
Beatrice Slyter Richard passed away
Reply from Marlene Richard Parslow (65): River Falls, WI & Sunlakes, AZ
Hi Gary,

I will send you information about my Mother’s funeral arrangements in the next day or two. Mom was 88 years old. She was born November 25, 1922 and died on April 27, 2011. She married my father, Ernest Richard, on May 16, 1944. She and Dad had 10 children. They moved to River Falls, Wisconsin in 1969. We are meeting with the Funeral Home (Cashman-Hill in River Falls) this afternoon. Funeral will more than likely be on Monday.

Thanks for posting the news of our Mom’s passing.

Marlene, We are so saddened to hear of your mothers passing. I know she worked at St. Andrews hospital in Bottineau for many years too. A while back Neola posted a group picture of some of the hospital staff that included your mother. At the moment I can not find that photo.Our condolence are with you and your family with the passing of your mother. Gary
PS – Marlene, you are the oldest sibling and the only sibling of your family that attended Dunseith. You guys all graduated from Bottineau, but your roots are Dunseith. Please see the Richard family tree below.

Ernest Richard Family

Back: Jim, Lester, LeRoy, Ernie, Larry

Center: Beatrice

Front: Michael, Diane, Debbie, Peggy, Bradley, Marlene.



Condolence to the Erling Berg Family

From Brenda Hoffman (68): Greenville, SC
To the Erling Berg Family. I am so sorry. My deepest sympathies.
In the last few years, I’ve been lucky enough to share a quick word with Delores just about every time I visited my folks in Rugby.
Death is so difficult. The only consolation can be how much people like Erling were loved and cared about by those of us who remain.
Brenda Hoffman class of 1968

Condolence to the Erling Berg Family

From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND

Gary and Friends,

My condolences to the Berg family on the passing of Erling. He will
always be remembered for his friendly smile and quick wit. There are not
many people who were better at telling Norwegian jokes than Erling was.
His Norwegian heritage was very prominent in his character and was an
attribute in his ability to tell a good joke about Ole and Lena. He
brightened many days for me with his humor about our common ancestry.
Erling will be missed by many. Thanks Gary.


Erling Berg Memories
From Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

Hi Gary,


Apparently I hadn’t read your newsletter #1161 (or if I did read it, I didn’t read it very carefully.), as when Erling’s obituary came up on Nero’s site, it was news to me. It was after I read today’s newsletter and saw all the condolences, I realized I had missed something.


It’s no surprise Erling is well remembered. I remember my dad talking about Erling Berg for years. I also met Erling a time or two MANY years ago. I, too, thought he was a very nice/friendly/etc. man. In my mind, he was also a handsome fellow. :) I see Erling was app. 20 years old than I am, so when I met him, he was probably in his 30’s. It was before he/his family moved to Dunseith.


I just reread Erling/Delores’ write-up in the Centennial Book. I see (in 1984), Don was married to Mary Froseth. That surprises me. I think Mary was in the first grade when I taught in Kramer. Her sister, Christine, was in my fourth grade class. Mary’s brother, Stephen, was married to Susan Hagen. You probably already know this. Steve was in the 5th or 6th grade when I taught in Kramer. It’s hard to believe he and his brother, Greg, have passed away.






Turtle Mt. Tribal Arts Association Art Gallery

Reply from Paula Fassett (71): North Branch, MN


I’d like to support Jesse Marion in promoting the Turtle Mt. Tribal Arts Association Art Gallery. Susan & I & Esther stopped in there last May when we were home for the reunion and there are some beautiful works of art in there. I can’t say I was amazed or surprised, because I know there are – and always have been – a great number of talented artists in the Turtle Mt. Area. I was, however, awe-struck at the wonderful variety and the beauty of the pieces.



So by all means, spread the word and when you’re in the area stop in – and take a few treasures home!



Paula Fassett

San Haven
Reply From Lloyd Awalt (44): Bottineau, ND

Allen Richard, you are right the san was a beautiful place. I’m like you, did any of them come and see the place. I worked there in 1938 & 39 in the kitchen. To work there you had to take a test to see if you could contact TB. If you could you could not go where the patients were. At this time they had there own farm cattle goats pigs. They raised all there own vegetables potatoes carrots every thing in the garden. Cut their hay – milked 40 cows twice a day. They had their own little store post office San Haven was a little town all by itself. When TB was cured they brought in the kids. I worked in the laundry from 1958 to 62 and I was in the rooms Sto pick up laundry. I don’t think some of them people knew what they were talking about… for they got good care. To bad it had to go like it did.
Joke of the day

From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

Randy Flynn’s story of Cliff and Erling setting him up with the wife
joke brought to mind a one I heard long ago. A guy told his friend that
he hadn’t talked to his wife in over a month. When his friend asked
why, he said he hated to interrupt her.


Richard Family tree. First four Generations


Posted By Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau & Minot, ND

Erling Berg (Erling/Delores Guttu, page 530–Bottineau County Centennial Book)


(Died April 26, 2011)

Sign Guest Book
http://www.nerofuneralhome.net/index.cfm| Send Flowers


Erling Berg, age 89 of Rugby, died Tuesday at a Rugby nursing home. Funeral will be held on Saturday at 10:30 am at the First Lutheran Church in Rugby. Visitation will be Friday from 10:00 am until 9:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. (Nero Funeral Home – Bottineau)

Condolence to the Erling Berg Family
From Art Rude (71): Bismarck, ND

I wanted to write a note to say I am saddened by the death of Erling Berg, as he was a fine man, a friend, and I always loved that he had a ready joke for me. But, I can only stay sad for a few moments, as I have been one to keep in touch with the family, and his legacy is alive and well. I visited with Curt when I was in Colorado, by Grand Junction, Dianne used to visit quite often when I lived at the farm and before she moved, Keith stops up often when he comes to Rugby, and I often visit and have stayed with him in Fargo on several occasions. Ironically, the Berg I have seen the least is Don, my classmate. Erling will be remembered for many of the things you mentioned, but his children are a great legacy, and will remain outstanding members of their chosen communities.
I also have to say a word about the comparison between 1957, and 2010. A couple of people mentioned something to the effect, how is it that we have gone “downhill” so fast? I personally think the answer is obvious, lawsuits. Look down the list of comparisons, and every one will bring to mind legal cases, usually massive lawsuits. Almost all of the “new” behavior noted, is to avoid the danger of lawsuits.

Peace and Power,


Thanks for checking out Art Rude Productions,
webpage address: www.artrude.com
and Art Rude TV at: artrudetv on Utube!
Condolence to the Erling Berg Family

From Jay (66) & Lola Metcalfe Vanorny (68): Dunseith, ND

Our sincere sympathy to the Bergs– Jay worked with Erling all those years and he would stop in my office with a story or a joke usually every morning– He was a fun guy! – when Erling retired Jay took his place- until the closure of the San .


Delores and family you will be I my thoughts and prayers. Lola


Condolence to the Erling Berg Family

From Bobby Slyter (70): Wichita, Kansas

Condolence to the Erling Berg Family

From Paula Fassett (71): North Branch, MN

I’m very sad to hear of Erling Berg’s death. The Berg family was a part of my life growing up in Dunseith. Don is certainly correct in his statement that Erling made his mark in the Dunseith community! There are some people who’s face immediately appears in your mind when their name is mentioned – Erling Berg is one of those people…..it also brings a smile to my face. Erling always had a hello and a pat on the shoulder for us “kids”. He was the greatest story-teller – and never seemed to run out of stories and jokes. I remember going to church when it was Erling’s Sunday to usher. As he handed us a program, he’d get in a quick one-liner….quietly, of course.,..,,and we’d have to try to suppress the giggles as we walked in to church.

What a blessing to have had such a wonderful father and husband.

Dolores, Don, Curt, Diane & Keith – my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Paula Fassett

Condolence to the Erling Berg Family
From David Slyter (70): Sabin, Mn
My deepest sympathy to Delores and her family. I too, use to work for Erling while I was the groundskeeper at San Haven for the last 8 years that it was open. He was a great boss and director. We also grew up next to the Bergs back in the early 60’s. Lots of fun memories. He lived a full spiritual and prosperous life. He will certainly be missed by many.

Dave Slyter (70)

Condolence to the Erling Berg Family

From Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI
To the Berg family—My deepest sympathy! Your Dad, Erling (kilowatt) Berg, was Dunseith and San Haven icon. He was also a great friend who always made me laugh. There were a lot of times that I needed an injection of humor.

Condolence to the Erling Berg Family

From Randy Flynn (70): Portland, OR

I would like to express my condolences to the Berg family. Erling was a grand person and there is little doubt he was one of the best story tellers ever to grace the streets of Dunseith. Erling could always put a smile on anyone’s face. Delores, Don, Curt, Keith, and Diane my thoughts are with you as you reflect upon Erling’s wonderful 89 years.

I am certain many people will have a story or two about how Erling made them laugh. I hope they share with all of your readers because I was just thinking about Erling’s Norwegian stories last week. One Christmas vacation I was in Dunseith and visited with Delores, Erling and Cliff Hagen at the AC Bar. Everyone had been doing a little last minute Christmas shopping. Remember when we shopped locally and every store took a check. When the stores closed about 5:30 or 6:00 many of us stopped at the bar for a drink before heading home for the evening. Erling and Delores invited me to their booth to visit about where I was living and working. After exchanging family events that occurred over the previous year, I listened to Erling and Cliff swap stories. When Delores excused herself to visit the powder room, Cliff said his wife had not talked to him in almost a month. Very quietly Cliff said, “Due to that fact I am thinking about getting a divorce.” Erling looked at my shocked face, murmured a bit, took a drink from his glass, and said, “Cliff you might want to rethink that decision. Women like that are hard to come by.” They had set me up with another of their stories; both had a good laugh. I hope you can all remember Erling Berg for the good times.

Randy Flynn
Portland, OR

Condolence to the Erling Berg Family

From Bill Krause (74): Dickenson, ND

To The Entire Berg Family…My sincere condolences on the loss of your Husband,Dad and Grandfather, Erling…He was a good man…Bill Krause
Condolence to the Erling Berg Family

From Alan Poitra (76): Bloomington, MN
My condolences to the Erling Berg family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Mr. Poitra

Turtle Mountain Tribal Arts Association Art Gallery Located in Dunseith
Message from JH Marion

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter weekend.
Today I would like to send out a message concerning the Turtle Mountain Tribal Arts Association Art Gallery. The art gallery is home to so many beautiful, authentic Chippewa art pieces. Each artist has taken a considerable amount of time to create one of a kind art work. Many pieces tell a story and incorporates a part of the Chippewa Culture and Heritage.
We invite you to come and visit the art gallery, take time to embrace the beauty before you. The art work would make great gifts for yourself or family and friends.

As the summer wedding season approaches you can find that special and unique wedding gift.

We are also seeking your assistance in grant seeking and writing, promotion and marketing, every moment spent volunteering with the art gallery ensures the future of the Turtle Mountain Tribal Arts Association Art Gallery.
The art gallery is located on

North Main StreetDunseith,ND

, open Monday through Saturday, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm.

The art gallery can be found on Face Book under Turtle Mountain Tribal Arts Association Art Gallery, with all of th eart work in the photo section. You will find a complete list of art items, artist, and prices. Please call 701-244-2540 to order an item or for any questions or you may have.

The TMTAA web page is

www.tmtribalarts.com, which is undergoing changes at this time.

Please pass this message onto all of your contacts, so they too will learn more about the art gallery.




Erling Berg Passed away today:
Message/Obituary from Don Berg (71): Scottsdale, AZ


We lost my dad today, April 26. I have attached his obituary.

We are planning a visitation at 7:00 pm Friday, April 29 at the Nero funeral home in Bottineau. The funeral is tentatively planned for 10:30 am Saturday, April 30 at the First Lutheran Church, Rugby.

He had a long and wonderful life. We are thankful for that.

Don Berg

Don, We are so saddened to hear of the death of your father. My dad worked for your dad all 10 years of his San Haven career. Your dad was a well respected good leader. He most certainly made his mark in the Dunseith Community with his business, work and good deeds. He was a brilliant man with a whole lot of common sense too. Your dad’s brother Clarence was married to Mabel Berg. Mabel was a sister to Helga Berg Petterson. Helga was married to my dad’s brother Nels. They lived in Everett, WA. With today’s message I am including Nels & Helga’s four children, Peggy, Norman, Bernice & Marlys who all still reside in the Everett & surrounding areas. Our Condolence are with your mother, Delores, and your whole family with the loss of your dad. We can not forget Hilmar either. Gary




Erling Conrad Berg, 89, of Rugby passed away on April 26 in the long-term care facility at the Heart of America Medical Center in Rugby, ND.He had been at Heart of America for the past two years.

Erling was born on the family farm in Starbuck Township, Bottineau County, ND, on April 2, 1922, to Carl and Inga Berg.He was raised there, with three brothers and one sister, attended Thrum’s rural school and graduated from Landa High School in 1940.

He attended Business College in Minot, ND, and then enlisted in the US Army Signal Corp during World War II.Following discharge from the service he returned to the family farm and then in 1947 was employed by Shei Electric in Bottineau, ND.

On May 30, 1953, Erling married Delores Guttu of Carbury, ND.They lived in Bottineau until moving to Dunseith, ND in 1954 where he opened Dunseith Electric, an electrical and TV business.He received his Master Electrician’s license in 1955.He operated his business until 1971 when he became Plant Services Director at San Haven State Hospital north of Dunseith.After his retirement in 1987, he and Delores moved to Sheyenne, ND, where they resided for 10 years before moving in 1997 to Rugby, ND, where they have since lived.

While living in Dunseith, Erling was an active member of Peace Lutheran Church, a church he helped build, serving on the church council for many years.He was a member of the Dunseith American Legion for over 50 years.He attended First Lutheran Church in Sheyenne, ND, and in Rugby was a member of First Lutheran Church and a member of the Rugby Sons of Norway.

Erling enjoyed crossword puzzles, cribbage and sports, league bowling, golf and horseshoe.He was an avid fan of the Minnesota Twins and Timberwolves.He enjoyed cooking, and his family especially enjoyed his bread stuffing and Norwegian meatballs.He was a great storyteller and could always think of one to tell.

Erling is survived by his wife Delores of Rugby; sons Don (Mary), Scottsdale, AZ; Curt (Kelly), Grand Junction, CO; Keith (fiancé Chery), Fargo, ND and daughter Diane (Jim) Rheault, Fargo, ND; five granddaughters – Dr. Kelly Berg & husband Douglas Bowles, Jessica and Jennifer Berg, all of Minneapolis, MN; Allison Berg of East Brunswick, NJ, and Jacqueline Rheault of Fargo, ND, and two grandsons – Christopher & William Berg of Grand Junction, CO; one brother, Hilmar Berg, Bottineau, ND; and two nieces, Cindy (Mike) Pesek of Grand Forks, ND, and Sue Berg of Lake Metigoshe.

Preceding him in death were his parents and brothers Olaf (Hazel), Clarence (Mabel) and sister Helen (Herman) Brandvold.

San Haven:
Reply From Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62): Windsor, CO

A special thank you to Allen Richard for his explanation regarding San Haven. I understand the futility of the situation, I just become so disgusted when ” history” or the ” Ghost of ND” will forever record incorrect information. Thank you Allen for your time and effort back then and for the explanation now. Sharon Gerdes





Reply to Message 1159

From Keith Pladson (66): Stafford, VA


Really liked your “quiz for the day.” I seem to remember that a teacher we had in one of our classes in high school gave us a similar test once. There were about 15 or 20 questions and each had a rational answer, but under the pressure of time, most of us got most of the answers wrong. One that I still remember was: “Take two apples from three apples and what do you have?” Most, including me, under the pressure of time, answered “one.” But that was wrong. If you take two apples from any number of apples you will have two apples – probably one in each hand, ha, ha.
Reply/Picture from Trish Larson Wild (73): Fort Collins, CO.

Hi Gary

Finally got the news today that we were NOT selected for the America’s Favorite Trail Horse Finals. The show will air in September by the way, if anyone wants to watch it.

I had a great time at the audition and have a whole new slew of friends as a result, with offers of lodging and riders to meet all over the US, so I am thankful for my experience.

I have already started to gear up for my next adventure, and have been making plans to ride the Pacific Crest Trail with a friend I met on the trail here in Pasadena. The trail runs from the Mexico border to Canada, but I’m not sure if we’ll ride the whole thing or just cherry pick the sweet spots. I will keep you posted! We’re planning to start the first week in May, but there’s a lot to arrange and plan so we’ll see how it goes…

Thanks to all who sent words of support and encouragement on the whole audition thing. I had a great time and met some really cool people, so I consider myself to be a winner. I know for sure that my horses are my favorite trail horses anyway!

Still having the time of my life and looking forward to new trails to ride.

Trish Wild, RN, PhD
The Equine Nomad


Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND
North Dakota Roads Closed Due to Flooding
San Haven:
Reply from Ardys Bakken Horner (Teacher): Detroit Lakes, MN.
Gary, we lived in Dunseith in the late 60’s and found San Haven staff to be like “wonderful mothers” in their care
of their patients, I think there were more problems in Grafton and that is what prompted the movement to
move them to smaller fascilities. I think there was some small town politics involved as building contractors
could make money buy building cottages around the state with the idea of bringing people closer to their
family homes for more frequent visits. Also times were changing in the 70’s about care and education of challenged children.
I never heard accusations about San Haven, in fact I knew a nurse in Minot who said that any person brought
from San Haven to the hospital there never ever had bed sores which is a very good indication of excellent
San Haven was not a crowded facility….as some try to suggest, I think the writer was lumping problems about
care in Grafton and suggesting that the same thing was true in Dunseith, one wonders if he ever even visited the
area….I will get off my soap box now. Ardys (Bakken) Horner

San Haven:

Reply from Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI

To Sharon Gerdes


The San had very strong support from Bottineau, Rolette and Pierce County and sour rounding areas. The Tribal Council, county and city government and all the legislators worked together. if you can believe legislators working together these days–But it was very different back then!) Local newspapers worked hard to show the good things being done there and the Grand Forks Herald did at least one major two page article on The San. Likewise the Minot Daily News.


A number of legislative committees toured The San, and all the local legislators would attend as well. Everyone was always impressed with the cleanliness of the facility and dedication of the staff. And when the tours ended by a tour of the chapel and the view from the roof, Well to all of us who knew the panoramic view — it was a lot of fun to see the wide eyed, jaw dropped look on the faces of those who had not been there before. Did you know that on the many “severe clear” days you could see Rugby?


People from our area made many trips to Bismarck during those years. I recall driving back from Bismarck with Duane Fugere and a few others when the sky was overcast with the ash from Mt. St. Helen’s. The ash was so fine that it would go through the paper air filters and damage engines. Another time on short notice I Ioaded a rented airplane with local supporters and flew them down to a hearing.


Legislators from the north central part of the state banded together to get funding to build the laundry and food service building in the hope this would stop the ARC attack on the San, but it only slowed things down for a year or two and the ARC came at us from a different angle.


In the end the realities were:


The ARC had already won probably a half dozen cases against states with “institutions.” The ARC was on a roll and their funding seemed limitless.


The judge in the case was unsympathetic from day one. Federal District courts have more power than state legislatures, especially with “activist” judges.”


Renovating The San would have been extremely expensive because of the asbestos issue, and it wouldn’t have mattered because the “group home” concept was in vogue.


Communities and legislators from other parts of the state began vieing for group homes in their communities. It is not uncommon that a government that covers a diverse geographic and demographic setting to from voting blocks to benefit one segment at the expense of another. Call it “political cannibalization” if you want.


Anyway, it is hard to believe that most of this happened 30 years ago, and frankly, without digging through a few boxes of political memories I’d rather forget, this is about the best my few remaining brain cells can do!

Little Prairie Ladies Aid
Posted by Don Aird (Carroll Carlson’s nephew): St Louis, MO
You may have already posted this. I found it in a scrap book – the picture follows the names
Marshall Awalt posted this picture with message 560 on 9/17/2009, but classics like this certainly need re-runs here and there. So many of us can relate to many of the folks in this picture. One can not dispute the resemblance today of the Metcalfe girls to that of their mother Ella with her beautiful smile. I remember so well, so many of the ladies in this picture. Many of those in this picture have passed on. I think those living today are Joy Peterson, Velma Millang and Kenrose Medlang. Folks, please correct me if there are others.

Ladies of the Little Prairie Ladies Aid, before they merged with the Dunseith Lutheran church, picture taken by Ted Brodek for the the Dunseith Journal in 1954 at the Turtle Mt. Lodge, when the ladies served for the Minot and Brandon Colleges, and was captioned the” Fried Chicken Experts, story appears on page 318 of the Dunseith 1882-1982 History book.


1954 (57 years ago)


Back Row – Left to Right Hannah Kirkwold, Ella Metcalfe, Aria Millang, Joy Peterson, Jessie Millang, Kenrose Medlang, Bertha Myer, Agnes Salmonson, Pat Myer, Dorothy Millang, and Velma Millang.

Front Row – Christine Carlson, Anna Nickolson, Hilda Strong, Martha Handland, Clara Anderson, Francis Espe, and Ingrid Seim.

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau, ND




Wallace Sebelius
(Died April 22, 2011)

Sign Guest Book | Send Flowers





Wallace Sebelius, age 85 of Bottineau, died Friday at a Bottineau hospital. Funeral will be held on Wednesday at 10:00 am at the First Lutheran Church in Bottineau. Visitation will be Tuesday from 10:00 am until 9:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. Burial will be at the Oak Creek Cemetery in Bottineau.

Wallace Sebelius, a son of Niles Peter and Lille (Olson) Sebelius, was born on October 20, 1925 at Overly, ND. On October 27, 1957, he married Freida Anderson at Bottineau. Freida passed away on October 2, 2009.

He is survived by on Brother, Manvil (Dorothy) Sebelius of Dunseith; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law; Kathleen Sebelius, Arvid (Pete) Anderson and Glenn Swanson all of Bottineau; Kathleen (Robert) Tonda, Ellen Anderson and Thelma Terry all of Seattle, WA and Melvin (Donna) Anderson of Ceres, CA; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.

Hotel Recommendations for our February 2012 Cruise
Reply from our travel agent, Gina Ford.

Hello Gary,




It will be my pleasure to contact the best Miami hotel options for your group. I will request their lowest available group pricing for you.

I do know the Miami area well and one needs to be careful as some of the lowest Miami hotel prices would be at undesirable properties.

I will make sure that I offer you only hotels that are equal to or better than the Ramada Inn at SeaTac that you had stayed at previously.

I completely agree with you Gary, in that you should consider (and deserve) the hotel options that offer you the best bang for the buck




I hope to complete my Miami hotel research by the end of this week for you. For now I’m thinking we should request maybe 50 rooms?

(we can always adjust that number at a later date, when the final payments are all posted to your NCL Pearl 2.19.2012 cruise).




Thank you and best regards,





Gina S. Ford

Cruise At Will, Inc.

Cruise and Travel Planners

1-866-870-6986 (toll free)

703-580-1190 (local)


Joke of the day
From my good Irish friend, Michael Kenny, Cebu, Philippines

A Texan walks into a pub in Ireland and raises his voice to the crowd of drinkers. He shouts, “I hear you Irish are a bunch of drinkin’ fools. I’ll give $500 American dollars to anybody in here who can drink 10 pints of Guinness back to back.”
The room is quiet and no one takes of the Texan’s offer.
Paddy Murphy gets up and leaves the bar. Thirty minutes later, he shows back up and taps the Texan on the shoulder. “Is your bet still good?” asks Paddy.
The Texan answers, “Yes”, and he orders the barman to line up 10 pints of Guinness.
Immediately, Paddy downs all 10 pints of beer, drinking them all back to back. The other pub patrons cheer and the Texan sits down in amazement. The Texan gives the Irishman the $500 and asks, “If ya don’t mind me askin’, where did you go for that 30 minutes you were gone?”
Paddy Murphy replies, “Oh…I had to go to the pub down the street to see if I could do it first.”


Message from Esther Murray Fleming (65): Flint, MI



San Haven
Comments/questions from Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62): Windsor, CO

Allen, I am wondering– did anyone stand up for San Haven- did anyone provide proof of the atrocities that they claimed went on there? Were any patients named and abuse proved? I was really upset by the responses that ” ghost of ND ” gave and claimed were all true. Also, was it true ( rumor has it) that ARC built several houses which were later used to house patients from the San? My mom was very attached to the patients on her floor as I am sure many employees were, and I personally saw how clean that facility was. Also ” hosing patients down in the gym for baths” is just plain ridiculous. Any more insight you can provide would give some peace of mind. Thanks much. Sharon Gerdes
Reply from Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

Joe Johnson’s comments brought something to mind. When I was going
to the School of Forestry in Bottineau, many of my friends had their
hunting rifles and even some handguns in their dorm rooms. I had a gun
in my off campus room too. I remember going out hunting rabbits south of
Bottineau and bringing the guns back into the dorm without any question
of whether or not we could. The college also sponsored the Rod and Gun
Club on campus. I guess we never thought anyone had any evil in mind.
It was as normal as going to lunch. I once brought an antique muzzle
loader rifle to speech class to give a demonstration speech on it’s
function. Today if someone did that they would probably be shot while
crossing campus! The difference is that we respected others rights and
they respected ours. To my knowledge, there was never an incident of
any kind just because students had guns in their rooms. Now our minds
are clouded by current thoughts of—‘He must be some kind of a
dangerous nut if he has a gun in his room.’ We’ve come a long ways,
baby! Thanks Gary!


2012 Caribbean Cruise
Our February 2012 Caribbean Cruise is fast approaching. We recently sent Gina, our travel agent, the following request for a suggested hotel.

As soon as we have a hotel in place, I will that info onto you folks.
Hello Gina,
It’s getting about time to make arrangements for a suggested hotel for our folks to check into on February 18th, the day before the cruise. I know you know the area well and can make a good recommendation for us. Ideally we need a hotel that can provide transportation from the Airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the ship. We are looking for a good economical middle of the road hotel. If we can get good rates with a 5 star, that will be great, but we can settle for less. Our folks were very pleased with the Ramada Inn at SeaTac for our Alaska Cruise. I think it was rated a 3 star. Something on that order would work just fine. As you can guess, we are looking for the best bang for the buck.
Please call Gina to make your cruise reservations. I have listed her contact info below.
I have included several group pictures from our Alaska Cruise. It was so much fun having so many of us with common roots together for a whole week. Family and friends fit right into the cameradery too. Such a precious time never to be forgotten. We will most certainly be getting these same group pictures on our Caribbean cruise.

Gina S. Ford



Cruise At Will, Inc.



Cruise and Travel Planners



1-866-870-6986 (toll free)



703-580-1190 (local)





2009 Dunseith Alaska Cruise
Group picture. A few folks were missing when this was taken.




2009 Dunseith Alaska Cruise

All of us in this photo attended Dunseith schools.


Quiz for the day
See if you can answer these correctly…

Are you the weakest link? Below are four (4) questions. You have to
answer them quickly. You can’t take your time, answer all of them

OK? Let’s find out just how clever you really are.


First Question:

You are participating in a race. You overtake the second

person. What position are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first,

then you are absolutely wrong!

If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are


Try not to mess up in the next question. To answer the second

question, don’t take as much time as you took on the first


Second Question:

If you overtake the last person, then you are…?

Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you

are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST person?!

You’re not very good at this are you?

Third Question:

Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only. Do

NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator.

Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30..

add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10.

What is the total? Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually

Don’t believe it? Check your calculator!

Today is definitely not your day.

Maybe you will get the last question right?

Mary’s father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2 Nene,

3. Nini, 4. Nono.

What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Nunu? NO! Of course not. Her name is Mary.

Read the Question again.


San Haven
Reply from Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI

Reply to Mona Johnson.


You are right about the beauty of the San and the quality of care patients received. Historically though, the San was doomed by a series of court cases around the country and ND. The ARC went on a crusade against institute that housed the severely multiply handicapped. They won all the cases including the one against ND. Judge Bruce Van Syckle presided over the trial as well as the implementation of regulations that the buildings could not be converted to handle. The judge was finding in favor of the ARC on every issue. These were the same issues on which the ARC had prevailed in several other states already. It was about that time that the state built the new kitchen and Laundry up there, hoping that would get the judge to back of. It only proved to be a temporary fix.


The main buildings at the San are much like many others of their age. They were very strong, and they contained many miles of pipe that was insulated with asbestos. No occupant could be found that could offset the cost of renovation.


Trust me — it was the longest battle I was ever involved in during my 14 years in the legislature.


Allen Richard
Reply to 1957-2010 comparison posted yesterday
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

I just have to comment on the 1957-2010 comparison. If it wasn’t so
true, it would be funny. I’m still trying to understand how we, as a
country, let things get this far from center? It’s human nature for
good people to try to make things better for all the members of society,
old and young alike. Each and every one of the comparisons is based on
how over zealous the effort became. It has even become kind of
‘fashionable’ to see how far we can push this under the cause of
political correctness. At what point does a society finally wake up and
see how this misdirection is actually the root cause of the problem? My
humble opinion. Thanks Gary!




Reply to 1957-2010 comparison posted yesterday

From Joe Johnson (77): Lindstrom, MN



Really enjoyed the 1957 vs. 2010 school comparison list. I would say for NoDak that the 1957 could most likely be extended up through at least the mid to late 70’s. I remember my brother Jeff and I going waterfowl hunting before school, while we were in high school. The shotguns went to school with us and many times we would run the birds home at lunch, finish dressing them, pop them in the freezer and then back to school.


Greatest part of this was Mom would give us a note when we went hunting just in case we were chasing down a good flock out on the prairie and got to school late. Hunting during mid-week was just another incentive Mom and Dad used to get us to keep our grades up.




Reply to Bottineau County Flooding pictures
From Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND
Ruth Gust, who is Ovidia Schneder’s daugher and Karen Larson’s sister
forwarded me those photos just before I dashed them off to you.
Ruth is also connected to Neola.

I was thinking you might be homesick for ND.
Now, I’m fairly certain you are very happy to be at home in Cebu.

Any way, I thought you would be interested to see Springtime 2011,
in North Dakota along the “MIGHTY MOUSE”,
______which is ROARING!

I just hope everyone continues to keep safe in their travels around
the state.

Later. Vickie

Yes Vickie, I am very happy right here in Cebu. All the snow accumulations this past winter that is now melting is sure causing major water problems around the whole state. As you mentioned in an earlier message, much of the snow is yet to melt in the hills. The melting of that snow may very well cause a few flooding problems throughout your local area too. I am so hoping all this water dissipates early enough enabling the farmers to get their crops in? Gary
Happy Easter to each and everyone of you.
Bernadette and I are invited to Michael and Barbara Kenny’s this evening for Easter Dinner. Michael and Barbara, pictured below with Bernadette, are originally from Ireland, but moved to England for all of their working careers. Barbara an RN and Michael Dentist. When asked where they are from, they will always answer Ireland. Four years ago they retired here to Cebu. They absolutely love it here, especially the people. When Michael is asked if he is married to a Filipina, with a smile on his face he says “No I brought mine with me”.


Wrong Info in San Haven Article posted several days ago
Message from Mona Dionne Johnson (48): Bottineau, ND
There are two statements in this article that are not TRUE ! There
never were 900 patients at one time at San Haven.
When I worked there in the early 50’s, the record was set at just over
350 patients. And the San was not shut down for the reason they
state. The State shut it down with the idea the residents would
benefit more from group homes? Patients at the time did not want to
leave so it couldn’t have been so bad, could it ?

Mona Johnson ’48

Bobbi Wenstad (70):
Thank you from Deb Wenstad Slyter (72): Dunseith, ND

I would like to say thank you to those who sent condolences on Bobbi’s passing. The kind words and thoughts are a testament to the person she was in life. She will be greatly missed by family and friends.


Also I send my condolences to Erling Landsverk on Borg’s passing. It’s never easy to lose a love one.



Deb Slyter




Memories of Bobbi Wenstad (70):

From Vickie Hiatt LaFontaine (73): Grafton, ND

I have memories of growing up and hanging out with Deb wenstad because we were more the same age. When we were younger we would try to get Bobbi to hang out with us and her response which im sure was said with love was ” get out of here you snot nosed brats” I remember we loved to bug her. I remember her in school but of course she was upper class so needless to say we didnt hang out. She then came to work @ san haven and she still not to freindly kind of kept to self. I then moved to grafton and latter saw her name on the schedule and thought oh I rember her being to her self.. Well boy was I wrong we hooked up and because we had the turtle mt school days and most important she was Connie Medruds best friend and I was Wandas so we shared stories of that tragic night which was 39 yrs ago today. We became close friends almost on the spot.we latter moved out to the same residitional area and just grew closer and closer and through her made an awesome forever friend her husband Robert. She was an excellant nurse, told it like it was and if you didnt like it well in her words tough shit get over it. We played a progressive rummy and it was renamed by the people that played it with her as KBA rummy which meant kick Bobbis ass rummy. we all wanted to beat her and of how she loved to beat us. Yesterday at the center we had a celebrate Bobbis life for her many co-workers and clients. We had people write on an index card their memories they wanted to share. It was so awesome to watch people write and cry @ the same time. Many tears and stories were shared Bobbi and I went though a lot together and our friendship just grew and grew. I will miss her so I cant even put it in to words. When we all transfered from san haven they did not want us here they felt we were taking their jobs of course none of us cared. well so many came and now there is only 2 left Paul Krause and my self. Im always glad to see him it makes me feel like alittle bit of home is here.
Condolences to the Wenstad family:
From Sharon Longie Dana (73): MIssoula MT
My Condolences to the Wenstad Family,
I was good friends with Debbie and Donna in high school. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Sharon Longie Dana (73)
Bottineau County flooding
Pictures posted by Vickie Metcalfe (68) and Neola Kofoid Garbe:

The attached pictures were taken on Monday, April 18 by Nathan Boll.

If you are on Facebook, you can see these pictures there, too. Type “Nathan Boll” in the search line; the pictures should come up.

Water water everywhere. Thank you Vickie and Neola for sharing these pictures. I am not sure who Nathan Boll is, but he has provided some spectacular pictures of all the flooding in Bottineau County. https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/airboll?sk=wall
Today’s posting from a former Army Reservist Dentist friend of mine now living in Arizona.
You should know that by today’s standards none of us was supposed to ever make it.

HIGH SCHOOL — 1957 vs. 2010


Jack goes quail hunting before school and then pulls into the school parking lot with his shotgun in his truck’s gun rack.
1957 – Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack’s shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack.
2010 – School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.
Scenario 2:
Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
1957 – Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.
2010 – Police called and SW A T team arrives — they arrest both Johnny and Mark. They are both charged with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Scenario 3:
Jeffrey will not be still in class, he disrupts other students.
1957 – Jeffrey sent to the Principal’s office and given a good paddling by the Principal. He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.
2010 – Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin. He becomes a zombie. He is then tested for A DD. The family gets extra money (SSI) from the government because Jeffrey has a disability.

Scenario 4:
Billy breaks a window in his neighbor’s car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.
1957 – Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college and becomes a successful businessman.
2010 – Billy’s dad is arrested for child abuse, Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. The state psychologist is told by Billy’s sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy’s mom has an affair with the psychologist.

Scenario 5:
Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.
1957 – Mark shares his aspirin with the Principal out on the smoking dock.

2010 – The police are called and Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. His car is then searched for drugs and weapons.
Scenario 6:
Pedro fails high school English.
1957 – Pedro goes to summer school, passes English and goes to college.
2010 – Pedro’s cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against the state school system and Pedro’s English teacher. English is then banned from core curriculum. Pedro is given his diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.
Scenario 7:
Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the Fourth of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle and blows up a red ant bed.
1957 – Ants die.
2010 – ATF, Homeland Security and the FBI are all called. Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. The FBI investigates his parents – and all siblings are removed from their home and all computers are confiscated. Johnny’s dad is placed on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.
Scenario 8:
Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary hugs him to comfort him.
1957 – In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
2010 – Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

This should hit every email inbox to show how stupid we have become!



Borghild Landsverk Filas (38) Obituary
Posted by Erling Landsverk (44): Portage, WI

Dear Gary and Everyone:


I have attached my sister Borg’s Obituary. Her son Frank wrote it with such loving care, that I felt that I should share it with all of you. I wrote this note a few minutes ago, but I may have flubbed up because I wasn’t concentrating very hard on the message. I hope this one makes it through okay. I wish to thank everyone for all the messages of condolences and kind words Thank you all, and thank you Gary for providing us with the opportunity to tell everyone about Borg and for letting us share her wonderful life with you all.


Erling Landsverk


Borghild G. Filas

March 21, 1921 – April 14, 2011

Golden, Colorado


Borghild (Borg) Filas passed away on Thursday, April 14 from heart failure. The daughter of Gunder and Olga Landsverk, she was born March 21, 1921 near Dunseith, North Dakota. She attended grade school in a one-room school house near her home and high school in Dunseith. After graduating from high school, she moved to Minneapolis/Saint Paul where she worked as an airplane mechanic during World War II. It was there that she met her future husband, John Filas, while both were working on top of a B-24 Bomber. They were married on September 9, 1945.

Borg and John moved to Wisconsin in early 1949 and started the Hi-Way Queen drive-in between Rio and Wyocena on Highway 16. The business was well known for its excellent food and Borg came to know just about everyone in the area. They sold the restaurant in 1960 and moved to Chicago where Borg operated a comptometer, which was the precursor to the modern-day calculator. Good comptometer operators were in demand so she readily found work throughout the Chicago area, including counting votes on Election Day at city hall. In 1964, Borg returned to Wisconsin where she worked as the payroll and insurance supervisor for Madison Gas and Electric until her retirement in 1984. In retirement, Borg and John enjoyed visiting with family and friends and traveling throughout the country. After John passed away in 2004, Borg moved to Golden, Colorado to live with her only son and his family. Borg is survived by her son Frank and daughter-in-law Barbara; her grandsons Benjamen and Harrison; her brother Erling (Joann) Landsverk and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband John Filas, brothers Rolf and Ossie Landsverk, and her sister Thelma Johnson. A funeral service for family and friends will be held for Borghild Filas on Thursday, April 21 at Evergreen Memorial Park in Evergreen, Colorado. Visitation will start at 4pm and the service will begin at 5pm. A “Celebration of Life” ceremony will be held on June 4, 2011 for Borg at the Bonnet Prairie Lutheran Church at N3694 Old F Road in Rio, Wisconsin. Visitation will start at fpm. Additional details will be provided in the local newspapers and on the church’s website. Borg’s family encourages all of Borg’s friends and relatives to join them to celebrate her life at the Celebration of Life in Wisconsin. Flowers, which she loved, or donations in lieu of flowers can be sent/made to the Bonnet Prairie Lutheran Church.

Condolence to the Wenstad Family
From Jean Nicholas Miller (66): Glendale, AZ
My condolences to the Wenstad family on the death of Bobbie. I didn’t really know her very well but Don was my classmate and we graduated together. I also worked with Don at San Haven in the early 70’s and we became good friends. I attended Debbie and David’s wedding with Don. I didn’t realize she graduated from Lake Region in practical nursing the year before I did. There is so much we don’t know about other people. May your memories of her help with the healing.
Jean Nicholas Miller (66)


Condolence to the Wenstad Family

From Gail Halvorson Schuler (72): Bismarck, ND
To the Wenstad Family,

We were next door neighbors of the Wenstads growing up. My deepest sympathy to you all. I pray that the Lord would give you peace and comfort during this difficult time.

Gail Halvorson Schuler ’72
San Haven Pictures
Reply from Glen Williams (52): Missoula, MT
Gary sad to see what has happened to the old “San”…it was a beautiful place at one time..

Glen W class of ’52

Glen, It is so sad to see what was once a beautiful facility being in the shambles that it is today. I, and I am sure like a whole lot of you, did not read the caption at the top of the pictures of that Website until it was brought to my attention about the statement of the treatment of patients being degenerated. That I believe is a very untrue statement. To my knowledge the staffing was always at an acceptable level and the patients were always well taken care of.
Arla Hall Pictures from Arla Hall
Posted by Karen Larson (Bottineau Spectrum): Bottineau, ND
Hello Gary, After the letter from Rod Hiatt – I called Arla Hall and
read it to her and printed it off. Today (the 21st) she came in to my
store with an arm full of pictures. Here are four of them. She is
quite the lady. Rod and you (through this blog) made her day. Karen
Karen, Thank you so much for doing all this for Arla. Arla Hall is well respected and remembered by so many of our readers. She was a great teacher too. For those of us that did not know her that well, her name is so very common. I have known the Arla Hall name my entire life. She is a remarkable lady. Gary











Reply to yesterday’s message

From Bob Hosmer (56): Lynnwood, WA




Hi Gary, Thursday is included and called Mauny Thursday, the day Christ instituted the Last Supper. Many churches celebrate that day with a special communion service to commemorate that event. Bob Hosmer





Reply to yesterday’s message


From Audrey Hanson Aitchitson: Bottineau, ND



Hi Gary,

Happy Easter to all. Today is Maundy Thursday. It is celebrated the day before Good Friday to commemorate the Last Supper. It was the last day Jesus had with the disciples in the upper room for the last supper for a teaching time and a private time to let them know he would soon be crucified. He said to His disciples

“Behold,we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death, and deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify. And the third day He will rise again.” (Matthew 20:18, 19). Hallelujah!






Reply to Mystery Picture:


From Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND



Gary and Karen,

Would the handsome young lad’s name be Lloyd?
I went with the smile as a clue!
and Thank You too.
Vickie, That was my guess too. Kind of a handsome devil too. I’ll bet those were and are Theresa’s thoughts too. Gary
Lloyd Awalt (44)?




ND Flooding
Post from Art Hagen (72): Bottineau, ND
Thought you might like to see some of your water gary. You may send thee out if you wish to happy easter.
Arthur Hagen
Art, Much of the state of ND is affected with flooding as is very evident with the all the pictures you sent. The past few years, the flooding just seems to get worse each year. How devastating. I would love to post the PDF file with all the pictures you sent, but the file is just too big for posting, even as an attachment. I have included one of the Grand Forks pictures below. Thanks for sharing. Gary
Joke of the day

From Glen Williams (52): Missoula, MT

Three Norwegians go down to Mexico to celebrate college graduation.
They get drunk, and wake up in jail, only to find that they are to be
executed in the morning, though none of them can remember what
they did the night before.
The first one, Sven, is strapped in the electric chair, and is asked if he
has any last words. He says, “I yust graduated from St. Olaf College in
NorthfieldMinnesota and believe in the almighty power of God to
intervene on the behalf of the innocent.”

They throw the switch and nothing happens. They all immediately fall
to the floor on their knees; beg for Sven’s forgiveness, and release him.
The second, Lars, is strapped in and gives his last words, “I yust
graduated from da Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota and I
believe in the power of justice to intervene on the part of the innocent..”

They throw the switch and, again, nothing happens. Again, they all
immediately fall to their knees; beg for his forgiveness, and release him.

The last one, Ole, is strapped in and he says, “Vell, den, I’m from
Nort’ Dakota State in Fargo and I yust graduated vit a degree in Electrical Engineering, and I’ll tell ya right now, ya ain’t gonna electrocute nobody
if you don’t plug this ting in.”


Good Friday – Holiday in the Philippines
Today (Thursday) and tomorrow, “Good Friday”, are major holidays here in the Philippines. I am not sure why Today (Thursday) is included, but it is. This is holy week. All major businesses, stores and government offices are closed today and tomorrow in observance of “Good Friday”. The malls are either closed or operating with reduced hours. For the next two days, this country is in a virtual shut down mode.
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND

Barbara “Bobbi” Wenstad (70)

Barbara “Bobbi” Wenstad, 59 of Pisek, ND passed away on April 15, 2011 at her home with her family by her side.





Barbara ‘Bobbi’ Wenstad

Barbara ‘Bobbi’ Wenstad




Barbara ‘Bobbi’ Wenstad, 59 of Pisek, ND passed away on April 15, 2011 at her home with her family by her side.

Bobbi was born on January 28, 1952 in Bottineau, ND the daughter of Oscar and Elberta (Andersen) Wenstad. Bobbi grew up on a farm and completed her senior year at Dunseith High School. She graduated from Lake Region Junior College in 1972 with a diploma in Practical Nursing. Bobbi moved to Beloit, WI in 1973 and worked in a hospital until her return to North Dakota in 1985. She worked at San Haven, ND from 85 to 86. It was during this time she met and married her soul mate Robert Day. They moved to Minto, ND in 1986 and were employed at Grafton Developmental Center. In 2009 they bought a house outside of Pisek.

Bobbi had so much talent, oil painting, leather work, wood work and her favorite was caring for less fortunate animals. Their house was never without animals of a wide variety.

Bobbi is survived by her husband: Robert Day, Pisek, ND; brothers: Arlan (Darlene), Lansford, ND, Don, Overly, ND and Curtis, Rolette, ND; sisters: Connie (Lawrence) Turner, Bossivain, Canada, Deborah Slyter, Dunseith, ND, Donna Wenstad, Amado, AZ and Pam Lane, Dunseith, ND; and many nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents.

Their will be a private family memorial service held at Rendahl Cemetery at a later Date.

Arrangements by Stennes Funeral Home, East Grand Forks, Minnesota.



Sign the guestbook

Condolences to the Wenstad family
From Keith Pladson (66): Stafford, VA
My condolences to all of the Wenstad siblings. I was shocked to hear of your loss. I remember your sister, Bobbie, very well. Although she was a few years younger than me, I still remember her as being very outgoing and energetic when our family would come to visit with all of you. Although we didn’t get to visit as often as I would have liked, I will always have fond memories of those visits. As someone else has already commented on, I too remember going down to play in the creek and over to the gravel pit to the north.

As some of you probably know/remember, I was a schoolmate of Arlan, Donald and I believe Connie in early elementary school at Willow Lake School and years later was a classmate of Donald’s in High School. As is often the case as we age and get wrapped up in our own lives, I have lost contact with all of you over the years even though we are second cousins. Thus, I was not aware of Bobbie’s health issues. Again, my heartfelt condolences to all of you. Take comfort in the good memories you have of your sister, and let time help heal the pain of your loss.
Keith Pladson (66)

Condolences to the Wenstad family
From Mark Schmitz (70): Rolette, ND

Condolences to the Wenstad Family. Bobby was a class mate and friend, She was such a well spirited girl, No doubt she will be sorely missed.
Posted by Karen Larson (Bottineau Spectrum): Bottineau, ND
This picture was sent to me to send on to you. He was raised in
Dunseith and wanted to know if anyone recognized this “yokel.” Karen
I am pretty sure I know who this is, but I will let others take a stab before I post my guess. Gary
San Haven – Ghosts of ND
Posted by Bonnie Awalt Houle (56): Becker, MN

My daughter came across this and I thought you would like to see it. I was amazed that anyone was allowed inside to view this.

Bonnie Houle


Posting of the day
Posted by an anonymous reader:
As I’ve aged, I’ve become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself.I’ve become my own friend..

I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging.

Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM or sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70’s, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love ..I will.

I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set.They, too, will get old.

I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things.

Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody’s beloved pet gets hit by a car?But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion.A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.

I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face.

So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver.

As you get older, it is easier to be positive.You care less about what other people think.I don’t question myself anymore.I’ve even earned the right to be wrong.

I like being old. It has set me free.I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have

been, or worrying about what will be.And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it).


Dunseith Musical talents
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

Thanks again for the good memories. Last Friday evening we had the
opportunity to hear two of the former DHS music students sing at the Roy
Orbison night at the Stadium Lounge in Bottineau. Cheryl Haagenson and
Gary Fulsebakke each did a few songs and were great! Some of the
training they had in high school started them on a long road in music.
Cheryl did a few Patsy Cline songs and did them well. Gary now also
accompanies himself on the keyboard. He has a clear magnificent voice
even in rather noisy full house. Lloyd and Theresa Awalt’s daughter,
Dianna Bullinger, also sang a few songs to a very appreciative crowd.
She is a fine singer too. Thanks to Jim and Tom Berube for a fun night
of music. Thanks Gary!


Dick, How well we all know the musical talents of all you folks. You guys all received a good musical foundation from one of the best ever Musical teachers of all times, your dad, Don Johnson. 30 years later, his legacy continues to live on. He will never be forgotten. Gary
Previously posted
Mr. Johnson

Memories from Ele Dietrich (69): eleszoo@yahoo.com


I, like everyone else, have truly enjoyed reading all the memories and can not thank you enough for what you have done for us Gary. You are truly a wonderful person and we are blessed to have you in our lives.


After reading Deb M. memories of the Governor’s Choir in 1969, I felt that I just have to add this tickle of memory: Mr. Johnson (who would ever have called him anything else) probably had the highest impact of any teacher in Dunseith when I was in school. Through him we all learned to appreciate music. We also learned to give from our hearts when we sang and I think that has stayed with all of us to this very day. I personally can not thank him enough for that gift. I will always remember though that he absolutely dispised Buck Owens and the nasal tone of his music. Remember “let the sound come from the mouth not the nose”…those words will be with me always. He introduced me to so many kinds of music, music that I had never heard before and still love to this day. Thank you Mr. Johnson.


And Deb, I too remember singing Grace in the restaurant…what an awesome moment of time. The whole place stopped and listened, almost as if time stood still.


Thank you again Gary and all who have shared their memories with us.


Ele (Dietrich) Slyter ’69 rules !!!



Don Johnson



69-70 Governor’s Choir

Don Johnson with the famous Dunseith High School (69-70) Governor’s Choir



Cheryl Haagenson (71)

Receiving first prize for a singing contest onboard the “Norwegian Star”

(Dunseith Alaska Cruise) in July 2009.









Gary Fulsebakke (71)


Previously posted with message 829 on 6/18/2010






James & Mildred Fulsebakke Family:


Back: Gary, Mid & Jim


Front: Jim Jr., Joel & Shelly






2010 Dunseith Alumni Reunion



Brenda Johnson, Ron Hett and Dick Johnson


Medical information and tutorial
Posted by Bill Hosmer (48): Tucson, AZ

This is an easy to get to source of some medical material which is well presented on those disorders I researched. Of course doctors are the source for cures, but this gives some layman terminology which is easy to understand. Stay healthy as possible. Bill Hosmer

Click on the Ailment get a Video Explanation.

Which ever diseases you click-on it gives you a video explanation!!!!
Interactive Sites on Medical Information
The tutorials listed below are interactive health education resources
from the Patient Education Institute.

Using animated graphics each tutorial explains a procedure or
condition in easy-to-read language. You can also listen to the tutorial.


NOTE: These tutorials require a special Flash plug-in, version 6 or
above… If you do not have Flash, you will be prompted to obtain
a free download of the software before you start the tutorial.

Surgery and Treatment Procedures


Bobbie Wenstad (70) Memories
Posted by Pam Wenstad Lane (78): Dunseith, ND

Hi, my name is Pam Wenstad Lane. Bobbie is and was my sister. She was a great person and I was proud to walk by her side. Bobbie was a great nurse and a caring person. She would give you the shirt off her back if need to. I lived with her for about 10 yrs. in Wisconsin. I went there after I graduated. She was very respected at the hospital where she work, in the emergency room

and then on the peds floor. She wanted to be a mother but that wasn’t to be. She loved kids. Although with Bobbie’s tough act she always put on, you wouldn’t see it at times.I remember when she would come home from college she always brought home something for Curtis and myself. I remember a pink battmitten set and a purple with white polk a dots outfit. When she went off to college I was like 10 yrs. old. For me to remember that it was truly special to me. We become close when I was in Wis. Before she moved back to N..Dak. she asked me if it was O.K. with me. I wanted to say no, but I didn’t.. I’m glad I didn’t because she found her best friend, lover, and soul mate. Robert Dey. Those two are like two peas in a pod. They were together all the time. Those were the happiest years in her life. Robert lost his right hand.

Bobbie marched to her drum. She didn’t care what other people thought. She told stories that made you feel you where there. Robert and Bobbie took in dogs, cats, and birds that needed a home or misused. They got a full page in the Grafton paper for a article on the animals. People started donating dog and cat food. Those animals were her kids..

I know that I am not a writer but I just wanted to share a little bit of the person that my big sister was. I will never hear her stories, hear her making me laugh,family gathering will never be the same. I love and miss you Bobbie soo much. Be at peace and say Hi to Mom and Dad.

Condolences to the Wenstad Family

From Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND

I recall Bobbi, a classmate who possessed a generous sense of
humor bonded with a kind and caring warmth, which undoubtedly, was a
gift in her chosen profession of nursing.

The last time I saw Bobbi she was just moving to Grafton
from Beloit via Dunseith. Bobbi loved her family, her chosen
profession, and had just embarked on a new hobby, handicrafting
leather. She had deft clever fingers when tooling her leather work
into creations of artistic expression.

I wish to express condolences to each of Bobbi’s siblings
and loved ones feeling the dimness of her parting light. Bobbi
Wenstad, of the class of 1970, will be remembered fondly, as a sunny
beacon full of cheerful optimism.

Vickie ‘70


Condolences to the Wenstad Family
From Lynn Halvorson Otto (75): Boonton, NJ
My condolences to the Wenstad Family. Donna and I were classmates and we were always over to their house hanging out and or playing in the Willow Creek! Bobbie was a wonderful person as are all Oscar and Alberta’s children. May God be with them during this difficult time.
Lynn Halvorson Otto
Condolences to the Wenstad Family
From Erling Landsverk (44): Portage, WI

Hi Gary and Everyone:


I wish to extend my heartfelt condolences to the Wensted family. I never met Bobbi, but I am sure she was a great person, as are the rest of the Wensted family. It is hard to lose a sibling who had years ahead of her. May God Bless and comfort the Wensted family during their time of greif


Erling Landsverk

Condolences to the Wenstad Family
From Ginger LaRocque Poitra (65): Belcourt, ND
>So sorry to hear of the passing of Barbara. My condolences go out to her

Condolences to all the families I missed.

From Ginger LaRocque Poitra (65): Belcourt, ND

I don’t always get the time since I do not have a computer at home. I
have been coming to work 2 hours early and now have some time to write a
little. I am sorry but I do care about all of you who have lost loved
ones. My heart goes out to all of you.

Ginger Poitra (65)




Ronnie LaRocque (68):

Message from Lola Metcalfe Vanorny (68): Dunseith, ND


HI Gary- and all!–

That is sad news about Ronnie Larocque- he and his sister Linda were both in our class if I remember right- they were really nice kids–

My prayers go out to Ronnie and his family at this sad time!-Lola Vanorny

All rights reserved


Condolences to the Wenstad family
From Rhonda Hiatt (75): Battle Ground, WA

My heartfelt prayers goes out to Donna, Debbie and the rest of the Wenstad family. I had heard that Bobbie was struggling with cancer. We spent so much time at the Wenstad farm growing up as they only lived a mile down the road from us when we lived on the farm. It was like they were a second family to us even before my brother David married Debbie. Donna and I were in the same class.


Rhonda Hiatt (75)




Condolences to the Landsverk & Wenstad families

From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND


Gary and Friends,

I would like to extend my condolences to Erling Landsverk and his
family on the loss of Borghild. Also to the Wenstad family on the loss
of their sister, Bobbi. It’s been a tough week for our friends here on
the site. Our sympathy to you all.




Condolences to the Wenstad family

From Connie Zorn Landsverk: Bottineau, ND


Sending my condolences, sympathies & prayers to Bobbi Wenstad’s families. I went to LPN nurses training with Bobbi. She was my roommate. I brought her to Dunseith every week-end from Devils Lake weather permitting. She was a fun person to be with.She was a great nurse too.We were naughty girls once-in-awhile.I last saw her @ her mom (Alberta) funeral. Very sorry for her passing Connie (Zorn) Landsverk


Condolences to the Landsverk family

From Connie Zorn Landsverk: Bottineau, ND

Hi Linda thank you for sending your condolences to the Landsverk family.I met Borg after I married Roger. Borg was Roger’s 1st cousin. Borg was a very special lady. She was fun-loving, kind, generous, compassionate & very giving. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her & loved her.Oh yes, Erling will be very lost with out her as Borg was his last living sister. My prayers are with all of Borg’s /Landsverk families!! Love Connie (Zorn) Landsverk

Condolences to the Wenstad family

From Bobby Slyter (70): Wichita, Kansas
My sincere condolences to the Wenstad family, Bobbie was a class mate of mine and a very dear friend, I am so sad about her passing.
The many memories of Don and Bernice Johnson
Folks with the impact this couple had on our community, it’s time for a reposting of the many eulogies and memories you folks have previously posted. As you can see, this list is very long. Their passing was a tremendous shock and loss to the whole community. Dick is a chip off of the block of his parents with all that he does and the way that he does it.
Copied from the 1982 Dunseith Centenial book:




Previously posted memories of Don and Bernice Johnson:






Memories of Don and Bernice Johnson:

From Kim Fassett: Coos Bay, OR.


Being the youngest kid of Darrel & Dorothy Fassett, I remember the day that Mom called and told me the horrifying news. I knew that they were all close (the four of them) but at that stage of my existance didn’t realize the magnitude of this tragedy. Now that I’m older – really can relate to the loss that everyone must’ve felt (esp. M&D since you all were not only relatives but best friends!!). The little that I remember of Don & Bernice, they were the ultimate couple and such great people. We always enjoyed seeing them even though it was only once a year in the summer because we had moved to California. Anyway, thinking about Dick, Brenda and family at this always difficult time. Kim Fassett- Coos Bay, OR P.S. We always looked forward to “Aunt Cynthie” coming to visit us in Portal – she was like our ‘other mother’!!!







Written in Memory of Don & Bernice Johnson

From Ele Dietrich Slyter (69): Dunseith, ND


Sorry it’s so hard to read with the pic in the background…this was written in memory of Don and Bernice Johnson and I thought you might enjoy reading it…it sort of relays the feelings of everyone in this community the day the sadness, grief and horror of what happened began to hit us like a freight train..I know it sure tells how I personally felt that night in the dark with my kids and neighbors near me.

Here is the wording as it appears on my copy:


This day began just as any other, but alas it wasn’t to be.

The morning sun rose and kissed the deep blue sky,

Dew on the grass, is wet against my feet.

Breakfast of over and dishes are done.

The floor is swept and kids are on the run.

There are clothes to wash and meals to make.

I grab a basket full of clothes and run them out to the line.

The breeze kisses them with such ease.

The sun a warm hand against my back.

But something seems just not right?

A haze in the sky perhaps?

The phone rings, I run to answer, I say hello and the world shudders to a stop.

I grab the kids and load the guns.

Neighbors begin to gather.

Emotions, there are so many,

Terror and fear, anger and loathing, sadness and tears.

No! No time for tears, later we will weep, for now

Bar the door and watch at the windows.

As darkness comes on silent feet

We speak in whispers with bated breath.

Are they near?

Will they come here?

The biggest question of all is why?

Long hours later the phone again rings.

I say hello and pray “it’s over” that I’ll hear.

This day that began as any other

Has watched us lose our friends and neighbors.

Two people, very beloved, have gone home to heaven.

We ask why these two had to go,

But God isn’t telling.
















From Paulette LaCroix Chisholm (68): Newark, Delaware



These daily comments, stories and memories are a much better read than the Turtle Mt. Star in my humble opinion. I see I missed the “Daddy” song.

A little story about Don Johnson. In high school I played clarinet beside Gwen Grimme on the same old honking clarinet my two older sisters played going back at least a decade. Years of abuse had practically disintegrated the case so my mom taped it from head to foot with some gawd awful putrid smelling tape. When Mr. Johnson opened the door to the little room of stored instruments and was hit by the stench, he came to the conclusion that one or more students had not cleaned some filthy reed or mouthpiece in ages. He was quite “put out” with this disgusting find and lectured us on proper hygiene so “it” would never happen again. I knew it was my fault since I couldn’t put the clarinet even close to my lips without a gag. Now, I was sure everyone “knew” my mouthpiece was the “filthy unhygienic culprit.” Too embarrassed and red faced to fess up during the lecture, I waited in painful guilt and anxious expectation until after class. To my relief, he threw his head back in laughter and told me in a playful way to “get it out of there.”

I remember his eye opening introductions to different styles of music and his tying the message of “Romeo and Juliet” with the more modern “West Side Story.” He gave many of us the recognition and appreciation our parents didn’t or couldn’t and we “felt” his pride in our accomplishments. If you wanted to participate, he provided every effort to support you. I will always remember his kindness when gently telling those, who had less than perfect pitch, to keep their voices low so they could still participate in the choir. His contribution to our community over the years was huge, heartfelt and lasting.

Paulette LaCroix Chisholm (68)



From Brenda Hoffman (68): brendajoycehoffman@gmail.comGreenville, SC

Thank you Gary. I love the “community” of our emails. I could send this info directly to Dick Johnson but wanted yet more accolades for Don Johnson. Don was wonderful about exposing all of us to a variety of music (first heard and fell in love with Westside Story via Don in a music class), but also made absolutely sure that any cultural event near Dunseith was available to any of us who were interested. I so remember taking the bus to A Mid Summers Night Dream and laughing hysterically — and being amazed that it was written by Shakespeare. Or the concerts in Bottineau. Or the circus in Minot. And I loved how anyone could join the choir…even me. I knew my voice wasn’t the greatest (I think that’s an overstatement!) so would pretty much just voice the words when we were practicing. Toni and Paulette told me that they couldn’t hear me so I should sing louder..which I did for one song. I was a freshman in High School so of course, was intimidated by older classmates in the choir…Don stopped our practice after that one song and just said, “Brenda, could you keep it down.” He also sang at my wedding to Terry Hegney in 1969 (Terry died in 1981)..Of course, tunes from Westside Story!


I also want to note that I worked with Dick’s grandmother Cynthia during my high school stint at the San Haven dining room. I loved her. She was so kind and gentle. I’m not sure if even Dick knows this but when I was in the hospital for TB between the ages of two and three, I swallowed a nickle that someone had given me (people used to give kids coins as treats in those days). My mom was also in the hospital at the same time. Dr. Loeb (who was a prisoner of war before becoming the director of the San…he was an absolutely wonderful Dr. by the way and we were so lucky he decided to stay in ND after the war) couldn’t remove the nickel so Dad (who was working at the San in the kitchens at the time) warmed up the car, asked Cynthia to accompany him, borrowed clothes from Jay Vanorny and we were on our way to Minot. Can you imagine every one’s terror that I wouldn’t make the long drive? At any rate, the eye, ear, nose specialist in Minot removed the coin and all was well. Thank you Dick for a loving and warm family who impacted my life in so many ways.

Brenda Hoffman (class of 68)




From Dave Slyter (70): Fargo, ND

Hi Dick:

Just a quick comment about your dad. Just like a super star, or actor, or singer or writer or composer your dad left a legacy in so many hearts, not only in the Dunseith area, but to North Dakota and Canada. He was a man that had a lot of influence on a lot of peoples life’s. He will always be in my life. He was the best teacher I had ever had.

Just one more little story about your folks together. When we lived on the farm up in the hills my mom Margaret Hiatt would make the best cinnamon rolls in the hills of the turtle mountains. When she would get into the mood of making them there would be this strange thing that would always happen during that same day of the baking. Your mom with your dad or your mom with her mom or your mom with your dads mom would always drive up and visit. We always asked mom when she was baking if she thought Don and Bernice would show up. Sometimes we know more than said it, and they were driving up the hill to our house. It was funny and also always enjoyable as they would sit and talk about so many things and memories of the old Benny Johnson farm. Always look forward to their visits. And they loved the cinnamon rolls. We always told mom that Bernice could smell those cinnamon rolls a mile away. ha

Take care
Dave Slyter :)



Dick Johnson’s (68) reply to the memories of his dad, Don Johnson: Dunseith, ND


Gary and DHS Friends

I do truly appreciate all the good memories folks have about my
dad, Don Johnson. He had an ability to understand the needs of
those around him and then find a way to make their lives a
little better. The one thing that I believe he passed on to
most of the kids was that everyone is of similar value
regardless of his background or wealth or name! This I believe
is what allowed him to achieve things like Governor’s Choir
with something like sixty kids singing that well. The other
atribute that he had was to never give up no matter what the
odds were. This determination could be seen by his students and
I believe it also drove them to achieve. Thanks to all those of
you who have told your stories of your memories of my dad, it
means a lot!

Dick Johnson




Margaret Metcalfe’s (65) memories of Don Johnson: Rolette, ND



Several people have written about memories of Don Johnson so I thought I
would add yet another:

I was a Daddy’s girl. Wherever my Dad went, I was riding on his shoulders
or hanging on to his hand. I remember my parents wondering how I was
going to handle starting school. However, my first grade teacher in
Hilltop school was Don Johnson and I thought he was the best teacher
ever.. I don’t know if this was his first teaching job, but he and
Bernice were so young and Dickie was only 2 or 3 years old. One day
Bernice came to pick him up from school and I thought she was such a
beautiful lady. Don fixed the swing in the school yard and I was the
first to get to swing on it. I backed up as far as I could and then sat
down to swing forward, just then Dickie ran in front of me and I crashed
into him knocking him down. I felt so bad, he got up Don dusted himself
off and he had a gash on his head…..but his glasses didn’t break. He
was such a little cutie.

The years went by and Don taught my husband Chuck in 8th grade in Rolette.
Then he came back to Dunseith and I remember the chorus and how we
harmonized and had concerts….so fun. I took Music Appreciation from him
and like so many others learned to appreciate so many different composers
and their music. Whenever I hear Classical music, I think of him. He
brought the Grand Canyon suite to school and we listed to the LP’s on the
stage in the new school. I thought it was the most beautiful music I had
ever heard. After that I started really listening and appreciating the
music in movies. He was my teacher in first grade and my senior years and
I have such fond memories of one terrific teacher and a wonderful, caring
person. We were so honored when he sang at our wedding! He was a

Margaret Leonard




Memories from Bill Hosmer (48):Tucson, AZ


Gary and all the rest. Just read the neat 180 degree turn by the
band described by Dick Johnson. It made me believe that Don Johnson
gave more positive stuff to more people than anyone I know. The last
time I saw him was when he was leading the band down Dunseith’s main
street at one of my visits home during Dunseith Days. His grin and
wink, when he recognized me, stays with me these many years later.




Don Lamoureux’s (75) Memories of Mr. Johnson: Bethel, MN

I also have great memories of being in Mr. Jonson’s band. I started out playing clarinet, which didn’t seem too cool for me, I hadn’t heard of Benny Goodman. I later switched to the string bass, when that spot opened up, and was even happier when the school bought an electric bass guitar, so now I could play and be heard.

He also helped me out of a pickle during deer season one year. I was in big rush after school to get to a hunting spot, driving my dad’s 4 wheel drive jeep pickup, and was tearing up the hill past Sime’s to get to a spot before dark. I mean to get to a spot where I could hunt until dark. I rounded a curve to discover that an oncoming school bus and I were going to be occupying the same space shortly. I swerved to get out of the way, missed the bus, but put the truck into a spin, I did a 360 and then went backwards off the road and down the ditch.

I know I was closer to some other folks, but didn’t feel like confessing my crappy driving to anyone else, so I walked down to Mr. Johnson’s. He fired up a tractor and we went back to pull it out. The ditch was pretty steep, and the only thing that kept it from going farther down the ditch was the tree I managed to wedge the truck up against. I think Mr. Johnson had to go back home to get a chainsaw. It’s not real clear to me, because I was pretty much dreading having to go back home and face the music there, so to speak. Mr. Johnson tied the truck off to the tractor, buzzed the tree down, yanked the truck out, and sent me on my way. Mr. Johnson must have called ahead to smooth out the waters, because it really wasn’t that bad when I got home. Probably Dad could see nothing was going to make me feel worse than I already did. There still was the inevitable lecture of course, but then he told me of a time as a kid he was driving one of the brand new cars from the garage, and wrecked that.

I can also recall spending many fall days looking for grouse and pass-shooting ducks at Mr. Johnson’s.


Don Lamoureux (75)




Memories from Ele Dietrich (69): Duneith, ND


After reading Deb M. memories of the Governor’s Choir in 1969, I felt that I just have to add this tickle of memory: Mr. Johnson (who would ever have called him anything else) probably had the highest impact of any teacher in Dunseith when I was in school. Through him we all learned to appreciate music. We also learned to give from our hearts when we sang and I think that has stayed with all of us to this very day. I personally can not thank him enough for that gift. I will always remember though that he absolutely dispised Buck Owens and the nasal tone of his music. Remember “let the sound come from the mouth not the nose”…those words will be with me always. He introduced me to so many kinds of music, music that I had never heard before and still love to this day. Thank you Mr. Johnson.


Ele (Dietrich) Slyter ’69 rules !!!



Memories from Deb Morinville (70):Miles City, MT.


David Slyter jogged memories from our Governor Choir days. I learned how to play “Whist” because we had down time sometimes. I also remember Governor Guy coming to Dunseith for a banquet. The town really spiffed up and it never looked so good! I also remember many long hours on busses and getting up at 5 AM to travel to many different places to sing.

Like in the legislative chambers at the Capitol in Bismarck

Yeah we had the blue blazers and the girls wore white skirts and the boys black pants. We stopped in Harvey one time to eat and filled the restaurant. On cue from Mr. Johnson we all stood up and sang our “Grace” It was very impressive. We were scattered all over but still managed four part harmony. I never realized important reading music would be. Now I singon a worship team and the ability to read music helps me to learn it quickly. Mr. Johnson had a huge impact on my

life in the way he taught me to appreciate so many different kinds of music. He never really liked country music though! What a legacy he left. It was such a great joy and privilege it was to sing with some of those former members at the Sunday service last summer at the reunion. Gary Fulsbakke directed us and we dedicated the songs to Mr. Johnson.


Keep the memories coming everyone!


Deb Morinville Marmon 70




Memories from Dave Slyter (70): Fargo, ND


How many remember the good ole band and choir days of good ole DHS. Of course who could forget the best music director of all of DHS’s history, Don Johnson. He done so many things for so many students. One of the most memorable was when Dunseith received the Governors Choir award. I think I remember then the choir had over 60 members in it. The high school band always had big numbers in it. He ran a very high standard music department.

Alan Poitra, I remember those funny looking hats also but they were always locked up in the little practice room and we were all hoping that no one would mention to Mr. Johnson that we should wear them while we march. ha I always remember the home coming parades in Dunseith and also the day that we would travel to Minot for the Minot State College home coming parade. It was a long march, (especially when I had to carry that big ole bass drum) but was the best of times. Always went downtown Minot and hung out at all the stores. Always went to the five and dime store.

When we were in the music program in the late 60’s and into 1970(by the way that is the best year ever) we had the really nice blue blazer that we wore for high school concerts. I think we wore them for marching also. I also remember going to Devils Lake for the high school music contest or festivals. Dunseith always came home with high marks.

I think that was the best part of jr. high and high school was being in the famous Don Johnson music program. Well that and passing my grade each year. ha

One more memory I have to mention about the DHS music department. It has to do with years after I graduated but was a memory I will never forget. I was once a custodian at DHS after the good ole years of San Haven employment. My daughter Stacey was in high school band then and was under the direction of one of Don Johnson’s former students and everybody knows her, Cheryl Haagenson. She too did a great job in the music department. During the year that Stacey I think was a Junior in high school they decided they wanted to take in a contest down in Orlando Florida. So the money raising was put into place and the plans and dates of the trip were decided. I was fortunate enough to be a chaperone of this big event and what a memory it was. It will be with me for a very long time. The kids were so well behaved and they should have been so proud as they brought home this big huge trophy that I hope still is in the show case at the school. “Way to go Cheryl” You have done the school proud.

Thanks for the memories










Memories of Don & Bernice Johnson from Bill Hosmer (48): Tucson, AZ



Gary, and Dunseith Friends. One rather unlikely story, but one that
had some predictive qualities took place during my freshman year at
DHS. Don and Bernice were both Juniors. There was an operetta
directed by Miss Nesting. The characters in the play were Native
Americans. The title of the play was “Star Flower”. That character
was Bernice. Then there was a young brave I think named “Lone Buck”,
played by Don Johnson who was courting Star Flower. Her father was a
grizzled Chief named ‘Lost Eagle” or something like that, played by
yours truly. One line I remember well from Bernice was, “Father, you
bid me come to you”. I was supposed to be a grouch, so I had my arms
crossed across my bare chest which had been slathered with leg make up
to make me look more tribal-like. I had on a full headdress loaned by
the Chippewa tribe, and there were several of them in the audience of
this production. Bernice was so beautiful I wanted to hug her, but
that would have ended my stage career, and I’d probably have left that
leg make up on her Indian Princess dress. By the way for you young
folks, leg make up was a substitute for silk stockings which were not
available. It was a fluid in a bottle. World War II was still ongoing,
and then nylon etc became available later. There was alot of music
and the two of them sang love songs in duet, and they lived happily
everafter. Fortunately, the chief in the play did not have any singing

This was just a brief interval in a long friendship with those two
great Americans, but when there is such a wealth of personal
admiration, and deep sense of loss, every little whisp of memory comes
back to reinforce the importance of having known and indeed loved Don
and Bernice Johnson. Cheers, Bill Hosmer



Message (Don Johnson) from Glen Williams (52): Missoula, MT


Gary…Great that you put that collection of “memories” of Don Johnson together…I was quite a bit younger than Don…so did not know him personally, but did know he was….and was to old to be in his classes…but would appear that he made a difference in a lot of students lives….I did know that he had been killed and was saddened by that event… His life just should not have ended that way…!!!

Glen Williams…




Susan Fassett’s (65) memories of the the Don Johnson family: Spearfish SD


I have thoroughly enjoyed all the nice memories of Dick’s parents. We had many good times at the Johnson farm, as Cynthia (Dick’s Grandma) is a sister to my Aunt Dorothy Fassett. We had picnics at the farm and chased the fireflies at the edge of the lake where the farm sat, Johnson’s were included in many a family picnic and Dick was always a favorite “cousin”. My sisters, along with the “other” Fassett girls spent some nights at the farm and relate stories of the bats that inhabited the old buildings. Isn’t it great to be from a community that shares so many great memories.!!! Hugs and prayers to all—-Susan







Memories from Lola Metcalfe Vanorny (68): Dunseith, ND


lola vanorny, ew
Oh yes, I remember so many good memories of the Johnsons– I remember
going to a contest somewhere in his big black shiny cadillac – probably
about a 1961– and he drove really fast– (we thought) — that was cool!!_
ha– that was back in Dad’s 50 mph days– ha —!

Bill’s story about the play was really cute!!_- i can just imagine them
doing that– Yes- Bernice was very beautiful!

Sometimes when I see a group of school kids performing somewhere —
how sad it is that the dress code has gotten so lax– when we played for
an occasion somewhere – we looked sharp!!– The blue blazers – black or
white pants or skirts etc. and we’d better stand up straight– !!– He
was a stickler for that!– and I believe that too made an impression on us.
He had high standards.






Tribute to Don & Bernice Johnson from Aggie Casavant (69) Fort Mill, SC


I was so very happy when I saw this website do a tribute to Don & Bernice Johnson,that is now giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts and memories of two beautiful people…two people who left a far greater impact on peoples lives than I believe they ever realized. Don Johnson set the standard for me what every man,in what ever capacity of my life,should measure up to…So far I haven’t found one. The things I remember the most about him is his warm and friendly smile,and chuckle,and when he would meet me in the hall he would always give me that smile and say,”Hi Ag-ga-nus”, he would pronounce my name like that ;and chuckle. I remember his earth science class and he would make it so interesting.I remember for a semester test in earth science,he gave us 50 definitions and we had to give the word that defined it.I know he had to be aware of the fact that I overall in school did not do well in any of my classes,and for me to pass a test was unheard of(all jokes aside) however I always did reasonably well in his class.When I was taking that semester test of completions,not multiple choice, I got every last one of them,except I was stumped on one.He told me to go onto the other questions and come back to it,that the answer would come to me.I finished up the test and came back to that one…and just drew a blank. All the other kids completed the test and had left the room,and Mr. Johnson stood by my desk and said,”Come on Aga-ness tink, tink,you can do it.I remember he pulled a desk into the aisle and put his foot up on the seat leaning in trying to help me as much as he could,but not giving me the answer.I can still see those brown pants and brown wingtip shoes with that design on them propped up on that desk seat,and all I could do was stare at those shoes wanting so badly to remember the definition of…”washing away of the soil”. He said,”Aga-nus,remember in class when I gave the example when the road flooded by our farm and it washed part of the road away,it is called……………..”He wanted so badly for me to get 100%,but I just couldn’t do it.After about 20 minutes I put my head on my desk and said,”I just can’t remember it…what is it??? There was a long pause,and he said,Your sure you can’t remember it? And I said no,”No I’m Done”…He said,”Agganus,the washing away of the soil is called….erosion….it seemed like the whole world stood still for a minute,and I fell face down over my test…Oh nooooo I said…When I looked up at him,he kinda had tears in his eyes,and he hugged my head and sai,”You did good Agganus, you did really good”. Then he went on to say,”in the years ahead,everytime you see a washed out road,or washing away of the soil you will remember the word “erosion” and this moment…and you were right Mr. Johnson…I never have forgot.As for Bernice, my Mom shared with me something so special that Bernice had done for her,everytime I think of it I just say,Wow! Due to the personal sensitivity of the subject on my Mothers part, I don’t feel at liberty to share it over the website.But I can say with certainty Dick, something you’ve known for years….that you were blest with the two most awesome parents that anyone could of been blest with…it saddens me everytime I think of how your time with them, and the worlds time with them was so short…When I’ve tried to describe Don and Bernice to people in my travels over the years. I would say,”they kinda reminded me of the show Green Acres,cuz Don Johnson would have on a suit when I saw him,and Bernice would always have on a coat with a fur collar and drove a big gold Cadillac,but they lived on a farm,and were much more genuine,warm,sincere and common,than Eddie Albert and Za Za Gabore…They were just the nicest people ever…..Thank you still after all these years Don & Bernice Johnson. You are still loved,you are still missed..But never forgotten…Sincerely, Aggie Casavant





Reply from Aggie Casavant (69) Fort Mill, SC


Hi Gary,Thank you so much for giving the people who’s lives were so touched by Don Johnson, to share thoughts and memories. Due to my busy schedule, and having the day off today, this morning was the first time that I really got to sit down with a good cup of coffee, and read all the messages that people wrote of their memories of Don &Bernice…What a joy and a blessing to sit and read all the different stories. I especially enjoyed Bill Hosmer’s, and Paulette LaCroix’s. I found Bill Hosmer’s so interesting, giving insight to Don and Bernice as high school kids like we were. You know how it was when you were young, and you never really gave much thought that your parents or teachers, were once kids too….Like they just dropped out of the sky as grown ups, sent here for the sole purpose to be our parents and teachers…Ain’t life crazy??? I know the word ain’t would not be acceptable to use if Ms Foss was reading it, but I guess I just lived in the south too long. Anyway Paulette, I loved the mixture of sentimental memories and humor ; and especially Mr. Johnson giving recognition, and appreciation, and would always leave you feeling, that you were the most important kid in the world…I would go as far as to say, that any of my success or accomplishments in life are directly as a result of the impact Don Johnson had on my life, and I would go as far as to say many of my brothers and sisters would agree. That’s why I remind teachers every chance I get, what an opportunity they have to change a kids life completely for the better. So Gary, I hope if there’s anymore stories out there of Don & Bernice that people send them in. Thanks Gary





Reply from Diane Fugere (75): Minot, ND


I was in Bismarck a couple days at meetings and found it ironic to see all the memories posted about Don and Bernice when I got home.

The reason I found it ironic was that I too had thought about Don and Bernice both on the way to Bismarck and back to Minot.

Everyone who was ever in choir will know what stirred my memory. I was listening to the radio, (Bismarck has a great oldies station) and heard the song both on the way down and on the way back: Monday, Monday by the Mamas and the Papas!

Great song and great memories of a wonderful couple.

Diane Fugere




Reply from Erling Landsverk (44): Portage, WI








Dick Johnson’s (68) reply to the memories of his dad, Don Johnson: Dunseith, ND


Gary and DHS Friends

I do truly appreciate all the good memories folks have about my
dad, Don Johnson. He had an ability to understand the needs of
those around him and then find a way to make their lives a
little better. The one thing that I believe he passed on to
most of the kids was that everyone is of similar value
regardless of his background or wealth or name! This I believe
is what allowed him to achieve things like Governor’s Choir
with something like sixty kids singing that well. The other
atribute that he had was to never give up no matter what the
odds were. This determination could be seen by his students and
I believe it also drove them to achieve. Thanks to all those of
you who have told your stories of your memories of my dad, it
means a lot!

Dick Johnson



Margaret Metcalfe’s (65) memories of Don Johnson: Rolette, ND



Several people have written about memories of Don Johnson so I thought I
would add yet another:

I was a Daddy’s girl. Wherever my Dad went, I was riding on his shoulders
or hanging on to his hand. I remember my parents wondering how I was
going to handle starting school. However, my first grade teacher in
Hilltop school was Don Johnson and I thought he was the best teacher
ever.. I don’t know if this was his first teaching job, but he and
Bernice were so young and Dickie was only 2 or 3 years old. One day
Bernice came to pick him up from school and I thought she was such a
beautiful lady. Don fixed the swing in the school yard and I was the
first to get to swing on it. I backed up as far as I could and then sat
down to swing forward, just then Dickie ran in front of me and I crashed
into him knocking him down. I felt so bad, he got up Don dusted himself
off and he had a gash on his head…..but his glasses didn’t break. He
was such a little cutie.

The years went by and Don taught my husband Chuck in 8th grade in Rolette.
Then he came back to Dunseith and I remember the chorus and how we
harmonized and had concerts….so fun. I took Music Appreciation from him
and like so many others learned to appreciate so many different composers
and their music. Whenever I hear Classical music, I think of him. He
brought the Grand Canyon suite to school and we listed to the LP’s on the
stage in the new school. I thought it was the most beautiful music I had
ever heard. After that I started really listening and appreciating the
music in movies. He was my teacher in first grade and my senior years and
I have such fond memories of one terrific teacher and a wonderful, caring
person. We were so honored when he sang at our wedding! He was a

Margaret Leonard



Memories from Bill Hosmer (48):Tucson, AZ


Gary and all the rest. Just read the neat 180 degree turn by the
band described by Dick Johnson. It made me believe that Don Johnson
gave more positive stuff to more people than anyone I know. The last
time I saw him was when he was leading the band down Dunseith’s main
street at one of my visits home during Dunseith Days. His grin and
wink, when he recognized me, stays with me these many years later.




Don Lamoureux’s (75) Memories of Mr. Johnson: Bethel, MN

I also have great memories of being in Mr. Jonson’s band. I started out playing clarinet, which didn’t seem too cool for me, I hadn’t heard of Benny Goodman. I later switched to the string bass, when that spot opened up, and was even happier when the school bought an electric bass guitar, so now I could play and be heard.

He also helped me out of a pickle during deer season one year. I was in big rush after school to get to a hunting spot, driving my dad’s 4 wheel drive jeep pickup, and was tearing up the hill past Sime’s to get to a spot before dark. I mean to get to a spot where I could hunt until dark. I rounded a curve to discover that an oncoming school bus and I were going to be occupying the same space shortly. I swerved to get out of the way, missed the bus, but put the truck into a spin, I did a 360 and then went backwards off the road and down the ditch.

I know I was closer to some other folks, but didn’t feel like confessing my crappy driving to anyone else, so I walked down to Mr. Johnson’s. He fired up a tractor and we went back to pull it out. The ditch was pretty steep, and the only thing that kept it from going farther down the ditch was the tree I managed to wedge the truck up against. I think Mr. Johnson had to go back home to get a chainsaw. It’s not real clear to me, because I was pretty much dreading having to go back home and face the music there, so to speak. Mr. Johnson tied the truck off to the tractor, buzzed the tree down, yanked the truck out, and sent me on my way. Mr. Johnson must have called ahead to smooth out the waters, because it really wasn’t that bad when I got home. Probably Dad could see nothing was going to make me feel worse than I already did. There still was the inevitable lecture of course, but then he told me of a time as a kid he was driving one of the brand new cars from the garage, and wrecked that.

I can also recall spending many fall days looking for grouse and pass-shooting ducks at Mr. Johnson’s.


Don Lamoureux (75)




Memories from Ele Dietrich (69): Duneith, ND


After reading Deb M. memories of the Governor’s Choir in 1969, I felt that I just have to add this tickle of memory: Mr. Johnson (who would ever have called him anything else) probably had the highest impact of any teacher in Dunseith when I was in school. Through him we all learned to appreciate music. We also learned to give from our hearts when we sang and I think that has stayed with all of us to this very day. I personally can not thank him enough for that gift. I will always remember though that he absolutely dispised Buck Owens and the nasal tone of his music. Remember “let the sound come from the mouth not the nose”…those words will be with me always. He introduced me to so many kinds of music, music that I had never heard before and still love to this day. Thank you Mr. Johnson.


Ele (Dietrich) Slyter ’69 rules !!!



Memories from Deb Morinville (70):Miles City, MT.


David Slyter jogged memories from our Governor Choir days. I learned how to play “Whist” because we had down time sometimes. I also remember Governor Guy coming to Dunseith for a banquet. The town really spiffed up and it never looked so good! I also remember many long hours on busses and getting up at 5 AM to travel to many different places to sing.

Like in the legislative chambers at the Capitol in Bismarck

Yeah we had the blue blazers and the girls wore white skirts and the boys black pants. We stopped in Harvey one time to eat and filled the restaurant. On cue from Mr. Johnson we all stood up and sang our “Grace” It was very impressive. We were scattered all over but still managed four part harmony. I never realized important reading music would be. Now I singon a worship team and the ability to read music helps me to learn it quickly. Mr. Johnson had a huge impact on my

life in the way he taught me to appreciate so many different kinds of music. He never really liked country music though! What a legacy he left. It was such a great joy and privilege it was to sing with some of those former members at the Sunday service last summer at the reunion. Gary Fulsbakke directed us and we dedicated the songs to Mr. Johnson.


Keep the memories coming everyone!


Deb Morinville Marmon 70




Memories from Dave Slyter (70): Fargo, ND


How many remember the good ole band and choir days of good ole DHS. Of course who could forget the best music director of all of DHS’s history, Don Johnson. He done so many things for so many students. One of the most memorable was when Dunseith received the Governors Choir award. I think I remember then the choir had over 60 members in it. The high school band always had big numbers in it. He ran a very high standard music department.

Alan Poitra, I remember those funny looking hats also but they were always locked up in the little practice room and we were all hoping that no one would mention to Mr. Johnson that we should wear them while we march. ha I always remember the home coming parades in Dunseith and also the day that we would travel to Minot for the Minot State College home coming parade. It was a long march, (especially when I had to carry that big ole bass drum) but was the best of times. Always went downtown Minot and hung out at all the stores. Always went to the five and dime store.

When we were in the music program in the late 60’s and into 1970(by the way that is the best year ever) we had the really nice blue blazer that we wore for high school concerts. I think we wore them for marching also. I also remember going to Devils Lake for the high school music contest or festivals. Dunseith always came home with high marks.

I think that was the best part of jr. high and high school was being in the famous Don Johnson music program. Well that and passing my grade each year. ha

One more memory I have to mention about the DHS music department. It has to do with years after I graduated but was a memory I will never forget. I was once a custodian at DHS after the good ole years of San Haven employment. My daughter Stacey was in high school band then and was under the direction of one of Don Johnson’s former students and everybody knows her, Cheryl Haagenson. She too did a great job in the music department. During the year that Stacey I think was a Junior in high school they decided they wanted to take in a contest down in Orlando Florida. So the money raising was put into place and the plans and dates of the trip were decided. I was fortunate enough to be a chaperone of this big event and what a memory it was. It will be with me for a very long time. The kids were so well behaved and they should have been so proud as they brought home this big huge trophy that I hope still is in the show case at the school. “Way to go Cheryl” You have done the school proud.

Thanks for the memories








Memories of Don & Bernice Johnson from Bill Hosmer (48): Tucson, AZ



Gary, and Dunseith Friends. One rather unlikely story, but one that
had some predictive qualities took place during my freshman year at
DHS. Don and Bernice were both Juniors. There was an operetta
directed by Miss Nesting. The characters in the play were Native
Americans. The title of the play was “Star Flower”. That character
was Bernice. Then there was a young brave I think named “Lone Buck”,
played by Don Johnson who was courting Star Flower. Her father was a
grizzled Chief named ‘Lost Eagle” or something like that, played by
yours truly. One line I remember well from Bernice was, “Father, you
bid me come to you”. I was supposed to be a grouch, so I had my arms
crossed across my bare chest which had been slathered with leg make up
to make me look more tribal-like. I had on a full headdress loaned by
the Chippewa tribe, and there were several of them in the audience of
this production. Bernice was so beautiful I wanted to hug her, but
that would have ended my stage career, and I’d probably have left that
leg make up on her Indian Princess dress. By the way for you young
folks, leg make up was a substitute for silk stockings which were not
available. It was a fluid in a bottle. World War II was still ongoing,
and then nylon etc became available later. There was alot of music
and the two of them sang love songs in duet, and they lived happily
everafter. Fortunately, the chief in the play did not have any singing

This was just a brief interval in a long friendship with those two
great Americans, but when there is such a wealth of personal
admiration, and deep sense of loss, every little whisp of memory comes
back to reinforce the importance of having known and indeed loved Don
and Bernice Johnson. Cheers, Bill Hosmer




Message (Don Johnson) from Glen Williams (52): Missoula, MT


Gary…Great that you put that collection of “memories” of Don Johnson together…I was quite a bit younger than Don…so did not know him personally, but did know he was….and was to old to be in his classes…but would appear that he made a difference in a lot of students lives….I did know that he had been killed and was saddened by that event… His life just should not have ended that way…!!!


Glen Williams…



Susan Fassett’s (65) memories of the the Don Johnson family: Spearfish SD


I have thoroughly enjoyed all the nice memories of Dick’s parents. We had many good times at the Johnson farm, as Cynthia (Dick’s Grandma) is a sister to my Aunt Dorothy Fassett. We had picnics at the farm and chased the fireflies at the edge of the lake where the farm sat, Johnson’s were included in many a family picnic and Dick was always a favorite “cousin”. My sisters, along with the “other” Fassett girls spent some nights at the farm and relate stories of the bats that inhabited the old buildings. Isn’t it great to be from a community that shares so many great memories.!!! Hugs and prayers to all—-Susan





Posted Feb 5, 2008



Memories from Lola Metcalfe Vanorny (68): Dunseith, ND


lola vanorny, ew
Oh yes, I remember so many good memories of the Johnsons– I remember
going to a contest somewhere in his big black shiny cadillac – probably
about a 1961– and he drove really fast– (we thought) — that was cool!!_
ha– that was back in Dad’s 50 mph days– ha —!

Bill’s story about the play was really cute!!_- i can just imagine them
doing that– Yes- Bernice was very beautiful!

Sometimes when I see a group of school kids performing somewhere —
how sad it is that the dress code has gotten so lax– when we played for
an occasion somewhere – we looked sharp!!– The blue blazers – black or
white pants or skirts etc. and we’d better stand up straight– !!– He
was a stickler for that!– and I believe that too made an impression on us.
He had high standards.





Tribute to Don & Bernice Johnson from Aggie Casavant (69) Fort Mill, SC


I was so very happy when I saw this website do a tribute to Don & Bernice Johnson,that is now giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts and memories of two beautiful people…two people who left a far greater impact on peoples lives than I believe they ever realized. Don Johnson set the standard for me what every man,in what ever capacity of my life,should measure up to…So far I haven’t found one. The things I remember the most about him is his warm and friendly smile,and chuckle,and when he would meet me in the hall he would always give me that smile and say,”Hi Ag-ga-nus”, he would pronounce my name like that ;and chuckle. I remember his earth science class and he would make it so interesting.I remember for a semester test in earth science,he gave us 50 definitions and we had to give the word that defined it.I know he had to be aware of the fact that I overall in school did not do well in any of my classes,and for me to pass a test was unheard of(all jokes aside) however I always did reasonably well in his class.When I was taking that semester test of completions,not multiple choice, I got every last one of them,except I was stumped on one.He told me to go onto the other questions and come back to it,that the answer would come to me.I finished up the test and came back to that one…and just drew a blank. All the other kids completed the test and had left the room,and Mr. Johnson stood by my desk and said,”Come on Aga-ness tink, tink,you can do it.I remember he pulled a desk into the aisle and put his foot up on the seat leaning in trying to help me as much as he could,but not giving me the answer.I can still see those brown pants and brown wingtip shoes with that design on them propped up on that desk seat,and all I could do was stare at those shoes wanting so badly to remember the definition of…”washing away of the soil”. He said,”Aga-nus,remember in class when I gave the example when the road flooded by our farm and it washed part of the road away,it is called……………..”He wanted so badly for me to get 100%,but I just couldn’t do it.After about 20 minutes I put my head on my desk and said,”I just can’t remember it…what is it??? There was a long pause,and he said,Your sure you can’t remember it? And I said no,”No I’m Done”…He said,”Agganus,the washing away of the soil is called….erosion….it seemed like the whole world stood still for a minute,and I fell face down over my test…Oh nooooo I said…When I looked up at him,he kinda had tears in his eyes,and he hugged my head and sai,”You did good Agganus, you did really good”. Then he went on to say,”in the years ahead,everytime you see a washed out road,or washing away of the soil you will remember the word “erosion” and this moment…and you were right Mr. Johnson…I never have forgot.As for Bernice, my Mom shared with me something so special that Bernice had done for her,everytime I think of it I just say,Wow! Due to the personal sensitivity of the subject on my Mothers part, I don’t feel at liberty to share it over the website.But I can say with certainty Dick, something you’ve known for years….that you were blest with the two most awesome parents that anyone could of been blest with…it saddens me everytime I think of how your time with them, and the worlds time with them was so short…When I’ve tried to describe Don and Bernice to people in my travels over the years. I would say,”they kinda reminded me of the show Green Acres,cuz Don Johnson would have on a suit when I saw him,and Bernice would always have on a coat with a fur collar and drove a big gold Cadillac,but they lived on a farm,and were much more genuine,warm,sincere and common,than Eddie Albert and Za Za Gabore…They were just the nicest people ever…..Thank you still after all these years Don & Bernice Johnson. You are still loved,you are still missed..But never forgotten…Sincerely, Aggie Casavant







Reply from Aggie Casavant (69) Fort Mill, SC


Hi Gary,Thank you so much for giving the people who’s lives were so touched by Don Johnson, to share thoughts and memories. Due to my busy schedule, and having the day off today, this morning was the first time that I really got to sit down with a good cup of coffee, and read all the messages that people wrote of their memories of Don &Bernice…What a joy and a blessing to sit and read all the different stories. I especially enjoyed Bill Hosmer’s, and Paulette LaCroix’s. I found Bill Hosmer’s so interesting, giving insight to Don and Bernice as high school kids like we were. You know how it was when you were young, and you never really gave much thought that your parents or teachers, were once kids too….Like they just dropped out of the sky as grown ups, sent here for the sole purpose to be our parents and teachers…Ain’t life crazy??? I know the word ain’t would not be acceptable to use if Ms Foss was reading it, but I guess I just lived in the south too long. Anyway Paulette, I loved the mixture of sentimental memories and humor ; and especially Mr. Johnson giving recognition, and appreciation, and would always leave you feeling, that you were the most important kid in the world…I would go as far as to say, that any of my success or accomplishments in life are directly as a result of the impact Don Johnson had on my life, and I would go as far as to say many of my brothers and sisters would agree. That’s why I remind teachers every chance I get, what an opportunity they have to change a kids life completely for the better. So Gary, I hope if there’s anymore stories out there of Don & Bernice that people send them in. Thanks Gary





Reply from Diane Fugere (75): Minot, ND


I was in Bismarck a couple days at meetings and found it ironic to see all the memories posted about Don and Bernice when I got home.

The reason I found it ironic was that I too had thought about Don and Bernice both on the way to Bismarck and back to Minot.

Everyone who was ever in choir will know what stirred my memory. I was listening to the radio, (Bismarck has a great oldies station) and heard the song both on the way down and on the way back: Monday, Monday by the Mamas and the Papas!

Great song and great memories of a wonderful couple.

Diane Fugere




Reply from Erling Landsverk (44): Portage, WI







Barbara (Bobbi) Wenstad (70) passed away this afternoon
Posted by Diane Wenstad Wiebe (69): Portage La Prairie, MB Canada
Hi Gary,

I would like to let you and the “Blog Family” know that Bobbie Wenstad has loss her battle with cancer today. She passed away this afternoon.

Bobbie was one of Oscar’s daughters, living in Grafton, N.D.

I am sure there will be a write up in the paper and sent on the blog later this week.

Thanks, great blog and way to keep everyone informed of what is happening in N.D.

Diane Wenstad Wiebe
We are so sorry to hear of Bobbi’s passing. I had no idea that she was stricken with cancer. Her mother, Alberta, passed away a short time ago too. Our condolences are with all of Bobbi’s family with her passing. Please keep us posted. Gary


Condolences to the Borg Landsverk Family

From Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND

Gary and Friends,

A few years ago, I learned from another Dunseith alumni, Sharon, about some Wisconsin cousins, of whom she was so fond of.

Just this past summer, It was my privilege to meet Borg and Erling and join them along with their sons at the Family Bakery for lunch. it was even more delightful to see Henry Salmonson and Borg reconnect as former classmates!
Borg, Erling and their sons were each so vibrant, full of knowledge, life, and seemed to truly be interested in meeting their extended family, the old family home place, childhood rural school friends, rocks and stone buildings.
I extend profound sympathy on the loss of his dear, dear, sister, Borg to Erling and his remarkable Wisconsin ” Landsverk Clan”.
Lisa Hiatt
Reply from Rod Hiatt (69): Bottineau, ND


Lisa is my daughter in law. She is married to my middle son Jason. This is going to be our first grandchild, and I’m damn excited for mid June when he(they know its a boy) is expected.

Lisa is the daughter of Mitch and Cheryl Guss from the Willow City area. Her and Jason were married on 7-7-07 and I may sound prejudice, but she is the best thing thats happened to this family in a long time.


Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau, ND
Reply from Trish Larson Wild (73): Fort Collins, CO


Congratulations! Your weight loss is a wonderful success. May your experience ripple into every area of your life and inspire you to search for even more ways to achieve optimal wellness. Over the next few days, you may lose a bit more weight, if you stick to the instructions on breaking the fast. Remember the quote, “Any fool can fast, but a wise man knows how to break a fast.”
Thanks so much for all you do. I just don’t think we can all thank you enough times for your daily committment to all of us who are “hooked” on your blog. It’s a wonderful connection to home and community. I think I am the only contestant from North Dakota in the “America’s Favorite Trail Horse” competition, and I am so proud to say I’m from the Turtle Mountains. It means so much to me to be solo out in the world, and have all this wonderful connection to good friends and family back home. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone when I roll into the halfway point – the geographical center of the universe!
Again, congratulations and thanks for sharing your results with all of us. So inspiring!
I have 4 friends who have juiced with me recently. One lost 7 pounds and got to her goal weight in 5 days. One lost 10 pounds in 10 days. One lost 8 pounds in 10 days, and one lost 4 pounds in three days, and made a decision to eat raw foods as her diet of choice. The common thread between them all was how easy the fast was, how great they felt, and how scrumptious and satisfied they were with food after the fast. My friend Donna just glows with delight, and at 60 years old – she is looking fantastic. You can see her photos all over my blog. She’s the beautiful Asian woman riding my horses. Her husband is so impressed, he’s planning to start his juice fast on May 1st. Yay!

Eating healthy vibrant foods creates a healthy glow and powerful energy. I’m so glad you enjoyed your experience, and are now enjoying your food in a new way. Any of you folks out there who are thinking about trying a cleansing fast, I want you to know that I am happy to help get you started and to support you through the process. For people that are suffering with arthritis, chronic allergies, low energy, depressed mood, digestive problems, etc, this kind of a cleansing experience can be transformational and completely change your quality of life. For those with severe disease, active cancer, advanced diabetes, or pancreatitis, you should only fast under a good Doctor’s supervision. If you are on multiple prescription meds for whatever condition (gout, hypertension, allergies, arthritis, parkinsons, etc) you should also consult with your Doctor before starting a fast.
I just met a beautiful female Doctor today who is from Phoenix. She practices food as medicine and I asked her if she would be available to consult with people over the internet. She is thinking about it and may need to investigate the legal ramifications of telemedicine. She has a beautiful website about food and a blog to explore in the meantime:

Great recipes and inspired photos that she has taken herself. She came and met my horses today, and is a visitor here at the home of my friends from Fargo who live in Altadena. What a bright gem of a Doctor! I love it that we are seeing a trend toward food as medicine. I believe it is the medicine of the future, available now. I will be partners with her today at an all day White Tantra Yoga meditation retreat here in Los Angeles. I am so excited!
In Taoist philosophy, SHEN, one of the three treasures means “spirit” or “mood”. It refers to the radiance that comes from someone who is truly healthy. May you each always show bright SHEN and vibrate with the radiance that comes from healthy living.

Trish Wild, RN, PhD
The Equine Nomad
Riding 200 miles in every state!
Trish, I envy your writing skills and the speed at which I know you write. You are an inspiration to so many of us with all that you do and the way that you do it. Gary
Reply from Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND
Bless You!
On Good Friday I take Thor in for his teeth cleaning. That rascal is my barking dog, and I wasn’t going to get attached. But he has grown on me.

Easter Monday both Thor and Lochbuie spend the day at the groomers in Minot gettng spring haircuts. As you know my life has “gone to the dogs”.
But they keep me walking, the walking clears away the stress. Yesterday with the slush and snow we didn’t venture far. Today we did our 2 miles b-4 breakfast.
Later. Vickie
Krystle Parrill
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Bottineau, ND

Hi Gary,


This picture comes from the April 10, 2011 Minot Daily. This picture, along with others, is on the front page of the Military Section (Section E) of the Minot Daily. I contacted LeaRae for verification if Krystle is a “local” Parrill (I wanted confirmation of this before I scanned/sent this to you.). The following is LeaRae’s reply (Thanks, LeaRae).



LeaRae Parrill Espe’s (67) reply:
Yes, Krystle is the granddaughter of Thurman and Marie Parrill. Her parents are Myron and Kathy (Biberdorf) Parrill. Myron is Thurman’s youngest. Thanks for pointing it out. I haven’t gotten around the reading the paper yet. If you have time to scan into the Dunseith blog that would be nice. Thanks, Neola.
As far as I know there are no other Parrills in the area except the “local” Parrills. There are many Parrills in Illinois and prior to that West Virginia and many places in between. Hugh Parrill who is nine generations back from me came from Scotland in 1690 and settled in Virginia. Thurman and Dean’s ( my dad) father came from Illinois to be Superintendent of Dunseith school after he graduated from Valparaiso University in Indiana in 1911.
Roof top party in Cebu, Philippines
Folks, I thought I’d share this picture that was taken at a dinner party Bernadette and I were invited to several weeks ago. Bernadette and I are sitting with our backs to the camera at the first table to the right in the picture. The theme of the party was Caribbean. Our friend, Marisol, from Singapore hosted the party. The owners of this fabulous home are very close friends of Marisol’s. They let her use their house for this event. They are very successful Chinese business folks here in Cebu. We are up on the roof top of this 3 story Mansion overlooking the city of Cebu. The view was magnificent. Seeing all the shrubbery/trees/flowers on this roof top, I asked Albert, the owner, how many gardeners he had to take care of all this and he said “lots”. Gary


Condolences to the Borg Landsverk Family
From Linda Gardner: Vienna, VA

Hi Gary – I just want to send my deepest sympathies to Erling Landsverk and all of the Landsverk family on the passing of Borg. She and Erling were very, very close and I can only imagine the loss he is feeling right now. I feel blessed to have met them both and to be the catalyst that brought them all together last summer. Prayers and blessings to Erling and the Landsverk/Borg families.


Reply/Picture from Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO
Hi Gary,


I just posted a video of Maggie and I on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/search.php?q=trish+larson&init=quick&tas=0.28648735234536743&search_first_focus=1302921368109#!/profile.php?id=1664583858&sk=info She now has her own FB profile, so anybody that wants to be a friend of the next America’s Favorite Trail Horse (we hope), can send a friend request and get regular updates straight from the horse’s mouth! https://www.facebook.com/search.php?q=trish+larson&init=quick&tas=0.28648735234536743&search_first_focus=1302921368109#!/profile.php?id=100002241046678

Also, I just spent two days writing an update on my blog about the audition weekend and our fun on the beach in California. Lots of photos! http://trishwild.blogspot.com/.


Thanks to all the folks who have written for the fasting instructions! I’m so excited for all of you and I hope you’ll keep me posted on your progress and share your results with others for inspiration! Juice fasting rocks!


I imagine by now you are really enjoying your food again, right? Can you believe how good it tastes? If you find that you “overindulge”, just fast again for a day a week, and every so often, do another fast…


Thanks Gary!


Trish Larson Wild

The Equine Nomad

Riding 200 miles in Every State!

America’s Favorite Trail Horse Competitor

I loved your Video. You have a well trained horse. Good Luck with the “next America’s Favorite Trail Horse”
Yes, I went off my fast yesterday. Believe it or not, I do not feel the urge to “overindulge” like I did prior to fasting. Food does taste really good too. On day 11, two days ago, of my Liquid fast, I visited our clinic at the hospital. On their precise big scale I was down 15.5 lbs from two weeks prior. Gary

Reply to Picture posted by Lloyd Awalt (44)

From From Lloyd Awalt (44): Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary, the picture I do believe the lady with the light hair is Mrs. Malcolm Campbell they were here at that time in the 60s it was taken at dales in the banquet room got every else right Lloyd

Reply to Picture posted Lloyd by Awalt (44)

From Joan Tremblay Johnson (79): Dunseith, ND
Hi Gary,
I thought right away the lady to the left of Simeon Grenier was my Grandmother Emelda Casavant (Simeon’s sister). Today I asked my Mom if she recognized the lady and she immediately responded “that’s Mum”. So we believe it is Emelda Grenier Casavant.
Joan, Lloyd is thinking this lady is possibly Mrs. Malcolm Campbell, but I believe your mother would probably know her mother and you your grandmother, so I’m leaning toward this lady as being your grandmother, Emelda Grenier Casavant. Folks, please reply with your thoughts, right or wrong. That is how these puzzles get solved. Aren’t they fun. Lloyd, do you have any more of these old pictures? Gary

Early 60’s

Don and Bernice Johnson, Bob and Donna Leonard,Lloyd and Teresa Awalt, Violet Campbell,
Phyllis Campbell, Mrs. Simeon Grenier, Mrs. Malcolm Campbell or Emelda Grenieir Casavant,Simeon Grenier and Alan Campbell.
Alaina Richard, Daughter of Allen
Posting from Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI.

Remember my daughter, Alaina, when she came with me to the reunion? Well this picture and article are on the front page of the Midland Daily News. Midland is about the size of Minot and is the world headquarters of Dow Chemical and Dow Corning——





Buy this photo

Bullock Creek High School junior Alaina Richard, right, celebrates after putting freshman Lynn Loubert’s hair in pigtails as students prepare for a dress rehearsal of the upcoming play “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” Wednesday at the high school. At left is freshman Kelsey Ervay.

Bernadette’s Great Niece:
Bernadette’s Niece’s 9 month old little girl, Shikara. Her father is Indian, from India. Shikara and her mother Edelyn live with her Grandma, Bernadette’s sister, next door to us. Shikara visits her great aunt, Bernadatte, everyday.
Shikara Lynn Congson


Borg Landsverk Filas (38) Passed away: Golden, CO
Message from Erling Landsverk (44): Portage, WI

Hi Gary and Everyone:


I find it difficult to describe how sad I feel. My sister Borg Filas passed away today. She had a bad heart and during the attempt to do the baloon thing to open a valve, something didn’t work right i guess. Her son Frank called to inform us. Borg lived with her Son and family near Golden Colorado. She had a lot of friends around dunseith, where she graduated in 1938, For those who knew her, was to love her. She was a wonderful, and warm hearted person who loved people and life very much. For those who remember her in North Dakota, you might be pleased to know that she remembered every one of you and celebrated her last visit in July of last year for the one room country school reunion for the area we came to call the hills. She was so happy to see her friends again. A special blessing for her was her visit with Orvin Hagen, one of her old class mates, I also remember florence Christianson as her class mate all the way through elementary school.

I am sorry for rambling on. Her son told me that she will have a Memorial service at her old church, near Rio, Wisc. sometime in the next few weeks.


Erling Landsverk


P. S. I will post the obituary later

This is so sad. How wonderful it was that you and Borg were able to visit the Dunseith/Bottineau/Hills area last summer and to attend the One room Country School reunion. It was a trip that I know you will forever remember and like wise by a whole lot of others.
For the DHS class of 38 with 38 students, my records indicate there are12 living. I have pasted them below. Florence Christianson Struck, Beatrice Dailly Johnson and Maxine Radley Hiatt all have apartments at Oak Manor in Bottineau. I am including Vivian Clark, a good friend of mine who also lives at Oak manor with today’s message. Between Vivian and others, I know these ladies will be informed of Borg’s passing. I know family members and friends will also inform Orvin, Hank and other class mates of her passing.
Erling, Our condolence are with you and Borg’s family with her passing. We know she was close and dear to your heart and you will miss her dearly as will a whole lot of others.

Dunseith High School Class of 1938 (Living)

Bedard Serumgard Antoinette 3389 SQUIRE OAK DR LEXINGTON, KY 40515 Sister Georgette (248)960-7565 Antoinette is suffering from advance stages of Alzheimer’s
Boguslawski Rose 141 Bryant St Ketchikan, AK 99901 (907) 225-3268 No Email Address

Christianson Struck Florence 823 Railroad Ave Bottineau, ND 58318 (701) 228-2759 Note: Florence attended country school with some of these folks.
Dailly Johnson Beatrice 823 Railroad Ave, Apt 11 Bottineau, ND 58318 (701) 228-2449 No Email Address

Fassett Adrew 29375 New Rd North Liberty, IN 46554 (574) 656-8770 bjf21324@hotmail.com

Hagen Orvin 261 Maple St Kindred, ND 58051 (701) 428-3125 Note: Orvin attended country school with some of these folks.

Nelson Molstad Arlene 1371 Parkside Dr. #146 San Bernardino, CA 92404 (909) 884-4062 No Email Address
Nerpel Bishop Eleanor 6111 W Arrowhead Ave Kennewick, WA 99336- (509) 783-9921 abmyers2@verizon.net (Daughter Ann’s email)

Radley Hiatt Maxine 823 Railroad Ave, Apt 9 Bottineau, ND 58318 (701) 228-2767 No Email Address
Rohrer George PO Box 431 Sitka, AK 99835 (907) 747-8204 No Email Address

Salmonson Henry RR 1Box 134 Dunseith, ND 58329 (701) 263-4338 No Email Address
Ronnie LaRocque (68) has terminal cancer
From his cousin Ginger LaRocque Poitra (65): Belcourt, ND
>Gary , thought I’d update you on Ronnie LaRocque. I called him Monday
evening. He had been to Vegas. He said he was sick and spent the week in
his room. When he got home he went straight to the hospital (St.Alexis)
in Bismarck. He was in intensive care. He said to me he isn’t going to
make it. The cancer is in his pancreas and lungs, probably other places
as well. He says he weighs 100 pounds and tried to describe how thin he
was. They put him on the next strongest pain killer after morphine. He
sounded up beat, of course he was happy to hear from me since I never get
to talk to him, we only see each other at funerals. There was an
occasional time I saw him at other events such as BD parties. I sure
enjoyed talking with him. Although I don’t get to see people I love I do
think about them and am sorry when I don’t take the chance to talk to
them. A person thinks I’ll do it later. Sometimes there is no later.


Reply to Dave Wurgler’s (64) posting yesterday
From Debbie Fugere Fauske (73): Minot, ND



I had to laugh at Dave Wurgler’s joke regarding microwaved popcorn. My 27-year-old daughter, Brooke, and I were watching TV one day and someone was popping corn on the stove. Brooke said: I didn’t know you could pop popcorn that way!!!


It also made me think of my Gramma and Grampa Fugere popping popcorn in a metal electric popper.. They always served it in one of those big melmac speckled bowls. I’m not sure if it was the metal popper, the big old melmac bowl, or just that it was at gramma’s house (possibly a combination of all three)…..but to this day I still think that was the best popcorn ever!!!!


Thanks for all that you do, Gary!!

Debbie, how well I remember those old oil pop corn poppers. Many evenings we popped corn in one of those. We’d pour oil up to the ring in the bottom and then place about a 1/4 cup of corn kernels into the oil, plug it in and let if pop. The popped corn often times lifted the lid. One popping was generally enough for one heaping cereal bowl of pop corn for each of us three kids and our parents. On a rare occasion we could talk mom into letting us pop two batches. To stretch the enjoyment, I remember eating this pop corn one Kernel at a time. Believe it or not, occasionally we still pop corn on the stove in a pan. This day and age though, we add the melted butter for flavoring. Instead of cereal bowls, today’s servings are in a big stainless mixing bowl. Gary
Reply to Picture posted Lloyd Awalt (44)
From Phyllis & Alan (42) Campbell: Minot, ND
I’m guessing Susan Fassett is close on identifying the “unkknown”!!>>>>My first thought was that the one lady was Velva Campbell (widow of Malcolm) and I wondered if the other was Simeon’s wife but wasn’t sure. Wonder if the bank has that picture in one of their “histories”???? Maybe Peggy Espewould know too… We are back in Minot at the Wellington Assisted Living after 3 months in Mesa to get out of the snow and ice! I have a bum knee and Alan doesn’t hear or remember very well but we take it a day at a time. Hi to all and stop and see us if in Minot. We are in the phone book!

Reply to Picture posted Lloyd Awalt (44)

From Mona Dionne Johnson (48): Bottineau, ND
Gary – I mean the lady in the back row standing just next to Violet
Campbel – the one with dark hair, is Mrs. Simeon Grenier as I remember her.

Please ignore my first message as it was not clear, as I said standing
next to Phyllis, and actually she is standing in the back row..

Mona Johnson ’48.

Reply to Picture posted Lloyd Awalt (44)
From Linda Johnson Juntunen (72): Perth, ND



I believe the ??? lady is my Grandmother Eugenia Malo Grenier




Linda J. Juntunen


Microlap Technologies, Inc.



Early 60’s

Don and Bernice Johnson, Bob and Donna Leonard,Lloyd and Teresa Awalt, Violet Campbell,

Phyllis Campbell, Mrs. Simeon Grenier, Velva Campbell,Simeon Grenier and Alan Campbell.




Reply to Trish Larson Wild (73) – Not related
From Cheryl Larson Dakin (71): BEDFORD, TX
Hi Gary and all
Sounds like the fast is going extremely well for you. And the bowling too. Congratulations on a great score! Like Trish, my husband and I spent some time in Solvang and San Luis Obispo when we lived in California YEARS ago and it is such a beautiful place. I’ll be anxious to hear if Trish and her horses will be heading to Texas. Where in Texas will you be going, Trish? If it’s anywhere near us, I would love an opportunity to meet and visit if you have time.

Cheryl Larson Dakin “71


Tracy Boucher

June 12, 1981-April 10, 2011

ROLLA Tracy Lynn Boucher, 29, Minot, formerly of Rolla, died Sunday, April 10, 2011, near Minot, from injuries suffered in an automobile accident.

She was born June 12, 1981, to Vicki Boucher, in Rolla.

Survivors: mother, Rolla; and grandmother, Virginia Boucher, Rolla.

Funeral: Thursday, 10:30 a.m., St. Joachim Catholic Church, Rolla.

Burial: St. Michael’s Catholic Cemetery, Rolla, in the spring.

Rosary service: Wednesday, 7 p.m., in the church.

Visitation: Wednesday, 5 to 7 p.m., in the church.

(Elick Funeral Home, Rolla)


Reply to Picture from Lloyd Awalt (44)
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

There haven’t been many responses to the identities of the unknown
ladies in Lloyd and Theresa Awalt’s bank party picture so I will throw
out a guess and let those who know correct me. I think the lady in the
back, on the right might be Velva Campbell. She was married to Alan
Campbell’s uncle Malcolm who was employed at the bank for several years.
He may have been deceased buy the time the picture was taken. The lady
in the front may have been Mrs. Simeon Grenier. These are just guesses
so maybe they can identified. I think Alan and Phyliss Campbell can
confirm the IDs for sure. Thanks Gary!


Previously posted:
Reply to Picture from Lloyd Awalt (44) that was posted yesterday
From Susan Fassett Martin (65): susankay47@gmail.com Spearfish SD
Don and Bernice Johnson, Bob and Donna Leonard,Lloyd and Teresa Awalt, Violet Campbell, Phyllis Campbell, ?,?, Simeon Grenier and Alan Campbell.

Don and Bernice Johnson, Bob and Donna Leonard,Lloyd and Teresa Awalt, Violet Campbell,
Phyllis Campbell, Velva Campbell, Mrs. Simeon Grenier, Simeon Grenier and Alan Campbell.
Liquid Fast
Reply from Maryls Hiatt (71): Dunseith, ND

I would think that if one were to fast with adequate apple juice and/or prune juice each day, especially at the beginning of the fast, that would have the same effect as an enema.







Liquid Fast

Reply from Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO


Hey Gary,

I am happy to tell you that I have heard from many people on your blog that are interested in the juice fast. How exciting! Thanks for sharing your experience on your blog.

If you could find a way to do the enemas, I think you’ll find that your weight loss would accelerate. Gary, you are such a stubborn rebel! I’m glad you are feeling fine, but you may be stressing your kidneys. Please be careful! Surely a creative guy like you could come up with some sort of solution for a way to do an enema….

If you absolutely will not do the enema, then here’s another suggestion. I found that drinking the juice of a small watermelon was very cleansing for me. It sounds like you don’t have a juicer, but maybe you could figure out a way to juice a watermelon. Maybe take off the rind and smash it inside a baggie and then strain the juice through cheesecloth? I think if you did that, you’ll get a good result. And the cool thing? You will poop pink! How fun is that! I thought it was such a lovely thing to say – “My poop is pink!” Not really a guy thing to say I guess, but anyway I think it might help you cleanse a bit better.

Also, please tell me that you are taking green vegetable juice every day…

And are you drinking the root vegetable broth? It’s really tasty, and nice to have something hot. The recipe is in the instructions.

I’ve had so many requests for the instructions from the folks on your blog, I’m thinking of starting a new blog just to support people who are wanting to embark on a juice fast.
Thanks for sharing your story and inspiring so many to lose weight and get healthy!

Let me know how it goes. Of course you’re breaking another rule by going longer than 10 days unsupervised. I think you’re ok though as long as you are feeling good and drinking enough water….

Here’s something else to consider. You could break the fast over a few days, following the instructions, and then eat a healthy fruit and vegetable diet for a couple of weeks. Then you’d be safe to go back on another juice fast to get to your goal.

Also, increasing your exercise will help. Walk, run, bike, swim, yoga, whatever.

Keep me posted!

Trish, You undoubtedly have an excellent dieting plan with lots of safeguards for health and safety and it works. I’ll admit I have been stubborn and have short circuited a whole lot of the health and safety rules, but this diet does work with the least amount of pain involved for the end result. Violation: This is day 11 of my fast. I know I’m not suppose to go beyond 10 days. I woke up this morning feeling great with no hunger pains. I weighed 203, down 13 LBS. I had a glass of Cranberry juice while watching the NBC nightly news live. Violation: I am now having a cup of coffee. My goal was 200 LBS, but I have decided to break this fast tomorrow evening. I will eat light as you suggested. I don’t eat Sea foods or apples though. Our FB chat inspired me to do this. Trish, I know you are an excellent nurse. With your brilliance and quick attention to detail, I’d vote to have you on my ward any day. You are such an amazing gal. Thanks, Gary

Posting of the day from Dave Wurgler (64): Rugby, ND

Gary: Thought this is rather funny and a lot of truth. Dave Wurgler (64)



This should be sent only to those whose level of maturity qualifies them to relate to it…

1960: Long hair
10: Longing for hair

1960: KEG
10: EKG

1960: Acid rock
10: Acid reflux

1960: Moving to California because it’s cool
10: Moving to Arizona because it’s warm

1960: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor
10: Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor

1960: Seeds and stems
10: Roughage

1960: Hoping for a BMW
10: Hoping for a BM

1960: Going to a new, hip joint
10: Receiving a new hip joint

1960: Rolling Stones
10: Kidney Stones

1960: Screw the system
10: Upgrade the system

1960: Disco
10: Costco

1960: Parents begging you to get your hair cut
10: Children begging you to get their heads shaved

1960: Passing the drivers’ test
10: Passing the vision test

1960: Whatever
10: Depends

Just in case you weren’t feeling too old today, this will certainly change things. Each year the staff at Beloit College in Wisconsin puts together a list to try to give the faculty a sense of the mindset of this year’s incoming freshmen. Here’s this year’s list:

The people who are starting college this fall across the nation were born in 1992.

They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.

Their lifetime has always included AIDS.

Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic.

The CD was introduced
2 years before they were born.

They have always had an answering machine.

They have always had cable.

They cannot fathom not having a remote control..

Jay Leno has always been on the Tonight Show.

Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.


They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.

They can’t imagine what hard contact lenses are.

They don’t know who Mork was or where he was from.

They never heard: “Where’s the Beef?”, “I’d walk a mile for a Camel”, or “de plane, Boss, de plane..”

They do not care who shot J. R. and have no idea who J. R. even is.

Mc Donald’s never came in Styrofoam containers.

They don’t have a clue how to use a typewriter.

Do you feel old yet? Pass this on to the other old fogies on your list. Notice the larger type, that’s for those of you who have trouble reading..

So have a nice day!!!!! It is good to have friends who know about these things and are still alive and kicking!!!!


Today is our bowling day so I am getting this out a bit earlier today. Last week on my 3rd game, the strikes just kept coming. I ended up with my highest game ever of 211. One would almost think it’s the results of the Fasting diet I am on!
Condolence to the John Allard Family
From Marie Iverson Staub (60): Seattle, WA



I would like to add my condolences to the family of John Allard. Betty was in my class of 1960. It was nice to see her at the reunion in May.

Marie Iverson (Staub)

Marie, Carol and Larry were in my class (65) until they transferred to Bottineau. Gary
Mary Eurich Knutson’s (62) horse story
Reply from Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62): Windsor, CO

Mary, I loved the story about your dad and the horses and you driving. What awesome memories. And what an awesome dad and mom you had. I can almost taste the cakes we would make when I came up, and the frosting made from just sugar and milk. And they were made in that old wood stove. Miss those times. sharon gerdes
Juice Fasting
Reply from Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO
Hi Gary,

I just returned from my audition for “America’s Favorite Trail Horse”. Our audition went pretty well, but not exactly without a hitch. Who can tell exactly what they’re looking for in a reality TV show anyway, but it was a great experience meeting the other contestants and seeing Monty Roberts’ Flags Up Farm in Solvang. It’s a fancy pants kind of place, with manicured drives, a race track, and the Taj Mahal of horse stalls. I loved every minute! I won’t find out if made the cut for a few weeks, but I’ll keep you posted.

After the audition some great friends joined me and we had a blast riding all three of my horses on the beach. I finally got Maggie to go into the surf which was a pretty big accomplishment. Just when I thought everything was going great, we got hit by a big wave right in the face. She took it well – I got drenched. Great fun!

We were at Montana de Oro, one of the prettiest beaches I’ve ever seen, just south of Morrow Bay, just north of Santa Barbara. We camped with the horses at a place called Rancho De Osos, and had a great 4 hour ride there this morning.

I met a number of nice folks at the audition and got invitations to come and ride at several locations and ranches around the great state of California. I have lots of plans for more rides in this area – including up to the Hollywood sign in Burbank. I’ll be hanging out with my friends here in Altadena (near Pasadena) until I hear if we make the audition cut. If not, we’ll head north to Oregon, if we make the cut, I’ll be heading to Texas for filming the TV segments.

I’ll keep you posted!

By the way, if any of your readers are interested in more specific instructions for safe and healthy juice fasting, I’d be happy to send a personal email that I wrote for a friend of mine who then lost 10 pounds in a week. Any of your blog fans can feel free to contact me directly. I have enjoyed the benefits of several fasts, and have helped several friends to complete the process with great benefits. I wish I had known about this excellent cleansing and weight loss method about 25 years ago!

Persons with severe diabetes, active cancer treatment, or other severe illness should not perform an unsupervised fast.

Almost everyone else can benefit from juice fasting. There are for instance, many reports of Arthritis cures, improvements in digestion, relief of allergies, and increased energy. Personally, I’ve never felt so healthy, and food has never tasted so good. My relationship with food was completely transformed in so many postiive ways…

How are you feeling now by the way? Are you back on regular food yet? Did you quit the diet cokes?

Having a Blast in Wonderful California,
Trish Wild, RN, PhD
First off we wish you all the luck in the “America’s Favorite Trail Horse” cut. It will be assume if you are selected. Being the talented creative person that you are, I know you did well in the audition. We will keep our fingers crossed.
Today is day 10 of my liquid fast. This morning I was down 12 pounds. I have 4 lbs to go to make my goal. I will break this fast when I achieve my goal in a few days. I have cut back on diet cokes, but I can not give up the only vise I have!! – lol. I will say that once you are into this diet, most of the time you do not feel hungry. When I get a hunger pain, I just drink more juice and it goes away.
Trish, I will never be as fit, trim and limber as you though.
Trish Larson Wild with LA TV reporter
Posted by Larry Hackman (66): Bismarck, ND

60th anniversary of oil

Oil discovery near Tioga was April 4, 1951


March 31, 2011

By ELOISE OGDEN – Regional Editor (eogden@minotdailynews.com)

, Minot Daily News




TIOGA Sixty years ago on Monday was a big day in oil development history in North Dakota.


That was the day on Wednesday, April 4, 1951, when oil was discovered south of Tioga, touching off an oil boom.


“Now It’s Official! Oil Found At Tioga” read the banner headline on The Minot Daily News’ in the next day, April 5, 1951, edition.


The Minot Daily News was the first daily newspaper in the state to advise its readers of the significance of the developments at Tioga and to report the probability that an oil well had been obtained, according to an early April 1951 edition of the newspaper.


An official of the Amerada Petroleum Co. at Tulsa, Okla., drillers of the well, reported: “Crude oil of ‘high gravity’ flowed from the Iverson test well No. 1 south of Tioga at an average rate of nearly 18 barrels per hour in a 17-hour period ending at 6 a.m. today (April 5, 1951).


Up until that time, the Tioga test well had been considered a “tight hole” by Amerada Petroleum Co., which means little or no information on findings were officially released, the newspaper said.


“Now, however, there are rumors that the company will go ‘whole hog’ and announce the ‘bringing in’ of a new oil field. If so, North Dakota would become the 26th oil producing state in the nation,” The Minot Daily News reported.


Amerada officials in Tulsa said if the further testing of the well continues to produce encouraging results, other test wells probably would be drilled in the area. Previously, Amerada officials at Tulsa denied that any oil of consequence had been recovered.


The Tioga well was reportedly down more than 11,000 feet. Two other previous drilling attempts in the southeast corner of Williams County produced nothing. One previous well was drilled to 4,642 feet and another was sunk to 10,281 feet, according to the 1951 newspaper.


Oil search was not new in North Dakota. According to The Minot Daily News files, the first test well reportedly drilled in the state was in Adams County in 1922. A year later, a well was sunk to near 4,000 feet in the Des Lacs area.


R.G. Fuller, production superintendent on the Amerada Petroleum Co.’s Iverson well south of Tioga, said, “It’s quite an honor, of course, to bring in the first well, in a state that hasn’t had any production before.”


Wilson Laird, state geologist from Grand Forks, who visited the Tioga well, said the oil flow there “looks quite promising.” Laird, state geologist from 1941-1969, is credited with the foresight oil would one day be discovered in the Williston Basin.


On April 6, 1951, The Minot Daily News, an evening paper for many years until 1985, reported the oil from Tioga would be on its way to market very soon.


With the announcement of the oil discovery near their town, businessmen in Tioga decided they better “get moving” if the city was going to assume its rightful place in oil development. They started making plans including for a new hotel.


Clarence Iverson, the Tioga farmer on whose land the well was drilled, was taking the possibility of becoming rich pretty much in stride, according to a reporter for The Minot Daily News shortly after the oil discovery announcement.


Bill Shemorry, a photographer with the Williston Press-Graphic, took the famous photo of the Iverson discovery well. According to his accounts, he had to rush to Minot that night of April 4, 1951, to use The Minot Daily News’ darkroom to develop his negatives and then have Northwest Photoengravers in Minot make the printing plates which were used at that time to reproduce photos in the newspapers.


Bakken in 1951


Nearly 60 years ago and only a few months after the discovery well, on Sept. 8, 1951, The Minot Daily News reported Amerada brought in Bakken No. 1 well at a site three miles northeast of Tioga.


The well had a number of significant facts, the newspaper reported, including:


The new discovery was in a different formation.


It ruled out the possibility the state’s discovery well, Clarence Iverson No. 1, 12 miles south of the Bakken well, had been a “lucky find” in an isolated “puddle” of oil.


It widened the known producing area of the huge Williston Basin.


Excitement was at a high fever over the Bakken No. 1 announcement, but two of the most calm people in the area were the Bakken brothers, Henry and Harry, on whose land the oil was discovered. They were more concerned about harvesting their crop, The Minot Daily News reported.


Today, a monument marks the site where oil was first discovered in N.D. by Amerada Petroleum Corp. (now Hess Corp.) on April 4, 1951.


And today, the newest oil boom is well under way in the Bakken in the Tioga area and other areas of western N.D.

The first well location, Tioga.


Peterson Reunion

From: Jackie Peterson Hansen
Phone: 701-550-9903

The Peterson family tree came up at the perfect time. There is a gathering of Petersons being held this summer on July 30 and 31. Most of the communication is being done through Facebook. We don’t have much of an agenda yet, only that we will meet on Saturday night at Midway (between Dunseith and Bottineau) and then picnic and play in the water at Lake Upsilon on Sunday. We want to include as many descendants of Anders Peterson as possible.
Jackie Hansen and Jan Hurley

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

John F Allard
(Died April 9, 2011)

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John Allard, age 93 of Bottineau, died Saturday at a Bottineau nursing home. Funeral will be held on Wednesday at 10:00 am at the St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Bottineau. Visitation will be Tuesday from 10:00 am until 9:00 pm with a prayer service at 7:00 pm all at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. Burial will be at St. Louis Catholic Cemetery in Dunseith.

John Allard, a son of Bert and Lilly (Lord) Allard, was born on August 9, 1917 at Dunseith. In April of 1941, he married Olivine Cote at Willow City. He entered the US Army on November 16, 1942 and served in Europe until receiving his Honorable Discharge on October 9, 1945. Olivine passed away on February 20, 2009.

He is survived by 3 daughters, Betty (Ron) Heinz of Overly, Carol Buxbaum of Sidney, MT, and Mary (Laurel) Hiatt of Bottineau; 4 sons, Kenny (Nancy) Allard, Fessenden, ND, Larry (Dawn) Allard, Dunseith, Clayton (Diane) Allard of Bottineau and Duaine Allard of Willow City; son-in-law, Don Henes of Mohall; 26 grandchildren; 70 great grandchildren: 2 great-great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.

(Nero Funeral Home – Bottineau)

Betty, Carol, Mary, Kenny, Larry, Clayton and Duaine; Our condolences are with you the loss of your dad. Not long ago you lost your mother and now your dad. Gary


Reply from Mel Kuhn (70): St. John, ND


Howdy Gary,


I have to make a comment about Trish’s limber photo. I found myself in that same position 3-4 days ago after a slip on the ice. After about 2 hours in the E.R. they managed to get most everything pointing back the way it should. I just so happened that my wife caught a picture of this and took it to the newspaper. She entered it in the most interesting falls for the winter of 2010-2011. In the non-alcohol related category of course. It turns out I only scored an 8. I was beat out by a Polish couple that slipped in a hurry to get to the little house with the moon on the door after a big meal of Kielbasa and Kraut. They scored 9 and 10. I didn’t think it was fair because nobody wanted to get close enough to take a good picture.


In other related news-The Rolette County Historical Society Picking and a Grinning Music Festival is this Saturday April 16th. in St. John. I’m told that we are gonna be having some music by the Dakota Rose Band, The Lund Family and Highway 43 and by many more locals. Maybe we can check into serving some of dat Kielbasa and Kraut. It’ll only cost you 5 bucks to get in the door and a few bucks for some grub and boy the old lady will really love you for dat. See you there.


Horse Stories
From Mary Eurich Knutson (62): Dunseith, ND
Tonight I’ve been going thru and rereading blogs, again. I’m always
amazed at the articles submitted. Either these people have exceptional
writing talents or the English teachers in Dunseith were exceptional. I
suspect it’s a combination of the two. I really enjoyed their horse
stories. I guess we were living in the end of an era when horses were a
necessity on the farm and most everybody had at least one team of horses
and possibly a riding horse or two. Dad was one of the few who were
reluctant to give up his horses but it got to where you couldn’t find
hired help, let alone hired help who could drive a team. The last year
he thrashed probably had a half dozen men if that, on the threshing
crew. I remember Ma taking a huge dish pan heaped with sandwiches and a
huge pot of coffee to the field for afternoon lunch. There were so many
people stopping to watch the threshing and she always offered lunch to
anybody who happened to be in the field at the time.
Dad thought a lot of his horses and he curried and brushed his team
every morning before harnessing them and every evening as soon as he
unharnessed them. He didn’t like dead heads so his horses were pretty
high spirited and very well trained and he enjoyed them. I remember him
singing and the horses dancing. One particular incident came to mind
after reading Wesley Schneiders remembrance of haying on the Schmitz
place. Dad also hayed that place for a few years. It was on that place
that I had my first driving experience, if you can call it that. I think
I was about 12 years old and I never did fit on the mower like I should
have, or on any other machinery for that matter. I didn’t know how to
drive but I could keep the lines up off the ground and lift the sickle
bar if I had to. One good thing about the team was that when they knew
something was wrong they’d just stop – dead – and they wouldn’t go again
until they knew everything was ok. On this particular day we were mowing
along and the sickle jammed and the horses stopped. I wasn’t expecting
anything like that and I flew foreward off my seat and plowed headfirst
into the backend of “Bess”. She never even flinched. I landed hanging
onto a harness strap with one leg inside the tug but at least I was on
my feet. I managed to get back on the mower and lifted the sickle bar
and backed the team up, which released the jam ( I had seen Dad do
that). We finished the day with no further incidents. I never did tell
him what had happened that day. His instructions to me that day before
I started out had been to just let the horses go cause they know what
they’re doing, you just keep the lines even and keep them up so the
don’t tangle into anything.
I should add and incident with Grandpa that maybe a few others can
relate to also. He had purchased his first and only tractor, an A John
Deere, we always called it his popping Johnny, and I remember him
coming into the yard one day and when he topped the hill he started
hollering whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa you s#$%^&. He finallly remembered to
pull the clutch back and didn’t run into anything. Those were the days.
Marie Hanson Lafromboise Graber.
Picture posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND
Marie was married to Ed Hanson and lived east of Rendahl on the south side of the road. Donna Moldenhauer (66) from Bottineau is one of her daughters. Donna has worked at Thompson’s drug store for a number of years now. Gary
Marie Hanson Lafromboise Graber.


Reply to Dick Johnson’s yesterday’s “Post of the day”

From Gerri Metcalfe Munro (59): Fargo, ND
This is hilarious! Never mess with a marine, let alone four of ’em.
Reply to Dick Johnson’s yesterday’s “Post of the day”
From Mark Schimetz (70): Rolette, ND

Yes! that was a very well written Police Report! Those sidewalks are so hard.
Liquid Fast diet
On March 29th when I was chatting with Trish Larson Wild (73) on Face Books she mentioned that she was on a liquid fast. I have copied and pasted our chat below. What I have posted was captured last Thursday April 7th. This is Monday the 11th. I needed Trish’s stamp of approval to post this.
Trish has a Doctorate (RN) in Nursing, so I felt privileged to have gotten all this great professional information/advise from her that I want to share with all of you. Please see Trish’s limber photo at the bottom of this message.
I am into day 8 of a liquid fast. The first day was the worst with hunger pains and lack of energy. Since then I have not felt hungry but food sure does look good. As of last night I was down 11 pounds. My goal is to be able to see my belt buckle without sucking in. That should be when I reach about 200 with the loss of about 5 more pounds.
As you can tell reading our chat below, Trish is really into liquid fasting and definitely going about it properly. It works.



    Fasting is a wonderful thing. I love the effects, and it’s the easiest way to lose fat I have ever found. The juice is delicious and the results are amazing! Lose about a pound and a half a day.

    How long do you fast

    And of course breaking the fast is the best part of all! Food tastes just great!
    I have done a 10 day, a 3 day, and a 7 day.
    This is day 6 of the current fast.

    Before our cruise, I think I will try a 10. When I put my mind to it, I can do it.
    Is this a 10 day fast?

    It’s so easy to lose weight, but I do it mainly because it’s such a good cleansing for the body.
    I break the fast when I start to feel hungry again.

    For most folks that is the next day

    ha ha ha – yes that’s true, but after a couple of days, the hunger goes away.

    I know

    Then it comes back when your body has had enough cleansing.
    Have you done a juice fast Gary?

    I have never fasted

    It’s the best diet I have ever been on.

    What juices do you consume?

    And a very healthy way to detox and cleanse the body from years of junk.
    I drink all kinds of fruit juices and lots of vegetable juices.
    I usually add apple to vegetable juice because it tastes great.

    Sounds great, I will try that in the near future.

    I also drink a broth made from root vegetables.
    There’s just one thing….

    What is that?

    You have to do a daily enema to get rid of the toxins.
    Not my favorite part…but it’s not that bad.

    I’m pretty sure I will pass on that.

    If you don’t do it, the toxins build up in your system.

    Or they are excreted by the kidneys and that can make you sick.
    It’s easy. Put on your big boy pants and just do it.


      Hey Gary
      Do you want to be friend’s with my horse on her very own FB page?
      Trish, I have been on liquid fast since Sunday. It’s Thursday here now, so this a day four. The first 2 days I lost 4 LBS, yesterday 2 LBS. 10 more to go to reach my goal of 200 LBS. I have a large glass of Orange Juice in the morning, a large glass of tomato juice at noon and a large glass of Pineapple juice in the evening. I didn’t give up the coke zero though. Monday morning I had zero energy, but I have not had that problem since then.
      Wow Gary that’s fantastic! So you need to do the enema thing. Cmon – it’s not hard.
      Just view it as cleaning on the inside like you clean yourself on the outside.
      Don’t bother telling anyone – just go get what you need and do it. It will increase your weight loss and cleansing effectiveness.
      Otherwise, your body absorbs the toxins and byproducts of metabolism and must excrete through the kidneys and skin.
      It stresses the kidneys and sometimes can cause a breakout or rash.
      Nowadays they sell pre mixed enemas called dulcolax, but I prefer the enema bag with tubing that’s reusable.
      Also, it helps to brush the skin with a boar bristle brush. It helps the skin (largest organ in the body) to excrete toxins, removes dead skin cells, and stimulates circulation and rejuvenation of the skin.
      Don’t use nylon or plastic though – it can damage or scratch your skin. Optimally you should be dry brushing for 10-15 minutes over every area of your body. You won’t believe how great that feels…
      There is my unasked for advice. LOL. Please do the enema though – REALLY!
      Every day.
      One day left before I head to my audition on Saturday.
      My friend here in Altadena is on day 8 of her fast. She is now 4 pounds from her goal weight and has lost 6 pounds. She looks fantastic and feels great.
      Fasting on juice rocks. Get rid of the poison you call coke. Really, you don’t need it and it can’t taste that good to you now does it?
      Let me know if you want the instructions for breaking the juice fast? Here’s the quote: “Any fool can fast, but only a wise man knows how to break a fast”.
      You must be away from your computer. Ok, time for bed for me. Big day of packing, dress rehearsals, and making a video. I got the horses shod today and yesterday. Their feet were tender from all the riding we’ve been doing barefoot. I’m going to take them with me to the coast and go camping after the audition for a few days.
      Trish, I didn’t think I needed any instructions for breaking a Juice fast. If I do please send. With my next trip to the store I will see if they even sell enemas here. I have never had a need to use enemas. How do you find time the day to do all that you do? Good luck tomorrow.
      Are you buying this juice or using a juicer? If you are buying it, make sure it’s organic and does not have added sugar. Juice starts to oxidize immediately so it’s better to make your own juice with a centrifuge type juicer. Also, it’s important to add greens, but the taste can be awful so you must add apple to the mix and then it tastes great.
      Also, you can have a broth during your fast made from potato, sweet potato, carrot, and beet. You can add greens (spinach, kale, lettuce, turnip greens, arugula, whatever they have there to put in a salad) if you want to. Cover with water and simmer for 30 min, then turn off the heat and let sit for 30 min. Strain and drink the broth. Have some in the afternoon and before bed. You can also drink herbal teas without caffeine either hot or cold. Chamomile, peppermint, berry, etc. No green tea too much caffeine. Drink iced instead of poison coke! LOL.
      OK, to break the fast after 10 days of juicing, plan to take four days to return to a normal diet.
      Day one: apple for breakfast
      small salad for lunch – lime juice or lemon juice for dressing
      eat slowly!
      Day two: stewed prunes with liquid for breakfast, also may have small amount yogurt. Larger salad for lunch. Apple in the afternoon.
      Day Three: Prunes for breakfast with yogurt, salad for lunch, fresh vegetable soup (eat the vegetables and broth) for dinner with 1 slice of toast and a slice of cheese.
      Day four: return to healthy eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables.
      Also, note that each day you continue to consume fruit and vegetable juices and broth as before.
      If you want to stay away from dairy, you could have a small piece of fish or an egg instead of the cheese. on Day three.
      Ok, hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Do the enema – you’ll be glad you did. I hope you enjoy the feeling of cleansing and health building that juice fasting provides.
      I’ve been eating regular food for a few days now, and I’m planning on juicing only tomorrow. Last day to prepare for my audition!
  • 26 minutes ago

    Gary Stokes

      Trish, I am so sorry. I left my computer on and walked away for the day. I am buying natural unsweetened juices in small quantities. Yesterday I was only down a pound. They will come off much slower from here on out. Once I reach my goal, I will go off this fast. I will admit I am lacking a little energy, especially when first getting up, but not all that much. Thanks for the going off fast procedure.

Trish Larson Wild


Descendants of Anders Whilhm Peterson Attached
Posted by Doreen Bailey: Tempe, AZ

Leslie Peters
Just thought you might find this genealogy chart interesting. My husband did the research -The Bailey. Anderson, Awalt, Hobbes families, (his family) from Dunseith.
I realize it is a large record, but hope you get some interesting information from his work.
Doreen Bailey, widow of Vance Bailey (Did the research).
Tempe, AZ
Doreen, Thank you so much for providing this detailed record for the descendants of Anders Peterson. Ander’s was Max Peterson’s Grandfather. We very much appreciate all of Vance’s work. Gary



Descendants of Anders Whilhm Peterson


Generation No. 1


1.ANDERS WHILHM1 PETERSON was born 27 April 1831 in Hjorted,Sweden.He married EMMA MATILDA CEDARSTRAND 1857 in Sweden.She was born 03 November 1837 in Hollingeberg, Sweden, and died 1912.





i.JOHAN WILHELM2 PETERSON, b. 12 December 1858, Hjorted, Sweden.


ii.KRISTINE MATILDA PETERSON, b. 20 August 1860, Hjorted, Sweden.


iii.AMANDA PETERSON, b. 04 December 1862, Hjorted, Sweden.


2.iv.LUDRICKLUDE” F. PETERSON, b. 20 November 1865, Hjorted, Sweden; d. 1959, Spokane, Wa..


v.NANCY CHARLOTTE PETERSON, b. 29 August 1868; d. 20 March 1952.


vi.LILLY MAY PETERSON, b. 15 November 1870.


vii.LAURA ALICE PETERSON, b. 25 November 1872.


viii.HENRY JAMES PETERSON, b. 02 January 1877.


ix.MAYNARD PETERSON, b. 29 June 1880, Hjorted,Sweden.


x.DORA ETTA PETERSON, b. 07 July 1883.




Generation No. 2



2.LUDRICKLUDE” F.2 PETERSON (ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 20 November 1865 in Hjorted, Sweden, and died 1959 in Spokane, Wa..He married LILLY MAE OAKS.She was born 1880 in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, and died 1964 in Spokane, Wa..





Burial: Fairmont Memorial Park, Spokane, WA





Burial: Fairmont Memorial Park, Spokane, WA





3.i.MAX LEROY3 PETERSON, b. 1897, Battle Lake, Otter Tail Co., Minnesota; d. 1963, Renton, King Co. , Wa..


4.ii.MAUDE PETERSON, b. 1899, Dunseith, Rolette Co., N.D..


5.iii.EMMA PETERSON, b. 1903, Rolette Co., N.D.; d. 1994, Spokane, Wa..


6.iv.VIDA LILLIAN PETERSON, b. 1905, Dunseith, Rolette Co., N.D.; d. 1990, Spokane, Wa..


7.v.MINNIE PETERSON, b. 19 March 1915, Rolette Co., N.D..




Generation No. 3



3.MAX LEROY3 PETERSON (LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 1897 in Battle Lake, Otter Tail Co., Minnesota, and died 1963 in Renton, King Co. , Wa..He married MARY LEAH AWALT 29 August 1920 in Dunseith, Rolette Co. ND, daughter of WILLIAM AWALT and MARY KNIGHT.She was born 14 December 1896 in Plano, Appanoose Co, Ia, and died 20 August 1977 in Bottineau, Bottineau Co, ND.





Burial: Oak Creek Cem., Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND


Fact 1: Buried at Oak Creek Cem., Bottineau, N.D.



Children of MAX PETERSON and MARY AWALTare:


8.i.LUCILLE4 PETERSON, b. 02 October 1920, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND; d. 15 July 2003, Washington State.


9.ii.MARION PETERSON, b. 01 April 1922, Rolette Co., ND.


10.iii.MAYNARD(BILL) PETERSON, b. 24 March 1923, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND; d. 31 August 2004, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.


11.iv.DUANE LEROY PETERSON, b. 14 May 1924, Rolette Co., ND.


12.v.VIDA PETERSON, b. 16 February 1926, Rolette Co., ND.


13.vi.LOIS PETERSON, b. 08 March 1927.


14.vii.SHIRLEY MAY PETERSON, b. 26 August 1929, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.


15.viii.DARREL(JACK) PETERSON, b. 19 February 1931, Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND; d. 14 June 1989, Minot, Ward Co. ND.


16.ix.MARY PETERSON, b. 24 April 1933, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.


17.x.DORIS PETERSON, b. 04 November 1934, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.




4.MAUDE3 PETERSON (LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 1899 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., N.D..She married (1) A. M. (ABIE) ROTHWELL.She married (2) FRANK WOLVERTON.She married (3) HENRY J. MORLAN 01 December 1917 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., N.D., son of WILLIAM MORLAN and EVELINE AWALT.He was born 30 August 1879, and died 27 September 1944.





18.i.EVYLEN4 MORLAN, b. 18 December 1919, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.


ii.PHYLLIS MORLAN, b. 02 February 1925, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND; m. ALVIN MARTIN.




5.EMMA3 PETERSON (LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 1903 in Rolette Co., N.D., and died 1994 in Spokane, Wa..She married BILL CHILDS.He died 1958 in Spokane, Spokane Co., WA.





Burial: Fairmont Memorial Park, Spokane, WA





Burial: Fairmont Memorial Park, Spokane, WA





i.BILLY DEAN4 CHILDS, b. Bismark, Burleigh Co., ND; d. 1942, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.






6.VIDA LILLIAN3 PETERSON (LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 1905 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., N.D., and died 1990 in Spokane, Wa..She married JESSE C WILSON 10 June 1924 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND, son of SOLOMAN WILSON and EDITH ANDERSON.He was born 06 January 1897 in Mo., and died 13 December 1971 in Spokane, Spokane Co., Wa.





Burial: Fairmont Memorial Park, Spokane, WA





Burial: Fairmont Memorial Park, Spokane, WA





20.i.LUDRIC CALVIN4 WILSON, b. 01 August 1925, Gary, In.; d. May 1982, Spokane, Wa..


ii.JESS CLEO WILSON, b. 14 September 1927, Eureka, Ca.; d. 31 May 2003, Spokane, WA.


21.iii.MARGARET CORINNE “CONNIE” WILSON, b. 04 December 1929, Minot, Ward Co., N.D..




7.MINNIE3 PETERSON (LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 19 March 1915 in Rolette Co., N.D..She married (1) LESTER PINE 11 March 1937.She married (2) EUGENE HARRY PATTERSON03 June 1975.





i.LARRY4 PINE, b. 21 February 1940.


22.ii.MIKE PINE, b. 27 December 1943.


23.iii.LESLIE ANN PINE, b. 09 March 1951.




Generation No. 4



8.LUCILLE4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 02 October 1920 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND, and died 15 July 2003 in Washington State.She married LOUIS HOVELAND 02 October 1940 in Dunseith,Rolette Co., ND, son of GUNDER HOVELAND and GINA SYVERSON.He was born 17 September 1915 in Perth, Towner Co., ND, and died 18 November 1999 in Renton, King Co., WA.





Burial: Greenwood Cem., Renton, King Co. WA





i.BRENDA JEAN5 HOVELAND, b. 28 September 1941, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND; m. (1) RICHARD RESTAD, Renton, King Co., WA; m. (2) CHARLES KNORR.





Residence: August 2003, Living in Kent, King Co., WA



ii.KATHLEEN KAY HOVELAND, b. 23 April 1944, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND; m. (1) WILLIAMBILL” NATERO; m. (2) PETE ADAMS.





Residence: August 2003, Snoqualmie, King Co., WA



iii.KENNETH DALE HOVELAND, b. 25 August 1947, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND; m. JULIE PETERSON, November 1969, Renton, King Co., WA.





Residence: August 2003, Tonasket, Okanogan Co. WA




9.MARION4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 01 April 1922 in Rolette Co., ND.She married CARL FEUTCHER.





i.SANDRA5 FEUTCHER, b. Memphis, Shelby Co., TN; m. (1) BOBBY RAY DAVIS, 1966; m. (2) GENE TODD, 1968; m. (3) HARRY WARREN, 1974; d. November 1984.


24.ii.CHARLES LEROY FEUTCHER, b. 04 October 1942, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN.


25.iii.CARL LEO FEUTCHER, b. 04 October 1942, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN.




10.MAYNARD(BILL)4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 24 March 1923 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND, and died 31 August 2004 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.He married JOY STICKLAND 20 October 1944 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.She was born 12 February 1927 in Rolette Co., ND.





Burial: Little Prairie Cemetery





26.i.SHARON MARIE5 PETERSON, b. 12 July 1946, Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND.


27.ii.ROBERT DUANE PETERSON, b. 05 June 1948, Rolette Co., ND.


28.iii.LARRETT ALAN PETERSON, b. 07 October 1953, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.


29.iv.SCOTT MAYNARD PETERSON, b. 03 April 1961, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.




11.DUANE LEROY4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 14 May 1924 in Rolette Co., ND.He married LORRAINE EVA DUE 1953 in Willow City, Bottineau Co., ND, daughter of JOSEPH DUE and LAVERNA KYLE.She was born 26 March 1935 in Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND.





The Courant, Bottineau, ND, Tuesday September 30, 2003





Approximately 200 friends and relatives gathered at the Lodge at the Peace Garden, Sunday, Sept. 14, to help Duane and Lorraine Peterson celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary.



At the punch bowl was Tami and Frank Gladue.Servingcoffee was Gail Lagerquist.Cutting and serving the Weddidng Anniversary cake was Renee and Holly Lagerquist.All are their grandchildren.The cake was baked by their daughter-in-law Sheri, and granddaughter Heather Peterson.



The Kelvin Homemakers provided and served the delicious lunch.



All four of the Peterson childrn were in attendance.They are Connie and Karen Lagerquist, (Mike) and SheriPeterson of Dunseith, and (Kim) and Miles Brown of Colorado Springs, CO.All nine of their grandchildren were here for the event.They are (Russell) and HollyLagerquist of Butte, Montana, and their grandaughter, McKenzie of Bismark.Renee and and Gail Lagerquist and Tami and Frank Gladue, and Danny and Heather Peterson of Dunseith and Alecia Brown of Colorado Springs, CO.



Duane’s brother (Bill) and Joy Peterson of Dunseith and sisters, (Vida) and Howard Hiatt and Doris Williams of Bottineau; Shirley Lagerquist of Rugby; Lois Peterson of Spokane, WA.; and Mary Artzer of Algona, WA were all in attendance.



Lorraine’s family were also all present.Dolly Schoonover of Rolette; (Joann) and Emery Vigness of Alexander, ND; (Helen) and Wesley Satron of Minot, ND; Marta of Fort Collins, CO; and Morris’ twin sister (Marion) and Mike Nerple of Dunseith, ND.


(then follows a description of the program)



Fifty years ago, Max Peterson’s Model A Ford truck was in Willow City to escort the bride and groom around town after the wedding.On their 25th anniversary, that same Model A truck was at the Peace Garden for a ride around the Garden driven by Jack Peterso.Would you believe, that same Model A was waiting at the Peace Garden on their 50th anniversary, driven by Martin Peterson for another ride around the Garden?



Approwimately 50 friends and relatives enjoyed supper after the open house at the Peace Garden, visiting and reminiscing.Relatives and freinds came from North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, Colorado, and Canada.









i.CONNIE LEAH5 PETERSON, b. 20 December 1955, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND; m. KURT LAGERQUIST, 11 April 1975, Dunseith,Rolette Co., ND.


ii.KAREN ANN PETERSON, b. 25 November 1958, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND; m. RODENEY LAGERQUIST, 07 July 1978, International Peace Garden, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.


iii.MICHAEL JOSEPH PETERSON, b. 18 May 1961, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND; m. SHERI L. HOFFMAN, 13 May 1989, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.


iv.KIMBERLY RAE PETERSON, b. 19 May 1965, Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND; m. MILES BROWN, 02 March 1995, Moorhead, Clay Co., Minnesota.




12.VIDA4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 16 February 1926 in Rolette Co., ND.She married HOWARD HIATT 27 April 1944 in Dunseith,Rolette Co., ND.He was born 22 September 1924 in Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND, and died April 1977.





i.LAUREL5 HIATT, b. 18 August 1945; m. MARY ALLARD, 28 December 1968.


ii.EARL HIATT, b. 17 January 1947, Rolette Co., ND; d. 30 December 1964.


iii.RODNEY HIATT, b. 17 June 1951, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND; m. SUZANNE MATTSON, 01 August 1975, Rolette Co., ND.


30.iv.YVONNE HIATT, b. 29 January 1956, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND; d. 21 October 2003, Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND.


v.RICKEY HIATT, b. 21 February 1958, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND; m. SUSAN FAIRWEATHER, 27 September 1980, Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND.


vi.SHIRLEY HIATT, b. 28 September 1963, Seattle, King Co., WA; m. JEFF KENNER, 06 July 1984, International Peace Garden, Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.




13.LOIS4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 08 March 1927.She married (1) LEONARD HONSEY.She married (2) ROBERT RUDE.











31.ii.LENNY5 RUDE.


32.iii.LEO RUDE.




14.SHIRLEY MAY4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 26 August 1929 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.She married RALPH BENJAMIN LAGERQUIST 03 December 1947 in Dunseith,Rolette Co., ND, son of GEORGE LAGERQUIST and MINNIE JOHNSON.He was born 22 April 1921 in Kelvin, Rolette Co., ND, and died 10 December 1998 in Rugby, Pierce Co., ND..





33.i.DAVID MAXWELL5 LAGERQUIST, b. 18 September 1948.


34.ii.STEVEN RALPH LAGERQUIST, b. 19 November 1949, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.


iii.PAULETTE JOY LAGERQUIST, b. 08 February 1957, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.


35.iv.PATTI JANELLE LAGERQUIST, b. 26 October 1958, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.




15.DARREL(JACK)4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 19 February 1931 in Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND, and died 14 June 1989 in Minot, Ward Co. ND.He married NETTIE Z. HIATT 11 April 1951 in Rolla, Rolette Co., ND, daughter of GEORGE HIATT and EVA CRAWFORD.She was born 08 March 1930 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.





36.i.JACOLYN JANE5 PETERSON, b. 19 September 1953, Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND.


37.ii.JANEVA MARIE PETERSON, b. 14 October 1954, Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.


38.iii.MARTIN DUANE PETERSON, b. 11 December 1955.




16.MARY4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 24 April 1933 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.She married (1) MARTIN EVANS 08 June 1957.He was born in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND, and died 20 April 1970.She married (2) ERWINBUD” HOERLE 09 March 1972.He died 28 September 1984.She married (3) JOHNJIM” ARTZER 11 July 1986 in Renton, King Co., WA, son of GABRIEL ARTZER and LENA MCCLURE.He was born 08 March 1930 in Longmont, Boulder Co., CO, and died 13 January 1995 in Renton, King Co., WA.





i.DALE EDWARD5 EVANS, b. 23 October 1958, Renton, King Co., WA.


ii.DOUGLAS MARTIN EVANS, b. 22 August 1961, Burien, King Co., WA.


iii.DAVID LEE EVANS, b. 25 March 1963, Burien, King Co., WA.




17.DORIS4 PETERSON (MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 04 November 1934 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.She married MARLIN B. WILLIAMS 27 August 1955 in Rolette Co., ND, son of MALCOLM WILLIAMS and GLADYS JOHNSON.He was born 10 July 1935 in Rolette Co., ND.





i.MICHAEL T.5 WILLIAMS, b. 02 February 1961, Fargo, Cass Co., ND.


ii.KRISTY J. WILLIAMS, b. 02 January 1965, Fargo, Cass Co., ND; m. RICHARD NELSON.




18.EVYLEN4 MORLAN (MAUDE3 PETERSON, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 18 December 1919 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.She married MEYER QUAM.



Children of EVYLEN MORLAN and MEYER QUAMare:


i.KAREN5 QUAM, b. 28 July 1939, Rugby, Pierce Co., ND.; m. ALVIN SARAVIA, 1965.


ii.LINDA QUAM, b. 23 March 1942; m. ROBERT MYER, 06 July 1962.







Children of DON CHILDS and PAT CHILDSare:








20.LUDRIC CALVIN4 WILSON (VIDA LILLIAN3 PETERSON, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 01 August 1925 in Gary, In., and died May 1982 in Spokane, Wa..He married SHIRLEY ANN BERNICE STEINER.She was born 13 May 1932.





i.SUSAN KAY5 WILSON, b. 08 September 1956, Spokane, Wa..


ii.ELEANOR LYNN WILSON, b. 31 December 1957, Spokane, Wa..




21.MARGARET CORINNE “CONNIE”4 WILSON (VIDA LILLIAN3 PETERSON, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 04 December 1929 in Minot, Ward Co., N.D..She married MERRILL ALAN READ 06 February 1957 in Spokane, Wa..He was born 23 January 1920 in The Dalles, Or., and died 15 October 1967 in Spokane, WA.





i.TERRY ALAN5 READ, b. 12 August 1958, Spokane, Wa.; m. LINDA LUCILLE GRAEFF, 09 May 1981.


ii.BRADLEY WILSON READ, b. 01 August 1960, Spokane, Wa.; m. LAURA ELIZABETH (ADOPTED) RINEHART, 24 July 1997, Spokane, Wa..







Children of MIKE PINE and ARLENE CHILDSare:








23.LESLIE ANN4 PINE (MINNIE3 PETERSON, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 09 March 1951.She married (1) DALE LEE MILLER.He was born abt 1950.She married (2) TIMOTHY PETERS.



Children of LESLIE PINE and DALE MILLERare:


i.DALE LEE5 MILLER, b. 12 August 1972.


ii.MATTHEW CHRISTIAN MILLER, b. 28 September 1978.




Generation No. 5



24.CHARLES LEROY5 FEUTCHER (MARION4 PETERSON, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 04 October 1942 in Memphis, Shelby Co., TN.He married JOAN[–?–] FEUTCHER.She was born abt 1942.













25.CARL LEO5 FEUTCHER (MARION4 PETERSON, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 04 October 1942 in Memphis, Shelby Co., TN.He married SUE MURPHYSeptember 1967.









26.SHARON MARIE5 PETERSON (MAYNARD(BILL)4, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 12 July 1946 in Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND.She married (1) KENT PETERSON 19 March 1969 in Dunseith,Rolette Co., ND.She married (2) WILLIAM(BILL) HARMSEN25 August 1978 in Fargo, Cass Co., ND.





i.SHAYNE DENISE6 PETERSON, b. 25 March 1973, Devils Lake, Ramsey Co., ND.




27.ROBERT DUANE5 PETERSON (MAYNARD(BILL)4, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 05 June 1948 in Rolette Co., ND.He married MONICA HANSEN27 November 1971 in Minneapolis, Hennipin Co., MN.





i.CHRISTOPHER WARREN6 PETERSON, b. 30 December 1974.


ii.RYAN PETERSON, b. 26 September 1977.




28.LARRETT ALAN5 PETERSON (MAYNARD(BILL)4, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 07 October 1953 in Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.He married LISA ATKINSON02 July 1983 in Willow City, Bottineau Co., ND.





i.MAXWELL6 PETERSON, b. 01 May 1989.




29.SCOTT MAYNARD5 PETERSON (MAYNARD(BILL)4, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 03 April 1961 in Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.He married (1) LAURIE ENNO 30 September 1986 in Dunseith,Rolette Co., ND.He married (2) LESLIE POITRA 06 November 1998 in Dunseith,Rolette Co., ND.





i.KAUCEE JANEENE6 PETERSON, b. 24 February 1989.


ii.JEREMY STUART PETERSON, b. 26 April 1990.


iii.JACOB SCOTT PETERSON, b. 27 June 1990.






30.YVONNE5 HIATT (VIDA4 PETERSON, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 29 January 1956 in Rolla, Rolette Co., ND, and died 21 October 2003 in Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND.She married RONALD PETERSON05 June 1976 in Grace Lutheran Ch., Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND.





FROM THE COURANT, Tuesday, October 28, 2003



Yvonne “Vonnie” Peterson, age 47, died Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003 in a Bottineau nursing home following a long illness.She died after a long, courageous battle with cancerand is now resting in the loving arms of her Savior. —-


Vonnie was born to Howard and Vida (Peterson) Hiatt on 29 Jan. 1956 in Rolla, ND and grew up in the Bottineau area.She graduated from Bottineau High School in 1974 and married Ron Peterson at Grace Lutheran Church in 1976.Vonnie managed Hiatt’s WesternShop, clerked for Hiatt’s Auction Service and later worked with the Logrollers, the Alumni Association and the Foundation for MSU-Bottineau.

































33.DAVID MAXWELL5 LAGERQUIST (SHIRLEY MAY4 PETERSON, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 18 September 1948.He married KAREN MCCARTY 1992 in Spokane, Spokane Co., WN.She was born 21 July 1955.





i.BLAKE(MCCARTY)6 LAGERQUIST, b. 08 July 1987.






34.STEVEN RALPH5 LAGERQUIST (SHIRLEY MAY4 PETERSON, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 19 November 1949 in Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.He married KIM BIBERDORF 06 August 1988 in Lake Metigoshe, Battineau Co., ND.She was born 28 December 1961.





i.TYLER(SAHR)6 LAGERQUIST, b. 08 August 1981.


ii.TRAVIS(SAHR) LAGERQUIST, b. 16 August 1983.






35.PATTI JANELLE5 LAGERQUIST (SHIRLEY MAY4 PETERSON, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 26 October 1958 in Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.She married KEVAN DUWAYNE SYVERSON 08 January 1989 in Velva, McHenry Co., ND.He was born 11 April 1959 in Dunseith, Rolette Co., ND.





i.KALEAH JOY6 SYVERSON, b. 23 April 1992.


ii.KALISSA KAE SYVERSON, b. 04 April 1995.




36.JACOLYN JANE5 PETERSON (DARREL(JACK)4, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 19 September 1953 in Bottineau, Bottineau Co., ND.She married TIMOTHY GENE HANSEN14 September 1980 in St. John, Rolette Co., ND.





i.JOELLE JANETTE6 HANSEN, b. 07 March 1975, Rolette, Rolette Co., ND.


ii.JACIE JOLYNN HANSEN, b. 26 June 1982, Rolette, Rolette Co., ND.


iii.DARLENE MARIE HANSEN, b. 24 June 1988, Rolette, Rolette Co., ND.




37.JANEVA MARIE5 PETERSON (DARREL(JACK)4, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 14 October 1954 in Rolla, Rolette Co., ND.She married THEODOR J SCOTT05 July 1980 in St. John, Rolette Co., ND.





i.NICCOLE JANE6 SCOTT, b. 25 November 1981, Rolette, Rolette Co., ND.


ii.THEODOR JOHN SCOTT, JR., b. 06 May 1989, Rolette, Rolette Co., ND.




38.MARTIN DUANE5 PETERSON (DARREL(JACK)4, MAX LEROY3, LUDRICKLUDE” F.2, ANDERS WHILHM1) was born 11 December 1955.He married TWILA JANE GREGORY 18 August 1973 in Dunseith,Rolette Co., ND.





i.MICHELLE RAE6 PETERSON, b. 11 October 1973.


39.ii.MONICA ANNETTE PETERSON, b. 28 February 1977.


iii.TERRI JANE PETERSON, b. 05 October 1981.


iv.TIFFANY LUNN PETERSON, b. 02 April 1988.



Generation No. 6








i.DEVAN MICHAEL7 PETERSON, b. 06 November 1993.


Posting of the day
From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Augusta, GA

Orville Smith, a store manager for Best Buy in Augusta , Georgia , told police he observed a male customer, later identified as Tyrone Jackson of Augusta , on surveillance cameras putting a laptop computer under his jacket… When confronted the man became irate, knocked down an employee, drew a knife and ran for the door.

Outside on the sidewalk were four Marines collecting toys for the “Toys for Tots” program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of the Marines, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back; the injury did not appear to be severe.

After Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene Cpl. Duggan was transported for treatment.

The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw…injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off of the curb after stabbing the Marine.

Now that was a well written Police report.


Message from Lude & Lily Peterson’s Granddaughter posted on our Website:

From: Leslie Peters


April 8th, 2011; I googled by grandpa’s name (Ludrick Peterson) and found this information. I am the youngest daughter of Minnie Peterson (born Leslie Pine on 03/09/1951) and may be able to provide additional family information if you’re interested.

Leslie, It is so nice to hear from you. Looking at the Peterson history in the 1982 Dunseith centennial book, your mother was a sister to Max Peterson. There were 4 girls and one boy in your mothers family. The Dunseith book has you listed as living in California, but you have a Kirby, CT phone number, so I’m assuming that is where you are currently living? We have many of Max and Mary Awalt Peterson’s Relatives on the distribution of this blog. They had 10 children, all being first cousins to your mother, many of whom stayed in the Dunseith/Bottineau areas. The Peterson family was very well known in the Dunseith area, especially in the Kelvin Turtle Mountain area. Please provide us with whatever family information you have. Thanks, Gary
Picture from Lloyd Awalt (44) that was posted yesterday
Posted by Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

This is a picture from Lloyd and Theresa Awalt and they would like
for the readers to identify the people and see if they can remember the
place where it was taken. I do remember the tapestry on the wall and
where it was hanging. I think most of the folks will remember that and
also should be able to name the people. One hint—it was a supper
gathering for the staff of Security State Bank, probably in the early
’60s, my guess. Thanks Gary!



Reply to Picture from Lloyd Awalt (44) that was posted yesterday

From Joe Johnon (77): Lindstrom, MN


I probably know many of the folks in the photo; however, I can only positively recognize my grandfather Simeon Grenier, who is the second gentleman in on the right wearing eyeglasses, just under the stag on the tapestry. Always love these older photos, especially when I recognize people or relatives in them, thanks Lloyd and Theresa for submitting this. Can’t wait to find out who all the other folks are.

Gary again thanks for all you do, Joe



Reply to Picture from Lloyd Awalt (44) that was posted yesterday

From Susan Fassett Martin (65):Spearfish SD


Don and Bernice Johnson, Bob and Donna Leonard,Lloyd and Teresa Awalt, Violet Campbell, Phyllis Campbell, ?,?,Simeon Grenier and Alan Campbell.

Don and Bernice Johnson, Bob and Donna Leonard,Lloyd and Teresa Awalt, Violet Campbell,
Phyllis Campbell, ?,?, Simeon Grenier and Alan Campbell.
James Smith passed away:
Obituary posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot and Bottineau, ND

DUNSEITH James Smith, 73, Dunseith, died Tuesday, April 5, 2011, in a Mandan hospital.

He was born Sept. 3, 1937, to Abe and Sarah Smith, in Phillips, Ark. He married Priscilla Machipiness.

Survivors: sons, James B. Smith Jr., of Zion, Ill., Jesse Smith, of Minnesota, Nathan Oglesby, White Settlement, Texas, Shawn Peltier, of Dunseith; daughters, Delores Smith, of Minnesota, Lisa Balboa, White Settlement, Texas; 19 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; sister, Queen Bailey, of Gary, Ind.

Funeral: Today, 10 a.m., Peace Lutheran Church, Dunseith.

Burial: Turtle Mountain Indian Alliance Cemetery, Dunseith.

(Elick Funeral Home, Rolla)


News paper articles:

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot and Bottineau, ND
Alice Kuhn is Mel’s (70) Mother:




Rena Larshus Roland is a first cousin to Art Rude. She too was a teacher. She taught in the Bottineau county/Turtle mountain schools most all of her working career. Rena was married to Ernie Roland. They lived a mile or so south of Lake Metigoshe on the Lake Road. Gary







Picture from Lloyd Awalt (44)
Posted by Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

This is a picture from Lloyd and Theresa Awalt and they would like
for the readers to identify the people and see if they can remember the
place where it was taken. I do remember the tapestry on the wall and
where it was hanging. I think most of the folks will remember that and
also should be able to name the people. One hint—it was a supper
gathering for the staff of Security State Bank, probably in the early
’60s, my guess. Thanks Gary!




First off I need to apologize to Devin Millang for the miss labeling of his name with the posting of these two photo’s yesterday. I caught that mistake after everything was sent. Aren’t these great photo’s. They deserve a reposting. As I’ve mentioned before, I remember Richard Slyter the way he looked in the picture posted yesterday on the horse. Richard, I would have never in a million years recognized you walking down main street in Dunseith. The same can be said for most all of us though that have not seen one another for 40 plus years. Having seen you last year at the reunion, I will recognize you now.
Speaking of the Marines, I remember well at the induction center in Fargo when I got drafted along with Kenny Nerpel and Larry Lawrence (Barbara Landsverk) when they lined us up into about 4 ranks. I don’t remember if we were still in our underware or not when they line us up, but after having us all line up, they said “Front row, you guys are all Marines”. They kind of hearded us thru the induction center in Fargo like a bunch of cattle before putting us on a train headed for Seattle and then Fort Lewis.
Richard and Ele Dietrich Slyter with their Grandson Devin Millang
Richard Slyter with his grandson Devin Millang
Devin Millang
Reply from Bobby Slyter (70): Wichita, Kansas


North Dakota joke of the day

Posted by Larry Liere (54): Devils Lake, ND

The year is 2016 and the United States has just elected the first woman as President, Susan Johnson. A few days after the election the president-elect calls her father and says, 'So, Dad, I assume you will be coming to my inauguration?'

'I don't think so. It's a 30-hour drive, your mother isn't as young as she used to be, and my arthritis is acting up again.'

'Don't worry about it Dad, I'll send Air Force One to pick you up and take you home. And a limousine will pick you up at your door.'

'I don't know. Everybody will be so fancy. What would your mother wear?'

'Oh Dad,' replies Susan, 'I'll make sure she has a wonderful gown custom-made by the best designer in Washington.'

'Honey,' Dad complains, 'you know I can't eat those rich foods you and your friends like to eat.'

The President-to-be responds, 'Don't worry Dad. The entire affair is going to be handled by the best caterer in Washington, I'll ensure your meals are
salt free. Dad, I really want you to come.'

So Dad reluctantly agrees and on January 20, 2017, Susan Johnson is being sworn in as President of the United States. In the front row sits the new
president's Dad and Mom. Dad noticing the senator sitting next to him leans over and whispers, 'You see that woman over there with her hand on the
Bible, becoming President of the United States.'

The Senator whispers back, 'Yes I do.'

Dad, beaming with pride, says proudly, 'Her brother played hockey at UND for the Fighting Sioux!'


2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise:
Folks, We are reposting our cruise info with an updated list of those currently signed up. The longer you hold off the less selections you have for your desired cabin. If you hold off too long it’s very possible the price/category of your selection will be taken. We have a 100 cabins reserved, but not specific. We are competing with the whole world for cabin selections. When they are filled, you get the left overs to select from.
We will be selecting a suggested hotel in Miami for our groups lodging and transportation to the ship.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you folks on this cruise. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to fill up our hundred reserved cabins and have to ask for more. Dunseith will make their presents known in Miami.
Your group leaders,
Bill Grimme – Birmingham, AL
Phyllis McKay – Auburn, WA.
Gary & Bernadette Stokes – Cebu, Philippines
2012 Dunseith Caribbean Cruise:

Plug from Gary Metcalfe (57): Forsyth, MO


Hello all….I need to put in a plug for the 2012 cruise on the NCL, Pearl. We were on the Pearl in January, out of New Orleans and that ship was carrying the number 1 spot in customer satisifaction for NCL fleet and it was the best time. We have a hard time waiting until February 2012 to take another cruise.

Cruise details and sign up info from our travel agent
Gina’s message:

Gary, I am now in receipt of your Group confirmation. We have 100 cabins on hold for you, at this time.  

A cabin deposit of $250 – per passenger is due by 7.19.2011with formal names and preferred cabin type.


Final payments are not due until: November 18th 2011


Inside cabins begin at $708.75 – total per passenger (depends on deck).


Ocean view with a port hole window – $848.75 – “ “ “ “ “ “ “


Ocean view with picture window – $918.75 – “ “ “ “ “ “ “


Balcony cabins begin at – 1058.75 – “ “ “ “ “ “ “


*Mini Suite – is first come/ first serve and will be quoted at time of passenger deposit for a Mini Suite.


*(with a current price of $1288.75 – total per passenger)



7- Day NCL Western Caribbean Round-trip Miami




Cruise Line: Norwegian Cruise Line
Ship Name: Norwegian Pearl
Sailing Date: 2/19/12



Embarkation: Feb 19, 2012 – Disembarkation: Feb 26, 2012


Ports of call: Miami; Great Stirrup Cay; Ocho Rios; Grand Cayman; Cozumel, Miami

Please contact Gina Ford at either of the below phone numbers to confirm your cabin.


Thank you,


Gina S. Ford


Cruise At Will, Inc.

Cruise and Travel Planners

1-866-870-6986 (toll free)

703-580-1190 (local)


Updated list as of Friday April 1, 2011. – Note: We have one pending not listed

Cabin No.
1 5544 Gary Stokes Bernadette Stokes Cebu, Philippines  
2   Bill Grimme Irina Protassevitch Birmingham, AL  
3   Gwen Grimme Eltz George Eltz Spokane, WA  
4   Margaret Metcalfe Leonard   Rolette, ND  
5   Beverly Handeland Hamnes Mel Hamnes Bottineau, ND  
6   Deborah Knudson Busta William Busta Willmar, MN Deborah is Bev Hamnes’ Daughter
7   David Shelver Linda Shelver Lake Havasu City, AZ  
8   Jon McGregor Bonnie McGregor Pelican Rapids, MN Bonnie & Linda Shelver are sisters
9   Oliver Reing Marlene Reing Bottineau, ND Marlene is a sister to Debby Stokes
10   James Fulsebakke Marlee Ray Reing Fulsebakke Bottineau, ND Marlee Ray is daughter of Oliver and Marlene Reing
11   Shelly Fulsebakke Albertson Heather & Nathan Albertson St, John, ND  
12   John Bullinger Tina Pladson Bullinger Bottineau, ND  
13   Dan Pladson Robin Pladson Belfield, ND  
14   John Bedard Margaret Bedard Bottineau, ND  
15   Nancy Bedard Olson Gary Olson Hillsboro, ND  
16   Darrel Stokes Debby Stokes Bottineau, ND  
17   Phyllis Mckay Patsy Mckay Heggen Auburn, WADunseith, ND  
Reymong Greig – Born in Bottineau
Newspaper Article posted by Mary Eruich Knutson (62): Dunseith, ND
Hi Gary
I had Karen send an article on Raymong Greig the was from the March
15, 1988 issue of the Bottineau Courant.
Erling Landsverk had mentioned the Greig family sometime back and at
that time I could not find the clipping.
I just thought this may be interesting to everybody. Enjoy.
Mary K





French Canadian Story


From Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND

Gary and Friends,

Bill Hosmer sent me a story about a pilot who was captured in North
Vietnam and spent years as a POW. In the story there is mention of a
pilot who flew across Canada to Montreal in a P 51 fighter plane for
Expo 67. That was the name of the Worlds Fair in 1967. My folks and I
and Ron and Shirley Warcup, Mom’s sister, and their kids all traveled to
Montreal and down the east coast of the US for a once in a lifetime
trip. We saw all the sights and places of interest from Maine to
Virginia. One thing that I remember was when we were in rural Quebec
near Quebec City, we started to see people who had parked their cars and
were sitting on the hoods along the road. There got to be more and more
people and it became obvious that something big was happening. We
stopped and asked a small older Frenchman what was going on. He was very
excited and said proudly, “Charles de Gaulle, he comes!” Dad said we
better wait and see this. It wasn’t long and we could hear the people
way far ahead of us start to cheer and yell and It got louder and closer
until a red ’63 Chevy convertible came by with old de Gaulle sitting on
the top of the back seat, waving to the crowd. He looked the same as he
did in the WW II films with his khaki colored suit and cap and of course
his larger than average nose. Those Frenchmen went wild as he came by!
They were screaming and crying and running along behind the car. I had
never seen anyone so excited over seeing a foreign dignitary. Those
French Canadians were by far more loyal to France than to Canada–at
least that’s how it appeared to me. Most of the buildings were flying
the French flag too. As I mentioned to Bill Hosmer, I suppose it was no
big deal but I don’t know how many other 17 year old kids from Dunseith
saw old Charles de Gaulle in real life. I should have been more excited
but I was really amazed by the degree of near mania displayed by the
French Canadians on seeing this elderly French leader. Later, Ouebec
attempted to secede from Canada but didn’t manage to get the popular
vote needed. After seeing the way many of them were nearly overcome with
joy on seeing de Gaulle, I can believe they would try. Thanks Gary!


Wise Words from Will Rogers
Posted By Larry Hackman (66): Bismarck, ND

Will Rogers, who died in a 1935plane crash with his best friend, Wylie Post,was probably the greatest political sage this country ever has known.


1.Never slap a man who’s chewing tobacco.

2.Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.


3..There are two theories to arguing with a woman . . . Neither works.


4.Never miss a good chance to shut up.


5.Always drink upstream from the herd.


6.If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


7. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back into your pocket.


8.There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.


9.Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


10.If you’re riding’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there.


11.Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier’n puttin’ it back.


12.After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you’re full of bull, keep your mouth shut.




First ~Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.


Second ~The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.


Third ~Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me; I want people to know ‘why’ I look this way. I’ve traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren’t paved.


Fourth ~When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.


Fifth ~You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.


Sixth ~I don’t know how I got over the hill without getting to the top


Seventh ~One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young.


Eighth ~One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.


Ninth ~Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.


Tenth ~Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it’s called golf.


And, finally ~If you don’t learn to laugh at trouble, you won’t have anything to laugh at when you are old.



Condolences to the Gottbreht family
From Allen Richard (65): Midland, MI

I’m still stunned. To the family–please accept my heart felt sorrow. I’m one of the few members of the Class of ’65 who spent a lot of years around Dunseith — 43 of my 64 actually. Ernie was always there, with a greeting and a comment. Hard to imagine being in Dunseith this summer — hopefully, and not seeing him somewhere.



To Trish Larson (73)

From Sharon Longie Dana (73): MIssoula MT


I love hearing about your travels. Glad you are living your dream. That in it self is awesome !!!

I just wanted to add many years ago I owned a 3 year old gelding and his favorite treat was a rootbeer popsicle…….crazy !! Good luck !!


Sharon Longie Dana (73)
Email address change
For Bill Grimme (65): Birmingham, AL

I have changed my ISP and my new email address is wegrimme@att.net.


Harvey Johnson Memories – Reply to Dick Johnson (68):
From Larry Hackman (66): Bismarck, ND


Your Will Rogers Forward #8 reminded me of a story that Orphela Robert would tell, about your cousin, Harvey Johnson (Red Rooster) when he worked for them, on their farm, east of Dunseith. Orphela said that they had fixed up this cook car for Harvey to stay in, while he was there working on the farm, and had parked the cook car in kind of a sheltered area across the farm yard from the house near the corral fence south of the barn to give him some privacy and to keep the structure from being hit directly by that pesky North Dakota wind out of the northwest. Orphela said he would go out of the house door and yell for Harvey to get up and to come in for breakfast every morning. They would keep an eye on the door of the cook car and they would see Harvey come out, he would let his mother know and she would drop the eggs into the frying pan for his breakfast. But, instead of coming directly in, Harvey would go around the corner of the cook car and disappear out behind it. He would then come to the house for breakfast. Mrs. Robert would then complain to Orphela that he had told her to soon, and that Harvey’s eggs were going to be cold, by the time he sat down to eat them. Orphela said, that they were going through the same routine every morning. Orphela said, that he would yell. Harvey would come out, then go behind the cook car. Orphela said he didn’t know exactly what Harvey was doing behind the cook car every morning, but he had a pretty good idea. So, while Harvey was out of the yard working one day. Orphela, connected up the electric wire that was included in the the wire corral fence around the barn yard. The next morning, Orphela said, he went out the front door of the house as usual, and yelled for Harvey to get up and to come in for breakfast as usual. He stood inside the front door of the house and waited where Harvey couldn’t see him. Harvey came out from the cook car as usual, and disappeared behind it as usual. Orphela said he opened the house door a crack and waited. He was not disappointed. He said there was a hell of a yelp, and a lot of cursing. Orphela said , he slowly closed the house door and went in, and sat at the kitchen table, all the while trying to keep from busting a gut, and too stop laughing, before Harvey came and sat down. He said Harvey came in, went through his usual routine of cleaning up and sat down, and never said a word about the incident. But, Orphela said he noticed that Harvey walked a little different then he had before, he walked a little more like a cowboy. He didn’t say anything about his voice changing, but it probably did. He said, that his face was red, but then Harvey always did have , red hair and a red complexion. However, everything was probably a little redder after the experience he just experienced.



San Haven Picture
Condolences to the Gottbreht family
From Donna Jo Hosmer Larson (81): Helena, MT.

Hi to all who receive this wonderful blog of Dunseith and the wonderful people who live(d) there:

This is my first entry. After seeing the picture of San Haven from Dick Johnson with the band or group of nurses in white seated outside in the beautiful grounds I got chills and quivers in my soul because my grandmother Inie Hosmer could very well be one of the people gathered in that picture. She made her way to San Haven in the early 20s from the Valley City area to be a nurse, a calling that she met with grace and love. Being part of this amazing family fills me with such pride and love and I thank you for posting that picture.

Also my condolences to the Gottbreht family for the loss of Ernie.

Donna Jo Hosmer Larson

Helena Montana



Condolences to the Ernie Gottbreht family

From Bill Hosmer (48): Tucson, AZ

I had difficulty making a comment on this post, but hopefully, all the family members of Ernie Gottbreht will become aware of my condolences in his unfortunate loss, a loss to us all. During my summer months in North Dakota, I stopped once a week for a bowl of soup and a beer and some “old days remembered” conversation with Ernie in his lounge at Dale’s. He had such a good way with a remembrance of someone we both knew, or of a dramatic story of one of his hunts. It was going to be a part of my season in that magic place again this year, but now it is an event and a man I will miss, with sadness. Bill Hosmer ’48
Condolences to the Ernie Gottbreht family
From Kelly Woods (89): Massena, NY

Ernie Gottbreht family,

Sincerest condolences to Blake, Matthew and DeAnn and the rest of the Gottbreth family.

Kelly Woods (89)

Massena, NY

Reply to a personal message
From Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO

Thanks for asking questions Gary,

I write a blog, but nobody asks questions, so I never know what people want to know.
I eat in all kinds of places. Sometimes in restaurants, sometimes I buy groceries, sometimes when I’m camping I cook over a fire or on my Jet Boil Stove. I eat a great variety of food, but I never eat anything I don’t love. I love fresh fish, sushi, seafood, lean meats, chicken, lamb, and occasionally an excellent rib eye steak rare. I adore ethnic food and especially spicy Indian food. I had Dim Sum for lunch today – my first real meal after my 10 day juice fast. I only choose really fresh, tasty food. Otherwise, why waste the calories?
When I feel like I’ve been overeating or overindulging (which I LOVE to do), I just fast for awhile to get my body back in balance and take off the extra weight. I have never found anything as fast, effective, and easy as the juice fasting. These days, I’m not very drawn to sugar, but I love chocolate, and keep a stash of fine truffles with me at all times! I bake my own homemade, whole grain olive walnut bread whenever I’m a guest at someone’s house. I drink a lot of pure water and herbal teas. Champagne, beer, wine, martini’s….I love em all, but in moderation and not very often. I love love love to cook and eat.
I believe it’s a healthy, succulent way to live and nourish my body, mind, and spirit. I love my current diet. It has given me the level of energy and enjoyment that I need to maintain this rough and tumble, physically challenging lifestyle I lead. Staying very active and challenging myself physically every day keeps my body fit. Yoga and horseback riding does it for me, with the added bonus of the strenuous chores involved in caring for three horses on a daily basis. I am the happiest, healthiest and strongest I have ever been in my life.
Regarding nourishing the horses, I buy horse feed at feed stores, from ranchers, and sometimes they eat what they are fed at stables where I occasionally board. I tried buying hay bales, but it was to hard to keep dry in the back of my truck and got ruined. I started out with a pick-up full of bales, but now I do it differently, and buy more often so the feed stays fresh. Also, there is a lot of waste with bales of hay. I started buying “cubed” alfalfa/oat hay, which is all the rage out here. It comes in bags and the horses love it. It’s easy to feed, carry, and transport, and costs about the same as hay bales. When I stay in a place for awhile, I buy grass hay/alfalfa mix and feed it. I just feed whatever I find, wherever I am. So far I have had no trouble finding feed. I also feed a mixture of high fat supplement, oats, and an equine senior mix. When I can find it, I buy and feed Rice Bran, because that really makes a shiny coat. My horses are very fit, and work hard for me on a daily basis. They deserve the best food I can find, and it is always the highlight of their day – as it is for me!
I have fed all kinds of other pelleted high performance feed. My horses eat whatever they get, and because they have a variety, it never bothers them to switch feed like a horse that is on a strict routine. I also vary the times I feed so they don’t stress about food coming at a particluar time. They get a lot of carrots and apples. They adore Jolly Ranchers, but that’s a special sugar treat they don’t get too often. I carried a couple bags on the Colorado trail and noticed that each horse had special favorite flavors. (Maggie only eats the green apple, Midnight likes berry, lemonade, and apple, and Magic loves them all).
I think I should write to Jolly Rancher (Hershey) and ask them to sponsor me. I could be the Juan Valdez (the coffee guy with the donkey) of Jolly Ranchers!
When I win the audition (thinking positive), I think there are sponsors that will provide a lot of feed. It’s a big part of the reason I’m trying out for the show. Big winnings are possible, and could finance a lot of my dream trip. First place is $25K….
I have decided for my freestyle portion of the audition with Maggie to perform “Equine Yoga”, which is a series of yoga stretches and poses done together that benefit horse and rider. It’s a beautiful practice and should make great photos, video, and a 45 second freestyle audition piece! I’m hoping to get some photos soon – if you’re interested I’ll send some when I have them.
Thanks for your encouragement. I’m living my dreams and following my passion and everything flows easily to me now. What a blast. What blessings!
Trish Wild Larson (73)
The Equine Nomad
Arla Hall Photo’s
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe

Peviously poste with message 1134 on 3/29/2011
Memories from Rod Hiatt (69): hiatt@utma.com Bottineau, ND


I’ve been doing some more thinking on Vickie’s comment about Roy and Dale, and it was just a few weeks ago that Neola had a picture of her and Arla Hall, a former teacher. Arla Hall is what I would consider North Dakota’s version of Dale Evans. Arla Hall was no doubt the Queen of horse shows across the state. When Arla entered the arena in Parade class it was known that she would come out with a ribbon and more times than not she was going home with the first place trophy. I wish I had a picture of Arla in her younger horse showing days, as you could see the resemblance of her and Dale Evans, probably the biggest difference was that Arla rode palominos while Dale Evans rode Buttermilk, a buckskin.

Arla, again like Dale, always had a smile on her face. I never had the opportunity of having her for a teacher, but she was a good one, in fact she was one of a very few teachers that liked my brother Rick at that stage of his schooling(mainly because both of them being horse crazy).

The only time I can remember Arla being somewhat mad, was when the Bottineau Trail Riders came over to Dunseith and we took them on a cross country trail ride to Mineral Springs. . The trail that we had made was somewhat rugged, with crossing creeks, mud and hills that were almost straight up and down. I think it was my brothers Laurel and Earl, Garrett Myer and Dwight Lang that actually found the most difficult trail they could, I was quite young and innocent at the time. I can still remember Wilbur, Arla’s husband, backing her beautiful palomino out of the trailer. The tail was combed and almost touching the ground and the horse shined like a chunk of gold. There was a fairly large number of trail riders that showed up for the day, but the two that I remember clearly were Gary McNea and Larry Lawrence, who kind of fit in with the style of riding we liked. We crossed the creeks on the run, splattering anyone that was going through slow, rode down the steep banks that most led their horses down, and came shooting out of the trees on a dead run, hootin and hollerin like a bunch of wild renegades(I believe that was the term Arla had used on Gary and Larry at their next meeting) but most of us had a great time. They never did ask us to plan another trail ride, I wonder why.

Still today if I see a beautiful palomino or a picture of a pretty gal on a palomino horse I think of Arla Hall, because in my eyes, Arla is still the Queen of the Cowgirls in North Dakota.
Joke of the day:
A man and woman were having dinner in a fine restaurant. They were gazing lovingly at each other and holding hands.

Their waitress, taking another order at a table a few steps away, suddenly noticed the man slowly sliding down his chair and under the table but the woman acted unconcerned.

The waitress watched as the man slid all the way down his chair and out of sight under the table.

Still, the woman appeared calm and unruffled, apparently unaware her dining companion had disappeared.

The waitress went over to the table and said to the woman, “Pardon me, ma’am, but I think your husband just slid under the table.

The woman calmly looked up at her and said, “No, he didn’t. He just walked in.”




Ernest Gottbreht
(Died March 31, 2011)



Ernest Gottbreht, age 65 of Dunseith, died Thursday at a Minot hospital. Funeral mass will be held on Wednesday at 10:00 am at the St. Michael’s the Archangel Catholic Church in Dunseith. Visitation will be Tuesday from 6:30pm until 9:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. Burial will be at the St. Louis Catholic Cemetery at Dunseith.

Ernest Joseph Gottbreht, was born in Rolette, ND on January 11,1946 to Lloyd Dale Gottbreht and Alma (Boucher) Gottbreht. Ernie grew up in Dunseith, attended Dunseith School where he graduated in 1965. After high school Ernie worked in Minneapolis until he enlisted in the Navy in January of 1966. Ernie served aboard the U.S.S. Wrangell as a Machinist Mate in Vietnam. Ernie received an honorable discharge in December of 1969. After Ernie returned home from the service he made Dunseith his home for the rest of his life. Ernie was trucker for a short while, he was very proud to tell stories about his trips hauling cargo to Alaska. Ernie always thought he and Joe Boguslawski set a record with the time it took them to go to Alaska and back. After trucking Ernie worked at Dales with his brother George until he opened Dales lounge in December of 1984. Ernie ran the lounge until his passing.

Ernie loved to fish and hunt, especially with family. Ernie had a great love for horse racing. Ernie always had an eye for good horses. Racehorses were his passion. There were many great horses that ran out of the Gottbreht stable. Ernie was an amazing story- teller, there was nothing like the way his face would light up when he told a hunting or fishing story! Ernie’s nephews and nieces looked up to him and he had too many friends to even begin counting. Ernie looked forward to playing pinochle with his friend at the lounge everyday. There was nothing Ernie loved more then his children and especially his two grandsons Adam and Connor.

Dad you will be deeply missed and will always be in our hearts. Love you Dad!

Ernie is survived by his sons Blake (Michelle) Gottbreht of Roll4 ND, Matthew Gottbreht of Phoenix, AZ, and daughter DeAnn (Patrick) O’Hara of Pembina ND; grandsons Adam Gottbreht and Connor O’Hara; Brothers George, Marco and Bill Gottbreht; Sisters E.J. Sugar, Sharron Shen, Evie Pilkington, and Lori Voeller; and many nieces and nephews.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.


Condolences to the Gottbreht family:



From Susan Brew Roussin (59): Rolla, ND
To Sharon, Evie, George and the entire family, my thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Rest assured that many folks are recalling fond memories of you and yours. Susan (Brew) Roussin
From Colette Hosmer (64): Santa Fe, NM
Dear Evie, and Emma Jo, Sharron, George, Mark, Lori and Billy,

Ernie, with his curly hair and face-busting smile, graced some of my earliest birthday party photographs. He was a sweet and impish kid, a genuine friend through our teen years and a good and kind man.

The world is a better place for Ernie having been here.

My sincere condolences,

Reply from Trish Larson Wild (64): FORT COLLINS, CO

Hey Gary,

No I didn’t ride all the way to California on horseback. I travel with my three horses in a trailer, carrying everything I own with me in my truck. I stop and ride wherever it looks good. So far, I have ridden many miles in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. I’m waiting for warmer weather to head north. Eventually, I hope to ride at least 200 miles in every state. I am doing this solo, but because I have 3 horses with me, I often invite others to join me on the trails. I’ve got lots of photos on my blog of people I’ve met that have ridden with me. Meeting new friends along the trail is one of the most enjoyable parts about this lifestyle.
The whole plan may change if we are selected as a contestant on “America’s Favorite Trail Horse” however. If we get picked for the reality show, we will transport to a ranch in Texas for filming of the 10 weeks of shows. The audition is next Saturday, April 9th. I’ll let you know if we get to be one of the 100 horse and rider pairs!
I’m including a photo of my interview with the reporter on abc channel 7 news in LA yesterday. It was a beautiful day with record high temps and they caught us just as we unloaded to take a ride into the hills above Burbank.
I love this lifestyle, and feel very blessed to have the chance to have these experiences.
Trish Wild (Larson) ’73
Trish, We are pulling for you being selected for the reality show. That would be awesome. Gary
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND

Leslie Ronald DeCoteau
(Died March 28, 2011)





Leslie Ronald DeCoteau, 51, Dunseith passed away on Monday, March 28, 2011 at his home after a long illness. Visitation will begin on Friday, April 1, 2011 at 4p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, Dunseith with a prayer service at 8p.m. with Reverend David Hayes. Funeral services were held on Saturday, April 2, 2011 at 10a.m. in Peace Lutheran Church, Dunseith, with Reverend John Hesford officiating. Burial was in St. Sylvan’s Episcopal Cemetery, rural Dunseith. Casket bearers were all of his brothers – Gary, Earl, Kenny, Raphael, LeRoy, Wesley, Gene and Terry DeCoteau. Honorary bearers were his sisters – Betty, Shirley, Lolly, Susie, Dean and Esther. Gift bearers were Robin Weston and Denise Panucci. Readers were Tammy Davis, Roberta St. Claire and Dawn DeCoteau. Laying of the Star Quilt – all of his children. Music provided by Troy DeCoteau, C. Joe Parisien and Josh DeCoteau, and the Drum Group – Wolf Creek. Leslie was born July 16, 1959, in Belcourt, ND, the son of Benjamin and Priscilla Rose “LaRose” (St. Claire) DeCoteau. He attended school at Dunseith Day and Wahpeton Indian School. He received his GED and a welding certificate at Mandan, ND. Leslie moved to Minneapolis after completing his education where he worked at Cinch NuLine making electronic components for Boeing, he also worked for various roofing and construction companies. He worked maintenance for Sky Dancer Casino and TM Housing. While in Minneapolis Les met Sherry Sanchez and they were married on November 14, 1992 in Dunseith, where they have made their home since. Les enjoyed riding horses, hunting, teasing and joking with the boys, and especially liked to have quality time with his children and grandchildren. Les is survived by his wife Sherry of Dunseith; daughters – Marsha of Manitoba, Canada; Rochelle St. Claire, Minneapolis, MN; Annie St. Claire, Grand Forks, Roberta St. Claire and LaRose DeCoteau, both of Dunseith; a son Leslie of Minneapolis, MN; 8 grandchildren; 6 god children – Garrett DeCoteau, Bobbie Jo Poitra, Shawna Belgarde, Shelby Beston, Marlena and Eric Thiefoe; 8 brothers – Gary & Elaine, Minneapolis, MN; Earl & Kim, Flandreau, SD; Kenny & Patti, Raphael & Carla, LeRoy & Wendy, Wesley & Ronette, Gene & Kim, Terry & Myrna, all of Dunseith; 6 sisters – Betty Swain, Shirley (James) Belgarde, Dean DeCoteau, all of Dunseith; Lolly (RIchie) Lindquist, Thief River Falls, MN, Esther (Javier) Perdomo, Minneapolis, MN; Susie (Doc) Morin, Belcourt; aunt Stella Powell of Fridley, MN; numerous nieces and nephews; extended family and friends. Les will be dearly missed by all that knew and loved him. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ben & Rose; grandparents; 5 nieces – Billie Jo DeCoteau, Jody DeCoteau, Jennifer DeCoteau, Danielle Swain and DeAnn Krumweide; two nephews – Ben William Patterson and Benjamin Gene DeCoteau; uncles – Norman, Steven, Collin, Ted and Eugene DeCoteau, Raymond Norquay, Robert St. Claire and Clarence St. Claire; aunts – Rose St. Pierre, Ida Norquay, Violet Desjarlais, Lucille Gross, Irene Beston, Mary Jane Thiefoe, Margaret Belgarde and Marlene St. Claire. Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home, Bottineau. A meal will be served after the services at Peace Lutheran Church, everyone is welcome.

Posting of the day
From Bill Grimme (65): Birmingham, AL
The Green Thing
In the line at the store, the cashier told the older woman that plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The woman apologized to her and explained, “We didn’t have the green thing back in my day.”

That’s right, they didn’t have the green thing in her day. Back then, they returned their milk bottles, Coke bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, using the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled.

But they didn’t have the green thing back in her day.

In her day, they walked up stairs, because they didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. They walked to the grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every
time they had to go two blocks.

But she’s right. They didn’t have the green thing in her day.

Back then, they washed the baby’s diapers because they didn’t have the throw-away kind. They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts – wind and solar power really
did dry the clothes. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always
brand-new clothing.

But that old lady is right, they didn’t have the
green thing back in her day.

Back then, they had one TV, or radio, in the house – not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a pizza dish, not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, they
blended and stirred by hand because they didn’t have electric machines to do everything for you. When they packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, they used wadded up newspaper to cushion it, not styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

Back then, they didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. They used a push mower that ran on human power. They exercised by workingso they didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.

But she’s right, they didn’t have the green thing back then.

They drank from a fountain when they were thirsty, instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time they had a drink of water. They
refilled pens with ink, instead of buying a new pen, and they replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull.

But they didn’t have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the streetcar and kids rode their bikes to school or rode the school bus, instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. They had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And they didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from
satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

But they didn’t have the green thing back then!





Ernest Gottbreht
(Died March 31, 2011)

Guest Book| Sign Guest Book| Send Flowers




Ernest Gottbreht, age 65 of Dunseith, died Thursday at a Minot hospital. Funeral mass will be held on Wednesday at 10:00 am at the St. Michael’s the Archangel Catholic Church in Dunseith. Visitation will be Tuesday from 6:30pm until 9:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. (Nero Funeral Home – Bottineau)




May 2010 Dunseith Alumni Reunion



Folks, Of the 27 Class of 65 graduating Seniors, until last month, Cliff Henry was the only departing member of our class. Last month we lost both Ernie and Donald Egbert. So sad. I always had the impression that Ernie kept a good handle on Donald as is evident in this photo. Ernie was my communication link to Donald. I so admired Ernie’s respect for Donald. When Donald expressed an interest in attending the Dunseith Alumni Reunion last May, Ernie made it happen, paying for Donald’s registration and dinner. So generous. Gary


Class of 65:

Standing: Donald Egbert, Ernie Gottbreht, Warren Anderson, Susan Fassett, Henry Hackman, Angela Berube, Raphael Poitra, John Bedard, Rene Casavant, Kenny Nerpel & Bill Grimme.

Sitting: Margaret Metcalfe, Patty Boguslawski, Gary Stokes, Pete Gillis, Esther Murray & Ginger LaRocque.

Those that were present but missing in picture: Cecile Berube, Helen Rivard, Gladys Roussin, Joanne Smith

Condolences to the Gottbreht family:
From Bill Krause (74): Dickinson, ND
To the Gottbreht Family, I send my sincere condolences at the passing of Ernie,He will be missed..Bill Krause
From Shirley LaRocque Wendt (59): Tukwila, WA
Sharron my deepest condolences to you and all of your family. My heart goes out to you . Shirley(LaRocque) Wendt
From Esther Murray Fleming (65): Flint, MI

I am so sorry to hear about Ernie Gittbreht’s passing. My condolences and prayers are with you.





From Paula Fassett (72): North Branch, MN


Hi Gary…I heard of Ernie’s death last night from Cheryl Haagenson. Awfully sad. His kids are my cousins, feel the Worst for them…too young to lose your dad! I had a good visit w/Ernie in Oct at DeAnn’s wedding…glad I did.
I’m on my way to Duluth…..
Paula Fassett




TV News Report

From Trish Larson Wild (73): FORT COLLINS, CO


Check it out guys! A week in LA and I made the 6:00 news! Reporter and camera guy caught us just as we were heading out for a ride in Burbank. Fun!

Trish, You look Great on live camera!
Did you ride your horse all the way from Colorado to LA? Gary





Picture posted by Dick Johnson (68): Dunseith, ND


Gary and Friends,

Here is another old picture of some well known Dunseith kids from
long ago. My guess is that it is the Sunderland sisters. The older one
I’m quite sure is Shirley Sunderland Fazio(46)– the youngest one is
Donna Sunderland Leonard (52)–and the girl on the left is Pat
Sunderland Warburton (49). I could be wrong but I think it’s them. It
probably was taken about 1940. Again, that’s a guess. Thanks Gary!







Joke of the day

Posted by Cecile Gouin Craig (61): Windsor, CO

A man owned a small farm inND. The Internal Revenue determined he was not paying proper wages to his staff and sent an investigator out to interview him.

“I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them!,” demanded the investigator.

“Well,” replied the farmer, “there’s my farm hand who’s been with me for three years. I pay him $200 a week plus free room and board.

“The cook has been here for 18 months, and I pay her $150 per week plus free room and board.”

“Then there’s the halfwit. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes about $10 a week. He pays his own room and board, and I buy him a bottle of whiskey every Saturday night. He also sleeps with my wife occasionally.”

“That’s the guy I want to talk to…the halfwit!” said the agent.

“That would be me,” replied the farmer.


Ernie Gottbreht (65) passed away today.
Evie, Sharron, George and the whole Gottbreht family, I have been getting a lot of email traffic this morning letting me know of Ernie’s passing. I am jumping the gun a bit with this announcement without the official word from you folks, but with all the traffic about his death, I thought it best to post now letting you reply with an official message later.
Our condolences are with all of you with his passing. This has to be so hard for the whole family. You are such a close family too and that helps with the grieving. Ernie will be greatly missed by all. I will post several class pictures with tomorrows blog.

From: Sandra Hanson

Dear Gary,
To let you know that Ernie Gottbreht passed away today . Our sincere condolences from Jeannine Watkins Robert, and Sandi Hanson.

Jeannine Watkins Robert (47)
Request from her daughter Sandi Hanson: Jamestown, ND
Dear Mr. Stokes,
I was informed about your blog by relatives in the Dunseith . My mother is from there, and may enjoy hearing about some of the folks she knew way back when. Is there a way you can connect me to your site?

Thank you so much,
Follow up reply:

Mothers maiden name was Watkins, sisters Murl Hill, Carol Carbonneau, and married name is Robert(from west of Dunseith)also. We have a great record of the Roberts from 1565.

Follow up reply:
I live in Jamestown, mother has been with my sister Annette and me since November. She was not doing well on her own so we have taken on an extra for now. She does like hearing about old times, and remembers many of the old folks from back when. It is fine that you use our identity, we have nothing to hide!(: Thank you so much for this.
Sandi, It is my pleasure to add you and your mother to our daily distribution. Both the Watkins and Robert families are well known in the Dunseith area. I know many of our readers will remember your mother well. You have a lot of relatives on our distribution too. Gary