live in Rugby, ND, and we were all home over the 4th.

Diane Berg Rheault

From Margaret Metcalfe Leonard (65): 

Hi Gary

I thought this was pretty funny and appropriate for our age group….Margaret

It was  fun being a baby boomer… until now. Some of the artists of the
60′s are  revising their hits with new lyrics to accommodate aging baby

They  include:

Herman’s  Hermits — Mrs. Brown, You’ve  Got a Lovely Walker.

Ringo Starr — I Get By With a Little Help From  Depends.

The Bee Gees — How Can You Mend a Broken  Hip?

Bobby Darin — Splish, Splash, I Was Havin’ a Flash.

Roberta  Flack — The First Time Ever I  Forgot Your Face.

Johnny Nash — I Can’t See Clearly  Now!

Paul  Simon — Fifty  Ways to Lose Your Liver

The Commodores — Once, Twice, Three Times to the  Bathroom.

Marvin Gaye — Heard It Through the Grape  Nuts.

Procol  Harem — A Whiter Shade of Hair.!

Leo Sayer— You Make Me Feel Like  Napping.

The Temptations — Papa’s Got a Kidney  Stone.

Abba —  Denture Queen!

Tony Orlando — Knock 3 Times On The Ceiling If  You Hear Me Fall.

Helen Reddy — I Am Woman, Hear Me  Snore!

Leslie  Gore — It’s My Procedure, and I’ll Cry If I Want Too!

And  my favorite:

Willie  Nelson — On the Commode  Again!!

From Vickie Metcalfe (70):


Dot Kavlie was also a first cousin to Odin Medlang father to Obert and Marlys, who were also from the Little Prairie community.  Marlys was very fond of Dot and Leonard as family and neighbors. My mother, “Lottie”, Charlotte (Lamb) Metcalfe worked for Leonard and Dot as a teenager, she had high regard for the Kavalie family.  Mrs. Victoria (Krogen) Gillis, from here in Bottineau is also a cousin of Leonard Kavalie

Vickie Metcalfe
From Deb Lindstrom Lee, Bottineau HS graduate (68 or 69?).

Folks, I included Deb Lindstrom Lee with yesterday’s message.  Her parents, Elmer & Mildred Lindstrom, were very close friends to Leonard and Dot Kavlie.  Deb’s mother, Mildred and my dad were 1st cousins. Deb’s husband, Kevin, is a brother to Debby Stokes, my brother Darrel’s wife.  I am sure a lot of you Bottineau folks remember Kevin and Deb.

Deb has identified the Kavlie family below.  Thank you Deb.


Left to right on the Leonard Kavlie family:  Leonard, Curtis, Duane, Jerry(adopted), Hampton

I believe this is correct.  I don’t know anything about the Jerry’s adoption.


L to R: Leonard, Curtis, Dot, Duane, Jerry(adopted) & Hampton Kavlie
Kavlie, Leonard family 2090

7/7/2008 (153)

From Richard Slyter (56): 

I want to thank everyone who sent their best wishes and prayers while I was in the hospital.  I am home now and planning to stay here, no more helicopter rides like that one.  Family and friends are the greatest thing in the world when stuff like a heart attack happen and I could not have gotten through it without all of you on my side.  So thank you again many many times over.

So very happy to hear that Tim had his surgery and is doing well so far.  I can now add my prayers to his list too.  Hang in there Tim, it’s gotta get better.

For Ele’s sake please send me lots of email and phone calls so I don’t drive her nuttier than she is over the next few weeks and so she don’t drive me insane.  Thank you again.

From Kathy Casavant Ellingson (74):

I was just wondering, Joanne never mentioned about Tim getting a kidney, so is it true news that he got a kidney or not.  It would be shameful to have stories going around.

Thanks to the dear Lord for doing miracles like he always does.  Thanks Kathy

Reply from Joanne Hill Evans (74): 


Yes ~ I apologize for leaving that out.  We are just so excited about the wonderfully news with his heart, as we have been dealing with that for so long.  Tim did receive a kidney, also, from the same donor.  They did not remove his kidneys, they simply place the new kidney on the lower left side of his abdomen.

Today (Sunday) they had him sitting up in a chair for about a half-hour and he ate his first ‘meal’ ~ some raspberry ice.  He is very aware of all that is going on around him and what is being said. The heart transplant doctor stopped today and said his surgery went exactly as they wanted.  Tim is doing very well and his coloring is better than I have seen in a long time.  Laurie is coping extremely well and is so wonderful for Tim.  Our blessings are many.  Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Joanne (Hill) Evans

From Doyle Abrahamson (68): 

Tell Tim I hope for a quick and early recovery.

Doyle Abrahamson

From Lynn Halvorson Otto (75): 

Hi Gary, our continued prayers go out to Tim and Laurie for the long road to recovery.  We pray for them and their family.  Also prayers to Richard Slyter for his recovery.  My Mom, Dorothy Halvorson was so pleased to hear of Tim’s surgery success.  She said she has been praying for him for a long time and will continue to do so.

Lynn Halvorson Otto

From Bev Morinville Azure (72): 

YAHOO   I  just got  home  from Grand Forks and  read  the news  about  Tim   I  am  so excited and   thankful  that  things  have  gone  so well. Tim and  Laurie  what a  blessing we  have  all  had this past  year . If you need anything   let  me  me   love you   guys   Bev and  Clarence

From Bonnie Awalt Houle (56):  


In answer to Dick Johnson, The pictures of Marshall and Lloyd were taken about 1954-55.  They were taken before I graduated in 1956.

Keith and I were remembering a time when we first moved to Minneapolis.  We received a call from Johnny Hill about a son of his that was ill at the University of Minnesota.  They needed blood and were asking people from N. Dak to come down and donate if they could.  Keith went down and donated blood.  Was it Tim that was sick at that time.  Early 1960′s.

I also remember visiting with Betty Counts Poitra when she was at the University of Minnesota having treatments for Cancer.  Tootie Evenson Dostaler and I went down to see Betty. That was in the early to mid 1960′s.

Bonnie Awalt Houle 1956

From Bev Morinville Azure (72):

Gary , Duane Kavlie  lives in  Rolette , Roselle (Duanes  daughter) is married to Duane  (chip) Tooke,  Her  Sister  Pauline  and I  were  roomates  and lived in Fargo for a  time.  Bev Azure

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

There has been great news from Tim and Richard on their respective
recoveries! Joanne said this has been her best July 4th ever and I say,
“ditto”! I think the rest is all downhill from here and they will be
back to health soon!
Something that comes to mind when I think of high school is cruising
around town at night. I remember driving around for hours without ever
leaving the city limits! One time Joe Fontaine’s mother said he could
use her car but not to leave town! He got in big trouble the next day
when she saw that he had put on over 70 miles! Well, he never left the
city limits—fact! She wouldn’t believe him and told him, “no more
car”! I always had my own car and my main problem was money for gas, as
nobody cared how many miles I put on my own car. We cruised around and
kept trying to find a good station on the old AM radio. KFYR from
Bismarck was pretty good, but about 8:30 every night they turned up the
power on KOMA, Oklahoma City and we could hear ‘our kind’ of music! I
think the girls in our class were the ones that told me about this
station and when it would be on the air. They rode around with me just
about as often as my buddies did! The usual girl crew was Paulette
LaCroix, Randi Mongeon, and Toni Morinville, with an extra now and then.
They just loved to cruise in my car! When we graduated, the class
prophecy said I would be the chauffeur  for the Playboy  Bunnies in
Chicago!  That didn’t happen–nuts! But we did have a lot of great times
just cruising Main and having a good time, even with nothing to do, in
old Dunseith! Thanks Gary!


From Mona Dionne Johnson (48):

Gary:  Attached is a picture of Floyd (59) & Ann Pritchard’s Wedding.

Wedding was in Tucson.
Mona (Dionne) Johnson  (48)

Pritchard, Floyd 2091

7/6/2008 (152)

From Joanne HIll Evans (74): 


This is Joanne (Hill) Evans.  Tim and Laurie have been living with us in Owatonna since the end of May, waiting for the transplant.  We received the call early Friday morning and Tim’s transplant surgery was completed and he was back in ICU at St. Mary’s Hospital by 6:45 Friday evening.  He is doing very well.  He received a young, strong and healthy heart.  Laurie and I were blessed to listen to Tim’s new heart through a stethoscope last night ~ what a miracle!  God has certainly blessed Tim and all our family.

This morning (Saturday – by 9:00 a.m.) they had removed the ventilator tube and Tim was talking.  The nurse was impressed with how well he is doing.  He is responding as expected, and even better.  His color is good, he is alert and is well aware of everything.  The care at St. Mary’s Hospital is tremendous.

We do not yet know how long Tim will be hospitalized.  When he is released, Tim & Laurie will live at the Transplant House in Rochester for approximately 3 months.  I will keep you posted as we proceed.  Laurie & I will be creating a CaringBridge site, hopefully before too long.  Will advise when it is available.

Thank you so much for all your prayers.  This is the happiest Fourth of July I have ever experienced!

God’s blessings to all.

Joanne & Greg Evans

From Susan Malaterre Johnson (69): 

Hi Gary, Thank you to Dick for letting us know about Tim’s updates.  I’m sure that he’s had many prayers today.  Richard is also in manny hearts.  Bless them both and the physicians who work with them.  Dick, My mom used to relate storied that your uncle told us of his time on the titanic. If nothing else, it has provided us with many rich memories of what might have been.  He most certainly was interesting.  Such a diverse group we’ve turned out to be and with you, Gary, still close.  Susan Johnson

Susan, It’s been quite sometime now since I talked to you.  Please update us with your life in Texas.  When I talked to you, you were in the process of purchasing a 2nd home near your daughter.  Do you still have your trucking company?  I know it’s been very traumatic for you with the loss of your husband.  Gary.

From Kathy Schimetz-Wood (72): 

Thank you so much, Dick, for the information on Tim Hill’s surgery.  I was at his benefit in Burlington, had a very nice visit with him, but I was so concerned, as he looked so very ill.  I prayed that he wouldn’t have to wait too long.  My prayers were answered.  You are so right, in that he is so deserving of a chance for good health!  My prayers go out to Tim and his family.  Praying for a speedy recovery. Thanks again, Dick!

From Bobbie Slyter (70): 

Richard is undergoing some more tests today and if all is o.k., he may get to go home tonight or tomorrow, the doc says he wont be able to work for about a month so pray for Ele having him around the house that long  ha ha just kidding.

From Ele Dietrich Slyter (69): 

We got home from the hospital today about 5pm–Richard is doing very well and hopefully is looking forward to his forced vacation for the next 4 to 8 weeks.   I want to thank all of you for your prayers and notes of concern.  It really helps to know that people are thinking of you and praying for you.

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

Thanks to Bonnie and Neola for the pictures of our serviceman. I know
the Awalts and Bob Stokes were very proud of their country and of their
time in the service. Lloyd Awalt and Bob Stokes were both very active in
the American Legion in Bottineau.
They led the parades for years on Memorial Day. The pictures of Marshall
and Lloyd were taken in the vacant lot directly east of Awalt’s house on
the east side of town. The house behind the picture of both of them
together, is Ed Leonard’s. In the picture of Marshall alone, our house
is directly behind him and Egbert’s house is to the right. Between the
two you can see the old elevator at Myron Evan’s. True, when these
pictures were taken it wasn’t our house, it was still Arnold and Hattie
Lilleby’s. I would like to venture a guess as to the year of the photos,
about the 1948-1950 range, I think. Is there a date on them, Bonnie? Thanks!


From Shirley Olson Warcup (49): 


That was welcome news about Tim Hill!  Our thoughts and prayers are with Tim and Richard and their families.

Last year we made an unplanned stop at St. Alexius Hospital in Bismarck.  I told the ER personnel we were on our way to a school reunion and I hoped I could get things taken care of rather quickly so we could make the reunion.  One of the Drs. on duty that day was a surgeon.

He asked where the reunion was.  I said it was in Dunseith.  He said that’s where he grew up–north of Dunseith.  His name was Gaylord Kavlie.  His father was a minister.  I think he left before he was of high school age.  He came to my hospital room the next day and we spent some time talking about Dunseith and the UND Medical school.  He also gave me more helpful information, healthwise, than I had received from previous doctors.  I haven’t seen a dr. since then.

Again, thanks for getting this newsletter going, Gary.  I look forward to it every day.

Shirley Warcup

Shirley, Gaylord Kavlie’s grand parents would have been Leonard & Dot Kavlie and his father is Hampton Kavlie. The Kavlie’s lived West and south of Little Prairie church up in the hills.  I remember Leonard and Dot well, but their children (boys) were enough older than me that I don’t remember them that well.  I remember Leonard coming to our farm every year to spray the livestock.  I think one of Leonard and Dot’s boys was adopted from one of the Abrahamson’s?  I think that is what I was told.  Someone please correct me if I’m wrong or confirm if I’m right.  All four of the Kavlie sons attended high school at Hillcrest Academy in Fergus Falls, MN. One of Leonard and Dot’s granddaughter’s works in the Bank in Dunseith.  Gary

Note: I don’t know who’s who of the boys in the picture.

Leonard Kavlie Family (Leonard, Dagny, Hampton,
Duane, Curtis & Jerry)
Kavlie, Leonard family 2090

7/5/2008 (151)

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

I received a phone call this afternoon from Mike Hill, son of Tim and
Laurie, and he said Tim was in surgery at that time getting a new heart
and kidney! Mike said the heart replacement was done and they were
working on the kidney replacement as we were talking. I think all DHS
alumni will be glad to hear that such a deserving guy is soon to be on
the road to recovery! There is a time of  healing of course, but it will
be good to see Tim back to enjoying life again! He is at Mayo in
Rochester, MN so is in good hands! I hope Richard Slyter is also on the
road to recovery, seems like we never know what is next! I’m sure the
Hill family will keep us posted on Tim and Slyters on Richard. Hang in
there guys!


From Floyd & Carmen (Leonard) Richard:

Yes, that is our wedding picture from the Dunseith Journal taken in 1954 by Dunseith photogarpher Ted Brodak. He took a series of pictures of our wedding and only charged us $10 for all of them.

A few weeks ago there was a picture af the band, and there was trouble identifing one fellow, Jackie Spaeth or Mick Kester. That brought back memories of Jack, he worked for us a couple of summers when he was in high school. After graduating he joined the Marines and was part of the Green Barrets. (There was even a song about the Green Barret) Jack came out to visit us every time he was home on furlough and later when he was out of the service and visiting in the area.He was like part of our family.

Have a great July 4th weekend everyone. We treasure reading all the emails and am so glad that we are on the list !

From Bobbie Slyter (70): 

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers, I am sure Richard will appreciate them.

From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary and Friends,

Most people remember November 22, 1963. That was the day J.F.K. was
assassinated in Dallas and just about everyone can tell you where they
were when they got the news. We were in school in the old school as the
7-8 grade addition wasn’t finished yet.
We had a little goof off deal we pulled in the afternoon sometimes,
where we checked out of study hall to go to the library but instead used
a coat hanger to get into the small office on the corner just south of,
and around the corner from, the main office. This was Dennis Espe’s
office and he had a class at that time everyday. Art Rude was in the
assembly so no one was around checking! We just sat in there and
listened to the radio and talked. Well, that day John Boguslawski and I
were in there listening to the radio when they interrupted the music
with the news of the shooting! We listened to it for a while and I said
we HAVE to tell Mr. Rude!
John said, “No way—he’ll ask us how we found out and we’re screwed”! I
told him to check back in to studyhall and I would take the chance, as
we have to tell him! I went to the door of the studyhall and when Art
saw me I motioned for him to come to the door. Now in those days you did
not tell a teacher to come out of his class, a kid didn’t anyway! He had
a strange look on his face, but came to the door, where I told him what
I heard. He ran to the main office and set the intercom mic in front of
the radio and we spent the rest of the afternoon listening to the
developments in Texas. I went to my desk and was never asked HOW or
WHERE I got that information! I asked Art just a few years ago if he
knew and he said it never really crossed his mind! I guess it went as
planned!! Thanks Gary!

Dick, I remember that day very well.  I was in Mr. Lykins Typing class that was located in the Gym of the new High School.  Mr. Lykins is the one the broke the news to us.  He was very emotional, to the point of tears, when he was giving us the news.

Mr. Lykins, I am sure you remember this day well. Gary

From Bonnie Awalt Houle (56): 

Good Morning Gary,

Today is the 4 of July and we are celebrating the Birthday of our Country and also the men and women that have fought for our country.  I would like to say how proud we are of our family members that have fought for the freedom we all enjoy.  Attached are pictures of Marshall and Lloyd Awalt .  Lloyd served in the Navy and Marshall served in the Marines for 30 years.

Bonnie Awalt Houle 1956

                              Marshall Awalt aboard ship
Awalt, Marshall 2089

Marshall and Lloyd Awalt – Military
Awalt, Marshall Lloyd 2089

                                  Marshall Awalt – Military
Awalt, Marshall 2089-1

Picture provide by Neoal Kofoid Garbe:  

I think this must be in 1977 When he was the Bottineau Legion Commander.  Gary                                

                        Bob Stokes in his legion uniform
Stokes, Bob 2081

8/5/2008 (182)

Reply From Darrel Fassett (47): 

What Gary Morgan didn’t tell you about that football team was that they turned into a very good team.  I  followed the progress of the team(via Turtle Mountain Star) and they and Rolla were both pretty good.  Gary was the Dunseith running back and Rolla also had a very good back.  Of course, the Rolla player got all the ink. Since I had worked with both Gary and Dick at the lumber yard I had to come watch the game when the two teams met.  Early in the game the two met whie Gary was carrying the ball and Gary ran right over him.  After that it was a rout.  I don’t remember the score but it was large in favor of Dunseith.  I bet Gary remembers the score.  At that time there was an intense Rolla-Dunseith rivalry( maybe still is) so that made it even better. Gary was too modest to tell you that they became a very good football team.

From Gary Morgan (54): 

Gary & All,

Thinking back to my freshman and sophomore years in high school….we never had cars to cruise like you younger people.  Mostly, we would hang out in the bowling alley or wander down to the Crystal Cafe.  Some of the older guys might go to the pool hall.
Once in a great while, Donnie Hiatt would get his dad’s pickup.  He would pick up Jerry Williams and myself and sometimes Jimmie Footit and with the three or four of us jammed in the pickup, it would be off to Bottineau to pick up girls.  Those Bottineau girls were really a bunch of snobs.  There might be three or four of them walking down the sidewalk and we would pull over to the curb and throw them the only pick up line we knew..”Do ya want a ride?”.  They never did and only once did one actually flee, but that was probably because she was alone.  It could be thirty below and they still wouldn’t get in.
Looking back now, I can’t help but wonder if the stock rack with the cow crap up and down the sides might not have been a disadvantage.  I think it may have somehow intimidated them.

Gary Morgan

From the Turtle Mountain Star archives

This shoud bring back a few memories for some of you folks.

A lot of the rest of you are related to or knew of these folks.  Gary

  February 15, 1940
Ackworth 2120

7/4/2008 (150)

7/3/2008: Richard Slyter has Heart attack
Message from Bobbie Slyter:


Please have every one pray for my brother richard as he had a heart attack last night and was medivaced to trinity hosp in minot where they inserted a stint to get the blockage out, at this point he is doing o.k. and will let you know more when i know more, thanks for all that you do for us gary



Please keep us posted with Richard’s condition.  We are so sorry to hear that he had this heart attack.  It has to be rough on Ely and the rest of you family members as well. As you well know, there are a lot of your family relatives on this distribution. One heck of a lot of us remember you guys well, from our school days too.

Richard is in our prayers,


Update on Richard Slyter (67)
From Bobbie Slyter (70): 

He is doing o.k. They have moved him out of ICU and into a regular room, talked to him this a.m. and he sounds good.

From Sharon Longie Dana (73):

For Bobbie Slyter and Family,  Don’t know if you remember me but in high school I was good friends with both Donna and Debbie. Will definetly keep ALL of you in my prayers.

From Susan Fassett Martin (65): 

So sorry to hear of Richard’s heart attack.  I will add him to my prayer list.  It is so traumatic to have someone close to you in ill health.  My husband just broke his leg last week and l thought that was traumatic, so can only imagine what a heart problem is like.  Prayers to all his family.   Hugs,  Susan

From Bev Morinville Azure (72): 

Ele  ,  OH  Ele  I am so sorry to hear about  Richard Please   know  we  are   praying  for  you all. I  will see Jason this  Friday and  will let him  know. If  u  need anything  please  call  and  let  me  know.  Tell Richard  hello and   I am sure  everything  wil  be  fine.  Bev and  Clarence  Azure

Folks, I really screwed up yesterday when I misread Richard for Pritchard in that news paper photo that Susan Fassett sent.  When I saw the name Floyd, Richard rhymes with Pritchard, and I read it as Pritchard.  I need to be more careful.

From Bill Hosmer (48): 

To Gary and Rolette County Friends.   The newspaper article shows a picture of Floyd RICHARD and his bride instead of Floyd PRITCHARD. Probably there will be alot of comments on this.   Another observation of note is the fact that there is a broadening of interest in this medium to include the whole county, and tribal members along with those of us who attended the school in town.  That enriches the whole dialogue and illuminates a thicker slice of history that fascinates all of us, whatever years that we were growing up in the community.
On another point of interest to me after visiting with Wayne Smith recently.  He and many of the “farm kids” did not have a lot of the memories us town kids have because those living in the country had work to do with crops, live stock, daily chores, and projects which made our agriculture the prime activity and the economic power of many small rural community centers around the state.  In town we had time for after school fun time with one another in marbles, sports, hiking, etc while farm kids went from school to work and back, and often could not afford time for the luxury of sports, clubs, scouting, and so forth.  I know that during  the forties I helped harvest, and discovered what farm life was really about.

Others may have some thoughts on this, but both of these elements are significant and give substance to our mutual interest in our individual and collective histories, and in my case, a deep appreciation for what many of my new friends did that was different from what I did. That’s the beauty of diversity
From Allen Richard (65): 

The couple in the wedding photo is Floyd and Carmen Richard.
From Dick Johnson (68): 

Gary And Friends,

The pictures from Susan’s scrapbook are sure interesting, but they also
were confusing to me. The one with the fisherman and his twelve pound
fish, says ‘Marlin Hiatt’ and as far I as I know there wasn’t a
‘Marlin’. It looks more like Wally or Eldon to me. It could possibly be
Marlin Williams, a cousin. If you look closely at the wedding picture, I
think it is Floyd and Carmen Richard’s wedding.It does look like Floyd too.
I remember the day the elevator burned. I was only two or three years
old, but I can still see it in my mind. Mom said that I stood in the
middle of the car seat and watched and that I was so scared that my
knees were shaking! I personally don’t remember that part, just the
tremendous fire! It was in 1952 or 1953, I believe.Thanks to Susan for
the pictures and to Gary for posting!


Reply from Ivy Eller Robert (74): 

Gary……I was sure that my sister Bonnie who died in Oct of 2006, Told me that Esther had passed away a few years earlier. Bonnie lived all of her life in Dunseith, so I believed her, since I have not since 1976.
Esther, Carl & Cindy & your family…….. I’m so very sorry for my mistake! I send my love to you for the misunderstanding……I haven’t seen you since, I think it was Cindy’s wedding. I remember asking Bonnie several years ago about you Esther, She probably though I meant someone else. I would love dearly to see you, Carl & Cindy. I will be passing through Dunseith in September, my son Jonathan is getting married in Wahpeton on the 13th. I’ll be stopping in Bottineau for a few days with Julie before we continue on to the wedding. I will try to stop by to say Hi…….
Sorry once again for the misunderstanding on my part……..
Ivy (Eller) Robert

Ivy, We all make boo boo’s every so often and there is always some good that comes out of them.  I have sure made my share of screw ups too and yesterday’s message was a prime example.  These screw ups get folks attention and in the process generates activity from folks that sometimes are a little reserved in replying.  I encourage folks to reply, right or wrong.  That’s what gets the ball rolling with the interaction that we have.  Gary
Picture/message from Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Hi Gary,

This is either Edward Houle, or Edward Houle ordered the pictures.  I hope it is Edward–I think it’s a “classy” picture. :) There are six 5 x 7′s in paper frames.

I need a name/address, or email address, to contact about these pictures.  Be sure to include the name Eddie Houle.  I sometimes get the info and which picture it pertains to, confused. :(

Thanks to those who have sent names/addresses for the pictures.  I’m printing the info/putting it with the picture so I have them together.  Again, thanks for the emails that contain information for the pictures. I /appreciate/enjoy receiving them.

On Saturday, I’m going to Kramer for the “big bash” (My husband, Wally, is from Kramer–he’s coming from Minot.  I taught in Kramer 1961-1963.) and then to Minot.  I won’t be taking any pictures to Minot, so maybe I’ll get caught up with pictures/addresses. :)

Thanks, Gary.


Do any of you folks recognize this guy?
Houle, Ed 2088

Alva Azure Gladue’s (75) reply to Neola Kofoid Garbe: 

Hi Gary,

Thanks to Alva Gladue, we now know this cutie is Mandy Davis.  I’m glad we know, as it would be a shame to not get her pictures to her. The next time I go to the courthouse, I’ll look for more pictures of her.

I appreciate everyone being so helpful in identifying the people in the pictures I send and also the contact information.  You’ve probably guessed I have a passion for pictures. :)


Here’s Alva’s email: The little girl in your pictures is Mandy Davis.  Her mother is Lori

Parisien Davis married to Curtis Timmy Davis  of Dunseith.  Mandy lives in
Dunseith. Her parent’s phone number is 244-5897.  Hope this helps.

                                     Mandy Davis
Davis, Mandy 2087

From Tim Martinson (69): 


Happy 4th of July

For those of us who tend to forget how hard it was to HAVE our

constitution….this may bring back a tad of history we all forget from time to time.  We surely have a lot at stake right now!!!


Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence ?

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.

Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured.

Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the
Revolutionary War.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

What kind of men were they?

Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his
ships swept from the seas by the British Navy.  He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly.  He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding.  His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer,
Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the battle of Yorktown , Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters.  He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire.  The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed.  The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste.  For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished.

Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but we shouldn’t.

So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and silently thank these patriots.  It’s not much to ask for the price they paid.

Remember: freedom is never free!

I hope you will show your support by sharing this with your family & friends. It’s time we get the word out that patriotism is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball games

7/3/2008 (149)

Blog (149) posted on July 3, 2008

Folks, As you can see,  we got a lot of replies  to the Mike Poitra family photo.  Their family photo follows all your replies.

Thank you Neola for providing this photo.

From Michaela Poitra: 

Subject: RE: (148) Donna Dubois, Vickie Metcalfe, Ivy Eller, Dick Johnson (picture) & Paula Fassett…..

This is a reply to Ivy Eller, I am the neice to Esther Eller and she is still very much alive and she still lives in Dunseith.

I am Ginger (LaRocque) Poitras Daughter, Michaela , She is married to Anthony Poitra Tall, center one on top, The others are from the top Virginia, Dale, Ina Allery, Anthony, Vita Azure, Gene, Raymond, Second row, Peter, Esther Eller, Grandma(Josephine) Lesedo, Grandpa Mike (Deceased), Mabel Delorme (BEBE), Arnold (Sonny), Bottom Three Mary Ann Morin, Linda Morin, Geraldine Larson.
All of the Children and Grandma are still alive, All live in the area, and Mabel lives in Bismarck.

Michaela, I was hoping you would get this, because I know you mother does not get her email in the summer months when school is out.  Please tell her I am incuding her with this message. Gary

From Debbie Poitra Rondeau (77): 

Good Morning, Gary

This is to Ivy Eller, if your refering to Esther Eller, she did not pass away. She still lives in Dunseith. And her son Carl lives there also, Cindy I’m not to sure where she lives.

From Judy Allery Azure (65):

Hi Gary,

Just letting you know that the Poitra family are all still in the Dunseith area.  The mother of the family is Josephine Poitra(she is widowed) and she lives between Dunseith and Belcourt.  This family is Ginger LaRocque Poitra’s in-laws.  Maybe someone could get a hold of Ginger and have one of the family get in touch with Neola, if not, one of  the ladies was married to my Uncle Clarence Allery  (his widow is Ina Poitra Allery), she is in the back row 3rd from left.  I believe my Aunt is living around the Dunseith area.  My cousins are living in the Dunseith area they are Barbara Allery Belgarde, Clarence Allery Jr, Carol Allery, Brenda Allery Parisien , and Marlin Allery.  Marlin is married to Sandra Udseth and she works for the Dunseith School system.  Maybe Neola could get a hold of one of them.

Sure nice reading all the e-mails and looking at all the pictures, you are doing a very fine job Gary and need to be commended always.  Its time for me to end  this  as have an early day tomorrow.  Take Care and God Bless.

From Kathy Casavant (Ellingson) (74):

Ivy, You were talking about Cindy Eller, She lives in Bismarck, Where I live , I see her every once in a while. I recognize faces in the Mike Poitra picture but can’t remember any names.  Thanks Kathy

From Dick Johnson (68): 


The guy in the back row and center, I think, is Tony Poitra who is

married to your classmate Ginger Larocque. I bet she will be contacting
Neola! Thanks.


Shirley LaRocque Wendt (59):

Hi Gary and everyone, Ginger LaRocque is married to Tony Poitra, Mike Poitra’s son and they live in Belcourt. Tony’s mother is still alive. Anyway just thought I would help you out with this one. Thanks Shirley LaRocque

Debbie Poitra’s Rondeau’s (77) reply to Neolo Kofoid Garbe: 

Hi Gary,

Thanks to Debbie Rondeau, the family members have been identified.  It amazes me that, except for the father, they are all living.  I’ll try to call Geraldine tomorrow/Thursday.  I’ve seen several pictures with the Poitra name, so I might wait until I have time to sort the Dunseith/Belcourt/Rolla pictures before I determine how to get them to Belcourt.  I think Linda said she would pick up the Dunseith pictures.  After she has them, perhaps someone from Belcourt would pick them up from her (If the price of gas wasn’t so high, I’d enjoy driving to Dunseith/Belcourt/Rolla and delivering them.).This will be sometime closer to the end of July, as I have commitments until then.

Here’s Debbie’s information:

Debbie Rondeau’s email: You know every one of the family members are still living, except the Father Mike. And they all live in Dunseith and Belcourt. The mother lives in her same place she’s living in the same place she’s live for years. You could contact Geraldine (Poitra) Larson at 477-2600. That’s her work number. She’s the baby of the family, the bottom row at the very end in white jeans and lavendre top.

Top row : Virginia,Dale,Ina,Antonio,Vita,Gene, Raymond
Second Row: Peter,Ester,Josephine(Mother),Mike(Dad)Mabel
Bottom row: Maryann,Linda and Gerladine

And that’s the poitra family

Names printed on picture by Neolo Kofoid Garbe
Poitra family 2087

Picture provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe:
Note: I got the names out of the Dunseith book for this very same picture.
I see there are two Bertha’s listed.  Gary

Annie, Bertha, Dave, Lester (Bud), Bertha, Marlene, Dorothy Kraft – 1969
Karft Family 2087

Picture provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe:
Marlene , Rodney, Debbie, Brent & Bryan Armentrout – 1969
Armentrount, Rodney family 2087

From Susan Fasssett Martin (65): 

I ran across this article in my dad’s scrapbooks while looking for CCC information.  I thought the Morinville “kids” might like to see it. Hope it is reada     readable  If anyone would like printed copies of anything, let me Know.

Prayers, Susan

I know.     Susan, I also see Floyd (59)& Ann Pritchard’s Wedding picture in this article too. They live up at Lake Metigoshe and are the owners of the Birchw   Birchwood resort

Pritchard, Floyd 2087

From Tim Martinson (69): 

Hi Gary, 

I have been researching this photo that was labeled Kramer CCC Camp that my mother had in a album that

she had made out of two pieces of plywood and construction paper.  I’m guessing that her brother Harold may

have been at the camp or maybe someone else she knew from the Rollete area . I could not find that much on

the internet but came across this site that had a reference to Kramer.  http://members.aol.com/famjustin/ccchis.html 

The site has a research link that explains how to get government documents which I will have to look into.  The 

Kramer reference was a biography for Lowell “Red” Moore.  After reading the biography I sent off the photo and a

explanation that as work in the area was finished the camps were decommissioned, the whole site was torn down

and at times everything was moved to a new site.  This may or may not have happened at Kramer.  This is the reply

I got from the son.  It is the little things in life that count.  Take Care,  Tim


Got your email today. What a pleasant surprise. Yes indeed, that photo fills an empty gap in Pop’s CCC folder. Pop was not there too long. But he related stories of being at Kramer. I really appreciate you sending the picture. Pop was there in 1941, I think. Thanks again for the email and picture. It means a lot to me. I don’t have any pictures of Pop at Kramer, but do have some after he transferred to Lowell, Idaho. Thanks again so much.


Larry WMoore

Biography of Lowell “Red” Moore

CCC Enrollee, Company 766, Kramer, North Dakota & Company 5704, Kooskia, Idaho & Camp F-190, Lowell, Idaho

   My late father, Lowell “Red” Moore was born December 07, 1924 in Marmaduke, Arkansas. He completed the 8th grade in 1939 and worked as a farm laborer. He entered the CCC on January 12, 1942 at Little Rock, Arkansas. He was assigned to the 766th Company at Kramer, North Dakota. He later transferred to Company 5704, Kooskia, Idaho. He was assigned to camp F-190 in Lowell, Idaho where he did road construction and some fire tower watch duty. He later cooked for the officers mess making homemade biscuits and gravy for the officers on weekends. Pop’s name was spelled Loyal, but he changed the spelling to Lowell during his stay at Lowell, Idaho Camp F-190.

   He was discharged on June 17, 1942. When he got back home he used what little money he earned to pay the family grocery bill. He was called for military service, but did not pass the physical. He and mom married in August, 1943. I was born in September, 1947. Pop worked in furniture stores, was a floor mechanic laying all sorts of floor goods. He later worked for Emerson Electric in Paragould, Arkansas as a Die Grinder.

   I lost Pop in March, 1985. In 1998, my son and I took some time off and went to Kramer, North Dakota to look up the CCC Camp. It was non existent and even the locals knew little about it. We went on to Lowell, Idaho in our quest. There we found the site of Camp F-190. One of the original buildings is still in use by the Forest Service and there is a small camping area on the banks of the Lochsa River. We camped there for a couple of days . It was great to spend time with my son at the site of his grandfathers CCC experience……….

—– Larry W. Moore

CC camp 2086

7/23/2008 (169)

From Bev Morinville Azure (72):

Gary I  got the pic’s to work……………..  I  still say there is  no better  eye candy then a man in uniform . Thank you all whomever  has served  to keep  our FREEDOM , You  all  are the best. GOD BLESS  U ALL.


Picture provide by Neola Kofoid Garbe, Names identified by Mel Kuhn (70): 


Back row left to right, Dave, Joyce Dennis,Middle row Larry, Bernice,Tex. Front row, Patsy, Darlene, Joann. Dave still lives in St. John and has been a mail carrier for about a kazillion years and his wife was the home ec. teacher here for about as many years and retired maybe 5-6 years ago. Other than that I don’t know the rest.


Amie Des Roches Family, St. John
Back L to R: Dave, Joyce and Denn
Middle L to R: Larry, Bernice,Tex
Front L to R: Patsy, Darlene, Joann.DesRaches, Aim family 2106

Folks,  I thought I’d include a few pictures our Veteran service members with today’s message.  Gary

                                    Cliff Henry (65)
Henry, Cliff 2107

Henry, Cliff 2107-1

                                   Kenny Nerpel (65)
Nerpel, Kenny 2107

Hackman, Larry 2107Hackman, Henry 2107

                       Ron Longie (65) with his daughter
Longie, Ron 2107

                             Todd Poitra (Ginger/Tony’s son)
Poitra, Ted 2107

                             Warren Anderson (65)
Anderson, Warren 2107

                                        Bill Fassett
Fassett, Bill 2107