03/09/2025 (2827)

Dear Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

It’s been a while since I posted. There’s not much news these days.Things are going great for us here in Cebu. Life is for sure very good in the Philippines.

We, the Dunseith High School class of 1965, are gearing up for our 60th class reunion. We have arranged for our celebration to be held on August 28th at Dale’s.

Our participation is looking great. We had 27 graduates. With the redistricting and families moving, we lost a lot of our class to other schools in those days. With all that, our class celebrations are inclusive of all those ’65 folks that ever-attended Dunseith and moved on to other schools.

Of our 27 Graduates, I believe there are only 8 that are no longer with us anymore. Please correct me if I am wrong.

  1. Jean Abrahamson
  2. John Bedard
  3. Peter Gillis
  4. Ernie Gottbreht
  5. Cliff Henry
  6. Barbara Kalk
  7. Ginger LaRocque
  8. Gladys Roussin

Class of 65


Postings from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND
March 9, 2025


Gary and Friends of Dunseith,

My paternal grandfather, William, the 7th Son of Hugh and Jean (McLean) Metcalfe was also born in Almonte, Ont in 1865.

He left there as a young adult immigrating to Dakota Territory . where he homesteaded at Maza, ND, later moved to Dunseith, N D.

My father, Clifford David was the 7th Son of a 7th Son. I grew up hearing many stories from my dad who like his eldest brother Wm B and their grandfather was an oral story teller.

My mother and I visited Almonte, Ontario in 1990.  I, along with my cousin Chuck & Geri Metcalfe Munro visited the Highlands of Scotland with 1st Presbyterian Church.

The Scottish heritage continues!

Vickie L Metcalfe
March 9,2025


March 4, 2025


 Gary and friends of Dunseith

I lived in Richland County, MT for 13 years.

I became well aware of the Yellowstone River flowing from Yellowstone Park, North then East across Montana.

It confluences with the Missouri River by Fort Union and Buford North Dakota.

Years ago, the last time I drove to my sisters in Powell, WY, over a long spring school break weekend.

It warmed over just a few days. 

The drive back, was a blue sky, beautiful sunny Sunday. The Yellowstone,  I  noticed was melted and flowing.

Driving toward the outskirts of Glendive, I witnessed UTTER devastation!

An entire cattle herd was totaled out.  About a hundred drowned dead cattle on the lowlands next to the Yellowstone River. Fences and feed bunkers strewn amongst the bodies.  

I felt sickened and sad. 

As a result, another lesson learned by this farm girl.  

  1. Keep the radio tuned to which ever local weather wherever I am.
  2. Be aware and cognizant of surroundings
  3. Use the 6th sense i.e. the gut…!
  4. Respect weather 

 Happy ASH Wednesday and be Blessed this EASTER season.

As ever, 

Vickie Leona Metcalfe
March 4, 2025


February 7, 2025

Gary and friends of Dunseith Alumni,

This War Hero was brother to jack Woods formerly a Math teacher at NDSU – Bottineau.

Read more on Those Who Serve: Bill aims to name Bottineau bridge after North Dakota war hero at


12/22/2025 (2825)

Hello Dunseith Alumni and Friends.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Cebu, Philippines.

Things are busy for us too, but manageable and enjoyable. This week alone we have had or are having 5 Dinner/Supper evening gatherings with friends at various restaurants.

 Angel’s sister Joy, with her 4 year old son and 5 year old daughter along with Angel/Joy’s father will be visiting us from Mindanao. Mindanao is the southern most Philippine Island, one hour plane ride. They will be arriving December 26th and will be leaving January 1St. Joy has to be back to work on the 2nd. She’s A Senior High School English Teacher in the public schools. This will be the first time for me to meet the kids. We purchased toys for the kids that Angel is wrapping now. They are not used to getting Christmas gifts, so this will be exciting for them. Santa Clause doesn’t come to very many houses here in the Philippines. The money just isn’t there for the extras.

 Christmas Day we are invited to our very close and dear Expat friend’s house for dinner. They are from Wisconsin and have been living here for about 10 years now. This is my 21st year here too.

 Gary and Angel Stokes
Gary Angel

Connie Burcham Sime (DHS ’62) Passed away

Posting from her Daughter Shelley Sime Fossen: Jamestown, ND

Connie Sime, age 81 of Dunseith, passed away on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at a Williston, ND hospital
Obituary, soon, will be posted in Nero’s Funeral home Website

Shelley’s remarks,
The Matriarch of our family is gone.
Dear, sweet momma, Connie, left with the dawn.
No more of her hugs or talking on the phone.
Momma passed away while these ND winds were just beginning to blow.
Connie Sime

The following postings are from
Vickie Metcalfe (70):  Bottineau, ND

Posted in the date order received.

October 19, 2024


Hey Gary and Dunseith friends,

Granville is located on Highway  2.
The veterans building  meeting place  going North on the main street is also home to a great  cafe.

Many Bottineau vets stop there on the way to Minot.

Also, many local Bottineau area folks (ME)
enjoy home cooked breakfasts and lunch specials.
The cafe offers HOME cooked meals!!!

I discovered it after hearing about it from local Bottineau folks….



November 21, 2024

Gary Stokes Dunseith friends,

Hello Gary and friends,

I went to bed a couple nights ago after listening  to the impending snow reports.I thought. “UffDA, my poor *fur babies) dogs and I won’t be walking in the wintery blast”.

Yesterday. I emailed friends  from afar, snowy  area photos.I thought of  winter times long ago as a wee  Child of the HIlls.

—— Original Message ——–

YES! I like brown Thanksgivings. 

I remember  my dad  and Art talking about  “an open winter”.
What’s open?

As a little kid;
I’d wake up to voices,  mom and dad in the kitchen, putting wood into the  kitchen wood stove and talking….

I sleepilly …. really wondered  “Who was “Old Man Winter”?
a guy that came in the night?
And was he kin to “Jack Frost”,
A rascal  who frosted pretty..paned windows?

For me , as an adult, the first blast, like yesterday is usually an awakening,
Where is my winter gear, shovel, warm outerwear?
WHERE the heck , is the windshield scraper?
Search and rescue time for sure………..

I crawl into the car, happy  and thankful  to  L. my nephew pushed  heavy snow off  the driveway,
I drive  east, a few blocks  to Cenex for morning routine   “CUPPA, (breakfast blend.”)…

Then, Oh yes, I need to recall how to use  those driving  skills on ice and deep snow .
Climate change?
No its  the annual  season change.
It’s here, the  full NOrth Dakota  snow, ice and cold Winter!!

Later, Vickie


 Dec 12, 2024

Hello Gary
Perhaps Friends of Dunseith School, Angel & You would enjoy this recent  article. from KFYR tv.
What an experience for those kids to expand  understanding and  knowledge of another culture.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Vickie Metcalfe

——– Original Message ——–

Read more on Mott-Regent High School choir brings international flair to annual Christmas program at


10/21/2024 (2823)

Ralph Bjornseth
October 11, 1925 – October 17, 2024

Ralph Bjornseth, age 99 of Bottineau, passed away on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at a Garrison, ND hospital.

Bjornseth, Ralph

Gary Stokes’ comments: Ralph Bjornseth

I was very saddened to hear of Ralph’s passing. I have known Ralph my entire life.

Ralph, the youngest son of Eric and Cora Bjornseth was born and raised 1.5 miles west or our farm in the Turtle mountains. His siblings were Clifford, Gladys and Viola. Clifford moved west in my early childhood years. Gladys and Viola Married Twin brothers, Albert (Gladys) and Alfred (Viola) Rude. The Rude’s and our family were extremely close in my growing up days. Like family. We used to see a lot of Ralph and Luella in those days too.

Until recent years, prior to moving to assisted living in Minot, Ralph and Luella lived their married life in Bottineau. Luella Boardman graduated from DHS in 1049.

Ralph was a mechanic at the International dealership in Bottineau for many years. Following his retirement from there, He started his own, onsite traveling, tractor overhauling business. His reputation followed him. He was the very best of the best ever tractor mechanics anywhere. He loved his job of which he continued well into his late senior years. His retirement was a sad for many farmers.

With our annual trips back to the area, we used to see Ralph and Luella, very often, at the Bottineau Bakery where they faithfully had their daily dinner meals, most often with Angus Campbell.

Ralph will be missed dearly. We extend our condolence to Luella and her Family. Chatting with their son Mark, he said his mother is really taking his dad’s death very hard. They were a super close couple.

Please follow Nero’s website for Ralph’s obituary. I will post too, when it’s available.


Vickie Metcalf’s Comments: Ralph and Luella Bjornseth.

Thanks Gary,

Ralph and Louella Bjornseth were a couple. I remember  well from the noon lunches at the bakery. Louella like green tea. and they would often split a meal….

One day over the table,  Luella told me  she had a secret she wanted me to keep from Ralph. Whispering very quietly  she asked me  “to find  and purchase the  “HISTORY OF ROLETTE COUNTY “by Laura  Thompson Law. A book Ralph  long ago had mentioned he wanted.

Louella said again, “Don’t tell Ralph, I want it to be a SURPRISE Christmas present.”

So one warm fall day, I went on … a mission to Dunseith Log house. Jess Hosmer was working.  “I  am here to to get a book for Louella boardman Bjorseth”. Jess had some of the books reprinted!!!!.

I was delighted,  when Jess directed  me to the book which I  purchased. A nicely bound  hardcover red book.

OH MY!  Then, came the hard part!

Ralph and Louella  Bjornseth were a team. The looked after each other.  Where one was… the other one was  also never far away.

I parked in front of the Bjorseth home.  Ralph was in the yard, looking at the red tractor parked under an awning.  I admired his tractor at length.

I asked  to see Louella. … Finally, I  went in the house…. followed by Ralph.

I frantically tried to think of some clever conversation  with  Louella.  But no,  “We  all had to sit down and have coffee.”   (Louella and I had a secret)

As the  afternoon grew long ,  I wondered how in the world, was  I going to pass a red book in paper a bag  to Louella without Ralph seeing?

Finally,  an excuse,  “I need get home to the dogs”  Louella  said , “She would walk me out to my car.  ……(we had  a secret)


Ralph came too!  I directed his attention to the tractor again, asking him some absurd question about power steering in  farm all tractors.

I almost ran,  slid into  my  car seat… fastened my seat belt…. hit  the button which rolled down the window.

Through the window, … breathless,  ” BYE Ralph!!! I  quickly handed off  the package to Louella who  slipped it under her arm and briskly walked up her steps.  She kept that book well-hidden until Christmas. Eve.

I smile with memory.

Ralph and Louella a couple, who never kept secrets from each other.

……….well .except once upon a time when….

Louella enlisted people to search for the perfect Christmas gift for  her husband Ralph.

Now that’s a  true love story of Ralph and Louella.

Thanks Gary.

Vickie Metcalfe, October 18,2024.


Saturday OCT  19, 2024


I thought I lost this memory about Ralph and Louella in mailing  the other night.
AND surprised I found it this am.

They were a special loving couple. who treated each other with respect.

Ralph and Louella were DEVOTED to each other.

Many people valued Ralphs expertise  on tractors ,
He continued to work well into retirement.

I think his wisdom about mechanics…….became a …..hobby.

He enjoyed sharing with others..

I know  when they moved to Garrison they both certainly missed.

Later, Vickie




Rolla: A city with close to 50 murals made by volunteers
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

 Hi Gary and friends,

As you know, Rolla is the County seat of Rolette County.
I thought friends of Dunseith might be interested in the murals.

I recall my Uncle and Aunt,  Floyd and Dorothy Lamb frequented shopping at Rolla.
Several times as a we child I stayed with Dean and Martha and got to travel along.

I recall Rolla’s 50th year celebration  fair, when my maternal Aunt Priscilla took me for a ride……….

T’was my first time riding a Ferris wheel . The wheel stopped when we were seated, swaying at the top.

Much to my aunts dismay I stood up.  The seat began  rocking with me  I hollered, yelling frantically,


My aunt calmly quietly said, “It will be okay, you need to sit down”.

Finally….. after a length of time the wheel moved again.


Saturday OCT  19, 2024


I thought I lost this memory about Ralph and Louella in mailing  the other night.
AND surprised I found it this am.

They were a special loving couple. who treated each other with respect.

Ralph and Louella were DEVOTED to each other.

Many people valued Ralphs expertise  on tractors ,
He continued to work well into retirement.

I think his wisdom about mechanics…….became a …..hobby.

He enjoyed sharing with others..

I know  when they moved to Garrison they both certainly missed.

Later, Vickie


10/03/2024 (2822)

Hello Dunseith Alumni and friends,

 It has been awhile since I posted. There’s nothing much new happening in the Dunseith arena.

 I was saddened to hear of Don Conroy’s passing. Also Andrew LaVallie.

 Things are going very well for us here in Cebu, Philippines.

 Next year is our will be 60 years since the DHS class of 1965 Graduated. We are planning a reunion on August 28, 2025 at Dale’s. That will be a good!

 I have filed for a Spousal visa for Angel.  Hopefully that will be processed in time for her to accompany me back to the States for our 60th Class reunion.




From: Kay Hosmer Cantley (’77) and John
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 10:42 AM
To: Ed and Min Mckay Merrill (’48)

Subject: Re: Hosmers’ store

Dear Minnie, I was so glad to see your email.  I read it to my dad, Don Hosmer, over the phone.  –  I love to hear memories of the Hosmer store.  My grandpa Jack was a wonderful man & I know that he touched many lives over the years.  I can still see him wearing his red store jacket.  Thank you for the memories!  Maybe you can put this email on the Gary Stokes Dunseith blog? Wishing you the best, Kay Hosmer


From: Ed and Min Merril
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 11:0
To: kay pm in

Subject: Hosmers’ store

I am Minnie Mary McKay from Dunseith and now live in Renton, WA, a suburb of Seattle. I just spent the last 3 weeks back home, and thought the spot where the store was located looked so empty. My memories go back to 1945 or so when my good friend, Bonnie Haines, and I decided to apply for a job at Hosmers! Jack Hosmer interviewed the both of us and hired both of us to work after school.  I must have been 13 or 14 years old.  My mom helped me get a social security card because I was on the payroll.  What a prestigious position Bonnie and I had.

I remember Mr. Hosmer helping me to be more professional by explaining one does not drag your feet when you walk. I never have dragged my feet again even if it were a teen age thing to do!! Theresa Cote Awalt’s older sister worked there and most likely kept a sharp eye on us making sure we did things right. Then Julia Hiatt worked the full day.

Wish I could remember how long I worked there, but do remember how proud I was to have the job. When I worked on the grocery side, we were to go to the shelves to get the item the customer was asking for and write it on the sales slip.  This was done for every item that was purchased—at least that’s what I remember.  We did not have shopping carts.

At Christmas time we all picked out one item of clothing that we wanted. There were no limits as to price of the item.  I picked out a beautiful black dress trimmed with a few black sequins.  Uuuuummm. I wore on many special occasions.

My best to you,



Don Conroy (DH Class 1956) Obituary
Posted by Don Martel: Rosemount, MN


Donald J. Conroy, 86, of Casa Grande, Arizona, and formerly of Antler, North Dakota, passed away peacefully surrounded by loved ones. Don was born on April 22, 1938, in Devils Lake, North Dakota, the eldest son of Edward and Florence (Ormiston) Conroy. Both Edward and Florence were teachers, by profession.

Don was raised in Scranton and later Dunseith, North Dakota. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Minot State Teacher’s College and later a master’s degree from NDSU. He continued his graduate studies at the North Carolina State-Raleigh, where he was recruited by the federal government during the Cold War due to his background in science and math. This opportunity led him abroad to serve in the Foreign Service, teaching math and science at the United States Embassy in Spain. He also briefly taught in Willow City, North Dakota, and Kingman, Arizona.

In 1968, Don met Marsha Goodrich, and together they had four children. The family lived in Nogales and Rio Rico, Arizona, before settling in Antler, North Dakota in 1978, where Don served as the customs agent and port director at the Antler Port of Entry until his retirement in 2000. Don is fondly remembered by those who frequented his port for his friendly wave and relaxed demeanor. Don recalled his many years living near Antler as a “great joy” and described the area around the port as a “lovely little pastoral enclave in a secluded little world.”

After retiring, Don moved to Casa Grande, Arizona, while maintaining a residence in Minot. He spent his retirement years enjoying golf, pickleball, and horseshoes, with highlights including a national pickleball ranking and a hole-in-one at Apple Grove Golf Course on July 26, 2010. Following the 2011 flood in Minot, Don made Arizona his permanent home, where he enjoyed his hobbies. In 2023, he returned to Minot full-time to be closer to his family. He spent his remaining years at Edgewood Vista, where he made many new friends and enjoyed following politics.

Don was a devoted father and grandfather who always put family first. His grandchildren cherished visits to Arizona, where Don orchestrated memorable treasure hunts that led to the discovery of “pirate treasure” curiously lost in the Arizona desert. Don’s playful pirate impressions and masterful storytelling captivated everyone around him, especially little kids. True to his Irish heritage, known for its storytelling tradition, Don wrote a book titled The Conroy Chronicles, which recounted his Midwest upbringing and summers spent on his grandparents’ farm near Fairdale, North Dakota.

Don was predeceased by his parents, Edward and Florence Conroy, and his beloved dog, Norman. Don’s four children survive him: Shannon Conroy (Don Aasen), Shane Conroy (Lori), Erin Conroy (Paul Boettcher), and Kelly Conroy; and his grandchildren: McKenzie Kranz (Kyson Smith), Maddie Kranz, Luke Conroy, Nicolas Loberg, Michael Loberg, Adam Boettcher, and Annika Boettcher, and Katie Conroy; and his sister, Colleen Martel (Donald), and her four children, including Dan Martel (Janet), Andrea Sonnenburg, Kimberly Evanger (Kevin), and Stacia Essler (Paul), and their children.

A celebration of Don’s life will be held at a later date.

Conroy, don


Andrew LaVallie (DH Class 1989) Obituary
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe:   Bottineau, ND

Thursday, August 22, 2024

To Gary and friends of Dunseith School,

Sincere sympathy to the LaVallie and Parisien families in the passing of Andrew. I did not know Andrew,  but  I knew his mother, Carol Ann. Carol Ann was a  quiet, kind, unassuming classmate through the years.

I recall meeting Carol whilst we were in Mrs. Halvorson’s grade three class on the second floor of the big white school house. At the time, my dad told me, Carol Ann’s mother, Tootsie (Poitra) Parisien-Delorme,  was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Poitra.

Dad said, “The first Mrs Ralph Poitra was our  Hired man family friend Alcide’s sister, and she was known to be beautiful!”  When I shared Dad’s comment  with Tootsie, a sweet smile transformed her face.

Tootsie was  also, an older sister to Raphael Poitra.

On an evening, a  years ago,  I had the opportunity for an in depth visit with Tootsie. It was evening, at my cousin, Janice and Raphael Poitra’s home. And, after the passing  and funeral of cousin, Kathy.

Carol Ann’s mother, Tootsie, was a Lajimodiere, sister to Alcide and Francis  Lajimodiere, who  were neighbors to the Evans, Metcalfes, Anderson’s,Bergans, Anthony’s, DuBois, Poitra, etc, all growing  up  and attending country Hillside School in the rural  Rabbit City Lake area.

I recall Tootsie telling me, when she was a small child, her mom passed away. Mrs. Poitra’s passing left her husband, Ralph a widower with 3 small children,

There was Toosie, a younger brother, and a new little baby. Tootsie and her brothers were sent away  and separated by dormitories, educated at  Catholic residential boarding schools.

Tootsie’s story,  I never forgot.
It was: A story of Resilience.

Family of Andrew,  may you  hold each other with  strength and resilience.

Peace, Vickie Leona Metcalfe


Andrew John LaVallie, age 53 of Dunseith, passed away on Monday, August 19, 2024 at a Bismarck hospital.  Mass of the Christian Burial will be celebrated on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 10:00 am at the St. Anthony’s Catholic Church near Dunseith.  His wake will be on Monday starting at 4:00 pm with a service at 7:00 pm at the Church.

Andrew (AJ) John LaVallie, age 53, of Dunseith, ND passed away Monday, August 19th, 2024, at CHI St. Alexius Hospital in Bismarck, ND. Andrew was born on March 11th, 1971, in Minot, ND, to the late Andrew Clarence LaVallie and Carol Ann LaVallie (Parisien) of Dunseith, ND.

Andrew went to Dunseith public school and graduated class of ‘89. He furthered his education and received his EMT certification. He worked for many years at the Quentin N Burdick Memorial Hospital as an EMT and Dunseith/Belcourt fire departments as a firefighter. Andrew also worked in security for many years. He loved helping others, saving lives and putting out fires.

AJ was in a long-term relationship with Carrie Beston and together they had 4 beautiful children, Shakara, Shauntel, Anthony and Shalynn. He was never married and always called himself a Bachelor. AJ always had the best “stale” jokes to tell everyone.Andrew was a loving grandpa to 5 grandchildren (Amelia, Kenai, Noah, Takoda, and Blake). He loved to be around his kids and grandkids having cookouts. He was a huge NDSU Fan and loved watching college football. He loved to go hunting and fishing, listening to country/ rock (Journey) music especially was his favorite band, visiting his parents when they were alive. He always visited his loved one’s grave sites. AJ also enjoyed having movie nights with snacks and going for car rides with his kids. He always said he was the happiest when all his babies were with him under one roof.

Andrew is survived by his 4 loving children: Shakara (Bradley Jr.) Azure of Dunseith, ND, Shauntel (Ethan) Muzzy of Minot, ND, Anthony J. LaVallie of Minot, ND, and Shalynn M. LaVallie of Belcourt, ND. Brothers: Edward (Julie) LaVallie of Belcourt, ND and Derek  LaVallie of Dunseith, ND. And numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Andrew is preceded in death by his parents Andrew and Carol LaVallie, Grandparents John and Cecilia LaVallie, Cecilia (Tootsie) and Leonard Delorme, Ernest Parisien. Aunts, Uncles, and cousins.


08/06/2024 (2823)

Hello Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

I returned this past Sunday from a one month trip to the states. Angel spent the time I was gone visiting her Family and Friends in Mindanao, about 500 miles from Cebu, on another Island. I have now filed a spousal Visa for her, so hopefully she will be with me next year.

The highlight of my trip was with the three weeks I spent if the Bottineau/Dunseith area. I had my daily coffee and often times Dinner at the Bottineau Bakery. There I’d often Dunseith folks, i.e. Vicki Metcalfe, Wayne Smith, Terry Espe, Lorenzo Anderson, Les Halverson and others.

Being a lifetime Bottineau VFW member, I also spent time at the Bottineau Vets Building, having coffee and conversation with those folks.

I had the pleasure of meeting up with the following Dunseith folks too.

  1. Warren Anderson for dinner, in “Minot Denny’s”:   Warren Anderson called me the night before my Minot Doctors appointment. He is now living in Minot. We agreed to meet at Denny’s in Minot. Warren is looking very good. We had a wonderful chat.
  2. Margaret Metcalfe for coffee, in “Maria’s Restaurant” in Bottineau:   Margaret called me when she was in Bottineau. We had a wonderful, memorable three hour chat. Margaret is always so cheerful and nice. She’s retained her High School beauty too.
  3. Dick and Brenda Johnson, at the “Kelvin Clinic Bar and Grill” north of Dunseith:  Dick and Brenda are looking and doing very well. My cousin, Jim Kofoid from Bottineau, who knows Dick and Brenda, joined us too. Causin Jim loaned me one of his Vehicles to drive, the entire 3 weeks, while I was in Bottineau too.
  4. Art Hagen, at the Bottineau “Chinese Inn Buffet” in Bottineau: Art is doing very well. He spends the winter months in his house in Arizona and his Summer months in Bottineau working for a Farmer.

     5. Weekly (9:30 AM) Cenex Bottineau Tuesday Cenex Coffee Gathering.

Warren Anderson Margaret Metcalfe Dick and Brenda Johnson Art Hagen Bottineau Cenex Coffee


Jim Evans (DHS 1963) Obituary
Posted by Dennis Dubois (’63):   Minneapolis, MN

Jim Evans

Gary Stokes Comment

I was so saddened to hear the passing of Jim.

His full obituary is not published yet. Please monitor the Nero funeral home obituaries for his complete obit.


Ginger Theresa LaRocque Poitra (DHS 1965) Obituary
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

ginger Poitra

Ginger Theresa LaRocque Poitra, age 76, of Belcourt, North Dakota, passed away peacefully on July 20, 2024, at her home surrounded by family.

Ginger was born on November 11, 1947 in Dunseith, North Dakota to Joseph and Madeline LaRocque. She graduated from Dunseith High School in 1965 and married the love of her life, Anthony Louis Poitra on June 5, 1965. They were married for 50 years making their home in Belcourt, North Dakota raising their three beautiful children. When the children were in school, Ginger went on to earn a degree as a paraprofessional from Turtle Mountain Community College.

She pursued a career as a paraprofessional (Special Education Department), working at Turtle Mountain Elementary School for 35 years, where she was known for her patience and love of her students.

Ginger loved shopping and was passionate about Elvis/Patsy Cline, bingo, and listening to old country music. Christmas was always her favorite holiday, with her big tree in the living room and her house decorated! During the holidays, her grandchildren were always excited for her famous butterscotch pie with homemade cracker crust. She will be dearly missed and forever remembered for her love of family and friends. She was a proud mother and grandmother constantly sharing stories of their accomplishments. She brought joy to their lives and loved them all so very much.

Ginger is preceded in death by her husband Anthony Louis Poitra, her parents Joseph and Madeline LaRocque, siblings, sisters: Shirley Wendt, Joanne Eden, Lana Ueke, and brother Gary LaRocque and is survived by her three children: Todd (Geraldine) Poitra, Roxane Poitra (Morin), Michaela Poitra, and 10 grandchildren: Brandon (Jessica) Poitra, Tonie Jay, Codey Poitra, Kelsey (Matt)  Baustad, Dominic (Michelle) Poitra, Veronica (Trevor) Dionne, Kari (Jonathan) Wallette, Lance (Presley) Jay, Nick Dionne, and Aaivyn Morin and 14 great grandchildren: Kaid, Porter, Brantley, Jessa, Alauni, Ryder Rose, Brooklyn, Brody, Logan, Dakota, Sylvie, Alayah, Havlin, and Ian. Many cousins, nieces and nephews.

A funeral service will be held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 8:00 A.M. at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Dunseith, ND with rosary at 9:00, Mass at 10:00, followed by burial at St. Louis Cemetery, Dunseith and meal at the church.

“To my mother in heaven, thank you for always loving me and guiding me. Even though you are no longer here with me I can still feel your love guiding me. You are always in my heart. We love you and miss you dearly.” Todd, Roxane, and Michaela

Vickie’s comments
Gary and Dunseith friends,

Ginger’s mom, Madeline  and my dad Cliff were childhood friends on Rabbit City Lake and at Hillside School.

In years before he passed away, dad, mom and I would go to Kelvin whenever there was dance music,

Every time, I came home from Montana. I went home every  2-3 weeks when I lived in MT. There were many folks of the hills dancing…. all “Kind Hearts and Gentle Souls”.

Two stepping, Waltzing etc…….

Then, during the dancing, if mom pointed out,Madeline and her husband  dancing, Dad would ask me to walk him over to their table. He would greet them and  ask for 1 dance with his childhood friend.

A  Two step or Waltz.  They’d  dance, and  reminisce fond memories of childhood friendship while dancing  gliding across the floor, so smoothly……..

Dad was always happy to visit with Madeline and her husband, Joe.

Later in the evening, if  Jimmie LaRocque was playing fiddle with the Tommy Belgarde band,  Jimmie  would stike the fiddle, then,shout out,   “Here is some stepping music for Cliff!”

Out to the dance floor we’d go.  Raising my hand in the air as a touch stone and my Dad  step danced

….a Turtle  Mountain JIG!.

The end of the evening  band would play and Tommy would sing the song…….”I Saw the Light!”

Until later, Vickie

Gary Stokes Comments

I was very surprised and saddened to hear of Ginger’s passing. So Sorry I missed seeing it until today. I Will forever remember Ginger from our Dunseith Highschool days and from the past 17 years that we’ve been reunited with our DHS Class of 1965. She was a sweetheart of a person always seeing the best in all her friends. I will miss all of her very kind informative messages. The last message I recently received from her was the passing of our class mate, Gladys Rousin. I express my censer condolences to her family. She’ll be forever missed



06/21/2024 (2822)

Dear Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

This will be my final posting before leaving for the states.

I will be in Bremerton, Washington from July 2nd to the 6th

I will be in the Bottineau / Dunseith area from July 7th to the 29th. I will be staying with my brother Darrel (Bud) and Debby in Bottineau.

While there, I’d like to see as many of you as possible.

My mobile phone number is 360 362 1222 For calls and text messages.

I am also available on Face Book Messenger.

I have filed for a Spousal USA Visa for Angel. That process takes 10 to 15 months. With that she’ll have a LEGAL USA Green Card permanent residency Visa, good for 10 years. Our goal is for her to obtain USA citizenship too. We are anticipating for her to be with me next year.

Gary and Angel Stokes
Gary and Angel


Reply to Ramona Dionne Johnson Passing
5/14/2024 – From Janice Leanard Workman (‘56):  Auburn, WA

Gary, always nice to hear from you, even if the news is not always happy.  In the summer of 1957, I worked at “The San” as an assistant to Mona Johnson.   Miss Lillaco (I’m pretty sure that is the wrong spelling) was Dr. Loeb’s secretary and took the summer off.  Mona took her place.  So, I didn’t know anything about medicine except to take an aspirin when you had a headache.  I didn’t learn much about medicine, but I did learn a lot about working.  I did some research for a report on patients,  I even filled in for Ms. Jones as pill pusher for a week while she was on vacation.  Mona was a great teacher and didn’t like mistakes, hers or mine.  I got to know her well enough to call her a friend.  I’m sure she will be missed by many.  Janice

Gary Stokes Comment:
It’s great hearing form you too Janice. We miss all you input.


Replies to Patti Metcalf Woods (’67) Passing
Reply to Vickie from Santiago Lopez (Cuban Student) Raleigh, NC.
With Vickie Metcalfe’s comment.

May 16,2024

Let me first introduce myself, I am Sandy Lopez, one of the Cuban kids that ‘showed up’ in Dunseith/San Haven area in October of 1961. I eventually graduated from Dunseith HS in 1964 (a year ahead of Gary, with whom I have had occasional e-mail exchanges. Thank you Gary for all that you have done and continue to do to keep those of us that no longer live in the area somewhat connected).

Note: I have purposely included Gary as a CC to this e-mail.

During my less than 3 years in the area, I attended HS and lived ‘at the San’ as our uncle headed the Administrative & Medical staff there. During my time in the area I was Blessed to be welcomed by everyone as I quickly learned the language. One of those welcoming folks was Patti-who I believe was your sister. I learned from Gary’s e-mail, a few weeks back, of Patti’s passing and I wanted to extend my condolences. May Patti RIP 🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️
Good morning Santiago Lopez,

Thank you for contacting me, Santiago.  Patti was a beloved first cousin. Her dad, Jim was my dad’s older brother.

Uncle Jim  and Ella, his wife were my Godparents.  I spent  many times staying with Patti’s family as a  child.

Patti was a wonderfully kind, role model cousin. (it was  she who  pointed out to  me the North Star when I, a mere child  night sky and the Milky Way)

I am fwding this email to Patti’s surviving sisters,  my dear cousins Geri and Margaret., and to Gary Stokes.

I was in 4th grade in 1961.

On a  fall day another new student walked in to our class.  Our class had been getting many kids from area one room  country schools.

Darkeyed, shy, Angelina Parlada( ms?) was welcomed  to our class.

Our teacher, Mrs Conroy was consistently open, kind and forthcoming with;

MODELING how we needed to treat each and  everyone.

World events shared to us 4th graders  of  polio and the missile crisis in Cuba.

Then, it was class as usual.


Vividly  I recall, the day,  Weekly Reader newspaper arrived,placed on our desks.
Quiet Angelina stood up in  front of her desk,class .
One Big  SPIT,  she spit  on the cover.  Declaring  I  hate him , for the man on the cover.
Shy Angelina who never spoke much.
Shocked we 10 year olds looked at Mrs. Conroy. for direction.
Mrs. Conroy did  not admonish Angelinas’ behavior, just nodded  to let Angelina be.

I  never forgot, that photo………  a man called  F. CASTRO  dark longish hair and bearded wearing  green. camo.

I want to tell you, Santiago,  EACH of you “Cuban” kids gave me at 10  years old a gift.

There was is silver lining…….

Opening my eyes, witnessing  first hand another’s  culture and especially  those who were trying to fit into an unfamiiar cold, place North Dakota.

Whilst  carrying a personal  burden worry,  concern about the  beloved  nomeland  left behind.

Never have I  heard  disbaraging words  about any of the “Cuban kids”.

You were  thought of as MODEL students in social behavior, academics and respect for this country  USA..

I THANK YOU “Cuban” kids for enriching  and expanding knowledge of my world view.

Sincerely, Vickie L . Metcalfe


Reply to Esther Murry (’65) Passing
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70): Bottineau, ND

May 14, 2024

Hello  Dunseith friends, Gary and Ginger,

I too, once years ago,  knew your classmate and friend…….. as Mrs. Azure.
She was the supportive mother of  two exceptional third grade former  students.
Her children, Lyle and Lisa were polite, kind and sense of humor siblings.

After I left teaching at  Dunseith, I  attended, graduate  school and worked in MT as an elementary counselor,

I then returned to ND to work at Bottineau School where I have since retired.

It was in the Bottineau High School Lunchroom, where I met  Lee, a high school student
diligently worked  dishwashing in the kitchen.

One day he told me his last name and the name of his mother.

Low and behold MABEL!    I said, ” I knew your mom, Mabel was in Mrs. Conroy’s  4th grade class!”

….a another for  the  class of “70!

Recently Lee told me of his  sorrow losing  his cousin Lisa and his auntie, Gladys.
And how, they were so  significant in his life, as Godmothers. to him and  that Gladys helped raise his own mother.

Ginger, I extend condolences on the loss of  Gladys, Roussin Azure,  your  childhood friend and classmate.

May you find comfort in fond sweet memories of laughter with Gladys .

God’s love be with you in your sorrow


Vickie L. Metcalfe


Sharon Gunville Poitra (’66) Obituary
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND


Sharon M. Poitra, age 76 of Dunseith ND, died peacefully on May 26, 2024 surrounded by her family at the Dunseith Nursing Home. Funeral services will be held on Monday June 3, 2024, at St. Michaels Church in Dunseith, ND, starting with the wake at 8:00am, the rosery at 9:00am, followed by mass at 10:00am. Church burial will take place at St. Mary’s Cemetery, Dunseith ND. Meal to follow at Dunseith City Hall.

Sharon M. (Gunville) Poitra, daughter of the late John and Helen (Dubois) Gunville, was born on March 4, 1948 in Belcourt, ND. Sharon graduated from Dunseith High School. She then went on to college to complete Business school in Fargo, ND.

On June 28, 1968, Sharon was united in marriage with her soul mate, Virgil Poitra. Where they had 3 beautiful children. Sharon worked for the Dunseith Public School as a teacher aide for two years. She then worked for TMBCI, where she retired after a loyal forty-two years as the administrator and director.

Sharon enjoyed cooking for her family, playing cards, snowmobiling, attending grandchildren/ great-grandchildren games (basketball, baseball, softball, football, volleyball) and hardly ever missed a game. She loved visits from her brothers and sister, eating at Olive Garden, dancing, getting her hair and nails done, planting and taking care of her flowers, going to watch her grandson snuggy derby, and a nice cold glass of Coca-Cola.

Sharon is survived by her husband, Virgil Poitra. Her children Lori Davis (Travis), and Kim Poitra, of Dunseith. Her 8 grandchildren, TJ (Larice) Davis, Dunseith ND.  Kelle (Angela) Davis, Bottineau ND. Marcus (Alyssa) Davis, Dunseith ND. Derrick (Jessica) Chase, Dunseith ND. Duane (Shantell) Gunville, Rugby ND. Lane Peltier, Dunseith ND. Brady (Abby) Nerpel, Fargo ND. Brendon (Sierra) Nerpel, St. Louis Park, MN. 18 great-grandchildren, Lexius Davis, Tank Davis, Piper Davis, Lincoln Davis, Calvin Davis, Bret Davis, Kendra Davis, Mattix Davis, Brailyn Davis, Zailynn Chase, Tripp Chase, Greyson Chase, Ryzen Gunville, Aislynn Gunville, Emmy Gunville, Lucas Gunville, Logan Gunville, and Seth Amyotte. Siblings Gerald (Ann) Gunville, Rolla ND. Mark (Val) Gunville, Rolette ND. Debbie (Darrell) Champagne, Belcourt ND. Sister- in law Amanda Poitra, Fargo ND.

Sharon is proceeded in death by her daughter Sherry Poitra, Great Granddaughter Paris E. Davis, God Child Dustin Champagne, Parents John and Helen Gunville, sister Florence Dodgion, brothers, Robert, Jimmy, Rick, Timmy Gunville.

Vickie’s Comments:

Gary and Friends of Dunseith,

Sincere sympathy to the family  of Sharon Poitra  on her passing.
I recall Sharon as a quiet,  reserved and kind in upper grade,
daughter of  John and Helen Gunville.

Vickie L. Metcalfe


Gary Decoteau Obituary and Comments
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND


Th. May 26, 2024

Gary and friends of Dunseith,

I wish to extend sympathy to the DeCouteau family,
on the  loss  of their brother, uncle ,dad and cousin.

Although, I did not know Gary DeCouteau.
I recall Earl, his brother  was in our  8th grade class at Dunseith.

I recall because on the always very first uncomfortable,  first day of school,

Mr. Jim Klein our new to Dunseith,  Social Studies teacher had an extremely
difficult time;   Mr. Klein  stammered, stuttered and   mispronounced a name …
which should have been. DeCouteau.

Of course,  Mr. Klein’s  red faced neck  flooded to  up to a red  face embarrassment,
And grew with  sniggers and laughter  from the back of the class.

The  8h grade students were not laughing at Earl …..
The laughter was directed at a the new to Dunseith  embarrassed red faced teacher!

Later, Vickie

05/13/2024 (2821)

Dear Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

So sorry for the long delay getting this posted. We have been kind of Busy.

With this posting we have the deaths and obits for the following

  1. Gladys Roussin Azure (DH Class of 1965)
  2. Lorraine Peterson (Kevin Turtle mountains)
  3. Ramona Dionne Johnson (DH Class of 1948)

 I have made Flight reservations for visiting the Dunseith/Bottineau areas this coming July.

I’ll be arriving in Bottineau on Monday July 8th and Leaving on July 29th. I will be staying with brother Darrel (Bud) and Debby in Bottineau.

I am looking forward to seeing many of you with this trip back.

Angel was denied a USA Non-Immigrant Tourist Vista for the 4th time. Being married to me, a US Citizen, they feel she should be an Immigrant, so I have now filed for a Spousal Visa for her. The process takes about a year. With that she’ll have a green card visa with more privileges. Hopefully next year she’ll be with me.

 As always, things are great in Cebu, Philippines.



Gladys Roussin Azure (DH Class 1965) Obituary / Remembrance
Posted by Ginger LaRocque Poitra (’65): Belcourt, ND

Hello Gary / classmates

We have lost another of our classmates. Gladys Azure passed away, I heard about it today. I will just tell you at this time, that Gladys has been a friend of mine for  many years.

You know how it goes, as we grow older we go on with our lives we don’t see our close friends. For me I thought about my friend always, I will think of Gladys always.

I saw her occasionally throughout these years.  I sat in at a bingo or more, we’d meet there and visit and play bingo.

I feel like someone has left my life 😕 but she will always be in my thoughts.  Gladys and I rode bicycle every evening after supper as well as weekends we were in pretty good shape and 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️.

We would visit at each other’s home, we were true friends,  how else can a person still be friends till the end.

I wanted to let you know that I lost a very good friend of mine. It’s tough to go through this.

A friend forever Gladys, you will always be here.

Gary Stokes’ Comments
I remember Gladys so well from our High School days. She was quiet, Attenuative and very well liked. She will be missed.

Gladys Roussin Azure Obituary
July 19, 1947 – May 8, 2024

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Gladys Azure of Dunseith, North Dakota, born in Belcourt, North Dakota, who passed away on May 8, 2024, at the age of 76, leaving to mourn family and friends. Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page of Gladys Azure to pay them a last tribute.

She was predeceased by : her parents, Louis Roussin and Clemence Roussin (Jerome); her husband George S. Azure; her daughter Lisa Azure; her parents-in-law, Frank “Lum” and Agnes Azure; and her siblings, Pete Roussin, Rodney Roussin, Louis Roussin, Theresa Heath and Delores Belgarde.

She is survived by : her children, Lyle “Pug” Azure of Dunseith, Sherry Counts (Stacy) of Dunseith, Daniel “Shane” Azure (Erika) of Portland, ND and Shannon “Zack” Azure (Kerry) of Dunseith; her son-in-law Marshall Parisien of St. John, ND; her grandchildren, Shayla Counts (Tanner), Kelby, Kennison Azure, Kayla, Kylie Parisien, Shawnta Hirschel (Jon), Taylor Keplin (Skylar), Trey Everett and Braxton Azure; her great grandchildren, Kade, Hayes, Rhenlee and Skylee; her sister Mabel Roussin; and her goddaughters, Sandi Karlson and Michelle Kurle. She is also survived by numerous nieces, nephews, cousins.

A rosary will be held on Tuesday, May 14th 2024 at 10:30 AM at the St. Anthony’s Catholic Church (112 2nd St W, Dunseith, ND 58329). A Mass will be held on Tuesday, May 14th 2024 at 1:00 PM at the same location



Lorraine Peterson Obituary – March 26, 1935 – February 26, 2024
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

Gary Stokes Comments

Dear Mike, Connie, Karen, Kim and Friends,

My apologies for not getting your mother’s obituary posted until now. Vickie sent it to me the day she passed. It’s been sitting at the bottom of my “IN BOX” with oversight.

I remember your mother Lorraine very well from my growing up days. She was a very active member, as was my mother, of the Kelvin Homemakers. She was at our house numerous times. I remember so well, her driving a very nice Pickup truck.
Connie, it was a pleasure seeing you this past summer, July 2023, at the Bottineau “Pizza inn” too. You are a mirror image of your beautiful mother.

I express my condolences to all of Lorraine’s Family and Friends. She was a good person and will be missed.

Gary Stokes

Peterson Lorraine
Lorraine Peterson, age 88 of Dunseith, passed away peacefully on Monday, February 26, 2024 at a Rugby hospital.  Mass of the Christian Burial will be celebrated on Monday, March 4, 2024 at 10:00 am at the St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Dunseith.  Visitation will be on Sunday, starting at 1:00 pm with a rosary at 6:00 pm followed by a prayer service at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.

Lorraine Eva Peterson, a daughter of Joe and LaVerna (Kyle) Due, was born on March 26, 1935 in Bottineau.  She was raised on family farm near Overly, ND.  She attended the Notre Dame Academy in Willow City.  On October 20, 1953, Lorraine married Duane Peterson.  They moved to the hills and remained there until their passing. They raised 4 children one son, Mike and three daughters, Connie, Karen and Kim.  Duane passed away on August 8, 2012

She was a member of the St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Dunseith where she was active with Altar Society and she volunteered with the mission store for over 35 years.  She was member of the Kelvin Homemakers and the American Legion Auxiliary.  As a farm wife, she was a jack of all trades.  Not only did her yard hold a beautiful floral display, if she was needed to be on a tractor to cultivate in the fields, she was there to share the load.

Lorraine is survived by her son, Mike of Dunseith; daughters, Connie Lagerquist of Bottineau, Karen Lagerquist of Dunseith and Kim Brown of Colorado Springs, CO; 10 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; 1 great-great grandson; 3 sisters, Joan Vigness of Dickinson, ND; Helen Satran of Bowbells and Marian Nerpel of Dunseith and numerous nieces and nephews.

In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by 3 brothers; 1 sister and numerous brothers and sisters-in-law.


Ramona Dionne Johnson Memory and Obituary (DH Class 1948)
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

Hello  Gary, and friends,

Friends of Dunseith School may  recall  Ramona and  Chuck Johnson  who worked and  resided  at San Haven.

I wonder ,how many who read this  blog worked at San Haven? I worked on the  San Haven floors  for the summer between my freshman and sophomore  years of college.  Every evening I drove South to  the  “San”.  The first week I was there, I had my blood tested and found out my blood type. How many of you found out your blood type as a young adult?  A bonus for working there!

I  walked in the front door rode  up the elevator  to floors B and C ,  for the  11:00  pm to 7:00 am shift.  What an  educational experience it was.

I developed a lifelong, DEEP RESPECT for  staff who work; hands on with patients.  Yes,  especially, nurses and aides who truly care, respect, and develop  kind affection for residents.  I witnessed that at San Haven.  I clocked out at  7:00 am and drove home to the farm.  I learned to take long showers as it seems my hair absorbed the hospital smell. I’d  then sleep, eat supper and go back for another  night.

It was difficult work at times, but most definitely a rewarding life experience ……. I was blessed with gratitude  that summer.   Working with less fortunate gives one pause ……be thankful.


  1. Metcalfe

April 2, 2024

Johnson, Ramona
Ramona Julia (Dionne) Johnson, age 93 of Bottineau, passed away on Sunday March 31, 2024 at a Bottineau nursing home.  Mass of the Christian Burial will be celebrated on Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 2:00 pm at the St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Bottineau.

Ramona Julia (Dionne) Johnson was born October 12,1930 to Hylas and Josephine (Strand) Dionne at Rolette, North Dakota. Ramona was raised in Thorne, North Dakota and attended and graduated from the Russell School. She then attended and graduated from Dunseith High School. While in high school she met Charles (Chuck) Johnson. Chuck and Ramona (Mona) were married on September 30, 1950, in Thorne, North Dakota. They lived in Dunseith a short time and then moved to San Haven, a TB Sanatorium, where she worked in the dietary and later the business office. It was while living there that their 4 sons, Brian, Craig, Kevin, and Ross were born. In August of 1965 the family moved to Bottineau, North Dakota. In 1966, Ramona accepted a position at St. Andrew’s Hospital as medical records director. She continued in that capacity until 1992 when she semi-retired, doing only consulting work until 1997.

Chuck and Ramona enjoyed many wonderful weekends at their cabin on Lake Metigoshe where the family enjoyed skiing and boating. In 1985, they purchased a permanent home on the lake and spent their retirement years there. The extended family enjoyed going to the lake and the fun it always brought. In order to downsize, they then built a smaller home along the Birchwood Golf Course. Both enjoyed golfing, the quietness, and wildlife that was found there.

Ramona was a member of St. Mark’s Catholic Church of Bottineau, a longtime member of the Lake Metigoshe Lion’s Club, and the Lake Metigoshe Improvement Association.

Chuck passed away February 7,2003. Ramona continued to live at their home at Lake Metigoshe until she moved into Bottineau in 2009.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles (Chuck); son, Kevin Johnson; daughter-in-law, Barbara Johnson and 2 sisters, Elaine Crosby and Marlyss Dionne.

Ramona is survived by her sons, Brian (Lynette) Johnson of Bismarck, ND; Craig (Armando) Johnson of Santa Fe, NM; and Ross Johnson, Lake Havasu City, AZ; 3 grandchildren, Chad (Marie) Johnson, Bismarck, ND, Jason (Stacey) Johnson, Bismarck, ND, and Jenna (Randy) Johnson, Phoenix, AZ; and 4 great-grandchildren; Ethan, Kassidy, Alexa and Lakyn Johnson all of Bismarck, ND.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.


Postings from  Vickie Metcalfe (’70):Bottineau, ND

Gary and friends of Dunseith School,

I wish to share with you all about  an exceptional person. My sixth grade teacher.

In the school year of 1963-1964, our family moved to Marysville, WA.

Dad was a Master Professional Plasterer.  He earned his license in Seattle, WA, where he was trained through the GI bill after serving in the  Pacific, US Navy WWII. His brother, Emil trained to be a  Masterer plasterer  in the same class. Emil served in the Air Corps in Germany and Italy.

One of the jobs Cliff and Emil Metcalfe worked that year plastering  was at a new prison on the  coast, Aberdeen/Shelton.

It was a wonderful time of a deep  lifelong bonding with Emil and Ann Metcalfe’s kids! Connecting with Metcalfe cousins in Seattle, and having a dad with us on the weekends exploring the mountains, the apple growing areas, and the ferries and learning how to clam.

That winter, the Emil Metcalfe cousins, my sisters and I attended  various schools in the area of Marysville.

At school I immersed myself in reading. I had two  teachers who valued and respected  their students; Mrs. E. and Mr. Gadwa.


Mr Gadwa was my  home room  6th grade teacher and school principal  at  Shoultes School, 1963-1964

Shoultes was a wonderful new school with acres of land and woods in view of  white capped Mountains.

My sister Cyndy was in second grade and Janice was in fifth grade.

Mrs. E. was our afternoon teacher of English and music.
She taught us  harmonizing  music like Fairest  Jesus, and Silver Bells.

Mr. Gadwa was teacher in the morning, and principal the afternoon.
Every one respected him. He just exuded confidence and leadership/

Mr. Gadwa was driving our class in the school bus  one  November  Day, when we went in to Marysville’s  Liberty School. He drove our class once a week to  my favoite place a library.

Music was soft on the radio  THEN news came on the bus radio.

Mr Gadwa  abruptly pulled the bus over.
He was very quietly  serious when he told us to listen.
The radio said, “President Kennedy had been shot.  He was dead!
horror was the feeling……..

Mr. Gadwa’s silence ,demeaner quietly serious, eyes brimmed with tears.
He put the bus into gear and drove the bus to school. We got out in silence.

The next few days were quiet, mourning our president. We did not have school the day of President Kennedy’s funeral.

This afternoon I thought about loss.  I thought of losing President Kennedy and how my sixth grade teacher handled that distressful day. He led us through.

So i googled. And there he …. oh WOW. What a story. I was touched by a special person ;

Frank Gadwa  who was of the Greatest Generation!

Thank you. Mr. Gadwa.


Vickie L.Metcalfe
March 23, 2024


Gary and Dunseith Friends,


During the  summer of 1937, Carroll Carlson and Archie A. Metcalfe  while working at the Miller Ranch, in view of the Bear Paws near Chinook MT.

Carroll and Archie often walked across the Chief Joseph Battlefield to get  haircuts from
2nd generation immigrant  small farmer, Mr. Druniak who that time lived  close by.

Carroll  and I visited Chibook  in 2000. Driving past the battle field, when  told me this I was in awe!
I said,  “WOW  Carroll, Less than 75 years ago, in this place, the  US Calvary and Nez Pierce were fighting!

Chief Joseph surrendered here after being chased across many  treacherous  miles covering  3 states!

The Nez Pierce when they surrendered  were   within 10 miles to their destination…. Canada”,

My friend Carroll ….just shrugged.

Today thinking …

I realized I was  talking to another…….. warier….a Veteran.

Carroll drove an armored  tank across northern Africa, Italy,  England, Germany and Europe all  in the span of over 400 days without days off..

When Germany finally  surrendered.  Carroll, unlike Chief Joseph did not pull up on a Palusa….. horse.

Carroll drove the tank to a bar.
He dismounted with his comrades.
They drank beer celebrating the end of many battles, a war…….in Czechoslovakia.

The next day,  he left the tank in front of the bar.
Carroll, like Chief Joseph rode a cattle train .
back, back, back  West miles across Europe,
where he boarded a  crowded ship, sailing into New York.

Then,  another crowded with soldiers , train across many states  …West to Rugby ND.
Where he hitchhiked to Dunseith, found an empty couch at a Mainstreet  hotel, and slept.

Sunday, finally finding  another ride over a curving north to he Carlson Farm.

Carroll lived many years within 10 miles of the Canadian border.
He frequently rode a  green John Deere tractor many times followed
by a trusty  faithful dog.

Carroll drove  the dusty gravel road to work fields by my parents farm
Carroll Carlson was a good neighbor and a friend to generations of the Metcalfe family.
He told me though… his heart was in the Bear Paws.

At the end of a long journey through life, Carroll rests at Little Prairie among his people.

Vickie L. Metcalfe



Monday, May 6, 2024
Hello Gary and friends of Dunseith,

My parents lived  North, across the street from Woodland  Zoo for the first 3 years of  their marriage.

Mom said, “She and dad had a wonderful 3 year honeymoon.”

Throughout the years, our family visited the zoo whenever in the Seattle area.

I was fortunate to have a mom and dad who  loved and took us on many adventures whilst living in Washington.

As a result, years later as an aunt, I did the same with each of my nieces and nephews.

What fun to see adventure  seeing through a child’s eyes!

When I was a 6th grader, my class spent an entire day at Wood land  Zoo.

We met at the school one early morning,  got on the bus  and singing as it drove south  miles to Seattle.

The bus parked. Twenty,  Eleven  year olds  took off until about 2:00 pm

We were on our own in little groups ……..without  an adult.

I marvel remembering that  sunny June day!!!!

Sixth graders,  each responsible to  bring our own money, pay our own way,

pack a sack lunch and NO  adult supervision all day.

We had adults who trusted  each of us to be responsible,  to take care of ourselves,  and we did!

As ever,

Vickie L. Metcalfe ’70




02/25/2024 (2819)

Dear Dunseith Alumni and friends,

It’s been a while since I’ve done a posting. The last posting I posted was December 2023.

The past 18 years we have covered a lot of history doing these blogs. This is blog number 2,819. Every Blog is saved on our Website  https://dunseith.net/blog/

Within this site, located on the upper right hand side, there is a beautiful search (find) feature. Example, Finding Gary Stokes in the postings. If you type Gary Stokes in the find feature without “ “ it will find every Gary and every Stokes. If you Type, with quotes, “Gary Stokes” it will find everything exactly as printed  between the “  “.

From 12/26/2023 – 1/6/20/24 we had a beautiful 10 day SE Asia Cruise on the Diamon Princes. We sailed form Singapore with two port calls each in Viet Nam and Thailand.  It had been 55 years since I had stepped foot on Vietnam soil. We spent one day in Danang and one day in Saigon now Hoi Chi Minh City. The country has really changed in the past 55 years. It’s now a semi modern country with modern roads, freeways, cars, shopping, etc. Our tour guide told us that for them Hoi Chi Minh City will always be Saigon.

Next month Angel and I are planning a 4 night, 5 day Trip, to Hong Kong with another couple. We have tours schedules for Disney Land, Macau and Hong Kong Proper. It should be a fund trip with good friends.

Next month Angel will be scheduling another appointment with the US Embassy in Manila for a Multi entry tourist Visa. Hopefully she will get it this time around. They are afraid she will go to the USA and not come back to the Philippines. That will never ever happen, but if it did, she’d be a lot better immigrant than a lot of those currently passing thru our southern border. As long as I am living Angel will be with me and I plan on living right here the rest of my life with annual trips back to the USA. When I am gone, she will have a enough survivors benefits to sustain living right here for the rest of her life. She will never leave her family. When I pass, she will be eligible to apply for a USA Widows immigrant Visa and get it too. As long as I am alive, in their eyes, she is a risk for fleeing to the USA. I don’t understand their thinking. The real problem is, they don’t even look at her qualifications and life with her interviews. She’s just a number with a 2 minute one way interview. She is not allowed to ask questions or present any qualifications that she is required to take with her to the interviews. I now have doctors letters from Minot and from my Local doctor here that Angel must be with me with my trips back to the USA for my annual Doctor appointments in Minot. We do have a way to get those letters to the US embassy before her interview. We’ll see what happens.

We plan, hopefully with Angel, to be back in the Bottineau/Dunseith area for most of the month of July this coming summer. We’ll probable arrive there about July 10th, leaving the first part of August. From there we will spent a week in Bremerton, WA with a possible several day visit in Denver to visit my grandson, Tyler, on the way. From Bremerton, we’ll visit friends in Las Vegas for about 4 days before heading back to Cebu, Philippines. Angel is really looking forward to this trip too, as am I.



How Germans from Russia weathered the winter while homesteading
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

January 18, 2024

Hello Gary and friends of Dunseith,

My across the street good neighbor, Wesley Schneider was of German from Russia heritage.  He shared many a story  of his family of origin experiences while homesteading in Kansas.  They settled there to homestead before  relocating to rural Dunseith.

One of my friends in grad school, and three teachers I worked with in Montana  where I taught  were  also of German from Russia heritage. I believe full  2nd/3rd generation. Germans from Russia.

I marveled at their family stories, work ethic, hardy determination,  and  generous sharing  of wonderful wholesome ethnic foods!…yum  Kneiffla, Fleschkieckle & Biericks (Kansas burgers).

My friends  never did quite convince me to eat chicken feet in smothered in white gravy though they showed me how… It was apparent  their ancestors  made use of every part of the animal.

The Prairie museum at Rugby did have an excellent display which  also celebrated Germans from Russia. It was a place of interest  Mr. Larry  Haugen  liked  grade 6 field trip students  to visit  while  visiting the Geographical Center of North America.

Later, Vickie L. Metcalfe

Read more on How Germans from Russia weathered the winter while homesteading at


February 12, 2024
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

 Gary and Friends of Dunseith,

My mother got a multitude of seed catalogues in January.

By February, she was looking at  her former notes as she pored  over each catalogue, and ordering her seeds accompanied by a check signed, Mrs. Clifford Metcalfe.

If she didn’t have a postage stamp, she counted out the pennies, attached  by  a clothespin to the envelopes. One of her girls took the envelopes and carefully carried  to the rural mail box by the gravel road, at the top of the Oak covered Hill North of the house.  A rural carrier, Mr. Bob Stickland or Mr. Hosmer  would drive before noon, to deliver mail, if the mail box flag was lifted up, the letter would be taken and posted out of the Dunseith Post Office, managed by Mr. Bill Fassett.

Mom had a few standbys she ordered every year. (My younger sister remembers those favored by mom she purchases the same and is committed to her vegetable garden)

Mom made her  first garden East of our old house Dad would plow and disc  the soil each spring when it was warm, usually after Memorial Day. Then dad would help her plant potatoes in the evening when he was home from working out.  When mom planted corn it was 3 kernels to a hill.  She’d say,” One for the gardener,  one for the ? and one for the crow.

Mom  planted, labeled the  seedlings rows with heavy string,  She carried buckets of water from a well a good ways from the garden or a water barrel behind the house. She sang hymns as  she  weeded and hoed.

Mom’s garden was expanded into about an acre in spring of 1961, the house was plumbed, water  line dug from the well, and sewer line. Laid The water and sewer lines were dug by  Duane Sorben, a fellow our dad had plastered a home for from Bottineau. Then, another water line was trenched from the Seim East well to the huge garden in the evening  milk cow pasture. Those water and sewer trenches were dug scary deep! It was days after the deep trenches dug, dirt settled before the pipe  was laid and recovered with disturbed soil was put in  back in place.

That summer, Metcalfe family friend, Walter DuBois l worked for weeks and aid blocks many feet down for the  well pump worked to pump water up hill to the house.  Dad had built an addition for an indoor  bathroom, running water in the kitchen and a master bedroom….There was a baby due in September.. Walter brought a beautiful grey tabby kitten with four white socks He brought the kitten for the youngest daughter. The kitten was christened  “Twinkle Toes.”..

Dad  and mom built a woven wire fence for the  Acre garden.

Our Mom spent many  a year, planning, planting tending,  watering, weeding, hoeing, harvesting, and canning various vegetables  all the  while singing hymns like “In the Garden”, Old Rugged Cross”, Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty.

“Lottie’s girls got the experience of hoeing, weeding, watering, picking and cleaning vegetables.

We got the experience of carrying potatoes, canned vegetables and fruits  down  into the  dirt cellar..

During winter months about  late February one of the  Saturday jobs included going down  the steps to the cellar to sprout the potatoes.  Whilst up stairs mom was looking through her seed catalogues deciding what to order.  Sometimes she s got brave found enough egg or cream cheque money and strayed from the standard choices and bravely ordered stuff like kohlrabi

Mom’s flowers were next to the house mostly marigolds, peonies, sweet peas; were shaded from the south sun by a row of caragana favored by pollinators; bees and hummingbirds.

Before she got running water mom watered her flowers with saved dish water and rinse water. And, water which Mom and Dad had  bucket carried uphill from the old  stock well.

side note;

Dad said ,  The Seim East Well had never gone dry during the great depression dirty 30’s drought.”

A family story, was told and affirmed by  William Metcalfe II, and Art Seim.  The East Well was the site of an area political gathering. Where Our dad’s dad ,William McLean Metcalfe I  once gave a political speech  to area Hill People….supporting William Langer. in his running for political office……

Later, Vickie L. Metcalfe




12/23/2024 (2818)

Dear Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

I wanted to get this posting posted before we leave on our Cruise.

We are leaving Early Monday Morning for Singapore where we will board the Diamond Princess Cruise ship on Dec 26th for a 10 day SE Asia cruise. We will have 4 port call, 2 each in Thailand and Vietnam. We are going with two other couples. This is Angel’s first cruise, so she is very excited. We will be returning home early on January 7th.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. This will be my last posting for this year.


Gary Stokes



Posting From Cheryl Larson Dakin (’71):  Bedford, TX

Hi Gary

I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

I hope you and Angel and your friends have a wonderful cruise. I’m sure we will all want to see pictures!

George and I just got back from our bucket-list trip to the Oregon coast. It was rainy and cold and wonderful. Next coastal trip will be Maine with my sister Norma and Brother -in-law, Bob Nelson. Hopefully in the next year or 2.  Retirement = travel for us and we love it.

Cheryl Larson Dakin ’71


Ellen Sharon Graff Myrick (DHS Class 1958) Condolences / Memories

  1. From Dianne Leier Fichter – DHS (1963) Teacher: 

Ellen was one of my best friends in college at Mayville. She introduced me to her home town of Dunseith and was instrumental in my accepting a teaching position there. Over the  years we lost touch but I will always remember our friendship and fun times. RIP my old friend.

      2. From Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

Thank you Gary,

Merry Christmas to you  too. uhm  TWO!
A few years ago before COVD,
I was fortunate to meet Ellen one Memorial Day at Dales.
Nice lady who treasured Dunseith memories/

Happy travels to you and Angel.



David Peder Sebelius, (DHS “1974)  Obituary
Posted by Don Malaterre (’72): Sioux Falls, SD:

David Peder Sebelius, DHS “1974) aged 67, of Leeds, peacefully transitioned to the eternal world on November 20, 2023, following a courageous battle with Multiple System Atrophy.

Born on May 16, 1956, to Manvil and Dorothy (Gebeke) Sebelius of rural Dunseith, ND, David was baptized and confirmed at Willow Creek Lutheran Church in Overly, ND. He proudly graduated from Dunseith High School in 1974.

Growing up on a farm south of Dunseith with his seven brothers, David cultivated a love for cattle, horses, and the art of tinkering with automobiles and snowmobiles.

In high school, David met his lifelong companion, Darlene. On July 25, 1975, David married his sweetheart, Darlene Marie Myrum, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Rolette. The couple moved to Leeds, ND, in the early 80’s to raise their three children Jeremy, Kristy, and Andrea. It was here that David established his trucking career and business, Mr. D’s Enterprise. His first Semi, the “Old Yeller,” traversed the US, accumulating over a million miles. Throughout his lifetime, David explored various paths including plumbing, working at BTR Elevator, and trucking in the oilfields with runs in Alaska, Canada, North Dakota, and other destinations in the US. His small business extended to David’s Performance Shop and an authorized Bravo Trailer Dealer.

Darlene and David shared the joy of experiencing many beautiful landscapes during their travels. In their later years, they settled back in Leeds.

David had a multitude of passions in life; from supporting Andrea in her basketball career, spending summers working on computers with Jeremy during his visits from Iceland, and engaging in snowmobile racing with Kristy. His love for snowmobiles and jet skis was evident in the countless hours spent in his shop, talking, tinkering, fixing, building his own snowmobile, creating patents, and inventions.  His heart yearned for snowmobile trips to Cooke City, MT, Idaho, Wyoming, and the unforgettable “Trip of a Lifetime” to Alaska with his buddies. His one and only granddaughter, Macie, held a special place in his heart. He cherished every moment spent with her, whether it was on a snowmobile adventure, jet skiing on Buffalo Lake, or enjoying movies together.

David was a man of resilience, intelligence, kindness, and above all, determination. Despite a recent diagnosis, he refused to let it slow him down. He was determined to make regular trips to his shop to visit with friends or work on projects, also continuing to make trips to visit his family as his body allowed.

He is survived by his loving wife, Darlene, of 48 years, fur baby Boomer and their children: Jeremy of Reykjavik, Iceland; Kristina (Wade) of Bismarck; and Andrea (Jon) of Minot. Also surviving are his cherished granddaughter, Macie, and her father, Matt Sogge. His mother, Dorothy, and six brothers: Harvey (Eileen), Daryl (Donna), Marvin (Cheryl), Dennis (Donna), Dean (Sherry), and Jeffrey (Tiffany) also survive him. Sisters-in-law include Margaret Sebelius of Fargo, Karen Sigvaldson of Cavalier, Denise (Larry) Kolterman of Hartford, SD, as well as numerous nephews and nieces.

He is preceded in death by his father, Manvil; brother, Duane; brother-in-law, Rodney Sigvaldson, and his nephew, Kalvin Kolterman.

Funeral Services for David will be on Friday, December 1, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the Leeds Lutheran Church with Military Honors to follow.


Grandma Ingrid Seim
From Vickie Metcalfe (’70):
 Bottineau, ND

November 19, 2023

Hello Gary and friends of Dunseith,

I was fortunate growing up amongst  the rolling hills of Rural Rolette County. My parents instructed each of  their children to respect and behave appropriately wherever we were.

They gave us expectations on how to  behave, each time before we went to various gatherings or  events. If they were not  to be present, Dad would say something like, “When you are out in the community , if you are acting inappropriately, your aunts, uncles and family (role model)adult  friends can correct you. And you need to listen!”  I listened and knew what dad meant.”

One of the first memories I  recall was a consequence of a behavior.  It was just my parents, me, and my older sister one sunny summer in a back pew Sunday at Little Prairie. I,  chubby little “Miss Be Haven”, without one word, dad took my hand walked  down the aisle, out  the door. We walked round and round, hand in hand circling the  little church.  Nary a word.

Oft times when I visit the  local cemeteries I visit final resting places  of  kind and gentle people from my childhood. I say Thanks.  Grandma Seim was a special lady the  grandmother of our hearts to our family. She  spun, carded ,dyed wool red and knit me mittens. She baby sat me. When I was  an 3rd grader, She  walked up the alley from her little  white house, to  big white school house the day mom and dad  attended Jim Anthony’s funeral.

Ingrid Seim was also  my little sister’s Godmother. One day  about year  ago, granddaughter by birth, Margaret, gifted Cyndy, Grandma  Ingrid’s lefse rolling pin.

Later, Vickie L. Metcalfe

12/17/2023 (2817)

Hello Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

I was saddened to hear of Ellen’s passing. We exchanged a few messages over the years too.

This will be the last posting for this year.

Angel and I along with two other couples are leaving the day after Christmas on a 10 day Royal Caribbean SE Asian cruise. On Christmas day we will fly to Singapore, where we will board the ship the next day. We will have 4 ports of calls. 2 in Thailand and 2 in Vietnam. This will be Angel’s first cruise, so she is very excited.

The “Cebu Expat” (Monthly dinner) group that I started 14 years ago has become pretty active the past while too. We had 300 folks attend our Thanksgiving dinner last month at the Bai Hotel. The Bai was well organized and handled our group very well serving a traditional Thanksgiving buffet dinner.

This month we are having our Christmas Buffet dinner / dinners at the Marco Polo hotel. Their limited capacity for us is 100 each night. We are going 3 nights this week: Monday (105), Tuesday (103) and Wednesday with 60 folks. Angel and I will be attending all three buffet dinners too. We will cut back on our intake though. We (Angel and I) are now planning January’s dinner that will be held at the Holiday Inn on 1/26/2024.

We are an Expat group with members from many countries of the world. Most of the guys are foreign with local wives/partners. We are English speaking. Having done this, solo, for so many year, it’s time for me to start turning some of this over to Angel so she can keep the group and monthly dinners going well into the future. I/we arrange each discounted dinner with extra perks and amenities, mainly with the 4 and 5 star hotels in the area. Then I post it to our members for their replies to attend. My current distribution is about 850. We are a registered nonprofit group with the Philippine Security and Exchange commission. All that we ask for is a free dinner at each of our dinners.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Gary and Angel Stokes


Ellen Sharon Graff Myrick (’58) of Grand Forks, North Dakota
Obituary Posted by Don Martel (Former DHS Princ):  Rosemount, MN

Ellen Graff Myrick (DHS ’58)
Graff Myrick, Ellen
April 16, 1940 – December 10, 2023

Ellen S. Myrick, age 83, resident of Grand Forks, ND, died at Altru Hospital on December 10, 2023.

Ellen Sharon Graff was born to Agnes Graff on April 16, 1940, in Fargo, ND. She was raised with family in Starkweather and later Dunseith, ND. She graduated high school in Dunseith with the Class of 1958. Following her high school graduation, she attended the State Teachers College in Mayville, ND. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Education in 1962. She taught English in many schools including, Devils Lake High School, Lake Region Junior College and in Cannon Falls, MN. She also served her students in many capacities including Speech Coach and Theatre Director. Ellen met and later married the love of her life, Richard Myrick on December 20, 1975, in Burnsville, MN.

She later returned to school furthering her education by earning a Master of Education degree from the University of North Dakota in 1978. Ellen and Richard moved to California where she began her new career working alongside the United States Air Force.  She gave birth to her only child Matthew on July 12, 1983. They returned to North Dakota in 1985. She served her students in multiple capacities at the Grand Forks Air Force Base and was most well known as a Guidance Counselor and for working in the Education Office. Ellen was very active with Boy Scouts of America, Zion United Methodist Church, where she served in a multitude of capacities with the United Methodist Women. She also took every opportunity to cheer for the Minnesota Vikings and UND athletic teams.

Ellen is survived by her son, Matthew (Libby) Myrick of Grand Forks, ND; sister, Jean (Steve) Miller of Glendale, AZ; niece, Amy Delano of Peoria, AZ and nephew, Joshua Miller of Glendale, AZ . She was preceded in death by her husband, Richard and her parents, Agnes and Hercules.

A Funeral Service will be held at Zion United Methodist Church in Grand Forks on Wednesday, December 20, at 11am with Rev. Chang H. Yi officiating. Visitation will take place one hour to the service at the church. Interment will take place at Memorial Park South Cemetery following the service.

Don Martel’s comments.

Ellen and my wife Colleen were classmates all through school and  graduated from DHS with the class of 1958.

They remained friends throughout their lives.

It became a tradition to get together for lunch at Dale’s on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, along with several other classmates. However the numbers have declined over the years. This year there were only 3 classmates in attendance.


Bottineau Memorial Hall
KFYRTV link Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70): Bottineau, ND

Read more on Those who serve: Bottineau’s veteran hub at

Bottinea Memorial hall

Gary Stokes comments: Bottineau Memorial Hall.

What a wonderful facility for Bottineau and the surrounding areas.

With my trips back to the area, I too, visit and chat with these guys on a daily bases. Often times for a short time in the mornings and afternoons. Often times all in the same day too.  I know most of these guys from my childhood days and also with my trips back to the area over the years. My father was instrumental with me knowing so many too.  What a wonderful friendly bunch of folks. There are the same ones that are there most every day, but there are always some that appear a little less frequently too. I will be back again this coming July 2024 too. Hopefully with my wife Angel too.

Memories: Lefse rolling pin and Lefse

Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

November 19, 2023

Hello Gary and friends of Dunseith,

I was fortunate growing up amongst  the rolling hills of Rural Rolette County.

My parents instructed each of  their children to respect and behave appropriately wherever we were.

They gave us expectations on how to  behave … each time before we went to various gatherings or  events.

If they were not  to be present, Dad would say something like, “When you are out in the community , if you are acting inappropriately, your aunts, uncles and family (role model)adult  friends can correct you. And you need to listen!”  I heard and knew

what dad meant.

        One of the first memories I  recall was a consequence of a behavior.  It was just my parents, me and my older sister one sunny summer

in a back  pew on Sunday at Little Prairie. And  I, “Miss Be Haven”, without one word, dad taking my hand walked  down the aisle, out  the door.

We walked round and round, hand in hand circling the  little church. …. Nary a word.

Oft times when I visit the  local cemeteries I visit final resting places  of  kind and gentle people from my childhood. I say thanks.

Grandma Seim was a special lady to our family. She carded and dyed wool red  and knit me mittens.  She baby sat me,  She walked over to the big white school house when I was in 3rd grade  the day mom and dad went to Jim Anthony’s funeral.

She was my little sister’s Godmother.  One day  about year  ago her grand daughter, Margaret, gifted my sister, her Grandma  Ingrid’s
lefse rolling pin.

My sister just sent me a photo of “Grandma Seim’s” lefse rolling pin  and lefse she  made today.

Later, Vickie L. Metcalfe

Lefsa, Metcalf.


12/8/2023 (2815)

Dear Folks,

I was so saddened to hear of Martha’s passing. She passed today.  Marth is the last of the Dean and Dorothy Lamb family.

In our growing up days, with 4-H and the Kelvin Home Makers,  The Lambs were a big part of our family circle. We’d see and be with them many times each month. They were good respectable folks.

In hind sight I kick myself in the rear end for not seeing and visiting with more with the Lamb’s than I did in my adult years. I knew Marth was is Saint Andrews long term when I was there this summer too and I didn’t visit her. My goal was to see her this next summer and now it’s too late.

Thank you Vickie lamb, Martha’s first cousin, for posting her passing so soon.  As soon as her Obit is available, I will post. In the mean time please keep abreast of Nero’s posting of her funeral services.

Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70): Bottineau, ND

Martha Lamb Schepp (DHS -68)
July 28, 1949 – December 7, 2023

Martha Schepp, age 74 of Newburg, passed away on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at a Bottineau hospital.
Vickie Metcalfe’s comments

Gary and Friends of Dunseith,

In Memory of Martha  Irene  Lamb Schepp;

She was a wonderful wife, mother , grandmother, daughter, sister, cousin, friend, and neighbor.

She was well known  as a beloved teacher, church and community member.

Martha  left a legacy in her wake and will be fondly remembered.

GOD Bless Martha.

December 7, 2023


10/29/2023 (2814)

Marlys Hiatt (DHS ’71) Passing and Memorial Posting
Face Book postings from Vickie Hiatt LaFontaine (’73) Grafton, ND

 Hiatt, Marlys

Vickie LaFontaine
October 6th
Marlys Hiatt went to her heavenly home at 2:50 pm today, thank you for all your love and kindness during this time

Hello all,
Marlys Hiatt memorial service will be held November 3rd 11anm at apostolic church in Dunseith ND, she will be buried at Ackworth cemetery northwest of Dunseith.

Vickie LaFontaine
September 27th
Hi everyone, what a beautiful fall day, I wanted to take a minute and give an update on Marlys Hiatt, she has been discharged from inpatient rehab hospital and transferred to unity swing bed here in Grafton until Monday, which at that time she will be placed on hospice and will be with me at my home until she goes to her heavenly home. My oldest daughter Trina LaFontaine is getting married this weekend and we also have to go to Bottineau and take care of Marlys Hiatt affairs before Monday, I was feeling stressed, anxious and scared, THEN God spoke to me and said I got this you are my servant all is well, and next thing all fell into place. Thank you, Jesus. Please continue to pray for peace and comfort for Marlys. Anyone wants to visit or call her please you’re all welcome.

Gary  Stokes’ comments
I was so saddened to hear of Marlys’ passing.

I had the pleasure of having a very long 2 hour supper meal,  at the Bottineau bakery, with Marlys this past August. We had a lot of reminiscing to catch up on. She was of a very sound mind, sharp as a tack. Her walking was a bit slow, but she made it.

I actually remember the day she was born. I was 5 years old at the time. Marlys and her Family; Norman, Irene, Jim, Marlys, Vickie and Lorie lived one mile east of our farm, in the Ackworth Community, in the Turtle mountain hills. We had a clear vision of their place from our house too. We were very close neighbors. We knew them all very well.

With our trips back to the area over the years, I would frequently see Marlys working her part time job at the Bottineau Walmart. Her full time job was with the teaching staff of the Dunseith Schools. She graduated from a college in SD with a Social services BS degree. That was her job with the Dunseith schools, for many years too I might add. Marlys was a workaholic. She was always so friendly and nice with all that went thru her check-out line at Walmart. When she finely retired, not that many years ago, she was dearly missed by both the public and staff.

9/26/2023 (2813)

Hello Dunseith Alumni and friends,

I hope all is going well for you folks too. These days there’s not as much to post as there was in the first dozen years following our first posting in November 2007.

We’d like to wish Bob Leonard ( DHS Class ’51) a happy 90th birthday too; posting and celebration pasted below.

I for sure will be in Bottineau, Mid July, this coming summer. Hopefully Angel will have her tourist visa then too and will be with me. I have an appointment with Dr. Turk at Trinity, in Minot, on July 15th.

Things are going very well here in Cebu too. Retired life, with good health, minimal problems, worries, social life and companionship, is great.



Memories of John Bedard (’65)
Posted by Ken Nerpel (’65): 

John was a great friend of mine all through our elementary and High School years.  We both attended the School of Forestry in Bottineau.  We both served our country during the Vietnam War.    I don’t recall the exact timeframe, but I remember that he and I were not exactly happy with our career paths and decided that we would take an entrance exam for the Postal Service in Bottineau.  We later took it again in Minot.  I have to admit that he bested me on both exams; by one point.  I transferred my highest score to the Fargo Post Office and was hired there.  John was hired at the Bottineau Post Office as a letter carrier and became their much loved Mailman.  We both spent over 30 years working for the Postal Service.

I  had heard that he had Cancer and  made a trip to Mayo Clinic and that the news was not good.  My wife and I do not travel anymore because of health issues of our own, so I decided to write a personal letter to him and send it through the U.S. Mail.  Before I had a chance to send the letter I received a text from my sister saying he had passed.  John was one of the kindest and gentlest people I have ever met.  He will be missed.



Memories of John Bedard (’65)
Posted by Ginger LaRocque Poitra (’65):  Belcourt, ND

I am so sorry to hear of the passing of John. I just heard. My condolences to you all. I just can’t believe John is no longer with us.

A classmate, Ginger Poitra ( 1965 )


Bob Leonard’s (’51) 90th birthday Celebration

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Minot, ND

Leonard, Bob 90th birthday.


Grace Link, former first lady of the state of North Dakota, turned 105 on September 13
Link posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND.



09/05/2023 (2812)

Velma Brennan Millang (DHS ’1947) Passing

I was so saddened to have not kept my self-updated with the latest local deaths when I was in Bottineau. When I am home in Cebu I keep my self updated via my desk top. Seldom do I use my phone for anything outside of Social media. From now on, when I am away from home, I will for sure check the Nero Website daily from my phone.

I extend my sincere apologies to the Millang family for missing the visitation of their mother. Velma passed the same day that my brother Bud and Debby had left for a 6 day visit to the Minneapolis to attend preplanned family reunions.

Larry, Joanne, Mark and Clayton

I extend my apologies for not being there for your mothers rites. I was in the area. No valid excuse.

During our growing up days, with 4-H and other community affairs, we were like family. We were back and forth a lot. Remember the time your family visited us and we kids decided, with our parents consent, to take our car to the Bottineau Skating rink for the evening. We hit a Cow on the icy road two miles south of our place. Dennis Hiatt had left the gate open to their farm buildings and the cattle had all gotten out and were on the icy road. I was driving, When I engaged the brakes the tires were sliding. The car was damaged beyond driving, but repairable.

With our very dedicated 4-H leader mothers, we were together many times a month for related projects. I will never forget those days.

Looking forward to seeing you folks with My/our trip back next summer. Hopefully Angel will have her visa then and can accompany me.


Millang, Velma


Velma Millang, age 96 of Rolette, formerly of Bottineau and Dunseith, passed away on Friday, August 11, 2023 at a Rolette nursing home.  A private service will be held.  Visitation will be Tuesday, August 15, 2023 from noon until 1:30 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.

Velma Doris Millang, the eldest child of nine children born to Ray and Janette (Pilloud) Brennan, was born on March 30, 1927.  She attended Hillside Country School before graduating from Dunseith High School.  On October 18, 1946, she married Clifford Millang after he returned from serving in WWII.  Clifford passed away on June 2, 1970.  Velma continued to live on the family farm raising her children while also caring for several neighborhood children.

In 1978, she moved to her daughter and son-in-law’s farm near Souris, where she continued her enjoyment of caring for more neighborhood children. She moved into Bottineau in 1991 to be the Assistant Site Manager at the Bottineau Senior Citizen Center.  A job she loved dearly and cherished her life long friendships she made there.

Velma enjoyed visiting with family and friends, watching her grandchildren grow and taking part in their activities.

She is survived by her children, Larry Millang of Bottineau, Joanne (Mark) Bernstein of Souris, Mark (Deb) Millang of Rugby and Clayton Millang of Dunseith; son-in-law, Ron Volk of Sherwood; grandchildren, Ryan Bernstein, Jon Bernstein, Meghan Bratvold, Krista Alexander, Jenna Braun, Mitchell Volk; 12 great-grandchildren; sisters, Dorothy Vandal of Cando and Patty Groff of San Diego; sister-in-law, Maryann Brennan of Minot; and nieces and nephews.

In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by her daughter, Diane Volk, sisters, Mildred Reamer, Fay Lindquist, Shirley Brennan; brothers, Dennis Brennan, Mike Brennan and Robert Brennan; niece, Lana Amsbaugh and nephews, Jerry Reamer and Mike Groff.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.



Dale Simon’s Passing (Karen Hagen Simon DHS ‘1970)


I extend my condolence to you and your family with the passing of Dale. He was a good man and will be missed.

With my trip back to the area last month, I truly enjoyed seeing you and Susan too, at the Vets Hall and also you at the Metigoshe Lake Side Drive Inn. Being close neighbors and with our mothers both being 4-H leaders and very active Kelvin Home Makers members, we were back and forth a lot. I enjoyed my two suppers with Art too. I will post those pictures later.

Looking forward to seeing you Next Summer.



Simon, Dale


Dale Simon, age 77 of Bottineau, passed away on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at a Grand Forks care center.  A graveside service will be held on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 10:00 am at the Oak Creek Cemetery in Bottineau.  Visitation will be Monday from 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.

Dale George Simon was born on May 2, 1946 to Peter Ambrose Simon and Myrtle (Ohmart) Simon in Bottineau, ND. Dale attended Bottineau Public Schools until he enlisted into the U.S. Navy in 1965. He was assigned to the U.S.S. Yorktown until 1967 and then was reassigned to the U.S.S. Hornet until 1969. Dale’s claim to fame was that while on the U.S.S Hornet, his ship recovered the Apollo 11 astronauts and space capsule in July of 1969. He returned back to Bottineau after he was Honorably Discharged where he worked with the Beyer Family at Ace Hardware. He met Karen Hagen in March of 1971 and then were married a year later on April 7, 1972. Dale and Karen welcomed their first child, Peter and then Joanne a year later. They then moved to Westhope, ND in January of 1974 where Dale started his policing career. In 1976, the family moved back to Bottineau, ND where Dale began working with Bottineau County Sheriff’s Department until his retirement in 2011. After his retirement, he was an active member of the AM Vets, American Legion and VFW. Dale and Karen celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on April 7, 2022. Dale and Karen were always together. They enjoyed going out for coffee, out to dinner and supper, movies, a drive up to the lake or around town to see what was going on. In July of 2021, Dale was diagnosed with dementia and in January of 2022, he was moved to Grand Forks to get the specialized care that he needed.

Dale raised his kids to be independent and strong. There was no such thing as a boy or girl task. He taught them to paint, mow, fix our cars, cook, cut wood, start the wood stove, garden, identify tools, you name it he made sure they knew how to do anything. He always said, if you want it done right, do it yourself. He was also there for a hug or to give advice, even if it was advice that you didn’t want to hear.

Throughout Dale’s life, he enjoyed helping everyone and anyone. If you needed your washing machine fixed…call Dale, if your car was broken…call Dale, if you needed a fishing buddy…call Dale. You name it, he would drop everything and come to you. Dale would give you the last shirt off his back. Early on, Dale enjoyed hunting and fishing and then later found a love for woodworking. Dale was blessed with three amazing grandkids, Ellie, Zachary and Elizabeth. He loved every minute of time that he spent with them. Whether it was playing catch, taking them fishing, coloring, going to Dairy Queen, or going up to the courthouse to show off the grandkids, he cherished those moments.

Dale passed peacefully with his family by his side on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 in Grand Forks.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Peter and Myrtle, his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Clarence and Maryann Hagen.

Dale leaves behind his wife, Karen (Hagen) Simon, son Peter (Denise) Simon and daughter Joanne (Justin) Karch, along with three grandchildren, Ellie (Alex) Kiser, Zachary Simon and Elizabeth Simon, brother Ralph Simon and sister Marilyn Holen.

In lieu of flowers, the family would prefer that you donate to the Alzheimer’s Association, your local police/sheriff’s office or veteran’s group.


Dunseith Creamery Fire. Jan 1950
Posted by Susan Fassett Martin (’47): susankay47@gmail.com Belle Fourche, SD

Fire, Creamery Dunseith 1950

The Story of Wojtek: A Bear in the Polish Army During WW II
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70) dogdays@utma.com Bottineau, ND


Sent to me by D. Aird.

This is a wonderful true story of a bear who served in the Polish army during WWII,
then retired to Scotland.

AS you know, I am a person who enjoys stories.

Sometimes we all just gotta read  ‘feel good  stuff’  to relieve stress this is a good one! Vickie







09/04/2023 (2811)

Hello Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

I recently returned from a fabulous 6 week USA trip. I spent one plus month in the Bottineau/Dunseith area followed with a week in the Washington Puget sound area. With this trip I saw and visit a lot of friends. I had superb hospitality with my Brother Darrel (Bud) and his wife Debby in Bottineau. They put up with me, underfoot, for over a month.

Fauske siblings
My timing was just right to see all six of the Fauske Siblings. I visited them at their home farm too, now Russell and Glenda’s. We had a wonderful visit. It really brought back good memories too, especially seeing all of them on their childhood turf.   They are all looking great! They really haven’t changed much over the years, however initially I got  Arlinda mixed up with Carrole. Side by side, in the picture, they are very similar. They’re all in the same century now too. Connie is the Eldest and Brian is the youngest. Like their parents, they’ll be going strong, healthy and looking fabulous well into their 90’s. I will be around to take this same picture 20 years from now too.

Tyrell: Russel and Glenda’s son is in treatment for a stage four brain cancer tumor that was removed several months ago. He is home with his family in Fargo. This is really hard on the whole family. Like Glenda, his mother said, “he had everything going well for him in this stage of his life now too, with his advancements with the Fargo Police department and his family.  Now this”. We hope an pray for his recovery.

Fauske Sibling 2023.jpg


John Bedard’ (DHS ’65) Passing

I am so saddened with John’s Passing.

When I arrived in Bottineau, I was told that John had Stage 4 kidney cancer. Several weeks after I was there, I was told that he would like to see me. I called John and Margret and made arrangements to visit. When I arrived, John opened the door to let me in. He actually looked pretty good. He was the same John I always knew. We had an hour long, very intense, visit. He was very open and straight forward with his condition too. When I got ready to leave, both he and Margaret accompanied me to the door. Less than two weeks later he passed, in his home, with hospice care.

John was a good friend and class mate. He will never be forgotten.

We extend our condolence to Margaret and the rest of his family with his passing.

Bedard, John


John Bedard, age 76 of Lake Metigoshe, passed away on Tuesday, August 22. 2023 at his home.  His memorial service will be held on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 11:00 am at the Lake Metigoshe Christian Center.  Visitation will be on Tuesday starting at 5:00 pm with a prayer service at 7:00 pm at the Nero Funeral home in Bottineau.

John was born in Bottineau, ND on May 16, 1947, to Hannah and Lucian Bedard. John had 3 sisters, Connie, Margaret and Nancy. John married Margaret Brennan on August 3, 1969, and together they had one daughter, Cheri. John has two grandchildren, John-David and Sophia. John graduated from Dunseith High School and attended Mayville College. He graduated from Mayville and went on to work as a high school teacher in Rolette, ND. In 1972, John was one of the last people from North Dakota drafted into the United States Army. He was stationed at Ent Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado . After his service, he taught for another year as a teacher and then went to work for the United Postal Service. He retired from the Postal Service after over 30 years as a mail carrier.

John loved to fish and spent many days and nights out on the lake. He was also an avid hunter. When not hunting or fishing, John could be found out tending his garden. He and his wife also loved to travel and have gone on many trips and cruises together over the years.

John is survived by his wife, his sisters, his daughter, and his two grandchildren.

He was preceded by his mother and father.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.


06/18/2023 (2810)

Dear Dunseith Alumni and Friends,
I received this message from Glenda Fauske this Morning.
Our hearts go out to Tyrell and his family for a successful surgery and recovery.
You contributions are most appreciated.

Hi Gary,

FYI, the Fargo news did a story on Ty and put a link to a Go Fund Me site Austin put up for him.  It’s below:

Fundraiser for Tyrell Fauske by Austin Fauske : Supporting Tyrell Fauske’s Brain Surgery Recovery (gofundme.com)

His surgery was rescheduled to June 20 with a more skilled surgeon because a fingerling was found on a detailed MRI going from the tumor along his right temple and up to his forehead.  Not good news.  So, keep the prayers going for him and the family.

See you in August.



Previously posted on 5/23/2023

Tyrell Fauske, son of Russell (’64) and Glenda, was Diagnosed with a Brain Tumor.

Posted by Glenda Fauske: Dunseith, ND

Life’s journey is filled with many exciting twists and a few unwelcome turns.  Tyrell recently took a turn for the worst…he has been diagnosed with a brain tumor in a precarious location along a major blood vessel.

Please pray for a  full recovery, and ask God to give him, his family, and us strength, comfort, and peace as we travel this road together.  He will have surgery on June 13 at Rssentia in Fargo.  We will try to keep you informed as things proceed.  The August 6 concert in Bottineau is cancelled.

Anyone wishing to send some encouraging words can mail them to:  Tyrell Fauske. 3202 45th Ave S, Fargo ND 58104.  If you have questions, please contact Russell (263-1746) or Glenda (263-5653) via cell or text.

Glenda Fauske



06/15/2023 (2809)

Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Minot, ND
Rodney Kalk (DHS 1961)
Kalk, Rodney
May 11, 1941 – June 4, 2023


Rod Kalk, age 82 of Bottineau, passed away on Sunday, June 4, 2023 at Grand Forks.  His memorial service will be held on Friday, July 28, 2023 at 10:00 am at the St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Bottineau.  There will be a prayer service on Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.

Rodney J. Kalk was born May 11, 1941 to Dan and Rose (Gunville) Kalk on the family farm rural Dunseith, ND. He was the third of ten children. He passed away peacefully on June 4, 2023. Rod was baptized and confirmed at St. Louis Catholic Church in Dunseith, ND.  Rod attended country school until moving into town. He graduated in 1961 from Dunseith High School where he was a star basketball player for the Dunseith Dragons, scoring 52 points in a single game (before there was a 3pt line). His biggest fan was his older brother Vince. His younger brother Julian also idolized his older brother.

Rod spent summers as a child in Blaisdell, ND with the Ray Lindberg family. They became acquainted at San Haven where both Dan Kalk and Janice Lindberg were tuberculosis patients. They welcomed him with open arms as a son they never had and brother to their three girls. He loved life on the ranch. He enlisted in the U.S. Army out of high school. He did his basic training at Fort Carson, CO. He enjoyed serving two years in Germany. He didn’t know until going into the military that his given name was Joseph Rodney and not Rodney Joseph.

Rod married Evelyn ”Evie” Langehaug daughter of Conrad and Mildred Langehaug on August 29, 1965 at St. Mark’s Church in Bottineau, ND where he was a member. They were blessed with the birth of children Brian and Jacqueline. More joy came into their lives when grandchildren Jordan Sue, Blake, and Aidan were born.

Rod and Evie built their first home in Bottineau ND in 1972. Rod could walk to work carrying his lunchbox. At the end of the day, Brian and Jackie would be waiting with a basketball or baseball in hand. The family spent time following school events, enjoying the outdoors and many road trips. The fall of 1986 with both children off to college, Rod and Evie moved to their cabin on Lake Metigoshe where they have resided since. Many wonderful family times were spent there.

Rod’s hobbies included snowmobiling, golf, hunting, fishing, playing cards, listening to music, watching sports and cleaning whether it was the garage, house, yard or vehicles. He loved everything polished to perfection.  Rod and Evie enjoyed traveling. They went to Norway for a family reunion in 1988 and Wedding Anniversary trips to Europe in 2001 and 2015. They spent 13 winters in Orange Beach, AL. They loved following their children and grandchildren wherever their education, careers or military service took them including three trips to Hawaii.

Rod began his career with North Central Electric, Bottineau, ND in March 1967. He received on the job training as a lineman. When NCE had a reduction in force the fall of 1969, the family moved to New England, ND where he worked for Slope Electric. The spring of 1971 he was called back to work at NCE. He retired in 2003 as Staking Engineer enjoying 20 years of retirement.

Rod is survived by his loving wife Evie of nearly 58 years, Lake Metigoshe; son Brian (Karen) Kalk of Grand Forks, ND; daughter Jacqueline Kalk, Plymouth, MN; granddaughter Jordan Sue (Mike) O’Brien, Sherman Oaks, CA; grandson Aidan Eagon, Plymouth, MN; sisters Janet Banish, Marlene Kopp and Natalie Jahner of Fargo, ND; nieces, nephews, brother-in-laws, sister-in-laws and cousins.

He was preceded in death by granddaughter, Blake Eagon; parents; brothers Vincent, Julian, and Marvin Kalk; sisters Louella Davis, Lorraine Hooper, Katherine Barbara Lopez; father and mother-in law; numerous brother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, nieces and nephews.

Memorial donations may be given to Hospice of the Red River Valley, 2860 10th Ave. N. Suite 400, Grand Forks, ND 58203, Bottineau County Veterans, 104 Main Street, Bottineau, ND 58318 or a charity of your choosing.

Gary Stokes comments

I had the pleasure of visiting with Rodney and Evie along with Dennis Dubois and several others at the Bottineau Bakery last July with my visit back. Rodney for sure remembered his school days very well, recalling detailed events from those days.

We extend our condolence to Evie and his family with his passing. He will be missed.


Replies to  the May 22, 1980, Don and Bernice Johnson murders in their home.

From Theresa Sivertson Delikat (Lars Sivertson’s daughter) :  Ajo AZ.

I worked the night shift at San Haven that night. At that time there were no locks on the back doors. The “night watch” came and we stacked chairs against the doors trying to make it difficult to get into the building. If nothing else we would hopefully hear a racket down on first floor.

Theresa Delikat


From Sue Metcalfe (Gary ’57):     Forsyth, MO

Thank you for posting this and reminding us of this difficult season.


From Allen Richard (’65):  Grand Rapids, MI

That was a monstrous event that probably ranks at the top of all of the dark days in the whole area.  One of my cousins called us around midnight and told us what happened. I passed the word on to my parents and needless to say none of us slept for the rest of the night.


Alice Faine Christopherson (DHS 1968)
Obituary posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70): d Bottineau, ND
Faine Christopherson, Alice
Alice Ann Christopherson
January 5, 1949 – June 7, 2023

Alice Christopherson, age 74, of Dunseith, ND passed away on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at Altru Hospital, Grand Forks, ND.

Alice Ann Christopherson was born on January 5, 1949 in Belcourt, ND to Guff Faine and Alice (LeDoux) Faine.  She was raised in Dunseith and completed her education at Dunseith High School.  She furthered her education at college obtaining Associate of Arts degrees.  She was the proud mother of four sons, Daniel, Jesse, Mitchell, and Christopher. She worked in nursing and then became a wonderful homemaker, caring for her family.  Alice enjoyed being outdoors and sitting on her porch swing near the pond.  She also loved spending time with her family members, making jewelry, and going to bible study.  Alice will be lovingly remembered and greatly missed.

Alice is survived by her sons, Daniel Faine of Devils Lake, Jesse (Shannon) Faine of Rugby, Mitchell Christopherson of Dunseith, and Christopher (Amanda) Christopherson of Dunseith; seven grandchildren, Taydin Christopherson, Maxton Christopherson, Isaac Herbel, Ashton Boppre, Addie Boppre, Jordyn Faine, and Jayden Eggelston; four great grandchildren; brother, John (Sally) Faine of Dunseith; sister, Patty Lozensky of Dunseith; and many nieces and nephews.

Alice was preceded in death by her parents and siblings, Margaret Faine, Delores Faine, Betty Norman, and Linus Faine.

Casket Bearers are Daniel Faine, Jesse Faine, Mitchell Christopherson, Christopher Christopherson, William Faine, and Greg Faine.

A funeral service will be held at 2:00 PM on Monday, June 12, 2023 at Elick Funeral Home, Rolla, ND with visitation beginning at Noon prior to services.  Pastors Lisa and Tony Coffman officiating.  Burial will follow services in St. Louis Catholic Cemetery, Dunseith, ND.  A meal will be held following burial at Eagle Heart Cultural Center (Log Cabin), Dunseith, ND.

Elick Funeral Home, Rolla, ND.


Ronette Faye Belgarde Morin (DHS 1967) Death Notice
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Minot, ND

Ronette Faye Morin, age 74 of Dunseith, passed away on Friday, May 26, 2023 at a Dunseith nursing home.  Her funeral will be held on Friday, June 2, 2023 at 1:00 pm with the wake starting at 10:00 am at the Eagle Heart Cultural Center in Dunseith.









05/23/2023 (2807)

Tyrell Fauske, son of Russell (’64) and Glenda, was Diagnosed with a Brain Tumor.
Posted by Glenda Fauske:  Dunseith, ND

Life’s journey is filled with many exciting twists and a few unwelcome turns.  Tyrell recently took a turn for the worst…he has been diagnosed with a brain tumor in a precarious location along a major blood vessel.

Please pray for a  full recovery, and ask God to give him, his family, and us strength, comfort, and peace as we travel this road together.  He will have surgery on June 13 at Rssentia in Fargo.  We will try to keep you informed as things proceed.  The August 6 concert in Bottineau is cancelled.

Anyone wishing to send some encouraging words can mail them to:  Tyrell Fauske. 3202 45th Ave S, Fargo ND 58104.  If you have questions, please contact Russell (263-1746) or Glenda (263-5653) via cell or text.

Glenda Fauske

Gary’s Comment:
Russell and Glenda, our hearts go out to you, Russell and the rest of your family with this sad news. On the plus side, they have made great strides with advancements with these procedures in the last years. A friend of ours, about 6 months ago, had a very large tumor removed from his brain, here in Cebu, with nearly 100% success. He returned to normal very quickly following the operation. Please keep us posted.


Dunseith Alumni dinner at Dales, this Sunday, May 28th At Dale’s
Posted by Don Martel (Former DHS Principal):   Rosemount, MN

Some of the class of 1958 and friends have been gathering at Dales for Sunday (May 28th) noon’s dinner for the past several years, on Memorial Day weekend. Granted the group is getting smaller, but we’ll keep on as long as anyone shows up. Ellen Graff Myrick, Rodney Armentrout and Colleen Conroy Martel will be there for sure. We would enjoy seeing anyone else that would like to join us.

P.S. Gary I realize this is maybe a little late getting to you. If you can post it good, if not we tried. Don Martel


Neva Haagenson Rainy (’56) and Arline Lamoreaux Dailly’s (’55) Passing
Posted by Janice Lenard Workman: (’56)  Auburn, WA

I don’t know if anybody has sent in notifications of Neva Haagenson Rainy’s passing this month (April) and Arline Lamoreaux Dailly’s passing in February.  Both were good friends from high school and I will miss them both.  Bob Dailly lives relatively close and see him for lunch occasionally.    When Kenny Hill would visit Neva, he would sometimes call me and we could all have a short visit.  I visited with Neva in November when I was back for my brother John’s funeral, and she looked really good.  Arline has been in an Alzheimer’s facility for several years, so sad.  Don Conroy and DuWayne Lang both have birthdays on April 22, Happy Birthday, guys!

 Gary’s Comments,
I remember posting Arline’s Obituary. Vickie Metcalfe has sent me Neva’s Obit pasted below.

 Janice, it’s great hearing from you too. It’s been a long time that we have not heard from you. We hope all is well with you too.



 Neva Haagenson Rainy’s Obituary (DHS ’56)
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70):  Bottineau, ND

Neva Haagenson Rainy
Haagenson, Neva

Neva Marie Erma Rainey, age 83 of Dunseith, passed away on Saturday, April 1, 2023 at a Bottineau nursing home.

Neva was born on August 5, 1939, in Bottineau, North Dakota. She attended Willow Creek Elementary, Dunseith High School and Minot College. In 1961, she married Ronald (John) Rainey, and together they had three children, Reed, Andra, and Kole. They divorced in 1983. Neva then reunited with her soul mate, Kenny Hill, with whom she joyously shared the rest of her life. Neva was a tireless provider who worked multiple jobs throughout her life, often two at once.

She fiercely loved her children, Kenny, grandchildren, her Lord, animals, the outdoors, and farm life. A fiery soul, Neva stood staunchly for her convictions and loved to play cards, ride horses, laugh, and cook for others. She will be heartbreakingly missed.

Neva is survived by her children, Kenny Hill, and her brother, Norman Haagenson.

She was preceded in death by her parents Erma and Willard Haagenson, and brother Raymond.

A memorial service will be held at the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith on Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 11:00 am. Lunch will be served immediately following at the church.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.


Delbert Larson’s obituary
Posted by Cheryl Dakin’s (’71)  Bedford, TX

Hi Gary and all

I am attaching a copy of my Uncle Delbert Larson’s obituary. We are going to be in Bullhead City next week for his memorial service. He is the last of my grandfather  Mensvil Larson’s 3 sons, and was the youngest of the boys.
Larson, Delbert





4/20/2023 (2806)

Philippine Island “Boracay”. Calypso Beach resort.
Message from Gary Stokes.

Angel I returned last night from the Island of Boracay located about 100 air miles NW of Cebu. 35 minutes in a Boeing A320.

We had a beautiful 4 day stay.  It’s summer every day of the year in the Philippines. Never a cold day.

Boracay is noted as having some of the most beautiful white sand beaches in the world with warm waters.

Boracay is a small island with 3.98 Square miles and many  beach resorts. Boracay can only be reached by boat from the nearby Caticlan Airport.
2806 Boracay


Beverly Handeland Hamnes (‘DHS 1948) Obituary
Posted by Vicky Metcalfe (’48):  Bottineau, ND

Hi Gary,

Attached is the Nero Funeral Home  notice of the passing of Beverly Hamnes.

Beverly was the daughter of  long time  Willow Lake Township residents,

Clarence and Jennie  (Hurst) Handeland.

(Her grandfather Hurst and my Grandfather Lamb were neighbors and friends.)

Vickie L. Metcalfe

Beverly Handeland Hamnes
2808 Bev Handeland Hamnes
February 18, 1930 – April 19, 2023

Beverly Hamnes, age 93 of Bottineau passed away on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at a Bottineau hospital.

Gary Stokes’ Comment
I was saddened to receive this message of Bev’s passing. She and Mel were very nice folks. I became very acquainted with them both on our 2009 Alaska Cruise. Nice friendly people. Mel Passed in September 2016. He was the Prior owner of the “Bottineau New Holland” dealership. Bev was one of the senior living of our Dunseith Graduates too. I will miss her wisdom for questions of the past.


Urbain Cote Dunseith “ROUND BARN”
Posted by Vicky Metcalfe (’48):  dogdays@utma.com Bottineau, ND

 Hello Gary and Dunseith Friends,

Read more on Off the Beaten Path: Return Trip – round barns in ND at
Round Barns of North Dakota was featured on today’s  tv news.

I was especially  interested and pleased to see  what is called, Dunseith’s  “Urbain Cote ROUND BARN” !

What a great memory I have of attending a Metcalfe cousin’s wedding dance there.
I attended that wedding and dance with  my mom and dad.

I have always  from early childhood, had a love to dance.
As a first grader  riding with my parents on our way to Aunt Jeans,
I would gaze at a ballet dance studio on Seattle’s Aurora Avenue.
And dream of  ballet.
But that dream was not to be.

In my teen years, I learned to two step, foxtrot, and waltz.
My favorite teacher  ever …..was  my dad Cliff, followed by Uncle’s Jim and Emil,

I wonder how many  readers can recall a memorable  night of dancing at the ROUND BARN? It was the best of times….in days gone bye……

When y’all come home to Dunseith look  South  East to  the Round Barn.
Listen to  the  breath of wind …perhaps  a memory of music and laughter, which withstood the test of time among……….Dunseith friends.

Catch you later!

Vickie L. Metcalfe
Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Reply to the San Haven picture
From Allen Richard (’65):  Grand Rapids, MI

The picture of the San hits me right in the gut.  It was such an important part of Dunseith and the county.  I haven’t been there since our big class reunion.  It was a total shambles then and I assume it is worse now.  An important part of ND history reduced to rubble.

I don’t mean to make lite of this, but you know you are getting old when you are notified of one birth and one wedding per year ———- and 10 obituaries.  This getting old shit is not for the faint of heart.

Have a happy Easter everybody!


Denise Lajimodiere making history as ND poet laureate
Posted by Vicky Metcalfe (’48):   Bottineau, ND

Gary and friends od Dunseith,

I am delighted to read Denise Lajimodiere making history as ND poet laureate.

Denise,  along with Elaine Metcalfe , Donna (Morin) Kjorsvik and I, student taught together at Dunseith.
We graduated together from UND Elementary Education program.

Denise was always gifted in knowledge of Ojibwe history and  art.
She has been active  participant at the local heritage center in Belcourt.

Denise  also  dedicated effort and time  whilst researching oral history and publishing a book about residential schools.

Sincere best wishes Denise!

Vickie L. Metcalfe
April 18, 2023

Read more on Ojibwe woman makes history as North Dakota poet laureate at https://www.kfyrtv.com/2023/04/17/ojibwe-woman-makes-history-north-dakota-poet-laureate/

4/7/2023 (2805)

Happy Easter Everyone,

The period Wednesday Noon thru the Monday following Easter is a legal holiday season here. All major malls are closed Thursday and Friday. On Good Friday (today) things are locked down tight. Many of the businesses and all malls will be open Monday, but with holiday pay for their employees.

We had a very enjoyable dinner last night with 14 friends at our good Swiss friends, “Café Engelberg”,  restaurant. Very good food with a decent price with superb pampered hospitable service.

The guy on the left with the hat is my first cousin Jack who is visiting from Edmonton Alberta CA. Jack’s mother and my dad were Twins. The guy on the end is Dr.(Psychiatrist) Dave Sandness, cousin to Richard (Dick) Sandness who work at First National Bank in Bottineau for many years. The rest of the guys are Canadian and American. Of Coarse the gals are all Philippine.
2805 Expat

ND Blizzard
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

Hello Gary,

Meanwhile in ND  there’s an April snowstorm..

The winter of  2022-2023.

Snow storms , blizzards, ice just keep returning,
it is like waking up to: Ground hog Day, over, over,  and over once  again ……………….@ND

We are all, looking forward to better sunny days when you and  Angel come to ND in August.

April 4, 2023.

Gary Stokes’ Comment

Vickie, we are looking forward to Sunny days in August.

Hopefully Angel will have her Tourist Visa by then too. Keep our fingers crossed.

This will be Angel’s first trip to the USA. She is dearly looking forward to this trip too, to meet many of you folks.

January 1971 is the very last time I was back in North Dakota in the Winter months.

Mid-May to Mid-September is my/our time frame to visit.


Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Minot, ND

2805 Hill Tim
Timothy Hill (DHS Class 1968)
November 27, 1950  –  March 22, 2023

 Please share a memory of Timothy to include in a keepsake book for family and friends.

Timothy Hill, 72, Burlington, ND, passed away Wednesday, March 22, 2023 in a Minot hospital with his loving family at his side.

Timothy John Hill was born on November 27, 1950, the oldest of seven children born to Johnny and Murl (Watkins) Hill in Bottineau, ND. He was raised on the family farm near Dunseith, ND, and attended school at Dunseith High School, graduating in 1968. He furthered his education by attending various colleges where Tim was pursuing drafting degree, prior to returning home to help on the family farm.

On October 23, 1976, Tim was united in marriage to Laurie Lynn Evans. The couple made their home in Dunseith, ND where he owned and operated Tim’s Menswear. The family later moved to Colorado, where he worked in furniture sales as well as delivered milk for his company Moo Juice Movers. In 1988, the family moved to Burlington, where together they raised their three children Sarah, Michael, and Taylor. In addition, Tim worked in sales for Nodak Candy and Tobacco Company before beginning a career with SRT which spanned over 23 years, retiring in 2019.

July 4, 2008, Tim was fortunate enough to be a recipient of a heart and kidney transplant. He was very thankful and grateful for the extra 15 years he was gifted. He was a member of Peace Lutheran Church, Burlington, where he was active in the choir. He enjoyed classic cars, auctions, driving in his corvette, cruising car lots for many hours, watching the Northern Lights, and spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren. Tim was a loving husband, dad, grandpa and brother who will be missed by all that knew him

Tim is survived by:

Wife of 46 years, Laurie; children: Sarah (Aaron) Glasoe, Michael (Ricki) Hill, Taylor (McKenzie) Hill; grandchildren: Hayden and Allie Glasoe, Gauge and Fisher Hill and Harlow Hill; siblings: Brenda (Bryant) Mueller, Gregory (Tami) Hill, Joanne (Gregory) Evans, Diane (Karl) Moline, Bruce (Jackie) Hill, and Lynn McKay (Todd Mark) and in-laws Jeff Evans, Joe (Leely) Evans and Jon Evans; several nieces, nephews and cousins also survive.

Tim was preceded in death by his parents, John and Murl Hill; father and mother-in-law, Joe and Joyce Evans; nephew, Luke Evans; sisters-in-law, Tamara Evans and Stephanie Montgomery.

Visitation: There will be no reviewal as cremation has taken place.  However, friends may sign a guest register on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 one hour prior to the service at the Peace Lutheran Church, Burlington, ND.

Memorial Service: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 11 am at Peace Lutheran Church, Burlington, ND. The service will be livestreamed and may be accessed at the link provided on Timothy’s web page at www.thompsonlarson.com.



Obituary for Neva Haagenson Rainey (DHS Class ’57)
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

Neva Rainey
August 5, 1939 – April 1, 2023

Neva Rainey, age 83 of Dunseith, passed away on Saturday, April 1, 2023 at a Bottineau nursing home.


Dot Hagen (Husband Tom, Brother-Law – Orvin Hagen) Obituary
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

2805 Dot Hagen
Darlene “Dot” Hagen
July 7, 1936  –  January 13, 2023

Visit Darlene ‘s tribute page to read the full obituary, gather event information and share a memory or express your condolences.


Obituary for Christopher  Pitsiladis
Posting from Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

View details at https://www.nerofuneralhome.net/obituary/christopher-pitsiladis

Gary and friends of Dunseith,

I wish to extend   sympathy to the Pitsiiladis family on the passing of their beloved, Chris.

I recall Chris whist he attended elementary school here in Bottineau, I believe in Mrs. Mavis (Art) Hagen’s class.

He was quiet, serious and kind.

A couple years ago I was delighted to see him again  at his family restaurant business in Rolette.

There, he was a remarkable young  man with a passion to  prepare  and cook an  excellent meal for his patrons.

I enjoyed my meal and speaking with him. (His family siblings  had Dunseith School ties.)


Vickie L. Metcalfe
Friday, March 31, 2023


Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Minot, ND
2805 1982-83 Dunseith Basketball

San Haven
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe: neola@min.midco.net Minot, ND
2805 San Haven

03/20/2023 (2804)


Hello Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

I have really fallen behind with these Blogs. Sorry about that. The last one was 1/22/2023.

My Cousin Jack, From Canada, Arrived here in Cebu early this morning. He will be here for a month. He’s spending several days in a hotel before coming to our house. Jack’s mother and my Dad were Twins. Jack was here for a month last Oct/Nov too.

Looking forward to seeing a lot of you in August.



Sunday, February 26, 2023
HAPPY  95th BIRTHDAY TO Mrs. Eloise Boppre
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND.

Gary and FRIENDS of Dunseith,

Many of us are aware of  an exceptional  three generational family of Dunseith School women educators.

Mrs. Eloise Boppre and  later her  mom Mrs. Anna Foss  were my  former 5th and 7h/8th grade teachers.

Third Generation Anne Marie, followed  her mom and grandmother as a dedicated  Dunseith educator.

I  listen to a local Bottineau Radio station. Today, an announcement of a celebration gathering on March 4.

HAPPY  95th BIRTHDAY  and  sincere best wishes to Mrs. Eloise Boppre.

Vickie L. Metcalfe


Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Minot, ND

Woods, Jack
            Jack Woods

Jack Woods, age 86 of Dunseith, passed away on Sunday, March 12, 2023 at a Rolette nursing home.  His memorial service will be held on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 2:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.

John Allen Woods, A son of Monte and Anna (Krogen) Woods, was born on July 23, 1936 in Bottineau.  He was raised in Bottineau and graduated from Bottineau High School in 1955.  He attended the Bottineau School of Forestry for one semester before entering the US Army.  Following his Honorable Discharge. He retuned to Bottineau and continued his education.  He then attended NDSU in Fargo where he earned is degree in education.  Jack married Shirley Martel.  He taught in Beach, ND before returning to school in New Mexico where he earned his Masters Degree in Education.  He taught at Powell School before returning to Bottineau in 1969 and began teaching at the Forestry.  He also worked in the oil fields in Alaska in the summer months and also as a Immigration Agent at the Dunseith Port of Entry.  Shirley passed away on March 30, 1982.  Jack then married Patti Metcalfe-Coleman on August 29, 1987.  Jack retired from the college in 1999.  He worked full time at the port after 9/11 before retiring in 2004.  In his younger years, Jack also worked at his uncle’s clothing store in Bottineau, Happy’s Boat Launch at Lake Metigoshe, Wold Engineering, Fargo Foundry and as a Park Ranger.

Jack was active with the Bottineau American Legion, the Logrollers and as a volunteer fireman.  He enjoyed hunting, cross country skiing, and was an accomplished photographer.  He also loved taking care of his horses and dogs.  Jack loved teaching and he considered all of students as friends.

He is survived by his wife, Patti of Dunseith; daughters, Lori Woods of Fargo and Karen Woods (Frank Rada) of North Hollywood, CA; son-in-law, Craig Hospodor, grandchildren, Jackson and Johnny Hospodor; step-sons, Steve (Nancy) Coleman and Stuart (Melissa) Coleman; step-grandchildren, Jason Hospodor, Christopher Hospodor,  Allison (Tyler) Liebelt, Heather (Tyler) Erber, Makenna Coleman and Carson Coleman; step great-grandson, Axel Liebelt and numerous nieces and nephews.

In addition to his wife Shirley and his parents, Jack was preceded in death by a daughter, Amy Hospodor; sister, Betty Ann Woods and brothers, Tom, Bill, Mark, Carl, Pat, Jerry and David.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.

Gary’s comments

Jack was well known in the whole area. He will be missed.
We extend our condolences to his wife Patti and the rest of his family.


Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Minot, ND
DHS Class 1966
Vanory, Jay
              Jay Vanorny

Jay Vanorny, age 74 of Dunseith, passed away on Friday, March 3, 2023 at home near Dunseith.  His funeral will be held on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 10:00 am at the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith.  There will be a time of visitation starting an hour prior to the service at the church.

Jay Vanorny, a son of Virgil and Beatrice (Wilkie) Vanorny, was born on June 3, 1948 at Ashley, ND.  He grew up in Dunseith and spent considerable time with his aunts and grandparents due to his mother’s illness.  Jay attended high school in Dunseith and worked at Dale’s and Jim Metcalfe on the farm.  On June 22, 1968, he married Lola Metcalfe.  She was 17 and he was 20.  They lived on a sheep farm west of Dunseith for several years.  Jason was born in 1971 and they moved to the current farm north of Kelvin where they cleared the land and created a home and livelihood.  Tina was born in 1972 and Joe was born in 1973.  Jay worked at San Haven as the power plant supervisor for 22 years along with farming.  He later farmed fulltime and also established Border Shipping Services.  He also was a bus driver for Bottineau Public Schools.  Lola passed away on July 22, 2015.  Jay stayed on the farm and continued to farm with his son, Joe.

Jay was a member of the Turtle Mountain Wildlife Club and the Dunseith Rodeo Club.  He enjoyed fishing, bowling, team roping and telling stories.

He is survived by his daughter, Tina (Christian) Corely of Bottineau; sons, Jason (Monica) Vanorny of Adel, IA and Joe Vanorny of Dunseith; 6 grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.

Gary’s Comments
We extend our condolence to Jay’s Family.
The last time I saw Jay, was at his wife Lola’s Passing in 2015
They will both be dearly missed.


Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Minot, ND
DHS Class 1979
Hill Thompson, Marvel
       Marvel Hill Thompson
June 10, 1951 – February 18, 2023

Marvel Thompson, age 71 of Bottineau, passed away on Saturday, February 18, 2023 at her home in Bottineau.  Her funeral will be held on Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:00 am at the First Lutheran Church in Bottineau.  Visitation will be Thursday from 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home.

Marvel Thompson, a daughter of Chester and Mary (Fitzgerald) Hill, came unto this world on June 10, 1951 at her home.  She was suppose to come in October and weighed 1lb 4 oz.  She stayed at the St. Andrew’s Hospital in Bottineau until September.  She was raised on the family farm and graduated from Dunseith High School in 1969.  She was employed by Rolette County Social Services in Rolla before moving to Bottineau and working at the Dakota College.  She worked there for 39 years.  She was once married to David Tooke and later Vaughn Thompson.

Marvel was a member of the First Lutheran Church in Bottineau.  She was active with the DCB Logrollers, St. Andrew’s Hospital Auxiliary and the Turtle Mountain Cancer Support.  She enjoyed cooking, visiting with friends and family and shopping, especially for shoes.

She is survived by her brother, Kenny Hill of Dunseith; sister, Elve Fuchs of Bismarck and many nieces and nephews.

In addition to her parents, Marvel was preceded in death by her brother, Vernolle Hill; sister, Arla Hiatt; sister-in-law, Helen Hill and brothers-in-law, Wallace Hiatt and Orlan Fuchs.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be give to the DCB-Logrollers and the Turtle Mountain Cancer Support.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.

Gary’s Comments
We extend our condolence to Marvel’s Family.
She will both be dearly missed.


Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe:  Minot, ND

Larry Forschen (DHS Class 1971)

July 18, 1951 – January 26, 2023

Larry Forschen, age 71 of Dunseith, passed away on Thursday, January 26, 2023 at his home in Belcourt.  His funeral will be held on Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 10:00 am at the St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Dunseith.  His wake will be on Wednesday starting at 3:00 pm at the Eagle Heart Cultural Center in Dunseith.

Larry Linus Forchen Sr, was born on July 18th, 1951, in Belcourt, ND to Irene (Peltier) Forschen and Elmer Bud Forschen.  Larry grew up in Dunseith and completed his education there as well.  Larry was formally married to Belinda DeCoteau and together they had four children: Twila, Trudy (Jessie) Larkins, Larry (Carrie) Forschen Jr, Laris Forschen.  After their separation, Larry went on to have three more children: Aaron, Dillon, and Joe.

Larry spent most of his younger years in Dunseith, ND where he graduated from high school before joining the Army where he served for 9 years proceeding with being in the National Guards Reserve. Larry later attended Turtle Mountain Community College where he graduated with a carpentry trade. Larry loved to travel and had lived many places; his favorite places being Seattle, Washington & Minneapolis, Minnesota. Larry loved cruising and listening to music. Anyone who knew Larry knew how much of a jokester he was. Larry loved to tease and joke with family/friends. Larry had a love for softball, football and basketball. You could catch Larry watching his Vikings play every Sunday. Larry was a compassionate, caring, and loving man who loved all his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Larry is survived by his children: Twila DeCoteau of Dunseith; Trudy (Jessie) Larkins of Minot; Larry Jr (Carrie) Forschen of Dunseith; Laris Forschen of Dunseith; Aaron Grant of Bismarck; Dillon (Fenix) Forschen of Minot; Joe Forschen of Dunseith. Larry has 23grandchildren: Lendra, Kajia, Tanner, Olivia, Angelo, Ethan, Jonathan, Adam, Jewels, Trey, Chiara, Trenton, Chiana, Emmett, Aaron Jr, Tairyn, Journey, Katrina, Aithen, Kash, MeLaina, Morgan, with one on the way. Larry had 13 great grandchildren: Dontay, Dasen, Macho, Brielle, Tysler, Tayten, Maverick, Cambridge, Daytona, Josidy, Eliza, Kaine & one on the way. Siblings: Linda Forschen & Diane Forschen. Aunt: Mabel St. Pierre.

Larry was preceded in death by his father and mother, Irene and Elmer Bud Forschen, brothers Edward Forschen and Ron Forschen. sister, Gail Benson as well as his grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

Wildlife in northern Ontario
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND.

Gary and Dunseith Alumni friends,

I found  the  following Canadian article  fascinating featuring  wildlife in northern Ontario,

Here in Northern ND , I grew up amongst similar crittersl  AHHH.  My thought, ” If I was starting a career path now,  I’d checkout wildlife biology.”

(My  paternal  Scot’s-English grand father was raised in Northern Ontario.) I wondered about his experiences  as a wee lad among frogs, turtles and chickadees?

Here in Bottindeau, the warm February thaw made today quite cheerful.  It felt like a  warm chinook  experienced whilst in  Montana.

Venturing out of town, my sister and I shared a “JUMBO burger”, a side of American fries with fried onions  at Dales in Dunseith.

(Dales continues it’s yummy, JUMBO reputation with  a staff of  fine cooks and genial waitresses.

After lunch, off to Wayne’s Super foods, where we found master meat cutter, Jeff Cote,  who  shared each February, he introduces clientele to “Heart Rib steak”.

I told Jeff, ” he may be a secret romantic at heart! ” . Wayne’s  is known regionally for it’s excellent meat dept  and polite helpful staff.

Valentines Day  is coming soon. As a former elementary  third grade teacher, it has always meant  a special day of friendship ….and just being kind.

My first year teaching grade 3 at Dunseith Elementary brings back many fond memories. I had 28 students.  At Wayne’s today, I noticed everywhere in the store

on display,  handmade locally beautiful willow baskets , sun catchers ,and willow turtles.  My thoughts were of a third grade parent , Rose Cree.

On February 14, 1975,Mrs.Rose Cree walked into my class roon located in a pod. Through that  first year teaching,I  had purchased  her Cree willow baskets.

There is nothing like the fresh smell of willow.  Some have red woven into the tan and brown.  On that day smiling shyly, Mrs. Cree humbly bestowed me with a Valentine Gift.

It was  a  hand beaded heart, woodland floral medallion necklace.  Through the years I wear that  treasure  every Valentines Day and think of a generous gifted artist.

Happy Friendships!





01/22/2023 (2803)

Condolence to Curt and Denise Halverson
From Rob Olson

Hi Gary-

Please send our condolences to Curt and Denise and the family. I knew Brian and enjoyed his company and wit. Such a nice guy. He was a genuine person and will be missed.

Rob  Olson


Robert Slyter (’70) Passed away

I received word that Robert (Bobbie) Slyter Passed away about a year and a half ago. We don’t have any details of his passing other than that he wasn’t well.


Reply to Vickie Metcalfe’s (’70) Song
From Loretta Neameyer Wall (’72):   West Fargo, ND

Enjoyed Vickie’s song she posted. “The Little Ski-doo”.

Have a great trip to Taipei. Merry Christmas!

Loretta Wall

Taipei Taiwan Trip New Years Trip

Loretta, you mentioned our Trip to Taipei Taiwan

We had a wonderful 4 day trip. We returned on New years day. Taipei is beautiful clean, super friendly, safe developed city. Very little crime. The Natives speak very little English, but we always managed to find someone that spoke a little English. We were three couples. The temps were in the lower 60’sF with constant mist or rain. Angle was very cold, so she purchased a heavy coat that kept her warm. We spent a lot of time in their many underground shops and facilities. They have many underground trains that travel numerous places. Their driverless trains travel at 160 MPH speeds. They approach like bullets. Everything is well marked, so it’s easy to get on the right trains to get where you are going. We took several above ground tours of the City too. We had NYE dinner in Taipei 101, one of the tallest buildings in the world. Skinny and tall, like a tall post. With the overcast, we didn’t go up. We were just on the bottom floors.

We had a nice 4 Star Hotel with many good Restaurants. They had the first warm toilet seats that I have used too. Our hotel was about 20 Miles from the Airport. Good freeways with 75 MPH traffic. Taipei is located on the north edge of Taiwan, about 1,000 miles straight north from Cebu Philippines, hence the colder December, January Temps.

This was Angel’s first trip out of the Philippines and Experiencing colder temps. She loved and wishes to return.


Dot Hagen’s Obituary
Posted by Vickie Metcalf (’70):  Bottineau, ND


Hagen, Dot
7/7/1936 – 1/13/23

Dot Hagen was married to Tom Hagen. Tom is Orvin Hagen’s youngest Brother.
Donny Nelson’s mother was Orvin and Tom’s sister too.
She passed away in Williston on January 13th.

Please click on the link above to view her obituary.

We extend our condolences to Tom and Dot’s family with her passing. Tom and Dot were/are good sound wonderful folks. Orvin always spoke highly of both of them. Orvin pretty much raised both Donny and Tom. They were both young when Donny’s mother and Orvin/Tom’s father passed.


Joseph “Joey” Hussein Murray (DHS ‘72), 69, of Fairview, Montana Obituary.
Posted by Vickie Metcalf (’70):  Bottineau, ND


 Please click on the link above to view his obituary



Sorry Cheryl for the late posting – Gary
Posted by Cheryl Larson Dakin (’71):  Bedford, TX

Merry Christmas to all! I hope you and Angel have a wonderful trip to Taiwan.

Lots of weather happening in the states. We had tornadoes here in N Texas on Tuesday. Sirens kept going off as I was trying to leave for work, rain was pouring down. So I waited it out,  and when it cleared, I left for work to find out that a tornado had struck about half a mile from my work about 45 minutes before I got there. Took part of the roof off our Sam’s Club building and damaged a couple others in our immediate vicinity. Timing is everything,  isn’t it? Talked to my sister Karen in Rock Lake ND. She’s praying that the power lines hold up under all the snow from this latest blizzard. I hope all of you in ND stay warm, stay safe and everyone near and far have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Cheryl Larson Dakin


Posted by Vickie Metcalf (’70):  Bottineau, ND



12/14/2022 (2802)

Dear Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

Just incase I don’t get another blog posted before the end of the year, We want to wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
2802 Gary and AngelAngel and I are going to Taipa Taiwan, with a couple and several gal friends, for New Years. We’ll leave on the 28th and return New Years day.  Taipa is located about 800 miles NNW of us. This will be Angel’s first trip out of the Philippines. We are looking forward to an exciting trip.


Greetings from our former Teacher
Dianne Leier Fichter: , Summerfield, Florida

Nice to see pictures of you and Dennis Dubois (’63) as well as of your lovely bride.

Greetings from your former teacher, now living in Florida.

Dianne Leier Fichter.


Gary’s Reply,
Yes, Dennis was here the whole month of November. This was his 4th trip here to visit us. We truly enjoyed his time visiting with us too. Dennis has taken a special liking to our Three helpers and their families. They have become like family to him.

Dianne, we remember you well too, from the one semester you taught at DHS. I think that was 1963?

2802 Dennis-1


Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70):  Bottineau, ND
Beatty Faine Norman DHS ‘1964

2802-Betty Norman
Betty Ann Norman, age 74 of Dunseith, died Sunday at a Minot hospital.  Her funeral will be held on Friday, October 4, 2019 at 10:00 am at the Ascend Church in Bottineau.

Betty Ann Norman, a daughter of August and Alice (LeDeaux) Faine, was born on March 10, 1945 at Belcourt.  She was raised at Dunseith and graduated from Dunseith High School.  She then attended college in Sacramento, CA.  She married Duane Norman.  Betty worked at Rolette County Social Service in Rolla.  She later worked at Dunseith Public Schools as a secretary and a librarian.

Betty passed away on Sunday, September 29, 2019 at a Minot hospital.

She is survived by he sisters, Patty Lozensky and Alice Christopherson of Dunseith; brothers, Linus and John Faine of Dunseith and numerous nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Duane; her parents, August and Alice; sisters, Margaret and Delores; brothers-in-law, Jesse Christopherson and Daniel Lozensky: a niece, Wendy and nephew, Linus.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.


Reply to Ginger LaRocque Poitra (’64) – Betty Faine
From Vickie Metcalfe (70):  Bottineau, ND

Hey Ginger,

Yes, I would see the Larocque girls with Betty.
Lifelong friends too!

Also, Mabel Roussin’s son Lee Roussin  frequently  drove her to Walmart and Bottineau
Lee’s  mom, Mabel was in my 4th grade class with Mrs. Conroy.
When I came to work in Bottineau yrs. ago,  Lee was in High School and would help the cooks wash dishes in the kitchen.
Lee became known by many for his work ethic!
Lee  worked at Family Bakery, and Walmart oft times at the same time for years.
When Wal mart cut back this fall.

Lee applied for a janitor position at Bottineau  school.He  now works at the school  full time and continues with another part time  job .I think his mom too, must feel very proud  of  her son.’

Later, Vickie.
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Dear Ginger.
Thanks for writing me about your neighborhood lifelong friend, Betty Faine.
Betty Faine Norman  was among my favorite school secretaries through my 46 education career.
I was blessed to know and work with many wonderful and excellent support staff through the years.
I truly liked and formed mutual respect with custodial staff and secretaries in various school districts in and out of ND.

Betty was a  genuine, joyful person  to work with.
Thank you Ginger for sharing  I am not alone in my opinion.
I was correct in how she felt about Elvis, the ” King of Rock”.

Betty was not fickle ;
She never looked  for or found fault.
She valued  each student, each friend, and staff  members she worked with.
She did not ask  about latest gossip or negatively contributed when hearing about others.

Betty cared for things or another person she was 100%.
Duane was her “Prince”. She’d  smile, light up and get all sparkley speaking of him.

Those who saw the 2 of them witnessed a sharing of a committed mighty LOVE.
My mother lived across the hall from Duane whist at a long term facility, here in Bottineau
Betty made frequent  trips to be with him.
She mourned when he passed.

I  truly believe throughout the years of knowing her.
Betty Faine had a committed depth of faith.



Winter Memories (Skidoo)
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70):  Bottineau, ND

Hello Gary and Dunseith friends,


Winter memories
My dad bought a skidoo in late 60s.
We girls used it each Saturday to haul hay and straw  bales to the  red barn for the  next week, filling milk cows mangers.
Dad took it every Sunday after dinner  to drive the miles South to visit  the  Anthonys’.
The team of horse ‘s were retired.

Except 1.  She kept her job pulling the barn stone boat.
Byrd and I were the barn cleaning crew.
I pitched she pulled.  I had watched  and l learned dad’s trick how to get the stone boat
out the barn door and  dumped  on a sharp hilly  curve.

I liked cleaning barn with Byrd. I always  treasured  Uncle Emil’s complement.
One day , I was pitching, scooping, as Byrd on command pulled ahead
I heard the big door pull open.
I looked up to see Uncle Emil’s broad shoulders, blue twinkling eyes and smiling face.
He stood in the doorway,  grinned saying “You really know how to clean a barn!”
Yes, I thought,  I’d rather be at the barn than scrub the bathroom kitchen tiles’ which were  my
Saturday house chores that still need to be done.

It sure feels like winter here in ND. But the calendar says it is,  5 of  December.

Vickie L.Metcalfe


Skidoo “Our Byrd” reply to Vickie Metcalfe (70)
From Geri Metcalfe Munro (’59):  Fargo, ND

Vickie, I love this story about “our Byrd” and you.  I didn’t realize at that time that Byrd had moved from our farm to yours and later Scotty went to your farm, too!  I have such precious memories of Jim & Dewey, Byrd and Doll, Lassie, Shep, etc.  I suppose our family was older than yours, so your family could continue to have them.

Much love,


Sheep and Dogs
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): Bottineau, ND

Gary and Dunseith friends.

Anyone else, watching movies worry about the dog?
I grew up with herding dogs.


Whilst in Montana. years ago a highly regarded substitute teacher shared her plight. She told me she and her husband, area sheep ranchers were losing  sheep to coyotes.

It was a battle  for sheep survival,  and their live hood  against mean, nasty sneakin  coyotes!  She  and her husband did not detour from the goal of protecting their sheep.

They researched and inquired.  Soon they purchased….imported  from Europe, THREE young dogs. They were coached  to place the dogs  OUT  among the flock.

They did.

Amazingly, the herding dogs by instinct, worked out their  own  work system.
Two circled the flock all night long ;
1 moving counter clock wise, the second clockwise. During day light, two  rested.
The third  dog, who slept at night took over and was on duty circling for the day.
The dogs were provided  dog food.  But, they ate, worked and rested among “their flock” throughout the seasons,

I was quite taken with this  family. I respected them.
i empathized with her.  I grew up with sheep on our Turtle Mountain family  farm. My family  loved our sheep,

We  3 sister’s evening job throughout the summer months was rounding up the flock scattered  throughout the sheep pasture.
Located east of our house,  Dad and Uncle Bill Metcalfe used woven wire fence to  surround, enclose,  and secure a pasture.
The sheep pasture was in thickets of  hazel brush, copse of  birch, wild berries, and oak,  rocky hill,  and  a cool dark lush  meadow (with wild strawberries).

Each evening, after supper, our family would begin the trek of bringing the flock home to the sheep yard.
First listen… sound of sheep bells.   Each of us covered ground  accompanied by a border collie or blue heeler.
Throughout the walk we inhaled the sweet summer smells.
Usually the task was accomplished, as we fought off  blood thirsty marauding mosquitoes.  The sun slowly gliding beyond an oak hill.
Once in the  sheep yard the ewes were counted  and  our job was to see  the ewes and their errant lambs were accounted for.
We dared not to leave any out to the elements…over concerns of caught in a fence. on their back or a likely,( coyotes).

I truly empathized with the dog in the Pyreennes and his owner in this attached story.
Is December, and I am fondly dreaming of the past years summer solstice and sheep.

As ever Vickie L. Metcalfe

Read more on Stacked up against pack of coyotes, herd dog kills 8 to save sheep at

11/27/2022 (2801)

Dear Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

It’s been over a month since I posted a blog. Too long.

We have had company. Dennis Dubois (’63) has been visiting since November 6th. He will be here until December 5th.

My cousin Jack arrived from Edmonton Alberta arrived on October 18th and left on November 15th. Jacks mother and my dad were twins.

We truly enjoyed and are enjoying their company. Lots of eating out. For sure I have to cut back on my intake for a few days.
Dunseith 2801-1 Dunseith 2801-2 Dunseith 2801-3L To R Gary, Angel, Jack (Cousin), Jennifer & Mary (Jack’s friends) and Dennis Dubois


Brian Halvorson
Halvorson, Brian
           Gary’s Note: We extend our condolences to Curt and Denise Halvorson for their tragic loss.
We are all here for your support. I can tell he was a very nice guy too.

Brian Halvorson, age 57 of Dunseith, passed away on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 on arrival at a Rugby hospital.  A memorial service will be held on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 2:00 pm at the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith.

Brian C Halvorson, a son of Curt and Denise Halvorson, was born on August 29t 1965 in Rolette, ND. He was raised in Dunseith where he continued to reside until his death on November 2, 2022 from a short and aggressive battle with cancer. Brian attended Dunseith Public School and graduated Dunseith High School in 1983. After high school, Brian headed south to Caldwell, KS working for Hutton Construction. The ranch lifestyle called him home where he started his welding career. On Sept 27, 1985 he married Rebecca Berg and had two boys, Brandon and Kory. Along with the two boys, they started a PMU horse ranch. The marriage later ended, but Brian and Becky remained close friends. When the mares were sold, Brian took on various construction and welding jobs for: Western Manufacturing, Rugby Manufacturing, Sund Manufacturing, Marion Construction, and currently with Mikkelsen Aggregates.

Brian enjoyed roping with Brandon and friends, following Brandon on the rodeo trails, and shared a passion of drawing with Kory. His favorite nickname was Papa and loved nothing more than teaching Jasper and Arlo swear words. Brian liked coffee on the deck with his sister Shelley, working cattle with his dad and brother Dennis, and eating his mom’s meatballs. His favorite past time was cruising the hills with cousin Terry and Sunday morning coffee visitors.

Brian was a member of the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith and Dunseith Rodeo Club. He had an active role in his family’s lives as the early morning birthday greeter.

Brian is survived by his parents, Curt and Denise Halvorson of Dunseith, sons Brandon (Laura) Halvorson of Dunseith, Kory Halvorson of Grand Forks, grandsons Jasper and Arlo Halvorson of Dunseith, sister Shelley Counts (Kurt) of Dunseith, brother Dennis (Lori) Halvorson of Dunseith, and numerous nieces and nephews. Brian was preceded in death by his grandparents and cousins Doug Lider and Gayle Lider.


Reply to Picture posted by Larry Liere
From Janice Leonard Workman (’56): janice_workman@earthlink.net Auburn, WA

 Gary, I think that this picture was identified before.(#2571)  Larry also sent in another formal school picture of this bunch of kids. 

The back row left to right:  Viola Hobbs, Barry Shelver. Larry Liere, Bob Hosmer, Gayle Bedard (?), Arline Lamoureux, Ann Lamoureux, ?.  Front row l to r:  A Tennancour girl, Bob Dailly, A Tennancour girl, Janice Leonard.

That’s my best guess.  The two girls in front (Tennancours) I’m not sure of but I think they lived across the street from Charlie Lamoureux’s big house(on the creek side).

 Gary’s Note:
Janice, it is so nice hearing from you again. I think of you often wondering what happened to you.


1 of 3000 Calicos cat is Male

Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): dogdays@utma.com Bottineau, ND
November 28 2022

 Hi Gary and Dunseith alumni friends,

I was recently reading about cats as many friends have adopted cats.
My own parents tolerated a variety of pets  because they adored by their children.
I found it interesting how unique calico cats are
Our family had a couple of excellent huntress cats
A few who were also affectionate and may haps long suffering…………

 My younger sisters  first cat gifted to her by Family friend, Walter DuBois.
A wee little  grey tabby kitten christened, Twinkle  Toes.
Twinkles  had a  wonderful! personality.
She was a huntress and excellent mother cat, who lived 17 yrs.
Twinkles once had a litter of kittens. One was a female calico.
She became Archie’s, he named her Mallty.
Mallty was also a huntress, and oft times a  reluctant performer.
She and  Archie,  formed a loving lip  snicking  duet.
The two of them often performed a lip since duet  in our front room,  accompanied by the Johnny Hortons LP,  “Sink the Bismarck .”
They had many   standing OVATIONS and repeat performances, for reverent  laughing audiences, family and friends.
Mallty  who often looked chagrined  whence performing.
Especially, ” whenever added actions was added to the routine.
The best was, “In 1814 we took  little trip, “Battle of New Orleans”.

( I love this  memory) and Wishing you all happy memories on Thanksgiving.




Betty Faine Norman memories

Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (70): dogdays@utma.com Bottineau, ND


Hello Gary and friends Dunseith Alumni,

     I noticed the class list you sent had Betty Ann Faine  as a member of that class.

As a kid, I never knew her as a class mate or upper class mate.

     However, years ago, I became an elementary teacher at Dunseith,  I had the privilege of working with Mrs. Betty Norman. 

As an Dunseith Elementary School Secretary, Betty Faine Norman was warm and kind to students, and accommodating and helpful  to staff.

When necessary, she could also be strong and assertive when displeased with misbehavior or disrespect.

        Betty had a fun sense of humor, her expressive eyes and smiling face would fairly twinkle!

Betty had loves in her life;  Her husband Duane, The extended Faine Family, and….ELVIS.

      She and her husband Duane purchased the Conroy home.

In later years, I always treasured visits of a minute or two whenever seeing Betty in passing.

     Despite  many physical infirmities, and loss of family members including her dear Duane,

Betty carried her  “sparkle”  and   FAITH.

Vickie L. Metcalfe

October 23, 2022


10/23/2022 (2800)

Condolences to John Leonard’s family
From Ginger LaRocque (’64): t Belcourt, ND

Hi Gary,

I was surprised to hear of the passing of John Leonard.

I am so sorry for John’s family. I knew a couple of his sons and I of course knew his wife Judy. I Don’t know her well. We would cross each other’s paths occasionally.

I send my condolences  to John’s family.

God Bless all of you !

Ginger Poitra


John Lenard (’64) Passing
Reply from Allen Richard (’64):  Grand Rapids, MI

Sorry to hear this.  Johnny was one of the good guys.  we not close friends — but we made a citizen’s arrest on a guy that stole my pick up.  I guess that makes him a good friend.


John Lenard (’64) Passing
Reply from Sandy Lopez (’64):  Rockford IL


Thank you for your continued effort to keep the history of DHS.

It just occurred to me that with the passing of John Leonard, that there aren’t many of us    from the Class of 1964 left….there weren’t that many of us to start out with (27).

Do you have a list of the original 27?…..and, ideally, who is still alive?

Best Regards

Sandy Lopez

Gary’s Comment
Please see list below.
I have pasted the Class of ’64 at the bottom on this list. Please ignore the email addresses, I only have them updated on my master distribution list. There may be a few deaths that I forgot to record too, so folks, please let me know.


Class of 1954,55,or 56 Picture
Posted by Larry Liere (’55):  Devils Lake, ND


Please post the picture to see if anyone can identify these Dunseith kids. Class of 1954,55,or 56.
I am in the picture,


Gary’s comments
Larry, Nice picture. Thanks for sharing.
I am very sure our folks will be able to identify these kids.

Class of 55



Condolence to the Mildred Parrill Family
From Ginger LaRocque (’64):  Belcourt, ND

 Good morning Gary,

 Yes, I have been looking for a blog but if you don’t get any news ….

I really don’t have any news.

I am so sorry to hear of Mildred Parrill’s passing, I did not know her personally. I know her daughter LeaRae and husband.

LeaRae I am sending my condolences to you and your family for your loss. Very sad to lose a mother.

Your mother is loved forever.

God Bless you LeaRae

Ginger Poitra (LaRocque) class of “65




Full Obituary for Mildred Parrill
With my last posting, It wasn’t yet available


Mildred Nelson Parrill
Parrill Mildred
Dec 6, 1925 – September 24, 2022

Mildred Parrill, age 96 of Bottineau formerly of Dunseith, passed away on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at a Bottineau hospital.  Her funeral will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 11:00 am at the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith.  Visitation will be Friday from 3:00 pm until 8:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Burial will be at the Rendahl Cemetery at 1:30pm.

Mildred Eleanor Parrill, daughter of Norwegian immigrant parents John Herman Nelson and Marie Sigrid (Berg) Nelson, was born December 6, 1925, on the family homestead in Homen Township in Bottineau County. She was the youngest of nine children living in a log cabin built by her father with local timber.

When “Millie” was a baby, the family moved to Rolette County about six miles North of Dunseith. She attended Beaver Dam country school three miles from their home. Millie, a year younger than her sister Marie, finished two grades in one year and ended up in the same grade.  In 1938 she graduated from 8th grade at age 12 1/2 as salutatorian of Rolette County. They stayed home one year because of lack of funds for textbooks and room and board in town. Their oldest sister Nellie sent money for them to start Dunseith HS where both sisters graduated in 1943. While in high school, Millie participated in basketball, band, glee club, and worked on NYA after she turned 16. Mildred graduated valedictorian of her class.

Mildred enrolled at Minot State Teacher’s College where she graduated four times. She earned the 48HR and the 60HR rural certificates in 1944, 2-year standard in 1950 and a BS in elementary education in 1979. She attended several summer sessions and took night and correspondence classes.

At age 18 her teaching career which spanned 36 years, began in 1944 at Grassland Country school near Sawyer with 25 students in all eight grades. Firmly ready to call it quits after a year, she received word that she was needed at Medrud School near Long Lake in Bottineau County. This school had only 9 pupils and she taught there three years. After her marriage she moved to the Butte school near Butte St. Paul for one year. Later she was a long-term substitute at Beaver Dam and Wetheralt country schools.

On June 18, 1948, she married Cecil Dean Parrill. They lived in several towns in western North Dakota while Dean worked trucking and hauling gravel for various road projects.  Millie taught grades 1-4 in Russell, ND for two terms from 1950-1952. Dean began farming in the Turtle Mountains near Dunseith in 1952. Mildred began teaching first grade at Dunseith Public in the fall of 1955. The first-grade class had 37 students the first year and 39 the second year. She then took time off when Joel was born. Mrs. Parrill returned to a second-grade classroom for 26 years from 1960 until her retirement in 1986. As a teacher she stressed historical events and timelines and she worked hard to get each student to read and do math at grade level. As a farm wife she enjoyed delivering meals to the field, tending the garden, picking wild berries, canning, and milking the cow. She was an avid reader, and a common sight would be to see her frying meat and reading Time magazine. The farm kitchen was always open to extra guests for meals and coffee.

Mildred was a past member of Rendahl Lutheran Church and a current member of Peace Lutheran Church of Dunseith. She was active in the WELCA ladies’ group and served as treasurer for 18 years. When asked to read the Bible lessons at church, she never refused. Mildred belonged to Happy Home Homemakers, Peace Garden Senior Citizens, DEA, NDEA, NEA, and Turtle Mountain Retired Teachers.  Mildred was an accomplished whist player, loved to read biographies and other nonfiction, do Sudoku and cryptoquote puzzles, write letters, and make braided rugs.  She was an avid sports fan. Her favorite teams were the Chicago Bulls, Minnesota Vikings, LA Lakers, Golden State Warriors, the Dunseith Dragons and later the Minnesota Twins.  She followed the trades on the pro teams and was always commenting about so and so showing up play for the opposing team.  Her favorite thing was spending time with her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.  She loved to receive notes and cards in the mail.

Dean passed away October 3, 1998. Mildred moved to Oak Manor in Bottineau in 2008 and resided there until she broke her hip and entered St. Andrew’s in Bottineau for long term care in March 2018.  Her days were filled with activities of Bible Study, card playing, reading, BINGO, watching sports and visiting. She loved her caretakers and was an easy patient to please except when her telephone rang, and it was out of reach. She was a lifelong learner and teacher.  Mildred will be remembered for her story telling of olden days. Her memory of dates and events was amazing.

Mildred is survived by daughter LeaRae (Terry) Espe, Bottineau and her son Joel of Grand Forks, her daughter-in law Nora Parrill of Roseau, MN; her grandchildren: Brady Espe, Bismarck; Marty (Heather DeCoteau) Espe, Bottineau; Joshua (Emily) Parrill, Grand Forks; Jude Parrill, New Hope, MN; and Eva Parrill of San Diego, CA. and great-grandchildren Elsa and Cora Parrill and bonus great-grandchildren Rebecca and Rylan DeCoteau.  She is also survived by brother-in law Ben Cox, Cavalier and sisters-in-law Judy Cox, Cavalier, Roberta Cox, Grand Forks and many nieces and nephews.

She is preceded in death by her parents and husband; her son Clark Cecil Parrill (10-30-2006); all of her siblings and spouses: Nellie (Frank)Blomquist, Jennie (Lucky) Metcalfe, Erling (Helen) Nelson, Carl Nelson, Olga (Howard) Edinger, Eugenie (Hugo) Walker, John (Della) Nelson, Marie (Thurman) Parrill; nephew Bill Blomquist; nieces: Gladys Blomquist, Carol Walker, and Mary Metcalfe Bradley. She was also preceded by Dean’s siblings: Thurman Parrill, Avis Vivitson, Shirley Johnson, DeeDee Anderson, Grace, Don, Darry, Joe, and Paul Cox and Dean’s nephew Robert Anderson.

Memorials are preferred to Rendahl Cemetery or Peace Lutheran Church.

Arrangements with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.


Janice L Hanson former Dunseith Teacher
Obituary posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70): dogdays@utma.com Bottineau, ND

Hello Gary and Dunseith School friends,
Sincere sympathy to the Hanson family.

Mrs. Hanson taught a combination 1st and 2nd grade classroom  on the old stage  at Dunseith School.

Nine of us from mightily class of ’70, along with about 20 class of ’71 for a year, were in a classroom hastily built creaky floored room  on  the stage. ……….We were segregated from our 1st and 2nd grade  peers.

1.Of the hills or prairie farm kids rode school buses.

the exception’ were  town brothers whose mom walked  2  beautiful sisters  up the street  to school seemingly every day.

I thought, “What a special mom would walk 2 preschool children to meet and walk the brothers home.”

2.The combo room was many feet  and steps away from others peers classes located in the big white school building.

But, we grew close.  We met and knew who was connected to who. Many  were siblings  in that combination room.

I wonder how many can recall that combination room?

Until Later,

Vickie Leona Metcalfe
Oct ,2022


Janice L Hanson
Hanson Janice
6/28/1930 – 10/6/2022

Janice L. Hanson, the daughter of Leedina A. E. (Nelson) and Jason E. Skotland, was born June 28, 1930, in Willow City, North Dakota. She died peacefully at the age of 92 on Thursday, October 6, 2022, at the Rolette Community Care Center in Rolette, North Dakota.

Janice was raised and attended school in Willow City. She continued her education at Minot State University, earning a teaching degree. On July 20, 1950, she and Henry L. Hanson were united in marriage. Jan and Hank initially resided in the Willow City area and were blessed with two daughters, Heidi and Becky. The family moved to Minot for three years, returning to Willow City for a year. They then lived in Dunseith for three years before purchasing Henry’s family farm in rural Willow City in 1960.

Janice was an accomplished pianist and an organist for churches in Minot, Dunseith, and 50 years in Willow City. She provided piano lessons for many students and shared her music at the Veterans Home, other care facilities, weddings, funerals, schools, and special events. Janice was a teacher of elementary students in Dunseith and Willow City, continuing to substitute teach after retirement. She thoroughly enjoyed resuming her educational career by teaching kindergarten students for several years in Willow City’s “Little White School House”.

Janice and Henry enjoyed traveling, from tent camping to campers, bus trips, fishing in Canada, to visiting relatives across the country. She was an avid outdoorswoman and a smart hunter, beginning with her father and brother and continuing with her husband and girls. She knew and respected nature, whether it be appreciating birds, animals, plants, flowers, or long walks in the country. Janice was an impeccable seamstress and quilter. She enjoyed gardens, flowers, and bird watching. She was quiet, reserved, creative, and artistic, with a wonderful sense of decorating her home. She was talented in the kitchen making delicious meals, baked goods, and especially desserts. Her family meant a lot to her, and it was reciprocated because Grandma Jan was so thoughtful, patient, and incredibly kind.

Janice is survived by her husband of 72 years, Henry of Willow City; daughters, Heidi (Bob) Danielson of Willow City and Becky (Terry) Ellingson of Devils Lake; grandchildren, Skot (Mindy) Danielson of Sartell, Minnesota, Troy Danielson (Melissa Maher) of Willow City, Tristan (Josh) Johnson of Valley City, Erika (Kelly) Hamre of Hampden, and Emily (Kurt) Ellingson Wensmann of Devils Lake; great grandchildren, Olivia and Lily Danielson, Jayden, Rylyn, Piper, and Kambry Johnson, Elly and Emma Hamre, and Henry and Oliver Wensmann; sister-in-law, Ethel Estenson of Lakeville, Minnesota; nephew, Bruce (Bev) Skotland of Selah, Washington; and other nieces, nephews, relatives, and friends. She was predeceased by her parents, in-laws, and brother, Calvin (Opal) Skotland.


indigenous jacket found in a  U.K. thrift shop
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND


Hi Gary and friends of Dunseith,

I frequently read Canadian news.
I know there are  many former DHS graduates from the Turtle Mountain area,
who have ancestor origin in Red River area of ND and Manitoba.
I found this article about an indigenous jacket found in a  U.K. thrift shop.
I thought some of the the blog readers may find this interesting as I do.
Mr. Klundt’s History class was my favorite class!
(Once upon a time, I wanted to major in archaeology.)

Vickie L. Metcalfe
October 12, 2022


my ….Sister’s first day at Seim School
Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70):  Bottineau, ND

Hi, Gary and Dunseith Alumni friends,

Unlike some of the other “OF the HILLS” Kids,
I did not go to  school at a one room school house.

However, my eldest sister began at the “Seim” aka Oakes Country School.

It was  located South over the fence of the John and Ingrid (Espe) Seim  / Arthur and Eva (Berube) Seim Family Farm.

Adjacent to our family farms South pasture and  sweet hay meadow.

My sister, was taken to her first day of school by our cousin Jack.
Jack had just returned  to the Hills of Home.
He and his  brother, Billy served the USA Navy on the same ship in the Pacific.  During…….Korea.

Cousin Jack was coming over our farm and helped mom  feeding cattle, milking cows, watering  cows and horses, pitching  and mucking the barn etc.
Our Dad was working and plastering out of state.

Jack was one of my older cousins  who built a warm place in my heart.
Jack  was genuine!
(as a child I knew)  Jack was patient, kind, smiled, laughed never mean teased kids, animals, or folks who were “different”.
When he wasn’t  outside chore-ing,  helping mom and Jack practiced beginning banjo.
He wasn’t good to begin with…but (I believed he was. ) He methodically kept time and was focused.
” Play a song for me Cousin Jack!!!”  He’d pick and I danced….

Rural Country school started in March.  Jack kept the harness on Barney and pitched in fragrant hay.
He picked up my sister snug in winter gear,  hands on her lunch box and put  her to sit in  a snug nest of hay.
in quite a different boat than a  one of those BIG navy boats or clipper ship that hung on a picture on the wall.
It was the stone boat.  I  could see their  frosty breaths.
White Barney horse, Jack in bulky winter gear, and a little girl  sitting on the pile of hay.
Away, away and away they went through the  fluffy snow banks down the cattle trail, across the pasture.
I hung my lower lip and watched them glide away, through the peep hole in the frosty window.
After a time I watched Jack return  Barney to the barn.
Later mom made lunch and Jack came in snowy cold .
Warming his hands  by mom’s combination wood /electric cook stove.

After we ate dinner. “‘Play a song for me Cousin Jack”.
And he’d pick and play.
I would dance and forget the wondering …what kind of FUN sister was having at school.

As day grew close … off Jack would go with Barney to bring sister home.
Hmmm. I’d think , j”ust What did those kids do at school??”

Until Later, Vickie L. Metcalfe


Dunseith HS Class of 1964

Belgarde-Azure Shirley Born November 25, 1946    –    Died May 5, 2005 Deceased 64
Boguslawski Philip 102 SPRING RIVER RD SHERWOOD, AR  72120  (501) 834-8971 pbogusl@comcast.net 64
Bott Robert 10019 24th Ave NE Dunseith, ND 58329 (701) 263-4841 brown_wcnd@msn.com 64
Decoteau-Belgarde Shirley Box 304 Dunseith ND 58329 (701) 263-4999 Turtle Mountain Times 64
Duran Conrado We are thinking that Conrado may be living in Puerto Rico or Cuba 64
Espe Terry 401 Alexander St Bottineau, ND 58318- (701) 228-2911 espe@utma.com 64
Faine-Norman Betty PO Box 473 Dunseith, ND 58329 (701) 244-5544 No email address 64
Fauske Russell RR 1 Box139 Dunseith, ND 58329 (701) 263-4742 rfranch@srt.com 64
Hackman Anton (Tony) 101  31st Ave SE Minot, ND 58701 (701) 852-7215 No email address 64
Halvorson-Kester Connie 824 East 7th St Bottineau, ND 58318 (701) 228-5287 S 701-263-4705 jimconniekester@gmail.com 64
Henriksen Lynn 2290 Spanish Trail Rd Tiburon, CA 94920 (415) 435-5969 Lynnhk@sbcglobal.net 64
Hoffman Dale 13771 No. Fountain Hills Blvd. #114-208 Fountain Hills, AZ   85268 (480) 203-7382 hoffman908@hotmail.com 64
Hosmer Colette 1558 Avenida de las Americas Santa Fe, NM 87507 (505) 471-3725 colettehosmer@gmail.com   www.colettehosmer 64
Houle-Deschene Doreen 3216 Williams Dr Burnsville, MN 55337 (952) 890-2691 dee.deschene@hotmail.com 64
LaCroix-Allard Donna 10849 274 Ave NW Zimmerman, MN 55398 (763) 219 8558 C763 458 1769 allard.donna@gmail.com 64
LaCroix-Allard Donna 14801 Park Lake Drive,
Bldg.Park 4, Penthouse 5
Fort Myers, Fl 33919 (Jan-Mar) (763) 219 8558 C763 458 1769 jdallard3@gmail.com 64
LaRocque-Ueke Lana 205 N Lowell Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57103 (605) 334-6583 lUeke@me.com 64
Leonard John Born May 28, 1944    –    Died Sept 24, 2022 64
Lopez Santiago  (Sandy) 973 Palau Park Way Rockford IL. 61108 (815) 397-9110 svlopez@insightbb.com 64
Medrud Ronald Born March 7, 1946   –   Died May 23, 1994 Deceased 64
Murray Ahmad (Muff) Born January 15, 1945   –   Died October 4, 1967 Deceased 64
Nerpel Wilfred (Kutch) Born October 31, 1945    –    Die June 6.2020 64
Nerpel-Bixby Carol 503 Elwood Ter Shakopee, MN 55379 (952) 402-9340 dlrodriq71@msn.com (Danette Carol’s daughter) 64
Nerpel-LaCroix Kathy PO Box 212 Nortonville ND 58454 (701)- uspsrt@dvl.midco.net (Kenny Nerpel) 64
Olson Terry 115 10th St E Born August 9, 1946   –   Died January 13, 2022 64
Pladson Floyd 9540 Highway 60 Bottineau, ND 58318 (701) 228-3943 No email address 64
Poitra Marlin (Virgil) PO Box 426 Dunseith, ND 58329 (701) 243-4747 virgilpoitra44@hotmail.com 64
Rousseau-Metcalfe Lise/Larry 3029 34th Ave SW  #230 Fargo, ND 58104 (701) 364-5410 No email address 64
Schnieder-Bowman Karen 408 1st St. SW Bowman, ND 58623 (701) 523-1249 ksbowman2000@yahoo.com 64
Stickland Leland Died in 2020 64
Wenstad Arlan Box 31 Lansford, ND 58750 (701) 784-5871 acrepair@srt.com 64
Wurgler David Died 2018 Deceased 64


9/27/2022 (2799)

Hello Folks,

NOTE: At the moment I am unable to post pictures on our “Dunseith.net” Website. I haven’t taken the time to call our provider to have them fix it. I have to be on line and logged in for the process. This happened before.

It’s been a while since I sent the last Blog. Not much to post these days. We have pretty much covered Dunseith in it’s entirely from the 40’s thru the 70’s and later.

We are so sorry to hear of the loss of Mildred Parrill and Johnny Leonard. Both very well know in the Dunseith community, especially in their days.

Things are going very well for us here in Cebu, Philippines.

Angel has an appointment in February with the American consulate in Manila for her Tourist Visa.

Our plans are to Visit the USA in July, spending about 3 weeks or so in the Dunseith/Bottineau area.  We will be staying with my brother Darrel (Bud) and his wife Debbie in Bottineau.

Gary Stokes


Minot Hostfest: Posting from Brenda Johnson’s FB

Dick (’68) and Brenda Johnson’s Schedule

The countdown has begun. The Hostfest is finally here again after 2 years! Can’t wait to see all the entertainers, rosemaling, lefse and great food. We’ll be on the Mezzanine at 4:40 pm each day plus a nightly dance at 9:10 pm (Thurs & Sat) and 10:50 pm (Wed & Fri) in Reykjavik . Hope you can make it


Mildred Parrill Obit posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe.

DH Class of 1944 and Former Dunseith School Teacher

Mildred Parrill, age 96 of Bottineau formerly of Dunseith, passed away on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at a Bottineau hospital.  Her funeral will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 11:00 am at the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith.  Visitation will be Friday from 3:00 pm until 8:00 pm at the Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Burial will be at the Rendahl Cemetery.

 Gary Stokes Comments:

Mildred Taught school for many years in Dunseith. She was well liked by her students, the community and those she knew.

We extend our condolence to her daughter LeaRae Parrill Espe (’67),  her son Joel (’75) and her entire family.



John Leonard (DH class of 1964) Obit posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe.

John Leonard
May 28, 1944 – September 24, 2022

John Leonard, age 78 of Dunseith, died Saturday, September 24, 2022 at his home in Dunseith.  His memorial service will be held on Thursday, September  29, 2022 at 2:00 pm at the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith.
John H. Leonard, a son of Edward and Edna (Lilleby) Leonard, was born on May 28, 1944 in Bottineau.  He was raised in Dunseith and graduated from Dunseith High School.  He entered the US Army on December 16, 1965 and served until receiving his honorable discharge on December 15, 1967.  He returned to Dunseith and on March 14, 1970 he married he married Judy Bergan.  John worked for the City of Dunseith for many years.  He then worked for Johnson Plumbing and later Bartsch Electric in Rugby.
He is survived by his wife Judy of Dunseith; 3 sons, Stuart (DeAnna) Leonard, Steve Leonard and Scott Leonard all of Dunseith; 8 grandchildren; sister, Janice Workman of Auburn, WA and 2 brothers William Leonard of Mountlake Terrace, WA and Robert Leonard of Dunseith.
Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.

Gary Stokes comments.
I remember John well from our High School days. I remember him as being a very nice polite guy. May he rest in peace.


08/21/2022 (2798)


I was back in the Bottineau Dunseith area from July 13th until August 4th. I saw many of you and had a wonderful time.
Dennis Dubois came from Minneapolis too. We had a wonderful memorable gathering with him at Dale’s. It was scheduled for Lunch at 12:30 but most of us were still there at 6:00PM. Lots of memories were shared.






The Dunseith High School class of 1972 celebrated their 50th Class reunion

Posted by Don Malaterre (72) donmalaterre@gmail.com Sioux Falls, SD


The Dunseith High School class of 1972 celebrated our 50 year reunion during the 2022 Dunseith Days. With 28 of 31 living classmates present. Due to Covid, we fell short of our 100% attendance goal.


Credited as a total team effort. The reunion kicked off Friday with a social mixer coordinated by Art Hagen. The packed house included friends and relatives. Saturday started early with a group breakfast, followed by a tour of the schools. At noon the class rode in the parade on a gigantic float, coordinated by Tom Abrahamson. The reunion ended with a formal banquet at the Dunseith golf course clubhouse, hosted by Ann Boppre Perry. The welcome speech was given by Curt Hagel. Inspirational speeches were given by Bernice Belgarde, Donna Dubois Thomas and Les Halvorson (teacher). The farewell speech was given by Gail Halvorson Schuler. Awards were presented by Loretta Neameyer Wall. Russell Robert wins the most changed award. Tom Abrahamson wins the least changed award. Curt Hagel wins the farthest traveled award (Omaha). Elementary teachers present were Minnie Flynn, Eloise Boppre and Mildred Parrill. Myra Henning Halvorson served as Historian and published a 50 year documentary of each classmate and tribute to all nine deceased classmates. Donald Malaterre served as the reunion committee chairman. “For three days, we came together, we shared our joys and sorrows, we shared memories, we bonded like a family”.


Gary Stokes Comments,

Congratulations with such a good turnout. I was back there too and would have like to have attended too, but I had to leave for my trip back to the Philippines several days before your reunion.



The Dunseith High School class of 1972




Posted by Vickie Metcalfe (’70): dogdays@utma.com Bottineau, ND


My dad Cliff  Metcalfe WWII Navy,   observed this day.

He spoke of this day as a boatswain which he  witnessed  through binoculars as he served on the USS Hamlin. Vickie M





  1. –  D.  DAY









07/07/2022 (2798)

Dear Dunseith Alumni and Friends,

 I am leaving for the USA today. I will be going to the Seattle area first, then ND. I will be in ND from July 13th until August 4th. I expect to see many of you local folks while I am there, most likely Bottineau bakery too. Same as before, I plan on having Breakfast at the Bottineau bakery every morning about 8:00 AM. I have a Doctors appointment in Minot on Monday the 18th. I will be staying with my Brother Darrel (Bud) and his wife Debby. July 2015 is the last time I was back. A lot has changed since then. Looking forward to seeing you folks again too.



Alice (Keith Pladson ’66) Passed away.
Message and Obit from Keith Pladson (’66):   Roanoke Rapids, NC 

 Gary, this is an update to my previous email to you.

A month ago on May 29th, Alice and I celebrated our 51st Anniversary.  Little did we know then that it would be our last.  Yes, she had pancreatic cancer and yes we knew how deadly that cancer is, but her most recent scans had all shown no indication of her cancer being back or appearing anywhere new.  Based on this we expected that once she completed her second cycle of chemo infusions (of which she had only two more to go) she would be able to truely enjoy some quality in her life for a while.

So it was a shock when lab blood work for her chemo infusion on the 13th showed extremely high numbers for bilirubin (that was a clear sign that she was retaining her bile – which in turn was poisoning her entire body).

Later that day, she was admitted to the Virginia Commonwealth University (VICE) teaching hospital in Richmond, VA.  Once admitted, they began a series of ultra sounds, scans, x-rays and even MRIs.  Yet they could find nothing.  There was no indication on any of the scans, etc., of any blockage or build up in her bile duct and there didn’t appear to be anything wrong with her liver (or what remained of her pancreas after her surgery in Jan 2021).

Their last suggestion was a biopsy of her liver.  This can be a very painful and risky procedure so they usually only do it as a last resort.  They scheduled the procedure for Tues morning, Jun 21st.  Unfortunately, by Tues morn her condition had deteriorated to the point that the biopsy had to be cancelled.  Throughout the day we sat helplessly by her bedside and watched her life drain away.  Fortunately, my family was there with me and we all drew strength from one another.

After 52 years together (we knew and had dated each other for a year before we were married), I will miss her much.  She was my confidant, my partner, my soulmate and my friend as well as my wife and my lover.  And I dread the days ahead without her by my side.


On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, Alice Charlene (Wyne) Pladson gained her angel wings and went to fly with the angels, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.  She was 71 years old.

Born in Louisville, Kentucky on May 29, 1951, Alice was the fourth child in the large family of Charles Clermont and Mary Ardelle (Robbins) Wyne.   Alice was always an active child with an inquisitive mind and a love for reading.  She continued with that same mindset upon graduation from high school and chose to enlist in the US Army where she could learn new things and see new places.

In July 1970, while stationed at Fort Myer, VA, she met the love of her life, Keith O. Pladson.  In some ways, they were opposites, but as they say, opposites do attract.  That attraction apparently worked as it led to a long, happy and successful marriage.  Together, they had three children.  Alice loved being a mother and enjoyed the challenges of raising her children.  However, being a mother was just not enough for Alice.  She chose to go back to school to further her education.  So, even though married with many family responsibilities, she earned not only an Associate’s Degree, but followed that with a Bachelor’s and later a Master’s Degree.

Alice was also a hard worker outside the home.  She spent 30 years as a civilian employee of the US Federal Government working in a number of different agencies where her specialty was working as a contracting officer.  Over her career she purchased a wide variety of products for the Government to include computers, printers and other electronic devices as well at Naval weapons systems, small arms and ammunitions and a variety of petroleum products.  After her retirement in 2008, she and her husband Keith chose to relocate to North Carolina where they purchased a lakeside home in which to enjoy their retirement.  In addition to water activities on the lake, they both enjoyed traveling and seeing new and different areas of the United States.  It became their goal to be able to say they had seen every one of the states.  Though Alice’s traveling years were cut short, she was still able to see over forty of the states.

Alice also enjoyed working with her hands, creating things to give to others.  She would crochet blankets, dresses for dolls, as well as many cross-stitching projects.  And, she never lost her love for reading, so when she wasn’t working on something, she had her nose in a book.  She also enjoyed visiting and playing cards and just spending time with her family.

Alice is survived by her husband, Keith O. Pladson of Roanoke Rapids, NC, her daughters, Kerry L. Burnette (Douglas) of Dale City, VA and Angela D. Jones (George) of Ruther Glen, VA, her son David K. Pladson of Stafford, VA, her grandchildren Robert N. Arrington, Nathaniel K. Arrington, Tyler J. Pladson, Austin L. Jones and Ella C. Jones and her great granddaughter Londynn N. Pladson.  She is also survived by sisters, Patricia McNally, Elizabeth Goeing, Dana Wyne and a brother, Keith Wyne, as well as many nieces and nephews.

Alice was preceded in death by her parents, Charles and Mary Wyne, sister, Judy Compton and brothers, Robert Hume and Steven Wyne.

The family invites you to join them for a viewing and memorial service at Mountcastle Turch Funeral Home and Crematory in Dale City, VA on Thursday, July 7th at 10 am.  All are welcome.  Her family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the North Carolina Zoo.   Checks should be made payable to: North Carolina Zoo Society and sent to the same with the notation that it is in Memory of Alice Pladson, 4403 Zoo Parkway, Asheboro, NC 27205

Gary’s Comments
Keith, We extend our condolence to you and your family with the loss of Alice. She was a great person. You will miss her dearly.

06/24/2022 (2797)

Condolences to Floyd Dion and family

From Ginger Poitra (’65):  Belcourt, Nd

I am so sad to hear of Luella Dion’s passing.  I am sending my condolences to her husband Floyd, son Dennis and his family they were a match made in heaven the two of them together all these years. She always had a smile when I saw her.

Ginger Poitra


Larry Liere’s (DHS 1955) wife Karen passed away.
 Devils lake ND

Gary’s Comments,

Larry sent this to me several weeks ago or more ago. I have been super busy with my wedding and all, so I have not gotten this posted.

So sorry for this tragedy that lead to her death.

Our condolences are with you Larry. Hope to see you next month when I am in the area too.

The following is Larry and my Facebook chat.

Karen Fell and broke her hip about a week ago after surgery and replacement of the hip she suffered a stroke and is now in Fargo hospital and not responding very well to treatment. We may have to remove the feeding and breathing tube and let her pass away peacefully. Those were her wishes before she went into surgery to repair the hip. If we don’t do that she will be paralyzed on the left side for speech and the right side for mobility for the rest of your life. I don’t think anyone would want to live that way.



Gary the above is old news her funeral was May 28. That was quite a weekend for the family. May 26 wake and memorial service May 27 graduation Party for my oldest granddaughter that lives in town May 28 Karen’s funeral May 29 graduation ceremony May 30 memorial day May 31 I had a kidney stone removed after a month of wearing a stent to sharpen it up. I’m doing OK but I think only because there is peace for me because I know she didn’t shop and never had to spend a minute in a nursing home.


Peace for me because I know she didn’t suffer and


You sent
So sorry to hear this sad News and your loss. You made the decision of her request. It’s hard. You have my condolences. How old was she?



Karen was born November 10, 1938 so she would’ve been 84 this November

Gary’s reply

We would’ve been married 59 years June 22, 2022. Actually we were both feeling so good we were talking about our 60th anniversary in 2023. Life can change in a hurry.


Karen M. Liere, 83 of Devils Lake passed away on Sunday, May 22, 2022, at Essentia Health, Fargo ND.

Visitation will be held at the Gilbertson Funeral Home, Devils Lake on Thursday, May 26, 2022, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. with a Rosary and Scripture Service at 7:00 p.m. No services Friday, with Mass of Christian Burial on Saturday, May 28th at 10:30 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Devils Lake with burial in the church cemetery.

Memorials may be directed to the Pat Liere Scholarship at Lake Region State College Foundation in memory of Karen.

Karen Marlene Pittner was born on November 10, 1938, in Breckenridge, Minnesota the daughter of Anne Biel and Elmer Pittner. She grew up in Wahpeton and attended ND State School of Science, then went on to NDSU to study Home Economics. Karen was a modern woman in the sixties. She moved to Devils Lake in 1962 to manage the women’s dress shop, Stevenson’s. She absolutely loved dressing and outfitting the young women of Devils Lake while promoting the store on a weekly radio spot. Her favorite line was, “Pantyhose, half off.” While managing Stevenson’s she was a member of the Devils Lake Chamber of Commerce and served on the Downtown Merchants Committee with Orv Hesch, Dave Glickson, and other downtown merchants.

Shortly after moving to Devils Lake, she was introduced to the love of her life, Larry Liere by Fr. Robert West. They were married on June 22, 1963, at St. John’s Catholic Church, Wahpeton, ND and lived their married life in Devils Lake. They enjoyed boating, dancing, attending National Guard functions, Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree parties, hosting dinner parties, spending time in Texas and Arizona after retirement, and above all raising their children and spending time with their grandchildren.

Karen was with Stevenson’s many years and moved on to Lake Region State College where she taught Fashion Merchandising and eventually Marketing. As the Fashion Merchandising instructor, Karen put on lavish fashion shows for the Lake Region area. Karen became the DECA advisor and enjoyed taking her students to state and national DECA conventions every year with Larry as a chaperone and/or driver. Karen started a telemarketing lab at Lake Region State College and her students were trained on outgoing calls only, no incoming. They made many outgoing calls promoting local activities in the area. She retired from LRSC in May 1997. In her retirement, she became a casual employee at Mercy Hospital as a Marketing Consultant for several years.

Karen was a devoted and loving wife and mother. She was a master at balancing work-life and home life. She was very involved with her children’s activities such as leading girl and boy scouts, participating in hockey boosters, and Lake Region Skating Club. She was also involved in many community organizations such as St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Altar Society Infant of Prague, Women’s VFW Ladies Auxiliary Life Member, Shakespeare Club, Beta Sigma Phi, Elk’s Band, Bible Study, Bridge Club, and Book Clubs in ND and AZ.

Karen died peacefully with her loving family at her side in Essentia Hospital in Fargo, ND. Karen was preceded in death by her parents Anne and Elmer Pittner, her son Patrick Liere, mother-in-law and father-in-law Agnes and Tony Liere, her sister Joan, Her family includes her loving husband of nearly 59 years, Larry; daughter Joan and her husband John Klinger of Victoria, MN; daughter Sara and husband Jake Thompson of Devils Lake; grandchildren Patrick, Emily, and Thomas Klinger, Isabelle, Isaac, Jacob, and Alice Thompson; sisters and brothers-in-law Gayle and Hal Brooks of Weatherford, TX, Patty and Curt Osborn of Wahpeton, ND; sister-in-law Marilyn Peterson of San Dimas, CA; and several nieces and nephews and their families.

Karen will be remembered for her many talents including bridge, gardening, sewing, and cooking/baking, her generosity, positivity, and can do-get it done spirit. Her presence on this Earth will be greatly missed.


Larry St. Claire (DHC) 1966) Passed away in March of 2022

This is Robbie St Claire, just letting you know Larry passed away at the end of March 2022. I have not even put an obit in the Times. He went in to have his heart valve changed and everything went wrong, he was in the hospital for 2 and a half months. Most of that time I could not be with him because the hospital would not allow visitors because of covid. We will all miss him.

Gary’ Comment
Our condolences are with Robbie and all of Larry’s family with his passing. I remember Larry as a very polite well mannered likable guy. He will be missed.



In Memory of Steven Schneider and Wanda Medrud
Posted by Don Malaterre (’72): donmalaterre@gmail.com Sioux Falls, SD

It was prom night 50 years ago April 22, 1972. Graduation was just three weeks off.

Then the announcement came ..… Steven Schneider and Wanda Medrud died in a car accident five miles west of Dunseith.

Gail (Halverson) Schuler, yearbook editor, risking tradition and deadlines, quickly delayed publication of the yearbook and inserted the attached memorial.

In the blink of an eye, lives were changed forever.



06/11/2022 (2796)

Good day folks,

Again it has been a long time not posting a blog. With getting married and all, I have been quite busy. Angel and I were married last week on Friday June 3rd. I have pasted our wedding picture at the bottom of this posting. We have known each other for nearly a year now. We get along well together and are very compatible. She is a bit younger than me, but non the less we get along very well.  All of my many Expat and local friends have readily accepted her. She treats me like a king and that is the truth. She is well educated with no kids and no prior marriages. She will treat and take care of me well in my golden years.

My current plans are to be in the Bottineau/Dunseith area from July 7th to August 4th. Angle has an appointment with the USA consulate for an interview for a Tourist visa. They are really backlogged. So she won’t be with me. If she gets her visa we will be back again next year. She really wants to meet my family, friends and visit the USA.



Luella Halvorson Dion (DHS – 1947) Obituary
Posted by Neola Kofoid Garbe neola@min.midco.net Minot, ND

Luella May Dion
October 6, 1927 – June 3, 2022

Luella May Dion, age 94 of Dunseith, passed away on Friday, June 3, 2022 at her Home in Dunseith.  Her funeral will be held on Friday, June 10, 2022 at 2:00 pm at the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith. Burial will be at the Riverside Cemetery at Dunseith.

Luella May Dion, a daughter of Henry and Ida (Larson) Halvorson, was born on October 6, 1927 at Bottineau.  She was raised on the family farm northwest of Dunseith.  She attended Willow Lake Country School and later graduated from Dunseith High School.  She then taught at a country school.  On June 7, 1950, she married Floyd Dion.  They made their home in Dunseith.  Through the years, Luella worked at the Hosmer’s Grocery Store, the Dunseith Nursing Home and the Dunseith High School.

Luella was a member of the Peace Lutheran Church in Dunseith.  She was also active in the American Legion Auxiliary and the Dunseith Senior Citizens.

She is survived by her Husband, Floyd of Dunseith; son, Dennis Dion and his wife, Wendi of Minot; 3 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; brother, Lester Halvorson and numerous nieces and nephews.

Arrangements were with Nero Funeral Home in Bottineau.  Friends may sign the online register book at www.nerofuneralhome.net.

Gary Stokes Comments:

I was so saddened to see Luella’s passing. She and Floyd have been one of the main Dunseith corner stones for years and years.

We extend our Condolences to Floyd and all of their families with her passing. She was a wonder person and will be dearly missed.




Posted by Vicky Metcalf (70):  Bottineau ND

Gary’s Note:
This is long past but I am going post it anyway. We wish the best for Warren too. Warren is good guy and well known in the area.

Gary and Friends of Dunseith Alumni,

    This morning  the dogs and on our daily a.m. walk,

I was informed  by  Lori his Sister-in-law , of an upcoming medical benefit for  Warren Schneider  .

Warren  is a Dunseith friend, classmate, DHS graduate and Main Street Bottineau businessman.

     Warren is known by many in the area for his kind and generous spirit!

As Proprietors of the Dog house Saloon:

For many in need, Warren and his wife Pat have sponsored medical benefits.

Warren for several years  organized sponsored and hosted bike giveaways for area children.

Warren through the years enjoyed  catching fish which he’d  prepared, cook and shared at the bar.

  Warren  is encountering  major medical  health challenges. His friends and family extend  an invitation.


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022

  Thank you Gary and Dunseith Friends

Vickie L. Metcalfe 




Gary and Angel Stokes: 6/3/2022