1/31/2014 (1954)


Happy Belated (1/26) Birthday Allen Richard (DHS ’65): Midland, MI
Happy Birthday Colette Hosmer (DHS ’64): Santa Fe, NM
Happy Birthday Colette Hosmer
From Diane Larson Sjol (’70):  Minot & Lake Metigoshe, ND

Happy Birthday to my cousin, Colette Hosmer, who has the same birthday as my mother.  Hope to see you this summer up in ND at Metigoshe! 

Another memory of Mrs. Conroy….she taught me in the 4th grade upstairs in the big white building.  Had a fire drill and as a chubby girl, I was petrified to go down those rickety metal steps on the fire escape.  The entire school was out on the lawn and begging me to come down.  I am not sure I ever did.  I remember feeling frozen up there.  Mrs. Conroy also lliked my handwriting so when we had a test, I got to stay in and write the test for her and she would go and copy it on the mimeograph machine….never thought about cheating.  Haha…And she was very into crafts…we took 78 records and she put them in the oven and softened them and then poked in the sides in about four places, making a bowl.  Then we got to spray paint them gold.  Everything we made we spray painted gold…cigar boxes with macaroni on them etc.  Those were some fun times.  I remember putting a May basket at her doorstep and running away.

Issac Belgarde
Memory from Dick Johnson (’68):  Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

Back in 1957,  my dad signed a contract to teach school in
Towner where he had attended all of his elementary grades while Grandpa
Hans owned the Towner Flour Mill and the John Deere dealership.  Towner
seemed like home,  or so he thought.  We only stayed there one year and
he got a job in Rolette and we moved back to Dunseith permanently.
Things had changed in Towner in the 15 years since he left and he just
wasn’t completely satisfied there. Anyway, to my point,  I got to know
lots of people in and around Towner from the time we lived there so each
summer I would ask to go there and stay with Dad’s aunt for a few days
around the Fourth of July Celebration as that was Towner’s big day. They
had  the big Towner Rodeo and the street dance and all the cowboy scraps
on Main Street after the rodeo and socializing.  I don’t think the
cowboys called it socializing then but you know what I mean.  Anyway,
this is a story for Bernice Belgarde  about her dad, Issac.  Of course
by the early ’60s I knew Issac quite well and at the rodeo I saw Issac
riding a very beautiful high spirited horse.  He entered the calf roping
competition and when they called his name,  I was paying close attention
and hoping for the best.  What you need to remember is that most of
these guys that compete have used this same system so their horses know
what they need to do when the gate bangs open and the calf runs out wide
open for the other end of the arena. Issac could rope with the best of
them but he did it out in the real world without the noisy equipment and
the crowd noise.  Issac nodded that he was ready and the gate banged
open and the calf shot out like rocket.  Issac’s nice horse spooked from
the noise and jumped back.  Issac got control and went after the calf
but it was too late as the calf had made it to the far end.  I still
remember how bad I felt for Issac when the announcer said jokingly,
“Mister Belgrade (that was what he said, not Belgarde) you’re gonna have
to get a better horse or a longer rope.”  Issac had the nicest horse
there and probably the most experience roping too but this was totally
different than what he or his horse expected.  I sure felt bad for
Issac.  Thanks Gary!


Reply to yesterday’s Posting
From Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND
Don, Neola, and Gary,
The Bottineau Courant this week , has photos and a great  article
written by Scott Gillis Wager.
Mr.  Keebles (Wahpehton)  and Mr. Gillis (Dunseith) who attended
Indian boarding school
as children together, went on and continued to lead productive lives.

I can’t  send but perhaps Neola has the talent.

On Jan 25, 2014, at 11:36 AM, Don Aird wrote:

Thanks that was a great story we really did treat Indians badly.  I  sent that  story to my Veterans, many are part Cherokee.

Mrs Conroy
Memory from Dick Johnson (’68):  Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

Mrs. Conroy seems to have impacted many of her students in a
very positive way. In the rerun of some of our old blog messages we have
talked about some of the things we made in her art class.  Here is the
one thing I still have from those days in the fourth grade, upstairs in
the old white school.  It was the front of a Christmas card and the
inscription at the bottom says ‘Silent Night’.  Some of my favorite
early memories.  Thanks Gary!


Cebu Expat dinner this past Monday
Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort & Spa
With a 60% discount, we had a 130 folks attend this dinner. It was a good one.
They had the whole area reserved for us.Stokes 1954

Blog posted on February 20, 2008


Diane Larson’s (70) reply to Gary Stokes’ (65) question (repeated from yesterday): 
Diane, Were you able to make it down to Santa Fe, NM last month to help your cousin Colette Hosmer (64) celebrate her Birthday? Gary
Gary, Yes I did…we had a great time and I will send some photos….just�
stayed at her house with friends and family.  She and I hit some shops�
and had a marvelous meal the evening before at one of her favorite�
Mexican restaurants….had all the Mariache (sp) girls serenade her. �
She ended up running into a fellow who worked with her in the early�
days of her art career about 35 years ago.  They had a wonderful�
reminiscing and he remembered when she got a job as a clerk in the�
gift shop at the gallery.  Colette said she loved that job because it�
brought her closer to the gallery and the art she so loves.  What was�
so amazing was that she ended up having quite a successful showing of�
her own art there this past summer…and this fellow she knew happened�
to go there and see her wonderful work.  She should be leaving any day�
now for another trip to China. Diane
Colette, If at all possible, we’d love to hear from you while you are in China?  I know this is a work related trip with your Art and I’m assuming you plan on being over there for a few months.  Gary
Dave Wurgler’s (64) reply to Dick Johnson (68) – KC Sine’s Model “T”: 
Reply to Dick Johnson of  K C Sine’s model T pickup. That  first picture had to be back in 1968 cause the blue chevy parked by the Garden Tap is a 1966 chevy belair and the Ford in front is a 1968 Ford Galixy. We left Dunseith in 1966 so I would not remember the parade. The next picture I’m not sure but  the new Security Bank building was not their when we left in 1966. So any one with more info—–GITTER DUN—– Dave Wurgler
From Marge Landsverk Fish (57) – Mrs. Conroy & memories: 
Hi Gary and All,
     I had Mrs. Conroy in 5th. grade in the white frame school building in the upper floor.
I always liked crafts and remember painting on glass over a picture and then removing the picture and putting crushed tin foil behind it.
     I remember also making fall bouquets with dried weeds (milk pods, wheat and etc.)  We would put water in a pail and then put oil paint in and dip the weeds in.  They were real pretty.
This was probably before spray paint.
     I also was friends with Coleen.  She was about a year younger than I was.
     In Highschool I remember the Home Ec. teacher but can’t remember her name.  We divided up the class and made special meals.  I learned to knit argyle socks which was real neat.
In the evening we used to sew in the home ec. room and someone would make fudge.
     Are there any one out there that remembers the dances at Kelvin?  That was some old time music.
                                                         Marge (Landsverk) Fish Class of 57
From Gary Metcalfe (57) – Memories: 
Hello again, Janice mentioned Ray Wilson which brought this memory to mind. Ray Wilson was Red Wilson’s uncle.  Red was married to Helen Myer and lived on Earl Myer’s farm north of Kelvin.  Red was a pal of my dad’s so every year we went to the Brandon Fair. Red left his new 1949 Chevy pickup at Kelvin.  It was blue, all the others ones were black or green.  He was fussy how it looked. At the end of the day we dropped him off at Kelvin to get his pick up.  In the two miles between Kelvin and Myer’s farm—Oh-oh, I let fly with my ice cream cone just fooling around, but it came out of the cone and found Red’s windshield!!  Two weeks later at Shelver’s Drug….there’s Red.  “Hey, Mrs. Shelver or Edna or ?? , give Gary a double vanilla cone.”

Does Miss Ward ring a bell for the Home Ec teacher??George Alvin another colorful friend of my dad’s,.  George Alvin was a full fledged Montana cowboy, and he absolutely looked the part.  In 1930′s the CCC boys from Kansas, working at the Peace Garden,  wanted to go home for the 4th of July weekend,.  With a 4 x 6 pickup bed, I am sure they had to stand up, so they stood up in the back of Dad’s new Chevy pickup, then three days later came back.  George rode along.  After 35 years of cowboying in Montana, I imagine he had a lot of stories to tell.  Gary Metcalfe

From Bonnie Awalt (56) – Mrs. Conroy & Memories: 
Dear Gary,
    Who would have ever believed such a little town could have created such wonderful memories! Hi Gary Metcalfe: the Anderson’s lived not to far from the Metcalfe’s.  Charlie played the harmonica and Walter played the fiddle, Walter also called Square Dances.  Grandma Anderson could play the pump organ and My Mom could play some also, Mom was pretty shy so didn’t like to play in public.  Dick Johnson lives close to where the old Awalt Homestead was originally.
    One great memory for me was making home made ice cream at Oliver and Martha Handlands farm in the hills.  They took turns cranking the handle and when it started getting harder they would set one of us little kids on top of the freezer.  It was really cold on your bottom, but the bonus of sitting there was that when they took out the dasher to see if it was done you were the one to get the first taste.  Wonderful tasting, you sure don’t get ice cream like that today.
    I remember one day when Mrs. Conroy received some bad news at school.  She started to cry, I was positive the person that brought up the news was the reason she was crying and I was so mad at him.  Mrs. Conroy later explained why she was crying.  She showed her students a great deal of respect.
    Gary Cota had an old Model A or Model T, anyway an old car.  We went out to DuWayne Langs and using an old car hood were pulled around the pasture at Langs.  What a wonderful time, better than riding a snowmobile because we could get more on the hood at one time.  Lois Hiatt, and I were on the hood with several other girls and we kept yelling for the boys to stop and they wouldn’t or couldn’t hear us, we were laughing so hard that someone had an accident and froze all of us to the hood.  We went into the house for hot chocolate and to thaw out.  What wonderful times.
Bonnie (Awalt) Houle

                    Pictures provided by Marshall Awalt (51): 

1/30/2014 (1953)

Reply from Lola Metcalfe Vanorny (’68):  Dunseith, ND

Dicks recollections reminds me of a blue eyed white cat i made from plaster of paris in Mrs Conroys class!– and it had an iridescent type finish on it– Mom saved it and i still have it–  very cute!!-  it is in my basement along with all the other animal pictures etc– 
Postings from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND
** Photographic odyssey that documented Native Americans **
At the dawn of the 20th century, photographer Edward Curtis captured the dwindling Native American population in stunning photographs.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/news/magazine-20351012 >
** How photographs told the story of the Vietnam War **
Powerful and striking images from the front line – as US combat forces fought the Communist Viet Cong.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/news/world-24992606 >
Blog posted on February 19, 2008


From Janice Leonard Workman (56) – Mrs. Conroy, history & Memories:

Hi Gary and all, Conroy’s came to Dunseith about 1948 or 1949 when the class of 56 was in 5thgrade.  Mrs. Conroy taught 5th and 6th grad in the old white building, top floor, east side.  She was a wonderful teacher and one of things that we did in art class was to paint on glass.  What fun that was.  Don was in the 5th grade and a new person in school.  In the other room upstairs was Mrs. Agnes Berg.  She had 7th and 8th grade.  Then things changed and when we were in 8th grade, we were in the dungeon (basement) with Miss Berg and Miss Beulah Shurr’s freshmen English was right across the hall.  These rooms later became the cafeteria (the first ever).  Then the year we got out of the basement and out of the white building altogether.  There was a room built over the bleachers of the gym and that was where the typing class was.  The stage in the gym was a science class of some kind and Mr. Conroy’s office was in a little and I really mean little room off the stage and served also as the library.  When the new high school was built in 1954/55 we were really “top notch.”   High school was really a fun, fun time!!  Another teacher that we “broke in” was our home economics teacher, can’t think of her name, but she came my senior year.  She taught us to knit socks and we did some (great??) cooking.  I think we did some sewing too.  This was her first year teaching, I’m not sure if she came back the second year or not, I think she was pregnant when she left.  Better close now.  Janice Leonard Workman



From Ron Longie (65) – Mrs. Conroy:


When I read Dick Johnson’s memories of Mrs Conroy , my grey matter came to life and all these memories of Mrs Conroy came flooding in. I could not catch on to multiplication at all, so Mrs Conroy had me stay after school and learn this brain cramper, if anyone remembers the “OLD WHITE SCHOOL” and her classroom you will surely remember the size of the blackboards ! maybe having all the blackboards filled with multiplication from top to bottom, and side to side just intimidated the heck out of me, it took a few nights but I got it and have been eternally grateful to her ever since. Dick my Mom still has the buffalo I made in Mrs Conroy’s class, I wonder how many of the class of “65″ can remember making their Buffalo?.



From Diane Larson Sjol (70) – Memories & Mrs Conroy: 
Deb (Morinville) and all,
do you remember wax lips and pink bubblegum in white paper and coke�
floats from the drug store?  Remember when we used to go to the�
Crystal cafe with your dog Tuffy and just walk in the back door.  I�
can’t smell garbage burning to this day wthout thinking of Dunseith�
and those garbage cans burning garbage…I remember how I used to run�
past the jail when going to your house so the “prisoners” who were�
looking out of the window with bars wouldn’t see or get me!  I�
remember dead cougars in front of the gas station when someone shot�
one up in the hills.  Even though we moved all over the world with my�
dad in the Army, my best memories are from Mrs. Conroy.  And Don…I�
remember the bean bags and multiplication tables too.  I also remember�
sitting on the floor playing jacks at recess…and Crystal Fassett�
reading more books than me when we had a reading contest!! Fun and�
wonderful times….hey what about those wonderful date bars at the�
Diane, Were you able to make it down to Santa Fe, NM last month to help your cousin Colette Hosmer celebrate her Birthday? Gary
From Warren Anderson (65) – History & Memories: 
Hi, Gary and all DHS
George and Minnie Alvin where our neighbors to the north of our farm and when they moved into town dad rented his quarter of land for many years until Duane Peterson bought it.  I remember my mother and dad driving the horses in the winter time going over to their farm and playing cards.  Us kids would have to stay home because they never had any young children left at home.  Our older cousin would baby sit us.  Once Minnie had the creamery mother always took the cream there, she said, “Minnie would always give us a little more than the Bottineau creamery.”——Who knows the truth of that one?  Mother would say at times that their boy was so cute.  Does anyone know if he is still alive? I do not remember him.  The 2nd year after they had moved to town dad hid in the old house and shot 3 deer eating in the yard.  It was on a moon-lit night in December.  There must have been some good grasses in the yard.
And yes, Ely Demery, he was my mothers first cuz but she would jokingly say she never claimed him because he was to mean.  Must have been before my time because I never saw him fight or get kicked out of a bar.  He was one of the last old cowboys from the bush that far north.  He used to help my father in threshing time when I was real young.  If one could get the song about him, I would love to get a copy.
Gary, we did miss out on a lot not attending Dunseith yearly in our School grades but isn’t it nice we did survive with the education we did receive.  My 3rd grade we did have 3 different teachers and I feel it was a grade that I really fell behind.  Enough for now classmate—Warren 65
From Bob Hosmer (56) – School play memories: 
I remember this play (Desperate Ambrose).  It was done at least two nights and maybe more.  I went twice as a youngster, but what was memorable to me was one scene that Dick Morgan and Donna Sunderland played that was different on the second night and Dick had to ablib to cover a bit of mistake.  He went over to the couch where Donna was sitting and was to pick her up and carry her off somewhere, which he did the first night.  The second night he had difficulty lifting her off the couch and stumbled around.  The next thing he did was turn to the audience and say “She’s heavier than she looks, isn’t she.” Everyone laughed at that line and the play went on as before.
Bob Hosmer
From Gary Metcalfe (57) – History & Memories: 
Yes, music does make a difference.  I can’t imagine my great pal and working partner, Ole Bursinger without his fiddle.  He had the ambition and compassion, but the music made the hard work and muddy roads tolerable.
Rabbit City Lake around the 1920′s, about a mile plus NE of the Bailey place, had the Metcalfe’s on the north side and the Evans on the south and Poitra’s all around.  Old Frank Poitra was a fiddle man.  Metcalfe’s had their own fiddler, Charlie and Grandma Rose called square dances.  Emil played guitar, all of the kids sang solo when called upon.  Old Lucky Metcalfe, I never heard him sing until the later years when they all came back from Seattle.  He had a great bass voice and came out with old friends.  One verse I remember was “all down my take of life I find nothing goes right it seems. You’ll always be a pal of mine, though it may only be in dreams.  Old friends are always the best you know, new friends you can find every day, but there is nothing so dear to this old heart as the old friends of yesterday”.
They did not call Bing, “Bing” for no reason either. Ole Evans song was, “The Preacher and The Bear”.  Martin Evans you could hear him sing and yodel for a mile and Edna was a yodeler too.  By the way, my dad married one of those Evans girls and they sang together.  Grandma Evans sang me lots of songs in Norwegian.�
They also wore out a couple pair of boxing gloves every winter.  I wonder if Leona showed her boxing skills to those town boys when she moved to town, probably not!  No, they were not bored.  By the way, Bonnie, your mom’s folks must have been neighbors as Walter and Charlie Anderson were regulars at these athletic and musical ongoing events.
In the summer their diving board was Brustos, Grandpa Evans old red bull, probably until he caught them.  In the winter they had a wagon wheel frozen in the ice with ropes on it and some ice skates (get it?) Ward Anthony called it a whirley gig!!  Gary
From Marge Landsverk Fish (57) – KC Sine and Memories: 
Hi Gary and All,
     K.C.Sine lived across the alley from us.  One day he came over and was very upset as his wife was unresponsive.  My mother (Minnie Landsverk) ran over and they got Marge Sine  out of the house and walking in the fresh air.  It was carbon monoxide poisening.  K.C always gave my mother credit for saving her.  My mother was always cool in a emergency.
     My dad had a model T ford pickup when I was in grade school .  He hauled wood in it.  We lived only a half block so. of the school  and my dad would drive by and I would be embarrassed like kids are.  I wish I had it now!
Marlene( Kraft) Armentrout and I took it out for a ride on the town one Sun. when my folks were gone.
When they got home my dad found us.  That was one of the few times when I saw his Norwegian temper really riled  up.  We did’nt do it again.
     We continue to have really bad weather in Wi., ever since Thanksgiving.  We have had rain, ice and snow the last 2 days.  Lots and lots of snow.  We usually don’t get much.  They do a good job of clearing
which really helps.
     I know spring will come soon, after all the robins come back in Feb. They may need coats.”
                                                                               Marge (landsverk) Fish
I remember Miss Harchenco?’
She was a excellent music teacher. I  Iearned a lot from her.
From Susan Fassett (65) – KC Sine: 
This is the bottom half of a calendar that was in my parents’ things.�
KC and Margie Sine lived next door to the south of my Grandpa (WILMAR)
and Grandma(KATE) Fassett and mother bought several things when they had
their auction.  KC always called my sisters and I the Fassett “boys”.�
He loved to tease us.I always loved going in to KC’s store because he had so much  stuff
crammed in there.  He also always handed us a piece of “penny” candy.�
Can you believe that you could  buy something with a penny?We also got a 50 cent a week allowance, which I always used for a movie
and popcorn and pop and had enough money left over to buy some reading
material at the drugstore i.e comic books or 25 cent books.

We also went to Minnie Alvin’s cream station with Grandma Goodie, as
Minnie and George Alvin were neighbors of the Amundson’s (my great
grandparents) when they lived in the hills.  Everyone seemed like family
to me and many were.

What wonderful memories we all have.  Keep them coming.

Love, hugs and prayers,    Susan

From Dick Johnson (68) – KC Sine: 
Gary and all DHSI found the pictures of K.C. Sine’s pickup that I mentioned in
another message. This is the one K.C. used to pick up and
deliver around the area. Most of the older of us will probably
remember it. Martin Peterson owns it now and it runs just as
well as it looks! As you can see, both pictures were taken in
Dunseith parades. Thanks Gary for passing it on!Dick Johnson


1/29/2014 (1952)

Bernadette took a turn for the worse last night. This morning she was a lot better, but still not good. When I got home from bowling today, she wanted to have dinner at one of the local native restaurants with her family of which we did. There were 10 of us.  Surprisingly, she perked up a bit once we got there. When we got home she said she wanted to play cards, so at the moment she is playing cards. She is not holding her cards very straight, but at least she is in the game. With her playing cards, it gives me a window of time to get this blog out. Novie and Mirasol are finished for the day. We can not expect them to work 18 hour days. They need a break. I am expecting Bernadette to snap out of this one too like she has done in the past. If not, I will hire more help. That is one of the benefits of living in the PI with inexpensive domestic help.
Condolences to the Rodney Evans Family
From Dennis Dubois (’63):  Minneapolis, MN
My condolences to the Rodney Evans family. I was one of the few people that could say they drank with Rod (at the Grow Town Tavern) and also sobered up with him. There are not any other people in my life that I can say that about. He was a good man, to me, in both phases of his life. AA is missing a very good member today. I was really surprised when I first met Rodney, as I didn’t know him in Dunseith, I was even more surprised when I met him in AA. Rodney was a good man and a great story teller. His picture truly exemplifies who he was. He did have the greatest smile. The world is a lesser place with Rod’s passing. God got a good angel.
Galloping Goose how did it get its name??
Question from Larry Liere (55)  Devils Lake, ND & Mesa, AZ
Bill Hosmer talked about the Galloping Goose which was the diesel engine that pulled
the train from Dunseith to York and back to Dunseith.  I remember as a young boy
riding the train from Devils Lake to York then changing trains at York to ride the
Galloping Goose to Rolette to visit my Grandparents Tom & Mira Leonard.  Everyone
called that diesel the Galloping Goose (people in Devils Lake, York, Rolette, Dunseith)
and I wonder why???  I remember when I would arrive in York the Galloping Goose
was already parked on a side track by the York Depot so I would have to wait a few
hours before it would leave for Rolette.  I remember two different years when I was
riding the Galloping Goose in the Fall of the year they stopped the train once or twice
to hunt ducks and we passengers would just sit and wait until the crew got done
hunting.  Some times it would be as much as a 45 minute wait.  Now I never saw the
crew shoot a Goose but they generally got ducks so I think they should have called
it the Galloping Duck.  Does anyone know why they named it the Galloping Goose??
Bill Hosmer’s story:
My Uncle Bob Hosmer told me that when he was a kid he did  things like
that in the 1920s.  He walked around the bottom row of shingles which
were on top of the wooden water tower down by the depot.  It was for
watering the steam engine which pulled the train out every morning
enroute to York, and then back in the evening.  It was pretty high as
well.  Later on we got a diesel engine on that line and we called it the
Galloping Goose”.  We grade schoolers used to ride it to Rolette for
Young Citizen League meetings as well as spelling bees, etc.  Al Mogard
was the conductor on that line for along time.  His family included
Gerald, Dean, Bob, Wayne, and Marlene (who was at Q125 with Wayne).
Gerald married Miss Evinrude who was my teacher in sixth grade during the
early 1940s.  I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world
then.  She took away a handful of marbles which spilled out of my pocket
in class, which was a NO NO. I never got them back at the end of the
school year.  So I used to tell the other kids “she was Evinrude to me”.
Sad tale.
Dedication of the 10 Commandments Tablet at the Peace Garden
Pictures from Kim Fugere Ogilvie:  Renton, WA

Hi Gary,

I thought I’d share these pictures that my Dad (Dale Fugere) took at the Dedication of the 10 Commandments Tablet at the Peace Garden in 1956.

I’m sure that was a very exciting day!!

Kim Fugere Ogilvie

Peace Garden 1952-2 Peace Garden 1952-1

Blog posted on February 18, 2008


Memories from Deb Morinville (70): 
Hi Gary,
Here’s more memories.
David Shelver’s boxer dog named Duke.  We were all so scared of him but I didn’t think he was too bad until one day our orange life jackets were hanging on the clothes line and he came over and played a game of “shred the orange things”   He totally ripped them right on the line!  I think Mr. Shelver must have replaced them because we had more the next time we went to the lake!  I also remember that we would look at the paperback books at the drug store (until Mrs. Leonard would chase us out)  But we discovered that they would eventually find their way (without covers) out to the big brick garbage bin in the alley and then we would get them for free!
Mrs. Conroy made “hasty pudding” when we were studying about the Revolutionary War.  I can’t remember how it tasted but I learned more about that war than anything else.
In jr. high Mr. Klein had us do a mock election that was between Goldwater and some Democrat.  I think Randy Flynn was the only Republican in our class.  (Hey Randy I’m now a Republican!!)
Whoever sent the picture of Billy Lawrence….thank you!  He was exactly how I remembered him.  I can still smell the smoke, grease and dirt of the blacksmith shop!
Keep sending those memories.  They really are priceless!
Deb Morinville Marmon 70
Dick Johnson’s (68) Memeroy of Mrs. Conroy: 
Gary and all DHS 

Diane Larson Sjol’s memory of Mrs. Conroy triggered my own
memories of her fourth grade class. Can anyone remember how she
taught us to do mutiplication fast? She gave us bean bags to
throw to each other and we had to yell the answer before we
caught the bean bag. I found it helped to back up and leave
lots of space! She also had what she called “art class” which
was more crafts than art. We made things for our parents like
presents, etc. One item was made by putting the front of a
Christmas card face down in a plate an then filling the plate
with “Plaster of Paris”. We put a loop of wire  in the stuff to
hang it up. When it “cured” we took it out and then painted the
front around the card and sprinkled on some sparkles and it was
ready to go. I was a bit gaudy but my mom hung it up
with “pride”. I still have this little piece of Mrs. Conroy’s
art class and although it no longer hangs on the wall, each
time I look at it, I have to smile!

Dick Johnson

Note: Having gone to Ackworth country school for all eight grades, I never had the opportunity of having Mrs. Conroy for a teacher, but with all of your positive comments from a wide range of classes, she must have been one of the all time favorites.  I know she was well liked by the class of 65 with the many comments they had with the many messages we exchanged prior to our reunion last July.  It sounds like she always taught 4th grade.  Gary Stokes (65)
Memories from Bev Morinville Azure (72): 
oh the  memories   of Lorraine are  good ones   that is  for  sure  what  a  woman . She  had  the  most  powerful voice  I think I have  ever  heard. She  would have  cousin  reunions   only  thing  was   it   was  just  cousins  she  always  invited  me  to them  saying  well u are  like  one  of the kids ,  As  u  all  know  Lyle  was   like  my brother….  he  always  introduces me  as  such.  Lorraine  was  a  good  friend  to  my Mom and  I have  many memoies  of  them talking  at the  kitchen  table.  Now  someone  talked  about  Alpine  Dion  he  was  my  Great Uncle and  ended up   living  with us   for a  while.  What   guy  he was  I remember  going  into  his  little  shoe  shop  he  had.  it  was tucked in between the  bakery and  the   red  owl  store  and  as all of  us Morinville  would   go and  visit  him  and  he  would  let  us   smell the  glue he used  to  fix  the  shoes.  the  Glue  smelled   so  good. hahaha   then  one   day  he  got a   new   bottle  in and  it  had a warning  not  to  smell  and  he  showed  it  to  us. Well  that  was  the end of  smelling  glue.  He  was a  quiet  men   and  we  all loved  him  dearly……  We  loved  going to  his  house  just  North  of  town and  seeing the  baby  chicks …  Bev
Message from Karen Loeb Mhyre (65): (Dr. Loeb, at San Haven, was her father): 

I am forwarding this on for Karen (see below). It is cute.

Bill (Grimme) 65

 Hello Bill, 

I wanted to forward this to Gary for all of us now in our 60′s, but�
can’t seem to get it to go without all of the names of my friend�
Jennifer’s distribution list.  I hope you can open it at least and have a�
good laugh!  If you can figure out how to send it on so others can see it�
as well, that would be great!

Am in Michigan til tomorrow (with my granddaughter, Fiona) and then home�
for a few days and then to Palm Springs to get out of the cold for a week.�
Oh, and a gal trip to Las Vegas to see the Cirque de Soliel “Love” show�
and the “sites”  for three days!

I hope you are enjoying your retirement.

Jim will work at least 5 more years!

Take care,

Karen Mhyre

This is funny. Make sure you have the sound on and follow the link below.
From Marshall Awalt (51):
Marshall, I’ve added who I think the last names are of the folks in the play, in Blue,  with a “?”.  Please verify if they are correct.  Gary
Hi Gary,
Speaking of plays at good old Dunseith sent me looking for my high school play book (Desperate Ambrose).I have all the characters indentified but one so hopefully someone out there can help.
Don (Hosmer?) played Dan’l
Tommy (Hagen?) played Ambrose Groves
Jimmy (?) Played Bert Miller
Norman (Haagenson?) played Sheriff Crandel
Dick (Morgan?) played Hoot Owl Pete
Marshall (Awalt?) played Stinkweed
Lois (Lilleby?) played Nancy Martin
Donna (Sunderland?) played Anne Martin
Joyce (Boardman?) played Poise
Clarice (Olson?) played Mrs Sprool
Carol (Fassett?)  played Lena
I have C.C. playing Beth can anyone jog my memory as to who is C.C.
We held the play in the old gym.I don’t remember how the play went over but Ido know we had one great time putting it on.
Here is a few things to help bring back good memories.
      Marshall, was this Class year 50-51?

1/28/2014 (1951)

No Blog yesterday
For the record I did not get a blog posted yesterday. With Bernadette not being well and having our monthly Cebu Expat dinner last night, I wasn’t able to get a blog posted.
For the first time ever, Bernadette was not well enough to attend our monthly Expat dinner. Novie and Mirasol were giving her pain pills yesterday in hopes that she would feel better and be able to attend, but they didn’t help. They too wanted to attend the dinner, but without Bernadette they were not able to attend. They had to take care of her. Bernadette is feeling much better today, but still not good. She felt so bad not being able to attend our dinner.

Rodney D. Evans (DHS ’51)


Evans, Rodney D. age 80, of Osseo. Survived by wife of 60 years, Helen; children, Jackie (Mike) Fair, Cherie (Jack) Bender, Mary (Jon) Flor, Matthew Evans, and Bill (Dena) Evans; sister, Helen (Charlie) McCrossan; 17 grandchildren; 5 great grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. Proudly employed by C.S. McCrossan, and a member of the 49ers for decades. He was an active member of AA for over 32 years. He was a humble, loving man who had a contagious personality for all. We know he’s looking down with his sparkling blue eyes, tilted cap, and signature grin. Celebration of Rodney’s life is Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 9-11 a.m., followed by Mass of Christian Burial 11 AM at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, 9100 93rd Ave. N., Brooklyn Park. Interment at St. Vincent’s Cemetery, Osseo. Evans-Nordby 763-424-4000 www.evansnordby.com

Rodney Evans (DHS ’51) Funeral
Posting from Bonnie Awalt Houle (’56):   Becker, MN
Rodney Evans funeral was help in Osseo, Minnesota where Rodney worked and lived for over 50 years.  It was a very large funeral because Rodney, Helen and their had a large family of friends.  Rodney was very active in his church and community.
Hope the attachment comes through okay. (You did well Bonnie)
Bonnie Awalt Houle
Evans, Rodney 1951
Our condolences to the Anderson family!!_ 
From Jay (’66) & Lola Metcalfe (’68) Vanorny:  Dunseith, ND
Gene fought a brave and long siege with cancer!!-  But is now at peace with his Lord  !!!–  
Our prayer is for Peace and comfort for his family that is left to mourn -what a time – with this storm in our area – !!-  Hopefully the winds will die down!!!-
-Jay and LOla Vanorny
Blog posted on February 18, 2008


Folks, There is a lot of history with these messages today.  It’s great!  Future generations will love us.  Gary



From Ron Longie (65):


I too have fond memories of K.C. my kid brother Donnie and I went into K.C.’s store on report card day, Donnie said he had received his report card but didn’t know what all the letters were for so K.C. asked Donnie to see his card, he started off with

A- Excellent

B- Very Good

C- Average

D- Not so good


needless to say Donnie was very excited to show his report card to dad after he got done reading him the riot act my brother couldn’t understand all the ruckus over his grades cause K.C. said the “F” meant fine. We laugh about it now but it wasn’t to funny then.

Ron Longie (class of 65)




From Dave Slyter (70):
Mr. Nagel would yell,  Ok please get out your typing books.�

Dave Slyter
From Diane Larson Sjol (70): 
Remember Mrs Conroy and those arithmetic tests she used to have me�
write out during recess.  Then she would put them on the mimeograph�
machine and we would have the test in the afternoon.  I never once�
thought about cheating..Mrs. Seim cured me of that in the first grade.�
We had a think and do workbook with three questions at the end of�
the story.  I wasn’t sure so I copied Debbie Morinville’s paper and we�
both got it wrong and got F’s….Remember delivring May baskets and�
making bowls out of 78 records and spraying them and cigar boxes�
covered with macaroni with bronze colored spray paint.  I can’t�
remember how many macaroni boxes my mom got from us kids.  I also�
remember sitting out in the middle of the gravel street in Dunseith�
before the roads were paved making mud pies.  I think we lived in that�
green and white barn house by the Fontaine’s and the Sister’s convent.�
I also remember playing with the hoola hoop with the Grossman kids�
and wearing sunsuits when Sister (the crabby one) came out and told us�
we were sinful and were moving our bodies in sinful ways.  We didn’t�
have a clue what she was talking about.  so next time we played with�
the hoola hoop, we made sure she couldn’t see us so we wouldn’t go to�
From Bonnie Awalt Houle (56): 
Dear Gary,
    The small Creamery on the South end of town was first owned by Clint and Hattie Anderson (Hattie Bailey Anderson Related to Vance Bailey) when they retired and moved to Rockford, Illinois they sold to Minnie Alvin who ran it for many years.
    The lumber yard that was behind the bank, hardware store and postoffice, was owned by Mr. Schwab. (We used to crawl under the boards at the bottom of the lumber yard and play on the lumber.  Mr. Schwab would chase us off and 10 minutes later we were all back in there again.)
    Behind the Hardware store they kept a large flatbed trailer all one summer.  We used to play on it like it was a huge tee-ter-tatar we’d run all to one end and it would come down and then we’d run to the other end and let it bang back again, back and forth until someone from inside (usually Bill Evans) would come out and yell for us to scram. He must not have been very scary because everyday we were back doing it again.
  Joy Nordquist’s mother ran the confectionary for awhile when they first moved to Dunseith.
Ed and Edna Leonard had the Peace Garden Cafe when it was on the South end of town not far from the little creamery.
    Do you remember Jackie Spaeth and his little pony and cart that he delivered the newspapers from?
    What about Rowena Godfrey, her dad was the barber next to the Drug Store.  They lived behind the Barber shop.  I haven’t heard from her since they moved from Dunseith.
Bonnie (Awalt) Houle 1956
From Dave Slyter (70): 
I remember Minnie Alvin   The sweet little lady that ran the Rugby creamery.  She sure was a strong little lady.   Always look forward to seeing her farm customers come into town when we had to deliver the cream to her. �

Dave Slyter
From Gary Morgan (54): 
Hi Gary & All,
In answer to Gary Metcalf, Mr. Schwab was the manager of the Great Plains Lumber Yard, owned by Farmers Union.  Apparently, about the time that Mr. Schwab retired, Farmers Union decided Dunseith was only big enough for one lumber yard and brought in Harry Adams to manage
Great Plains.  They dropped their prices to rock bottom. I remember for a while they were selling cement for ten cents a bag less than cost.  At this time there was a Great Plains lumber yard in about every town (sort of like (Cenex) so they could make up their loss someplace else.  One thing we know about Farmers Union….they don’t like private enterprise and will eliminate it anytime they can.
Those were lean years for the Morgan Lumber Co. and the only way my Dad survived was by going into the construction business.  By being able to offer the complete package (materials & labor), he was able to hang on.  Eventually, Farmers Union gave up and in the middle 50s offered to sell their lumber yard to Dad.  Dad bought them out, tore down the lumber sheds and rented the lot to Harvey Hobbs.

Gary Morgan
Class of 54
From Bill Hosmer (48): 
 Hello again, Dunseithers.   The names on main street mentioned by Gary
Metcalfe ring a few bells.  Pete Richard early on had  gas station,
south of Hassen’s store.  He had a son Pete Jr. about the age of my
brother Don Hosmer, class of 52 or 53.  Later on he had the variety
store a few doors south of McCoys bar wich was just south of Hosmers
Store.  I have seen Pete Jr. in Dunseith , probably at the Dunseith
Centennial in 1982. 

      Bill Schwab owned the lumber yard which was east, across the alley
from the bank building.  The current post office is on the southeast
corner of the lot which was included in that property.  The building
was shaped like an L.  One leg of the L was on the north side of
that lot, and the other leg was on the west side, backed up to the
alley. This structure held most of the lumber stock and was open.
On rainy days, if we had been on that part of town we took shelter
under the roofed areas, until Mr Schwab would politely tell us to
leave.  There were not many cranky people, except the occaisional
streak KC had.  Kids were all over town and in the hills, and down
at the creek.

    One time when we were in our younger teens one summer a few of us were
driving around one night after dark.  Went up to the San, and up to
the water tower which still stands there.  Three of us guys went up
the ladder to the walk way around the bottom of the tank to impress
the girls that were with us.  The guys were Chuck Johnson, Leo Murray,
and me.  Then two of us went up the ladder which rolled around the
lower guard fence, and went to the top of the tank where  the red
blinking light was installed.  Don”t remember who the other high
climber was, but I touched the light, and waited for a cheer, but it
never happened.  The girls probably couldn’t see it, or they didn’t

 My Uncle Bob Hosmer told me that when he was a kid he did  things like
that in the 1920s.  He walked around the bottom row of shingles which
were on top of the wooden water tower down by the depot.  It was for
watering the steam engine which pulled the train out every morning
enroute to York, and then back in the evening.  It was pretty high as
well.  Later on we got a diesel engine on that line and we called it the
“Galloping Goose”.  We grade schoolers used to ride it to Rolette for
Young Citizen League meetings as well as spelling bees, etc.  Al Mogard
was the conductor on that line for along time.  His family included
Gerald, Dean, Bob, Wayne, and Marlene (who was at Q125 with Wayne).
Gerald married Miss Evinrude who was my teacher in sixth grade during the
early 1940s.  I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world
then.  She took away a handful of marbles which spilled out of my pocket
in class, which was a NO NO. I never got them back at the end of the
school year.  So I used to tell the other kids “she was Evinrude to me”.
Sad tale.

    Sometimes these mailings really trigger a flood of remembrances.
Cheers, Bill Hosmer

Allen Richard’s (65) Reply to Gary Metcalfe (57):
To Gary Metcalfe–

About my relatives on Main Street.  The gas station is a very old building.  One of the oldest still standing on Main Street–similar time frame as the Red Owl, Gambles and stone garage.  I’m not sure who built it, but Dad’s Uncle Joe Richard ran it until his death in the early 50′s.  Then Vernon and Norman took it over.  Vernon lived in the back part — it was pretty run down even then.  Part of it included a couple small apartments, but they were so bad they didn’t rent it to anyone and it was finally torn away from the rest of the building.  Vernon left first.  He moved with his family to Seattle in the summer between my 2nd and 3rd grade.  He had two kids in school at that time, Sandra was a year older than me and Sam a year younger.  Ron Richard, Nolan “Skip” Vandal, whose mother Lorraine was Vernon’s sister, and I were all in the same grade.  Norman Richard was Ron’s dad and he operated the station until Orphela Robert took it over.  Skip’s dad, Norman Vandal ran the dray service.
Dad had two other uncles in the area as well as his grandparents in Dunseith around that time.  Pete ran the Dime Store.  He moved to Seattle before his son Pete Junior graduated from high school, shortly after his folks died.  “Junior” in the Seattle area and is in land investment.  He also owns farm land in several areas in ND.  I was hoping he was in the market when I sold mine, but it didn’t work out.
Pete’s house was where Roland Mongeon’s house is now–right west of the Stone Church.  Between the church and his house was a little house where my great-grandparents spent their last years.
The other uncle, Albert, I think was the maintenance man at the San until Erling Berg took over.
On the other side of the family, My Grandma Pigeon had the little house across the street from the gas station built for her.  Unfortunately she died before it was finished.  Dad and a couple of my uncles finished the house and it was rented it out for a few years before being sold as I recall

1/26/2014 (1950)

Reply from Lee Stickland (’64):  Dickenson, ND
I sent a cc of (1949) to my daughter-in-law who works on the Cambridge College Campus in Boston.  She, Kim, is a research scientist with a double PhD, pharmaco-toxicology.  She has just experienced additional great achevements.  She was recently ‘hi-jacked’ from a PUBLICLY TRADED company to come and work for a PRIVATE ENTERPRISE.  She has had such good success in taking a drug to and through the final development stages including presenting to, and gaining approval from, the FDA to permit advancements for/to/in/very progressive new testings. That testing opportunity for this one specific drug has quickly moved into the direct phase of deciding dosages for patients with specific diseases. LEE      s
On Saturday, January 25, 2014 12:33 PM, Lee Stickland <lee_stickland@yahoo.com> wrote:
Kim, Eric, and SAM,
Bill Hosmer is a magnificent representative of the Dunseith-spirit.  Bill flew as a main pilot for the Air Force “Thunderbird” precision jet section, I believe in the 1960’s.  Bill’s Dad, Jack, was a mail-carrier.  Bill’s parents, Jack and Inez also owned a dry-good store in Dunseith for years.
Bill came to see Dad when Dad was in the nursing home here in Dickinson.  That gesture is a true demonstration of the thoughtfulness of Bill.
Near the end of the attached article relative to “asparagus”, I see the word ‘ histone’; I sure do not know what that indicates.
Rod Hiatt is a brother to Earl Hiatt, the boy who was killed in car accident when I incurred the head injury in 1965.  Rod is a successful auctioneer.  His reference to KC Sine is about a man from Syria who owned the “Red and White” grocery store in Dunseith.
Bill Hosmer’s mother had been at a “Thunderbird” airshow in MPLS.  She learned that the team would soon perform in Minot; +/- 80 miles SW as the crow-flies from Dunseith.  She was able to visit with the a “commander” and quietly got the OK for the team to fly over Dunseith wihile on their “commute” to Minot.
KC Sine heard the horrendous noise, came out, saw the jets and ‘hit the deck’.  He was not happy for the skinned knees, until he learned the occasion.
PHYLLIS—congrats on G G Daug.  I am esp. attracted to HIS middle name.  
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND


Gene A. Anderson


(April 20, 1949 – January 24, 2014)

Gene Anderson, age 64 of Dunseith, died Friday at his home. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 11:00 A.M. in the Dunseith Community Center. Visitation will be Wednesday, beginning at 4:00 P.M., in the Community Center. Cremation will take place after the services.

I was very surprised to hear of Gene’s passing. I remember Gene well too. 

With his passing, our condolences are with his family.


Blog posted on February 17, 2008



Folks, There is a lot of history with these messages today.  It’s great!  Future generations will love us.  Gary


From Ron Longie (65):


I too have fond memories of K.C. my kid brother Donnie and I went into K.C.’s store on report card day, Donnie said he had received his report card but didn’t know what all the letters were for so K.C. asked Donnie to see his card, he started off with

                       A- Excellent

                       B- Very Good

                       C- Average

                       D- Not so good

                       F- FINE

needless to say Donnie was very excited to show his report card to dad after he got done reading him the riot act my brother couldn’t understand all the ruckus over his grades cause K.C. said the “F” meant fine. We laugh about it now but it wasn’t to funny then.

                                             Ron Longie (class of 65)



From Dave Slyter (70):
Mr. Nagel would yell,  Ok please get out your typing books.�

Dave Slyter
From Diane Larson Sjol (70): 
Remember Mrs Conroy and those arithmetic tests she used to have me�
write out during recess.  Then she would put them on the mimeograph�
machine and we would have the test in the afternoon.  I never once�
thought about cheating..Mrs. Seim cured me of that in the first grade.�
  We had a think and do workbook with three questions at the end of�
the story.  I wasn’t sure so I copied Debbie Morinville’s paper and we�
both got it wrong and got F’s….Remember delivring May baskets and�
making bowls out of 78 records and spraying them and cigar boxes�
covered with macaroni with bronze colored spray paint.  I can’t�
remember how many macaroni boxes my mom got from us kids.  I also�
remember sitting out in the middle of the gravel street in Dunseith�
before the roads were paved making mud pies.  I think we lived in that�
green and white barn house by the Fontaine’s and the Sister’s convent.�
  I also remember playing with the hoola hoop with the Grossman kids�
and wearing sunsuits when Sister (the crabby one) came out and told us�
we were sinful and were moving our bodies in sinful ways.  We didn’t�
have a clue what she was talking about.  so next time we played with�
the hoola hoop, we made sure she couldn’t see us so we wouldn’t go to�
From Bonnie Awalt Houle (56): 
Dear Gary,
    The small Creamery on the South end of town was first owned by Clint and Hattie Anderson (Hattie Bailey Anderson Related to Vance Bailey) when they retired and moved to Rockford, Illinois they sold to Minnie Alvin who ran it for many years.
    The lumber yard that was behind the bank, hardware store and postoffice, was owned by Mr. Schwab. (We used to crawl under the boards at the bottom of the lumber yard and play on the lumber.  Mr. Schwab would chase us off and 10 minutes later we were all back in there again.)
    Behind the Hardware store they kept a large flatbed trailer all one summer.  We used to play on it like it was a huge tee-ter-tatar we’d run all to one end and it would come down and then we’d run to the other end and let it bang back again, back and forth until someone from inside (usually Bill Evans) would come out and yell for us to scram. He must not have been very scary because everyday we were back doing it again.
  Joy Nordquist’s mother ran the confectionary for awhile when they first moved to Dunseith.
Ed and Edna Leonard had the Peace Garden Cafe when it was on the South end of town not far from the little creamery.
    Do you remember Jackie Spaeth and his little pony and cart that he delivered the newspapers from?
    What about Rowena Godfrey, her dad was the barber next to the Drug Store.  They lived behind the Barber shop.  I haven’t heard from her since they moved from Dunseith.
Bonnie (Awalt) Houle 1956
From Dave Slyter (70): 
I remember Minnie Alvin   The sweet little lady that ran the Rugby creamery.  She sure was a strong little lady.   Always look forward to seeing her farm customers come into town when we had to deliver the cream to her. �

Dave Slyter
From Gary Morgan (54): 
Hi Gary & All,
In answer to Gary Metcalf, Mr. Schwab was the manager of the Great Plains Lumber Yard, owned by Farmers Union.  Apparently, about the time that Mr. Schwab retired, Farmers Union decided Dunseith was only big enough for one lumber yard and brought in Harry Adams to manage
Great Plains.  They dropped their prices to rock bottom. I remember for a while they were selling cement for ten cents a bag less than cost.  At this time there was a Great Plains lumber yard in about every town (sort of like (Cenex) so they could make up their loss someplace else.  One thing we know about Farmers Union….they don’t like private enterprise and will eliminate it anytime they can.
Those were lean years for the Morgan Lumber Co. and the only way my Dad survived was by going into the construction business.  By being able to offer the complete package (materials & labor), he was able to hang on.  Eventually, Farmers Union gave up and in the middle 50s offered to sell their lumber yard to Dad.  Dad bought them out, tore down the lumber sheds and rented the lot to Harvey Hobbs.

Gary Morgan
Class of 54
From Bill Hosmer (48): 
 Hello again, Dunseithers.   The names on main street mentioned by Gary
Metcalfe ring a few bells.  Pete Richard early on had  gas station,
south of Hassen’s store.  He had a son Pete Jr. about the age of my
brother Don Hosmer, class of 52 or 53.  Later on he had the variety
store a few doors south of McCoys bar wich was just south of Hosmers
Store.  I have seen Pete Jr. in Dunseith , probably at the Dunseith
Centennial in 1982. 

Bill Schwab owned the lumber yard which was east, across the alley
from the bank building.  The current post office is on the southeast
corner of the lot which was included in that property.  The building
was shaped like an L.  One leg of the L was on the north side of
that lot, and the other leg was on the west side, backed up to the
alley. This structure held most of the lumber stock and was open.
On rainy days, if we had been on that part of town we took shelter
under the roofed areas, until Mr Schwab would politely tell us to
leave.  There were not many cranky people, except the occaisional
streak KC had.  Kids were all over town and in the hills, and down
at the creek.

One time when we were in our younger teens one summer a few of us were
driving around one night after dark.  Went up to the San, and up to
the water tower which still stands there.  Three of us guys went up
the ladder to the walk way around the bottom of the tank to impress
the girls that were with us.  The guys were Chuck Johnson, Leo Murray,
and me.  Then two of us went up the ladder which rolled around the
lower guard fence, and went to the top of the tank where  the red
blinking light was installed.  Don”t remember who the other high
climber was, but I touched the light, and waited for a cheer, but it
never happened.  The girls probably couldn’t see it, or they didn’t

My Uncle Bob Hosmer told me that when he was a kid he did  things like
that in the 1920s.  He walked around the bottom row of shingles which
were on top of the wooden water tower down by the depot.  It was for
watering the steam engine which pulled the train out every morning
enroute to York, and then back in the evening.  It was pretty high as
well.  Later on we got a diesel engine on that line and we called it the
“Galloping Goose”.  We grade schoolers used to ride it to Rolette for
Young Citizen League meetings as well as spelling bees, etc.  Al Mogard
was the conductor on that line for along time.  His family included
Gerald, Dean, Bob, Wayne, and Marlene (who was at Q125 with Wayne).
Gerald married Miss Evinrude who was my teacher in sixth grade during the
early 1940s.  I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world
then.  She took away a handful of marbles which spilled out of my pocket
in class, which was a NO NO. I never got them back at the end of the
school year.  So I used to tell the other kids “she was Evinrude to me”.
Sad tale.

Sometimes these mailings really trigger a flood of remembrances.
Cheers, Bill Hosmer

Allen Richard’s (65) Reply to Gary Metcalfe (57):
To Gary Metcalfe–

About my relatives on Main Street.  The gas station is a very old building.  One of the oldest still standing on Main Street–similar time frame as the Red Owl, Gambles and stone garage.  I’m not sure who built it, but Dad’s Uncle Joe Richard ran it until his death in the early 50′s.  Then Vernon and Norman took it over.  Vernon lived in the back part — it was pretty run down even then.  Part of it included a couple small apartments, but they were so bad they didn’t rent it to anyone and it was finally torn away from the rest of the building.  Vernon left first.  He moved with his family to Seattle in the summer between my 2nd and 3rd grade.  He had two kids in school at that time, Sandra was a year older than me and Sam a year younger.  Ron Richard, Nolan “Skip” Vandal, whose mother Lorraine was Vernon’s sister, and I were all in the same grade.  Norman Richard was Ron’s dad and he operated the station until Orphela Robert took it over.  Skip’s dad, Norman Vandal ran the dray service.
Dad had two other uncles in the area as well as his grandparents in Dunseith around that time.  Pete ran the Dime Store.  He moved to Seattle before his son Pete Junior graduated from high school, shortly after his folks died.  “Junior” in the Seattle area and is in land investment.  He also owns farm land in several areas in ND.  I was hoping he was in the market when I sold mine, but it didn’t work out.
Pete’s house was where Roland Mongeon’s house is now–right west of the Stone Church.  Between the church and his house was a little house where my great-grandparents spent their last years.
The other uncle, Albert, I think was the maintenance man at the San until Erling Berg took over.
On the other side of the family, My Grandma Pigeon had the little house across the street from the gas station built for her.  Unfortunately she died before it was finished.  Dad and a couple of my uncles finished the house and it was rented it out for a few years before being sold as I recall

1/25/2014 (1949)

Proud Great Grandma “Phyllis McKay”
Message from Phyllis McKay (’65):  Auburn, WA

Hi Gary,

On Wednesday, January 22,  my granddaughter Chelsea, gave birth to a little baby boy. His name is Gaige Joseph Sims. He weighs 6 lbs. 8 oz.  and is 19 inches long. Mamma and baby are doing well! So is the great grandmother! Other than busting my buttons with happiness. Gaige came a little early as he was not due until February 11th.  He was born in Fargo, North Dakota. Chelsea is attending the dental hygiene program at North Dakota State School of Science in Wahpeton, North Dakota.  I will get to hold him at the end of February when I go back for Presidents week.

Phyllis McKay

Congratulations Phyllis! Nice pictures too.

You are not old enough to be a Great Grandma. You are may age.   Gary 

Posting of the day
From Bill Hosmer (’48):  Tucson, AZ
Gary, This is a bit long, but it might be summarized a tad. The message is 
just that asparagus has a major effect on the systems with its detoxification

of substances that are in our system. It has benefits for many disorders. Since there are several of our Dunseith/Bottineau/Hills/Prairie friends with
disorders, maybe we can consider this a public service.  It was sent by

an old fighter pilot I instructed years ago whose wife is a survivor because of it.   Maybe your beautiful bride can rustle up some for all of you.  Cheers and

thanks for what you do,Gary, and how you do it.  Bill Hosmer

    Asparagus for cancer

Worth a read relating to cancer treatment/remedy.
Very interesting! When I was in the USN I was stationed in Key West, FL.  I worked at the clinic at Naval Air Station on Big Coppitt Key just a few mile north of Key West. The hospital at Key West was for out patient only for retired armed forces personnel that lived in the area.  If you needed to be hospitalized you were sent to Homestead AFB Florida.  I had the day off and just went inside the hospital (Corpsman barracks were next to hospital). There was a retired navy man that worked in the lab and he was very interesting gentleman to talk with.  He was a retired biochemist from the USN, he asked me what was going on that day and I  said I had the day off.  I wish I was working as the crew on today was taking a sailor to Homestead as he had a very bad kidney infection.
Now this elderly gent told me the man should have eaten more asparagus and he wouldn’t have that problem.  I asked why? I’ll never forget him saying do you eat asparagus and I said yes, I love them.  He replied you notice how your urine stinks after eating asparagus? I said well I never thought it was what I ate, but yes it does have a pungent odor.  It is because it is detoxifying your body of harmful chemicals!!! This was back in 1986 when I was stationed there and to read this email again I had to share this story…Eat more asparagus my friends.
My Mom had been taking the full-stalk canned style asparagus, pureed it and took 4 tablespoons in the morning and 4 tablespoons later in the day.   She did this for over a month.  She is on chemo pills for Stage 3 lung cancer in the pleural area and her cancer cell count went from 386 down to 125 as of this past week. Her oncologist said she will not need to see him for 3 months.
THE ARTICLE: Several years ago I met a man seeking asparagus for a friend who had cancer.  He gave me a copy of an article, entitled “Asparagus For Cancer” printed in the Cancer News Journal, December 1979.  I will share it here, just as it was shared with me: I am a biochemist, and have specialized in the relation of diet to health or over 50 years.  Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer.  Since then, I have worked with him on his project. We have accumulated a number of favorable case histories.  Here are a few examples:
Case No. 1:   A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin’s disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated.  Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.
Case No. 2:   A successful businessman, 68 years old, suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he began taking asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.
Case No. 3:   On March 5th 1971, a man who had lung cancer was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless.  On April 5th he heard about the Asparagus therapy and immediately started taking it.  By August, x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared.  He is now back at his regular business routine.
Case No. 4:   A woman had been troubled for a number of years with skin cancer.  She developed different skin cancers which were diagnosed by the acting specialist as advanced. Within 3 months after beginning asparagus therapy, the skin specialist said her skin looked fine with no more skin lesions.  This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cured her kidney disease, which had started in 1949.  She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an inoperable, terminal, kidney condition.  She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus treatment.
I was not surprised at this result as `The elements of materia medica’, edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones.  He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones.  Note the dates! We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records.  I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm the medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.
For the treatment, asparagus should be cooked before using.  Fresh or canned asparagus can be used.  I have corresponded with the two leading canners of asparagus, Giant and Stokely, and I am satisfied that these brands contain no pesticides or preservatives. Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree.  Store in the refrigerator.  Give the patient
4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening. Patients usually show some improvement in 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases.
As a biochemist I am convinced of the old saying that `what cures can prevent.’  Based on this theory, my wife and I have been using asparagus puree as a beverage with our meals.   We take 2 tablespoons diluted in water to suit our taste with breakfast and with dinner.  I take mine hot and my wife prefers hers cold.  For years we have made it a practice to have blood surveys taken as part of our regular checkups.  The last blood survey, taken by a medical doctor who specializes in the nutritional approach to health, showed substantial improvements in all categories over the last one, and we can attribute these improvements to nothing but the asparagus drink.  As a biochemist, I have made an extensive study of all aspects of cancer, and all of the proposed cures.  As a result, I am convinced that asparagus fits in better with the latest theories about cancer.
Asparagus contains a good supply of protein called histones, which are believed to be active in controlling cell growth.  For that reason, I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call cell growth normalizer.  That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic In any event, regardless of theory, asparagus used as we suggest, is a harmless substance.  The FDA cannot prevent you from using it and it may do you much good.  It has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body’s most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants.
Just a side note. In case you are wondering why this has not been made public, there is no profit in curing cancer!
Please share this article with your family and friends.  The most unselfish act one can ever do is paying forward  all the kindness one has received.
Blog posted on February 16, 2008


“Thank You”  from Don Olson (72), son of Lorraine Metcalfe Somers: 
I would like to thank all of the Dunseith people for visiting
about the past expereiences of their youth and adulthood in
Dunseith.My name is Don Olson.  I am one of three sons that Lorraine
Somers raised with the right hand of God on her side.  I would
like all of those who knew our mother that she cherished each
and every one of you.  She loved making music with her brothers
and great life-long friends that she had the privilege of
playing with in different bands and events.  Thank you for
remembering her and her life.

Love to all


Rod Hiatt’s (69) Memories of KC Sine: 
Reading the stories about old KC brings back the memory when I went down
to get some candy when I was quite young. I am sure, like most kids, it
took me sometime to finally pick out a nickels worth and when I paid him
with a dime he gave me back a quarter in change. When I got home I was
bragging about my extra money and Dad, Howard, marched me back up to KC
to explain his mistake. Well by the time I left, I had more candy in a
bag for being honest( I think that part was forced on me) than what I
could have bought with the quarter. The candy back then must have had a
special coating on it, as I don’t ever recall germs on that unwrapped
candy that was no doubt handled by hundreds of dirty little fingers as
we all decided on what we wanted.
“Remember When” From Donna Dubois Thomas (72):
I’d like to start a DHS “remember when” dialogue.


Mr. Knight would yell “OK, you clowns!”



Remember ?- from Bonnie Awalt Houle (56):

Good Morning Gary,

    I wondered if anyone can remember the music teacher we had that was named Miss Harschanko (Spelling probably wrong).  She was Russian I believe we were told.  She directed the school in a variety show.  The costumes were made out of Crepe Paper.(real flimsy, good thing the wind couldn’t blow in the city hall).  Spencer Teal helped her with the lights etc.  Some of the songs I remember doing were, Lavender Blue, Winter Wonderland, and something about clouds. She was quite strict, and quite verbal as I remember.  She did involve almost every kid in school that she could talk into doing it.  It seems some of the boys sang a song from the “Sons of the Pioneers”, called “Cool Water”, Barry Shelver sang the tenor part doing the echo.  I think I was in 4th or 5th grade, with Mrs. Conroy as my teacher.  Mrs. Conroy was so great to everyone that I would do anything for her.
Bonnie Awalt Houle  1956
Names for thought from Gary Metcalfe (57):  
Hi all,  I would like to throw out a few names of people who were on main street in the 50′s and see if anyone remembers them or has stories.  Alphie Dion, Pete Richard, Vernon Richard and his brother, I seem to remember a Swaub (?sp), he may have owned a lumber yard, if not who did own the lumber yard at that time?  Lawrence Gouin (?sp), Clarence Schultz,  Erling Sem,  Art Seim (confectionary),  Minnie Alvin…..for starts.  Gary Metcalfe
Message & picture from Melvin Kuhn (70): 
Howdy Gary,
I was looking through some pictures yesterday trying to find a picture of my daughter and I found this picture. It’s a picture of Hazel Hiatt, Kick McKay and Hazel’s BIG dog, I think maybe in 1979. I was visiting from Indiana and went to see Kick with my dad for some reason or another and was amazed with the size of Hazel’s dog. There was mention of Hazel just recently so I thought I’d just send it along. Hope it comes through OK.
Mel Kuhn

1/24/2014 (1948)

No Blog yesterday
For the record I did not get a blog posted yesterday.
Happy Birthday Shelly Sime Fossen (’84): Jamestown, ND
        Sime Fossen, Shelly 1948
Happy Birthday Bernda Hiatt Parker (DHS ’73): Wilton, ND
 Hiatt Parker, Brenda 1948
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND
Linda M Amyotte
(November 21, 1957 – January 20, 2014)

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Linda M. Amyotte, age 56 of Dunseith, died on Monday, January 20, 2014 in a Belcourt hospital. Funeral services will be held on Monday January 27, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. in the St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Dunseith. Burial will be in the St. Louis Cemetery of Dunseith. A wake will be held on Sunday beginning at 6:00 P.M. with a prayer service at 7:00 p.m. in the church.

Linda M. Amyotte, a daughter of Alex and Stella (Demery) Belgarde, was born on November 21, 1957 at Bottineau. On April 26, 1979 she was married to Norbert Amyotte. He passed away on October 8, 2012.

She is survived by her daughter, Amanda Amyotte of Dunseith; a son, Credence Amyotte of Dunseith, 5 grandchildren, Shayden Davis, Marrissa Enno, Dustin Trottier, Elaina Amyotte and Credence Amyotte Jr.; brothers, James (Smiley) Belgarde and his wife Shirley, Jerry Belgarde and his wife Rosie both of Dunseith; sisters, Melinda and her husband Phillip Belgarde, Margaret and her husband Jimmy Chase, Shirley Mae Belgarde all of Dunseith, and Sharon and her husband Paul Bericer of St. John; many nieces and nephews.

Linda was preceded in death by her parents, husband, Norbert; brothers, Donny Belgarde, Gary Belgarde, Eli Belgarde and Clifford Belgarde; sister, Paulette Vivier and a nephew Paul Bericer III

Dunseith News
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND
Blog posted on February 15, 2008
Vickie Metcalfe’s (70) Memories of  Lorraine Metcalfe Somers: 
Hi Gary,
Vickie  here.  I ‘m listening to my cousin, Lorraine ” Roses and
Thorns”.  Thank You,  Gary for sending this out so more folks can
remember her!
On Boxing Day 2006, I  was fortunate  enough  to spend the day
eating dark chocolate, pumpkin doughnuts and sipping green tea with
Lorraine and her  two dogs at her home on Scotch Annie Island.
Lorraine  was so looking forward to summer, 2007.  She told me she
had  hopeful visions of sitting on Don’s deck with her boys in
Dunseith and visiting with folks who came to call.
I was lucky to spend a couple more times with her sipping tea and
laughing  together at crazy stories before her passing.
Although, Lorraine’s body was being  ravaged by cancer.
Her spirit was the same.
Blessed be the spirit of Lorraine.
My dear  cousin, whom, I will always remember and miss as a  strong
woman.  Lorraine (Metcalfe) Somers the survivor,  who always chose to
keep an optimistic attitude, stuck to her “guns” with her honesty,
chose to maintain her dignity & her ready sense of humor.
I will remember and miss  her as  “my special cousin of the heart”
who embraced and walked through  the” ROSES AND THORNS  OF LIFE”, the
cousin who wrapped around  family  & friends of all walks and colours
with hugs and the exuberance of music & food, and her joyous love of
her dear boys.
Sincerely, Vickie L. Metcalfe 

Vickie L. Metcalfe

Memories of K.C. Sine from  Diane Larson Sjol (70): 
I remember getting up early and asking my mom for money (she was still�
asleep) and she would say “just take the change out of my purse”…she�
had no recollection of telling us that of course and stared at us in�
amazement when she got up and we were all sitting on the floor eating�
our bag of candy….but we would walk the two blocks to KC’s store and�
buy tons of candy.  I especially remember the purple bubble gum…it�
was in a container and you just reached in and grabbed some…they�
were two for a penny.  When you bit into them they just crumbled in�
your mouth with a burst of grape…but if you kept chewing, you got a�
nice wad of bubble gum…..oh those were the days….:)  Diane
Memories of K.C. Sine from Don Lamoureux (75): 
K.C. Sine

I remember as a little kid, I probably had to be 4 to 5, getting a couple cap gun six shooters and a cowboy hat.  So I’m up at  Lamoureux Bros. Garage, and somebody must have thought it would be funny if I went in and held up KC.  I’m sure I wasn’t smart enough at that time to think of it myself, but I remember going into the store and announcing that “this is a stick up”.  KC laughed his ass off, I think he gave  me a banana and some candy and sent me on my way.  With this positive reinforcement, I did think I had it made with this deal, so I went right back in the next day with the same song and dance.  I don’t remember exactly what he said that day, but I distinctly remember it was not funny that day, and beat a hasty retreat to escape the verbal barrage. Guess I learned crime doesn’t always pay.

Don Lamoureux (75

1/22/2014 (1947)

Lars Severtson’s daughter and Lee Stickland’s (’64) Cousin Theresa Severtson Delikat
Reply from Theresa Severtson Delikat:  Box Elder, SD
Gary,  I have sent a couple of posts but I don’t think they reached you.  I saw Bob Hosmer today and he says to just use the reply so here we go.  I want to thank you for your invitation and was surprised at your excellent memory of our family history.  You have your father’s gift of narration and memory.  The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We were always anxious for Bob’s cream run as he was our walking newspaper and shared the neighborhood news over a cup of coffee, and bread, and jellies, and cakes, and cookies.  This was our 10 AM lunch.  Next came dinner at noon.  Wow, how did we eat that much!!
This is the other post I sent:
I would like to comment on the article submitted by Leona Kofoid written about the Hidden Salem Cemetery. 
My great grandfather (Lars Sivertson) and grandmother (Olianne Rensvold Sivertson) were buried at the cemetery and were moved later to the site where the Salem cemetery is present day.  I have 4 great aunts and great uncles that remain at the old Salem cemetery that were children of Lewis and Tonnette Sivertson (Orphie,  Lloyd Alma, and Everette.  My father used to occasionally take us to the cemetery to fix their graves and pay respect.  Shortly before my uncle Merrill Sivertson passed away he marked the gravesite with a copperplate that has names and dates punched into the metal and my dad helped him build a fence around the site.  It has been 10-15 years since I have been there to look for my relative’s graves but was only able to locate the Olson headstone as well as depressions in the ground where old graves had been dug up and transferred to the present day cemetery.
I have often thought of the heartaches my grandmother endured as she saw three of her children die of some kind of wasting disease, being normal children and slowly losing their ability to walk, talk and function; Orphie, age 11, Lloyd, age 7, Alma, age 9 and then at age 5, Everette, the youngest, was run over by horses and wagon when grandpa and my uncles were hauling wet ashes.  Out of 8 children, 4 of them achieved adulthood.
The cemetery can also be accessed by turning north on 21st Ave, NE at the Souris River dial house located on Highway 43.  Approximately 1-1.5 miles you will come to what we called the roller coaster hills.  Almost directly across from an old home site on the left will be a narrow field road on the right (107th ST. NE) going east.  Follow that road until you come to the crest of a hill and the cemetery will be on the south or right hand side.  I’m guessing .5 miles.  The road will continue to the old Johnny Olson farm and gravel pit.
Theresa Sivertson Delikat
Yes, just hit the reply to any of these daily blogs and I will get your message.
Seeing and visiting with your folks over a cup of coffee twice a week was one of the highlights of my dad’s Cream Route in the Hills. By the time he got to your house he was nearing the end of his route, so he had all the news from those he had seen before getting to your house. The area of his cream route was from Highway 3 west to Metigoshe and as far south as Lester Halvorson’s.
As a kid our family spent a lot of time over at Oscar and Sylvia Bergan’s, your close neighbors to the north.
I didn’t realize that your dad lost so many siblings at such a young age. So sad. That had to be so tough on the whole family.
Thanks so much for this reply. We are looking forward to hearing from you again too.
Reply from Lee Stickland (’64):  Dickinson, ND


(I ask YOUR indulgence as I peck(ed) away.  My entering phrase tells what I originally had in mind when I saw the pictures of the CEBU CELEBRATION.

Writing is highly cathartic for me; what follows has been written over the past 4 hours.

I strive for order, etc.)


the celebrations in Cebu greatly outshines our Rough Rider Days here in Dickinson,

held around the 4th of July.  We don’t have that many people in this county or including

each of the surrounding counties.  Karen Schneider Bowman and Vivian Hewson

Honeyman could add to the number but it would take a few more.



Certainly, YOUR most lovely and prized opportunity in CEBU is BERNADETTE.

The many catered social opportunities YOU folks offer for friends and relatives are so laudable.  I can only imagine and attempt to visualize the setting of YOUR home, to understand the beauty and warmth and welcome found inside and to see the evidence of enterprise being successfully demonstrated in YOUR apartments operation(s).


YOU were kind and gracious to invite me to come and see Y’ALL in the Philippines; maybe nex’ “go ’round”. My days of getting away from Dickinson are when I can go to Boston each year to see my son, Eric, his wife, Kim and my grandson, Sam.


YOUR meritorious photos and positive evaluations of each of the businesses, establishments, enterprises or industries that YOU and BERNADETTE have been able to enjoy, indicate YOUR appreciation for progress; by consistently doing so, YOU and BERNADETTE continue to make a great contribution to society.


I forgot; what is the position YOU serve so well in there in YOUR city?

Is it PR, public relations, HR, human resources

Are the hours flexible?  Does it offer good benefits?  Are there any openings?

I am good at opening last week’s mail and forgetting where I may have lay it.

‘spec it would be nice to some A/C in my office—“dream on Stickland”.


Not too long ago, Dickinson was a quiet burg of 15-18,000.  The oil boom has indeed

“boomed-out” the perimeters of our western ND town.  Our current population has been  estimated to be 25,000 and ‘movin’ up, fast.


When we moved here in 1972, I do not recall A BUILDING north of I-94.

The collective new “building” efforts in 42 years now extend +2 miles

north of I-94 and represents a possible width of 3 miles, east and west.


Our new hospital is scheduled to open this fall.


SANFORD health has provided a new 3-story clinic for Dickinson. Sanford is a very aggressive health care provider.  They have purchased the former MedCenter One hospital in Bismarck.

72 unit apartment units have overtaken quarters of land. I know many of the original  owners of much of these acres.  It was once prime farm land, great pasture for dairy

herds,  or succulent pasture that ‘summered’ calves, readying them for a free trip to Sioux  Falls, SD or Sioux City, IA;   final destination.


Hwy 22 goes 33 miles north to Killdeer. This was once a sedate country drive. In fact,

when Dad was in the nursing home, prior to 2009, he asked me to take him for a drive up

that way for about 40 miles.  He enjoyed seeing the hills, the cattle, and the small farms.

The safest way to travel those miles today is to ‘tuck’ behind a truck and stay there.  There   is a constant flow of trucks each way.  Some hauling oil, some hauling clean water, some             hauling dirty (after having been used for drilling), some hauling chemicals, some hauling

concrete, or… .  It requires over a million (1,000,000) gals of water to drill an oil well.

Any who have become impatient in this endless migration of metal and tried to pass could  be dead, broken, or badly bent.


There is now SO much truck traffic at the intersection of HWY 22 and 200 in Killdeer that a stop sign/traffic light method of avoiding accidents is impossible.  How do YOU stop a truck weighing a total of 108,000 pounds, execute a civil-allowance for right of way and get that load going again.    Can’t be done !      1000s and 1000s of trucks go thru there every day.


A “round-about” is in place and is reportedly working wonderfully.  “Standard” trucks are most-often 3 axles as “drivers” and up to 4 axles at the rear of that first trailer.  Sometimes, one truck will pull 2 trailers; the second trailer may have another 4 or 5 axles.

English Comp teacher in Freshman year of college took me aside and asked me how I got thru HS with such good grades?  She said, “YOU can’t write a ‘lick’.  I’m still trying.  I sent her a copy of one of my graduate degree thesis.


Thanks for YOUR, EARS,  Gary   3:49 am MST, Wed, 1-22-2014

Thank you Lee for the nice compliments.


Your first statement “YOUR most lovely and prized opportunity in CEBU is BERNADETTE” is so true. That she most certainly is.


I don’t do much with the local groups, but I am pretty involved with our Cebu Expat group of friends. The accolades and the many thanks of appreciation are the true benefits of the job. Our group is growing fast too. We have 131 folks signed up for a buffet dinner this coming Monday at the Shangri-La Hotel resort. The regular price of their Buffet dinner is $44.00. They are giving our group a special discount for $18.00. Our numbers are the driving force. I will admit there were some strong negotiations to get that deal. I told them their initial 50% discount wasn’t good enough. It is good advertising for them and they are making money too.  

Blog posted on February 12, 2008


From Evie Gottbreht (65):

Hello Friends,

The last email made me think about the day that Charlton Heston came to town…..he landed in a small plane in the Berube pasture…..remember it had a wind flag and that was where little planes would land…..

Several of the Gottbreht kids went to see Mr. Heston arrive, he picked up my sister Lori and gave her a kiss….Phyllis McKay and myself were way too busy playing in the lagoon for that Hollywood “stuff”.  Were we really 9 years old playing at the lagoon?  What were our parents thinking……all that freedom.   We were probably smoking cigarettes.

He stayed at Dales in #9, our family called that the Charleston Heston Suite…..I doubt today you could get an actor to land in a pasture in North Dakota to dedicate anything!

Evie Gottbreht

PS  Winter in California has been great.  Lots of snow on the mountains that I can see almost everyday,  lots of rain so everything else is green, with my work I drive along the ocean to San Diego several times a month.  I absolutely love California but the things I like about myself I learned in North Dakota!



From Mona Dionne Johnson (48):

I remember Albert Ledoux well.  He lived in Thorne, ND as I did, when I
was a kid   I remember he was good to us kids, and when I was 12 or so,
learned to drive while sitting in his lap and then graduating to the
whole bit of driving by myself.  He was a very good carpenter.  He was
also a Vet of World War II.
I too remember Charlton Heston at the Peace Garden – there with my
family – one hot day !!


Mona Johnson (48)

Message & Pictures from Doreen Bailey, Vance’s wife:
Gary,  I have been going through some of Vance’s files (many of his picture are in the Museum at ST John) and I found these two some may enjoy:
One, is of one of his favorite childhood  citizens in Dunseith, he was fascinated with the black smith shop,and the other is the Bailey homestead.   About 4 miles north of town. Someone mentioned Virgil; Vance’s father & Harvey Bailey his Uncle.-  They both grew up on this farm also.
    The memorial for Vance @ Riverside Cemetery, Dunseith, will be May 28th, 10 AM grave side.  Our family will be there; it is open to friends of Vance and Dunseith.  This is what he wanted.  Thank you for all you are doing’ bring the wonderful life of a small town, that is  what draws so many people back “HOME.”
Doreen Bailey, Vance’s wife
            Bailey, Mahlon; home N. Dunseith
         Billy Lawrence Blacksmith, Dunseith, ND

1/21/2014 (1946)


Rodney Evans (’51) pasted away
Message from Glen Williams (’51):  Missoula, MT
Rodney Evans died at 11:30 this morning . He fell, was taken to the hospital by ambulance and died of a brain aneurysm. Funeral plans will be made tomorrow.
Thanks Glen for letting us know,
Please keep us posted with Rodney’s obituary and funeral plans. 
Marsha Getzlaff Bakken (’74)
Message from Jean Tooke Berger (’75):  Mandan, ND
Hi Marsha i have not heard your name in a long time.  I am so sorry to hear about Mark if you’re ever in North Dakota please let me know, so I can come and visit take care
Five Grocery Stores in Dunseith
Reply from Doreen Larson Moran (BHS ’61):  Usk, WA & Hazelton, ND
Hi – Gary and All – I always read the blog sometimes it has to be scanned only- but I have enjoyed learning the history of Dunseith.   When I saw that there was five grocery stores I did sit up and take notice.   Yes – Charlton Heston did go to the Peace Gardens for the dedication of the 10 Commandments Stone Tablet.    I have a couple pictures – but you have to remember a small Brownie camera about 1956 took a very small picture.   I was too shy to try and get up closer.   In those days you had your spot and you stayed put!    “Some day” I will get into the stash of old pictures – :):)
Thanks for the birthday greetings.   And thank you for keeping the Blog and posting almost every day.   Doreen Larson Moran BHS ’61 –
Cebu Sinulog Festival held this past Sunday
The Sinulog is an annual Catholic Religious festival held on the third Sunday of January in Cebu City.
There were an estimated 3.2 million people that joined the procession on Saturday and an estimated 3.5 million spectators at the parade on Sunday. There are only 4 million people living on this Island, however there were thousands of foreigners, mostly Filipino’s now living abroad, that come home every year for this celebration. The malls and roads were very congested all last week. On Friday it took us 2 hours and 10 minutes to go 10 miles to visit our friends. There were way more stops than goes in that trip.    
Sinulog procession this past Saturday in Cebu.
Heaven forbid for those needing to use the bathroom.Stokes-2
Posting of the day
From Bob Hosmer (’56): rkhosmer@comcast.net Lynnwood, WA

Thought you all might enjoy these ads.  Very cleverly done and very entertaining.  Bob



 (there are about 6 or 7 of these commercials)

 Don’t have to drink their beer to like their commercials.  Here are several.

A compilation of advertisements for Bud–beautiful horses and their animal friends by Budweiser.
Click here: Clydesdales

Blog posted on February 11, 2008


Travis Metcalfe’s (76) memory of Vance Bailey: 
(To Gary Metcalfe)
I do not know how to add to the pages so I will just write this to you…If you know how to add it feel free…I met Vance Bailey a few years ago when his stolen van was recovered in Mesa and I worked Auto Theft at the Mesa Police…I called him and met him to return a seat that I had fished out of a canal….He mentioned that the kids that had taken the van should be sent to work on a farm in ND for a summer and that would “straighten them out”… I asked him where at in ND and he said just a little town you have never heard of…Dunseith…I told him that was where I was from and we talked for a half hour or so….He didn’t remember Dad but when I mentioned Aunt Jean he laughed and said he went to grade school with Jean and it had been more than 40 years since he had heard the name Jean Metcalfe….I did not know where the Bailey farm was so I called Janice to ask around Kelvin…..about 10 minutes later Ray called me and told me he grew up on the Bailey farm…it was where Ralph Poitra lived……

I always ask people where they are from when I see a ND plate and the people always talk for 5-10 minutes…I was told by a truckdriver from Minot that people from ND usually talk until they know someone in common (He told me that after we talked and we both knew Mark Sivertson from Bottineau)…..I have noticed since then that we in fact do that and usually do have someone we know in common……and when I see a Theels dealer sticker on the trunk I know we will……..
Gary Metcalfe’s (57) reply to Travis Metcalfe (76): 
It was good to get your email and story tonight.  I have forwarded your letter on to Gary as you said would be o.k.  All I do to add to the letters is write them and send to Gary Stokes’ email address.  Then each day it is fun to read memories.
Ralph Poitra, another great family friend.  Maynard Rising Sun stayed with Ralph and would walk over to old John Bedard’s to work when I lived with John about a mile west.
I have found it true also, talking to people with ND license and finally coming up with someone we know in common.  That is a great past time of mine too.
Say HI to Conrid Metcalfe for me down there in Az. if you see him.  Gary
Message from Viola Hobbs Ziegler (54): 
Hello Gary,
Thank you for all the names, addresses, phone
 numbers, etc.  I can certainly use a few of them.
 Someone has sure been busy putting this all
 together.  Very nice work.
Gary Morgan”s (54) reply to Paulette LaCroix (68) – Don Hiatt (53): 
Hi Gary & All,
In answer to Paulette…. Charlton Heston spoke at the Peace Garden at the dedication of the ten comandments tablet in the summer of 1956.  Albert Ladieux (sp?) spoke with a pipe to his larnyx.  He was a 1st class carpenter who worked on many of the homes that were built in Dunseith in the 50s & 60s.
     Also, of general info….Don Hiatt would have been in the class of 53 but he quit school and joined the Air Force after his junior year (1952).  I suspect that one of the incentives was that he had turned 19 and thus wasn’t elgible to participate in any sports.

Gary Morgan
Class of 54.
Note: I have added Don Hiatt (Deceased) to the class list of 53. All ten graduates of the class of 52 are alive and kicking. Gary
Childhood memories from Peggy Wurgler (71) With pictures:  
Hello, Dunseith friends and family,
I have been holding back and not responding to any of the wonderful e-mails that have been shared for fear that if I get started, I may not know how to quit rambling. But, I just have to “jump in”. Hopefully, with your indulgence!
I have many, many wonderful memories of growing up in Dunseith. I had a good childhood – especially having access to all the pop and candy a little girl could want being my folks had the Texaco service station/lunch counter. Even though we moved to Rugby in July of 1966, I surprisingly remember almost all the names (at least the family names) and places that I see in the e-mail messages and can put faces to the many of the names.
What prompted me to write is the 6th grade field trip memory.  After reading this, I had to locate my little piece of typesetting metal with my name on it that Paula mentioned. I have saved it for 43 years in my jewelry box! I remember the adventure fairly well except for the weather part of it.
Of course, other grade school memories are abundant but I won’t reminisce too much – except for in the early grades when, in the afternoon, someone would go down to the lunchroom in the basement and bring up sandwiches wrapped in a white dishtowel and carried in what looked like a baby bathtub. They were usually bread and butter but sometimes, plain cheese or even peanut butter. And, of course, our little cartons of chocolate milk to go with the sandwiches. I especially remember in 4th grade (with Mrs. Conroy) at recess when it was too cold to go outside, we would play JACKS on the floor in the little “sick” room with the bed in it. No one was better at the game than Bernadette DeJarlis. And, the fun we had playing Red Rover on the playground. Or, the times we girls would pretend we were horses and the boys would catch us and put us in the corral. Apart from school, I have many special memories of playing with Muzette Berube in and around the big, white, round barn. It was especially fun the day after there had been a dance on the second level because we got to re-decorate the stage area with all the left over crepe paper. Also, spent lots of time with Lori Gottbreht at Dale’s and around the stockyards west of there.
Just for fun, I am attaching three pictures. One is my sister, Joan (Salmonson), my brother, Dave, me, and our new ’57 Chevy. It was a rose/pink color and white if I recall correctly. The other picture is of John Hiatt and me on his horse in June of 1959. I have several pictures of me on different horses throughout the years; but only this one of John and none of Hazel, unfortunately. I recall going back to their ranch north of town with them to spend the day, etc. The other one is my birthday party but I do not know what year it was. Maybe ’61 or ’62. Attendees, from the left: Becky Hanson, Heidi Hanson, Paula Fassett, me, brother Dave, Patty Longie, Stephanie Evans, Cheryl Haagenson and Art Rude, Jr.
As someone quoted Bob Hope earlier “thanks for the memories . . .”
Peggy (Wurgler) Axtman
John Hiatt and Peggy Wurgler -June of 1959



Maybe ’61 or ’62. Attendees, from the left: Becky Hanson, Heidi Hanson, Paula Fassett, me, brother Dave, Patty Longie, Stephanie Evans, Cheryl Haagenson and Art Rude, Jr. 



Peggy, Dave & Joan Wurgler with their new ’57 Chevy 

1/20/2014 (1945)

Reply from Marsha Getzlaff Bakken (74):    Anchorage, AK
Yes we are still in Anchorage.  Things are good, we were given the word about four years ago that my husband Mark had Parkinson’s so life had changed a lot but we have faith and live one day at a time.  We have a  Aussie and she too knows when Mark is having a bad day and is always by his side.   I have been reading about how you to have been having some hard days.  Remember we always have yesterday and today it helps each of us get through tomorrow and also to have faith,  family and good friends.
So sorry to hear of your husbands Parkinson’s. It is equally as hard for you as him to deal with this. You are so right, we yesterday to help us get through each day.
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND
Yes,  Gary
The continuing,  HIgh +  and  very low- temps, are hard on the animals.
They need water and shelter  from  the wild winds.

I hope you and Bernadette’s pain from losing Princess is easing.
I am sure you have heard or read the research says, pets keep us

I enjoy quoting,
Readers Digest magazine  once shared,  the difference between 3
popular pets.
A CAT  will look down on you.
A DoG looks up to you.
A Pig will  treat you as equal.

Our  good friend Art Seim often quoted, “The outside of a horse, is
good for the inside of a man.”

Another saying about the word, doG,
spelled back words is  the word, God.
They give their love and forgiveness unconditionally.

Give my regards to Bernadette.

Blog posted on February 10, 2008


Message from Bev Morinville Azure (72): 

Message from Marlys Zorn Bryan (69):

Hi Gary,

I was tickled when Janice Workman mentioned the skating rink and warming shed in Dunseith. I grew up on ice skates in that rink, and never could get warm in that warming shed. I always wondered (as a 4 year old) why that little heater couldn’t warm us all up. After leaving North Dakota I’ve never lived in a state that had cold enough winters to support ice skating; I miss it so much!! It was my favorite sport. I’ve taken up roller blading, which, when done in the dark on a cold December evening on a brand new Walmart parking lot, felt just like having my own private skating rink for 3 whole days.  It was awesome. Thank you, Janice, for bringing back those memories!
Marlys (Zorn) Bryan



Message from Marie Iverson Staub (60):

Hi Gary,

My husbands name is Marv I’ve been using his EMail address. I am very computer illiterate. In fact until you started this I didn’t even use the computer. I’ll see if he can get me set up with my own address. When I was working I did use the computer but once I retired I was no longer interested until now.
In reponse to Susan Brew I sure do remember her I even have a few pictures when we were at the Peace Gardens. It’s great to know were she is now.
I had left Dunseith before she moved to St.Louis. I’m so jealous of her having
grandkids.  I have 2 sons Curtis and David and I don’t believe they will ever get married or have children. I guess we must have scared them when they were growing up.(HA).
So Susan your not alone I didn”t gratuate from Dunseith either as I left in 1956 and gratuated from Roosevelt High School in Seattle in 1960.
Again thanks a bunch Gary,
Marie Iverson(Staub) 60
PS – Marie, I read Marv as Mary and It’s for sure Marv.  Gary
Message from Connie Halvorson Kester (64): 
Gary and All, 

With all the interest in the Dunseith memories, wouldn’t it be fun to somehow compile these memories into a a book complete with pictures.  I am really good with suggestions but not very good with action so MAYBE someone might be interested in this.  Just an idea.  I think that this might be something people would be willing to pay for.

Connie Halvorson/Kester  ’64

PS – I’ve got all the many pictures and email messages.  This would be a big project for someone to organize and put together.  It would be nice though once completed.   Gary



Message from Paulette Lacroix (68):


Our family fondly remembers the Iversons.  I am sorry to hear that Archie passed.  Greg and Archie caught a lot frogs and snakes at the creek.  We kids got together after supper on summer nights to play hide and seek and to throw a ball over our garage.  I don’t know what the game was, but we’d call ”anti I over” (sp?)  and ”pigs tails.”  When you left town you kindly gave me your scrapbook of movie stars that I treasured for years.  I for one would love to hear you go on and on.

P. LaCroix

PS Thanks Rod and all for sharing your memories of Hazel Hiatt.  She left quite an impression on me with her unpretentious determination.  Does anyone remember anything about the man who spoke with a pipe in his throat?  (I can remember faces, but am a complete dolt with names) Also, I remember going to the “airport” outside Dunseith when Charlton Heston came to give a speech at the Peace Garden.  Does anyone else remember this or am I dreaming?  Please, keep writing…everyone.

1/19/2014 (1944)

Picture Identified
From Theresa Cote Awalt (’48):  Bottineau, ND
The picture of  the wedding couple is my mother and dad, Emil Cote.
Theresa  Awalt

 Cote, Emil and Hilda Houle 1944
Isaac Belgarde
Reply from Vickie Metcalfe (’70): d Bottineau, ND
Gary and Bernice,

Bernice, I  think Mr. Johnson knew you could carry a tune,
and  you probably still sing well.

I’d like to share,  I  recall my  first year as a teacher.
There was an active, little raven hair girl with twinkling bright eyes.
She often wore  jeans and tennis shoes and  fairly bounced with energy.

Every now and again, I see her through the years .
I hear a  soft voice,  “Hello, Miss Metcalfe.”  I  say, “Hello”.
Then,  warm with a fond glow  I remember the bright child who once
upon a time,
when ever excited to share,  she’d pronounce, my name, “Miss
Messcalf”  or “Miss Messy calf.”

On her class work, she always worked very hard.
And behold!  By the end of her third grade year,  she’d shortened  my
name to Miss Mess.

A few years ago,  all grown up, she  found me. She said she had
something  great to share.

She was so proud to share  with  me  she’d accomplished Masters degree!

Wholly smokes!   It gave me great pleasure hearing Anita Belgarde
share that!




Isaac Belgarde
Reply from Lola Metcalfe Vanorny (’69):  Dunseith, ND
Bernice!!-  the stories about your Dad are so interesting!!!!!! — He was such a unique man!!!- I REMEMBER HIM VERY WELL!!!_ 

But what i find so interesting about him amoungst the other characters in town that were true characters!!!    whether they were funny or smart or whatever !!!_     is the LOVE    he had for his God-!! his Church and his animals  !!!- and most of all his family!!!!– He truly provided for you all without help from anyone!!!  a true enterprenier and he did what he had to do to do it!!!-  truly an admirable trait!!!_  AND A REAL –HONORABLE  man!!!_  

NO TRIBUTES – OR SPEACHES PRAISING HIS EFFORTS  !!!!!   OR PLACES OF HONOR —  but truly a man of God- !!- I have more respect for him than i do for anyone who “lead the parade” or was named a disguinished man about town- or praise for all they did for anyone!!-  I am sure no one knew what he did for the townsfolk who really needed help when there was no one to give them help!!-  God bless his name!!-LOla and Jay Vanorny
Isaac Belgarde
Reply from Paulette LaCroix Chisholm (’68):  Newark, Delaware

Bernice Belgarde,

What a wonderful tribute you, your sisters and brother are to your parents, town folk and Ojibwe of Dunseith.  Your father, to me, was one of those unforgettable characters of whom I’ve now had the pleasure of learning more.   Reading your personal information certainly adds an even deeper level of appreciation for the rich lives of the people who made up our town.  Thanks so much for sharing.

Paulette LaCroix Chisholm

Reply from Marsha Getzlaff Bakken (74):   Anchorage, AK
I was so sorry to hear of your sweet pup.  To have to say good bye is so hard and a part of your heart breaks.  May your memories help you meet each day. My thoughts are with you all.  
Marsha. ( Getzlaff) Bakken
Thank You Marsha,
Great hearing from you too. I wasn’t sure if you were receiving these daily blogs or not. A few years back I was getting returns telling me that my messages to you were being returned. I put you on another distribution list with distribution from another email address and I never got any more messages, so the switch must have worked.
How well I remember you aunt Gloria Getzlaff Hagen too.  
Are you still in Anchorage?
Dog instincts
Reply from Allen Richard (’65):  Midland, MI.
Sofie is sleeping with Susan now.  Susan is tired and possibly has the flu.  Sofie — our mutt —— Husky– German Shepard— Springer spaniel — wolf always knows when anyone in the family is not up to snuff.  Amazing.
Blog posted on February 9, 2008


Posted on 
From Marie Iverson Staub (60): 
Hi Gary
I know you’ve heard this before but thanks so much for all the great Emails.
The Email from Marge Landsverk (Fish) I’m not sure were Mary came from but
it is Marie.  Marge mentioned my mom loved lavender so maybe thats why it’s
my favorite color.
I also remember the Lacroix family as they lived next door.Paulette was a lot
younger than me but I remember Charlotte and Gregory used to play marbles with my brother Archie.
Henry and Gladys were such great neighbors to my folks. I loved seeing the pictures of different people because you remember them as they looked when
you last saw them. Charlotte sure looks like her mom.
I better close for now as I could go on and on.
Thanks again Gary
Marie Iverson (Staub) 60
Marie, your messages are listed – From Mary Staub. If you have not sent a message to your self, you probalby wouldn’t know.  Gary
—– Original Message —–
From: Marv Staub
Memories from Janice Leonard Workman (56): 
Hi Gary,  It has been so much fun reading all the notes from people who lived in Dunseith.  One memory I have of Dunseith is of the old warming shed at the skating rink.  I don’t know what happened to it, I was thinking a fire, but it was just gone one winter.  Bonnie Awalt Houle and I spent many hours skating there and after the warming shed was gone, we did use the jail for warming.  More than once there would be prisoners that we would visit with.  I wonder if my mother knew.  Frank Flynn would flood the lot and most of the time it was very smooth, if the wind didn’t blow when he was flooding it.  Frank lived just south of my folk’s café, next to Billy Wright’s grocery store.  Then across the side street from him, further south, was Emil Hassen’s grocery and dry goods store.  Across Main Street from Billy’s was KC’s which was also groceries and dry goods.  Can you imagine that Dunseith had 5 grocery stores at that time???  North of the café was Clint Anderson’s creamery and then Ray Wilson’s office.  Ray was the judge and also took in dry cleaning to be sent to Westhope.  He did driver’s licenses and I suppose most legal papers.  I remember helping with the driver’s licenses when I was in 2ndgrade.  Do you think that would fly today???  Frank and Ray were my two favorite people outside my family until I started school and had friends my own age.  My uncle Arnold Lilleby had the theater and also the funeral home on the corner.  He and his family lived there for many years before he bought the house down by the creek.  My uncle Louis Lilleby and his wife lived across the street from the Northern Hotel (Adrian Egbert) and at one time had the taxi service in town.  This is getting a little long, but Thanks, Gary for doing this for all use Dunseith junkies.  Janice Leonard Workman



Message from Susan Brew Roussin (59):

Thanks so much for the memories.  I was surprised to see a note from Mary (Iverson) Staub.  She was one of my early girlfriends.  Don’t know if she remembers me, I was Susan Brew until 1958, when I married and moved to St. Louis, MO.  I later returned to the Dunseith and Belcourt area and got my high school diploma.  The classmates of ’59, still accept me as one of their own.  Thank God.  I have four children, Dawn, Debbie, Marie (Mary Jane) and Mike.  The girls are in three different states, MN, IN, and NC.  Only my son is close by.  I have 13 grandcuties, and three great grandbabies, all girls in NC.  Have a super day.

Rod Hiatt’s (69) reply to Paulette LaCroix (68) and Johnny Meyer
A reply to Paulette’s question about the red headed lady on horseback.
That was Hazel Hiatt, my Grandpa Johns 2nd wife. Hazel always wore her
hair really short, dressed in mens jeans and western shirt and hat and
98% of the time at first glance you thought she was a he. In fact one
year at the Bottineau horse show she got 2nd or 3rd place in mens
western pleasure, but they took the ribbon back. Hazel was a very hard
working person who treated us kids just great. We all thought very
highly of her, but it was very touchy situation back then as my Grandma
was still living and family get togethers sometimes seemed quite cold.
Anyway she was quite a horse woman with a good heart. 

A short story about Johnny Meyer. Johnny trucked alot of horses for my
dad and one time we pastured out near Bowbells and I rode with Johnny in
the semi to take aload of mares to pasture. Well we had a flat so he
pulled into Kenmare and went into the Farmers Union looking for tools
like he was in the shop at Dales. As we were changing the tire, with the
truck parked on the street, a business man came walking by in his nice
suit, and politely stated that maybe Johnny should have his flashers on.
Johnny looked at the truck than the man and politely said ” If they
can’t see the %$^&* truck how the hell to do think they could see the
flasher” The man just turned and walked away with a puzzled look on his

Ele Dietrich Slyter’s (69) reply to – Hazel Hiatt: 
I think you are remembering Hazel Hiatt, second wife of Johnny Hiatt.   I am sure others will have lots of stories about her.  Very hard working lady and a dedicated horse lover.  With John trading horses all the time how could she be anything else??
Lorie Hiatt’s (88) reply – Hazel Hiatt 

Hi Gary,

I think the little red haired lady Paulette is talking about is Hazel. She was John Hiatt’s wife and they lived on the outskirts North of town and she did train horses.

Lorie Hiatt



Dick Johnson’s (68) reply – Hazel Hiatt & Issac:

Gary and all

Sounds like Issac is our man. They kived in a small store
building on the south side of the lumber yard on main street.
This building was torn down about 1960 and replaced by the
clinic. We lived right across the alley to the east. Paulette
asked about the slim horse gal===Hazel Hiatt. She was John
Hiatt’s second wife.




Larry Hackman’s (66) reply to Gary Metcalfe (57): 
Gary Metcalfe
Yes, I do remember you and you did graduate from Hilltop before I started in 1954.  I remember my brothers and I were walking home from Hilltop and we came upon you and Larry Sime measuring fields. You let us get up in the back of the pickup and gave us a ride to the east approach to our farm.  It was a slow ride, but interesting. You would drive and drag the measuring chain ahead and push in a chaining pin and Larry, walking, and following the procedure, would pick up the chaining pins. So, did you just stick them pins in the ground, so Larry would have something to do?  Gary, Here is a memory check question? Was it a dark green 1953 Chevrolet pickup you were driving on that nice summer day way back when?
Gary, Tony my oldest brother is retired and living in Minot, has never invested in a computer. Henry my other brother is on Gary’s mailing list and he does read this stuff faithfully every day.  He hasn’t sent any messages yet.  I think it has something to do with Mr. Lykins, typing class.  He said every time he got to typing good,  Mr. Lykins would come by and push his elbows down.  This would then cause all of his keys to bunch up and lock together.  Then Mr. Lykins would stand there and grumble about the keys getting bent and damaged, untill you got them all separated. Apparently, Henry is still paranoid about typing to this day. Ha.  I just can’t visualize Mr. Lykins becomeing a Texan,  Well, maybe, if he puts on a hat or just turns it around and some Tony Lama boots?

1/18/2014 (1943)

No Blog Yesterday
For the record I did not get a blog posted yesterday.
Happy Birthday Marlene Richard Parslow (’65): River Falls, WI Marlene
Isaac Belgarde
Reply from his daughter Bernice Belgarde (’72):  Bemidji, MN
Everyone,I enjoyed reading the comments about my dad Isaac Belgarde.  Yes he loved going to church and raising all of us children.  But his greatest love besides our mom was horses.  I can truly say he was a horse whisperer.  As for going to the moon, no he never got that honor.  He did pursue it and he got a letter from some high official that showed they appreciated my dad offering to go to the moon.  I will find the letter and email as an attachment.  Yes I am named after Bernice Johnson.  I remember asking my mom when I was 10 or so why she named me Bernice, her reply was that it was after a special friend of hers.  So I left it at that.  Thank you Dick for adding that part about our moms.  I was a part of the Governor’s Choir and also sang quietly not knowing if I had a good voice or not.  Don Johnson always went out of his way to make students feel welcome and appreciated.  I enjoyed being in the choir and the opportunities we got to perform all over in the great state of North Dakota!Bernice Belgarde “72”
Isaac Belgarde
Reply from his daughter Bernice Belgarde (’72):  Bemidji, MN
Hi Gary,This is in response to the post from 2008 where Paulette LaCroix wondered who was the man that wore many coats.  This was my dad Isaac Belgarde.  My mom Mable (Oneside) Belgarde proudly had six daughters and one son.  We lived on dump ground road and yes my dad wore many coats.  I attribute this to when dad served in the Navy and being on one of the ships that went down in the ocean during World War II, but that is another story.  We all graduated from Dunseith High School.  We all have bachelor degrees (sisters), three have masters and one is finishing her Ph. D (ABD).  Our brother has completed trainings at technical colleges.  We value education and retain our ties to our Ojibwe way of life and spirituality.Bernice Belgarde “Class of 72”
Dr Brian Selland’s Clinic in Dunseith
Reply from Lola Metcalfe Vanory (’69):  Dunseith, ND
Dear Gary and Berndadette– so sorry for your loss of your lovely puppy!!- that is so heartbreaking!!_-  I lost my Rocky DOg   a year ago and it was so painful!_  He got to be so very protective  of me that he would snap and attack anyone that came close to me!!–  even Jay !!_LOL!!!-  
The grandkids were coming home for Christmas- and i decided there was just no way we would risk having him snap and catch their face that it was time!!!- he had other medical problems that attributed to his nervousness!!_  he was on medication most of his life with his pancreas not working hence Vitamin B deficiency that he had such a nervous demeanor-  – I knew  it had to be == but it didn’t make it any easier —  !!   so hard to give up such a faithful friend- he loved me way too much   and then he had to die for it!!-  ??– not fair but that is how it goes!!=  
Yes we have our own family Dr right here in Dunseith!!- who would have thunk!???_-Dr Brian Selland – opened a Turtle Mountain Family Medical CLinic- !!!-  unheard of almost  in these days– anywhere!! !!– He has such a reputation for caring enough for his patients to  the point of getting reprimanded by Rugby Johnson Clinic for spending too much time with his patients- go figure!!!~~-Johnson CLinic is no longer the Johnson Clinic i knew with the Dr’s Johnson and Fox–  it is now bought out by someone else-  !! some other entity  —  that combined with the hospital as i understand it!!
  i have heard he even makes house calls for the elderly especially – !!!  
Hooray for Dunseith!!-  and all those that made it possible!!– —  
and  Kim Bott is the office manager- who make everything “work”!!- and she is just the most awesome person!!– I have heard reports on her from as far away as Willow City and Towner what an awesome lady she is!!- – they said she gives 110%  no matter what she does- !!!  and she sure makes you feel welcome  and accommodates everyone as much as she can possibly do !!
What a comfort to know that we have a real Dr  right in town – that is there !!!_  and an awesome staff!!- God works in mysterious ways !!_
Gone are the days of Glen Shelver- patching up our cuts and bruises and giving us the antibiotics etc we needed-  
Jay had a bad case of ezcema–  all his life  —and he would give us a whole jar of keno log  (cortisone) cream  to put on it–  !!– If we  had bought it with a presciprtion- it would have cost us $20 for a 1/2 ounce tube!!–   and he would give jay a whole jar of it – free-  if it was getting close to expo date- !!!  
take care Gary and accept our condolences for your puppy!!-  
LOla and Jay  
Reply from Marlys Hiatt (’71):  Dunseith, ND
Gary – I was so very sorry to hear of the loss of your princess.  I know
how sad that is because I have always had cats that I was very attached
to.  That was something that I had in common with your folks.
Marlys Hiatt
Yes Marlys,
How true. My folks dearly loved their pets.
Reply from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND
I express my sympathy to Bernadette and You on the loss of Princess.No words can express the feelings of loss.Dogs express  unconditional love. to those who live with them.Take care. Vickie

How true. Your email name says it all. My dad loved your dogs too. 
Reply from Jean Tooke Berger (’75):  Mandan, ND
Gary. I am so sorry to hear about your princess. That is so hard to lose a pet
Thank you Jean.
Reply from David Schimetz (’79): Mandan, ND

Gary and family,

Very sorry to hear about your loss of your dog. My oldest Cat 15 years is as I speak in the Vet hospital since last Saturday  so I know what that feels like..IT SUCKS! He has a bladder infection and his bladder expanded because of blockage and his muscles to pee are just not working right. We all at my house are praying our old little buddy can pull out of it. I stop there every day and brush him and wipe his dried nose and if nothing else comfort him that we just didn’t abandon him there(breaks my heart to have to leave him there). My wife and daughter and including myself have not slept very well since we placed him there I called my son whom is coming home this wkned just in case Tiger doesn’t make wants or needs to say goodbye as Tiger has been in our home since Jacob was 4-5 years old and he is now 21.Again I’m very sorry for your loss and I’m sure your families hearts hurt over your loss. Animals truly touch our hearts deeply

David Schimetz

So sorry to hear about your cat too. Hopefully he will pull through and make it back home.
Reply from Dave Slyter (’70):  On the road in their motor home.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your little dog.   She sure was a cute little dog.   It is never easy when it comes to the death of a loved one.Best Regards and God’s Blessing to you all.
Dave and Pat Slyter
Thank you Dave and Pat
Enjoy your retirement too in your new motor home.
   Bernadette has had this candle Burning since Princess’ passing.Stokes
Kind and giving business men in Dunseith & tons of big hearts in the Turtle mountains
Reply from David Schimetz (’79):  Mandan, ND


 I remember Isaac Belgarde as well taking off his coats in Church also. He was a very quiet but pleasant man and he and his family were great horsemen. About the time he would take off his last coat it was communion time. He was a real thin man not sure why he wore all the coats or what of if he had an ailment of some kind or he just like to stay toasty. Regardless he would always nod his head with a smile of hello when we would all be walking out of the church. I also remember Tom Wazie whom Isaac I believe if I remember right looked after Tom. I was once told that Tom was actually quite wealthy and owned a lot of land in Montana but I don’t know if that was a rumor or fact. I do know Wayne would throw a little good produce in the garbage just for Tom as Tom wouldn’t just take it from Wayne if offered usually so Wayne would make sure and watch Tom grab the good stuff Wayne had left for him. My brother Reid did a lot of that also for numerous people but especially Donny whom would stop about every day at the drive inn for which Donny would clean up garbage around the drive inn( as Donny wouldn’t take it for nothing) and Reid would visit with him while he fed him. We had some very kind and giving business men in Dunseith whom did things for people down on their luck or just having a tuff time. I do know that Reid would even drop actual cash in peoples mailbox with no note of by whom as he wanted no thanks but just new that person needed a little help. Tons of big hearts in the Turtle Mountains

More Richard family Photos for Identification
From Roberta (Gary ’63) Houle:  Champlin, MN
Hi Gary–
Here are some more photos that may spark some memories and discussion.  Let me know when you would like more, Gary.  Both photos with the people have interesting and beautiful clothes.  Let Gary Stokes know if any of you recognize the people in the pictures.
Roberta (Gary ’63) Houle Champlin, MN
Richard 1943-1 Richard 1943-2 Richard 1943-3
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, NDNews
Joke of the day
Posted by Marlys Hiatt (’71):  Dunseith, ND
Blog posted on February 8, 2008


Posted on 
Bev Morinville’s (72)  update from sister Deb (70)
Hi Gary,
I  just finished a short but very happy phone call with Bev!  She is doing so terrific that SHE answered the phone.  Sent me immediately into a frenzy of crying and laughing!  She will be finding out soon about radiation but she won’t have to have chemo and she is speaking so clearly.  I was so amazed.  She stills tires easily but will return to her computer soon.  In the meantime I have forwarded to her all the private emails I have received asking about her.  She wants me to tell all of you that she is so grateful for the outpouring of love, support and prayers that she has received.  It really is a miracle and an amazing answer to all those prayers.
Deb Morinville Marmon 70
Paulette LaCroix’s Reply –  Isaac Belgarde:
Yes, thanks, that’s him, Isaac Belgarde and I do remember him riding his horse.  I don’t know where I got the moon idea, maybe that was someone else or a myth.  Seeing him in my mind has made me wonder about the name of the slim, trim, short red haired woman who also rode horses and possibly trained them or raised them.  She was quite an impressive woman who wore a cowboy hat, boots and buckle on her jeans.  A Hiatt?  Was there a riding club?

P. LaCroix

Susan Fassett’s (65) Memories: 
I remember Isaac Belgarde,  but do any of you remember Minda Haagenson?   She lived in a little shack off the Willow Lake Road.  Mom and I went there once that I remember to visit, as the Haagenson clan were tied into our family.  The thing I remember most is that when you went into the house you had to duck down, because the ceiling was hanging low.  Minda always wore a heavy wool coat and a wool scarf folded down over her forehead no matter what time of year it was.The thing I remember about Johnnie Meyers, is Sparky the dog riding on top of the cab of truck or on top of the load of bails of hay as they drove down main street.,  And Sparky would be standing on all four legs as steady as could be.I remember Saturday nights, and going downtown to watch the people.  Everything closed up at 10 PM and nothing opened up again until Monday morning.I remember the Crystal Cafe and the juke boxes on the tables.

I remember the Snake Pit, my dad bowled there with many of the people mentioned in our memories.  I have pictures of Bing Evans, Bernice Johnson and others that I will locate and scan in.

I am on my way to Thursday Morning Bible Study.  You will all be in my thoughts throughout the day.  I hope you all have a good one.  Hugs and Prayers,   Susan

Dave Slyter’s (70) reply – Johnny Myer: 

I think everybody remembers Johnnie Myers.  ha   Just like everybody remembering Isaac Belgarde, everybody will have a good story about Johnnie Myer.   Here is one of them.�

When we lived up on the farm my dad would always get a bull from Johnnie’s herd to use.    One day(eight yrs later) Johnnie was up to our house for something and my dad asked him when he would like to have his bull back.   “What bull” Johnnie asked.  Dad told him and Johnnie’s response was, ” Oh that’s where that —  —- bull went.   ha ha  We laughed hilariously for a long time after that.   ha�

Dave Slyter :)
Marge Landsverk Fish’s (57) reply to Mary Iverson Staub’s (60) Message below
 From Marge Fish
   To Mary Staub
     I was happy to get a e-mail from Mary.  I always thought it was Marie.
     I have a lot of memories of you and your family.
     I remember your mother grew rhubarb and made so many good things out of it.
     She loved lavender and had a lot of rooms in different shades of lavender.
     I think we shared a kitty that lived in your garage.
     We had a lot of good times and not many worries those days.
     The brother that sold cars ( Bill) or Marvin passed away in 1992.  My other brother,
      Howard lives in Edmonds Wash.  He was 82,2 days ago.  I went on a trip to Hawaai
     with him and his wife Betsy and my cousin Borg in Nov.  It was very good!
     Yesterday and the day before we had a old fashioned snow storm (19.5″) of snow in Horicon and blowing also.  We have had a N.D. winter.  It’s usually not like this.  2,000 cars were stranded between Madison and Chicago on Interstate 90 due to the storm.  They called out the National Guard , closed the schools and airports and even the malls.  The storm lasted so long and that was the trouble.
     Today it was sunny and warmer and the main roads were cleared.  They do a good job of clearing the roads.  I live in a small town (Horicon- population just about 4,000.)
     It was sure good to hear from you!
                                                                          Your old neighbor,
                                                                              Marge (Landsverk Fish)
 —– Original Message —–
From:  Marie Iverson (Staub) 
To: Marge Fish
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 9:26 PM
Subject: Dunseith
When I saw your first E-Mail itsure brought back a lot of memories.  I remember
living next door to you in fact I have a cute picture of you and myself going to church at least we were dressed as if we were going to church.  I lived directly across from the school.  We left Dunseith in the summer of 1956.  I graduated from Roosevelt High  in Seattle in 1960. I remember Minnie and Knute so well. Both of my folks passed away in 1993 and my brother Archie died in 2001. My dad Adolph Iverson was in contact with one of your brothers who had a car lot in Lake city several years ago.  Its to bad about your husband. I’ve been married for 41 years and have two sons Curtis and David.
I remember Dr Loeb in fact I have a photo album of my dad’s of a lot of people from the San.
Love Marie Iverson (Staub) 60
Bill Hosmer’s (48) Reply – The Bailey’s
 Hi Gary and my Dunseith pals, including my brother Bob.   Gary Metcalfe,
you asked about where the Bailey’s lived when they lived in the hills.  It
was on the east side of no. 3 about two or three miles north of the golf
course.  It was a white two story house, once lived in by Ray Anderson,
who has been mentioned in earlier mailings. That house was torn down in
the past year or two, and now there are some manufactured homes in that
little draw.   The Baileys lived by the depot during part of their time in
Dunseith.  Vance mentions it in his long piece, just before he died. The
Baileys moved to Devils Lake in 1941 and then to Leeds, before they left
the state.I think I mentioned earlier that I was at Vance’s Memorial in
Tempe, AZ, and that the family will be conducting another Memorial at the
Dunseith Cemetery June 10.   By the way Gary M.  your comments about my
Dad, Jack Hosmer were fine, and they made me feel very good.  As Bob Hope
would say, “Thanks for the Memories”  to you all.  Bill Hosmer
Dick Johnson’s (68) reply to Gary Metcalfe (57): 
Gary and all,Gary Metcalfe asked about Auggie and Harvey Johnson. Auggie
lives in Minot and is retired from the roofing business. Harvey
lived in St.John for about the last 20 years or so but he died
about two years ago. I haven’t seen Randy Kelly now for about 7
or 8 years.Dick

1/16/2014 (1942)

No Blog yesterday.
For the record I did not get a blog posted yesterday.
We lost our little Princess this afternoon. She was 6 1/2 years old.
A few days ago we gave her a pork chop bone from the table. Shortly after she became very sick with very heavy dry vomiting. Taking her to the vet two days ago, with X-rays they discovered a very large bone chip lodged between her esophagus and stomach opening. They needed to give her meds to relax the esophagus muscles before trying to push the bone through to the stomach, so she was confined to the Vet hospital. Today they called and told me she had died. They think the bone ruptured the esophagus on it’s way down.
She was a loving dog and will be sorely missed.
Stokes 1942
Reply to Don Lamoureux’s Posting – Wearing Dresses in the winter
From Donna Wenstad (’75):   Amado, AZ
Reply to Don”s memory of the school uproar re: wearing dresses in winter
I also remember that well, most of us had the foresight to bring a dress to school to change into as we knew what trouble we would be in.
Request for local artwork and historical  photos of the Dunseith area
From Kim (Bob Bott ’64):  Dunseith, ND
Hi, Gary & the Dunseith gang
Dr Brian Selland has recently opened  Turtle Mountain Family Medicine, his own medical practice in Dunseith. We would like to display and showcase some local artwork, historical  photos of the area or photos & memorabilia of past medical providers who served the area.  We are located in the clinic building beside Marion Lumber that was used by Bottineau & Rolette clinics in the past, as well as a number of other offices. If anyone has something they would like to lend us to display, please call me at 244-5800.
Kim Bott (Bob Bott)
TMFM office manager

Blog posted on February 6, 2008


Posted on 
From: Don & Irene Boardman

Subject: Frozen fingers Festival (Hills & Plains Gospel Band) Playing Sunday at 12:00 Noon
Folks: I have complete up to date class lists for all the DHS classes from 1950 Thru 1971.  I’m currently working with the class of 72. For those of you in those class years, please let me know if you did not get a copy for your class year.  Also for any of you that would like copies of any of these lists, please let know and I’ll send them to you.  Gary
Loretta Neameyer’s (72) Reply to Paulette LaCroix (68):

I do believe the man Paulette is referring to about the many layers of coats is Isaac Belgarde. I remember when he came to church, the first few minutes were spent peeling off layers of coats. He was a very nice and prayerful man. His daughter Bernice graduated with us in ’72, a nice lady.

I love reading all the e-mails. Nice work Gary.

Loretta Wall (Neameyer)



Ele Dietrich Slyter’s (69) reply to Paulette LaCroix (68):

Paulette—I think you are remembering Issac Belgarde.   They lived on the dump ground road and he always wore coats, year round.  Ele



Dick Johnson’s (68)  Reply to Pualette LaCroix (68):

Gary and all DHS

The guy from Dunseith who wore all the coats was Issac
Belgarde. He lived on main street first and then moved to the
dump ground road. He named a daughter after my mom, Bernice,
after Mom did some small favor. Mom thought this was very
special.There could be another person who wore several coats
but I think you are asking about Issac.




Gary Metcalfe’s (57) Reply to Paulette LaCroix (68):

Hi Paulette, You refer to Isaac Belgarde, he must have had poor circulation!  He spent time in the bank in Dunseith, also Rolette.  His brother, Charlie was an Army Captain and a Minneapolis Building Contractor, his sister, Mrs. Rodrick Gagnon.  She was a great neighbor.  Also Mrs. Tommy Anderson was his sister.  Isaac was a horseman and landlord.  Don’t think he went to the moon??



Replies and Memories from Bob Hosmer (56):

Hi Gary and all Dunseithers,

What a privilege to read the memories you all have of your years in Dunseith.  I remember those days of selling pop and beer bottles.  Beer bottles had the higher value.  I also sold boxes–mainly to our family store.  This venture sure provided funds for lots of movies at Althea theater.  I was  cheapskate with the popcorn, though. I took the freebe old maids.
Just  note to Marge Landverk Fish:  Marge, I have met your brother, Howard here in the Lynnwood/Edmonds area where I live.  It was a strange way we met.  My son-in-law, Vicctor Krakmo, went to a Boys and Girls Club basketball game and saw Howard at a distance.  Vicctor went up to him thinking that it was his brother Arnie to greet him and was surprised that it wasn’t his brother.  Howard could pass for a Arnies twin.  My wife Katrine and I came a little late to the game, but when we came Victor was excited to introduce us to “someone from Dunseith.”  We had a wonderful visit with Howard at that time.  We reflected on your folks and the amazing skill your father had as a stone mason.  His work is lasting.
Bonnie,  I have a picture of Barry Shelver dressed as Sy Kadry.  It’s a picture of Barry, one other, and yours truly. I’ve been looking for it around our place.  Once I locate it I’ll get it scaned in.
You all have a god rest of the week.
Bob Hosmer (56)
Gary Metcalfe’s (57) reply to Marge Landsverk (57): 
Hi Marge, it’s been a while since we were at Dunseith High.  A couple years ago my wife and I were in Edmonds, Wa. and my wife’s friend said they knew Howard.  I said that Howard was a partner with my Uncle Archie Metcalfe at Totem Drywall in north Seattle after the war.  We spent several hours at his home overlooking Puget Sound, beautiful home and beautiful view.
Your dad did a lot of the rock work in the area, several brothers also.  I knew Nels, Thor and one more who’s name escapes me.  Were you related to Thov Landsverk, the great store keeper of earlier days.  Gary Metcalfe
Paula Fassett’s (71) Eli Demery’s Grandson, Micah Johnson:
I’m glad Gary Morgan put in the note about Eli Demery’s grandson, Micah Johnson, I wish I had seen that news clip.   I lived across the street from Mike and Darcy (Demery) Johnson in Portal about 20 years ago.  I hadn’t known Darcy as we were going to school, but we became friends during the “Portal years”.   Micah was just a little boy then – 6 or 7 probably, but he was a polite and well mannered kid, as I recall.  I’m not at all surprised that he grew up to be the soldier who made the news because of his good deeds!!!




Comments with memories from the past from Gary Metcalfte (57):

Pinsetters, Augie and Harvey Johnson, it would be interesting to know what they are doing today.  What with Don Johnson a cousin on one side and Mayor of St. Paul, Minn. on the Kelly’s side, Randy Kelly.

Harold Kelly, our friend, was almost a tie with Bing Evans with the double bit axe.  Harold was great with the scissor too.  He never gave me  rooster tail like I got from those town barbers.  Gary Metcalfe
Comments from Gary Metcalfe (57): 
Thanks again Gary.  These very interesting letters start out my day every day.  Without a history you are just like a hars wind on the buffalo grass!!
I identify with every message that comes across your desk.  Vance Bailey – can anyone ell me where Bailey’s lived in the hills?  Early on my dad, Jim Metcalfe, talked about Virgil and Harvey Bailey as school mates.  They had 8 teachers in one year and none of them could make Harvey cry, then came C.B. Clark.
Bill Hosmer, I thoroughly enjoy your memories of early years.  you are one of the few people that knew about sweet cream.  I used to take a quart of cream to Hattie Lillabee in trade for a shot for my asthma.  She was a movie star to me, also Lenora Lamoureux, glad to hear about A.T. Lillabee.  thanks Bonnie.
Larry Hackman, for a younger man you surely have a great memory of the bowling alley and muscrats, weasels and mink.  Alan Hobbs, Harvey’s dad, was in there as a fur buyer before Harvey.
Hilda Tooke, wife of Vic Tooke and sister of Oscar Stadheim, was a great trapper and furniture maker.  Oscar was a partner of Harold Woodford in the Snake Pit,  known then as Stadheim and Woodford Bar.  Johnie Myer did tend bar for them.  Anybody remember Johnie?
Larry, I went to Hilltop school with Tony and Henry, they were first graders.  Haven’t heard much about Henry.
Music was our life as teenagers, your cousin, Jimmy Birkland could play harmonica and guitar at the same time while herding the Ford toward Dunseith on Saturday nights.  LeRoy Birkland was probably the best guitar picker I knew in those early days.  Great times, great people.
Bill Hosmer, I knew most every Hosmer except you.  Your dad had a lot of class.  Jack, as well as many others, hunted deer (in season) on my dad’s border farm.  One year he said, “Jim, pick out a hat”,  one year was a jacket.  I always liked Jack’s way.  Don was a boxer at the Forestry, as well as my brother Jim.  We sang quite a few songs together, cool guy..
Thanks to all the memories you all have shared.  Gary Metcalfe

1/14/2014 (1941)

Our son Bernie has tickets in hand to visit us here in Cebu. He will be arriving March 23rd and leaving about June 7th. That is 2 1/2 months. He will have plenty of time to get reacquainted with all his cousins and relative. We and especially Bernadette are excited for his visit.
Bernadette is doing much better today. This past week her condition was a bit worse. She is currently playing cards with her sister and several others. There were days that she wanted to play but wasn’t able to hold the cards, so she just watched. Then when she got a little better she had someone help her hold her cards. Today she is playing all on her own. Bernadette has most certainly had a personality change and any of those she had the slightest differences with, the wounds have been mended.
Taken on 6/28/2013 in Bellevue, WA – Bernadette’s Birthday
WWII Photo’s
Reply from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

Gary and Ivy Robert,


Many thanks,  Ivy for drawing attention to the WWII  photo site.

The photos were compelling!


Very infrequently, my father would quietly pull out his navy blue book,

a small ragged Bible he carried in the chest  pocket of his uniform,

or  few photo’s of his days as a navy coxswain.


When he did, he was silent.

We, his family never intruded on his thoughts.


He shared more, somewhat in his later years……….age 55-61.

After, he lost his vision, he couldn’t see those mementos.

He’d packed them away, out of our questioning eyes.


He did reflect  fondly,about many of the men he served with.

Some he spoke of  with birth names, other’s with nicknames.

George Johnson,  JC Pike,  “Horsecollars”, and others.

When he talked about those guys it was usually some silly memory.

A funny story, a  time of laughter they enjoyed together.

Perhaps that is another force the bond of laughing, which pulled them through.


He only kept in contact through Christmas cards with the Texan,J.C. and George,

a rugged Montana cowboy whom he met at Camp Farragut training.


They met as wide eyed young lads.

They watched  each others backs throughout their time together.

They arrived back stateside  as weary men with old eyes.


Dad loved those navy friends, he referred to them as closer than brothers.

He had a clear respect and  depth of understanding with  many veterans of the  Dunseith

area. Kenny Tooke, George Gregory, his brother Emil Metcalfe,Andy Patenaude and others.


Veterans of Foreign Wars, were men who shared a common knowledge,

and a  communication,where  they didn’t have to talk they just understood.


Our family, still doesn’t touch  many of Dad’s mementos.

We look and wonder…….


Thanks Ivy for sharing that site.




Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND
Blog posted on February 6, 2008


Posted on 
Message from Shirley Olson Warcup (49) [Dick Johnson’s aunt]: 
          Thanks for the phone call and the e-mails.  It was great to hear from you and hear about your tribute to Don.It brings back good memories of growing up in Dunseith.  I often speak to Pat Sunderland Warburton and we reminisce about our 12 years of school in Dunseith–it was a good place to grow up.  I’m sure there are many people who appreciate what you are doing!!  You asked if my husband was from Dunseith–he was not–he was born and raised in Grand Forks.  We met at UND.  Once again, thanks for including me in this “group”.
                                        Shirley Olson Warcup
Memories from Paulette LaCroix (68):
Bill G. mentioned comfort foods and I remembered my mother’s rich rhubarb custard pie.  It had just the right combination of sweet, tart, and creamy with that great crust made with lard.  We had two thick patches of rhubarb in our backyard which mom crafted into jams with other fruit like strawberry.  We all liked it a lot better than “chokecherry” jelly that seemed to sugar before spring.  I remember little contests in the summer on who could eat a whole stalk of rhubarb with just the smallest amount of sugar.

Halloween time in Dunseith was a treat.  Neighbors made homemade fudge, popcorn balls and caramel apples for our huge bags.  KC Sine lived two doors down from us and Margie made great caramel apples.  They got to know us kids pretty well and it was the first place we checked whenever our brother Jerry “ran away.”  Margery made this irresistible with her treats.  They knew my brother Greg was a little character and decided to play a trick on him for Halloween.  He absolutely hated onions and would pick every smidgeon out of anything he suspected of having them.  When we stopped at their house with our trick or treat bags, Greg got two caramel apples.  We were all jealous since we only got one and he taunted us with this specialness by dancing around the house with one in each hand.  With a face made to look like he was dying of pleasure, he took a big bite and tasted “onion!”  The caramelized onion flew as well did a few bad words when he ran to rinse his mouth in the sink.  We thought it was a pretty good joke and considered it special that KC and Margery would take the time.

Marge Landverk!  We used to walk past your fenced back yard down our alley and gawk at the beautiful flowers in your mother’s garden.  I have memories of being in your house and hearing a sleepy old clock tick.  Somewhere, I believe, there are photos of you and my sister Janice sitting on the sofa in your very fluffy pastel prom dresses.

Paulette LaCroix

Again, thanks Gary!

PS.. What was the name of the guy who wore all the coats, even in the summer (not Sy) and said he wanted to go to the moon?  He had a lot of kids and his wife seemed perpetually pregnant.  They lived on the road to the dump grounds I think.  I have loved hearing all these stories and memories.  More and more I remember places and people that I thought I’d forgotten.




Message from Bobby Slyter (70):


I am so glad that you are doing this for all of us dunseith natives, it is fantastic, and Mel the music sends you right back to growing up there as kids, that kind of music will never die.
Question from Ele Dietrich Slyter (69): 
Is it possible that anyone out there would have the Eli Demery song written down someplace or even possibly on tape??  Dimathy (Demery) Robertson, I think, would like to have a copy.  Appreciate the help with this one.  Thank you    Ele
Paula Fassett’s (71) reply:
I believe this is the article that Gary Morgan referred to ..  re: Micah Johnson, grandson of Eli Demery from Dunseith.

General recognizes pilots for daring rescue mission

1 2
Story and photos by Spc. Nathan Hoskins
1st Cavalry Division’s 1st Air Cavalry Brigade
BAGHDAD, Iraq (July 29, 2007) – The top U.S. general in Iraq presented awards to four Apache pilots for their part in the July 2 rescue of two other pilots downed by enemy fire during a July 27 ceremony in the Victory Base Complex here. 

Gen. David Petraeus, commander of Multi-National Forces Iraq, honored the four pilots of the 1st Cavalry Division’s 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, and eight others who helped rescue the pilots.

Chief Warrant Officer Allan Davison and Chief Warrant Officer Micah Johnson, both AH-64D Apache attack helicopter pilots for Company A, 1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, received Distinguished Flying Crosses.

Davison and Johnson landed their attack helicopter in a hostile area and evacuated the two downed OH-58 Kiowa helicopter pilots of the 3rd Infantry Division’s 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade.

Apaches only have two seats, so Johnson, the front seat pilot, let one of the Kiowa pilots take his seat in the Apache while he and the other Kiowa pilot strapped themselves to the outside of the aircraft and sat on the wings, said Johnson.

“It looked like they were both in pretty good shape, but one of them kind of looked like he had been through enough, like he was a little shocked, as I would be, too. I told him to get in front,” he said.

Once the pilots were strapped in, Davison, the pilot in command, took off and headed to Baghdad International Airport where the pilots were dropped off.

While this was taking place, their Apache wingmen were circling above providing security.

Those two pilots, Chief Warrant Officer Seung Choi and Chief Warrant Officer Troy Moseley, received Air Medals for their efforts.

Although happy at being awarded medals and recognized by the top commander in Iraq, the pilots said their greatest reward was finding the downed pilots alive.

“We’ve seen a lot of aircraft shoot-downs,” Johnson said in an interview after the rescue. “Every one that we’ve all probably seen, it’s resulted in burning aircraft and black smoke and usually catastrophic loss of life. If not loss of life, then there have been serious injuries. Just to see those two alive, it was amazing. It was great.”

1/13/2014 (1940)

No Blog Yesterday
For the record, I did not get a blog posted yesterday.
Happy Birthday Margaret Seim Lawston (DHS ’54): Citrus Heights, CA
                 Seim Lawston, Margaret 1940
Roland Mongeon’s white house
Reply from Allen Richard (’65):  Midland, MI.

The white house Mark Schimetz refers to was on the Roland Mongeon farm just east of Highway 3.  Roland built the current farm house in 1961.  The carpenter was Gilmer Ihla from Rolette, who built our house a year earlier.  Dad helped in the construction of both houses. 
The white 2 story house was moved to town about the same time.  Joni and lived tin the upstairs appartment in the summers of 1970 and 1971.
Repeated Thanks
From Dick Johnson (’68):  Dunseith, ND
Gary and Friends,

Again,  I would like to thank so many of the folks for all the
nice memories they posted about my mom and dad.  It certainly is
humbling for me to see the connection they had with so many people over
the years and how they generated so many memories.  It also brings back
so many memories of my own that I’m nearly overwhelmed at times.  Thanks
a bunch!  Thanks Gary!


Memories of Don & Bernice Johnson, other Neighbors and Friends
From Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND
Gary and friends,

For a time, in the first few years of Gary’s blog  endeavor,I dint read the blog.
So I had an interest in reading yesterdays.
I recall back, Thirty-Four Years.

The winter of 1979-1980  was cold and icy, there was alot of snow!
I was fortunate to live in the hills of home, while teaching elementary school in Dunseith.
That winter,  we were aided, immensely on the caring kindness of neighbors.
Carroll, Audrey and Al  Smith,  Dick, Brenda, Don and Bernice Johnson were our closest neighbors.
Art and Eva,  I believe had moved off the farm to CA for the winter.
My green Bonneville, often found its way into snowbanks,
getting stuck several times  on the gravel road.
I was the fortunate one! 
Everytime, when I needed help,
Don  or Dick Johnson would just  be coming
down the road and find a way to get me out.  
My mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor  right before Christmas 1979.
Before her scheduled January surgery, Bernice Johnson called  my mother and said, 
“I will wash clothes for your boys while you are in Fargo with Vickie and Cliff and while you recover.”
My  brothers,who were young teens, balked when mom told them that Bernice Johnson would come get their
 clothes and wash.  (Bernice Johnson was a classy lady.)
Those two,were scared farm boys, dad was disabled, and everyone very stressed.
The boys,were also shy at heart and  didn’t want any  just anyone  washing ……
Yup,  my wise dad guessed the problem…………UNDERWEAR.  
So, we purchased more. So I could wash whenever I got home.
Dad, Mom, and I went on to Fargo where she had surgery. January 15,1980……
While there,Geri and Chuck Munro opened their home and hearts to my parents.
They, and dear Helen were constant anchors in Christian faith and healing.
Back at the farm, friends and neighbors, were wonderful!
They gave the brothers the space needed but offered to help as needed. 
Adamant to help, Bernice (Seim Metcalfe)Lindburgh came and stayed for the first few days.
Finally, Mom had come home  to recover.
She  wore a scull cap covering her hairless head which was covered in staples and stiches.
Her scull  had been sawed from ear to ear.  Mom’s balance was off, she moved like a stroke patient
using her hand to balance against the wall as she stumbled.
She also lost an area of her brain which controlled weight, she lost the sense of smell
 and was now blind in one eye
She was a strong woman of faith, had resolved to recover, because Dad needed her.
There were the neighbors of the hills, who understood our needs.
Don Johnson would stop and visit dad when he was out walking with his white cane and border collie.
Don would visit like he had all the time in the world.
Dad  respected both, Don and Bernice. 
Dad said, “Don treats me normal, and doesn’t seem uncomfortable with me being blind.”
If Dad needed to get out, he knew he could call Don  Johnson, who would have taken him to “Dales” any afternoon.
Bernice and Don Johnson continued to pull me out of snowbanks through ’til spring.
Blessed be the memory of Don and Bernice Johnson,
 neighbors and friends with hearts and minds of “GOLD”.
Posting of the day
From Ivy Eller Robert (’74):  Bottineau, ND

Hi Gary….
   Check out these photos of WWII. There are some shots of Cebu and other locations around your area. You may have already seem these photos in the past.
Ivy Robert
These photographs were classified during WWll.

Many of us have not seen photography like this before. Beautiful, stark black and white pictures, about 110 of them, of historical significance in this collection.

At the end of the pics there are some interesting comments.  For many of us, our fathers and/or grandfathers participated in this action…

World War II: The Pacific and Adjacent Theaters.

Blog posted on February 5, 2008


Posted on 
Memories from Lola Metcalfe Vanorny (68): 
lola vanorny, ew
Oh yes, I remember so many good memories of the Johnsons– I remember
going to a contest somewhere in his big black shiny cadillac – probably
about a 1961–  and he drove really fast– (we thought) — that was cool!!_
ha– that was back in Dad’s   50 mph days–  ha  —! 

Bill’s story about the play was really cute!!_- i can just imagine them
doing that–  Yes- Bernice was very beautiful!

Sometimes when I see a group of school kids performing somewhere —
how sad it is that the dress code has gotten so lax–  when we played for
an occasion somewhere – we looked sharp!!–  The blue blazers – black or
white pants or skirts etc.  and we’d better stand up straight– !!–  He
was a stickler for that!– and I believe that too made an impression on us.
He had high standards.

It is just so fun to hear the various stories and incidents all the kids
around had–  I think I remember Jay’s Mom “Beanie”  mentioning Margy
Landsverk working in the lab at the San.  Beanie was the lab director  – I
still have people that worked for her talk about her – they seemed to love
her– I did and only knew her for a short time as she died the fall we were
married.  She was a wonderful lady.

I think of so many incidents of the storekeepers –  they were kind of our
“village”  the Sines–  Shelvers- Hosmers- Herman- the hardware—they
treated us as their own kids–   By the way do you know Armand Mongeon is
still working at the Hardware?!!  he is as spry as he was when he was
younger!!_-  everything I know about any thing  (painting– etc)  I learned
from Armand and seems I was always painting something–  it is still that
way today–  I’ll bet walmart wouldn’t deliver right to our door if we need
something – the hardware does!!  ha–  and then you don’t pay for it til
the next time you go into the store!–  that’s why I continue to shop the
little stores in Dunseith.  If I forget my check book at the grocery store
or Pharmacy–  they just put a slip in the til–  bet that wouldn’t happen
at Walmart!!_ ha

I practically lived at Mongeon’s in highschool – they always had a “double
family” as each of their 6 kids would more than likely bring home a friend
for after school- and dinner –if we had a game to go to that night– or a
concert or some kind of practice after school.  their household was so fun-
Armand would even sing with us–  !!

keep the stories coming – I love to read them – and yes–  Thank God that
Deb Morinville Azure ‘s results were do positive–  Lola

Lola, Armand Mongeon has email  armand@srt.com and is on our distribution list.  He graduated from DHS in 1940. Gary



Gary Morgan’s (54) reply: 
Hi Gary & All,

It was interesting to note the reference to Eli Demry in the 40 below song.  Jim Footit (Class of 51) wrote “The Ballad of Eli Demry” in the early 50s when Eli was a young man.  I don’t remember the words but it was to the tune of “Ballad of Davey Crockett” and the first verse started “Born on a mountain top near old Dunseith…meanest place in the land of the Crees.  The first verse ended with “…kicked out of a bar when he was only three”.  Then the refrain…..”Eli…Eli Demry…King of the Chipp-o-was”.
Some of you may not be aware that it was Eli’s grandson, Micah Johnson (Darcy’s son) that we saw on the evening news and morning shows, last spring, dangling from a gun mount as his helicopter made a daring rescue of another helicopter crew shot down in a river in Bagdad.  Micah had given his space to one of the rescued crew members.
Who would have thunk?

Gary Morgan
Class of 54
Marge Landsverk Fish’s reply to Dave Slyter (57):
Note: Dave’s message follows Marge’s reply.
Hi Dave,
     I am a 1st. cousin of Barb, Sharon, Bruce and the rest of the kids.  Nels was my dads brother.  I saw most of the cousins at Rodgers house in Bottineau a year ago Oct. when I came to N.D. to visit my husbands family in Rolette and my friend Caroleen Williams in Bottineau.  I also met Lucille Volk, Marlene Armentrout, and Arliss Lider at Dales for a get together.
     My family(Knute and Minnie Landsverk ) lived a half a block so. of the grade school.  The house isn’t there any more.  I was in the class of 57.  My dad did a lot of the stone work at the Peace Garden while I was growing up.  I have a older brother Howard who is 13 years older than me and lives in Edmonds Wash.
My other brother Bill(Marvin) is deceased.   My parents passed away in 1970 and 80.
     I understand Gary Stokes also lived in the neighborhood of Nels.
                                                                        Marge Fish
Hi Marge,
My name is Dave Slyter.   I noticed your maiden name is Landsverk and I lived next door to some Landsverk up in the Turtle Mountains.  They lived right off from the Willow Lake Road.  The family farm stead was Nels and Gerdie Landsverk.  We all rode the same school bus.  I graduated with David Landsverk and was neighbors to Bruce for many years.  I do remember Barb Landsverk.   I was just wondering if you were related to them?�

David Slyter
More tunes (Satterfield – William Metcalfe)  from Mel Kuhn (70):
Howdy Gary,
It sounds like they want to hear more songs, so I’ll just keep sending them one at a time. If someone would like a copy of the CD I sure could make them one and send it out. There are 17 songs on it. I got my copy from Dick Johnson.
Mel Kuhn [70]

1/11/2014 (1939)

Happy Birthday Paula Fassett (DHS ’71): White Bear Lake, MN   Fassett

Happy Birthday Linda Johnson Juntunen (’72): Perth, ND
     Johnson, Linda 1939
  Happy Birthday Heather Albertson: Houston, TX
Albertson, Heather 1939
Reply to the Filipino passenger truck picture posted yesterday
From Lee Stickland (’64): Dickenson, ND
By the Pay Load, as it appears on this photo, the Department of Transportation folks must be on a break.
A ‘ton-fee-tag’ was what I believe they required in the ole’ days; if’n ya wanted to haul commercially?  The quality of the smile on the faces show that the ride is for fun not for “mun”.
  LEE   s
This is another picture that our friends took several years ago. There are 8
people on this bike plus the added luggage and cans. My guess is that this
is a 105cc Honda. Like our friends say “Only in the Philippines”. 
A real Tractor Pull
Posted by Larry Hackman (’66):  Bismarck, ND
Anyone off the farm (or on the farm) will enjoy this!
A 850 H.P. John Deere diesel vs. a steam tractor rated 18 H.P?
It’s all about torque and traction… enjoy
Joke of the day
Posted by Rosemary (Wayne ’61) Smith:   Lake Metigoshe, ND

Cletus & Billy Bob


Cletus is passing by Billy Bob’s hay barn one day when, through a gap in the door, he sees Billy Bob doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of an old John Deere tractor.


Buttocks clenched, he performs a slow pirouette, and gently slides off first the right strap of his overalls, followed by the left. He then hunches his shoulders forward and in a classic striptease move, lets his overalls fall down to his hips, revealing a torn and frayed plaid shirt.


Then, grabbing both sides of his shirt, he rips it apart to reveal his stained T-shirt underneath. With a final flourish, he tears the T-shirt from his body, and hurls his baseball cap onto a pile of hay.


Having seen enough, Cletus rushes in and says, “What the world’re ya doing, Billy Bob ?”


“Good grief, Cletus, ya scared the bejeebers out of me,” says an obviously embarrassed Billy Bob ..


“But me’n the wife been havin trouble lately in the bedroom d’partment, and the therapist suggested I do something sexy to  a tractor.”


(Don’t make me come splain this to you! Read the last line again, slowly.)

Blog posted on February 4, 2008


Posted on 
Memories of Don & Bernice Johnson from Bill Hosmer (48): 
Gary, and Dunseith Friends.   One rather unlikely story, but one that
had some predictive qualities took place during my freshman year at
DHS.  Don and Bernice were both Juniors.  There was an operetta
directed by Miss Nesting.  The characters in the play were Native
Americans.  The title of the play was “Star Flower”.  That character
was Bernice.  Then there was a young brave I think named “Lone Buck”,
played by Don Johnson who was courting Star Flower.  Her father was a
grizzled Chief named ‘Lost Eagle” or something like that, played by
yours truly.  One line I remember well from Bernice was,  “Father, you
bid me come to you”.  I was supposed to be a grouch, so I had my arms
crossed across my bare chest which had been slathered with leg make up
to make me look more tribal-like.  I  had on a full headdress loaned by
the Chippewa tribe, and there were several of them in the audience of
this production.  Bernice was so beautiful I wanted to hug her, but
that would have ended my stage career, and I’d probably have left that
leg make up on her Indian Princess dress.  By the way for you young
folks, leg make up was a substitute for silk stockings which were not
available. It was a fluid in a bottle.  World War II was still ongoing,
and then nylon etc became available later.   There was alot of music
and the two of them sang love songs in duet, and they lived happily
everafter. Fortunately, the chief in the play did not have any singing
requirement.This was just a brief interval in a long friendship with those two
great Americans, but when there is such a wealth of  personal
admiration, and deep sense of loss, every little whisp of memory comes
back to reinforce the importance of having known and indeed loved Don
and Bernice Johnson.    Cheers, Bill Hosmer

Message (Don Johnson) from Glen Williams (52): 
Gary…Great that you put that collection of “memories” of Don Johnson together…I was quite a bit younger than Don…so did not know him personally, but did know he was….and was to old to be in his classes…but would appear that he made a  difference in a lot of students lives….I did know that he had been killed and was saddened by that event…  His life just should not have ended that way…!!!
Glen Williams…
 Susan Fassett’s (65) memories of the the Don Johnson family: 
I have thoroughly enjoyed all the nice memories of Dick’s parents.  We had many good times at the Johnson farm, as Cynthia (Dick’s Grandma) is a sister to my Aunt Dorothy Fassett.  We had picnics at the farm and chased the fireflies at the edge of the lake where the farm sat,  Johnson’s were included in many a family picnic and Dick was always a  favorite “cousin”.  My sisters, along with the “other” Fassett girls spent some nights at the farm and relate stories of the bats that inhabited the old buildings.  Isn’t it great to be from a community that shares so many great memories.!!!     Hugs  and prayers to all—-Susan
Message from Marge Landsverk Fish (57):  
Hi Gary and All,
     I’ve been enjoying reading everything.  Duane Woodford was in my class.  I could never get as good a score on a assignment as he did but it was fun trying.
     I remember playing the French horn with Janice(La Croix) Kester.  We went to Rolla for the county music festival and played a selection.  We almost went to a movie that night and got to the school late;:everyone was looking for us as we were called back.  I enjoyed the mass band as you got to meet so many kids from other towns and we sounded so good!!
     I also remember Dr. Loeb as I went to work in the lab at theT.B Sanitarium after highschool.  He was very respected to say the least.
     I went to work at the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat clinic in Minot after that.
     I married Lyle Fish who was from Rolette in 58  and I lost him in 2005.  We have 3 children, Brian,Brad and Kim.
                                                                          Marge(landsverk) Fish
Marge, Dr. Loeb’s Daughter, Karen Loeb Mhyre was in our class of 1965. Karen and her mother, Hanna Higgins Loeb, attended our class reunion and the All school reunion this past summer in Dunseith.  Dr. Loeb is deceased.  Karen and Hanna live in Bellevue WA.  They too are such nice warm friendly wonderful folks.  Karen has stressed many times, that she and her mother dearly love to hear from the Dunseith folks. Her email address is karen.mhyre@   Hanna and Art Rude were both in the class of 1939 and they were both in the Dunseith Parade this last summer. Karen is also on this distribution list.  Gary Stokes
Shirley Brennan’s (60) reply to Mel Kuhn (70): 
Thanks for the Turrtle Mt Memories, I have no idea who the artist is.
Shirley Brennan
Message from Dich Johnson (68): 
GaryI got the message {second song] that was missing. It had been
blocked as potential dangerous material. This is rather funny
when you hear the song, Springtime in old Dunseith! I am in
possession of a copy of the CD with all these songs. Wayne
Smith [61] got one from Jack Metcalfe’s daughter
Jackie. Rosemary Smith, Waynes wife made me a copy and I listen
to it often. With Jackies permission we probably could make
more if anyone was interested. The CD is titled Family and
Friends=====Turtle Mt. Memories. The guy singing Springtime In
Old Dunseith is actually Larry Metcalfe. The song on this CD is
called The Snakepit Saloon. The tune is from Springtime in
Alaska by I believe Johnny Horton. Good OLD TIME MUSIC !


Dick, I talked to your Aunt Shirely Olson Warcup (your mothers sister) and her husband Ronald today. I got their email address and they too are now on our distribution list.  Nice folks.  Gary
Picture and message from Tim Martinson (69):
It has been almost a month since I first started looking for this  picture which by the way is the only one I have of the American Legion team I coached that summer.  I do not recall who took it or who gave it to me but I”m hoping that maybe someone out there has another photo and will pass it along.  In the photo Back Row that is Don Olson’s  shoulder, Greg Evans, Jeff Evans, Lyle Olson, Clark Parrill, Curt Berg, Greg Larson, Don Berg,  Front Row, Larrett Peterson,  Larry Tooke, David Campbell, Donald Malatere, Curt Hagel.  This was probably taken at Rolla?  As teams go this one turned out to be what I would call a Dream Team.  A bunch of multi talented guys that loved to play baseball.  From the start of the season we had a ad in the Minot Daily Newspaper looking for games to fill our open dates. We got a few games that route and I will tell you about one later.
Now back to the team and a little about each of the members.Don Olson, Pitcher, First Base, and could hit the ball, a big  target to throw to at first base.

    Greg Evans, Center Field, Pitcher, Covered a lot of ground in the  outfield,strong arm, leader in getting on base, and use to be right  handed.
    Jeff Evans, Outfield, First Base, He could move out with those long legs.
    Lyle Olson,  Outfield, First Base,  Gaining experience and very  supportive.
    Clark Parill, Outfield, Fast, Good Arm,  and could hit the ball, team prankster, peace keeper, always keep the team smiling.
    Curt Berg, Catcher, Strong Arm to Second, and could hit the ball, still growing!
    Greg Larson, Pitcher, Third Base, could hit the ball, and was known for his Knuckleball.
    Don Berg, Pitcher, Infield and Outfield, The Utility Man and could hit the ball.
    Larrett Peterson, Mr. Shortstop could scoop em up and great arm to first, and could hit the ball.
    Larry Tooke,  Catcher, Second Base, Great arm to second. good  blocker, great field captain, and could hit the ball.
    David Campbell, Outfield, fast, quick release, strong arm and  could hit the ball.
    Donald Malatere, Second Base, fast. quick release and good hands.
    Curt Hagel,  Outfield, fast, A heavy hitter with a big bat.The team had a lot of fun that summer.  We won a lot more than we�
lost and became better men through teamwork.  We all had our ups and
downs but learned how to work through the conflicts.  Although we�
shared cramped quarters in our travels there were no major brawls.  I do
believe we put our best effort forward in representing the Dunseith�
area that summer.

One of the games we picked up through the newspaper ad was a game at�
Drake.  I was told that they had a very good team and a top notch
pitcher.  We traveled down there going through Towner and finally�
reached the baseball field and the field reminded me of one that had�
around since the start of the town itself, old and a tad run down�
with no home run fence.  It was not a field of dreams.  Anyway we had�
introductions and the exchange of lineups and meeting with the umps. �
The field ump was middle aged and the ump behind the plate was
older than the other.  So now the game begins and yes their pitcher�
is good with a little help from the ump but we play on.  As I mentioned
earlier that there was no home run fence and it was our bad luck that�
a ball got by in the outfield and rolled and rolled and we were now down
a run going into the seventh and final at bat.  With two outs and a�
man at third we tried a suicide squeeze play.  The player coming into�
plate was called out.  My players saw what had happened and went�
after the ump and I practically had to restrain them. I told them to�
up and get ready to leave and I would straighten it out with the�
ump.  There the ump and I stood at home plate and discussed the error in
his decision.  As time went by everyone had left but the ump, myself�
and my team.  I could see that I was getting nowhere in the discussion
so I told the ump I would take the game as a loss as long as he�
admitted that he made an error on the call to me and he did.  As I�
could tell
the ump just wanted to go home and forget about this game.  The ump�
agreed that he should have called interference on the catcher for
shoving the batter out of the way and not allowing the batter an�
attempt to hit the ball.  I walked off the field told the team and we�
went home.

Take Care,  Tim

1/10/2014 (1938)


   Happy  Birthday  Diane  Berg  Rheault ( DHS ’79):  Fargo,  ND Berg, Diane 1938
Happy birthday Dwight Coleman: Dunseith, ND
     Happy  Birthday  Larry  Liere  (DHS ’54):  Devils  Lake,  ND
Liere, Larry 1938
Reply from Dawn Gregory Allard (’74):  Bottineau, ND
Hi Gary hope you are all well and enjoying the warm weather.It finally warmed up today 20 above feels great. I just had to respond to Trish Larson’s story about the party she had. It definetly was Larry Allard my one and only. We still laugh about that. He always was and still is a nice guy. This last September we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary with our 4 children and 9 grandchildren. It has been quite a ride and wouldn’t change a thing. We are blessed to have great family and friends. I enjoy all the stories about old times and people,especially Don Johnson, he is one of the people I most respected in life, he sure got his calling in life right with teaching as he had such a positive effect on so many people.Happy New Year, Dawn Allard “74”
Hello Dawn,
Great hearing from you.  I don’t believe I have you on my distribution? I have about 750 total on my daily distribution with 7 different distribution lists. I checked them all and I did not see you on any of them. I have now added you though. I will also add you to the 74 class list too.
Larry, as you know, was in my freshman class before he and Carol got redistricted to Bottineau along with a few others. I have not seen Larry since and that was in 1962.
I think I lost you in the crowd at Laurel’s funeral too. There were lots of folks there and at the house too following his funeral. So so sad that he left us so early. I knew he wasn’t well, but was surprised when Terry Olson told me at the Bakery that he had passed away. I saw Carol Allard several times when she was there too.
40 years, that is a long time. We celebrated our 35th last month. If you are the class of 74, you are about nine years my junior. That means you are about 57. Larry robbed the cradle. 
Dawn, I will always remember you working at the Bowling Alley. You were a good waitress and my folks, especially my dad, thought the world of you. You knew well his food  likes and dislikes too.
Concerning memories of Don JOHNSON
From Debbie Gunville Champagne:  Belcourt, ND

Something I remember about Don Johnson as a teacher is, without displaying
anger or pressure, he had a way of demanding you have, not only respect
for him, but for yourself.  I was only in his beginning band class, but
remember him as having a very “positive force” about him. A teacher who
was a very good example for the students
Richard Family Pictures
Reply from Roberta (Gary ’63) Houle:  Champlin, MN
Hi Gary and Dunseith bloggers–
I wanted to thank you, Gary, for posting the pictures shown in blogs #1929 and 1930.  Also appreciate the feedback from Lorraine Richard Nelson of the Joe Richard family and Colette Hosmer of the Fred Richard family.  I am glad to meet you.  Have either of  you seen these pictures before?  Also Lorraine, are you the one listed as Lorraine Vandal on the RICHARD chart?  If not, where do you fit in?
All the best to Colette as you do the history for your Mom.

What a wonderful summary of RICHARD family sent by Dave Schimetz.  Anyone else with pictures or memories of the RICHARD family–I’d love to hear from you.  Everyone please show the RICHARD photos to others so we can get them identified.  Carmen, I enjoyed hearing about Floyd from your recent posting and please wish him a happy birthday.

Hope to hear from others soon.  Roberta (Gary ’63) Houle

Abe Nelson’s and the Parrill’s
Reply from LeaRae Parrill Espe (’67):  Bottineau, ND
Hello, Edna Mae.  My mom (Mildred) and Marie Parrill are both doing pretty well.  The two youngest of the John Nelson family are 88 and 89 1/2 and are the only two left.  They can tell many fond stories of other Nelson family.  Lauretta and Evelyn , mom and Marie all roomed together in HS at Mrs. Bedard’s.  Uncle Carl would bring them in on Sunday afternoon with the horses and sleigh.  A few times he gave a ride to Iris Senechal Knoke Wolfert (SP).  He would take her around the block a time or two before heading home.  LeRoi Stadium was also living there or maybe just visiting -just a little fellow at the time.  They cooked in their room, some type of hot plate in suppose.  No indoor plumbing even in town then. It was definitely a step up from the Riverside Hotel which was bed bug infested.  I don’t think Lauretta and Evelyn stayed at the Riverside.
Mom always appreciated Carlyle hitching up the horses when she would come home from college or from teaching a year or two after high school. Rides could be caught up the Willow Lake Road to Abe Nelson’s and then Carlyle would give her a ride the rest of the way to the log cabin. He claims now that it was wonderful to get out of milking so he was more than happy to do it.
When Marie and Thurman’s daughter Janet was born, they were living on “Abe’s”. This was the spring of 1950.  Mom took over teaching Beaver Dam for a few months at that time.  I was just a baby and I think Marie took care of both Janet and I that spring.
We finally broke the extreme cold and today may get up in the 20s.It’s sunny and not much wind so we now think we are in the banana belt.
LeaRae Espe
Face book capture from Mark Schimetz

Francis Atcheson and Mary Gottbreht were my dads sisters Francis lived in Minot for decades before moving to Bottineau during her last years. Mary lived next door to Mom and Dad in Dunseith in that big white house that was brought into town in the late 50’s or early sixties from the Gottbreht farmstead or where Teddy, Tim, Troy and Ann grew up. Later on Jim put a house out there. You can sure see whom Kathy looks like and also her daughter looks like similar to Aunt Mary. She was a kind and nice person. Mary’s kids were Jim, Jean, Maryann/Brennan, Francie/Dutra or Frankie as we would and still do call her that.

Schimetz 1938

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND
Metigoshe 1938
Blog posted on February 3, 2008


Posted on 


With all the tributes you folks have provided with memories of Don Johnson, I’ve decided to dedicate today’s mailing to Don and his family.  The first 3 messages, ahead of the article, I’ve gotten today.  The messages following the article have been published before.  I wanted to combine all the messages into one for this distribution.  I went back through and tried to capture all the memories you folks have provided of Don.  Please let me know if I’ve missed any.

I will include future comments that you guys provide, with memories of Don, in the daily messages.  I will also add them to this message for redistribution in the future.

Gary Stokes



From Paulette LaCroix Chisholm (68): paulet


These daily comments, stories and memories are a much better read than the Turtle Mt. Star in my humble opinion.  I see I missed the “Daddy” song.

A little story about Don Johnson.  In high school I played clarinet beside Gwen Grimme on the same old honking clarinet my two older sisters played going back at least a decade.  Years of abuse had practically disintegrated the case so my mom taped it from head to foot with some gawd awful putrid smelling tape.  When Mr. Johnson opened the door to the little room of stored instruments and was hit by the stench, he came to the conclusion that one or more students had not cleaned some filthy reed or mouthpiece in ages.  He was quite “put out” with this disgusting find and lectured us on proper hygiene so “it” would never happen again.  I knew it was my fault since I couldn’t put the clarinet even close to my lips without a gag.  Now, I was sure everyone “knew” my mouthpiece was the “filthy unhygienic culprit.”  Too embarrassed and red faced to fess up during the lecture, I waited in painful guilt and anxious expectation until after class.  To my relief, he threw his head back in laughter and told me in a playful way to “get it out of there.”

I remember his eye opening introductions to different styles of music and his tying the message of “Romeo and Juliet” with the more modern “West Side Story.”  He gave many of us the recognition and appreciation our parents didn’t or couldn’t and we “felt” his pride in our accomplishments.  If you wanted to participate, he provided every effort to support you.  I will always remember his kindness when gently telling those, who had less than perfect pitch, to keep their voices low so they could still participate in the choir.   His contribution to our community over the years was huge, heartfelt and lasting.

Paulette LaCroix Chisholm (68)



From Brenda Hoffman (68):

Thank you Gary. I love the “community” of our emails. I could send this info directly to Dick Johnson but wanted yet more accolades for Don Johnson. Don was wonderful about exposing all of us to a variety of music (first heard and fell in love with Westside Story via Don in a music class), but also made absolutely sure that any cultural event near Dunseith was available to any of us who were interested. I so remember taking the bus to A Mid Summers Night Dream and laughing hysterically — and being amazed that it was written by Shakespeare. Or the concerts in Bottineau. Or the circus in Minot. And I loved how anyone could join the choir…even me. I knew my voice wasn’t the greatest (I think that’s an overstatement!) so would pretty much just voice the words when we were practicing. Toni and Paulette told me that they couldn’t hear me so I should sing louder..which I did for one song. I was a freshman in High School so of course, was intimidated by older classmates in the choir…Don stopped our practice after that one song and just said, “Brenda, could you keep it down.” He also sang at my wedding to Terry Hegney in 1969 (Terry died in 1981)..Of course, tunes from Westside Story!

I also want to note that I worked with Dick’s grandmother Cynthia during my high school stint at the San Haven dining room. I loved her. She was so kind and gentle. I’m not sure if even Dick knows this but when I was in the hospital for TB between the ages of two and three, I swallowed a nickle that someone had given me (people used to give kids coins as treats in those days). My mom was also in the hospital at the same time. Dr. Loeb (who was a prisoner of war before becoming the director of the San…he was an absolutely wonderful Dr. by the way and we were so lucky he decided to stay in ND after the war) couldn’t remove the nickel so Dad (who was working at the San in the kitchens at the time) warmed up the car, asked Cynthia to accompany him, borrowed clothes from Jay Vanorny and we were on our way to Minot. Can you imagine every one’s terror that I wouldn’t make the long drive? At any rate, the eye, ear, nose specialist in Minot removed the coin and all was well. Thank you Dick for a loving and warm family who impacted my life in so many ways.
Brenda Hoffman (class of 68)



From Dave Slyter (70):

Hi Dick:

Just a quick comment about your dad.  Just like a super star, or actor, or singer or writer or  composer your dad left a legacy in so many hearts, not only in the Dunseith area, but to North Dakota and Canada.   He was a man that had a lot of influence on a lot of peoples life’s.  He will always be in my life.   He was the best teacher I had ever had. �

Just one more little story about your folks together.  When we lived on  the farm up in the hills my mom Margaret Hiatt would make the best cinnamon rolls in the hills of the turtle mountains.  When she would get into the mood of making them there would be this strange thing that would always happen during that same day of the baking.  Your mom with your dad or your mom with her mom or your mom with your dads mom would always drive up and visit.   We always asked mom when she was baking if she thought Don and Bernice would show up.   Sometimes we know more than said it, and they were driving up the hill to our house.  It was funny and also always enjoyable as they would sit and talk about so many things and memories of  the old Benny Johnson farm.  Always look forward to their visits.   And they loved the cinnamon rolls.   We always told mom that Bernice could smell those cinnamon rolls a mile away.  ha �

Take care
Dave Slyter :



Prairie Past and Mountain Memories (1982 centennial book) Page 213

Dick Johnson’s (68) reply to the memories of his dad, Don Johnson: 
Gary and DHS FriendsI do truly appreciate all the good memories folks have about my
dad, Don Johnson. He had an ability to understand the needs of
those around him and then find a way to make their lives a
little better. The one thing that I believe he passed on to
most of the kids was that everyone is of similar value
regardless of his background or wealth or name! This I believe
is what allowed him to achieve things like Governor’s Choir
with something like sixty kids singing that well. The other
atribute that he had was to never give up no matter what the
odds were. This determination could be seen by his students and
I believe it also drove them to achieve. Thanks to all those of
you who have told your stories of your memories of my dad, it
means a lot!Dick Johnson

Margaret Metcalfe’s (65) memories of Don Johnson:
GarySeveral people have written about memories of Don Johnson so I thought I
would add yet another:I was a Daddy’s girl.  Wherever my Dad went, I was riding on his shoulders
or hanging on to his hand.  I remember my parents wondering how I was
going to handle starting school.  However, my  first grade teacher in
Hilltop school was Don Johnson and I thought he was the best teacher
ever..  I don’t know if this was his first teaching job, but he and
Bernice were so young and Dickie was only 2 or 3 years old.  One day
Bernice came to pick him up from school and I thought she was such a
beautiful lady.  Don fixed the swing in the school yard and I was the
first to get to swing on it.  I backed up as far as I could and then sat
down to swing forward, just then Dickie ran in front of me and I crashed
into him knocking him down.  I felt so bad,  he got up Don dusted himself
off and he had a gash on his head…..but his glasses didn’t break.   He
was such a little cutie.

The years went by and Don taught my husband Chuck in 8th grade in Rolette.
Then he came back to Dunseith and I remember the chorus and how we
harmonized and had concerts….so fun.  I took Music Appreciation from him
and like so many others learned to appreciate so many different composers
and their music.  Whenever I hear Classical music, I think of him.  He
brought the Grand Canyon suite to school and we listed to the LP’s on the
stage in the new school.  I thought it was the most beautiful music I had
ever heard.  After that I started really listening and appreciating the
music in movies.  He was my teacher in first grade and my senior years and
I have such fond memories of one terrific teacher and a wonderful, caring
person.   We were so honored when he sang at our wedding!  He was a

Margaret Leonard

Memories from Bill Hosmer (48): 
    Gary and all the rest.    Just read the neat 180 degree turn by the
band described by Dick Johnson.  It made me believe that Don Johnson
gave more positive stuff to more people than anyone I know.  The last
time I saw him was when he was leading the band down Dunseith’s main
street at one of my visits home during Dunseith Days.  His grin and
wink, when he recognized me, stays with me these many years later.
Don Lamoureux’s (75) Memories of Mr. Johnson:  
I also have great memories of being in Mr. Jonson’s band.  I started out playing clarinet, which didn’t seem too cool for me, I hadn’t heard of Benny Goodman.  I later switched to the string bass, when that spot opened up, and was even happier when the school bought an electric bass guitar, so now I could play and be heard.

He also helped me out of a pickle during deer season one year.  I was in big rush after school to get to a hunting spot, driving my dad’s 4 wheel drive jeep pickup, and was tearing up the hill past Sime’s to get to a spot before dark. I mean to get to a spot where I could hunt until dark.  I rounded a curve to discover that an oncoming school bus and I were going to be occupying the same space shortly.  I swerved to get out of the way, missed the bus, but put the truck into a spin, I did a 360 and then went backwards off the road and down the ditch.�

I know I was closer to some other folks, but didn’t feel like confessing my crappy driving to anyone else, so I walked down to Mr. Johnson’s.  He fired up a tractor and we went back to pull it out.  The ditch was pretty steep, and the only thing that kept it from going farther down the ditch was the tree I managed to wedge the truck up against.  I think Mr. Johnson had to go back home to get a chainsaw. It’s not real clear to me, because I was pretty much dreading having to go back home and face the music there, so to speak.  Mr. Johnson tied the truck off to the tractor, buzzed the tree down, yanked the truck out, and sent me on my way.  Mr. Johnson must have called ahead to smooth out the waters, because it really wasn’t that bad when I got home.  Probably Dad could see nothing was going to make me feel worse than I already did. There still was the inevitable lecture of course, but then he told me of a time as a kid he was driving one of the brand new cars from the garage, and wrecked that.

I can also recall spending many fall days looking for grouse and pass-shooting ducks at Mr. Johnson’s.
Don Lamoureux (75)
Memories from Ele Dietrich (69): 
After reading Deb M. memories of the Governor’s Choir in 1969, I felt that I just have to add this tickle of memory:  Mr. Johnson (who would ever have called him anything else) probably had the highest impact of any teacher in Dunseith when I was in school.  Through him we all learned to appreciate music.  We also learned to give from our hearts when we sang and I think that has stayed with all of us to this very day.  I personally can not thank him enough for that gift.  I will always remember though that he absolutely dispised Buck Owens and the nasal tone of his music.  Remember “let the sound come from the mouth not the nose”…those words will be with me always. He introduced me to so many kinds of music, music that I had never heard before and still love to this day.  Thank you Mr. Johnson.
Ele (Dietrich) Slyter    ’69 rules !!!

Memories from Deb Morinville (70):
David Slyter jogged memories from our Governor Choir days.   I learned how to play “Whist” because we had down time sometimes.  I also remember Governor Guy coming to Dunseith for a banquet. The town really spiffed up and it never looked so good!  I also remember many long hours on busses and getting up at 5 AM to travel to many different places to sing.
Like in the legislative chambers at the Capitol in Bismarck

Yeah we had the blue blazers and the girls wore white skirts and the boys black pants.  We stopped in Harvey one time to eat and filled the restaurant.  On cue from Mr. Johnson we all stood up and sang our “Grace”  It was very impressive.  We were scattered all over but still managed four part harmony.   I never realized important reading music would be.  Now I singon a worship team and the ability to read music helps me to learn it quickly.  Mr. Johnson had a huge impact  on my

life in the way he taught me to appreciate so many different kinds of music.  He never really liked country music though! What a legacy he left.  It was such a great joy and privilege it was to sing with some of those former members at the Sunday service last summer at the reunion. Gary Fulsbakke directed us and we dedicated the songs to Mr. Johnson.
Keep the memories coming everyone!
Deb Morinville Marmon 70
Memories from Dave Slyter (70): 
How many remember the good ole band and choir days  of good ole DHS.   Of course who could forget the best music director of all of DHS’s history,  Don Johnson.   He done so many things for so many students.   One of the most memorable was when Dunseith received the Governors Choir award.  I think I remember then the choir had over 60 members in it.  The high school band always had big numbers in it.   He ran a very high standard music department.�

Alan Poitra,  I remember those funny looking hats also but they were always locked up in the little practice room and we were all hoping that no one would mention to Mr. Johnson that we should wear them while we march.  ha    I always remember the home coming parades in Dunseith and also the day that we would travel to Minot for the Minot State College home coming parade.  It was a long march, (especially when I had to carry that big ole bass drum) but was the best of times.   Always went downtown Minot and hung out at all the stores.  Always went to the five and dime store.  �

When we were in the music program in the late 60′s and into 1970(by the way that is the best year ever) we had the really nice blue blazer that we wore for high school concerts.   I think we wore them for marching also.  I also remember going to Devils Lake for the high school music contest or festivals.    Dunseith always came home with high marks.

I think that was the best part of jr. high and high school was being in the famous Don Johnson music program.  Well that and passing my grade each year.  ha�

One more memory I have to mention about the DHS music department.  It has to do with years after I graduated but was a memory I will never forget.   I was once a custodian at DHS after the good ole years of San Haven employment.  My daughter Stacey was in high school band then and was under the direction of one of Don Johnson’s former students and everybody knows her,  Cheryl Haagenson.   She too did a great job  in the music department.  During the year that Stacey I think was a Junior in high school they decided they wanted to take in a contest down in Orlando Florida.  So the money raising was put into place and the plans and dates of the trip were decided.  I was fortunate enough to be a chaperone of this big event and what a memory it was.  It will be with me for a very long time.  The kids were so well behaved and they should have been so proud as they brought home this big huge trophy that I hope still is in the show case at the school.  “Way to go Cheryl”   You have done the school proud.�

1/9/2014 (1937)

Happy Birthday Theresa Cote Awalt (DHS ’48): Bottineau, ND
Cebu Philippines
A friend of ours was following this vehicle, so he decided take a picture.
With all their belongs, it appears as though these folks may be moving.
It is amazing that none of these folks ever fall out of these vehicles.
These kind of sights are very common here.
They have seat belt laws in the City, but they still allow this kind of travel.
Stokes 1937
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND


Martha Belgarde, age 99 of Rolette formerly Dunseith, died Saturday January 4, 2014 in a Rolette nursing home. Funeral services will be held on Friday, January 10, 2014 at 2:00 P.M. in the Nero Funeral Home chapel. Visitation will be the day of the service. Burial will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery of rural Dunseith.

Martha Belgarde, a daughter of Maggie Belgarde, was born on September 5, 1914 in Belcourt. At a young age, she moved with her mother to Ft. Totten, ND. Later she moved to Grafton. Martha then moved to Wilton for a time. She then moved to Dunseith until 2010 when she entered the Rolette Care Center.

She enjoyed spending time with family and friends.

She is survived by several cousins.

Blog posted on February 2, 2008


Posted on 

Note: Some folks have been concerned that they are not getting all of these messages and there’s not really a way for them to be able to tell if they have or not.  Starting today I will start numbering these group messages starting with (1) in the Subject line.  I have discovered that one can not trust that all email gets delivered. Please let me know if you don’t get a message and I will gladly forward it to you.  Gary

Correction to yesterdays message:  I said Diane Fugere instead of Diane Hill.  Sorry Diane for the error.  I know better.  I had Fugere/Hill buses on my mind. Gary
Bonnie (Awalt) Houle, (56)
Dear Gary,
    I wonder if anyone else remembers the Halloween costume party we had at school. Barry Shelver came dressed as “Said Kadry”.  He did such a good job of impersonating Said, that at first you weren’t certain if Said hadn’t finally gone somewhere besides the pool hall.
    Gayle Lamoureux and I worked at the Althea Theater from 8th grade until we graduated.  Gayl was able to box popcorn faster than anyone I have ever seen.  When I go to a theater now and the popcorn person is so slow and putzy I always think Gayle should be in charge and shape these people up,  We had a wonderful time working there.  We got to watch all the movies free, visit with all our friends as they came to the movies and Arnold paid us.  Arnold Lilleby was a wonderful man, he was so kind, he let many people come in free if he thought they couldn’t really afford the ticket.  We used to get a good chuckle out of him because he talked to the screen during the movies.  He loved a good Western!  He never charged the Nuns or any other religious leader that came to the theater.
    On Saturday nights Gayle and I needed to go around to some of the Business’s and change the advertisements to the new up-coming movies.  One place was the pool-hall.  It was LATE Saturday night and we had to go into the pool hall, not to many people in the Pool Hall were completely sober. Some nights it became a challenge to get to the ad and get it changed.  Said was pretty good about watching out for us.
    I was told by someone working in the Bank in Dunseith that when Said and His Wife passed away, their Niece cleaned out the house and brought sacks of money to the bank.  It was moldy from being stored in that house somewhere.  Said didn’t believe in banks.
    Thanks to everyone that contributes to this “BLOG”   It is a trip into a wonderful past.
Dick Johnson’s (68) reply to the memories of his dad, Don Johnson:
Gary and DHS FriendsI do truly appreciate all the good memories folks have about my
dad,Don Johnson. He had an ability to understand the needs of
those around him and then find a way to make their lives a
little better. The one thing that I believe he passed on to
most of the kids was that everyone is of similar value
regardless of his background or wealth or name! This I believe
is what allowed him to achieve things like Governor’s Choir
with something like sixty kids singing that well. The other
atribute that he had was to never give up no matter what the
odds were. This determination could be seen by his students and
I believe it also drove them to achieve. Thanks to all those of
you who have told your stories of your memories of my dad, it
means a lot!

Dick Johnson
Colette Hosmer’s (64) reply to Connie Halvorson (64) & Diane Hill (75):
Note: I sent Colette the original files of these songs in question, Gary

I wasn’t able to play those two songs that you talked about…..now I’m dying with curiosity.  Gary, if you sent the reduced files I missed them ……
Also, Diane, I want to tell you that my dad (Bob Hosmer) considered Johnny Hill to be one of his closest friends.  He admired and respected Johnny completely and was very sad when he died.  I remember both your mom and dad as being the kind of people that everyone held in high regard.
Duane Woodford’s (57) memories of the Philippines: 
Note: Cebu, PI that Duane talks about is now my home.  A lot of what he says is still true today. Gary 


Gary, I have enjoyed reading the messages from the various people but only recognized Gary Morgan, Margarie Landsverk and Gary Metcalf as most of the others are much younger. I do remenber Don & Bernice Johnson and their untimely deaths as my mother forwarded the details at the time it happened.
In August of 1980, when I was the VP of Sales and Marketing for Electric Machinery Mfg. Co in Minneapolis, along with a group of people from a sister company that manufactured steam turbines we spent time at Atlas Mining trying to sell them a sream turbine electric generator package. Before the trip to their compound about as hour van ride from Cebu, there had been very heavy rains so the mountain dirt road was very slick and mucky ruts (similar to the road to my gandfather, John Lagerquist in the Turtle Mountains). An engineer from the sister company and I sat on the same bench seat going to the compound that put him on the outer edge side of the road where the dropoff was a couple of hundred feet straight down so when the van was sliding through the ruts, he saw the big fall everytime. After spending the majority of the day there, we departed to return to Cebu. He commented that he got to sit on the other side going back and choose where I had been seated on the way to Atlas so he got to sit on the same side going back. I told him that I didn’t want him desigining anything for me. Instead of going back to Manilla we spent the night at the Hotel Magellan which is the only hotel I’ve seen with the lobby open to the elements. In our party was a native Phillipino so we ate like the natives without utensils and the large scallop sinks throughout the restaurant to cleanse our hands as necessary, Later we retired to our rooms, in the middle of the night I awoke with a 8″ beetle of some type in bed with me. As I had shared a suite with Benny Campo, (the native) he came into my room as I was using my shoe to kill the creature. Benny wondered  what I was doing and I told him that my bed partner startled the hell of me. Never before or since have I seen any bug that big. Unfortunately, we did not obtain the order so I could relive the experience
This all happened under the martial law imposed by Marcos so we saw alot of machine guns in office buildings and at the airport in Manila. It was a very interesting experience. We were there for about a week and did a day taxi sightseeing trip that included visiting the Chinese cementery and the tiny room where the Japanese imterned more that a hundred allied forces. The Jeepneys were also very interesting.
Duane Woodford (57)
Marshall Awalt’s (51) reply to Gary Stokes (65):
Hi Gary
Just a short note to let you know that I agree with you that the Philippines is a great Country and the people are truly wonderful.During my 25 years in the Marine Corps I got to spend numerous deployments training in the Philippines.We spent most of our time at Cubi Point in Subic bay.I got to see the biggest snake of my life in the jungles there.Sure shook me up you will never run on to anything like that in North Dakota.
I have many of my friends from the Marine Corps who married Ladies from the Philippines and it is always great when they have parties because they will cook the dishes of the Philippines.
Take care Marshall
Message & Memory from Neola Kofoid Garbe (Gary Stokes’ Cousin):
Note: I sent Neola the original (not compressed) files of those songs
I just listened to these four songs.  The original files really make a difference! “To Daddy” is one of my favorite songs.  I think it’s an Emily Lou Harris song, right?  Great job on all the songs.  I hope you share more of them with “Gary’s lists”.
I was standing by the gas pumps at Dad’s garage (Corner Service/Corner Garage) one
Saturday when two men came flying out of ,what I gather, was the Snake Pit Saloon.  It was the first time I had seen an actual fight.  It left quite an impression on me.
Neola Kofoid Garbe
Neola’s reply when I sent her the original songs, Gary:
Neola, I have included Eileen with this message too, so she will have a copy of the originals. Gary. Thanks, Gary.  That save my forwarding it to her.  She/I love these songs.  Thanks to you, Kenny/Sherry, for sharing them.  I don’t know you, but I love this type music.  I’m grateful to be on Gary’s Dunseith lists.
Reply from Eileen Brudwick: Eileen’s husband Mike is a cousin to Neola Kofoid. The Brudwick’s lived west of Rendahl church, in Bottineau county:
Thank you so much, Gary!!  These songs are great.  I like “To Daddy” the best of all these, but they all sure bring back old memories.  You people do such awesome work with all the projects you get involved in!!Eileen
Bobbie Slyter’s (70) Reply to the tunes:
Yet some more wonderful music keep em coming mel

1/8/2014 (1936)

                  Happy birthday to Lois, Lisa and Lori Williams
Abe Nelson siblings
Greetings from EdnaMae Nelson Olufson-Smith:  Edmonds, WA
Gary:  Just a note from southern California (home is Edmonds, WA) where we will  spend three months enjoying sunshine and warm.  Saw LaRae Perrlll’s note, so responding hello to Mildred and Marie who were best friends to my older sisters, Lauretta (deceased) and Evie (Arvada, CO).  After my mom died (I was 4 yrs. old) and we moved to Bottineau, Marie and Thurman stayed at our farm from 1947-1950 when my dad remarried.  Have visited my ex-sister-in-law on New Year’s and brother, Carlyle Nelson, is out here for the holidays.   Teresa is at Leggett and niece and husband in Mill Valley.  Family connections are always great!!  Happy new year to all.  EdnaMae Nelson Olufson-Smith
Hello EdanMae,
Great hearing from you. You are no stranger to so many on our blog too. Please give your brother Carlyle our regards too. We so enjoyed seeing Carlyle nearly everyday at the bakery the whole month of July that we were back there. This a picture of Bernadette and Carlyle when he invited us to his house one afternoon. 

Face book Capture song
“He’ll Have to Go” by Kenny Nerpel (’65)
This is too good for me not share. For those of you with Face Book, please click on the link below.
Thank you Kenny Nerpel. You are a pro and no you did not destroy it.
“He’ll Have to Go” is an American country and pop hit recorded on October 15, 1959 by Jim Reeves. The song, released in the fall of 1959, went on to become a massive hit in both genres early in 1960. Listen as I totally destroy it.
Blog posted on February 1, 2008


Posted on 
Gary Metcalfe’s (57) reply to Diane Fugere (75): 
Diane if there were more people in the world like John Hill it would be a better place.  My dad, Jim Metcalfe had a number of good friends from gthe older generation and a few from the next generation.  John Hill was that next generation that he considered the best.  I recall hearing my dad telling my brother, Jim from Seattle, about a cattle exchange with John, no papers signed, just a hand shake.  Your dad told me on a couple occasions how he admired my dad physically and mentally.  So, I for one, was always glad to see John Hill anywhere, anytime.  My dad or I would have gone to bat for John anytime.
Your dad and mom had a circle of friends that I snowmobiled with the Canadian border to Metigoshe many times.  Great memories of those trips.
John told me some good stories about one of  my favorite uncles, Bing Evans, who died very young that I appreciated hearing.
 Gary Metcalfe
Bob Slyter’s (70) reply to Diane Hill (75): 
reply to diane hill, my dad freddie hiatt used to drive the school bus for your dad and he had the route that us kids rode on so we were always the fist on the bus and the last off, and god forbid we ever got to miss the school bus, ha ha, i think he would have driven that thing in a blizzard
Margaret Metcalfe’s (65) memories of Don Johnson: 
GarySeveral people have written about memories of Don Johnson so I thought I
would add yet another:

I was a Daddy’s girl.  Wherever my Dad went, I was riding on his shoulders
or hanging on to his hand.  I remember my parents wondering how I was
going to handle starting school.  However, my  first grade teacher in
Hilltop school was Don Johnson and I thought he was the best teachere
ever..  I don’t know if this was his first teaching job, but he and
Bernice were so young and Dickie was only 2 or 3 years old.  One day
Bernice came to pick him up from school and I thought she was such a
beautiful lady.  Don fixed the swing in the school yard and I was the
first to get to swing on it.  I backed up as far as I could and then sat
down to swing forward, just then Dickie ran in front of me and I crashed
into him knocking him down.  I felt so bad,  he got up Don dusted himself
off and he had a gash on his head…..but his glasses didn’t break.   He
was such a little cutie.

The years went by and Don taught my husband Chuck in 8th grade in Rolette.
Then he came back to Dunseith and I remember the chorus and how we
harmonized and had concerts….so fun.  I took Music Appreciation from him
and like so many others learned to appreciate so many different composers
and their music.  Whenever I hear Classical music, I think of him.  He
brought the Grand Canyon suite to school and we listed to the LP’s on the
stage in the new school.  I thought it was the most beautiful music I had
ever heard.  After that I started really listening and appreciating the
music in movies.  He was my teacher in first grade and my senior years and
I have such fond memories of one terrific teacher and a wonderful, caring
person.   We were so honored when he sang at our wedding!  He was a

Margaret Leonard

Note from Gary: Many of you may not be aware that Don & Bernice Johnson were killed in 1980.
The following is a quote from the 1982 Dunseith Centennial book (Prairie Past and Mountain Memories) Page 214.
“Donald Johnson and his wife, Bernice, were shot to death in May, 1980, at their home in the Turtle Mountains by two juvenile delinquents.”
Gary Morgan’s (54) memories of Said Kadry: 
Hi Gary,

Dick Johnson’s story about Said Kadry reminded me of Kadry’s wood pile.  Kadrys lived just across the street to the east of the school.  They were seldom there because they practically lived at the pool hall.  Every morning they would walk to the pool hall, Mrs. Kadry in the lead with the money bag and Said following about ten feet back.  It was believed that Said was “packing heat” in the pocket of his long overcoat.  There was little reason to believe otherwise.  Why else would he wear it all year?  Anyway, in their back yard was a big, neatly stacked wood pile.  It got to be kind of a tradition that every Halloween the wood pile would get scattered and every morning after, Big Ed would send the high school boys over to restack the pile.  Does anyone know…Did Said ever actually use any of that wood or did it finally just wear out?

Gary Morgan
Class of 54
Ron Longie’s (65) reply to Sherry Nerpel:

I enjoyed listening to Sherry Nerpel sing, she has a good voice, and if she doesn’t sing a lot she should. !!

Ron Longie



Dave Slyter’s (70) reply to Sherry Nerpel: A big “Standing O”  to Sherry Nerpel.  I wonder if there is an older segment to American Idol.

Dave S


Bob Slyter’s (70) Reply:

thank you so much for these songs they are great, i saved them on my computer so i can listen to thrm often, again gary thanks for all that you do



Message and tune from Mel Kuhn (70):
Howdy Gary,
Here’s a little tune, attached, by a banjo picker extraordinaire, John Metcalfe. I had the privilege of working with John at Cenex in Rolla back in the early 70′s where he was known as Big Jack. He taught me lots of stuff that I still use today. I wish one of those things would have been the banjo. We were always welcome to stop by his house in St. John for a little picking and beer drinking. He was probably the only guy I knew that knew as many Ole & Lena jokes as Dick Johnson. Don Boardmans memories of the farm house second floor in the winter bring back some old memories. I’ve told my wife, who grew up in Indiana with cable TV,running water and MacDonalds that we used to have to wet the bed to stay warm, but she doesn’t believe me. My brother Virgil and I used to keep the clothes that we were going to wear in the morning under the covers at the foot of the bed so we had warm clothes to put on. That would be of course once we broke the frost loose off of the top quilt so we could get up and go out and snuggle up to a nice warm cow and do the milking.
Mel Kuhn[70]
Folks, Bill Grimme has been reducing the file sizes of these tunes of Mel’s so as not to overload folks mail boxes and also to better accommodate dial up modems.  This is a Quote from Bill  “I hope folks understand the lower quality when I compress. It’s just a matter of sampling a low bit rate and frequency, but, as I said, you lose the quality of the original”.   For those of you that would like the original, uncompressed file for any of these tunes, please let Mel Kuhn or my self know and we can send it to you.  Gary

1/7/2014 (1935)

No Blog yesterday.
For the record I did not get a blog posted yesterday.
Happy Birthday Bernice Belgarde (DHS ’72):  Bemidji, MN
     Belgarde, Bernice 1935
Happy Birthday Floyd Richard
From Margaret Metcalfe Leonard (’65):  Rolette, ND
Happy Birthday, Floyd Richard, you look the same as you did when I met you 45 years ago!
That was a great picture of two of my favorite people in the whole world!  We sure have made some
great memories over the years!  Let’s make lots more.
Love you both, Margaret
Floyd Richard
Reply from Connie Landsverk:  Bottineau, ND
Yes Carmen Floyd’s looks good! Does he still live @ lake metigoshe? Looks very good for 85 wow!!
Head bolt heater invention
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70:  Bottineau, ND
Did you know someone from Upham invented the first head bolt plug-in
heater for cars?
He did not  receive nary a dime in patents.
Just shared with his neighbors.

I keep thinking of those days long ago when folks didn’t have the
comforts of
the warm and lightweight winter wear of today or the automatic car

Two perfect sundogs are keeping Mr. Sun company this morning.
The clear blue skies  make it a perfect picture!

These must be the good “new days”.

Sharring the Cold
Mel Kuhn’s (’70) St. John  reply to Larry Hackman (’66) Bismarck

Well Larry we just didn’t want you to feel left out. So we thought we’d just share a little with you. We know how you get when you think you’re not getting your share. You’d be making budaahh and everything, your lip hanging down to your chin. HA! HA!!





Will you guys shut the freezer door,

and turn off them damn fans.

What the hell are you guys trying to do?


Joke of the day
Posted by Bonnie Awalt Houle (’56): Becker, MN

Happy New Year Gary,  Joke of the day, it will never come true but it is a thought.  Have a wonderful week and stay warm.  Bonnie Awalt Houle



Blessed are those that can give without remembering, and take without forgetting.

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, ‘I cannot accept money from you, I’m doing community service this week.’
The florist was pleased and left the shop.

When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a ‘thank you’ card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill , the barber again replied, ‘I cannot accept money from you, I’m doing community service this week.’ The cop was happy and left the shop.
The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a ‘thank you ‘ card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

Then a Congressman came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, ‘I can not accept money from you. I’m doing community service this week.’ The Congressman was very happy and left the shop.

The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there
were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.
And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.


If you don’t forward this you have no sense of humor.
Nothing bad will happen, however, you must live with yourself knowing that laughter is not in your future.
Now send it to everyone you know!

Blog posted on January 31, 2008


Posted on December 31, 2007

Message from Warren Anderson (65):

Hi, Gary.


How are you and your wife doing? Cora and I are fine these winter days. We took the snowmobiles up to the farm today and rode about 12 miles around  the hills. It was nice to see all the animals tracks and even to see some moose tracks.  I see Margaret Metcalfe Leonard just about every week and she doing fine. They just moved into their new high school building, in Belcourt, over the holidays so she is excited about the 2nd half of the school year. Dunseith just beat the number one rated basketball team in the state last week so Dunseith has some excitement with basketball. Dunseith has a DaCateau kid that is 6′ 10″.


The jets that screamed over Dunseith even scared me on the farm that day. And I was 7 miles straight north of the city but it seemed they were over us before they got turned around. I was only 13 years old. In Viet Nam we had the F-4s that came in awful close to us but I never feared them like some of the other boys did. Maybe it was the experience of the Dunseith fly over that gave me the feeling you had nothing to fear. Enough about history. I am still trying to sell my office building and apartments and quit counseling but no takers and I don’t feel there will be anything now until spring or summer.


Cora and I wish’s you and your wife a happy new year—–Warren 65




Bev Morinville’s (72) Reply to Bobbie Slyter (70):

To Bobby : thanks for calling us kids , Bev Morinville (Azure)





Message from LeaRae Parrill Espe (67):

Thanks for finding Maurice Gouin. I just knew I had his name spelled incorrectly. That never helps.

I am really enjoying all the messages from everyone. I hope Tim Martinson and Larry Hackman keep up the great memory attacks!


I got my mother, Mildred Parrill, on the computer over Christmas. She stayed in Bottineau four nights so she could visit Marie and her other two sisters. I entertained the bunch for Christmas dinner-my guests were ages 90,89,87,84, and 82. They had a few games of whist and alot of stories. It was great.


Anyway Mom really enjoyed reading some of the messages. Whenever she read about someone she had a story. She remembered Tim Martinson being the coach of the American Legion team on which my brother Clark played. That team did very well. Dunseith had many great athletes. It would be great to hear Tim’s recollection of the season(s). I went to college for three summers and I missed all of that.


Happy New Year!



PS Kay Flynn is really just K. Flynn. She told me once that it represented Knox, but Minnie didn’t want to name her Knox so it was just K. – K. Jacqueline Flynn Richard

(K. I’ve updated all my Data bases with K. Gary)




Message from Cecile Gouin Craig (61):

Have really been enjoying all notes and letters, they have brought back A lot of memories of people and places. Thanks, Cec’
Yes, I remember the Deerheart Lodge well. I’ve got two pics of it. One is the same one you posted and one of the castle. I think my Mother has some, will look in her albums. In 75 or 76 when I went to Dunseith, went looking for the Lodge but couldn’t find it. I sure hope some museum has it all. I loved that place. Will send the pics I find.
On that trip also went to the Butte of St. Paul. There wasn’t even a trail to go in or up the Butte. What’s with that??
Tim I remember the bakery well. During school and lunch time 5 or 6 of us girls would run to the bakery and get 3 raised doughnuts or Bismarck’s for a dime, then race to Shelver’s Drug to grab the only booth. Order cherry cokes. Eat our healthy lunches, then race back to classes. Those were the best doughnuts!
Sorry I missed all the excitement over the Thunderbirds. Collette didn’t Janet go the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs to Bill’s graduation and all the festivities??
Cecile Gouin Craig ’61




Randy Flynn’s (70) reply to Gary Stokes: (Note, Bremerton WA, the city Randy mentions, is where I moved to from Dunseith, until moving to the Philippines in 2003. I worked my entire career at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, retiring in 2003. Gary)

Thank you for all the Emails. However, I have not had time to
read them. I still work for Customs but since we are now
Department of Homeland Security and have become Customs and
Border Protection (Immigration, Customs, and Agriculture) there
is always something new to learn. Or something to teach all
the new employees who have no institutional memory. I recently
moved to Portland, Oregon, so I do not plan to retire in the
near future. I would just go back to work anyway.

Bremerton is a beautiful place. I have enjoyed taking the
Seattle-Bremerton Ferry to Seattle. The trip provides a
relaxing and interesting view of Seattle when compared with a
trip on I-5 at 75 miles per hour. I have spent an afternoon in
“The Pour House Pub”. A friend’s from Wilton, ND cousin, Carol
and Dave, own the Pub.

If you can provide names of interesting places to see other
than the usual tourist stops I would appreciate it. I have
seen the original Starbucks and purchased some coffee there.
Watched the fish fly from the Ice to the counters, K.C. Sine,
could have used this method to sell more candy to school kids.

I am happy to see you taking such an interest in our roots and
our routes. With the death the fall of 06 of a good friend and
CBP colleague, Clark Parrill (DHS 70), I often wonder where all
of our lives have taken people from Dunseith.

A couple of notes in my travels for work, if you are from North
Dakota, the 6 degrees of separation is really on 4 degrees.
People from North Dakota are everywhere and know everyone
around the world. Since we are from a small rural town and
have Scandinavian heritage we down play our connections. But I
am sure if my life depended on it I could get an autograph of
anyone in the USA and probably the world.

And . . . North Dakota is a Great place to be FROM . . . so
many of us have left the state in search of employment.






Message from Trish Larson Clayburgh (73)

Hi Gary,


Interesting stories. I’m not sure if I remember a place called Deer Heart, but it reminds me of the lodge in the Peace Garden where many a wedding dance was held. There were some folks there that really knew how to dance to that wild polka music. I remember a married couple who were in their 40-50′s, which would put them in their 80′s maybe now, who danced all night like crazy. They were short and stout and fabulously in love – at least with dancing. I’ll bet somebody knows who they were – they were at every barn dance I ever attended. (Remember those fabulous round barn dances?)


And speaking of dances – remember the Lake Metigoshe dances in the early 70′s? How about those black lights???? Everybody looked tanned!


We North Dakotans sure learn how to throw a good party don’t we?


I remember also a party at my house at the port of entry one winter. My parents had left my brother Greg and I to attend a funeral in Montana, and the word got out that we were having a party. There must have been almost a hundred people squeezed in that little house. When the party was at it’s Zenith, our reveling was cut short however. Somebody spied my parents when they came home early and pulled in the driveway.


They yelled “TRISH – YOUR PARENTS ARE HOME!” For a moment, there was utter silence as we all made eye contact and then….


Oh My! There was a mass exodus out the front door as Hazel and Harvey pulled their big ole Cadillac into the garage. Some nice person offered to grab empties and run out the back door. I believe it was a quiet fellow named Larry….or was it a Lagerquist?


Anyhow my hero came back in the front door a few minutes later to join a few brave partiers had stayed to “face the music” with me. He whispered, “you didn’t tell me there was a hole in the backyard – I almost broke a leg!”. I gasped to remember that there was a pipe project going on out back and as he had dashed out with the best of intentions, he had fallen into the snowy pipe ditch about 2 feet deep – spewing 2 grocery bags full of empty beer cans all over the back yard!


Next morning, bless her soul, my dear mom got up early and picked up all the cans. I couldn’t believe she wasn’t furious with me, but in one of her most endearing moments she laughed and said “I couldn’t let the neighbors see them could I?” She wasn’t angry about the broken chair brace either. I remember clearly the moment George Malaterre put his big ‘ole foot on that spindly chair and snapped it right in two! He was horrified, and very apologetic. I brushed it off, but secretly I WAS a little worried my parents might kill me.


Instead my mom taught me a lesson about forgiveness. And the value in a really great party…


Anyhow, thanks again for stirring the great memories….


Trish (Larson) Clayburgh




Request from Ron Link (58)

Gary: Can you add James Robillard (class of 58) to your E-mail list as He would also like to get copies of your E-mails. His Address is: jwrobillard@dia.net THANK YOU—RON



New Years in the Philippines:

Folks, It’s now New Years Eve here in the Philippines. It’ currently 7:30 PM and the parties have started. Bernadette’s Nephew has his big sound system set up in our area with the strobe lights and all. Folks are dancing and will continue to dance and party until the wee hours of the morning. There are continuous fireworks going off through out the are, but at midnight it will be like a huge bomb hitting the Philippines with all the fireworks. After midnight, Bernadette will be serving a big dinner for everyone in our area of about 60 folks. This is a tropical country so all the partying is done outside. Folks will go in our house to get their food and go back out side where we have tables and chairs set up to eat.


Happy New year to each and every one of you.

1/5/2014 (1934)

Postings from Folks no longer with us
With the reposting of these old blogs, it is interesting to see all the postings from so many that are no longer with us. In today’s postings there are two, Dwight Lang and Shirley Brennan. We have been seeing a number of postings from Bev Morinville too, who is no longer with us. Precious memories.
No Blog yesterday
For the record, I did not get a blog posted yesterday.
Floyd Richard celebrates his 85th Birthday.
Face book capture from Carmen Richard: Rolette, ND
Carmen Richard: Today Floyd turns 85, he doesn’t do computer but if you want to send greetings I will relay the message. He is eighty five, and still going strong. He helped the boys haul hay bales yesterday. Does not put in the long days like he used to, but loves to be needed. Usually the neighbors around here get together for birthdays, but with the weather reports being so bad, we may decide to wait. We planned to celeberate on Sunday because everyone in North Dakota will be glued to their TV to watch the Bison today.
Richard, Floyd 1934
Happy Birthday Larry Hackman (DHS ’66):  Bismarck, ND


Had a birthday today.

I hope this note finds you with your air conditioner working?

Ours sure is.

It has been and continues to be refreshing here in the Dakotas.

Tim  Martinson or somebody up north must  of forgot to turn their conditioner off.

Enjoy your warmth,

What happened? >>>> 66 years happened! Hackman

Have a good day,


Happy Birthday Brother Larry Hackman
Message from Betty Hackman Schmidt (’68):  Mesa, AZ
Hi from Betty  (Hackman) Schmidt (DHS’68) Maricopa, AZ.
Just to let you know, to wish Larry Hackman A Big Happy Birthday (January 4)
Love You BRO.    Betty
Blog posted on January 30, 2008


Posted on 
Shirley Brennan’s (60) reply to Randy Flynn (70) – Randy’s message follows: 
Gary please send to Randy Flynn

Dear Randy

It is so nice to hear from you.  Yes Glenn was Pats Husband, Glenn died 2
yrs ago of a stroke.  They have four children Shelly lives in San Diego,
Ginger lives in Bellingham, Mike is in Bellingham,  David is a minister in
Arizona. Glenn has no family alive.  The Family all live in Leeds and Harlow.
The young man you were asking about is Sonny (my brother, married his mother
and adopted Sonny
while he was in Vietnam.  Sonny became a professional boxer, He now lives in
Bismarck with his wife and 2 kids and works in pluming.-
I do know your Mother, If I can help you any more just let me know. Its been
nice talking to you—Shirley
Original Message —–
From: “Randy Flynn”
Subject: Groff’s Bellingham 


I recently read Gary Stokes’ missive where you provided the
name of your sister Pat.  My name is Randy Flynn the son of
Minnie (Knox) Flynn,  I did not know Pat but I did work for
Glenn Groff one summer (1971) custom combining.  I am curious
to know about the Groff’s family.

I believe Glenn brought 2 or 3 boys with him.  One boys was
possibly named Seaholm and a fiend of his son.  I believe a
younger son also was on the trip.

Thank you for any information you can provide.

Randy Flynn


Memories from Ron Longie (65): 

Hi Gary,

When it gets snowy and colder than H___ , I remember going across the field behind Hetley’s house headed for the gravel pit to jump off the top of the cliff and into the snow drifts that used to accumulate there. I could spend all day in the cold and snow then and never want to come in, we would also shovel the snow off willow creek behind the stock yards to play hockey  we would have a bonfire on each end to get warm, man O man what a way to grow up I loved it then, and now even more in my memories also going to Lake Shooty to skate with my dad  holy cow he could skate what a fine place to grow up, and look back with pride and be grateful for spending my childhood in Dunseith, ok-ok I’m going take care all.

Ron Longie




Dave Slyters (70) Reply to Bill Hosmer (48) & Gary Stokes (65):

Hi Bill�

Thank you so much for the story about our dad Freddie Hiatt.  That was pretty special.  I don’t know if you know this or not but your dad was the Slyter boys guardian for many years.  He would over see our spending for cloths and things like that, out of his store.    Always enjoyed going into their store.   He was always so nice to us. �

I am glad that you have such a beautiful place to live.  I will try and remember you as I pass by on the ninth hole of the golf course.  ha   So that must be pretty convenient to have a golf course so close by

Wow that is a whole lot of water around your house.  ha    Do you know how to swim?   I hope your house is on high land.  ha  Thanks for the invitation.   That probably be something to look into in the future.     Stay safe.

Thanks for the tribute and the prayers.�

God Bless
Dave Slyter

Bill Hosmer’s (48) reply to a message that Gary Stokes (65) sent him: 
Hi Gary.  Thanks for the address.  Acually I have his address (Pat Godfrey 50), and have
communicated with  him by mail after he made a short visit to Dunseith
and surroundings a couple of years ago.  If anyone else needs to know
my phone number it is 520 750 0170.  At home at Metigoshe it is 701 263
4499.  I’ll leave here in May for the hills of home.   You ought to
find a way to have us subscribe for and pay for all this service you
accomplish way out in Cebu.  Bill
Gary’s Reply to Bill:
Bill, It’s my honor to be able to do this.  I absolutly possitively do not want or expect any payment what so ever for what I’m doing.  I’m doing this because it’s something I enjoy doing. This has turned into a really fun hobby with such a nice bunch of folks to communicate and interact with. Each morining I look forward to seeing what messages I received through out the night from you folks.  Remember, it’s day time for you guys when it’s night time for me.  When I’m sending my messages out, you guys are sleeping.
From Dwight Lang (61):
Dwight, I sent this same link out several days ago that we got from Peggy Wurgler (70), but it’s worth sending again.  Gary
Read the article in the National Geographic on North Dakota titled “The Emptied Prairie”.  This video by ABC News was on World News Tonight last Friday, January 18.  Thought you would enjoy seeing it.  Just ignore the leader.



Got a letter today from Lois from Bottineau, ND.  She said it was 27 below on her thermometer, but could have been colder because that’s as low as her’s goes.  Tucson never felt better.


1/3/2014 (1933)

No Blog yesterday

For the record, I did not get a blog posted yesterday.
   Happy birthday Gwendolyn Struck Dumas (DHS ’68): Havre, MT  Struck
Tim Hill (’68) earned Eagle Award from the Minot Area Chamber of Commerce
Message from Rich Campbell (’68):  Minot, ND

Tim Hill (68) recently earned the Eagle Award from the Minot Area Chamber of Commerce for outstanding customer service.  Tim works for SRT Communications.  Congratulations Tim!

Rich Campbell

Long Winters
Reply from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND
Gary and friends,

I am glad we “got” to wear pants to school back in the day, “winter”.

This cold winter has me thinking of stories about cold, tough, long

Laura Ingall’s Wilder’s  “The Long Winter” where Laura’s Pa relayed
the forecast of an old Indian about the coming winter, which proved to
be  a tough one.

Our High School junior literature class,  Robert Service’s,   “The
Cremation of Sam McGee”.   I think we memorized part of it.

This  brings to my mind, my dad’s favorite story teller/artist
Charlie M.  Russell’s “The Last of the 10,000” .

We are a hardy lot here in Dakota presently cocooned in many multiple
layers of clothing.

But,  I must say I am a bit jealous,as you all  look so comfortable
and content  in the photos of your New Years celebration in the South

Until later, Vickie

NYE 12/31/2013 Cebu Philippines
On our way to the Marco Polo Plaze – 87 degreesStokes 1933

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND

Frank F. Vivier
(April 1, 1943 – December 27, 2013)

Frank F. Vivier, age 79 of Dunseith, died Friday, December 27, 2013 in a Dunseith Nursing home. Memorial services will take place at a later date. Cremation has taken place.

Frank Vivier, a son of Peter and Yvonne (Laverdure) Vivier, was born on April 1, 1934 at Belcourt. Frank became disabled at a young age because of an illness. He lived with his mother in Rolla for a time. They moved to Madison, WI. After her death he moved to California. In 1992 he moved to Dunseith and had resided there since.

He loved to go to the Belcourt casino. Frank also enjoyed weaving thread. He was a member of  St. Michael’s Catholic Church.

He is survived by brothers, Ralph Vivier and Louis Vivier both of Madison, WI; a sister Isabelle DeCoteau of Dunseith; many nieces and nephews.

2013-ranks-fourth-coldest-december since 1890
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70): Vickie.Metcalfe@sendit.nodak.edu Bottineau, ND
Check out this article

Haste Ye Back
Vickie L. Metcalfe

Joke of the day
Posted by Don Malaterre (’72):  Sioux Falls, SD

Do you know that when a woman wears a leather dress,
a man’s heart beats quicker, his throat gets dry,

He gets weak in the knees, and he begins to think irrationally. 

Ever wonder why? 

It’s because she smells like a new golf bag

Blog posted on January 29, 2008


Posted on 
Memories from Bill Hosmer (48): 
    Gary and all the rest.    Just read the neat 180 degree turn by the
band described by Dick Johnson.  It made me believe that Don Johnson
gave more positive stuff to more people than anyone I know.  The last
time I saw him was when he was leading the band down Dunseith’s main
street at one of my visits home during Dunseith Days.  His grin and
wink, when he recognized me, stays with me these many years later.Dave Slyter mentioning his dad, Freddie Hiatt, reminded me about the
last time I saw him in the Rugby hospital.  I had just taken my dad,
Jack Hosmer there for an examination in 1987.  Freddie and I had a
long conversation while waiting for the examination to finish.  He
and I had spent alot of time in friendship over many years.  He was a
Dunseith character I admired for his friendship, loyalty to the
community, and his positive attitude.  He told me his condition,
which was serious, but told it with all the optimism he could gather.
This was  also the last time I saw my dad.  And the beat goes on.

Additionally, I live right near the Birchwood golf course, as a matter
of fact, right next to the nineth fairway.  Sure did not know that
Dave and his dad cleared that land.  In the summer months, during the
end of the day, the setting sun brings shadows across those rolling
hills and the ponds, which I usually take time to observe for its
beauty.  Now when I do it, it will have more significance.  I will
give silent tribute to Freddie, Dave, Uncle Wallace, and the rest of
the family who helped create this little piece of North Dakota beauty.

In parting, it seems to me that the power of prayer by your readers
and contributors had a most positive and miraculous effect on the
medical adventures experienced by one of us, Bev Morinville.  I am
happy to know that she is  recovering way above the expected
schedule.  Probably, the spirit of loyalty and love gave her  and all
of us a huge lesson .  Cheers, Bill Hosmer

Dave Slyter’s (70) reply to Dick Johnson’s (68) message yesterday:
Hey Dick,

Ha Ha   I had forgot all about that little incident.  ha   If I recall I was either way to small or the bass drum was way to big for me to see over the top.   ha  ha    Thanks

From Karen Loeb Mhyre (65): 
Hello Gary and friends,
This is hysterical!!
Happy New Year to everyone!!
Karen Mhyre
————– Forwarded Message: ————–
From: kmhyre@comcast.net
This is funny. Make sure you have the sound on and follow the link below.
Map of the Philippines:
The red star is where I live in this world – Cebu, Philippines.
This is a Map that Bill Grimme (65) sent out to the class of 65 folks a year ago.
For those of you that would like to see this part of the world, you are more than welcome to visit, anytime.
We’d love your company. We have accommodations and you can stay for as long as you wish.  This is a super friendly
country and they truly love Americans.
Gary Stokes

1/1/2014 (1932)

Happy Birthday Deb Striker Cubela (DHS ’74): Wahpeton, N               Striker Cubela, Deb 1932
Blessing to have been born and raised in Dunseith, ND
Message from Dennis Dubois (’63): Minneapolis, MN
Gary, Bernadette and all our mutual friends from Dunseith, I want to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR. It’s been a fantastic year for me. Health, wealth and friends are all well. A special thanks to you, Gary, for this blog. It is a wonderful thing that you do for so many of us. I share this with a lot of my non-Dunseith friends and they are very envious of us. We must all remember that the greatest gift we have, is being born in America and the greatest blessing for me, the icing on the cake, is having been born and raised in Dunseith, North Dakota. Yes, I have a lot to be grateful for.
Don Johnson Memories
From Trish Larson Clayburgh (’73):  Portola Valley, CA
Well, Happy New Year Gary!  2014- The Year Of the HORSE!
Ha ha you know this might be my best year EVER.  
It is so great getting your blog every day, and I really enjoyed this one, because I hadn’t seen the message about Don Johnson in the previous go round, so I was glad to read Mr. Lamoreux’s story.  I love the protest stories!   I love it that those girls made it possible for us to wear jeans eventually in those below zero temps,even though we often wore mini skirts instead, and I love the image of all those creative kids wearing those prison numbers to school. I don’t think we did anything like that to protest in my years at DHS, but I do remember those anatomy pigs from science class being hung in a few girl’s lockers after dissection…HA!
Don Johnson was an incredible inspiration to all who were able to have his interest and attention, and he gave it widely.  I also “had” to play the clarinet since it was the only instrument my mother had access to, and I was made to stick it out even though I hated the instrument’s sound (the way I played it).  
It killed me that Cheryl Haagenson and Muzette Berube could play it so beautifully and I just couldn’t “get it”.  I really wanted to play the sax like Stephanie Evans, but I couldn’t bear the idea of trying to learn the fingering changes.  Don recognized that I wasn’t thrilled with my instrument and one day, offered me the chance to change my life  and to play the Contra Alto Clarinet after a brief stint on the medium sized Alto Clarinet.  These were instruments he had available because of his ability to fund raise.   I can still see the twinkle in his eye as he watched me open that case in the bandroom for the first time.  It was an amazing gift of opportunity, and I’ve often thought of how that sensitive offering of his, without any big deal attached, became a big deal for me, a shy girl with black rim octagonal shaped, coke bottom glasses.
I enjoyed playing music the rest of high school on that big wind instrument.  It was so long I had to sit on a high stool to play it.  In the beginning, it took so much air, I got dizzy (high?) when I played it.  I never became a great musician, but I developed a love of bass rythms and making music with others because of Don.  I gave that love of music to my sons, insisting that they each pick an instrument to play.  They each developed a beautiful voice, and each still plays an instrument (Sylvain trombone, Jesse Drums, Zak the flute).  That legacy of music comes from Don, and I think of him fondly every time I pick up the guitar (I’m still trying to learn how to play it).  Thanks for stirring up the memories!
I wish everyone out there in North Dakota land a wonderful New Year full of love and adventure with the power and beauty of the YEAR OF THE HORSE!  May your celebrations be safe, your parties be Merry and may the year be full of grace for you and your family!
New Years Eve at the Cebu Marco Polo Plaza
We had a great evening last night at the Marco Polo. Bernadette got tired so we had to leave about 11:00 PM. She is not doing so well today. Yesterday she was much better. Had NYE been today, it would have been questionalble if we would have gone.  In that aspect, things turned out well.
Stokes 1932-1 Stokes 1932-2 Stokes 1932-3
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND
Walter John DeCoteau
(January 5, 1955 – December 13, 2013)

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Walter John DeCoteau, age 48 of Dunseith, died Friday, December 13, 2013 in a Belcourt hospital. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. in the St. Anthony’s Catholic Church of rural Dunseith. Burial will be in the Church Cemetery. A wake will be held on Wednesday beginning at 4:00 P.M. with a prayer service at 8:00 P.M. in the church.

Walter J. DeCoteau, a son of Walter and Isabelle (Vivier) DeCoteau, was born on January 5, 1965 at Rolla, ND. He attended school in Dunseith and completed his education in Belcourt. After his education he worked at Noodles by Leonardo in Cando for a time. Then began working at Turtle Mountain Manufacturing in Belcourt. On October 2, 1998 he was married to Stella Bradford at Belcourt. After their marriage he worked different jobs in the area. They have continued to make Dunseith their home.

He enjoyed going to the Casino, riding 4-wheeler, fishing and going camping with his family.

He is survived by his wife Stella at home. daughters, Amy Ann DeCoteau, Shannell Marie DeCoteau and Tessie Rae DeCoteau all of Dunseith; Mother Isabelle DeCoteau of Dunseith; sister, Caroline (Paul) Deschamp of Minnesota; brothers, Alfred (Rita) DeCoteau, Larry (Theresa) DeCoteau and Jim (Alonda) DeCoteau all of Dunseith.

Walter was preceded in death by his father; a brother, Lyle DeCoteau and a granddaughter, Aubree Marie Counts.

From Mike Vandal:  Elk River, MN
This for those men and women who served for our country.
Thank you,
Mike Vandal
3rd grade song!!!! You’ll love it!

Just beautiful !
After all the bad press over a few teachers who stepped out of line teaching songs to our children, this one is one you will be so proud to hear.  At the end of the song you can order the sheet music.Awesome.  I hope this sweeps our country and gets sung in all our schools.  The music teacher wrote the song and had all the third graders sing.  Enjoy — great message.

From the third graders of Tussing Elementary, Colonial Heights ,    Virginia .

Click your mouse here:     Tussing Elementary

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Bottineau & Minot, ND
Blog posted on January 28, 2008


Posted on 
More good news from Deb Morinville (70):

Hi Gary,
Today (Sunday) they removed the breathing tube and discovered that Bev (Moriniville 72) can talk!  She can also swallow!!  So the feeding tube will come out tomorrow and she will probably be released on Wednesday.  We have a lot to be thankful for and celebrate.  The scenario could have been so much worse!
Thanks again everyone for all your prayers and support.
Deb Morinville Marmon 70
Memories from Dick Johnson (68):
To Gary and the masses,In response to the memories of DHS band and choir days, I want
to share a few memories that come to mind. We were in
Boissevain Man. marching for some function (?) and were asked
to march down the street in front of the nursing home. This was
a dead end street as I recall. We had practiced making a 180
degree turn where we marched back between the rows without
stopping and this seemed to word quite well in practice. This
day however when Dave Slyter, who was carring the big bass
drum, turned around, either he or Don Berg (?) turned the wrong
way and there was this loud BOOM in the back of the band and
two guys on the ground. It did seem to entertain the old folks
though and we had a good laugh!Another time as we were in the gym practicing the songs for
graduation, we had a break in the action while the teachers
were deciding how it should go. SOMEONE had a firecracker and
SOMEONE had a lighter. As the fuse was burning the one holding
it tossed it into the open bell of an upright baritone. Our
principal, Don Martel was walking away when it went off and as
I recall he jumped about three feet in the air and came down
facing the opposite direction. I think Dan Boguslawski was the
poor guy holding the smoking horn! I may not have the right
guys but the facts are right as I remember.


Dave Slyter’s (70) reply:  
Hey fellas,

You talking about Elwood Fauske and George Gregory got me thinking about the winter of 67.  I know you guys probably were already gone after you graduated but that winter was one of the worse that I remember.  My dad, Freddie Hiatt had a HD9 International bulldozer that he used a lot on our farm just south of you guys.   That winter the county had asked him to clear roads as the snow was so high the snow plows and graders couldn’t handle it all.  They sent him about 3 miles south of our place down by the Rendahl church turnoff as the snow was really packed in between some hills.  He first had to make a trail in Olsens hay fields so the school buses could get thru and then he had to push the 10 to 12 foot snow banks out from the Willow Lake road. I think we were out of school for about a week straight that winter.   My dad also use that cat or bulldozer for logging as we use to have saw mill on our farm many years ago.    If you all remember the Birchwood Golf course at Lake Metgoshe.   Well just before it was put in  my dad and us boys move everything up there to clear the trees so we could have the lumber and they could have the golf course.  My dad and uncle Wallace moved a little shack up there as we use to work a lot of summer days up there and my mom Margaret Hiatt and sisters would come up and cook and feed us.   It was a lot of hard work.�

What memories
Dave Slyter
Message from Joan Wurgler Salmonson (61): 
Hi Gary,
My sister, Peg sent this to us.  Have you heard or read about ND, the Emptied Prairie? That should keep the riff-raff out!
Even tho we had -31 two mornings last week, we wouldn’t trade it for anyplace else.  At least we have a variety and something to talk about!
Stan & Joan Salmonson



From: Peg Wurgler (71)
Subject: ABC World News Tonight
We read the article in the National Geographic on North Dakota titled “The Emptied Prairie”.  This video by ABC News was on World News Tonight last Friday, January 18.  Thought you would enjoy seeing it.