Thurman Parrill’s Obituary provided by Neola Kofoid Garbe:
Folks, Thurman and Marie Parrill are my god Parents.
To the Parrill family: We extend our condolence to you with the passing of Thurman. He lived a great life pretty much to the end. I was told he was still a very sharp card player even with his dementia. He will be missed. I understand you guys had a family wedding in Spokane, WA too that most of you were attending when Thurman passed on. I know LeaRae (Parrill) and Terry Espe planned on attending the wedding following the cruise. Gary
Dec. 13, 1917-Aug. 4, 2009
Thurman Parrill, age 91, of Bottineau, died Tuesday, August 4, 2009, at a Bottineau hospital.
His funeral will be held on Wednesday, August 12, at 2 p.m. at the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith. Visitation will be Tuesday, August 11, from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau. Burial will be at the Rendahl Cemetery near Dunseith.
Thurman Merton Parrill was born December 13, 1917, to Cecil Day and Laura Melhus Parrill near Thorne, N.D. His father passed away in the 1918 flu epidemic when Thurman was one year old. He grew up in the Bottineau area and attended area schools. The family later moved to Mountain, N.D., and he worked on the family farm until he joined the U.S. Navy on May 23, 1944. He served in the Pacific Theater on the SS Mormachawk and SS Orvetta during World War II. He was honorably discharged from the Navy on Feb. 15, 1946. After the war, he came to the Dunseith area and began farming in Rolette County.
On November 24, 1947, he married Marie J. Nelson at the Lutheran church in Dunseith. They moved to a farm in Bottineau County, where they raised their five children. In 1995, they sold the farm and moved to Bottineau, where they had since resided.
Thurman was a past member of Rendahl Lutheran Church and a current member of Peace Lutheran Church of Dunseith. He served as a Township Supervisor of Homan Township for many years. Thurman enjoyed playing cards and enjoyed spending as much time as possible with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
He is survived by: his wife of more than 61 years, Marie, of Bottineau; and his children, Janet (George) LeNoue of Lexington, Ky., Lynda (Curtis) Jordan of Yerrington, Nev., and Clayton (Linda), Rodney (Ann), and Myron (Kathy) Parrill, all of Bottineau. He has nine grandchildren: Christy LeNoue, Michelle (Carter) Newton, Troy (Meagan) Jordan, Stephanie Swartz, Katie (Tyrell) Lauckner, David, Brooke, Krystle and Shelby Parrill; and four great-grandchildren: Levi, Braxton and Declan Lauckner and Jordan Swartz. Also surviving are his half sister, Shirley (Oliver) Johnson of Grand Forks; half brothers, Don (Roberta) Cox of Cavalier, Joe (Gladys) Cox of Seattle, Wash., Ben Cox, Cavalier, and Paul Cox, Grand Forks; stepsister, Hazel Cox of Davenport, Iowa; brother-in-law, John N. Nelson, Minot; and sisters-in-law, Mildred Parrill and Eugenie Walker of Bottineau, Judy Cox, Cavalier, and Fern Cox, Union Mills, Ind.; and numerous nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Dean Parrill, Darrell Cox, Mytroen Cox and Howard Cox; sisters, Avis Vivatson, Deedee Anderson, Fern Grimm, Edith Baratach, Esther Leonard and infant sister Helen Cox; stepfather, J.R. Cox; and nephew, Clark Parrill.
Memory of Mr. Jerstad from Kay Hosmer (77): Crown Point, Ind.
Memory of Mr. Jerstad from Kay Hosmer (77): Mr. Jerstad taught me how to ride a bike. His daughter Lori was my best friend. He was a wonderful father & friend.
Reply from Verena (Pete 65) Gillis: Dunseith, ND
I just want to say thank you for all your kind words. I am so thankful
that she is now at peace, now I just have to get over this somehow, very
Now we are getting ready for a wedding, got family home from Alaska,
sister-in-law Phyllis Gillis Schock and her daughter Lucy & family; John
and Karen Gillis will be home on Friday from Lawrence, KS along with Dean
Gillis and his 3 children. So that will keep us pretty busy. Been doing
some fishing by Devils Lake, catching some pretty nice walleye so planning
on a big fish fry with the family.
To everyone going on the cruise, happy sailing and have a good time. Will
talk to you all real soon.
Verena Gillis
Request from Darrel Fassett (47): Boynton Beach, FL
Our daughter Kathy who lives in Plantation, FL would like to be on your mailing list. Her address is Thanx. Darrel Fassett.
Kathy, It is my pleasure to add you to our distribution list. Please let us know the class year you were with in Dunseith so I can add you to that class list? You sister Pam was with our class of 65. Gary
From Bobby Slyter (70): Wichita, Kansas
Reply from Don Aird (Carroll Carlson’s nephew): St Louis, MO
My cousin Maurice Aird and his family live in St John – wish I was there.
Reply from Neola Kofoid Garbe: Minot & Bottineau, ND.
Great newsletter today; I thought we’d be receiving one soon.
I love the pictures; I recognize some of the people–you, Bernadette, Debbie, Bud, Mr./Mrs. Reing, Minnie Flynn, Florence Sime, ? McKay, Bill Grimme, and, I think, a Morinville–maybe a few I’ve forgotten to mention. When we receive the “key” to the people, it will be fun to put faces to names/vice versa.
Previous reply from Neola
Hi Gary,
I laughed out loud when I read that Lillie thought you boys should be checked for worms. I could just picture her standing there telling your dad to have his boys checked for worms. I love when comments like that are added, as it brings back wonderful memories of those who are “gone”.
Also, Ken Striker sent the same email to me that he sent to you. I replied to his email and also asked if he would like to be put in contact with Eileen (I might have asked her if it was OK before I made this offer–or not! I know Eileen loves to help wherever she is able to.). To make a long story short, they connected, and she has sent a great Striker file. I’ll forward our email exchanges to you. Eileen never fails to amaze me with what she can compile in very little time.
Lee Stickland’s (64) message to Gina our travel agent: Dickinson, ND.
I want to thank YOU so much for the wonderful cruise that YOU and Gary put together for the Dunseith Alumni.
The time together was rich as we all renewed old familiarities.
Gloria and I found the cruise to be a great experience.
Gina, thanks again.
Gina’s reply:
God bless you and thank you for being such a highlight of your group!
Gary was an exceptional group leader and is obviously a wonderful human being.
It was my sincere pleasure to help Gary with your Dunseith group cruise vacation.
Best regards and my thanks to you,
Gina S. Ford
Cruise At Will, Inc.
Cruise and Travel Planners
1-866-870-6986 (toll free)
703-580-1190 (local)
Email change for Evon Lagerquist (77): Dunseith, ND.
Hi Gary,
Just to let you know, I’ve changed my e-mail address to
Email change for Cheryl Larson Dakin (71): BEDFORD, TX
For some of you this is the second message about changing my email address, but for the rest of you, I am putting Princessredfern in mothballs. The old girl is retiring. I am tired of explaining her. So… new address is Still a little long, but at least you’ll know it’s me.
P S.. If you do send to princessredfern, I will still check it for a good long while.
From Vickie Metcalfe (70): Dunseith, ND
This message was sent to you by vickie,, as a service of The Seattle Times
Comments from sender: Scanning the Seattle Times I came across this article on Agent Orange.
Picture from Bev Morinville Azure (72): Dunseith, ND.
Gary, I know I am sending you A lot of pictures you can show these when you have the room ok. This is Jess Hosmer. I would like to know who the little girl in the background is?
Bev, This is a great picture of Jess. Please keep the pictures coming. We love pictures. Gary
Jess Hosmer

Picture from Glen Williams (52): Missoula, MT
Gary Morgan, Glen Williams and Dick Morgan , 1987….at lake Mirond Canada…Note who has the fish….

Picture from Ronnie Cavaliere BRISTOL, RI.
Folks, Ronnie and Cora are dear friends of ours that joined us on the cruise. Cora is from here in Cebu. We truly enjoyed their company on this cruise. In a few years, after Cora receives her US citizenship, they plan on moving to the PI right here in Cebu. They are great folks. Gary
Cora & Ronnie Cavaliere and Gary & Bernadette Stokes in Juneau, AK

From Sharon Zorn Gerdes (62): Windsor, CO
Hi Gary,
Hope your cruise was wonderful. I am enclosing Ruths obituary. At her funeral in Bottineau, the following
letter was read by the pastor. My mom sent it to me, and I was so excited to get it. Bertha and Phylomena
Westerman were classmates and friends of mine, and I had no idea whatever became of them. I thought she wrote this so well. Don’t know how many recall the mission up north of Dunseith, but I stayed with them sometimes and loved it up there. More good memories of Dunseith. Thanks. Sharon Zorn Gerdes
Memorial written by Phylomena Westerman Phylomena
