
Happy Birthday Art Rude (DHS ’71): Bismarck, ND

Happy Birthday Art Hagen (DHS ’72): Bottineau, ND
Website update
Reply from Amy Schaleskys:
Folks, Amy is the gal who set up the Dunseith community Website a few years back. With our site being discontinued the end of April, I have asked for her assistance setting up a new site for us. The Dunseith Community Website is currently inactive. We are looking at the possibility of reviving that sight for our needs. If Amy can make that happen, it would be great. The sight she set was very aesthetic and user friendly too.
Amy is the daughter of Audrey Hansen Aitchison. Audrey is my first cousin and also a first cousin of the Morinville siblings. Audrey’s mother, Olga, and my dad were siblings. Audrey’s dad, Bert, and Frances Morinville were siblings.
Amy’s Reply:

The domain “garystokes.net” is owned by Live until January 21, 2013, (and at that time they have first dibs to renew it) so that option is probably out. Garystokes.com is also taken, I see, so are you wanting to transfer the existing garystokes.net site onto dunseith.net ($9.99/year)? Godaddy.com has a free account option with a small banner of advertisement at the top to avoid the $5.99/mo (or somewhere thereabouts) monthly hosting fee, if you want. Anyway, the prices I quoted are from Godaddy.com. I love them, but you can certainly look around for other domain/hosting services. You can go there any search any domain name you desire to see if it is available. You will have to set the account up, which is a very straightforward process, but you can certainly contact me if you need assistance. During that process you will be asked to set up a user name and password for your website. I will need that information and the domain (website) name to help set up the new site. Let me know what you find out.






My reply to Amy

Hello Amy,
How much of a pain would it be to transfer garystokes.net with all the files onto dunseith.net. Are there any other fees involved other than the annual $9.99? That would probably be the way to go. Would/could Godaddy.com be the domain/hosting service for dunseith.net? I am very ignorant with all of this, so please ignore my dumb questions. As for a user name you can use _______ or something similar. We could use _______ for a password. Rather than fooling around with an annual fee, we could live with the small banner of advertising at the top.
Amy, if you can make this happen, it would be wonderful. As I told you before, we are not seeking free gratis with this one. We will pay you for your services. The Dunseith sight you set up was very user friendly too. If we can just revive that sight an add to it, I think, is the way to go. Once you get this all set up, I am pretty sure we can manage it. You are very brilliant with all this and make it sound so easy. I know that you have gotten out of this line of business too and have ventured on to other things.
Thanks Amy,
Reply from Brad Williams (’78): Halluck, MN.

Hi Gary,

Not sure how I got dropped (?) off your distribution list, but the last blog message that I received by e-mail was about 10 months ago. I just started reading the blogs posted to the D.H.S. website after that.




Since you mentioned it might be difficult for you to continue posting the blog messages on the website after April, I wanted to provide you with my current e-mail address.Please add bw.in.mn@ to your distribution list so I don’t miss future blog messages.

Thanks for all your efforts in keeping Dunseith area folks connected. Any idea when you might be providing us with an expanded list of D.H.S. alumni ? Seems majority of the posts are from alumni about 10+ years ahead of my class (’78), so updating the list to include graduates from ’78 and beyond might help to encourage more input from them.




Hope you are having an enjoyable spring.




Brad Williams

Hello Brad,


It is great hearing from you. You have been on my distribution all along. Not sure where your messages have been going though. I have changed my records to include your new email address, so hopefully you will get the newsletters from today onward.


When I was putting class lists together I only got as far as the class of 77. At that point I kind of momentarily lost steam and at about that same time these daily blocks started coming into the being. I have gotten so many request from those of you beyond the class of 77 to be included with the daily blog distributions too. Hopefully, one of these days I can continue on putting a few more class lists together beyond the class of 77. I pretty much have complete class lists, inclusive of those dead and alive, for all of the classes of 1940 thru 1977 of which I try to keep updated.



Murl Watkins Hill’s (’50) contact info
Previously posted
The family of Murl Hill invite you to attend an 80th birthday celebration in her honor. The open house will be at Peace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, April 7, 3-5 p.m. She requests no gifts please. Hope to see everyone there.

From: Brenda Mueller
Phone: 701-477-9284
E-mail: brmuell@utma.com

Gary, Thank you for posting the Party Announcement for Murl Hill.
Please change her e-mail address to mlhill@utma.com

She has recently moved to Bottineau so also has a new address.
It would be nice if you would post it so she can receive
birthday cards.
Thanks for All you Do, Brenda

825 JAY ST

Retirement and email address change
From Dale Pritchard (’63): Leesville, LA

Please change my email address to “Pritchard@.” I am retiring
from Federal service today! Finally!! I had planned on staying till August
but a couple other folks retired and I had to pick up their workload. I
finally hit the limit on what I could do properly and there was more coming.
Anyway, after a total 46 years I’m ready to go.

Dale Pritchard

Congratulations Dale with your retirement. Forty Six years combined Air Force and Federal Civil Service is a lot of years. You’ve got me beat by 9 years. I only had 37 years Federal Civil Service inclusive of my 3 years Army active duty. Enjoy your retirement years ahead.




Gary & Sue Metcalfe

Reply fromNeola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND


Hi Gary,


Thank you so much for the note you wrote to Gary Metcalfe about Bud/Debbie being surprised to see him/Sue at Charlotte’s wedding. Even after I felt so smart about thinking I now know who Gary/Sue Metcalfe are, I STILL didn’t make the connection that the Gary Metcalfe who sends emails for the newsletter is the Gary Metcalfe who is married to Sue Ovitt! By golly, I’ve got the connection now!!


Bernadette’s great niece/nephew are darling. :)


Dunseith Sunday Afternoon story
From Larry Hackman (’66): Bismarck, ND


Here is a story that seems to fit in with the other stories on the blog lately.

Hope you all enjoy it.

Welcome to you and all the others, back from the cruise.

Dick and I had to pick on each other while you were gone.

He ended up, by calling me a _ _ _ neola.

Is that Norwegian for something?

Have a good day.


Larry’s question to Mel Kuhn
What is a _ _ _ neola?
Dick hasn’t replied.
So I thought I better check with someone that speaks or understands Norwegian?
Mel’s reply to Larry
I don’t know what’s dat Norweegin picking on us good old Germans for anyways, and I don’t know what’s the trouble throwing the cow over the fence some hay?? And I don’t know what he meens a _ _ _neola just cause he got caught with the same chicken joke three times in a ten minute span. He must have thought something differant was gonna happen each a time. Norweegins anyways. He just left my place a little while ago. You should have seen it-a German and a Norweegin trying to figure electrical wiring. Yeesus anaways Ole dar wus sum cofusun going on. Later guys-I gotta go I think I SMELL SMOKE.
Dick Johnson’s Reply

Before this goes too far, I told Larry that Neola already got me with the ‘click on the chicken’ Easter joke and I only fall for that stuff once. Remember it’s hard for a German to understand a Norskie! That’s why they ‘throw the cow over the fence some hay’.




Larry’s Story



Sunday afternoons during the late 50’s, during midsummer, Dunseith Main Street was usually very quiet.The street was mostly empty of vehicles.The Crystal CaféandSy’s Pool Hall located across the street from each other, were the only two business’s open except for a couple of gas stations located on the ends of Main Street.Very Quiet.

There wasn’t much to do for a group of young boys that would often gather together and hang out in either the pool hall or the restaurant.The pool Hall was a great place to hang out if everyone had money to play pool.It cost each person a nickel a game back in them days, but most of us didn’t have two nickels to rub together, and ole Syd Kadry wouldn’t allow you to hang around in there to long if you didn’t have any money to spend.

The Crystal Café became the hang out.We could all sit in a booth of our choice as there were usually only a few customers sitting around enjoying an afternoon of quiet, with coffee and a sweet of some kind. We would usually take the booth up front next to the juke box.I remember one Sunday afternoon when we discovered a new 45 record had been installed in the juke box.The song was about a purple one eyed character that played music through the horn on his head.We pooled our money, and played that song over and over again.Even with the one guy, who would jump up at the end of the song, and tap the juke box in the upper right hand corner, that most of the time, would cause the player arm of the juke box to bounce back and play the record again.We eventually ran out of money and the juke box would quit playing.Mr. Maxbass, a fellow sitting at the counter, even donated a quarter to our cause, and told us to go ahead and play the songs of our choice.That meant playing that same song six more times, plus the tap in songs.Mr. Maxbass and the other people in the restaurant did not seem to mind that we did this, and apparently liked the song too.The Casavant twins (not Joe and Gerald, their older sisters) who were the waitresses at the time continued cleaning and arranging tables and scrubbing floors.The other people in the restaurant also seemed to enjoy the quiet afternoon listening to Sheb Wooley singing the Purple People Eater.I have the song playing right now; it is still one of my favorites.

Dan McCoy, a man who had already seen many years, and the owner of the restaurant, would always be sitting on the far stool, at the end of the counter, toward the rear of the restaurant drinking a cup of coffee and smoking a cigar staring directly ahead andappearing to be enjoying the moment.

There was another older fellow that usually sat on a stool at the center of the counter directly in front of the milk machine.He usually enjoyed the Sunday afternoon special if there was any left from the noon rush.I called him Mr. Maxbass, “I think he was a Hagen,” I never could remember the gentleman’s name but I remembered that he was from Maxbass.He drove a bluish gray, three quarter ton ford pickup that he parked on the street, in the shade, in front of the restaurant.

Pauline Jones usually occupied a booth with her Chihuahua.The Chihuahua was always decked out in a bright red knit sweater and well behaved.She would have coffee and pie or some other sweet.The Chihuahua would be sitting right next to her, with both paws on the table, enjoying Pauline’s food, with her.


Yes, Sunday Afternoons in Dunseith in the middle of summer were very quiet and warm with not much going on.One Sunday afternoon while sitting in the Crystal Café showing each other card tricks.You know, “there was one young fellow who could rig that deck to deal himself a royal flush every time, without dealing off the bottom”.I wish I could remember how he did that.Anyway, after becoming bored from sitting in the Crystal Café teaching each other card tricks we walked out the front door.Main Street was purity much empty accept for a 54 Ford parked on the west side of the street, in the shade, created by the façade of the Gamble Store.Around the car were gathered some of the older teens, well, older then us anyway.Some of them had packs of cigarettes rolled up in the sleeves of their white t-shirts, and were smoking.Winston was the cigarette of choice in them days.Remember the commercial that Winston tastes good, “finger snap, snap,” like a cigarette should. They wouldn’t smoke the Marlboro brand, as the word was out at that time period, that they could make you go sterile.And no self respecting teen ager, would take a chance on that.The word was probably put out, by the Winston Cigarette Co.?Who Knows?

Anyway, as we left the restaurant, I happened to glance down into the gutter and saw something that was wadded up, and looking a lot like the color of money.I picked it up and straightened it out, and discovered it was a twenty dollar bill. I was about to throw it back down, believing it not to be real, when Julian Kalk said that it was real.I couldn’t believe my good fortune.I ran home and showed my parents.They said, I had better take it up and show the cop.I took it up to Clarence Michaels, who was the Chief of Police in Dunseith at the time.He told me to hang onto it for a week, and if he didn’t come get it from me, that it was mine.He never did come get it.Now, I don’t remember, what I did with it.Probably spent it on comic books and hamburgers, what else would a 10 year old kid do with a twenty dollar bill? Didn’t those buns from the Dunseith Bakery make the best hamburgers in the world, and all for 25 cents?I still think that Mrs. Earl Myer who worked at the bowling Alley Lunch counter at the south end of town made the best hamburgers in the world.Only 30 cents each.White Castle burgers were nothing compared to Bertha’s burgers.

Dunseith residents weren’t above playing practical jokes on one another.I remember when a group of us young fellows discovered this large motorcycle sitting in front of the new Bowling Alley.Did you know that when they built the new Bowling Alley and the Garden Tap Bar, that the buildings were, suppose to have a black glass front instead of painted block?I remember that the workers had installed one row of glass and then they just left it that way.Eventually the 3’ by 3’ squares of black glass that were installed were removed.I never knew why, but I think, with the black glass fronts, the buildings would have been a greater addition, to Main Street? Maybe Duane Peterson knows.I remember him and his brother Bill, as being two of the carpenters that worked on the structures.Anyway, we young lads discovered this motor cycle sitting in front of the Bowling Alley with a lot of extra paraphernalia hanging on it.A couple of the objects were the legs of a female mannequin, and for some reason someone had pulled male sexual protective devices over the ends of the handle bars, that acted like a steering wheel cover, I suppose.Maybe they were expecting rain or maybe that was just the fad back in them days?I wonder if anyone ever installed or used a steering knob on a motor cycle.I know, back in the 50’s steering knobs were quite the rage in automobiles.Some were really fancy.I remember us young fellows; all had quite a time checking out all the objects that were attached to this cycle, for some reason.No, I won’t say at this time, who the cycle belonged to.What’s a story, if some parts don’t leave you wondering?In fact, I am still wondering what Uncle Gus meant, when he told Gary Metcalf, that he put that mean bull in a poke?

Another time a bunch of us young fellows were gathered in front of the bowling alley when this other young fellow came barreling (I don’t think we used the word barreling in them days) up to us on his bicycle all excited.He had discovered a brown paper sack behind the Garden Tap and there was beer in it.We all immediately jumped on our bikes and sped around the end of the block , around the drug store and up the alley past the back of the bowling alley and up behind the Garden Tap.There stood a paper sack in the small space between the bar and the storage building behind the bar.We opened the sack and inside there was a six pack of beer.We could not believe our good fortune.We loaded that baby up and headed for the park.At the City Park, “there was a bridge across the creek to the park in them days,” we jumped off our bikes and pulled ourselves up a picnic table in the shade.We were big time, we were just like grown-ups, sitting around drinking beer and telling stories.

Anyway, the six pack didn’t last too long amongst the five of us, so we headed back up to Main Street.We were back in our favorite spot, in the shade, in front of the Bowling Alley.We must have been goofing off a little more than normal or something.Maybe, it was because of the beer.Because, all of a sudden the entrance door to the Garden Tap Bar opened, and Glen Johnson growled at us, “that if you fellows ever do anything like that again, he was going to kick our donkeys (he didn’t say donkeys, he used the other word), from one end of Main Street, all the way to the other end of Main Street”.We just couldn’t figure out what he was talking about, but we never found another six pack, at the back of the bar, and we checked often, almost every Sunday afternoon.I was just thinking that Main Street started at Dale’s Truck Stop, and ended at Kreig’s Texaco.Why, that would have been a whole mile of butt kicking.That might have started to hurt after awhile? Yes, most of the time, Sunday afternoons were very quiet, with not much going on.

Now that we are older, doesn’t it seem like Sunday afternoons are the longest day of the week? I guess they were the same way, way back in the day, also.

Remember to laugh, and I hope this story helped remind you, to do just that.

Dick, I’m just an old chunk of coal, but I’ll be a diamond some day?



Cebu Philippines
Gathering of the gals to see Arlene, the gal in blue standing between Rose and me.
Arlene is visiting for a few days from Seattle. She is home sick for Cebu.


Reply to the 1932 Threshing Crew Photo

From Lloyd Awalt (’44): Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary,
Dick I’m not sure but George Gottbreht is not in that picture of the threshing crew. Them guys are to small. George was a big man. There are three men that I don’t recognize. I don’t think Sal Schneider is one. but I could be wrong. I think those are from Willow City.

1932 Willow City threshing crew
4th Row: Lady Standing, Jim Egbert, ??, ??
3rd Row: ??, ??, Bennie Schneider?
2nd Row: Dave Eurich Sr., George Egbert
1st Row: Dave Eurich Jr., ??




Old memories

From Dick Johnson (’68): Dunseith, ND


Gary and Friends,

Maybe Gary Metcalfe opened a can of worms when he mentioned George Egbert and his speech problem. I remember well when he stayed at Duane and Lorraine Peterson’s for all those years. Lorraine said that George was in the hospital and told Duane he didn’t have anywhere to go when he was discharged, so Duane told him he could come and stay with them for a while. Lorraine said he came to stay and left 17 years later! My ‘George Egbert’ story has to do with old cars—imagine that? When I was a senior in high school I bought a ’57 Ford and gave my old ’47 Plymouth to Dan Boguslawski. It was an ugly old four door but Dan had a car. I heard through the grapevine that George Egbert wanted to sell his ’47 Plymouth coupe for $25. because something was wrong with the engine. John Bogus and I went up to Duane Peterson’s and asked George about the car. I will never forget as long as I live, the look on Big John’s face when he asked George what was wrong with the engine? George said, “Dinnok ba a balb id tuck.” John stared at George for a few seconds and then politely said, “Oh.” I nearly lost it. John had no clue. Over the years, I had been around George and Adrian enough to understand them so I finally told John, “He said it didn’t knock but a valve is stuck.” George chimed in with a smile, “Yep.” John then asked how much and George said, “Twenny pie buck. ” John caught that one! We towed the car to town and switched engines and Dan had a pretty cute little coupe with the plastic winged swan on the hood. I later got a gallon of John Deere green paint from Art Henning at the Gamble Store and painted it for Dan. I asked Art what kind of paint he might have for a car and that was the only thing he had. I asked Art what he thought a ’47 Plymouth coupe would look like painted John Deere green? He said, “Probably look fine as long as you don’t park next to anything yellow–ha ha ha.” It did look pretty cool with the bright green paint though. Thanks Gary!





Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND


Happy Birthday to Murl Hill

From Glen Williams (’52): Missoula, MT
Those of us from the class of ’52 are right behind you.. and hopefully will reach 80 in a year or two…

And Yes there were a lot of very successful businesses in Dunseith in 1953….I recognize all of them..

Glen Williams…Class of 1952

Request for Murl Watkins Hill’s mailing address
From Lorraine Richard Nelson (’46): Messa, AZ
Hi Gary,
Really enjoy your blog and all the wonderful news of friends.. Thank you so much. Would someone please add Murl Watkins address to the blog. An old friend of mine, would like to send a card. Thanks.
Lorraine Richard Nelson
Reply to Larry Hackman’s posting
From Margaret Metcalfe Leonard (’65): Rolette, ND
Larrys advice was right on the mark. Thanks for those powerful words to live by.
Margaret Leonard
Reply to the 1932 Threshing Crew Photo
From Dick Johnson (’68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

In the 1932 Threshing Crew photo, the guy in the middle of the
screen door and the man sitting right in front of the lady are the two
Egbert brothers, Jim and George. I don’t know for sure which is which
but that’s them. I don’t think the guy on the right that was ID’d as
George Gottbreht is in fact him. He was a bigger man than this guy.
Evie, wasn’t your Grandpa George over 6′ tall? I remember hearing that
he was like 6’4″ and his wife, Evelyn, was under 5′. This man looks
more like Bennie Schneider to me. Just a guess. How about it, Lloyd?
Thanks Gary!


Very good Dick. I think George Gottbreht is supposedly in this photo, but maybe not? Which one may he be? Gary
Reply to the 1932 Threshing Crew Photo
From Gary Metcalfe (’57): Forsyth, MO

Hello, Dwain and Lorraine Peterson could surely identify all the people on the threshing crew picture. Dwain kind of adopted George Egert as his chore boy. The 2nd man in the 2nd row is George Egbert. His brother, Jim Egbert is in the top row right of the woman. George Gottbrecht, Sr. was a really tall man, maybe 6’4″. The ones Dwain wouldn’t know, Lorraine may know because she is from Willow City.

George Egbert was a super guy. He always made me feel I was getting home really late because as I was going home from town, George’s yard light was already on and he was doing chores. He had a comical speech, for example I heard a guy tell George that he had six stacks of hay done already and George replied to him, ” I have tic tac too.”

Gary Metcalfe

Thank you Gary M.
If we keep posting this picture enough, eventually we will have everyone identified.
Off on another subject: I truly enjoyed my breakfasts with you on the cruise. We had breakfast together everyday but one. My brother Darrel and his wife Debby were pleasantly surprised to see you and Sue at Charlotte Kofoid Ovitt’s funeral several weeks ago too. They did not realize that Rodney Ovitt and Sue are first cousins. Charlotte was our 2nd cousin. It is a small world.
Gary S.
1932 Willow City threshing crew
4th Row: Lady Standing, Jim Egbert, ??, ??
3rd Row: ??, ??, Bennie Schneider?
2nd Row: Dave Eurich Sr., George Egbert
1st Row: Dave Eurich Jr., ??
Jasmine, Bernadette’s little 7 year old Great Niece. Jasmine lives next door and
will be going into 3rd grade at the start of the next school year June 1st.
As of today, school is out for the year. April and May are summer vacation months.
There were 55 kids in Jasmine’s 2nd grade class with one teacher and no helpers.
Jasmine, with her 5 year old brother, Tyler.
These kids are Bernadette’s favorites. I tell her she should
not have favorites, but she doesn’t listen. They are good kids.
Joke of the day
Captured off of Bobbie Slyter’s (’70) FB wall


Murl Watkins Hill (’50) Celebrates her 80th birthday: Dunseith, ND

Message from Brenda Hill Mueller (’70): Rolla, ND

From: Brenda Mueller
Phone: 701-477-
The family of Murl Hill invite you to attend an 80th birthday celebration in her honor. The open house will be at Peace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, April 7, 3-5 p.m. She requests no gifts please. Hope to see everyone there.



1953 Dunseith Businesses
Posted by Susan Fassett (’65): Spearfish SD

On the back page of the Dec 31st, 1953 edition of the Dunseith Journal the following businesses are listed. How many of us remember all these ??


1. Security State Bank

2. Red and White Store, Mr and Mrs KC Sine

3, Dray Service, Leo Vandal

4. Mac Williams Skogmo Store, Mr and Mrs Mac Williams

5. Evans Hardware, Bill Evans

6. Howard Hiatt, Livestock Trucker and Cattle Buyers, John and Howard Hiatt

7. Stadheim and Woodford, Bowling Alley and Bar, Oscar Stadheim and Harold Woodford

8. Campbell Insurance Agency, W.P. Campbell and Alan Campbell

9. Richards Service Station, Vernon and Norman Richard

10. The Morgan Lumber Co, K.D. Morgan

11. The Lamoreaux Bros, Ford Garage

12. Snow White Bakery, H.L. Martinson

13, Hosmer’s Dept Store, Jack and Bob Hosmer

14. Al and Len’s Bar, Al Vandal and Len Cote

15. Hassen’s Fairway Store, Mrs. E Hassen and O’Neal

16. Althea Theater, Arnold Lilleby

17. Jack’s Standard Station, Jack Flynn

18. Richards Variety Store, Mr and Mrs Pete Richard

19. Ormal Kester, Standard Oil

20. Gambles Hardware Store, Mr and Mrs Edgar Anderson

21. The Corner Bar, Mr and Mrs Henry Lacroix

22. Crystal Cafe, Mr and Mrs Bob McCoy

23. Dunseith Taxi Service, Peterson and Evans

24.Peavey Elevator, R.V. Johnson

25. Marie’s Beauty Shop, Marie Allard

26. Red Owl Store, Mr and Mrs. J Lamoureux, Mr and Mrs. L Bedard

27. Godfrey’s Barber Shop, James and Bud

28. Kofoid’s Corner Garage, John Kofoid

29. The Great Plains Supply, Wm. A. Johnson

30. Shelver’s Drug Store, Mr and Mrs Glen Shelver

31. Iver Lo Hardware Store, Iver Lo

32. Star Cleaners, Mr and Mrs Bob Molgard

33. Dunseith Co-Op Creamery, Floyd Dion and Lloyd Awalt

34. Dale’s Cash Supply, and Dunseith Livestock Exchange, Mr and Mrs Dale Gottbreht

35. Texaco Touring Service Station, Mr and Mrs Lawrence Gouin

36. Dakota Hotel, Mr and Mrs P.J. Mellmer

37. Peace Garden Cafe, Mrs Poeppel

38. Hopper and Douglas Funeral Service, C.V. Hopper and Harry Douglas


What a thriving city we had in 1953!! Good memories. Hugs, Susan(Fassett) Martin





Reply to the 1932 Threshing Crew picture

From Evie Gottbreht Pilkington (’65): Irvine, CA.


Hi Gary,

Reading the blog each day…thank you for all you do to bridge us together with friends and family.

The man in the threshing crew I don’t believe is my dad….doesn’t look like dad….my dad would have been 16 In 1932 and these fellows are all more mature.

I tell my friends what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas but what happens in Dunseith we put on the blog. They always laugh.

Blessing, Evie

I miss labeled that. The guy on the right end in the second row was previously identified as your Grandfather George Gottbreht, not your dad Dale. I had your dad’s name on my mind when I labeled it. To my knowledge, I do not remember ever seeing your Granddad, but the guy in is photo, to me, sure resembles Ernie and George.
Folks, Have any of you been able to figure out which two are Jim and George Egbert and also Benny Schneider in this photo. I am 99.9% sure we have the Dave Eurich’s identified correctly. If not, they are their twins.


Previously posted

1932 Willow City threshing crew

Photo provided by Mary Eurich Knutson (62): Dunseith, ND


1932 Willow City threshing crew
3rd Row:
2nd Row: Dave Eurich Sr., ??, ??, George Gottbreht Sr.
1st Row: Dave Eurich Jr., ???
Gary and Bernadette’s Grandkids
Tyler (14) and Nevaeh (7)
Bernie Stokes – Hard to believe he is 41
Nevaeh Wingate & Sheryl Stokes Wingate
Reply to Michael Kenny and Rose Hohl’s picture posted yesterday
From Michael Kenny: Cebu, Philippines
Hi Gary,

Love the old pics from back when.
That’s a great pic of Rose and I…..great lookin gal.

You can tell Susan Brew Roussin “this Irishman DID walk out of a bar….”
I didn’t get a tee shirt, just nasty letters from the brewery, cos their shares nosedived ! ! !



Michael has been sober and an AA member for nearly 30 years now. Wonderful accomplishment.

NYE 12/31/2011
Barbara Kenny, Evelyn Todd, Rose Hohl, Michael Kenny & Joy Regner
Posting of the day
From Larry Hackman (’66): Bismarck, ND
Larry, this is a bit long, but with a powerful message that I think is very worth while posting. Most of these tips are very much my philosophy in life too and even more so the older I get. Thanks for sharing. Gary
Forty Tips For A Powerful 2012


Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.


Tape your late night shows and get more sleep.

When you wake up in the morning, complete the following statement,

“My purpose is to ________________________________________________________________ today.”


Live with the 3 E’s: Energy, enthusiasm and empathy.

Watch more movies, play more games and read more books than you did in 2011.

Make time to practice meditation, yoga, tai chi, and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.

Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.

Dream more while you are awake.

Eat more foods that grown on trees and plants and eat less foods that are manufactured in factories.

Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds and walnuts.

Try to make at least three people smile each day.

Clear your clutter from your house, your car, your desk, and let new and flowing energy into your life.


Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead, invest your energy in the positive present moment.

Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class, but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charged card.

Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energy vampires away.

Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

Life is too short to waste your time hating anyone.

Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

You don’t have to win every argument. Agree or disagree.

Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.

Don’t’ compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

Burn the candles, use the nice linens, and drink good wine. Don’t save it for a special occasion.

Today is special.

No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

Frame every so-called disaster with these words: “In five years, what will matter?”

Forgive everyone for everything.

What other people think of you is none of your business.

Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.

However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

Stay in touch with your friends.

Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

The best is yet to come.

No matter how you feel, get up, get dressed and show up.

Do the right thing.

Call your family often.

Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: “I am thankful for _______________________.”

“Today Iaccomplished ___________________________________.”

Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don’t want a fast pass.

You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride


Ruth Peterson, Luella Halvorson Dion & Lois Tweten

Reply from Floyd Dion (’45): Dunseith, ND

Hi Gary

This is for Neola.

Your memory is correct about Luella and I visiting Ruth Peterson at the dining room at Good Sam in 2010, Ruth and Luella were 1st cousins as their mothers were sisters. Ruth baked our wedding cake in 1950.

I remember Lois tweten, she asked me to send her a note just to say HI, so Lois if you see this here is my HI.






Reply to Wolf picture

From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND




First, I’m so glad to hear Luella is home again. :)


Next, thanks to Margaret Leonard and Rob Olson for their wonderful responses to the Wolfe picture. Margaret/Rob, do you have contact info for the bride/groom/etc.? I would love to contact them/send the pictures to them if they would like to have them.


On March 23, my computer decided to delete all the messages from 2/2/11 through 3/23/12 from my inbox. If anyone sent an email to me during this time, and I have sent a reply, please send the original email to me again–if you included information for me/asked me for information.


Thanks, Gary


Class of 65 – FB posting by Crystal Fassett Andersen (’70): Note there were 27 graduates.
Susan Fassett, Alan Boguslawski, Patty Boguslawski, Carol Jasper, Margaret Metcalfe & Bill Grimme.
1969 Lutheran Confirmation Class
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND
Note: Carlyle Nelson, now living in Bottineau, son of Abe Nelson, lived on the Willow Lake Road
Bottineau, ND

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND
Cebu, Philippines
Folks, this picture of our good friends Michael and Rose is just too good not to share. Michael, a retired Dentist from Ireland/England and his wife Barbara a retired RN also from Ireland/England are retired living here in Cebu.
Michael Kenny and Rose (Art Hagen) Hohl

Joke of the day

Posted by Susan Brew Roussin (’59): Rolla, ND


Here’s another one to add to your Irish jokes.


I just sent for a Tee shirt that says, ” An Irishman walks out of a bar, No, it could happen.


Thanks for the good clean jokes.


Happy Birthday Everette Enno (DHS ’76): Williston, ND

Luella Halvorson Dion (’47) is home
Message from Floyd Dion (’45): Dunseith, ND.


Luella got home Friday,Mar.23rd from the Bottineau Good Samaritan Home.

She is doing good, but cannot put weight on her leg for three months, so that means a wheelchair until she can put weight on her leg.

She had very good care at Good Sam.and the staff was outstanding. The meals were very good , I ate all my meals there except breakfast and a noon meal as we were making a ramp for the wheelchair to go into and out of the house.

Phyllis (’65) and Patsy (’59) McKay
Pictures posted by Phyllis McKay: Auburn, WA.
Attached are some pictures from the cruise. I have some more that I will send later.
Phyllis, These are great pictures of both you and Patsy. You both look so nice. The ones of you with the dolphin are awesome. Gary
Lois Tweten, Emma Kofoid & Neola Kofoid Garbe
Picture posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary/Others,
I’m sure you remember Lois Tweten and her cousin, Carol, visited with Mom and me at Good Samaritan in 2010–wonderful couple of hours! I’m sure you also remember Lois’ family and our family were neighbors in the north end of Bottineau in the 1940’s–before her dad was killed. When Lois sent her 2010 Christmas letter, she included this picture. (Thanks, Lois.)
If my memory is correct, Lois also visited with Ruth Peterson, Floyd and Luella Dion (Norma, I think you were visiting your mom that day, too.) and others–were Ann and Harold Rosenau there? I know they visited Ruth often. I was rather excited that day, so I could be wrong about some of this. All this took place in the dining room at Good Sam. Again, that was a day I would NEVER have ever expected to happen. God is good!
Mom was 93 years old in this picture
Thank you so much Neola for sharing this lovely picture. After having so much communication with Lois, we can now see who she is. Lois lives in Helena, MT. Bev Morinville introduced Lois to us several years before her passing in December 2009. Bev was such a spark and inspiration with all of her contributions. We miss her dearly. Gary
Wolf family Photo
Reply from Margaret Metcalfe Leonard (’65): Rolette, ND
Hi Gary,
I pulled the picture up on my computer and I recognize Rita and Pius Wolf’s’ family. I taught with Pius in Belcourt in the 70’s
I recognize their daughter Kelly and her son and I think her husband, Ivan Bercier is behind her, and the groom is their son
David, but I don’t know the bride.
Kelly Wolf’s husband,Ivan Bercier, Rita,. Pius, I think this is another son and daughter in back
Then their daughter Kelly and her son, the bride and David Wolf in front
I never had the younger kids for students so I don’t remember their names. Rita worked in the Golden Rule for many years for Ronnie
Hasen and they moved to Rolla in the later 70’s. They lived in the “Teacher Housing” in Belcourt when I taught with Pius. He was a football
coach for Belcourt when Chuck coached football in Rolla…we were very good friends. I have many good memories of those wonderful years!
Margaret Leonard

Wolf family Photo

Reply from Rob Olson (’79): Walla Walla, WA.

Dave Wolf is the groom, his wife Deena, back center is Pious Wolf and to his right is his wife, Rita I think. This photo was taken in Rolla at Dave and Deena’s wedding in 1982 or 83. Dave was a teammate of mine with the Rolla Legion, Rolla NoDaks and at Mayville State baseball teams.

Rob Olson

Back: Ivan Bercier, Rita Wolf, Pius Wolf, ?? Wolf, ??.
Front: Kelly Wolf Bercier, Deena Wolf, Dave Wolf
Email address change
For Sybil Johnson: Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
To everyone,
I have had to change my main email address, because of hackers. You can now get in touch with me at:
I will be closing this account
down, this week. I sure enjoy this blog. It has kept me in touch with everyone that knew Axel Johnson and his family. Thank you, so much.


Joke of the day
Posted by Larry Hackman (’66): Bismarck, ND

Love The Irish


Paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn’t find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said, ‘Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish Whiskey!’

Miraculously, a parking place appeared.

Paddy looked up again and said, ‘Never mind, I found one.’


Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and asks the first man he meets, ‘Do you want to go to heaven?’

The man said, ‘I do, Father.’

The priest said, ‘Then stand over there against the wall.’

Then the priest asked the second man, ‘Do you want to go to heaven?’

‘Certainly, Father,’ the man replied

‘Then stand over there against the wall,’ said the priest.

Then Father Murphy walked up to O’Toole and asked, ‘Do you want to go to heaven?’

O’Toole said, ‘No, I don’t Father.’

The priest said, ‘I don’t believe this. You mean to tell me that when you die you don’t want to go to heaven?’

O’Toole said, ‘Oh, when I die , yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now.’


Paddy was in New York .

He was patiently waiting and watching the traffic cop on a busy street crossing. The cop stopped the flow of traffic and shouted, ‘Okay, pedestrians.’ Then he’d allow the traffic to pass.

He’d done this several times, and Paddy still stood on the sidewalk.

After the cop had shouted, ‘Pedestrians!’ for the tenth time, Paddy went over to him and said, ‘Is it not about time ye let the Catholics across?’


Gallagher opened the morning newspaper and was dumbfounded to read in the obituary column that he had died. He quickly phoned his best friend, Finney.

‘Did you see the paper?’ asked Gallagher. ‘They say I died!!’

‘Yes, I saw it!’ replied Finney. ‘Where are ye callin’ from?’



An Irish priest is driving down to New York and gets stopped for speeding in Connecticut . The state trooper smells alcohol on the priest’s breath and then sees an empty wine bottle on the floor of the car.

He says, ‘Sir, have you been drinking?’

‘Just water,’ says the priest.

The trooper says, ‘Then why do I smell wine?’

The priest looks at the bottle and says, ‘Good Lord! He’s done it again!’


Walking into the bar, Mike said to Charlie the bartender, ‘Pour me a stiff one – just had another fight with the little woman.’

‘Oh yeah?’ said Charlie, ‘And how did this one end?’

‘When it was over,’ Mike replied, ‘She came to me on her hands and knees.’

‘Really,’ said Charles, ‘Now that’s a switch! What did she say?’

She said, ‘Come out from under the bed, you little chicken.’


Patton staggered home very late after another evening with his drinking buddy, Paddy. He took off his shoes to avoid waking his wife, Kathleen.

He tiptoed as quietly as he could toward the stairs leading to their upstairs bedroom, but misjudged the bottom step. As he caught himself by grabbing the banister, his body swung around and he landed heavily on his rump. A whiskey bottle in each back pocket broke and made the landing especially painful.

Managing not to yell, Patton sprung up, pulled down his pants, and looked in the hall mirror to see that his butt cheeks were cut and bleeding. He managed to quietly find a full box of Band-Aids and began putting a Band-Aid as best he could on each place he saw blood.

He then hid the now almost empty Band-Aid box and shuffled and stumbled his way to bed..

In the morning, Patton woke up with searing pain in both his head and butt and Kathleen staring at him from across the room.

She said, ‘You were drunk again last night weren’t you?’

Patton said, ‘Why you say such a mean thing?’

‘Well,’ Kathleen said, ‘it could be the open front door, it could be the broken glass at the bottom of the stairs, it could be the drops of blood trailing through the house, it could be your bloodshot eyes, but mostly ……. it’s all those Band-Aids stuck on the hall mirror.


Reply to yesterday’s unknown photo

From Lloyd Awalt (’44): Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary,
Glad you had a good trip. The unknown picture from Neola is my uncle Harvey & Hulda bailey. I’m not sure which one of the girls is getting married. have more info on it in a couple days Lloyd Awalt
Reply to yesterday’s unknown photo
From Mona Dionne Johnson (’48): Bottineau, ND
Gary: Those are of a family related to me. Harvey & Hulda Bailey were
my aunt & uncle and their four daughters are in the picture.
From the left: Jeannie Bailey, Judy Bailey Foley (child is her son)
Harvey Bailey, Hulda Bailey; Janice Bailey and her new husband -then the
two men are relatives/friends of the groom, don’t remember the name of
the girl beside them, then in the front of them in white suit is JoAnne
Bailey Perrin. I attended that wedding.

Mona (Dionne)Johnson (’48)

Follow up reply from Mona
Found out from my cousin, Judy, that the groom’s name was Tony Martinez,
next to him, his sister-in-law, Jeannie, and the name of his brother –
?. The child’s name is Steven.

Mona Johnson (48)

Do you remember the year of this wedding?
Janice Bailey’s Wedding Picture
Jeannie Bailey, Judy Bailey Foley (Steven her son) Harvey Bailey, Hulda Bailey; Janice Bailey and
her new husband Tony Martinez, Jeannie, ??, ??, JoAnne Bailey Perrin in white suit in front.

Judy Bailey Foley Picture

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

Unknown Picture

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND


Don any of you recognize any of the folks in this picture?



Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
I think I sent this to you a couple of years ago and your readers identified this lady as a Keplin. I have a picture with “Keplin” under it, but it is one of those darn pictures that won’t open. This could be the picture. I just can’t figure out which program the “can’t open” pictures are in. This is very frustrating to me!
I can not locate this picture in my files. Hopefully someone can help us out with the identity of this gal?


Reply from Julie Knox Seier (’82): Minot, ND
Thank you for the birthday wishes, Gary. I had a great day with flowers from both of our kids, a lot of texts, phone calls, birthday cards, drinks with friends, and supper with my wonderful family. I am a very lucky girl!
Julie Seier


1932 Willow City threshing crew

Photo provided by Mary Eurich Knutson (62): Dunseith, ND

Folks, It is time for a re-run with this picture. It was previously posted with message 1283 on 9/7/2011. Hopefully we can identify the remaining folks. Thanks, Gary

Hi Gary
The picture I had Karen send is Willow City threshing crew 1932. I’m
sure you recognize some of the people on it. Some of the names are on
the back of the picture. One of the guys is listed as Benny Schneider
but in another area the guy has been given a different name. Maybe
Wesley can tell us. You’ll recognize Dave Eurich Jr and Sr and Jim and
George Egbert are easy to recognize but I don’t
know any of the rest of them.
Sharon Landsverk Beckman has been sick. Saw her in the store the other
day. She’s looking good now. She said she was off work quite awhile.
I’ll write more later when I have time to collect my thoughts a little
Take care.
Mary K

Mary, Which two are Jim and George Egbert?
Folks, Can any of you identify Benny Schneider?


1932 Willow City threshing crew

3rd Row:

2nd Row: Dave Eurich Sr., ??, ??, Dale Gottbreht

1st Row: Dave Eurich Jr., ???
Freida Niemeyer Celebrates her 90th Birthday
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

Dunseith News

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

Unknown Picture

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND


Don any of you recognize any of the folks in this picture?



I filed our income taxes last night online with Turbo Tax. So now we have that out of the way. The process is pretty simple with them rolling everything in from the previous year. All I had to do was add the numbers and current info.
I have added a few more pictures from Art Hagen’s farewell party. It was a fun night. Art is currently in Arizona, but plans on being back in Bottineau by very early April. When we saw Rose yesterday she told Bernadette “I already miss him”. Not sure if she can hold out until July when she plans on going back to Bottineau.
This evening we are having our Monthly Expat dinner. The attandance for these dinners has been growing with anywhere from 30 to 50 plus folks. Folks are bonding well and are looking forward to these dinners.
Folks, Please share any pictures that you have of the cruise and any others too. I have posted nearly all that we have.
More Pictures of Art Hagen’s farewell party
Art with the Girls
Art with more of the girls
Gary & Art

2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise
Joke of the Day

Two sisters, one blond and one brunette, inherit the family ranch.Unfortunately, after just a few years, they are in financial trouble…

In order to keep the bank from repossessing the ranch, they need to purchase a bull so that they can breed their own stock.

Upon leaving, the brunette tells her sister, ‘When I get there, if I decide to buy the bull, I’ll contact you to drive out after me and haul it home.’

The brunette arrives at the man’s ranch, inspects the bull, and decides she wants to buy it.

The man tells her that he will sell it for $599, no less. After paying him, she drives to the nearest town to send her sister a telegram to tell her the news.

She walks into the telegraph office, and says, ‘I want to send a telegram to my sister telling her that I’ve bought a bull for our ranch and I need her to hitch the trailer to our pickup truck and drive out here so we can haul it home.’

The telegraph operator explains that he’ll be glad to help her, then adds, it will cost 99 cents a word.

Well, after paying for the bull, the brunette realizes that she’ll only be able to send her sister one word.

After a few minutes of thinking, she nods and says, ‘I want you to send her the word ‘comfortable.’

The operator shakes his head. ‘How is she ever going to know that you want her to hitch the trailer to your pickup truck and drive out here to haul that bull back to your ranch if you send her just the word‘comfortable?’

The brunette explains, ‘My sister’s blonde. The word is big.

She’ll read it very slowly… ‘com-for-da-bul.’


For the record I did not get a blog posted yesterday and I am later than normal getting today’s posted too. It has been a busy day.
Belated one day
2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise
Reply from Jim and Karen Loeb (’47) Mhyre: Bellevue, WA.
Hello Gary and Bernadette,


We are happy to hear you are home and enjoying enjoying a bit more travel. It sounds like you had a busy time in the Pacific North West and lots of great time with area friends and family. Jim and I want to thank you for all your work on the coordination of the cruise to the Caribbean on the NCL Pearl. We had a very nice time and we found it a great vacation. We enjoyed the company of the other travelers from North Dakota and want to thank all of the group for making us feel welcome and included. (I am really a San Haven resident until the age of 12. I attended the Dunseith School for 1st through 5th grade, and would have graduated in 1965. My mother grew up in Dunseith and went to school there for about 3rd through 8th grade, then went to high school in Fargo at Sacred Heart Academy – now Shadle High, graduating in 1939).


I had a wonderful day on the island of Jamaica with some of the Metcalfe klan. I hope to visit with them when we are in North Dakota next October for a reunion in Fargo. My grandmother, Alida Olson Higgins was one of nine children of Nub and Astri Olson who homesteaded in Trail County near Mayville. The most recent list of their decedents I have received, is about fifty five families and that is just the next two generations. Donald Aird is a second cousin, twice removed (Aunt Christine Carlson’s grandson).


We especially enjoyed visiting with and getting to know the Espes and David Shelver. I also recommend the city of Miami. Jim and I spent a day visiting a local annual art show, and an evening down in South Beach. We also enjoyed the delicious Cuban food we had at the neighborhood restaurant near our hotel (twice!) I wonder if any of the Cuban families that spent several years at the San in the early 1960’s are living in the Miami area today.


I will never forget the River Dunn’s Falls climb and our bumpy ride to what must have been the highest point of the area and then back down to the ship. Our guide, Robert, kept asking if we were having a wonderful time!!!! We kept telling him YES, and to please hurry back to the ship. We were among the last few to re board before sailing off to our next port. I would not describe the roads we drove on as roads. We did stop at a “coffee plantation” where I purchased a pound of coffee to take home. Jim said it was quite a good blend.


I have such a poor memory for my school days. I vaguely remember our first and second grade teachers (I think they were sisters). Then, of course, the wonderful Mrs Conroy in fourth and Miss Seltzer for fifth. I remember her as a wonderful young woman and I thought it would be great to grow up and be like her.


We have enjoyed the photos that you have posted from the trip, and I will have Jim forward some he took for you to see. Jim is back to his woodworking project that he began in the fall. It is a wood sculpture of the DNA molecule. So far it is looking like it will be about 25 feet in length and about 4 feet in width and is composed of different woods bending and twisting to compose the DNA chain. He hopes to finish it sometime this spring. I really hope so!! My garage is fairly full of wood turning equipment and a bit more sawdust then I like! Not sure how it will all come together and where it will hang!!


Again, thanks for all you did to make the cruise a fun time for everyone.


Karen Loeb Mhyre and Jim Mhyre

We enjoyed you guys equally as well. It was a pleasure meeting and learning to know Jim too. It was a fun time.
I can imagine all the sawdust in your place, but I’ll bet Jim’s end product will be worth it all.
From Larry Hackman (’66): Bismarck, ND



Got this from Mel.

Apparently he is still kicking.

He was down for some kind of heart adjustment while you were on your cruise.

I guess he has one (a heart) and they were able to repair it.

That was a good thing?




It would be a tough decision? They are great memories? The fun and excitement to getting to where you are going,
it’s the trip, that made life worthwhile, and worth living. I doubt if our kids would trade their memories for ours? At least I’m hoping they wouldn’t.

I would like to think, that they think, their childhood was as special to them, as ours is to us?

The pictures files of this message are a bit large for posting, but I wanted to post this much of it.
I have always thought of Mel Kuhn (’70) as having a good heart.
Betty Jordan is looking for the Artist of this piece of this painting
From Karen Larson: Bottineau Spectrum

Betty Jordan is looking for the art student of 1982 from Dunseith High School who left this piece of art in the art room. She found it among her boxes of art, had it framed and would like to give it back to the student … no charge! The art project was to design an Indian chief from the seven basic forms of life and paint it with warm or cold colors. If the young man who designed this piece of art is out there and recognizes his work, please give Betty a call at 228-3263 and make arrangements to pick up his art work. Thanks everyone, Karen
Don Boardman (’61) Presents Check to the Food Pantry
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

Joke of the Day

Two little kids are in a hospital, lying on stretchers next to each other outside the operating room, the first surgeries of the day.

The first kid leans over and asks,

“What are you in here for?”

The second kid says, “I’m getting my tonsils out, and I’m afraid.”

The first kid says,

“You’ve got nothing to worry about.

I had that done when I was four.

They put you to sleep, and when you wake up they give you lots of Jell-O and ice cream.

It’s a breeze.”

The second kid then asks,

“What are you here for?”

The first kid says, “Circumcision.”

“Whoa!” the second kid replies,

“Good luck, buddy.

I had that done when I was born and I couldn’t walk for a year.”



Luella Halvorson Dion (’47) Phone number is the Bottineau Good Samaritan home

Message from Floyd Dion (’45): Dunseith, ND

Hi Gary

If anyone is interested Luella’s phone # is 701-228-2826.





Farewell Dinner party for Art Hagen




We had a farewell dinner party with about 25 folks in attandance for Art last night.


After being here for 7 weeks, Art is departing. With the good times he is having and with Rose, I am sure it is a tough thing to be doing. He will be back though. Art has most certainly seen and done so much in the weeks that he has been here. He told me last night that he told Rose he didn’t need to see and do everything this time around because he will be back, but none the less he enjoyed it.


It was quite evident last night at his party that he has made some good friends here of which he has bonded with very well.


As of yet not many FB pictures have been posted from last night, but there will be. I have included several that have been below.









2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise


Joke of the day

Posted By Larry Hackman (’66): Bismarck, ND



Two Minnesotans, Ole & Sven, are sitting in a boat.


So Ole asks Sven, “Vhy do dem scuba divers always fall

backwards off ‘der boats?”


To which Sven replies, “Vell, you know Ole,

if they fell forwards, they’d still be in ‘da boat!”



So der ya have it…


Happy Birthday Vivian Clark

Vivian (David III) Clark is 89 years old today:
Face Book posting from Barbara Clark Olson
Your mother is doing amazingly well. She is an inspiration to us all. With my nearly 40 visits back to the area after having moved west in 1966 and after having lived with your family and worked for your dad for a year and half, I never missed visiting your folks with each of my visits. You mother has now moved to the Oak Manor Apartments in Bottineau. She has my aunt Olga’s former apartment. In-between Olga and your mother, Dorothy Pritchard lived in that Apartment for many years too.
Since your dad’s passing, I am impressed with how well your mother has mastered the computer and the Web. I enjoy the frequent humorous (Joke) forwards that I get from her too. She comes up with some good ones. She is my point of contact for getting messages to folks in Oak Manor.
Folks, Please wish Vivian a Happy birthday.
Vivian, We wish you the happiest birthday ever. Next year we will help you celebrate the big one.
2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND


Note: Brooke is the Granddaughter of Therman (deceased) and Marie Parrill
Joke of the Day

A Police STOP at 2 AM
An elderly man is stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and is asked where he is going at this time of night.
The man replies, “I am on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late.”
The officer then asks, “Really? Who is giving that lecture at this time of night?”
The man replies, “That would be my wife.”


Luella Halvorson Dion (’47) Fell and broker her leg
Message from Floyd Dion (’45): Dunseith, ND

Hi Gary

Just to let you know that Luella fell in the house and broke her leg above her knee and was in the Minot hospital for 6 days. She went to the Good Samaritan Home at Bottineau for therapy . She has been told that she will be home before Easter.

1986 she fell on a wet floor and broke her hip while working at the Dunseith School, and 2008 she fell on the ice and broke her hip and shoulder. 2011 she had the hip replaced because the pin in her leg was loose . It all happened on the same leg..


Luella has really gone through a lot with just that one leg too. We remember well her falling and breaking her hip and shoulder in 2008. She recovered well from that accident of which we know she will from this one too.
Thanks to Neola for enquiring about her being released from a Minot hospital that was posted in the Minot daily.
Easter is 3 weeks from today. We know that Luella will have lots of visitors at Bottineau Good Sam between now and then.
2012 Caribbean Cruise Pladson Pictures
Posted by Keith Pladaon (’66): Roanoke Rapids, NC


I’ve attached a couple of Cruise photos. Let me know whether they come through okay and feel free to publish them in the blog.

Tina, John, Daniel, Robin, Alice and I often ate together while on the cruise. These photos were taken one night when we ate together in the main dining room. One is just of Alice and I and the other is of Dan, Tina and I together.

Alice and I really enjoyed this cruise. Our last cruise with Alice’s broken leg and my getting sick doesn’t conger up the best memories, so this was a big improvement to say the least. For me, one of the things that made it such a great time was having both Dan and Tina (and their spouses) on the cruise with us.

The day we were in Georgetown, Cayman Islands, the six of us went ashore together and after some shopping we eventually (or was that quickly) made our way to Margaritaville. The entertainment was great, and the drinks were plenty and we all had a fantastic time. In some ways the day flew by too quickly and soon it was time to head back to the boat. That day was my personal favorite time of the entire cruise.

Hope all is well with you guys. It looks like you had a fun time on your one day trip. Costs for things over there always seem so low compared with costs back here.

Keith Pladson (66)

These are great pictures. Thanks for sharring. It was so wonderful that you and Alice were able to join us on this cruise with last minute schedule changes. We so enjoyed having all you guys onboard with us. Kind of like down home week.

Keith and Alice Pladson
Siblings – Dan, Tina and Keith Pladson
Art Hagen and Rose celebrating St. Patrick’s day with our good true
Irish friends Michael and Barbara Kenny. Being from Ireland,
they don’t come anymore Irish than Michael and Barbara. Great folks!
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND


Reply from Aggie Casavant (69): Fort Mill, SC

Goodmorning Gary !


Happy to see you and Bernadette had fun on the cruise,and are enjoying the company of Art Hagen and Rose.Always enjoy the pictures. In your posting to Margaret Metcalf you mentioned Connie Burcham. This past couple months there is a Connie Burcham, who just joined our local T.V Station here in Charlotte N.C . She is about in her early 30’s and looks exactly like Connie or Kathy Burcham from Dunseith. Have always wondered if she was related,and keep meaning to call the station and chat with her…but…”When do I have a free minute? LoL. Well Gary happy to see you and Bernadette back safe and thriving,and got the blog going again….Will chat with you another time. Thanks for everything you do in keeping us all in touch. Aggie

Reply from Doreen Larson Moran (BHS ’61): Usk, WA & Hazelton, ND

Hi Gary – Bob and I are on our yearly spring trek to southeast Missouri. We spend time with his brother and a couple of cousins who are in the area of Poplar Bluff and Cape Girardeau. It did get us away from the snow of Washington state and North Dakota. The evening we arrived in Hazelton about March 1st the snow banks and snow in the yard were too deep for us. The community had pretty well dispersed to Grand Forks for the state Class B basket ball tournament. (Oh, yes, that is still the BIG deal). We went the 15 miles down to Linton and checked into a motel. I spent the next morning making a few phone calls until I could find someone to clear the drive into the garage from the four foot berms. That done, we spent about ten days there before coming south. Had a terrific thunderstorm during the night. Hope the tornadic winds stay away.


Unless there is information on the old Salem Cemetery in the 100 year history book, I won’t be of much help. But Glen Rude probably has all that information. It is good that the “lost” graves will be noted before too much more time passes and no one remembers where they even are.


Thank you for your dedication to the “Blog”. It is interesting to hear and see and share news and pictures from around the world.
Posted by Eddie Parisien (69): Mukilteo, WA

Rene Belgarde
(July 3, 1952 – March 13, 2012)

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Rene Belgarde, age 59 of Dunseith, died Tuesday, March 13, 2012 in a Minot hospital. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday March 20, 2012 at the St. Anthony’s Catholic Church of rural Dunseith. Burial will be in the Church Cemetery. A wake will be held on Monday beginning at 4:00 P.M. with a prayer service at 8:00 P.M. in the church.

Rene Belgarde, a son of James C. and Emma (Parisien) Belgarde, was born on July 3, 1952 at Belcourt. He was raised and educated in the Belcourt area. After the competition of his education he began working with his father doing carpentry work in the area. Rene then worked in Southwest North Dakota as an Ironworker at several coal gasification plants near Beulah. Rene then moved to Washington where he worked for a time. He moved to Montana and worked for Blaze Construction as a carpenter. In 1990 he returned to the Dunseith area and worked for several construction companies in the area.

He enjoyed watching TV, going to the Casino, attending auto auctions and visiting with family and friends.

He is survived by his companion, Ola Houle of Dunseith, sons, Rene St. Pierre Jr., and Kevin St. Pierre both of Dunseith and Keith St. Pierre of California; a daughter, Angela Layton of Perham, MN; a grandchild, Taylor Layton; brothers, Eddie Parisien of Marysville, WA, Clifford Belgarde of Belcourt; sisters, Eunice Phillips of Dunseith and Marie Harold of Plano, TX; step children, Peggy Houle, Tammy Houle-Peltier and Chad Houle all of Dunseith; grandson, Cole DeCoteau; numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Eddie, Our condolence are with you and your family members with your brother Rene’s passing. Gary

Day trip to the Island of Bohol wth Art Hagen and Rose
Rose arranged for a travel guide with an Air Conditioned Suzuki van, for $80.00 (3,500 Peso’s) that took us all over the Island to see all the sights. He picked us up from the ferry boat when we arrived at 8:00 AM and dropped us off back at the pier at 5:00 PM to catch our ferry back to Cebu.
Business class seats on the fast Jet Ferry were only $23.00 (1,000 Peso’s) each way. It was a 2 hour and 20 minute boat ride from Cebu. We could have gotten tickets for $11.50 each way, but we would have been sitting on flimsy plastic chairs. Art and I would have given those chairs the load test. Compared to us, these folks are tiny. We preferred the large comfortable luxury reclining seats in business class.
It was a fun enjoyable day.
Rose Hohl/Art Hagen & Gary/Bernadette Stokes
Tarsier, the worlds smallest money on Bohol



We had a most enjoyable day with Art Hagen and Rose with our trip to Bohol yesterday. We took the 6:00 AM Jet Ferry and Returned on the 6:15 PM run from Bohol getting into Cebu at about 8:30 PM. I have not had a chance to down our pictures yet. Hopefully I’ll have a few to post tomorrow.
Note: the two others are Bernadette and me on the far sides. We exchanged sides on the way back.
Happy Belated Birthday Jeff Skjelver: Rugby, ND
Note: Jeff is the son of David (’63) and Linda Shelver
Happy Birthday Rene Casavant (’65): Bismarck, ND
Happy Birthday Doreen Bailey: Tempe, AZ

Salem Church
From Vonda Melgaard Antonson (’76): Maddock, ND

Gary, I’ve had a project on my mind for some time. Maybe you could help get it going as I dont live in the area any longer & dont really know who to talk to. I started this once before & Marge Pladson was one of the people I had talked to, but sadly she fell ill and lost her battle with cancer that year. The old location where Salem Church once stood still contains a number of graves. One plot, which the last time i saw it was outlined with a wood barrier and contained the graves of several children from the same family. It seems such a shame they are out in that pasture lost & forgotten. I’m guessing funding was the reason these graves were not moved along with the others. As a group maybe we could make this happen. I’m sure it would be a big job and it would require the property owner’s permission. What are your thoughts on the subject???
Hello Vonda,
First I want to mention that it is a pleasure hearing from you. I believe you were only about 5 years old the last time I saw you. That is when I was working for your folks in the summer of 1964.
About the church Cemetery. I was unaware that there were any graves left at the former Salem cemetery. I am not sure exactly where the exact spot is located, but talking to Art Hagen yesterday, he told me it was near the Johnny Olson Farm. I am pretty sure there are folks on this blog that can answer your questions. Glen Rude would probably be pretty knowledgeable with this and also Ralph Bjornseth. I am pretty sure that Doreen Larson Moran can be of assistants too. I believe that Salem was moved to it’s current location in the early 40’s. That was before my day.
Salem Church
Reply from Margaret Metcalfe (’65): Rolette, ND
Hi Gary. Last night I met Gary and Sue at Patti and jacks, our original farm home. Today we visited the Salem church with Mr Rude (he lives close by). We noticed the Sunday school attendance record and I wondered why you were a absent the second Sunday when both your brothers were there? smile wow did they ever do outstanding job of restoring the church and cemetery. Totally enjoyable visit with a prince of a man. We also visited Connie sime and their lovely home. We went visiting just like the old days. I notice too while at the church that if it hadn’t been for your family and Clarence and Mary Anne Hagens kids there wouldn’t have been too many kids in church. It was a really fun day.
I’m sure enjoying this spectacular weather.
You asked about north central. I find that job is a great transition for me. We have meetings to attend and I try to stay abreast of the issues by attending all that I can. Its very challenging, interesting and rewarding. It is a priviledge to meet such grassroots nice people. I enjoy it very much.
Take care and we will chat later. Margaret
Folks, Margaret and I have exchanged a few personal messages the past couple of day.
Margaret, I know you intended this as a personal message, but what you talk about I beleive will be of interest to lots of our readers, so I am posting.
Yes, Glen Rude is a prince of a man. He is the holder of the key for Salem for those that want to see. He lives about 1/8 mile east of Salem on the south side of the road.
I am not sure where I was at when I was absent that one Sunday from Sunday school. One thing I do know and that is that I was absent for a good reason, because we seldom missed. I am guessing that may have been when Orvin Hagen and I were in Valley City attending the Winter Show with my 4-H heifer. You are right, the Hagen’s and our family were the majority of kids that attended Sunday School in the final years of Salem. By that time I think LaVerne Rude was in College, so he no longer attended Sunday school.
Glen’s sister and her husband, Leonard and Arliss Rude Hagen, did a fantastic job restoring Salem, both inside and out. That was a whole summer project for them.
It was nice that you were able to visit Connie Burcham Sime (’62) too. Doesn’t she live on the Willow Lake road south of the School or is that where Florence Pladson Sime was living?

Charlotte Kofoid Ovitt’s Obituary
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

Charlotte was my second cousin. Her dad, Frank Kofoid, and my dad, John Kofoid, were “double” cousins.


Charlotte’s obituary was written on both sides of a “bookmark” (I laid two bookmarks, side by side, on my scanner and scanned them.). To me, this is new and unique. Charlotte enjoyed visiting sites where you could create your own calendars, bookmarks, etc. In my opinion, had Charlotte made the choice of how her memorial card be done, this is what she would have chosen. Good choice/well done, Family.




Rod Ovitt

404 Spruce St Apt 3

Bottineau, ND 58318-1515

Our condolences are extended to Charlotte’s husband Rodney and their 4 boys and their family with their loss of her passing. She will be missed. That was quite evident with reports of 400 plus folks that attended her funeral. I too was shocked when my bother Darrel told me she had passed on. Her passing was very unexpected.
I too am a second cousin to Charlotte. Our dads were first cousins. Sue (Gary) Metcalfe is a first cousin to Charlotte’s husband, Rodney. It is a small world.
As a child I remember Charlotte and her family well. I’d see them most often at my Uncle Emil and Lillian Petterson’s Sunday afternoon family gatherings and also at many other gatherings too. After Charlotte and Rod were married we have continue to see them at most all of our family reunions and gatherings. They are a close wonderful family. Charlotte was the heart of their foundation. At all of our family reunions that have been held at the Bottineau Senior center for the past 20 years, the Ovitt’s have always been their first and foremost to help organize and help with whatever needed to be done.
Judy Poitra
(July 3, 1944 – March 12, 2012)

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Judy Poitra, age 67 of Mohall formerly Dunseith, died Monday, March 12, 2012 in a Mohall nursing home. Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. in the St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Dunseith. Burial will be at the St. Mary’s Cemetery of rural Dunseith. A wake will be held on Sunday beginning at 4:00 P.M. with a prayer service at 8:00 P.M. in the Church.

Judy Poitra, a daughter of James and Thelma (Carroll) Norris, was born at San Bernardino, CA. on July 3, 1944. She was reared and educated in the San Bernardino area. On August 7, 1964 she was married to Arlind Poitra in California. In 1974 they moved to Dunseith where she raised their children. Arlind passed away on August 28, 2011. Judy then moved to Mohall where she has resided since.

She is survived by 3 daughters, Jerri Lynn Reile (Ronald) of Blanchard, ND, Arleen Larkin (Larry) of Lansford and Sylvia Duchaine (Mike) of Mohall; a son, Arlind Poitra Jr. of Hunter, ND; 12 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; stepsons, Cary Poitra of Charlotte, NC, Phillip Poitra (Debbie) of Wisconsin and Roderick Poitra (Roberta) of Belcourt; and several nieces and nephews. Judy was preceded in death by her parents, her husband and a grandson, Eric Reile



No Blog posting tomorrow (Thursday)

Tomorrow we will be joining Art Hagen and Rose on a one day trip to Bohol. Bohol is another island located to the east of us. We’ll be taking the ocean Jet ferry leaving at 6:00 AM and returning from Bohol at 5:30 PM. It is an hour and 20 minute ferry boat ride. Rose has a tour guide and vehicle all arranged, so it should be a fun day. We will be seeing Art and Rose in a several hours at Bowling too.
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND



Lester Johnson
(Died March 13, 2012)

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Lester Johnson, age 88 of Bottineau, died Tuesday at a Bottineau hospital. Funeral will be held on Saturday at 11:00 am at the First Lutheran Church in Bottineau. Visitation will be Friday from 10:00 am until 7:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. (Nero Funeral Home – Bottineau)


I was so saddened to see this message of Lester’s passing. Lester/Marian and family lived a short distance to the west of us in the hills.
Most every summer with our trips back to the area, I’d see Lester, multiple times, in the Bowling Alley, having coffee with the boys. I was always with my dad who too had coffee with the boys most everyday and very often several times each day.
After moving to town, Lester worked for a number of years for Ron Bergman. His specialty was small engine repairs/overhauls.
Two of Lester’s Aunt’s married Bjornseth’s. Cora to Jacob and Emma to Art. His Uncle Sander Johnson, who has been mentioned several times in this blog, had the little creamery and store on the Peace Garden Road located about a half mile into Bottineau county.
We can not forget Marian either. She was very active in our 4-H club and many other community affairs. After moving to Bottineau, she worked at the Senior Center for Many Years.
We extend our condolences to Marian and all of Lester’s family with his passing. He will be missed.
Gary/Bernadette Stokes, Bernie Stokes (Son), Tyler Mick (14 year old Grandson)
Nevaeh (7 year old Granddaughter)
Reply to yesterday’s posting
From Joe Johnson (’77): Lindstrom, MN

I got all the “Are you smarter than a 60 year old” questions except for one. I thought Red Skelton’s hobo character was Clem Kadiddle Hopper and I had forgotten about Freddie the Freeloader. That “Are you smarter than a 60 year old” was a really good one, I enjoyed it.


Joke of the day
Posted by Joe Johnson
BOSS to an employee: “Do you believe in life after death?”

EMPLOYEE: “Certainly not! There’s no proof of it”, he replied.

BOSS: “Well, there is now. After you left yesterday morning to go to your uncle’s funeral, he stopped in looking for you to go out for lunch”.





For the record, I did not get a blog posted yesterday.
Other than for some cruise pictures, I don’t have very much today. I have posted the pictures that Bernadette took of our class of 65 dinner onboard the NWS Pearl. With Larry Bullinger (Kramer 65 Grad) there were 7 us. It was a very enjoyable evening. Our 3 and a half hour dinner slipped away quite quickly.
Of the 1,200 or so crew members on board to serve us, 80% were from the Philippines. Of those 60% were from Cebu. They were so happy to see us and of coarse especially Bernadette being able to speak their language.
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND
Today’s posting “Are you smarter that a 60 year old”
From Bill Pritchard: Bottineau, ND

Are you smarter than a 60 year old?


01. After the Lone Ranger saved the day and rode off into the sunset, the grateful citizens would ask, Who was that masked man? Invariably, someone would answer, I don’t know, but he left this behind. What did he leave behind?________________.
02. When the Beatles first came to the U.S. .In early 1964, we all watched them on The _______________ Show.
03’Get your kicks, __________________.’
04.’The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to ___________________.’
05.’In the jungle, the mighty jungle, ________________.’

06. After the Twist, The Mashed Potato, and the Watusi, we ‘danced’ under a stick that was lowered as low as we could go in a dance called the ‘_____________.’

07.Nestle’s makes the very best . .. . . _________ ______.’

08..Satchmo was America ‘s ‘Ambassador of Goodwill.’ Our parents shared this great jazz trumpet player with us. His name was _________________.

09.What takes a licking and keeps on ticking? _______________.

10. Red Skeleton’s hobo character was named __________________ and Red always ended his television show by saying, ‘Good Night, and ‘________ ________.. ‘

11.Some Americans who protested the Vietnam War did so by burning their______________.
12. The cute little car with the engine in the back and the trunk in the front was called the VW. What other names did it go by? ____________ &_______________.

13.In 1971, singer Don MacLean sang a song about, ‘the day the music died.’ This was a tribute to ___________________.

14..We can remember the first satellite placed into orbit. The Russians did it. It was called ___________________.
15. One of the big fads of the late 50’s and 60’s was a large plastic ring that we twirled around our waist. It was called the __ ______________.

01..The Lone Ranger left behind a silver bullet.
02.The Ed Sullivan Show
03..On Route 66
04..To protect the innocent.
05.The Lion Sleeps Tonight
06.The limbo
08..Louis Armstrong
09.The Timex watch
10..Freddy, The Freeloader and ‘Good Night and God Bless.’
11.Draft cards (Bras were also burned. Not flags, as some have guessed)
12.Beetle or Bug
13.Buddy Holly

Send this to your ‘older’ friends, (Better known as Seniors.) It will drive them crazy! And keep them busy and let them forget their aches and pains for a few minutes


Seth Anderson, N.D. State ClassB Heavyweight Wrestling Champion

Posting from Deb LaVellie: Belcourt, ND

Hi Gary…Glad to hear that you and Bernadette had a wonderful and
safe trip…I am sending you a story that ran in the Turtle Mountain
Star, The Turtle Mountain Times and The Tribal Independent, an online
news site we started in December…it’s a little long, but I thought
your readers might be interested in reading about Seth Anderson, a
local boy who acheived his dream….Deb
Seth Anderson, son of the late Gene Anderson Jr., is an inspiring young man. With this being a bit long and with the pictures and all, I have included it all as attachments.
Thank you so much for sharing.
2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise pictures
Posting of the day
From Art Hagen (’72): Cebu Philippines & Bottineau, ND

Six Truths in Life
1. You cannot stick your tongue out and look up at the ceiling at the same time, a physical impossibility.


2. All nitwits, after reading #1, will try it.

3. And discover #1 is a lie.

4. You are smiling now because you are a nitwit.
5. You soon will forward this to another nitwit.
6. There is still a stupid smile on your face …



I sincerely apologize about this but I’m a nitwit and I needed company.


Rick Kuhn (’79) update

From Mel Kuhn (’70): St. John, ND

Howdy Gary,


I just got good news from Rick’s wife. She said starting last night Rick started moving some and is responding when spoken to some. You can go to CaringBridge.org/visit/RickKuhn and find out a lot better then what I can explain. Please send a note and a prayer to his family.


Thanks Everyone

Mel Kuhn





Jim McCoy (’62) now has email: Dunseith, ND

Message from Dick Johnson (’68): Dunseith, ND



Welcome back! We went through denial and withdrawal but now it’s
back to our daily ‘fix’ of Dunseith memories. Jim McCoy called me to
see how he could get included in the daily DHS blog messages and I told
him all you needed was his email address. He was glad to hear that and
said he would sure like to be receiving them. He is getting a new
computer and is currently getting his email through his daughter. His
new email address is. Thanks for adding him to
the list.


Thank you Dick and welcome aboard Jim. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Reply from Phyllis McKay (’65): Auburn, WA


Phyllis Mckay (’65), Bernadette Stokes & Patsy McKay Heggen (’59)


Hi Gary and Bernadette,


I am so sorry we didn’t have time together here in Washington. I couldn’t reach you by phone. I would get the message that you called but if you left a message, I did not get it and when I tried to return the call I would get a funny beep. Leo was disappointed that things didn’t work out so we could have gotten together.


I am glad you returned to Cebu save and sound. I also hope you got to spend many hours with your grandchildren while you were here.


I have some great pictures of the cruise which I will send at a later date as I am pressed for time at the moment. Patsy and I have talked at length about what a good time we had on the cruise. It was so fun seeing so many people from Dunseith. We really came from all over the US and Cebu!! Many times I have marveled at the community spirit Dunseith has had for so many years. I do not believe there are many places in the world that seem so connected because of sharing a common background. We seem genuinely happy to see each other!


I will send more later.




For those of you that would like to blow this up a little or print it out on larger paper, I have also attached this group picture (below) with today’s blog.
Folks, please share any pictures that you have with us. All that I have are the ones we took of which I will be posting here and there in the next while.
2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise group picture
Top across and down:
Irina Protassevitch, Bill Grimme, Jim & Marlee Ray Fulsebakke
Alice & Keith Pladson,
John & Margaret Bedard, John (white shirt) & Tina Pladson Bullinger, Oliver & Marlene Reing
Gary & Nancy Bedard Olson, Connie Bedard Sullivan, Darrel & Debby Stokes, Dan & Robin Pladson
LeaRae Parrill Espe & Terry Espe, Chuck & Geri (Red with black dress) Metcalfe Munro
Gary Metcalfe with hand on Sue Metcalfe, Far right -Heather Alberson, Shelly Fulsebakke Albertson & Nathan Albertson
Phyllis McKay standing beside Sue Metcalfe, Patsy McKay Heggen standing below Phyllis
Gwen Grimme Eltz & George Eltz, Karen Loeb Mhyre (White dress) & Jim Mhyre, Jerry (blue shirt) & Margaret Bedard Strong, Gary & Bernadette Stokes
Jon & Bonnie McGregor, Margaret Metcalfe Leonard, Linda & David Shelver
Not in the phote: Larry & Mary Bullinger, Bill & Debby Busta and Don & Vicki Busta.
Hi From the Bullingers-Larry & Mary
Larry & Mary Bullinger (KHS ’65): Bottineau, ND
Had a great time on the cruise and enjoyed the group. Had a little situation (No Problem Mon) after we got home. Had a slight stroke on Friday but have come out of it with no problems. Must of been the bill.HaHa Glad to here everyone made it home OK. Again thanks for including us on the cruise. LMB
Larry and Mary,
It was such a pleasure having you guys on the cruise. We very much enjoyed your company.
Larry, You and John Bedard (’65) worked together for many years at the Bottineau Post office and now you are neighbors up at Lake Metigoshe. Everlasting friends. With you being a Kramer ’65 guy too, we were very happy that you guys were able to join us for the Class of 65 dinner onboard too.
Which one of you had the slight stroke? I am glad that it was slight. Hope all will continue to be OK.
Mary & Larry Bullinger, Gary Stokes
Margaret and John Bedard (’65)





I have a total group picture too, of the Dunseith 2012 Caribbean group, that I will be posting within the next few days. Before posting I need to make up an ID key of who’s who. There were 50 of us.
2012 Caribbean Cruise – DHS Class of 65
Down L to R: Bill Grimme, Karen Loeb Mhyre, Gary Stokes,
Margaret Metcalf Leonard, John Bedard, Phyllis McKay
2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise
Reply from Chuck and Geri Metcalfe (’59) Monro: Fargo, ND.
We have been missing your emails since we returned home from the cruise with you. What a wonderful trip it was–everything went so well, including the ground transportation. Chuck and I and many others spent an extra day in Miami, at the lovely Hyatt House Sommerfield Airport Hotel and Suites—they upgraded us on the last day and we enjoyed more of that delicious Cuban cuisine again, and the fabulous brunch buffet in the morning.

We would have loved to met Gina and her mom–I wouldn’t have been too surprised if she would have shown up at the ship–and she had secretly planned to do that; we feel like we know her by now—she has done it all, along with you and Bernadette, and Bill Grimme and Phyllis McKay, too. MANY THANKS TO ALL OF YOU for a most memorable time together.

Hugs, Geri and Chuck Munro

p.s. We are happy that you are home again safely–if we thought our 2010 flight to Scotland was a long one, your flight from Cebu was probably three times as long. On our trip home from Amsterdam to Mpls the airlines offered us complimentary wine, so we slept most of the way. lol
Chuck and Geri,
Thank you so much for all of the nice compliments. I must say that you folks are on the very top of the totem pole for being the nice folks that you are. Bernadette and I have often discussed this too.
Yes, I will have to admit that to the best of my knowledge everything went very well. Gina did a wonderful job of planning. All we had to do was the execution.
The Hyatt hotel Summer suits was a plush facility. Their rooms were like mini apartmentswith separate bedrooms and kitchen facilities.
It was so nice that your sister Margaret and brother Gary were with us too. I only missed one morning not having breakfast with Gary. One of the Filipina dining staff told me later that the other Gary was looking for me after I had left. They remembered us.
Yes, we would have loved to have seen Gina. That would have been a treat.
P.S. – Korean Airlines was offering bottomless wine too. That is normally reserved for first class. We are not wine drinkers, but for those that are, it was nice.

Obert Medlang memories – 2012 Cruise comments
From Keith Pladson (’66): Roanoke Rapids, NC
Glad you made it back okay. Alice and I really enjoyed our cruise (especially after our less that fun filled Alaska cruise – Alice’s broken leg) and our extended time in Florida both before and after the cruise. We left home on the 3rd of Feb and didn’t get back home until the 2nd of March. I’m sure I speak for many when I say I missed your daily blog and all the inputs from other alumni. It was good seeing you and Bernadette and others on the cruise – and especially fun to have both my brother Dan and his wife Robin and my sister Tina and her husband John all on the cruise too. But I’m also glad to be back home and am now looking forward to Spring.

I had not heard of Obert’s passing until I read your blog today. I’m shocked! I had lost contact with him shortly after graduation and had not seen him or heard anything of him in years until we had a chance meeting about 10 – 12 years ago in Bottineau. I had flown up to Grand Forks (for some now forgotten reason I couldn’t get a flight into Minot) and rented a car to drive to Bottineau. As I was preparing to drive back to Grand Forks to catch my return flight home I stopped at a gas station on Hwy 5 (Gustafsons?) and Obert was sitting there in a little sitting area. I couldn’t talk long because of my flight and the long drive to Grand Forks, but we did have a few minutes to reminisce about our High School days together. As I recall, I thought (aside from his longish hair and beard) he was in good health and I really enjoyed the time we had together. As you know, I was in the same graduating class as Obert and he, Larry Millang and I were pretty good friends both in class and on the bus – indeed I considered Obert and Larry and Donald Wendsted my closest High School friends.

To Obert’s children and grand children and his sister Marlys; if any of you read Gary’s blog, my sincere and heart felt condolences to you. I don’t know much of his adult life, but I will always cherish our friendship from a time long ago.
Keith O. Pladson (66)

We are so glad that at the last minute your schedules worked out so you and Alice could join us on this cruise. It was so nice seeing you and your siblings, Dan and Tina too. I was elated when I heard that you were onboard with us. The Alaska Cruise was a bit damped for Alice with her broken leg. She managed quite well though.
Reply from Marlys Hiatt (’71): Dunseith, ND
I am sure glad to have you back. I really missed the blog while you were

Reply from Bobbie Slyter (’70): Wichita, Kansas

Glad that you had a good time on your cruise and that you are home safely, not that it matters but my birthday is the 24th of Feb. instead of the 26th, glad to have the blog back have missed it


Email address change
Armand Mongeon (’40): Dunseith, ND

This is Armand Mongeon. I have not been getting your daily blogs for quite sometime. I called the server and they said it was going into my held mail. They suggested this and that you would have to reenter my email address.



Thank you, Armand

Hello Armand,
The email address I had on file for you was SRT. I have now changed it to your Utma address. Please let me know if you recieve today’s message that I will be sending out in a few hours.
Take care,
I received your blog today. Thank you. I do enjoy the blogs.
You are most welcome. Are you still working at the Dunseith Hardware store? I am thinking you have been a former owner and current employee there for nearly 70 years now. So many of us remember you in that store. How well we remember your family too.
Rick Kuhn (’79) is in a comma from an accident
Message from Mel Kuhn (’70): St. John, ND

Gary and Friends,


My younger brother Rick was in a terrible accident in South Dakota. He is in Rapid City Regional Hospital. He had a lot of head injury and they kept him in a coma for some time. He is now off of the sedatives that were keeping him in the coma but there was really no response until maybe yesterday. They thought that maybe he had moved his left arm and leg and the people who were bathing him thought they saw him open his eyes. So now we are just hoping and praying and waiting for him to wake up. I know how many prayers get sent through this site and I’m hoping everyone can say a prayer or two for Rick. His wife and kids are there with him and are in the process of setting up a Caring Bridge site. I talk with his wife every day and am just waiting for her call telling me to come down that Rick wants to talk with me. Rick was with the DHS class of “79”



Mel Kuhn

Mel, we are so sorry to hear of your brother Rick’s condition. We too hope that you receive that phone call. Our thoughts and prayers are with Rick for a recovery. Gary
Carol Robert Braun (’69) 60th Birthday: Oscelo, WI.
Posted by Dianne Robert Johnson (’76): Rolla, ND

Gary, could you post this for me. I am sure some people would get a kick out of seeing my sister’s photo.


Had a BD party for her @ my house in Oct 2011. I haven’t been able to access your blogs for quite a while. Problems with new computer!


I see there are lots to catch up on.


Dianne Johnson (76)


Carol Robert Braun (’69)


We just got back home to Cebu last night. We had a wonderful trip. The cruise went very well with lots of camaraderie and socializing among folks. There were 50 of us in our group. I have not had a chance to down load and sort our pictures yet, but I will. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to post a few with more of the details of the cruise. I am in kind of a catch up mode today.
Following the cruise, Bernadette and I spent 9 days in the Bremerton/Seattle area visiting our kids, relatives and friends.
Message from Gina, our travel agent

Hello Gary,



I hope you are back home safe and sound by now, or will be soon.


I know it was an incredibly long journey for you and Bernadette.



Thank you so much for the opportunity to be your cruise agent again.



I had actually booked a cabin for my Mom & myself. (her birthday is February 19th).


Unfortunately I had to cancel. My brothers and sisters planned a birthday party instead.


I was going to be your “surprise” with the big box of gifts at your group cocktail party.



I will still hope to join a future cruise with your group and would welcome an opportunity


to meet such an incredibly nice group of folks.



I am actually working on a Europe cruise today, onboard the NCL Epic for Bill Grimme.


I also heard from a few in your group. Is such a treat to hear they had a good cruise! : )




My best regards,





Gina S. Ford



Cruise At Will, Inc.

Cruise and Travel Planners

1-866-870-6986 (toll free)

703-580-1190 (local)



Bill Grimme’s reply






Glad to hear that you and Bernadette got home safely. Yes, I think the cruise went very well. I booked a European cruise for May 27 just today. We are going to Barcelona a day early to spend a day there, and then we will disembark one day before the end of the cruise to spend about 3 days around the Marseilles, FR area. All we will miss is the sea day going back to Barcelona.






Message from Blance Wicks Schley (’42): Grand Forks, ND
Gary and wife…hope your visit is an enjoyable one…..we will be awaiting your return home so that we can read all about it.
Blanche Wicks Schley
Happy Birthday Dana Henriksen Johnson (DHS ’66): Meridian, ID
Happy belated birthdays to the following who had birthdays while I was back in the states
Reply from a former Class of ’57 San Haven Dunseith Student.

From: Eleanor Wallbank McCreery
Phone: 361
Hi Gary! I was just thinking of some of my wonderful Dunseith friends, and there they were your website! How I loved my North Dakota childhood and treasured my friends there. I lived in San Haven from birth until the middle of the sixth grade. I valued my six and a half years of education at Dunseith School. What a top notch education it was! When I arrived in Ohio, I was leaps and bounds ahead of the students in my classes. I just saw the note about the girls’ basketball team — so much fun seeing names of friends there. I played basketball in Ohio — but there was no official girls’ school league, so I played in the very active church league. See — North Dakota was far ahead in sports, too! I remember vividly the basketball spirit in Dunseith! Ahhh what wonderful days and friends there! Thanks, Gary, for the blog! What a treat! All happiness to you… Onward ho! Big happy smiles, Ellie (Eleanor Wallbank McCreery — if I had still lived in North Dakota, I would have been in Class of ’57)

Obert P. Medlang
(June 25, 1947 – February 22, 2012)

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Funeral services for Obert Medlang, age 64 of Bottineau, were held on Monday at 10:00 A.M. in the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. Cremation has taken place. Officiating at the service was the Reverend Desiree Uhrich. Special music was provided. Casket bearers were all family and friends in attendance.

Obert Medlang, a son of Odin and Kenrose (Ryan) Medlang, was born on June 25, 1947 at Rolette, ND. He attended school in Dunseith and graduated in 1966. Obert then attended the North Dakota School of Forestry at Bottineau for a year. He then attended Mayville State College for a time. After his education he began working on the oil rigs. In the late 60’s he worked in Saudi Arabia as an off-shore driller. Obert then returned to the United States. On December 28, 1972 he was married to Sandy Laugsand at Lake Metigoshe. This marriage later ended. He worked in the Midwest with different oil companies for many years. He retired in 2002 and has resided in Bottineau since.

He enjoyed Harleys, women and guns. Obert loved horses. He was a member of Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith.

Obert passed away Wednesday, February 22, 2012 in a Minot hospital,

He is survived by sons Owen Medlang of Kenmare, and Beau Medlang and his wife, Andrea of Bottineau; grandchildren, Kirsten Medlang, Kortni Medlang, Bradley Medlang, Danica Medlang and Easton Medlang; sister Marlys Macy of St. Louis, MO; special friend, Connie Vetter of Bottineau and Robert Lagerquist of Bottineau.

Obert was preceded in death by his parents, and a grandson Christopher.

I was so saddened to hear of Obert’s passing. I knew he was in critical condition, but not to the point of dying. We got word of his death while we were on the cruise.
After many many years, Obert and I reconnected. Out of the blue in August of last year I got a Face Book friendship invite from Obert. Since then we have communicated frequently. In those messages, Obert told me he was no dam good anymore. When I asked him his problem, he said his lungs were shot. Below I have pasted Obert’s last message to me that he sent on February 8th.
In Obert’s obituary, it mentions that he lived women. Not long ago I got a message from him, that I can not locate, eluting to the fact that he indeed did like the women and very much liked the Filipina women in many of my postings.
The Medlang’s lived just a few miles from us up in the hills and rode our bus for the 4 years that I went to Dunseith HS. Obert and Marlys were very active in our 4-H club too, as was Kenrose their mother. We were back and forth a lot in our growing up days. It is hard to believe that Obert in no longer with us. I was so looking forward to seeing him again with our next trip back to the area.
Neola Kofoid Garbe’s Mother passed away
Emma Kofoid
(May 5, 1917 – March 2, 2012)

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Emma Sofie (Brudwick) Kofoid, 94, Bottineau, ND, died Friday, March 2, 2012 in a Bottineau nursing home. Emma was born May 5th, 1917, to Andrew and Ellen Johanna (Laugsand) Brudwick, near the “Mouse” River east of Westhope, ND. In November of 1928, Andrew and Ellen, with their family of five children, left the Landa, ND, area and moved to Bruvik, Norway, Andrew’s birthplace. The family also lived, for a time, near Sandvollan, Norway, where Ellen’s family lived. Finding America offered more opportunities than Norway did, the family returned to ND in July 1930. After returning to North Dakota and settling in the Turtle Mts. NE of Bottineau, ND, Emma attended the Jelleberg and Cordelia Schools. On October 16, 1935, Emma and John Norman Kofoid were united in marriage by Rev. Mjaanes in the Vinje Church parsonage, rural Bottineau. Following their marriage, John and Emma worked at various jobs in several states before settling in Bottineau, ND. These locations included Belgrade, (MT), Woodburn (OR) area and Oslo (MN) . These were the depression years; people went where they could find work. John and Emma enjoyed traveling. They toured most of the United States, parts of Canada and Europe. They spent many of the chilly North Dakota winters in Arizona and Florida. One of their more interesting trips included traveling to Cape Canaveral, Florida to watch the historic first space shuttle launch. In 1963, John, Emma and their daughter, Neola, flew to Amsterdam, Netherlands, where they were met by John and Emma’s son, Jim, who was stationed at Stuttgart, Germany. The four of them toured Europe and visited relatives for several weeks, including visiting Bruvik, Norway, and Sandvollan, Norway, where Emma had lived many years before. Throughout Emma’s life she had a great love for her grandchildren and great grand children. Many summers, John and Emma welcomed and cared for their grandchildren, Oliver and Denise, who enjoyed spending time in Bottineau (and eating Oma’s lefse). John (Opa) would take the grandchildren fishing and Emma (Oma) would fry up the catch. John and Emma spent many moments laughing at and enjoying all the mischief their grandchildren conjured up, making for lasting, loving family memories. Emma was known for her keen memory and enjoyed sharing stories and reminiscing with her grandchildren and great grand children. She was always interested in her children’s endeavors and supported and encouraged their interests in life. Emma was a member of First Lutheran Church in Bottineau where she participated in the ladies’ groups. Emma enjoyed “old time” music and was a wonderful dancer. She enjoyed visiting with friends and relatives. Many times, the conversations included discussing former good times, dates when an event happened, birth dates of relatives and friends and other topics of interest. Emma would remind her daughter, Neola, about upcoming birthdays. Neola would send birthday greetings and get the credit for remembering the birthday. Everyone knew this is how it “worked”, but it was fun. A few years after her husband, John, passed away, Emma moved Edgewood Vista, an assisted living facility in Minot, ND. She resided in Minot until June 2008 when Good Samaritan in Bottineau became her home. Emma is survived by her daughter, Neola (Wally) Garbe, Minot, ND; son, James Kofoid, Bottineau, ND; grandson, Oliver Kofoid (partner, Carol Narkiewicz), Key West, FL; granddaughter, Denise (Raymond) Corbo, Ashburn, VA; three great grandchildren, Vinson Corbo, Los Angeles, CA; Alyssa and Alexis Corbo, Ashburn; nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to her husband, Emma was preceded in death by an infant son; her parents; infant brother; three brothers and sisters-in-law, Milen (Alvina Johnson) Brudwick, Kenneth (Doris Schneider) Brudwick; Gerald (Delores Berg) Brudwick; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Alvina (Clarence) Christianson and Alice (Martin) Berg; three brothers-in-law and their wives, Walter and Viola Larson Kofoid, Robert and Thelma Slyter Kofoid, Elmer and Alice Cornwell Kofoid; sister-in-law, Emma Kofoid Cram and her husband, Orville; brother-in-law, Oscar Kofoid. Funeral services: were at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 6 at First Lutheran Church, Bottineau, ND. Burial was in Oak Creek Cemetery, Bottineau. www.nerofuneralhome

Folks, I have replied to Neola with a personal message. Emma lived a good life and like I told Neola, she was very lucky to have a Neola for a daughter and Jim for a son. Neola and Jim too would sit with her for hours when she was in critical condition. Neola would actually live in the hospital by her side until her recoveries. Such dedication. We know that Neola and Jim will miss their mother dearly. Our condolences are with them. Gary
Vickie Hiatt LaFontaine has retired
Message posted on our Web site.

From: vickie Hiatt Lafonaine
Phone: 701-520-
I retired from the state 12-26-11 so I no longer have that e-mail address, my new one is as listed above.

Congratulations Vickie with your retirement. I have updated all of my files with your new email address. Gary
Seth Anderson State Runner-up Heavyweight
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND
Seths dad was the late Gene Anderson Jr.
ANd the grandson of Gene and Beverly (Lavalle) Anderson, all DHS
Seth had a perfect wrestling season, which led to a championship for
St. John High School.

‘This is for dad’: Anderson honors late father with perfect season, state title


February 19, 2012


By CHRIS AARHUS – Sports Editor (caarhus@minotdailynews.com) , Minot Daily News


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BISMARCK – Carrying the memory of his late father with him, Rolla-Rolette-St. John senior Seth Anderson stayed task-oriented at the Class B state tournament.


A runner-up at heavyweight as a junior, Anderson wasted no time getting down to business in his heavyweight final against Hillsboro senior Tommy Doeden on Saturday at the Bismarck Civic Center. With a takedown and nearfall points in the first period, Anderson built an early 9-0 lead en route to a 10-0 major decision, a perfect season and a state championship.


“I just worked hard for it,” Anderson said. “I’m glad I got my goal. It’s been my goal ever since I was little.”


It was a goal that started to enter his mind as his father, Gene Anderson, Jr., signed him up for wrestling in elementary school in 2004. Gene was a three-time region champion at 171 for Dunseith and finished fourth in 1988 and third in 1989 at the state tournament.


“As soon as I was old enough to start wrestling, he signed me up for it,” Anderson said.


It wasn’t long after that Gene died in a car accident at the age of 34.


“Just a couple months later, he passed away,” Anderson said. “He never saw me wrestle.”


Anderson said he remembers his father as “a tough guy.”


“I always wanted to be stronger than him, and some people tell me I already am,” Anderson said.


Anderson did more than just win a state championship; he went undefeated, which he called an “add-on.” He finished 29-0.


“That doesn’t matter too much to me as long as I got the win,” Anderson said.


With every opponent gunning for him, treating each wrestler the same was the key, Anderson said.


“You have to treat every guy like he’s gonna go out and rip your head off,” Anderson said. “You’ve gotta get in their head first before they get in (yours).”


Not only did he achieve the goal of honoring his father with a state championship and a perfect season; Anderson also made history at St. John High School.


“First state champion for anything at St. John,” Anderson said. “It feels just as good as the state championship itself. I’m glad I made history for the Woodchucks.”