Monthly Archives: January 2010
Reply from Vickie Hiatt LaFontaine (73): Grafton, ND
I smiled so over the red hats picture. When my mother-in-law Lillian LaFontaine was @ the Bottineau nursing home I gave her one of my red hats. Come on Ladies 50 and over grab a red hat, laugh, and dont give a darn what anybody thinks. If younger then 50 grab a pink hat and do the same. I hope everyone reading is having a blessed winter season. Vickie Hiatt LaFontaine
Message/Request from Pam Wenstad Lane (78): Dunseith, ND.
Email address change:
From Michael (59) & Jan LaCroix Kester (59): Fargo, ND
Hi Gary! My e-mail is now: Thank you.
Email address change:
From Marshall Awalt (51):
After fighting this computer thing for so long we just got a new E-mail address. Please make the change.
Thanks for every thing.
Have a great day Marshall
Reply from Barbara Trent Riehm: San Diego, CA
Thanks for sending the pictures of your wife and you. Looks like you live in beautiful green surroundings. It is finally raining here in southern california – we have needed it so badly. Really enjoy watch it come down.
I had a lovely visit in Montana with my family – all on ice however. I was so careful walking to and from cars and homes not wanting to fall. Then on my last night there fell down some stairs inside my daughter’s home. Landed on my left shoulder and arm. Thanks goodness I didn’t break anything,but was one armed for awhile. Still bothers me some but I golfed last Saturday !!! Happy New Year to you. I always look forwad to your e-mails. Barbara Riehm
Picture from Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND.
As you can see, this is “yours truly”. It appears I’m talking–what a surprise!! Neola
Replies to Picture below:
Reply from Roger & Connie Zorn Landsverk: Bottineau, ND
How fun to look @ the photos on the Dunseith alumni.
I know Ina Johnson. She does well of her age. She’s out driving yet & does well!!I knew her brother Maurice & his wife Adeline & children. I know their daughter Karen the best. I think they have one boy living yet but not quite sure (Terry)? I know Janice ( Kersten) Bjornseth & her parents.
Is Virgil Rude a brother to Glen Rude?? I know a little bit. I visited his mom when working as a home health nurse.
I knew all the Red Hat Ladies pictured with Alice Kuhn. They are all deceased but Alice.
I had a nice visit with Marie Lafromboise on Monday afternoon. She had been to her brother,s funeral in the morning
take care Connie & roger
Reply from Mel Kuhn (70): Saint John, ND.
Howdy Gary,
A big thanks to Neola for the picture of my Mom. It feels good to be back home reading your daily mailings. The week before Christmas I was in Bismarck for a regular doctor’s visit and I flunked my stress test. An appointment was set up for me for last Wed. the 13th. to checkout some suspected blockages. They went in and found 2 and put in 2 stints, everything went well until I got put into a room and I crashed. A heart attack and 2 more stints and I’m back at home. Total 4 stints. Now this story just leads up to what happened back in “95” when I had a heart attack and a by-pass done. What I’m thinking is that I should have sprung for all new parts last time instead of going with the used Ford parts from Dick Johnson. He says no warranty, what do you think?
Mel Kuhn [70]
Reply from Vickie Metcalfe (70: Bottineau, ND.
Alice (Cote) Kuhn (Mel Kuhns mom) is still living, in the photo shes across the table from my mother. They both were from Dunseith area. My mother moved to St. Andrews on her birthday, 3 years ago, where she lived until she passed away two years ago. Vickie Reply from Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND.
Hi Gary,
When I took the picture of the “red hat” ladies, the only one I knew at that time, was Mrs. Block. She was (has now passed away) from the Gardena area. I met her/her daughter/sons “way back” when I was in high school. When I saw the picture today, because of your newsletters, I recognized the names Metcalfe/Kuhn. I didn’t realize this was Vickie’s mother. Actually, at the time this picture was taken, I didn’t know Vickie, either. I recognize the Juntunen name because of Linda Juntunen.
![]() Gary and Friends,
This past Sunday, I had some old and new friends up here at my place Dick
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Johnson picture:
From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND.
This was taken at Ina Johnson Jensen’s 90th birthday party. I don’t know how many of the girls your readers know, but I’m assuming they would know Ralph/Luella’s daughter–Luella provided the information.
Again, the world is so small. Ralph/Luella’s daughter is married to Brian Kersten. Brian is from the Gardena/Kramer area. I was his third and fourth grade teacher when I taught in Kramer, 1961-1963. Brian/Janice live in the Max, ND area. Karen Johnson was in my Sunday School Class of five-year-olds MANY years ago at First Lutheran in Bottineau.
Thanks to Luella Boardman Bjornseith for identifying these ladies.
The girls are from left to right: Janice Bjornseth Kersten (our daughter) with the striped shirt), Karen Johnson (Maurice Johnson’s daughter); Amber Kirkeby Hedstrom (Adeline Johnson’s daughter) & Mavis Gronneberg Siem (Sylvia Johnson Gronneberg’s daughter). All four cousin’s daughters. and they are all nearly the same age. Amber is just a little younger than the other girls. The picture turned out real good.
![]() Virgil Rude:
From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND.
Note: Virgil is also a cousin to the gal’s pictured above, thru his grandparents, Jacob and Cora Johnson Bjornseth.
Gary, I’m sending this update on Virgil’s health, with his permission to include it in your newsletter.
Dorothy Block, Charlotte Metcalfe, Betty Juntunen, Alice Kuhn Picture From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND.
Hi Gary,
Have I shared this picture with you?
One day I was visiting
at Good Samaritan in 2005, they were having “Red Hat” Day. I had my camera with me, so I took many pictures of the ladies/gentleman who were attending the event.
Added Metigoshe Pickup sinking picture posted yesterday:
From Ele Dietrich Slyter (69): Dunseith, ND.
Here, I hope I did things right, is another picture to add to the Metigoshe pickup file.
Thank you for all your hard work and sticking with us through all these emails. ele
Clyde Chase correction:
Reply from Bill Hosmer (48): Tucson, AZ & Lake Metigoshe, ND
Gents, It is MY error in this case and I am sorry for any ill will or embarrassment I may have caused.
Indeed, Clyde and my uncle Fred Hosmer used to work together on paint projects in the Dunseith area. I’ll be more careful in the future. Gary, you can sure put this out in your offering, to clear the issue, and I sincerely apologize for my error. Bill Hosmer
Clyde Chase:
Reply from Gary Metcalfe (57): Forsyth, MO
Hello, I know it was an unintentional error, but Clyde Chase did not kill anyone. As no one responded yesterday, I will offer some information about Clyde. Clyde had 13 children and he was the number one painter in the Dunseith area all his life. He lived north of San Haven in Chaseville.
Gary Metcalfe
Clyde Chase:
Reply Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND.
I’m pretty sure the man convicted of the murder was Fred Chase, not Dick Clyde Chase:
Reply From Cloette Hosmer (64): Santa Fe
I had intermittent internet contact for a couple of weeks during “reentry” back into the USA from China and due to my great old age, it has taken me awhile to catch up. Thanks for your responses, Gary and Dick, to my comments about Dad’s ’54 Red Jeep.
Can anyone tell me if Clyde Chase was the house painter? As a young kid, I remember him as a kind man (with one lame arm?) who painted some inside walls of our house when I was a small kid. He generously showed me how to dip the big brush in the bucket just so, and would even let me paint a little. Thanks, Colette
Reply from Marshall Awalt (51): Newport, NC
Gary, Thanks for 685. Had 28 degrees this a.m., got up to 60 this afternoon and expect 1-2 inches of rain tomorrow.
Message posted on our Dunseith Alumni Website: http://garystokes.net/default.aspx
From Carol Boucher Lorenz: North Myrtle Beach, SC
Another great Donald Egbert Story:
From Larry Hackman (66):
Glad to see that you are doing well. Them little fellows running around in the buff reminded me that we use to have that happen in Dunseith once in awhile, also. But, old man winter usually solved that problem purity fast. Actually a nice cold winter does cause people to do a lot of things that they would not ordinairly do, and quit a lot of things they ordinairly do. Well, you know the story. I’m sure you froze your donkey off a few times. +75degrees -cold, Does that even go together in the same sentence? What would Mr. Grossman say?
Have a nice day, Gary.
Donald Egbert was quite a young man.I really didn’t do him justice with the story about the kinds of automobiles he once owned and that he was a outstanding basketball and football player in his younger days.He did play varsity when still in grade school. He also played baseball with the older fellows when he was about a 5th grader.
Don was also a young fellow that loved the ladies.He made more then one girls father nervous and caused some to drive the streets and roads in and around Dunseith looking for their daughters.One fellow told me that in the halls of Dunseith High, Don was also a terror.A gal meeting him in the hallway didn’t know whether to carry her books up high or down low?I,ll let someone else who knows more then I was told, finish this paragraph?
Don was never afraid to attempt anything.If he needed or wanted a job and if hefound out a contractor or business man, who needed a certain type worker.Thats what Don would become.I remember a contractor needed painters.Don told him that he was a painter, and was told to show up the next morning to go to work.Don went and walked around the construction site, finding out what kind of equipment he would need to have of his own, to perform the work.Then he went to the hardware store and bought all the necessary brushes and equipment that was required to do the job.He was hired and worked all summer as a journeyman painter.
I remember Don coming by the house one evening in the late 50’s.He asked me to go for a walk with him to the south part of town.Apparently there was a new girl in town and he wanted to check her out.We got down to her house and I think over half the boys in town were there.They were everywhere you looked.The girl was out visiting with a few of the boys and most all the rest were on standby and in a purelyobservation type posture.Then as if on cue into the yard pulled this vehicle, and out jumped this fellow.It was the girls father.He yelled, ” What hell are you?A bunch of dogs in heat?Get the hell out of here”.It didn’t take us long, we and the other boys scattered, and the girl disappeared into the house.Everyone was gone.
Being a young fellow and only an observer on this occasion, I just took mental notes.How was I to know, that about 30 years later, that I would be able to put to good use, the information I had gathered from that incident?
I had moved my family back to Harvey, ND and had bought a house.I came home after a long hot day at work.As I pulled into the driveway, I couldn’t help but notice that my house, and the entire property was crawling with boys.They appeared to be circling.I swear, some even appeared to be marking their territory, and others sniffing and remarking the same spot.My daughter was standing on the step visiting with a few of the boys.I immediately had a flash back to that time in Dunseith.I got out of my pickup and growled. ” What the hell are you?A bunch of dogs in heat?Get the hell out of here”.To my surprise and satisfaction it worked.Them boys all disappeared in less then a heart beat.My children occasionally remember and bring this experience up in conversation, and remind me howembarrased they were.But, as I leave the room, I smile to myself, thinking back and remembering , how well this worked for Mr. Fassett.I bet he was chuckling to himself too, and a little surprised, at how well it worked.It sure worked for me! When the same situation presented itself to me.A lesson learned!By the way, I’m sending a copy of this to my kids, and if their replies aren’t to bad, I’ll foreward them onto Gary.
I remember another time when Don came upon two girls fighting.The loser was left sitting on the ground crying.Don walked over to her and picked her up.As she wrapped her arms around Don’s neck, she looked up into his eyes and stated to him. ” your just like superman”.Don walked a little taller that day.However, it was rumored a few years down the road that the same girl called him a banana-nose.I don’t know what Don did or was attempting to do to cause this responce.Actually I do, but I’ll let someone else tell that story.It seemed that it took Don, and everyone else a long time, before everyone forgot this moniker. (thanks Kenny).
Don was also a outstanding baseball player.Don’s nick-name at the time was Lee May.I don’t recall why the other team members gave him the name.It may be that Don hadn’t quite grown into his ears yet and resembled the fabled baseball players look.Have you noticed that boys at a certian age have ears that stick straight out from their heads.They kind of look like a semi coming at you with both doors open?Girls, I suppose have the same problem, but are able to hide them with their hair.
Don played the position of either second base or shortstop.Which in itself says he was good baseball player.I think John Morgan and George Gottbreht were assistant coachs for the summer baseball team, andClarence Michaels, who was the cop, was the coach for the team.Some of the other players on the team were John Leonard (right hand) and Julian Kalk (left hand)- pitchers, and Jim Evans -catcher, and Lyle Lamoureux -first base, and Dave Shelver-third base.I don’t recall who the other players were and I may have some of their positions wrong, but I do remember that there were two or three more cousins of John Leonard’s that played on the team.I think there family ran the restaurant that was located along Main, where Wayne’s Grocery store is now located.Because, after baseball practice, The Leonards and I would wander up there and the people running the restaurant would give us each a chocolate ice cream sundae.I remember that summer (1957?) as being really hot.Them ice cream sundaes tasted real good.In the afternoons we would all make our way down to the creek, straight west of the new high school.The school wasn’t built yet, so this statement is for the benefit of the younger crowd.For the older crowd, the swimming hole was straight north of the slaughter house, intersection of highway#5 and Willow Creek.There was a small crook in the creek with a tree on the east bank with a slopeing trunk you could walk up and a large branch that hung out over the creek that we dived off.The area was shaded and was a great place to swim and hang out during the hot sunny afternoons.How did a young fellow like me get involved with the baseball team.Well, John Leonard would come walking by the house every morning on his way to baseball practice and invite me along.We lived in the large two story house (Richard House) just west of the Methodist or Stone Church.The ball field was located in the large flat area west of the creek, straight west of the Catholic Church, as was the football field and the track field at that time.What did I do there with all them kids?Apparently they needed someone to run down the foul balls and return them to the playing field and apparently I thought it was worth doing for a chocolate ice cream sundae.Of course the ice cream was better back in them days as everything was.
Don, “We never called him Don, we always called him Egbert” was a good softball player also.We played for John Awalt’s(65er)Standard Service Station in the late 60s.Don played second base or shortstop and I was a outfielder.Snowflake (Gene) Poitra was our pitcher. The most fun game was a game we played up at Deloraine, Manitoba.Unknown to us was that they played fast pitch up there and we always played slow pitch.So, it was decided that when they pitched to us at bat, that they would throw fast pitches and when we pitched to them, we would slow pitch.It was a great experience, was fun, and we also won.I think their team consisted of mostly Goodons and Mcleods, so some of players did know each other. The worst game was a game we played a tMylo, ND.They had erected a snow fence in the outfield and ruled that every ball hit over the fence was a automatic home run.There was no opening in the fence and it seemed, that every pitch them farmers hit, went over the fence.Being a outfielder and having to retrieve the ball meant I had to run all the way around the end and back the same way.After about 5 trips like that I was getting a little tired of that fence and it looked like I was going to be chasing homerun balls all night.During these bouts around the fence I was trying to figure out a shortcut, and I began checking and looking for a spot I could work with.So, when the next fly ball went sailing over my head, I started running toward the fence, went into a horizontal position, and drop kicked the supporting fence post.Ya, I didn’t think I could do it neither.Well wouldn’t you know it?Them farmers were some damn good homerun hitters, but not very good fence erectors.That fence started falling, and it was like watching dominoes, it kept on falling until it was mostly all down, and was no longer a barrier.They complained about the fence, and they also still won the game.They killed us!We got even though!We went to their bar after the game and drank up most of their beer.
The greatest game was a game we played in Rolla against the Dunseith Teachers.They had beat us every game up until this tournament in Rolla.That game, we could do know wrong and we beat them.What a great feeling.In fact John, didn’t we win the championship?
Damn, this story kind of reminds me of the comment on my term paper that had to be in before they would let us graduate high school, “A conglomeration of material leading to nowhere”, byMr. Grossman.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Larry Frozen Fingers Festival:
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND.
Hi Everyone,
It’s Frozen Fingers Festival time again.
![]() As you can see, there is a dance on Saturday night.
Highway 43 is performing on Saturday. They are Dick/Brenda Johnson and Ron
Tina Pladson Bullinger, David Mettler, and Don Boardman are “Just Us”. They perform on Sunday.
Don Lee is a friend of mine from Minot.
I plan to be at the festival from 1:00 until closing both days–most likely I’ll be selling tickets.
![]() ![]() See you at Frozen Fingers!!
Dunseith News posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND.
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Elaine Stokes Memories:
Reply from Marlys Hiatt (71): Dunseith, ND
How wonderful to see a picture of your mother as a young woman. I often As I think of your mom I just want to let you, Allen, and Darrel know I Marlys
From Susan Malaterre Johnson (69): Alvarado, TX
Hey Gary, FYI. The Cowboy Stadium is awesome. I’m so happy to be there. I really can’t share with any of our friends but as I last told you about our bomb threat, I have been aware of so many safeguards. We have snipers inside and out. Tonight I had a fight with 2 sup. adult men. I had to keep them in line for some time with out police and it wasen’t untill much later when I realized that the weapons were most likey on us! Thanks to growing up with 5 brothers they are now calling me Ref. WOW! I’m still with the Red Cross. Thank God for no storms but we have had so many fires. I’m still in shock since my husband died. I don’t know if I told you but I was holding him as he died. I almost went “crazy” and I lived in our house for 9 months before I realized that I did not have to stay there. I sill own it and I have trucks parked on the property. It is rented out as we have a family trust. Unfortunatly, I am the trustee. I’m back to being sane, or so I say. I would still consider Dunseith home but, my husband is buried down here so wherever he isit’s home. I look forward to our daily updates and thank you so much for doing what you are even though I’m sure it is a chore but done with love. Susan Johnson
The other Maurice Johnson:
Reply from Gary Metcalfe (57): Forsyth, MO
Reply to the Johnson Puzzle
I will write a bit about Maurice Johnson as I feel very few people ever knew him. Maurice was in the Merchant Marines during WWII, which was very hazardous duty. They would dock in Seattle and we lived not too far from the docks, so my dad and a couple of his brothers would manage to bump into Maurice once in awhile. They enjoyed talking over old times and I think tried to get him back to the ship on time. Maurice was Glen Johnson’s brother.
There were not too many people around who had more fun than Maurice’s parents, Johnny and Stella Johnson. Stella was a Smith and they had a restaurant in Dunseith at one time.
Gary, didn’t Old Dry Hole Norman Johnson, the well driller, have a brother Maurice? I always wondered how that Maurice fit in.
Thanks to all. Gary Metcalfe
Updated Dunseith Alumni Email List
Folks, I have attached an Excel file of the Master Dunseith Alumni Email list. It’s listed with both a Name sort and a Class sort. After opening, Just klick on the desired sort tab at the bottom left of your screen.
I do not post email lists or addresses on this Website. Please get in touch with me if you’d like a copy of the Dunseith Alumni Email list. Just click on the “Contact Us” tab on the upper left of this screen.
Happy New year everyone. For most of you it’s an hour or so yet until the new year. We have been into the new year for 13 hours now here in the PI. Gary
Helen Metcafle Barden (62) passed away:
From Geri Metcalfe Munro (59): Fargo, ND.
Gary–I will send on to you Lanny’s notice to our siblings of Helen Metcalfe Barden’s passing to new life. Can you please post this to the blog–and MANY THANKS to you, Gary, for all you do for all of us.
Love and peace, Geri Metcalfe Munro
Helen M. Barden, 65, of Fargo, ND, died Tuesday, December 29, 2009, at MeritCare Palliative Care, Fargo, under the care of Hospice of the Red River Valley. Helen Marie Metcalfe was born April 27, 1944, in Seattle, Washington, daughter of James and Ella Marie (Evans) Metcalfe. She attended country school and graduated from Dunseith High School in 1962. Helen attended the North Dakota School of Forestry and Junior College at Bottineau for two years. She graduated from Minot State University with a Bachelors Degree. She married Lance Barden in Bottineau in 1968. Helen taught at Anamoose, North Dakota and Holdingford, Minnesota. She was active in Atonement Lutheran Church and Women’s AGLOW ever since she came to Fargo. She worked for 30 years as a legal secretary and also worked as a receptionist for Access RRV. Helen is survived by her husband, Lance, Fargo, ND; two brothers, James (Yolanda) Metcalfe, Kingman, AZ; and Gary (Sue) Metcalfe, Hollister, MO; four sisters, Geri (Charles) Munro, Fargo, ND; Margaret Leonard, Rolette, ND; Patty (Jack) Woods, Dunseith, ND; and Lola (Jay) Vanorny, Dunseith, ND; numerous nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers-in-law, Duane Coleman and Charles Leonard. Memorial Service: Saturday, January 2, 2010, at 1:00 PM at Atonement Lutheran Church, Fargo, ND. Visitation: Friday, January 1, 2010, from 4-6 PM, at the church. Prayer Service: Friday, January 1, 2010, at 6 PM, at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorials are preferred to Atonement Lutheran Church or Hospice of the Red River Valley. http://hansonrunsvold.com/obituaries.asp?ID=710
Reply from Diane Wenstad Weibe (69): Portage La Prairie, MB Canada
![]() Hi Gary Carmen Leonard Richard
Selling Lanette Beachler Richard’s (82) book: Picture posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND.
As you can see, this is a picture of Carmen Richard selling her daughter-in-law’s book. It was taken at the Craft Sale in Bottineau on November 14, 2009.
Reply to Mary’s pictures: From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND.
Gary and Friends, Thanks to Mary Eurich Knutson for the pictures of some of our Dick
Albert & Clara Berg Albert/Clara Berg Family
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:Bottineau & Minot, ND.