Monthly Archives: October 2010
Question from Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
Are there a lot of developments in PI? I didn’t realize that initially the two of you were thinking of living in one. Do any of your friends (esp those pictured earlier this week) live in developments or stand alone homes (ok compounds) like yours?
Picture posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND
Erling Berg siblings, Your Uncle Hilmer Berg looks great sitting in the front row. I believe he is 91 years old now.
Folks, there are some familiar faces in this bunch. Eloise Boppre is standing to the very left in the back. Jim Kofoid, Neola’s brother and Glen Rude, LaVerne’s (Carrole Fauske) brother are standing to the right in the back.
![]() Reply to Dick Johnson (68):
From Dwight Lang (61): Tucson, AZ.
Hi Dick,
Enjoyed your snow pictures. October was usually my “cut and run” month when I had my Lake Metigoshe place. Kept one eye on the weather forecast for both Arizona and North Dakota. Some times I timed it right but missed it once and damn near didn’t make it to South Dakota thru the snow banks and dodging deer on the highways.
Anyway, this is another unique old car story w/pic’s. Hope you enjoy, I did! Even as a died in the wool Ford man. If you get tired of me sending these, just drop me the word. But whenever I run across one, I think of Dick would like to see that.
Good thing you didn’t have a brother with a like name. Did you notice that Vickie and Wes renamed me “Duane” again. Got called by my brother’s name all the time so much in years past that I would just answer to it. But I might of gotten tulips mixed up with orchids in the bull story too.
Take care and keep your stories coming thru Gary’s post.
Old Dakota Boy,
Demo car story
From Dick Johnson (68): djcars@hughes.net Dunseith, ND.
Gary and Friends,
Many times I have told of the adventures that John Boguslawski and I had as kids. I remembered another one today. John got a demo derby car that had been in one of the early demo derbies in the park. It hadn’t been wrecked too bad and he brought it up to the farm to have some fun with it. The glass had all been removed and most of the interior was gone. We tuned it up and proceeded to run the crap out of it. It was a red and white ’58 Dodge two door sedan. We put in two sets of seat belts and each put on a helmet. I had a place in the pasture where I used to abuse a few old junkers while they still ran. I drove the old Dodge first and made a track around the pasture for a race track for us. I had it down pretty well and was missing the trees by inches, much to the amusement of Big John in the passenger’s seat. We tried to get it to roll over several times but it would always slide and throw dirt and grass, but not go over. He said, “OK, it’s my turn.” John didn’t have the ‘nack’, so to speak. He was a great inventor and builder, but the driving part—well, not so good. I told him to be careful when we make the run through the trees as they don’t give us much room and no forgiveness! About his third trip around the track, he misjudged and hit a big tree smack in the middle! I threw up my arm to protect my face and slammed my helmet down on my wrist on the metal dash. To say it hurt would not tell the whole story! We stopped so fast that had we not had the belts on we both would have flown out the windshield. The fan went through the radiator and the steam and water shot out all over. We laughed it off and got it going again and made it back to the shop where we hooked a chain to the radiator housing and a tree and backed up a few times to bend things back out. The radiator was shot so we just ran the poor old engine with no water in it. A few times up the road and it got so hot the head on the old flat six engine turned black! Big John just giggled when he saw it. We parked on a hill about a half mile west of home so we could roll it down to get it started again when it cooled off a bit. John was at the wheel when we headed down the hill and she fired up one more time. It started to knock really bad and then just as we got to the gate there was big bang and it quit knocking. As we came into the yard, we knew it was about to die permanently so I pointed to a big rock I had pushed out with the Cat and yelled to John to kick it and put her on the rock! Her just about made it to the rock and the engine locked up—we were done! We went back in the shop to work on something we should have been working on instead of goofing around. Later, Dad went down to the mailbox to get the mail. As he came back with the mail, he stepped into the shop and said, “Did you clowns lose something?” He threw a connecting rod and wrist pin on the welding table and just shook his head. The bang we heard was the rod leaving the side of the engine block, by the gate! We did go over to the car and open the hood to see how big a hole the engine had in the block. You could throw a softball through the hole! Another escapade by some crazy kids, but we survived another one! Thanks Gary! Dick Here are a couple poor quality pictures from that day
Email address change
From Donna DuBois Thomas (72): Dunseith, ND
Hi Gary,
Please send all e-mails to my home e-mail address which is : poody@ I can no longer receive personal e-mails at my work e-mail which is : dthoams@
Donna Thomas (DuBois) – Class of ‘72
Email address change
From Betty Schneider Lamb (54): Grand Forks, ND
Gary: Our computer crashed two weeks ago and we just had a new computer installed today so we have missed your blog for the last two weeks. Our new e-mail address is bandblamb@.
Bill and I would appreciate your prayers for our son, Matt. Matt will be having open heart surgery at St. Mary’s in Rochester on November 1st. Matt has hypertrophic cardio myopathy which is the muscle inside your heart which thickens and will not flex. The surgeons will open his heart and remove a portion of this muscle. Bill and I plan to go to Woodbury early Friday morning and then all of us plan to go to Rochester on Sunday. We plan to be gone for several weeks. We look forwared to receiving your messages again. Thank you so much for doing this. Betty and Bill Lamb
Stella Schimetz’s Daughter.
Reply from Linda Johnson Juntunen (72): Perth, ND
I think this is Kim, Stella’s daughter
Linda J. Juntunen COO Microlap Technologies, Inc. ph 701.477.3193.ext 18 fx 701.477.6579 www.microlap.com
MD&M West – February 8 to 10, 2011 Anaheim, California – Booth #1180
OFC/NFOEC – March 8 to 11, 2011 Los Angeles, California – Booth #1813
Reply from Dale Pritchard (63): Leesville, LA
Gary: The last time I saw Carl and Shirley about 6 years ago, Wayne was living on, or had bought, Albert Hiatt’s farm. This is directly across from Carl’s driveway. I don’t know about Vonda. Carl and Shirley didn’t play music when I worked for them either. I think the winter of 63/64. Probably as responsibilities wound down, the golden opportunity to have fun for a change went up.
Keith: Forces are at work, which I am resisting, to get me to make a trip to the DC area in Nov or Dec. Knowing that those forces are sometimes stronger than mine, maybe I’ll get to see you again in a month or so. Dale Monthly dinner club.
Folks, last Saturday our monthly dinner club had dinner at a Chinese Restaruant on the 20th floor of a 41 floor tower hotel/condominium here in Cebu. This club started out being a monthly potluck dinner that rotated thru the members. There are members who do not have facilities to accomodate everyone, so for their month we have been going to a restaurant. In the future, I think the ladies have decided to make this monthly dinner a restaurant gathering.
We guys sat at one table and the Gals at another. The gals came over to our table for the picture. The gals out numbered the guys. Several of the gals are single and several Husbands were unable to attend.
As I’ve mentioned before, we guys are mostly foreigners, from various countries, with varied back grounds, married to or partners of PI gals. We are like one big happy family.
Guys L to R.
(1) Steve from Michigan. Steve is a retired contract engineer from Ford motor. (2) Leo Tacke from Holland. Leo is the General Manager of the Technical support branch of the Lexmark (IBM) Printer company. He has about 1,000 folks under his command. For those of you with Lexmark printers calling for technical support, you will be talking to Leo’s department here in Cebu. (3) Ben from Holland. Ben is retired from the Holland Air force. (4) Me, Gary Stokes, (5) James from California. James is retired from the California State Water purification department. (6) Michael from Ireland/England. Michael is a retired Dentist. (7) Joe from Australia. Joe is retired from the Australian Navy.
![]() Minot Bazaar
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND
Hi Everyone,
I’m back “hawking” another bazaar! Again, I realize many of you live too far away to attend the bazaar–however, you may order caramels directly from me, too.
If you live in the Minot/Bottineau/other areas around Minot, including Canada, and if your employer doesn’t mind if you print/post this flyer, I would appreciate your doing so.
“Our” dates are the same dates at “The Big One”, a LARGE sale held at the fairgrounds in Minot. I call our sale, “The Little One”.
I hope to see some of you at the bazaar.
P.S. Flavors are plain/plain with nuts, chocolate/chocolate with nuts, licorice, raspberry-chocolate. These flavors are availabe in “real” sugar and also in Splenda–for diabetics or people watching their sugar intake.
Mona Dionne Johnson’s (48) Birthday:
Message/Picture from Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
Many of you probably don’t know how many transitions Ramona (Mona) Johnson has been through in the last year. She moved from her beautiful home and wild animals on Lake Metigoshe to an apartment in Bottineau. Her home sold and Brian, her son, and his wife retired to Bismarck. Mona still lives in Bottineau with it’s many pluses, but she misses her wild animal sightings.
Her sons, Brian, Craig and Ross, with the help of her sisters, Elaine and Sister Marlyss, surprised Mona on her birthday last week.
In the photo, Mona is on the left, her younger Sister Marlyss is seated in the middle and her oldest sister, Elaine, on the right.
Now I’ll let Mona tell about her surprise party:
Guy and Lola (Millang) Knox will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary
Posted by Julie Knox Seier (82): Bottineau, ND
![]() Joshua Fulsebakke & Mindy Zietlow engagement/wedding
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
“Dear Heart Lodge” – Owners name correction – Mr. and Mrs.Henry Kotschevar
From Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND.
In my hurried state, yesterday afternoon, to get the photo of Wes, have it processed and sent into the blog, I totally neglected to double check my facts. I rambled about the name of Dear Heart Lodge and I was incorrect with the names of Mr. and Mrs. Kotschevar.
My apologies to yesterday’s readers. As I read last night’s blog I decided I better get busy and “fess up” to that hasty sloppy contribution……. before someone writes in…. incensed telling me to go “eat crow”. I don’t care for that particular taste!
Currently, I am in the process of double checking with Wes my rough draft on his perceptions and recollections of the Schneider neighbors at Deer Heart Lodge, Mr. and Mrs.Henry Kotschevar.
Regards, Vickie
Bill & Gus Hackman stories – Remembrance from Dick Johnson and Larry Hackman
Posted by Larry Hackman (66): Bismarck, ND
I hope this finds you and your family well. We are having a beautiful fall here in the Dakotas. My favorite time of the year. The apples on the trees are large and beautiful this year. We picked some sweet ones and some sour ones off my brother-in-laws trees and my wife made delicious. Yes three huge delicious apple filled pies between golden crusts. I ate half of one in one sitting while it was still warm. DELICIOUS! The other two went into the freezer for later.
Just thought I would send the stories that Dick told everyone that I would send. I would send a pie but being in the service and seeing what condition that stuff arrived in when I was over seas makes me think, that we would both enjoy them pies more if I would just go ahead and eat them. Sounds like a good excuse to me. Beside don’t they have apples over there? I remember eating an apple over there in one them countries that tasted like a pear. It was good but I was expecting the taste of an apple. I can’t imagine eating a pear pie, can you?
Have a good day Gary,
Uncle Bill did love to read. One of my earliest recollections of my Uncle Bill, is him sitting at the table with a kerosene lamp and a newspaper stretched out before him. He would be leaning over the paper, in the yellow glow of that lamp, with a magnifying glass in his hand. Bill and Gus never did get electricity hooked up to their home, even though the line ran right by the house.
Uncle Bill always did take great pleasure in surprising us (my two older brothers and I) as kids, as we explored Grandpa and Grandma Hackman’s farm. When we least expected it, he would turn up with that walking stick as tall as he was and give a little grunt or make some sound to let us know that we were where we weren’t suppose to be. We would take off running for our lives. He would start laughing with that huge booming laugh, that would put wings on our feet.
Whenever we went to their farm we learned to always keep a sharp eye out for Bill. He always kept us a little afraid of him until we got older. Then you couldn’t of found a nicer guy to visit with, and to be with. Of course Uncle Gus was every kids favorite uncle. He always had time to talk and laugh with one or all of us. We never tired of trying to play tricks on him, as he enjoyed the pranks as much as we did. He treated us like grown ups before we were grown up.
The last two weeks without rain have been real busy around the area. I finished haying and my renter has finished taking off his crops. They were here over the weekend and cultivated the stubble and I see the fertilizer truck was here today. The next big job for me is hauling the hay to the buyers. One guy by Wolford has bought most of my hay for the past 22 years. Others are more local and they don’t take long to fill. I hate to think about it but snow and cold are only a month or so away. I guess we’ll survive another one! Dick On 10/12/2010 9:03 AM, larry & marion hackman wrote:
Stella Schimetz’s 80th birthday party
Pictures form Myra Henning Halvorson (72): Bottineau, ND
Hello Gary and all,
We had the pleasure of attending Stella Schimetz’s 80th birthday party today. Her kids: Mark, Kathy and Todd were there as well as many of her family members and friends. We enjoyed her famous BBQ’s as well as salads, sweets, conversation and several musical numbers by Art Rude, Here’s a couple pictures from the event.. Myra
Who is this beautiful young lady with Stella?
Not sure who the young lady is standing in the background
Stella Schimetz with the two Art Rude’s (Father and son)
Art Rude and Art Rude (Father and Son)
Art Rude
Facebook posting – Another beautiful picture of Bernadette. Folks, This is another picture that my good friend, Ken Spurling, found in his albums. This goes back a few years. For many years we had an annual Christmas holiday party at our house, normally with about 70 folks in attendance. Bernadette would have been in country 5 years when this picture was taken. I was a little slimmer and had a bit more hair back then. Gary
1983 New Years Eve party at the Stokes house in Bremerton, WA. Bernadette (Red Dress) and Gary Stokes |
Stella Schimetz 80th Birthday Celebration
Tomorrow (Sunday) October 17th
2:00 – 5:00 PM
Dunseith Grade School
John Awalt Sr. with Unknown child
Picture from Bonnie Awalt Houle (56): Becker, MN
Dear Gary,
In going through pictures from my parents albums I came across this attached picture. Everyone in our family has tried to identify the child on the pony with our Father, John Awalt. We are hoping someone might be able to tell us who the child is, we aren’t certain if it is a boy or a girl. We know the picture was taken sometime in the 1970’s, up in the Turtle Mountains.
Hope someone out there has some guesses. (it is labeled Carl because we first thought it was, but learned we were mistaken).
Bonnie Awalt Houle (56)
Alaina Richard, Allen’s Daughter, at homecoming 2010
Picturs from Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI
Bill & Gus Hackman Story:
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
Larry Hackman and I have had a few email discussions about his uncles Bill and Gus Hackman, who lived a couple miles northwest of our place. One time in the late 60’s, Dad and I were in getting something from the back of Evan’s Hardware and Rod Armentrout was busy working on someones swather engine. Bill and Gus were also there and were watching as Rod was trying to pull a stuck valve out of the engine block. He said he would have to go in and get some kind of a pry bar, but was afraid he may bend the valve stem by prying that hard on it. When he was inside the shop, Bill walked over and wrapped two of his big old fingers around the valve head and pulled it out with a ‘pop’. He never said a word just handed it to Rod when he came out. I remember the look on Rod’s face as he stood there in amazement! Bill used to walk for miles looking for lost or strayed cattle. He always had a walking stick that Larry said was nearly as tall as he was. I do remember that. One time Gus came down to our place with the car looking for some cows that were out. As I was talking to him, I noticed over his shoulder that something was just coming over rise to the north. I commented that there comes something now. Gus turned and said what I thought was, “That’s the bull.” I said,”The bull?” He said, “No, I said Bill.” Larry told me that in the family he was known as ‘The Bill’, so that is most likely what Gus said—makes sense now. Larry, can you fill in the stories about Bill’s reading at home and later? Thanks Gary! Dick Hans Johnson Story:
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,
My Grandpa Hans Johnson was not into much into the usual lines of recreation, but he really enjoyed fishing. Many times we went to Gordon Lake or Pelican Lake and a few times to Long Lake. I remember one morning when I was around 11 or 12 years old, Dad got me up real early and we were at the Crystal Cafe waiting for them to open at 6 AM so we could be at the farm early because we had so much work and not many days to get it done. When we got to the farm, the car was gone. Dad went in and asked Grandma where Grandpa was? She said he went fishing about 4:30 this morning and will be home soon. I remember how my dad went outside and threw his cap in the air and swore. He said, “He knows we have work to do and he’s gone fishing!” Well, Grandpa came home in just a short while later with his fish and was ready to put in a day in the field. Dad and I always hit it fast and hard but Grandpa took his time and still accomplished whatever he was doing. When I was about 12, Grandpa Hans took me to a 50 acre field and told me to go in second gear (slow) with the tractor, harrowing . I remember saying, “Fifty acres in second gear, I’ll be here forever!” He said, “Better forever going than forever broke down.” I guess there is a moral to this story. Dad had Rolaids in his pocket and Grandpa had a can of Prince Albert tobacco—go figure! Thanks Gary! Dick Duaine Ernest Dailly (58) passed away
I have Frequently mentioned Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS) Where I worked for 37 years. With this being a lighter day I thought I’d share with you a picture that a co-worker and good friend of mine, Ken Spurling, recently posted on facebook. This picture was taken in about 1985. I’m the guy with the red shirt in the 2nd row. We were the scheduling department for the entire shipyard. There were about 40 of us. We scheduled all of the production work inclusive of all the major ship overhauls, Nuclear refuelings, miscellaneous jobs, etc. Bubble charts and bar graphs were our specialties. I was in this department for 25 years and 2 months. I was a supervisor when I retired, but Supervisors and lead schedulers where all paid the same rate, so there was no more pay involved. Gary
Condolences to the Loeb family
From Marge Longie Langan-Wilcox (56): Vancouver, WA.
i have had a new addition to my family last week.
it is my # 10 great grand child.
he was born on oct 5, 2010
he weighed 8#
and i would like to express my prayers and condolences to
the loeb family.
my mother urusla longie and hannah were close friends.
they were both at the 2007 reunion.
Condolences to the Loeb family
From Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI
To Karen Loeb—Having been married twice, I’ve lost both parents, one mother-in-law and two fathers-in-law. I loved them all and treasure my current mother in law. Loss is painful and long lasting. If there was such a thing as a cyber hug, I’d give you one.
Condolences to the Loeb family
From Jay (66) & Lola (68) Vanory: Dunseith, ND
To the Loeb families:
We are so deeply saddened at Hannah’s passing but are thinking of her now in that bright happy place with her beloved husband. Our hearts go out to you kids- it seems no matter how old they are – it is still very hard to let them go – fondly-Jay and Lola Vanorny
Bea, Judy Allery Azure’s sister – added to our Distribution
From Judy Allery Azure (65): Wahpeton, ND.
Hi Gary,
Just a short note to have you add my sister Bea to your list of alumni, her
email address is: I certainly have enjoyed all the daily messages and I pass this along to family members. I am doing great just getting a little older. I moved last year back to Wahpeton, ND and am working at the Circle of Nations School, this is a boarding school for children from grades 4 thru 8. The children come from all over the U.S, and can be a handful at times. It’s enjoyable to see so many young faces that are eager to learn and change their lives for the better. Certainly enjoy seeing your home and the addition you are making, looks like quite an undertaking. I spoke with Barb Kalk’ s sisters last evening and Barb sure can use the prayers from everyone as she is in a battle for her life.
Follow up reply to Gary’s question from Judy
Hi Gary,
She is my sister her full name is Beatrice Allery Raygo, Fargo, ND 58103 Judy
Our phone with the number that I have posted (360-362-1222) has been on the mend for several weeks now. We could call out, but folks could not call us. I just received a phone call from a friend of mine in Bremerton, so I’m hoping the problem has been fixed. We also a Magic Jack phone that I’d like to permanently switch over to and discontinue our other phone, but there are problems with Magic Jack too. With Magic Jack we are unable to call folks in the “Souris River” phone company calling areas and other rural phone areas. That takes in a whole lot of the ND areas. I’m not sure if you guys with “Souris River” phones can call our magic jack phone or not. Our Magic Jack number is 701-428-8186. Both these numbers are good VOIP numbers to reach us at. You can call anytime of the day. If we are not around just leave a message. These phones do not wake us up.
Hannah Higgins Loeb (39) Passed away
Message from Karen Loeb Mhyre (65): Bellevue, WA
Hi Gary,
Just to let you know, our mother, Hannah Loeb passed away this past Saturday. Here is an email copy I sent to close friends.
Dear Friends,
Here we are at the end of our journey. I wanted to let each of you know that our Mother, Hannah Alida Loeb, passed away on Saturday, October 9th at 1:20 PM. We are so grateful for these last few months, not only because it gave each of us time to be with mom, but it also gave us time to spend with each other, a rare gift for three grown-up sisters.
Ashley Hannah, Andrew and Jennifer’s youngest (4 month old) was visiting with us when the weekend Hospice nurse arrived.As Andrew arrived to pick up Ashley, the Hospice nurse was examining Mom. At that moment, Mom was gone. She had quietly stopped breathing and faded away, very peacefully and with little pain.
The last several days had been very quiet and calm. Turning Mom over, and giving her little sips of water to keep her mouth moist, was all she seemed to want or need. It was a time for each of us to sit closely and hold her hand. On Friday evening, Karen washed her face and Mom murmured “Thank you.”We think those were her last words.
Mom wanted to be at home when she died, and we are so happy that we were able to help her do this. Our plan now is to have a private family service this weekend at St. Brendan’s Church in Bothell. In July, we will be attending a family wedding in Minnesota. We will take a little trip to the lake near our parents first home where they were married and started their family. That was some 63 years ago. Our Dad, George Loeb died so long ago in 1975. We know this would make them both happy, together again in the place they were young, healthy and happy!
Thank you all for your love and support, your prayers and care. It has been a long four months but also a very rewarding time. Mom would laugh at us as we moved her to her chair, positioned her in bed, and help her with her meals, personal care and the like.She was incredibly patient with our stumbling and incredibly thankful that we were together with her during this time.We watched her favorite films, read from some of her favorite books, listened to a great deal of music and even watched some old “Rockford Files.”We looked at old photos and albums given to her by Drew and Jill, as well as old family albums. We were fortunate that Tom and his family were able to visit from Saudi Arabia in July, and Jill and her little family visited from Michigan around the same time. Frequent visits from Mom’s nieces and nephews and their families, as well as visits by Andrew and his family kept Mom extremely busy and cared for.Our Hannah and my Jim would stop in occasionally, too. It really was a journey for all of us.
In the end, it was as Mom had wanted. We were together at home and she was at peace. What more can anyone ask. We will miss her but she will always be with us. Please, send no flowers or anything, just continue to donate to your favorite charities and continue to do all the good things I know you do for others. This is what Mom wanted. And thank you for thinking of us at this difficult time, we knew you were there and it really helped to have this kind of support. Please forgive this method of communicating the news, it is now the simplest way we can share with each other. Mom liked letters best, but had learned to accept our modern ways.
All our love,
Karen, Jane and Mari
Reply from Sharon Longie Dana (73): MIssoula MT
Gary, I would like to thank you again for doing this blog. Without it I would never have seen or been in touch with my high school friend…Brenda Hiatt Parker(73).
I went thru Bismarck this past Friday and was able to have lunch with her and meet her wonderful husband Paul. Brenda and I had a great visist and it was so awesome to re-connect with her. Now i know we won’t ever lose touch again. Thanks again Gary for all you do !!!!
Sharon Longie Dana(73)
Stella Schimetz’s
80th birthday celebration
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Isaiah Larry Hackman – Larry’s Grandson
Posted by Larry Hackman (66): Bismarck, ND
Talking about additions.
I thought I would introduce our new addition to everyone.
My new grandson (Isaiah Larry) was born On Sept. 28th,
to my son Larry and his wife Lynn.
He is our ninth grandchild.
No plastering of the walls or tiling of the floors necessary Gary, he is fully operational.
![]() |
Our new addition is coming along well. The roof is on and the walls will be all plastered, both inside and out, by the end of this week. Next comes the ceiling and then the floor and Bathroom wall tiles. Gary
Neola with her mother: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary,
As you can see from the picture I sent yesterday, Mom looks “good”! Her health improvement is due to all the prayers that were said for her. Please thank your readers for their prayers, as I know many of them included Mom/our family in their prayers. As you can see, one more time, prayers worked!!!!!
I know many prayers were prayed for me, too. Those prayers were also answered–thanks! I’m busy making caramels. I need about 175 lbs. in the next couple of weeks, or so. Our condo has turned into a “candy making factory”.
Deer Heart Lodge – Tales of Old
![]() From Dwight Lang (61): Tucson, AZ
![]() The Deer Heart Lodge was just North of our cattle pasture, maybe 1/4 mile or so. It was run by a Mr. and Mrs. Kochovar (probably misspelled). I was very young at the time so I don’t remember it all that well. But they had many displays featuring taxidermy items like the gopher wedding in the picture as well as a group of frogs playing cards at a table, all with accessories to boot. They also had some elaborate wood furniture and carvings plus garden displays galore. A very beautiful and interesting place. I think they charged a walk through fee but I can’t imagine how they managed to make a go of it being a ways off Willow Lake Road (not necessarily known as a tourist route).
Back to the garden features. I must admit that he had the best and sweetest strawberries I have ever tasted. That might be why I never got to know the gentlemen that well since he wasn’t pleased very much when I unexpectedly and uninvited would show up for a taste or two of those sweet berries from time to time. Reminds me of Arizona where one can run for the border for safety. In my case safety was the pasture to the South.
On another occasion, we had this bull, Elmer. Elmer was a social critter and did not respect a three barded wire fence it he had a mind to go visiting, be it the neighbors cows or Mr. Kochovar’s gardens. He apparently had a taste for tulips and on one visit to the Deer Heart Lodge he cleaned out one of Mr. Kochovar’s displays of a hundred plus tulips. I remember him visiting my Dad on this occasion. Dad was not very happy but eventually paid up at a buck or two each tulip (big money back then). Now Elmer, I’m not certain what his fate was to be, but I believe he ended up contributing to the McDonald first million served. Another day on the farm, some come, some go!
Dwight Lang
Thank you
From Bill Hosmer (48): Tucson, AZ
Gary, If you can, please include the following in one of your postings.
I am back in Arizona after bringing my wife’s remains back to the Dunseith Cemetery. When I got my North Dakota bank statements there were several very generous deposits to my account from those terrific people who supported the benefit golf tournament and contribution effort to help me pay the bills that were not covered by my insurance plan. Those costs were for the nursing assistants I hired from an agency here giving home care for those who need it. The cost was just short of 11,000 per month. The help that my Rolette County, Bottineau County, and the Province of Manitoba friends was meaningful and appreciated more than words can convey. There were just a few of the names which were included on the deposit entries which I could read. I am so grateful to all, for this generosity my friends and relatives revealed in their continuing outreach during my challenging period of time. Without this loyalty, life would be a drag instead of the optimism I feel about the future and how I can help repay some of the kindness that came to me. My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation and yes, love, for being the people you are, and what you do for one another, and how you demonstrate all the valuable characteristics that our country and our Christian faiths inspire. Thank you from my heart. Bill Hosmer
Stella Schimetz 80 birthday celabration:
From Mark Schimetz (70): Rolette, ND
Yes Gary for hard copy cards etc. you can mail them to
Stella Schimetz
PO Box 184
Dunseith ND 58329
PS: Stella would like to hear from all her kids as she calls them, everyone is welcome to stop in at the Grade school Cafeteria between 2 and 5 pm. These hours are not set in stone.. we will have coffee and David Todd’s wife Katie has ordered a birthday cake large enough to feed 96 people. I cant wait to see that one.